Give thanks and proclaim His greatness
Focus: 25 Years of Thanksgiving Getting to know you l 认 识我们的执行 主任
We Remember l 铭记 •缅怀•感恩
Looking for a good return on investment? Support a PCOSIIP Student! l 您是否正 在找寻一个好的投资回报 ? 赞助一名PCOSIIP 的学生吧 !
We are never alone in mission l 宣教,不孤单 之路
Contents Give thanks and proclaim His greatness
Give thanks to the Lord and proclaim his greatness. Let the whole world know what he has done. Psalm 105:1 (NLT)
The cover page of this issue shows all the cover pages of Harvest Force we had earlier.
• The Problem of Forgetting
• Getting to know you
UP! 04 WATZ • Mission Trips
FEATURES 17FIELD CAMBODIA • 7th Mission Conference Session of the Methodist Church in Cambodia
VIETNAM • ICF-HCMC 5th Anniversary
• Opportunities to Serve
• MMS Family
• MMS 25th Anniversary Celebration
• Mission Awareness
• We Remember...
• MMS Photo Contest #05 Results • MMS Training Programme
• Looking for a good return on investment? Support PCOSIIP Student!
• Current Trends in Mission Introduction (Part 1)
• We are never alone in mission
• Launch of the Rev Dr Clarence Lim Missionary Development Fund
If you have a testimony or a lesson learnt regarding missions, why not send it to us so that we can share it in the Harvest Force. We welcome your letters, photos, news of mission-related events, testimonies, comments, feedback and suggestion. Please email or send them to 70 Barker Road #06-01 The Methodist Centre Singapore 309936, together with your name, church name, email address and contact number. To share your mission trip experiences in Harvest Force, just use this simple approach – Less Words, More Photos. For more details, please email Please note that your articles may be edited for length, style and clarity. And do not forget to do good and to share with others, for with such sacrifices God is pleased. Hebrews 13:16 (NIV)
OOPS! We sincerely apologise for an error in the previous issue of HF. On page 12, the title for the group of photos should be “Prek Tual Methodist Church”
The Problem of Forgetting and faithfulness to MMS. We also want to
Confession time… I am actually a very
take the opportunity to look back and
forgetful person, especially as I grow
give thanks to the Lord and proclaim His
older. I always tell my wife that I am
dyslexic. It probably went unnoticed and undiagnosed because this disorder was unfamiliar to many during my growing
From ground zero, we have now 7 mission
years. I cannot remember numbers well
fields, 52 churches and preaching points,
and I always get mixed up with spelling. I need notes,
23 community outreach projects, 11 office staff, and
checklists and reminders to help me remember. It
36 missionaries todate. Thank God for the Mission
is amazing how I got through my 18 years of formal
Conferences in Cambodia, Thailand and Nepal.
education! I can only look back and thank God...
Please read about the 7th Mission Conference in
and a little thanks goes to my MS Word spell-check
Cambodia on page 17. Thank God for the many
and Google search capabilities these days.
churches we’ve planted and partnered. Please read about the 5th Anniversary celebration of the
In Psalm 103:2, King David said, “May I never forget
International Christian Fellowship in Vietnam on page
the good things he does for me.”(NTL) How quickly
20. Thank God for our many faithful servants, both
we humans often forget about God’s goodness. After crossing the Red Sea, the Israelites forgot how great their God was and murmured among themselves when they could not find food and
staff and missionaries, who are currently serving and had served in MMS previously. We remember our former staff and missionaries on page 6. On the back cover, we have listed out some key historical events.
water (Exodus 16 and 17). After witnessing the multiplication of bread and fish for more than 5000 people, Jesus’ disciples forgot how great their Master was and worried for food for another large group of
Let us give thanks to God and let the whole world know what He has done. May we never forget the great and awesome things God has done!
4000 people (Mark 8). And don’t forget to join us for MMS 25th Anniversary This year, MMS is 25 years old. There are a few events
Thanksgiving Service on 19 August 2016 (Friday) at
to mark our 25th Anniversary. Please refer to page 5.
7pm at Trinity Theological College Chapel!
We want to continue to celebrate God’s goodness
Rev Philip Lim
Kam Leong Heng
Goh Tuan Gee
Leidia Tan, Licia Yeo, Thng Pheng Soon, Veronica Chua
Wendy Tan
Benjamin, Chanthin, Clara Toh, Daraeaksmey, Dolly Leong, Eileen Lim, Javan Ng, Jeremy Choo, Joses Phang, Joshua Tan, Lennard Teo, Leslie Lim, Low Wee Teck, Michel Tan, Sharon Goh, Sinat, Sophorn, Thomas Sim, and Veasna
by mission endeavours in communities across this region
Eileen Lim, Helen Tan, Nancy Tay & Volunteers
where there is no Methodist presence. Harvest Force is
SNAP! Creative Pte Ltd
published three times annually and distributed free. The
Print & Print Pte Ltd
Rev Philip Lim 70 Barker Road #06-01, The Methodist Centre Singapore 309936
Tel: 6478 4818 • Fax: 6478 4817
Email: • Website:
Methodist Missions Society (MMS) is the mission agency of The Methodist Church in Singapore. In 1997, MMS was given the mandate to establish indigenous churches supported
views and opinions expressed are those of the authors and do not necessarily represent the views of the publisher. All information published is correct at time of writing and may subject to change.
Getting to know you Rev Philip Lim is the Executive Director. Here’s
there is a lot happening out
an interview to know him better.
there. So we huddle together for snap meetings. Our discussion
Tell us a little about yourself.
can fly from East Asia to West
After serving as a Missionary Pastor for seven
Asia and back. I also have
years in Cambodia, I was appointed as an
discussion with the other staff
Area Director overseeing the fields in the
members handling training,
Mekong region in 2011. A year later, in 2012, I
communications, compliance,
was appointed as the Executive Director of
personnel, etc.
MMS. For lunch, I usually eat I am also an Elder on attachment to Telok
something simple like Yong
Ayer Chinese Methodist Church. My role in
Tau Foo soup with rice or white
church is very limited but I appreciate it a
porridge with a couple of side
lot because it keeps me connected to the
dishes, from the food centre
pastoral ministry.
nearby. After lunch, I take a 20-minute power nap. Then I
“This year is an important milestone for MMS – we are 25 years’ old.”
My wife, Lydia, works in St Luke Hospital and
get on with writing reports and
we have been married for 21 years. Our only
project papers, etc. Sometime
child, Olivia, is in the second year of her
when the due date is near, I
Polytechnic course. Also, we are guardians
have to work on them in the
to two teenagers who are staying with us.
evening at home. Bedtime is
They are foreign students studying in our local
schools. What kind of challenges do you What is a typical day like for you?
I am usually up by 6am. I read The Straits
There are many but I will
Times and do a quick scan of the regional
only name three. Firstly,
newspapers – the online versions of course.
our missionaries are very
I look out for any news that may affect our
determined people. (They have
work or any occurrence that we need to
to be. If not, they cannot survive
respond quickly, like the earthquake in Nepal
in a foreign environment!) The
last year.
challenge is to channel their determination to align with
I am in the office at 8am when it is very quiet. During this period of stillness I read the Bible and do some
the goals and strategy of the organisation. Secondly, we are helping our missionaries to
reflection. By 9am when the
truly discover what it means to
Area Directors and CCOs
be a MMS missionary. It means
(Country Coordinating
bringing out the best in people
Officers) are in, we usually
too. Thirdly, the needs and
have discussions on matters
situations in the field are always
relating to the field. We have
changing. It is very unsettling
work in 7 mission fields and
but it presents unexpected
within each field there are
opportunities for impact and
various ministries. Hence,
outreach. The challenge is to
认识我们的执行主任 seize these opportunities quickly yet comply with governance guidelines. How do you recharge? One of my favourite places in Singapore is Labrador Park. It is not too crowded yet rich in history. I go there for walks and
林建隆牧师担任卫宣执行主任。我 们与他做了个专访,让大家可以更认 识他。 请您简单介绍一下自己。 在柬埔寨当了七年的宣教牧师后,我 在2011年被委任为区域主任,负责 督导湄公河区域各领域的事工。一年 后,我被委任为卫宣的执行主任。
to enjoy the sea breeze. A lot of ideas come to mind when I gaze out to the sea. I quite enjoy multi-tasking. But to be on top of things you need to
我是长牧,也被华人年议会委派到卫 理公会直落亚逸礼拜堂牧会。虽然 我在教会的牧养角色不显著,但我非 常感激有这样的机会让我继续接触 牧职。
stay healthy. Hence, I jog or swim regularly. I also enjoy listening to contemporary instrumental music. And I enjoy going to the movies with the family. What is one thing our readers should know about MMS? This year is an important milestone for MMS – we are 25 years’ old. Hence, we are going to invite all our missionaries, churches, partners and supporters for our Anniversary Thanksgiving Service
我的妻子淑燕,在圣路加医院就职。 我们已结婚21年,育有一名独生女儿 Olivia,是理工学院第二年级的学生。 另外,我们也监护两名与我们一起居 住的少年人,他们是在本地求学的外 地学生。 您典型的一天是怎么度过的? 我通常早上6点就起身阅读海峡时 报。然后,我在网络上概览区域报 章,主要是关注那些会影响我们工作 或需要我们做出反应的新闻或发生 的事件,如去年的尼泊尔地震。
我还须继续工作。晚上11点是我就寝 的时间。 你面临什么样的挑战? 挑战很多,但我就列出三个。首先, 我们的宣教士都具有坚毅不屈的性 格。 (他们必须如此,否则将无法在 陌生环境生存!)我的挑战是引导他 们将这股坚毅的决心与机构的目标 和策略并驰而行。其次,我们正在帮 助宣教士认识自己成为卫宣宣宣教士 的真正意义。这也包括鼓励他们尽量 发挥上帝给予的恩赐。第三,禾场的 需求及情况不断改变,但也提供了许 多意想不到的外展的契机。我们的挑 战是在符合监管准则下迅速抓住这 些契机。 你如何在忙碌中养精蓄锐? 拉柏多公园是其中一个我喜欢去的 地方。那里人潮不多但具有历史意 义。我去那里散步及享受海风。望着 广阔的大海时会有许多点子涌入脑 海里。 我很享受同时挑起多重任务。但要样 样都处理妥当就需有健康的体魄。因 此,我常跑步或游泳。我也喜欢听现 代音乐,享受与家人去看电影。
on 19 August 2016. Leading up to this event, we have started redesigning a new MMS logo. We hope to launch the new logo during the Service. Currently we are reviewing our vision and strategy. The revision will be compiled into a strategy paper and we will brief all our missionaries when they come for the biennial retreat. We will provide you with more details at a later date. Rev Philip Lim MMS Executive Director
上午8点我就抵达办公室了。趁这时 段办公室寂静无声,我开始阅读圣经 及做一些反思。到了上午9点各区域 主任和国家协调员都陆续抵达办公 室,我们通常会一起商讨宣教禾场 的事工。卫宣已在7个国家开展宣教 工作,而每个禾场都有不少事工,所 以我们有必要常聚在一起跟进事工 项目。我们的讨论范围可以从东亚 谈到西亚然后又重回东亚。我也会 向负责培训,通讯,人事等事工的同 工了解他们的需要与工作进展。至于 午餐,我通常吃得很简单,像在附近 的小贩中心吃饭配搭酿豆腐汤或白 粥加一两道小菜。午饭后,我会小睡 20分钟。过后就开始写汇报及项目报 告等。有时期限紧迫,傍晚回到家里
“今年是卫宣的重要里程碑 - 我们25岁了!”
有哪一件关于卫理宣教会的事是我 们的读者应该知道的? 今年是卫理宣教会的重要里程碑 我们25岁了!因此,我们将邀请所有 的宣教士、教会、合作伙伴和支持者 参加在2016年8月19日举办的周年感 恩崇拜。在筹备这项活动期间,我们 正重新设计新的卫宣标志,希望能够 在崇拜时呈现这新标志。目前,我们 也在检讨我们的愿景和策略。修订后 将汇编成一份策略书,然后在宣教士 回来参加两年一次的退修会时向他 们分享,日后将为大家提供更多这方 面的资料。 林建隆牧师 卫理宣教会执行主任
MISSION Trips If you are interested to organise, or simply to find out more, please email to the respective Country Coordinating Officers at these email addresses: Cambodia East Asia Laos
Nepal Thailand Timor-Leste
Opportunities to SERVE IN THE FIELD The fields are ready for harvesting
3. If your church pastor and
term of three to six months but
leaders affirm your calling
with a view to serving longer to
– but there are so few labourers.
but are unable to provide full
befriend and counsel parents,
In all seven countries that MMS
financial support for you – call
offer spiritual guidance to
has chosen, our missionaries in
MMS anyway! Some of our
children and provide pastoral
the field are asking for assistance.
missionaries are supported
care for staff.
Our first request is for more full-
by the combined efforts of
time missionaries to join them!
multiple Methodist Churches
school teachers familiar with
They are asking the Lord to
and Agencies.
the Singapore curriculum to
• Kindergarten and Primary
come serve for a term to
send pastors, church planters, administrators and English
language teachers.
• Volunteers to teach English for
begin with. • Experienced or retired
three months, six months or one
principals and teachers to serve
Our second request is for short
year, and work alongside the
as missionaries in Singapore
term workers who are willing to
Khmer English teachers in the
spend between two weeks to six
Methodist School of Cambodia
months at their own expenses helping one of our missionaries. Our last but important request is to raise passionate prayer
(Phnom Penh).
Mission School (SMS). • A full-time administrative executive for SMS.
• Volunteers to teach Chinese for six months in Emmaus Women’s
• Teachers to teach English and
• Volunteers to teach basic
Chinese at Vineyard Methodist
partners to be part of our prayer
canteen-food cooking skills
School (VMS) and public
and food hygiene in COSEL
schools, as well as to teach
(Community Outreach Services
Mathematics and Science at
What to do if you sense the LORD
calling you into His mission field: 1. Tell your pastor and ask him/her to help examine your calling to missions. 2. If your church pastor and
VMS. • Local Churches to partner and
VIETNAM • Mission teams to visit the Sunlight Shelter and Sunrise Shelter.
support new MOT candidates and new preaching points. • Medical teams to visit rural areas.
leaders affirm your calling and are prepared to provide full
financial support – praise the
• Christian worker who would
• Church leaders and trainers to
Lord! Call MMS straight away.
like to come and serve for a
train and equip National
WATZ UP! | 5
Workers on church planting and
discipleship training in Jiangsu,
• English and Mathematics
• Be our MMS Event Coordinator.
Jiangxi and Fujian Provinces. • Local churches to partner and
teachers to teach in the Gleno Hostel.
• Be a Mission-Trip Coordinator to
support newly established preaching points
AT HOME You can also come alongside as
Mission Partners and Volunteers
• A missionary pastor to serve as
(MPV) at home to encourage
teaching staff at Caleb Bible Institute in East Nepal and equipping ministry for National leaders and workers. • Full time missionaries to support the church planting and community development work and assist in administration and finance matters in the field office. • Ministry staff to serve as spiritual counsellors and trainers for Sophia’s Home on short field
and empower God’s work and workers to incarnate the love of Jesus Christ to make a difference in the mission fields.
assist in briefing and debriefing the mission teams to achieve optimal preparations and mission fulfilment and benefits. FINANCIAL ASSISTANCE • Be a sponsor through the Student Sponsorship Schemes. Please refer to page 27.
COMMUNICATIONS AND PUBLICATIONS • Be an English-Chinese translator.
For more information about all these
• Be a photographer.
opportunities, kindly email mms@
• Be a graphic designer. Be in prayer with us as
• Be a web designer.
we seek God’s direction to challenge
• Help to set up MMS mission
and mobilise Methodist people to
exhibition booth.
serve with MMS.
MMS 25TH ANNIVERSARY CELEBRATIONS 19 AUGUST 2016 (FRIDAY) MMS THANKSGIVING SERVICE • Time: 7pm • Venue: Trinity Theological College Chapel • Speaker: Bishop Dr Wee Boon Hup, Bishop of The Methodist Church in Singapore • Besides launching our next story book and the new MMS
• Speakers: Rev Dr Gordon Wong, President of Trinity Annual Conference, and Mr Joseph Chean, National Director of Youth With A Mission Singapore • It is a conference to mobilise all Methodists in mission. There will be workshops on current trend in missions. More details will be provided soon. All are welcome
logo, we will be giving out
but please register with us at
Long Service Awards to our To mark our 25th Anniversary, or
missionaries. More details will be
MMS has planned these events to
6478 4818.
provided soon. All are welcome
celebrate God’s faithfulness and
but please register with us at
goodness. or via 6478 4818. 20 AUGUST 2016 (SATURDAY) MMS MISSIONS CONFERENCE • Time: 9am to 5pm • Venue: Trinity Theological College
23-26 AUGUST 2016 (TUESDAY TO FRIDAY) MMS MISSIONARY RETREAT • Venue: Johor Bahru, Malaysia • This is a spiritual retreat that includes team-building, training and briefing for all our missionaries.
We Remember ...
Looking back with thanksgivin MMS is celebrating
What is something you are thankful for?
its 25th Anniversary
DIRECTOR – 2006 TO 2009)
I am very grateful to our Jehovah Jireh for
What is one thing you
this year. “Oh, give
remember about MMS
thanks to the Lord,
or the ministry in the
for He is good! For
His mercy endures forever.” (Psalm 136:1, NKJV) We are truly thankful for all that God has done in and through MMS
the privilege of being part of MMS’s journey for about 15 years and the many untold of treasures I have received – wisdom from passionate leaders like Rev Dr Clarence Lim,
I remember we spent
teams of wholehearted, persevering and
many hours praying
creative co-labourers, friendships made both
together while driving
in the fields and in Singapore, seeking God,
thousands of kilometres
planning together, lessons learnt, mistakes
across the length and breadth of Thailand.
made, challenges overcome as well as seeds
The passion to establish the Methodist
sown and fruits harvested!
Church in Thailand as an effective tool for the
What is your wish for MMS as we celebrate
since 1991. With our
preaching of the gospel led Rev Henry Yeo,
new Mission, Vision,
Mr Suchad, the Methodist Church in
our 25 years and go beyond?
Singapore and others, to establish a church in
My dream for MMS is that her vision will be
Bangkok and a school in Chiang Mai.
further enlarged as she, in partnership with
Core Values and Strategies, along with our new initiatives, we are excited and looking forward to our next 25 years!
all the Methodist churches in Singapore, What is something you are thankful for? I am thankful for the privilege of working with
leaders and workers for the harvesting of
pastors and leaders of the Methodist Church
the many lives in the ripening fields that are
in Cambodia and Singapore to produce
still waiting to hear the proclamation of the
training material and roll out the actual
Gospel of Jesus through works and words.
training of over 150 Cambodian pastors.
To do so, may she continue her endeavours to be a well-coordinated missions agency with
However, MMS may not be here today if not for those who have served with MMS in these past 25 years. They are a valuable part of MMS that have altogether brought us to where
What is your wish for MMS as we celebrate our 25 years and go beyond? the resources of the Methodist Church in
forth His bountiful blessings!
Singapore and channel them into effective missions in general and church planting in particular.
remember about MMS
– 2000 TO 2004)
or the ministry in the
the faithful service
or the ministry in the
of our former MMS
as we look back and remember their service.
– 2004 TO 2006) What is one thing you
remember about MMS
heartfelt gratitude
us to thank them with
as she continues to walk by faith and trust God to open the very doors of heaven to pour
years were filled with
and Missionaries. Join
enabling and empowering systems in place
I hope that MMS will continue to harness
we are now. These 25
Home Office Staff
raises more missionaries and national pastors,
The one thing that
field? Two things I recall. Firstly, the vision and passion of Rev Dr Clarence Lim that
stands out is the
pushed him to be fully engaged even when
wonderful joy seen
he was physically sick or weak. That was an
on the faces of individuals in the different
inspiration and encouragement when things
fields especially Vietnam when hearts were
got difficult in the field or at home base.
touched by our love and energised by Jesus,
Secondly, interacting with and learning from
the Anchor of Hope, even as lives were
folk in the field was often a highlight and
empowered by transformation of literacy,
energising. In particular I found the times with
health, poverty and crisis situations!
the staff and community in Nepal particularly
g uplifting as I saw their enthusiastic involvement and the
impact of their commitment and work in their own lives
MINISTRY – 2008 TO 2013)
and in the communities they serve.
What is one thing you remember about MMS or the ministry in the
What is something you are thankful for?
I am most grateful to have the experience of getting to
I remember the prayer night with
know and learn from the life and stories of the various staff
missionaries where missionaries,
and community members during my field visits.
who were back in Singapore, would share and we would pray
What is your wish for MMS as we celebrate our 25
with them.
years and go beyond? My prayer for MMS is that we will be more and more guided by the field in our direction and engagement and that our work will make an impact in all aspects of the
What is something you are thankful for? I am thankful for the fellowship in MMS. They are like family.
community (including the material, social and spiritual), and also that we from Singapore will experience a deep inner transformation through our engagement with folk in different communities.
What is your wish for MMS as we celebrate our 25 years and go beyond? May MMS continue to grow in the Lord, bringing glory to
REV LAWRENCE CHUA (AREA DIRECTOR AND 3RD EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR – 2007 TO 2013) What is one thing you remember about MMS or the ministry in the field? The great moment was standing with the Lord Jesus Christ calling His
Him in the mission fields! SANDRA IONG (EX-STAFF MANAGING FINANCE – 1999 TO 2002) What is one thing you remember about MMS or the ministry in the field? I remember the passionate
pastors and teachers to join Him in
commitment of each person who
the Great Commandment and the
crossed my path. Be it out in the
Great Commission. This happened
mission field, right in the office
at almost all the fields (except Timor-Leste) in the years of training and equipping. A great joy of always seeing Jesus
or with Executive Committee members, and even volunteers I met.
Himself showing up at our communion and equipping. What is something you are thankful for? It is such an honour and privilege to be given the opportunity to be a part of the vision of raising 800 indigenous churches. I am very thankful to participate in building and equipping the Church for intentional, growing discipleship. This is an eternal investment with eternal consequences. What is your wish for MMS as we celebrate our 25 years and go beyond? My wish, God willing, is that we intensify our focus towards the building up and the maturation of the mission, and to see a second and third generation of missions supported and led by the nationals.
What is something you are thankful for? I am thankful for each valuable impression of the various field trips I ventured on. I gained much and sought the depth of Jesus’ words that “the harvest is plentiful, but the workers are few.” (Luke 10:2a) Each trip spelt out much thanks to the value of lives! What is your wish for MMS as we celebrate our 25 years and go beyond? May MMS shine for God! May both the young and old generation come forth to answer, support and love the heartbeat of mission God places upon every believer’s heart. In it, we unite for His greater purpose till He returns!
– 2009 TO 2013)
ADMINISTRATION – 1997 TO 2009) What is one thing you remember
What is one thing you remember
about MMS or the ministry in the
about MMS or the ministry in the
MMS cares for the young and
The passion, commitment and
vulnerable. Ministries like COSI,
pioneering spirit of the late Rev
COSY and Sophia’s Home which
Dr Clarence Lim, and our past
provide education support,
and current missionaries for God’s
teach and disciple them in a safe environment in their growing-up years.
mission. The good cohesiveness of the small handful of colleagues and working through endless projects together. Always ending with
What is something you are thankful for?
unspeakable joy, thankfulness and greater bonding.
Romans 8:28 (NIV): “In all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according
What is something you are thankful for?
to his purpose.” I am thankful to God for all the faithful
Thank God for leading me to MMS to be under the
servants who have been obedient to God’s calling, and
supervision and mentorship of the late Rev Dr Clarence
have offered themselves to serve in whatever capacity, at
and the then Board led by Mr Andrew Tay for 12 years.
home ground or in the mission fields.
These 12 years made an impact in my spiritual growth.
What is your wish for MMS as we celebrate our 25 years
What is your wish for MMS as we celebrate our 25 years
and go beyond?
and go beyond?
MMS will continue to be faithful to God’s mandate to
Continue to do the good work it has been doing.
preach His salvation grace to the lost and make disciples, so that more lives will be touched and transformed by
ADMINISTRATION – 2009 TO 2010) What is one thing you remember
about MMS or the ministry in the
– 2012 TO 2014)
field? What is one thing you remember
I remember hearing one of the
about MMS or the ministry in the
reports from Nepal on how villagers
walked for a few days just to be
One thing I will not forget about
able to attend church in time on
MMS is objective of the agency,
Sunday at another place. I thought
that is to outreach and establish
that was amazing and pretty much captured the essence
many churches in the mission fields.
of the “one thing that is needful”.
What is something you are thankful for?
What is something you are thankful for?
I am thankful that I have served in MMS to help the
Thankful for the love and the dedication of our
agency, together with my colleagues and friends, to do
missionaries and their commitment to their calling.
our best to move MMS forward. I consider MMS as the happiest working place till today.
What is your wish for MMS as we celebrate our 25 years and go beyond?
What is your wish for MMS as we celebrate our 25 years
May God continue to bring in more God-centred
and go beyond?
missionaries with the heart for His people. May MMS
I wish that God will lead MMS to keep up the good work!
continue to be a catalyst to spur on and to inspire people
And eventually to reach its goal and achieve more than
to do and support His work.
what the agency has set up to do.
– 2010 TO 2013)
CAMBODIA – 2000 TO 2005)
What is one thing you remember
What is one thing you remember
about MMS or the ministry in the
about MMS or the ministry in the
It has been a dream of mine to
I have a lot of memories; two
visit the field. When I was finally
among many is the ministry I was
given the chance to visit the field
involved, in the Boeng Kak MC. I
when I first joined MMS, my heart
enjoyed being in that community.
was overwhelmed with a sense
It was such a blessing to teach
of euphoria. I enjoyed working with a bunch of missions-
English to the youth there and at the same time I also
minded colleagues in the office; not forgetting the
learnt a lot from their way of life and culture. I also
missionaries whom I serve alongside in the fields as well.
remember the grade 11 and 12 students who used to
My experiences in Cambodia, Thailand and Nepal have
attend English tuition at the Methodist Centre. Through
left an indelible mark in my memory. The experiences
the classes taught, we became friends. Through the
in the field have broaden my understanding of the
friendship, God had made a way to reach out to them.
challenges encountered by our missionaries; and also not
Today, glory to the Lord that a number of them are serving
to take the daily basic essentials like water and electrical
Him in the Toul Kork MC.
supply for granted. I had visited the field with an attitude to bless and to share with them, but I was instead blessed
What is something you are thankful for?
by their love and hospitality.
I praise and thank God for opening the doors and touching the hearts so that I could reach out to the
What is something you are thankful for?
Cambodians with the Gospel. I thank God for helping me
I am blessed to have the opportunity to serve with the
learn the language which was a great tool. I also thank
three Annual Conferences.
God for our fellow missionaries for their servant’s heart. I thank God for what He has done in my life there; my faith
What is your wish for MMS as we celebrate our 25
was stretched and increased. I have seen the hands of
years and go beyond?
the Lord touching lives. I am thankful for this journey with
May MMS continue to shine in its missions, uniquely ours
Christ, - my spiritual life has grown.
based on our values and beliefs. What is your wish for MMS as we celebrate our 25 DR KEVIN LOWE (EX-MISSIONARY IN CAMBODIA
years and go beyond?
– 1998 TO 2006)
May God’s favour be with MMS and enlarge MMS’ What is one thing you remember about MMS or the ministry in the field?
territory. I wish that many more will receive the Gospel of Jesus Christ through MMS’ work in the fields. I pray that many people will be touched to participate and move
The thing I remember most in the
forward in what God is doing in His mission fields. Let the
field are the lives of those I had
harvest be plentiful for the Glory of God. Long live to the
a chance to fellowship, share,
Methodist Missions Society!
disciple, and train especially the Cambodian pastors.
What is something you are thankful for?
What is one thing you remember
That God gave me the privilege to serve, learn and grow
about MMS or the ministry in the
both in Cambodia and under MMS.
field? Saving the lives of the hopeless.
What is your wish for MMS as we celebrate our 25 years and go beyond?
What is something you are
That all its work will bear fruit that will multiply and last to
thankful for?
the glory of our Lord Jesus.
I am thankful to our Lord for using me to reach out to the lost sheep and giving me the ability to multitask in the field. I am also thankful to witness the sweet fruit growing among the youth and children.
What is your wish for MMS as we celebrate our 25
What is something you are thankful for?
years and go beyond?
In general, our family is profoundly thankful for the
May MMS continue to lead, grow in strength and reach
meaningful relationships we have made during our 12
out to the lost.
years in the missions field. Specifically about MMS, we are thankful for the holistic approach to disciple making
which balances the urgency of ministry and the relational
EAST ASIA – 2010 TO 2013)
enrichments in an unrushed, uncluttered schedule. What is your wish for MMS as we celebrate our 25 years and go beyond? Our wish is for MMS to continue the holistic strategy in missions and to even develop intercultural ministry models which would include resources coming from our existing and new fields. God has blessed our day and age with human and technological resources not available to
What is one thing you remember about MMS or the ministry in the field? The Yi people hungering for the Word. They would walk a considerable distance on the mountain tracks to hear the message.
us in 1998 and we need to steward these well to give an account of how we have gone beyond for the Glory of God! LEONG SENG KOK & SHARON (EX-MISSIONARIES IN THAILAND – 2005 TO 2011)
What is something you are thankful for? People need the Lord. Truly thankful for the privilege to bring the Lord’s message to the mountain community of Yi people. What is your wish for MMS as we celebrate our 25 years and go beyond? We pray that God will continue to bless MMS as a platform to fulfil His purposes through the wonderful work
What is one thing you remember about MMS or the
of the faithful missionaries.
ministry in the field? When we were serving with MMS, the people were
supportive of our tent-making efforts to remain on the
– 1998 TO 2011)
mission field, as well as of the community development projects we had proposed to help the lost on the mission field and to make God known to them. What is something you are thankful for? By God’s grace, we are still able to be part of God’s worldwide team of workers on His mission field, no matter which organisation or denomination we are working with.
What is one thing you remember about MMS or the ministry in the field?
What is your wish for MMS as we celebrate our 25 years and go beyond?
The incredibly resourceful people that God brought along
As MMS has gained valuable insight into the mission field
to the MMS network immediately comes to our mind.
in the last 25 years, we hope that it will not take another
People who could do things that we never knew existed
25 years to gain even more insight.
as a ‘thing’ continue to be impressed upon our memory of MMS as a platform of extraordinary gifts and talents. There is no denying that the grace of the Spirit is active today and MMS is a powerful reminder of that fact!
What is something you are thankful for?
– 2006 TO 2008)
I am most thankful for God’s protection and the What is one thing you remember about MMS or the ministry in the field? I remembered that MMS was very
| 11
opportunity to be part of MMS’s family. MMS’ home team is very supportive. What is your wish for MMS as we celebrate our 25
supportive. When I looked back, I
years and go beyond?
saw God’s protection on my life.
I hope for MMS to continue to seek God’s wisdom as we continue to do His work. Every worker to be filled with His joy and peace.
We remember those who had gone before us. They had fought the good fight, finished the race, and kept the faith. They are now back home with God. ANNABELLA LIM
ministry and taught English at a local school. He gave a Annabella was called home to
good part of his life to the service of the Lord as a
be with the Lord on 9 August
missionary, and he had been a vanguard for all who
1998. She was 41 years old.
would go on to serve the Lord as a missionary from
Annabella was an MMS
Missionary from 1 May 1996.
Supported by Aldersgate
Rev Dr Clarence Lim was 74
Methodist Church, she served as
years old when he passed on to
a teacher in the Methodist
glory on 2 October 2014. He was
School of Cambodia. She contributed to the setting up
the Founding Executive Director
of the K1 class and the Sunday School in the early days
who started MMS in 1991. Many
of the pioneering work. She demonstrated
people remember him as a
indefatigable love and commitment to the Lord
faithful servant who was full of
despite her illness.
tenacity, passion and focus to
fulfil the purpose God had destined for him. He lived Janet went home to be with the
and breathed MMS as he almost single-handedly
Lord on 21 August 2006 after
pioneered and grew the work at MMS to what it is
battling with cancer for six
today. At MMS, he made a difference in the lives of
months. She was an MMS
many missionaries, workers and volunteers whom he
Missionary from Christ Methodist
personally mobilised over the years. Rev Dr Clarence
Church. Her passion was always
Lim has left behind a legacy!
with the youth ministry in
Cambodia. A number of these youth have grown up and continue to have fond memories of her. She always challenged the women, children and youth to serve God. REV LIM CHONG HENG
Betty passed away in the hospital in the afternoon of 17 November 2015. She was 71 years old. Betty was an MMS Missionary from Faith Methodist
Rev Lim Chong Heng was called
Church. She served from 1
to glory on 17 June 2013 after a
August 2000 until her retirement
long struggle with physical
in 2008. While serving in
ailments. He was the first
Cambodia she was instrumental in establishing the
missionary to be sent to Thailand
ministry of Emmaus Women’s Centre (EWC). She
from MMS and the Chinese
oversaw the EWC’s move from Phnom Penh to
Annual Conference (CAC). His
Angsnoul Village, and adapted the curriculum to suit
desire and burden was to serve
the needs of the girls. Even after her retirement, she
in Thailand where he took charge of the pastoral
often thought of the staff and the girls at EWC and would enquire about them.
缅怀• 感恩 卫宣今年将庆祝
黄昌寿牧师 (第二任执行主任 – 2006至2009年) 卫宣或禾场上有什么让您
二十五周年。 “你们 要称谢耶和华,因 他本为善,他的慈 爱永远长存。” (诗篇136:1)。感 谢神自1991年开始 与我们同工,也带 领卫宣拓展许多事 工。我们怀着兴奋
印象特别深刻的人或事 吗?
我对牧师的信心,远见 和异象印象深刻。我们 曾在横跨泰国几千里的 驾驶中花很多时间一起 祷告。他对在泰国建立 卫理公会以广传福音的热情驱使他连同杨添丁牧 师, Suchad先生及新加坡卫理公会一起策划购 买土地,在曼谷建立了一所教堂并在清迈建立一 所学校。 有什么让你感恩的事吗?
为着能和柬埔寨及新加坡卫理公会的教牧和领袖 配搭,齐心制作培训教材,并实地培训超过250名 柬埔寨传道人,心中充满感恩。
的心以带着所领受 的新使命、异象、 核心价值观和策略 迎接未来的25年!
耿耿在卫宣事奉的 同工。他们是卫宣 珍贵的一份子,是
我希望卫宣继续充分使用卫理公会在新加坡的资 源,更有效地扩展宣教及植堂事工。 JULIETTE ARULRAJAH (国内主任 – 2000至2004年)
宣教士在卫宣和我 们携手共进过。让
印象特别深刻的人或事 吗?
我想到两件事。 首先是 林金成牧师的宣教异象 和热忱促使他投入全副 精力于宣教,即使在身体 虚弱时,他对宣教的热忱 丝毫没有改变。这种委身的精神给予本地及禾场 同工极大的鼓励,尤其是在面临困境时更大大激 励了他们。其次,与禾场社体的交流和学习往往 让我很期待。尤其与尼泊尔同工的交流让我特别 振奋,我看到了他们热情地参与,委身工作及带给 所服务社区的影响。 有什么让你感恩的事吗?
在我探访禾场时, 有机会与不同的同工及社区 成员交流,从他们的人生故事中学习到宝贵的经 验。 在我们庆祝25周年的当儿,你对卫宣以后的发展有
我祈望卫宣在禾场的方向与参与得到更多的督 导, 能带给社区在物质,社交及灵性上更全面影 响。而在新加坡的我们也通过与不同社体的交流 能体验内在的转变。
在各宣教禾场都能够看 到人们的生命被耶稣触 摸而改变了,脸上绽露喜 乐的笑容,让我毕生难 忘。印象最深刻的是在越南的宣教区,我看到他 们的生命被耶稣改变了,他们的知识,健康都有改 善,也脱离贫困和危机。
蔡兆慈牧师(第三任执行主任 – 2007至2013年) 卫宣或禾场上有什么让您 印象特别深刻的人或事 吗?
他们成就了卫宣。 这25年里,许多忠
AJIT HAZRA (禾场主任– 2004至2006年)
然而,我们不能忘 记过去25年里忠心
袖,工人,到还未领受福音的禾场宣告耶稣的佳 音,收割庄稼。愿卫宣竭力成为配搭完善的宣教机 构,继续凭着信心仰望上帝,相信上帝必从天倾 倒下满满的恩典。
耶和华以勒!感谢上帝让我有机会参与卫宣15年 的旅程。我得到很多 - 林金成牧师的热忱,团队 的委身,坚韧的精神、创意的同工,海内外延伸的 友谊,我们一起寻求上帝,策划事工,从错误中学 习,克服困难以及撒种收割。 在我们庆祝25周年的当儿,你对卫宣以后的发展有
我期望看到卫宣的异象更扩大,与所有本地的卫 理教会结成伙伴,兴起更多宣教士和本土教牧、领
最兴奋的时刻是和主耶 稣一同呼召主的仆人和 导师履行大诫命和大使 命。这发生在几乎所有禾 场(除东帝汶)的培训与 装备时段。最大的喜乐就是常常看到我们的交流 和装备都有主的同在。
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能有机会参与植立800间本土教会的异象是我的荣幸。我非常 感恩能参与栽培和装备门徒的成长。这是个有永恒成果的投 资。
罗马书8:28: “我们晓得万事都互相效力,叫爱神的人得益处, 就是按他旨意被召的人”我为所有忠实顺服神呼召,献身在卫 宣国内并海外禾场不同领域中服侍的卫宣仆人感谢上帝,
若神愿意,我希望我们能加紧聚焦促使宣教事工日趋成熟化 , 让当地第二、三代信徒接手带领及支持宣教事工。
祝愿卫宣继续忠于上帝的托付,向迷失者宣讲上帝救赎的恩 典,装备信徒成为门徒,让更多的生命被神触摸及改变。
REV LING KIN YEW (前泰国事工辅助同工 – 2008 至 2013)
PATRICK QUEK (前财务同工 – 2012 至 2014)
印象深刻的是在祷告会聆听回国宣教 士的分享并为他们祷告。
我不会忘记卫宣的宗旨,就是广传福 音并在福音禾场建立更多教会。
在卫宣中甜美的团契让我心中充满感 恩,他们都像我的家人。
我很感恩,很荣幸能与各同工和朋友 在卫宣中服侍,竭力推动卫宣的事工。 直到今天,我仍认为卫宣是我最喜欢工作的机构。
SANDRA IONG 庄秀兰 (前财务同工 – 1999 至 2002)
我希望上帝带领卫宣继续在宣教上有所作为, 奋力达至目标, 甚至超越当初设定的目标。
卫宣或禾场上有什么让您印象特别深刻 的人或事吗?
我记得我在卫宣接触过的人,无论是 禾场工人、办公室同工、执行委员会的 成员,或是义工,都充满热忱及委身 的精神。
(前行政同工 – 1997 至 2009) 卫宣或禾场上有什么让您印象特别深刻 的人或事吗?
已故林金成牧师对宣教的热忱,委身 及拓荒精神,过去并现有宣教士为完 成上帝的托付委身禾场服侍都让我印 象深刻。与同工融洽的关系让我们合 作无间完成无数事工,完工后心中充 满了笔墨难以形容的喜乐和感恩,彼
每一趟的禾场行程都给我宝贵的学习和深刻的印象。我从中获 益良多,对耶稣说的“要收的莊稼多、 作工的人少。” (路加福 音10:2a)尤其感触良多。 此的连系也更强。 在我们庆祝25周年的当儿,你对卫宣以后的发展有什么期望?
期望卫宣大大为主发光。盼望各年龄层信徒都能明白上帝的心 意并积极回应,大家齐心一起完成祂 的救赎计划,直到主再 来!
感谢上帝带领我到卫宣,在已故林金成牧师的领导及主席郑锦 泉先生的督导下服侍了12年。这12年对我的灵命成长有很大对 影响。
WONG JIA NIANG 黄家娘 (前财务同工 – 2009 至2013) 对MMS或对外展的事工,你的一个记忆
卫宣关心年轻和弱势群体如以马内 利及苏菲亚之家的孩子,在他们的成 长过程中,为他们提供安全的环境, 基本教育、全方位教导和门徒培训的 机会。
MARIANNE LING (前行政同工 – 2009 至 2010) 卫宣或禾场上有什么让您 印象特别深刻的人或事
感谢神,我很荣幸能在卫宣及柬埔寨禾场服侍,学 习和成长。
印象深刻的是曾听过一则 有关尼泊尔村民三天长途 跋涉,只为了能及时赶上 教会的主日礼拜。我太惊 讶了,但同时也捕捉到“ 不可少的只有一件” (路9:2)的重要性。
在我们庆祝25周年的当儿,你对卫宣以后的发展有什 么期望?
祝愿卫宣结果累累,荣神益人! CHRISTINA WONG-ROBERT (前柬埔寨宣教士 – 2000 至 2005) 卫宣或禾场上有什么让您
为我们宣教士的爱心和献身宣教,并对神召命的承 诺献上感恩。
在我们庆祝25周年的当儿,你对卫宣以后的发展有什 么期望?
愿上帝继续呼召更多以事奉神为中心并关心上帝 子民的宣教士。希望卫宣继续成为催化剂,推动和 激励信徒参与、支持神的事工。 SUSIE TAN 陈美玲 (前行政同工 – 2010 至 2013) 卫宣或禾场上有什么让您 印象特别深刻的人或事
柬埔寨留给我许多回忆, 当中在两项在万国卫理公 会的记忆尤深。我很喜欢 这个社区。能在这个社区 教年轻人英语是我的福 气,在教导的同时,我也认识他们的生活方式和文 化。我还记得那些曾经在卫理中心参加英语补习 班的高二高三学生。通过教课,我们成了朋友。在 建立友谊后神让我更容易向他们分享福音。今天 好多学生都在突固卫理公会事奉,愿一切荣耀都 归于主。
探访禾场工人及亲临禾场 了解事工一直是我所期待 的。加入卫宣不久就有机 会到禾场探访让我欣喜 若狂。我很享受与一群充 满宣教热忱的同工在同个办公室工作,也享受与禾 场宣教士的配搭。柬埔寨,泰国和尼泊尔的体验在 我脑海中留下了不可磨灭的印记,禾场体验开阔 我对宣教士面对的挑战的认知,也不再把每日的 基本水电供应当成理所当然了。我带着蒙福及人的 心态出去,但却得到他们以爱心热情接待的福气。 有什么让你感恩的事吗?
感谢赞美上帝为我开门,祂亲自触摸人心,让我可 以把福音带给柬埔寨人。我感谢上帝帮助我学好 柬埔寨语,它是一个必要的沟通工具。我也感谢神 为我们预备有仆人心怀的宣教士同工。我感谢上帝 在我生命中所做的一切; 让我的信心更坚强。我也 看见主转化人的生命。在这段与基督同行的旅程, 我的灵命成长了。感恩! 在我们庆祝25周年的当儿,你对卫宣以后的发展有什 么期望?
愿上帝继续恩待卫宣,扩展卫宣服侍的领域。祈愿 神感动更多人参与,拓展禾场的服侍,盼望禾场上 有更多人通过卫宣得以听闻主的福音。 让我们以 丰收来荣耀神!
在我们庆祝25周年的当儿,你对卫宣以后的发展有什 JOSEPHINE LIM (前柬埔寨宣教士 – 2013 至 2015)
希望卫宣继续在宣教禾场为主发光,以独特的价 值观与理念为根基。
卫宣或禾场上有什么让您 印象特别深刻的人或事 吗?
DR KEVIN LOWE 罗如恩牧师 (前柬埔寨宣教士 - 1998 至 2006)
卫宣致力于拯救失丧者 的生命。
卫宣或禾场上有什么让您 印象特别深刻的人或事 吗?
我印象最深的是在禾场 上与当地人,尤其是柬 埔寨传道人一起团契,分 享,培训的时光。
我很感谢主使用我去接 触迷失的羊,并 让我有能力兼顾和胜任不同的工 作。我也为着有机会见证当地青年和儿童的成长 感恩。
祈愿卫宣继续接触迷失的人群,引领他们归正,继 续靠主的带领茁壮成长。
期望卫宣继续使用整全的宣教策略,并以现有或 新禾场的资源发展跨文化事工。我们处在义工蒙 福的时代,拥有1998年所没有的人力及科技资源。 因此我们需要好好管理,使用及珍惜这些资源以 荣耀神。
FONG LOON SIONG & LOUISE (前东亚宣教士 – 2010 至 2013)
LEONG SENG KOK & SHARON (前泰国宣教士 – 2005 至 2011)
彝族人对神话语的渴望。 他们会为了听福音信息 走很远的山路。 卫宣或禾场上有什么让您印象特别深刻的人或事吗?
人们需要主。我们很荣幸能把主的福音带给彝族, 感恩!
当我们在卫宣服事时,无论是我们留下的织帐篷 事工,或是我们提出的领人归主的社区项目都得到 大家很大的支持。
因着上帝的恩典,无论我们在哪个机构或宗派服 侍,我们仍然能成为上帝禾场上环球团队的一份 子,
我们祝愿上帝继续祝福卫宣,通过宣教士忠心与 出色的服侍,成为完成上帝心意的平台。 REV ERICK TAN & SHANTI 陈英意牧师与姗蒂师 母 (前尼泊尔宣教士 – 1998 至 2011)
在我们庆祝25周年的当儿,你对卫宣以后的发展有什 么期望?
卫宣在过去 25年里深入宣教禾场,获得宝贵的经 验,也增长了视野,希望我们不需要再等另一个25 年以获得更多认知。 LACE SIM (前东帝汶宣教士 – 2006 至 2008) 卫宣或禾场上有什么让您 印象特别深刻的人或事 吗?
我记得卫宣对宣教士的支 持和关怀做得很好。回顾 过去,我看到神如何保守 我的我生命。
上帝通过卫宣的网络平台为我们提供许多我们意 想不到丰富人力资源。他们拥有非凡的恩赐与才 干。无可否认的,我们见证了这一切充满圣灵的恩 典。
为着在禾场上一直有上帝的保护;也有机会成为 卫宣家庭的一份子感恩。卫宣国内团队给予禾场
总体而言,我们一家深切为着12年来在禾场上建立 有意义的关系感恩。特别是卫宣整全的门徒塑造 在有条不紊的进度中平衡了事工的迫切性与相关 的充实性。
的支持很强。 在我们庆祝25周年的当儿,你对卫宣以后的发展有什 么期望?
我希望卫宣仍继续寻求神赐予智慧完成祂的托 付。一同服侍的同工都充满祂的喜乐与平安。
| 15
我们缅怀,追思那些先我们离世的宣教士及同工。 美好的仗他们都打过了,当跑的路他们已经跑尽了, 所信的道他们已经守住了。他们现在已经回到天家与神同在。 ANNABELLA LIM
林金成牧师 REV DR CLARENCE LIM Annabella 在1998 年8月9号日离
蒙主恩召。林牧师在1991 年创办卫
的大任,陪着卫宣茁壮成长。林牧师 在世时,动员并影响了很多宣教士,
同工和志愿者的生命。林牧师为卫宣 留下了丰富的遗产!
Janet 与癌症顽抗了6个月后在 2006 年8月21日被主接回天家。她 是卫理公会基督堂通过卫宣差往柬
安息了,享年71岁。Betty 是卫理公
开始加入卫宣一直到2008年退休为 止,都在柬埔寨服事。她建立了以马
所学校通过教导英语传福音,也担 任牧养事工。林牧师对泰国福音事 工充满热忱与负担,他将生命中最宝 贵的时间献与主,是华人年议会宣教 士的先锋。
7th Mission Conference Session of the Methodist Church in Cambodia “MCC reported having 148 churches made up of 28 local churches, 61 preaching points and 59 outreach points. MMS reported on their ongoing development and involvement in our local church ministries and nurturing disciples, more of whom are taking up key roles in these ministries.”
Rev Tun Pheaktra ordained as Deacon. First from the right, first row
Rev Sok Sovandy has been re-elected the Cambodian Mission Superintendent at the 7th Mission Conference Session of the Methodist Church in Cambodia (MCC) held on 2 September 2015. In a move toward being a self-governing Methodist Church, Rev Sovandy was first elected in this role traditionally held by missionaries in the conference year 2013/2014. Rev Sovandy secured church licenses from the government for many Methodist churches, and stood firm on the principles guiding MCC. Bishop Dr Wee Boon Hup - the Presiding Bishop of MCC - chaired the conference with Bishop Larry Goodpastor from General Board of Global Mission from the USA’s United Methodist Church (UMC/GBGM), and Bishop Jun Yang Chul from Korean Methodist Church (KMC). The conference was attended by 126 delegates made up of clergy, mission agencies, and lay leaders. At the Opening Service, Bishop Dr Wee drew on Matthew 16:19 and exhorted the conference to be responsible and know what we are called to open our doors to, and what we are to guard against. A conference highlight was the ordination of six deacons and nine elders - an occasion of great joy, worship and celebration. Among them were Rev Ouk Ratana from Prek Ompel Methodist Church, partnering with Aldersgate Methodist Church; Rev Som Sarun from Phum Chress Methodist Church, partnering with Covenant Community Methodist Church; and Rev Tun Pheaktra from Prek Tual Phnom Penh Methodist Church, partnering with Barker Road Methodist Church.
Rev Dianna Khoo chairing the Coordinating Board meeting
With the rest of the representatives from different mission agencies, Rev Teresa Wilborn (Coordinating Officer), brought greetings to the conference on behalf of MMS. Annually, a few days before the conference, the five Methodist mission agencies are invited to come together with the local cabinet and executive board to continue in collaboration to expand the kingdom of God in Cambodia. With the growth in leadership of MCC, the foreign and local relationship is taking on a gradual but encouraging change from dependency to partnership. The five mission agencies present were the World Federation of Chinese Methodist Churches (WFCMC), Switzerland and France -
Rev Tun Pheaktra ordained as Deacon. Middle on the first row
Front row: 2nd from the right, Rev. Sam Sarin from Chress M C. 4th from the right, Rev. Ouk Ratana. Back row: from the left, Rev Sok Sovandy the Mission Superintendent, Bishop Jun Yang Chul from KMC, Bishop Wee Boon Hup, Bishop Larry Goodpastor, and Rev Prak Vuthy the BOM chairperson.
Netzwerk für Mission und Diakonie (Connexio), KMC, GBGM, and MMS. Rev Dianna Khoo (Area Director) chaired the Coordinating Board Meeting on 31 August, which discussed the support needed for MCC leadership to strengthen their churches. Cambodian pastors forming the MCC Cabinet had also stepped up in faith and rose to the occasion by leading important planning meetings and the mission conference itself.
In the reports presented by the Country Directors of the five agencies, MCC reported having 148 churches made up of 28 local churches, 61 preaching points and 59 outreach points. MMS reported on their ongoing development and involvement in our local church ministries and nurturing disciples, more of whom are taking up key roles in these ministries. With the diligent work of Rev Lun Sophy and his committee, and support from Mr John Ling representing WFCMC, two crucial sections of The Book of Discipline - on The Local Rev Teresa Wilborn sending greeting from MMS
Church and The Ministry - were translated into Khmer, and presented and accepted at the conference. Mr Thav Veasna, the manager of COSI Children’s Village, who was invited as a delegate for the first time, found it encouraging to see so many Methodist churches represented, and more Cambodians coming to know the Lord Jesus. He prays that more pastors will answer God’s call to shepherd the sheep in future. Jacob Cheng MMS Country Director for Cambodia
Editor’s Note: This article was first published in Methodist Message Nov 2015 issue.
ICF-HCMC 5th Anniversary “We shall move beyond just maintaining our current situation to grow both in numbers as well as in spiritual depth - in order to be a blessing to the international community and to the needy in HCMC.” The International Christian Fellowship in Ho Chi Minh City (ICF) celebrated its 5th Anniversary on 21 June 2015. 149 people were present in the service with Rev Phan Vinh Cu, President of the Evangelical Church of Vietnam (ECV), as our special guest speaker. Also present to grace the occasion were Rev Philip Lim and Dr Simon Chong of MMS, and Mdm Pearlie Ow (wife of the late Rev Dr Clarence Lim, Founding Director of MMS). The service commenced with a great time of worship From left to right – Rev Philp Lim, Rev Tam (Pastor of Hoa Hung Church), Rev Phan Vinh Cu (President of Evangelical Church of Vietnam), Albert Low, and Mr Sio Tat Ming and Mr Thomas Sim (Leaders of ICF)
with performances by the children’s ministry, a solo item, and the Nigerians in our church. Rev Philip Lim and Dr Simon paid tribute to Rev Dr Clarence Lim for his invaluable contributions to the founding of ICF. A token of appreciation was presented by our most senior ICF member, Mr Sio Tat Ming, to Mdm Pearlie. In his message, Rev Cu expounded on the last chapter of Revelation. He spoke on the urgent need to know, share and live the Word of God in anticipation of the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ. ICF also took the occasion to thank and bless Hoa Hung Church (HHC) for their support and co-operation that has enabled ICF to function smoothly on its premises. On behalf of ICF, Mdm Rachel Jang, leader of our Ladies Group, presented to HHC our contribution towards the cost of building their much needed elevator. After the service, leaders, guests and congregation were treated to a sumptuous lunch at a nearby restaurant.
Looking back, ICF has made significant progress since our inaugural service in 2010. Dr Simon once shared about how MMS laid the groundwork for setting up ICF through years of faithful collaboration with the government agencies and local partners e.g. pitching in with Vietnamese social workers to bring medical treatment to the poor and sick. Albert Low also often shared and gave thanks to God about the dedicated contributions by various groups of people to assist in the setting up of ICF, and God’s grace in the obtaining of the Vietnamese authorities’ approval for the issuance of the license in quick-time to operate as a church in HCMC, and how obstacles were miraculously removed.
The congregation has grown from a core of about 30 members to the current weekly attendance of around 100
ICF started off with a core congregation consisting
which is about the maximum number that current seating
of some friends and a cell group. Many of the church
can accommodate comfortably. The challenge for ICF
members contributed generously in numerous ways to
with its constantly moving international congregation is to
equip the church e.g. floor tiles, curtains, air conditioners,
get members to step up to serve in the various ministries
pews, Bibles, a communion set, etc. ICF is truly an
such as worship, sound and video back up, children’s
international church with members from all over the
ministry, administration, and finance. Thank God that He
world. Apart from Singaporeans and Malaysians, we have
has always raised up the right people who have stepped
members from Nigeria, the Philippines, Australia, America,
forward to help.
United Kingdom, Korea, Russia, and others. Despite being a relatively small congregation with some members
Looking ahead, by God’s grace, we shall move beyond
constantly on the move, ICF has managed to conduct
just maintaining our current situation to grow both in
weekly cell group meetings, prayer meeting and even
numbers as well as in spiritual depth - in order to be a
Sunday School to cater to members with young children
blessing to the international community and to the needy
and youths.
in HCMC.
ICF also reaches out to the needy in HCMC by way of help
Philip Lam
extended to orphanages, hospitals and also financial
ICF pioneer member from Aldersgate Methodist Church
support to local churches when needed.
MMS Family David Chan (from Aldersgate Methodist Church) and his family together embarked on an exciting faith journey on 8 September 2015. They were making their new home in TimorLeste. David is there as a missionary to support the education ministry. A horde of supporters from Aldersgate MC, Boys Brigade, Fairfield Methodist Primary and Fairfield Methodist
our Father in heaven.
Secondary was at the airport to send them off. May their light so shine before men, that
Rev Leslie Lim (from Trinity Annual Conference) started his pastoral
others may see their good works and glorify
ministry in the International Christian Fellowship in Ho Chi Minh City (ICFHCMC) on 1 August 2015. His wife Linda and daughter Leesa will be joining him soon. May they be the salt and light for Christ in Vietnam.
Mission Awareness
MMS was invited to Queenstown Chinese Methodist Church, Methodist Welfare Services’ Wheels for GOOD event, Methodist Church of the Incarnation, TA2, and Telok Ayer Chinese Methodist Church on 19 July, 15 August, 30 August, 25 October and 1 November 2015 respectively. Contact MMS if you want MMS to set up a booth in your church.
MMS Photo Contest #5 Results Thank you for participating in the Photo Contest. The theme was “JOY to the world”. Congratulations to all the winners who have been notified. Do keep a look out for our next Photo Contest and we hope to see more participation.
“Most Popular Photo” with 299 likes
“Best Photo”
Ig Profile: @lennardteo
Ig Profile: @michelmchel
Description: Faith, Hope, Love. These are the keys to Joy. While we dance and celebrate God’s divine miracles of breakthrough, healing, provision, and new life, everybody is free to receive God’s Joy into their heart, His Joy To The World. If you have yet to go on a Christian Mission Trip to experience God’s Joy To The World, wait no more. God Bless Your Family & You, Amen. Photo taken somewhere in India. Church: Paya Lebar Methodist Church Prize: A Fujifilm Instax Mini 50s Instant Camera and a Selfie Stick fitted with a remote.
Description: “Joy! Unspeakable joy, an overflowing well, no tongue can tell.” Dedicating this Christmas post to the kids at Phayakkhaphum Nongkoknongyaw School, especially to my kids: Sunday, Ria, Fim, Pit, Chop, Nong, Park Boo and Leng. Though the kids are leading simple lives, they have shown me how to truly live. This picture came about after one kid was hugging the other, and for no reason they all just started huddling together. It was evident that they loved one another regardless of their gender and age. Their eagerness to learn and willingness to share what little they had moved me deeply. What really tugged at my heartstrings was on one occasion after their prize giving ceremony when one kid called out to me “Teacher! Teacher!” and then one by one, each of them flocked to me, planting a piece of chocolate they had won in the centre of my palm. These kids knew how to give and share despite how little they actually have. In actual fact, they are far richer than us because of who they have grown to be. I’m certain that they will grow up to be outstanding individuals. They’re extremely talented and intelligent and I pray that they’ll come to know God and too, have the right opportunities in school to live out their true potentials. “And he said: Truly I tell you, unless you change and become like little children, you will never enter the kingdom of heaven.” Matthew 18:3 Church: Bukit Panjang Methodist Church Prize: A Fujifilm Instax Mini 50s Instant Camera and a Selfie Stick fitted with a remote.
Six Consolation Prizes Ig Profiles: @phangster93, @javannglh, @lowweeteck, @joshuathl, @dollyleong8, @comego9900 Prizes: A set of clip-on mobile phone lenses (macro, fish eye and wide angle)
MMS Training Programme – Motivating and Equipping for Missions On 29 August 2014, 14 potential and newly-appointed missionaries graduated from a two-month intensive training programme. It is MMS’ special efforts over these couple of years to motivate, train and prepare MMS missionaries and members of the Methodist churches in Singapore to serve in missions. The training programme comprises modules designed to equip for effective ministry in the field. This includes a module on Methodist Essentials, where participants benefitted from learning about Methodist heritage, doctrines, theology, spirituality, and discipline. In the
Religious Worldviews”. Dr Jeanette Hui and Dr Ashok
Spiritual Formation module, especially “Hearing God”,
Kumar taught the key features of Buddhism, Islam and
participants experienced greater intimacy with God,
Hinduism. Participants gave feedback about their greater
having been encouraged to set aside time daily to be in
confidence to share the gospel with friends from these
God’s presence.
Other important modules include global missions, cross
Most of the 25 participants in the “Bivocational Missions”
cultural dynamics and communications, indigenous
course were young Christian professionals, who were
church planting, practical ministry skills such as holistic
motivated by guest speakers Mr Kua Wee Seng, Dr Tan Lai
counselling, homiletics, teaching and disciple-making.
Yong and Mr Kenneth Bong’s testimonies of being both
They were also blessed by the Leadership Development
professionals and ministers in in a cross-cultural context.
module, which touches on spiritual leadership, leadership multiplication, conflict management, leadership
The “Missional Business” seminar challenges emerging
resilience and dangers.
entrepreneurs to launch Christ-centred companies that not only make profit but also meet the physical
Also, participants undertook a field trip to the Asian
and spiritual needs of the people they touch. The
Museum to familiarise themselves with various cultural
inspiring and challenging seminar drew 35 participants
worldviews and share their learnings. They were also
comprising emerging young entrepreneurs, experienced
required to be actively involved in a “Building Redemptive
businessmen, and more. The key-note address by
Bridges” project with people of the field that they would
Dr Stanley Ling was followed by a forum with Mr Alvin
be serving in. Modules like Catholicism, with special
Tan, Mr Ong Teong Hoon and Ps Erick Tan – committed
reference to Timor-Leste, and Buddhism, with special
Christians experienced with missional business.
reference to Thailand and Cambodia, were included in the training programme.
On 21 November, 15 participants graduated from the Kairos course jointly organised by MMS and Simply
MMS deeply appreciate the dedication and service of
Mobilizing. The Kairos course is a nine-session interactive
Methodist pastors, missionaries, lay leaders, as well as
course on world Christian mission, looking at biblical,
a number of non-Methodist missionaries and ministers
historical, strategic and cultural dimensions of mission.
for their time and effort in teaching at the training programme.
Moving forward, with the guidance and help of the Holy Spirit, MMS will continue to motivate and equip Methodists
In 2015, MMS organised a series of missions courses
to serve in missions.
open to members of the Methodist churches. In January 2015, almost 80 people turned up for the first one-
Rev Lee Shuit Kuin
day course “Building Bridges with People of Different
MMS Training Director
Editor’s Note: This article was first published in Methodist Message February 2016 issue. Rev Lee Shuit Kuin has left MMS on 29 February 2016. We thank God for her faithful service.
Read about God’s goodness and faithfulness in MMS History Book “Blessed to be a Blessing”
These DVDs present an overview of MMS work and ministries. Get your free copies now. ORDER FORM Items
MMS Book – Blessed to be a Blessing (S$10)
MMS DVD – Simple Faith Amazing Grace (2005 @ Cambodia)
MMS DVD – Of Miracles and Grace (2007 @ Nepal)
MMS DVD – Choose to Help a Few (2009 @ Thailand)
MMS DVD – MMS 20th Anniversary Videos (2011 @ China and Nepal)
MMS DVD – SSS Videos (2012)
MMS DVD – MMS at a glance (2013 @ Nepal)
MMS DVD – Education Opens Doors (2015 @ Cambodia)
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Please mail cheque and completed form to: METHODIST MISSIONS SOCIETY, 70 Barker Road #06-01 The Methodist Centre Singapore 309936. Thank you for your gift and support. For more information, please contact us at 6478 4818.
MISSION Our Mission is to fulfil Christ’s Great Commission to make disciples of all nations. VISION 2020 Our Vision is to unite the Methodist Community in Singapore to plant 800 new, indigenous, financially self-supporting, disciple making and multiplying churches by 2020. OUR CORE VALUES Accountability, Integrity, Compassion, Perseverance, Cultural Sensitivity, Unity and Excellence. OUR MAIN STRATEGIES Church Planting and Community Development
MINISTRIES MMS is dedicated to addressing the real-life needs of the communities and churches, so as to rebuild, restore and reconcile people and communities back to Him. SUPPORTERS MMS enlists, encourages, engages and empowers Methodists to serve in missions, by praying for, participating in and giving financially to reach those whom Jesus died to redeem. TEAM Together with our Partner Churches, Volunteers, Mobilisers, Donors, Prayer Partners, Mission Teams and Missionaries, we form the team involving in Church Planting, Discipling,Teaching, Evangelising, Healthcare, Education, Sponsorship and Livelihood Projects.
Photo © jojovan
We need more PARTNER CHURCHES! Will your church join in to pray for, partner and participate with MMS in establishing new congregation, indigenous churches and mission endeavours?
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OUR GIFTS FOR MISSIONS We would like to support MMS so that the Good News of Jesus Christ can be proclaimed to the ethnic Cambodians, Chinese, Lahus, Laotian, Nepalese, Thais, Timorese and Vietnamese, by giving to:
Crisis Relief Fund (General)
East Asia Mission
Rev Dr Clarence Lim Missionary Development Fund $
Student Sponsorship Scheme (Non-Residential)* General $ (minimum commitment of 12 months)
– Cambodia / Laos / Nepal / Thailand / Timor-Leste $
@ S$110 per month wef 1 August 2015 (minimum commitment of 12 months)
] COSI (Cambodia)
] Emmaus Women’s Centre (Cambodia)
] Sophia’s Home (Nepal)
] Mettakij Hostel (Thailand)
] Term Fun Home (Thailand)
] Gleno Hostel (Timor-Leste)
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Cambodia Mission Church Ministry Support Emmaus Women’s Centre – ministry expenses Post COSI Integration Programme
In the event that a donation cannot be applied as you have designated, MMS may exercise the discretion to redirect it to where it is most needed. If you need more details, please call 6478 4818. *For more information on the Student Sponsorship Scheme, please logon to
Nepal Mission
Community Development Relief Work Caleb Bible Institute Trainee Sponsorship @ S$80 per month Youth Ministry / Hub
@ S$45 per month wef 1 August 2015
Student Sponsorship Scheme (Residential)* General
Church Ministry Support Nanchang Stamford Consultancy Centre National Workers Fund Children’s Home / Ministry
$ $ $
Thailand Mission
Timor-Leste Mission
Medical Ministry at Ermera District
Vietnam Children’s Fund Staff & Ministry Support Singapore Mission School Building Project
Harvest Force & PrayerConnect
Others (please specify):
Vietnam Mission
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Income Generating Project Fund Church Ministry Support
Laos Mission
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In the Eyes of God
“I believe answering this call to explore the mission field has equipped me with a lens to see His ministries with His perspectives.”
I have a few hobbies and one of them is photography – which is the talent that God has blessed me. I went on the Mission Internship, Training & Exposure (MITE) programme in Nepal from 4 September to 2 October 2015. Let me share what I have learnt from God during my trip through photography. EXPOSURE If you have friends who knows about photography, you would have heard about getting the right settings to get the right exposure. Let us not get too technical about this. I did not have any prior exposure to missions until I decided to commit one month of my youth to search for God’s calling for my Life. Becoming a missionary or full-time ministry worker never crossed my mind, at least according to what my mindset considered acceptable, especially so being in a non-Christian family. But things changed when I was exposed to Christianity.
Do not conform to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God’s will is—his good, pleasing and perfect will. (Romans 12:2, NIV)
That said, I believe God has transformed my thinking in
of the true power of God; His tendering love is so real, so
the process. At the time of writing, I am considering what
warm, so loving. It all came rushing over me when I settled
career I should build, and what God’s good, pleasing and
down in the missionary’s house.
perfect will for me is. It is such an unknown thing, but I am convinced to take a step of faith to find out more.
PERFECTION Photography is about capturing the perfect moment,
the right time with the right equipment. God wants you
And so, what is the difference between two
to capture Him above all else. The right time is when you
photographers? If you ask me, both will have different
are ready to be obedient to His leading. Equipment? Do
composition of their pictures. Who is better? That will be a
not worry, He will equip you along the way, because God
tough question to answer. More importantly, with missions
in view, what is God’s perspective? I believe God wants us to be perfect, in everything we
Then he said to his disciples, “The harvest is plentiful but the workers are few. Ask the Lord of the harvest, therefore, to send out workers into his harvest field.” (Matthew 9:37-38, NIV)
do. Obeying God is allowing Him to work in us, mould us, shape us, and train us into what He wants us to be. I believe everyone has a call for mission. Whether it is the ministries in your church, cross-cultural missions or even in your family, God has a greater purpose for you.
I shall be honest, as this verse tells me that few people
I believe answering this call to explore the mission field
want to go to mission. Maybe it is tough, or maybe it
has equipped me with a lens to see His ministries with His
reserved for the chosen ones. If I have a choice, I will
perspectives. My encouragement is go, – go and discover
choose not to be on that list. Who wants to suffer when
how God is good even in the third world. If you are afraid,
you are enjoying your life? But what if I am a chosen one,
fear not because God is always with you.
would I not be someone special and able to receive the recognition the calling brings? If so, does that mean God calls me to mindless suffering? You might laugh but I was prepared for the worst physically and emotionally. I knew that God is with me
Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age. (Matthew 28:19-20, NIV)
spiritually and has prepared the place ahead of me; hat is pretty much what was ingrained in my head-knowledge
Javan Ng
of God. Now, nothing can compare to the experience
Fairfield Methodist Church (Preaching Point)
“The harvest is plentiful but the workers are few. Ask the Lord of the harvest, therefore, to send out workers into his harvest field.”
Missionary Development Fund
Launch of Rev Dr Clarence Lim Missionary Development Fund “This fund will provide financial support for MMS’ leadership development among our serving Missionaries, and potential Methodist candidates committed to serving full-time in MMS mission fields.”
our missionaries, - a truly humble
Methodist church in Singapore,
servant of our Lord. With his spirit
preferably in mission-related
of determination, perseverance
activities and have a character
and most importantly his love of
reference and recommendation
God, he established MMS as an
from their Pastor-in-Charge.
effective missions organisation that continues to transform lives
Recognised seminaries
in our mission fields and within the
and colleges include Trinity
Missions community in Singapore.
Theological College, Singapore
His servant leadership epitomises
Bible College, Asian Cross-
his Christ-centred approach to
Cultural Training and Tung Ling
relating with people at all levels.
Bible School, while recognised seminars include mission
MDF was started with S$100,000
conferences, Global or Eagles
from a donor who has requested
Leadership Seminars, and Church
anonymity. He felt driven to
Planting programmes such as
recognise and honour the
Growing Healthy Church.
immense contribution of MMS’ Founding Director, who had
If you would like to donate to
passed away on 2 October 2014.
ensure sustainability and viability
This fund will provide financial
of the fund, please contact us
support for MMS’ leadership
to find out more. And if you are
development among our serving
interested to apply for the MDF,
Missionaries, and potential
please contact us too.
Methodist candidates committed to serving full-time in MMS mission MMS launched the Rev Dr
Clarence Lim Missionary Development Fund (MDF) during
Serving Missionaries are eligible
out biennial fundraising “My
to apply for recognised, full-time
Father’s Business” Banquet held
or part-time training courses
on 23 August 2015 at The Fullerton
conducted locally or overseas
if they have served at least two years in an MMS mission field, or
The late Rev Dr Clarence Lim was
in MMS Home Office, and are
the Founding Director of MMS.
recommended by their Country
He was very much loved and
Director and supported by the
respected by many who had
Area Director.
the privilege to know him and to work with him, and have their lives
Potential candidates intending to
touched by him. He embodied all
serve in MMS mission fields must
that we desire of ourselves and
be active members of a local
Looking for a good return on investment? Support a PCOSIIP Student!
是否正在找寻 一个好的投 资回报 ?赞助 一名PCOSIIP 的学生 !
Higher education not only contributes to greater economic stability, it also improves quality of life for individuals and raises the standard of living on a national level. Studies show that college and vocational training graduates live longer, and typically provide greater service and leadership in their communities. But is tertiary education a good return on investment (ROI)? According to a recent report published in the USA, every $1 spent on a college education produces $34.85 in increased lifetime income. In countries like Cambodia, lower tuition for university and vocational training increases the potential ROI even more. Yet for many children in developing countries, tertiary education remains an unachievable dream. Six years ago, MMS and supporting Methodist churches in Singapore decided to help make this dream a reality for children at COSI Children’s Village in Cambodia, by establishing a programme that would enable them to reintegrate into society and continue their education beyond high school. In 2009, the first cohort of students was accepted into the Post-COSI Integration Programme (PCOSIIP). All nine students from the initial batch successfully earned university degrees or vocational diplomas! Here is what some of them would like to share with you.
“All nine students from the initial batch successfully earned university degrees or vocational diplomas!” • “全数九位第 一批学生成功 获取大学和传 业文凭 !”
高等教育不仅能使个人的生命价值和 生活水平有所提高,也相对会使经济 基础更稳定。根据调查,凡是有机会 接受学府以上教育的毕业生,一般会 有长一点的寿命,也在服务与领导此 环节上更加有作为。 但是有多少人会同意投资教育是比投 资别的基金能取得更好的回报?根据 美国近期的一份报告,在学府里每华 一元 ,至少 有$34.85 的一生收入增 进。 国家如柬埔寨,低廉的大学费 用与专业培训费, 更加能增进回报 的机遇。 然而在一些发展中的国家,对多少孩 子来说,要受高等教育还是一个难于 实现的梦。六年前,MMS 和 属下各 教会汇集了群力,启动一个方案,帮 助柬 埔寨 COSI 的孩子有机会融入 社会,接受高深教育,使梦想成真。 2009 年, 九个孩子成为第一批此计 划的 学生。经过四年的苦读,他们 终 于完成学业,领取各自的文凭。以下 就是他(她)们的心声。
CHANTHIN Chanthin: In 2012, I was the very first under PCOSIIP to graduate from the Royal Mekong University in Accounting. I want to serve God and help others, so I work as a house leader at COSI and take care of the accounts for both COSI & Emmaus Women’s Centre.
我是第一批在PCOSIIP 中受惠的孩子,2012 年我从柬埔寨皇家湄公河大学会计系毕业 。为 了事奉神及帮助有需要的人,毕业后我回去以 马内利儿童村当宿舍长,同时负责处理以马内 利儿童村和以马忤斯妇女中心的账目。我希望 自己能成为其他年轻孩子的好榜样。
I want to be a good role model for the younger children!
DARAREAKSMEY I am 22 years old and study International Relations at the Royal University of Law and Economics. I am happy and thankful for PCOSIIP that helps to provide support for me to continue my education in the University. My English has improved a lot and sometimes I help to interpret for mission teams that come to do ministry. It is because of God’s grace through PCOSIIP that I can have such an opportunity to serve God. I am grateful to all the sponsors who show their love. It is by their love that many of the COSI children like me can now have the opportunity for a better future. I appreciate what the sponsors have done for my life and no words can express my thankfulness!
我今年年22 岁,就读于柬埔寨皇 家法律经济大学,选修国际关系。 我非常开心获得PCOSIIP的赞助, 使我有机会进入大学深造。 这段时间我的英语进步了,有时还 能充当翻译员协助前来服侍的短 宣队。神籍PCOSIIP 的项目,彰显 祂的恩典,因此我能够有事奉神 的机会。我很感激大家爱心的捐 献,因着这份爱,以马内利儿童村 的孩子可以拥有更好的前途。我 心中的感恩非笔墨能形容。感恩, 也感谢你们 ! Darareaksmey also teaches English and Bible stories to slum children. She came to COSI in 2002 following the death of both parents. • DARAREAKSMEY 在 课余时,也教导 贫苦的儿童英语和圣经故事. 她在父母双双离世 后,于 2002 年进入以马内利儿童村。
The PCOSIIP provides financial support, but more
there will be more. All they need is a helping hand... a
importantly it offers on-going spiritual training and
chance to better themselves, their families, and their
encouragement. Missionary-in-charge, Carol Loh, from
communities. With higher education comes increased
Bedok Methodist Church, meets regularly with each
economic stability, which also has a direct and positive
student and they gather several times a year for group
impact on the growth and sustainability of the Methodist
fellowship and prayer.
Church in Cambodia.
Including tuition, books, uniforms and a small allowance,
Help raise up the next generation of Christian leaders in
the average annual cost to support one student ranges
business, government, health and education sectors in
from US$1200-2000 per year, depending on the course
Cambodia. Please, give today and give generously to
of study. It only costs S$200 per month to make a life-
PCOSIIP! After all, where else can you find such a positive
changing difference for these young men and women!
ROI nowadays?
Today, 34 young Christian men and women are
Rev Teresa Wilborn
participating in PCOSIIP. Next year and the year after,
MMS Assistant Director of Community Development
Editor’s Note: Reprint with permission from Methodist Message Jan 2016 issue. Please designate the donations for PCOSIIP by note or on the back of your cheque. For additional information, contact Rev Teresa Wilborn at 6478 4797 or, or Ms Helen Tan at 6478 4753 or 编后语:请在支票背后注明捐予PCOSIIP。若有询问,请联络 Rev Teresa Wilborn, 电话:6478 4797; 电邮 : teresa.wilborn@gmail. com; 或联络Helen Tan姐妹, 电话 : 6478 4753, 电邮 :
SINAT I am 22 years old and I am a 4th year student at the
our needs. Thank you!
我今年22 岁,是国家管理大学 四年级学生。PCOSIIP为我提供 了学费,住宿,膳食和交通费。 在我住的卫理宿舍,我有机会教 导并向其他学生分享神的话语。 我感谢神,因祂感动了多人捐助 PCOSIIP。 这些赞助人的爱心使 我蒙福,真是太感谢了。
Sinat is serving with BAMBOO, the business-as-missions ministry, helping members of the Methodist community improve their livelihood.
SINAT 目前在BAMBOO服侍,BAMBOO是营商 宣教的事工,也扶助卫理社体改善生活。
National University of Management. PCOSIIP provided for my university fees, a place to stay, food and transport. I was given the opportunity to learn how to teach and share God’s Word with other students at the Methodist Hostel where I stay. I am thankful to God for all sponsors who give of their love by giving toward PCOSIIP which provides for all
SOPHORN First of all, I would like to thank PCOSIIP that gave me a chance to study in the university. I have just graduated from Physiotherapy at the Technical School for Medical Care. I went to hospitals in Battambang, Siem Reap and Kampong Som to do my internship. I learnt how to help adult patients with lumbar pain and neck pain, and also learnt how to care for children with disabilities. I hope to find a job in the hospital and be a good physiotherapist. God is good! Sophorn came to COSI when she was 10 years old, after her parents died from AIDS.
我心中充满感恩, PCOSIIP 为 我提供升学的机会。 我刚完成医 疗保健学院物理治疗科的课程。 在就学期间,我去了马德望,暹粒 和西哈努克市的医院实习。学习 为有腰椎及颈项疼痛的病人做治 疗;也学习照料行动不便的儿童。 我希望能在医院中找到工作,成 为一个负责任的物理治疗师。神 真美好,我要颂扬祂! SOPHORN 的父母双双死于艾滋病, 进入以马内 利儿童村那年他只有十岁
VEASNA With the help of God and support from PCOSIIP, I was able to graduate at the top of my civil engineering class at the National Polytechnic Institute of Cambodia. I am the oldest of four children in my family. I help with The Boys’ Brigade at the Methodist School of Cambodia and serve as Manager of COSI. I hope to attend Bible School and become a pastor one day.
PCOSSIP 这个项目,除了在经济上资助孩子升学,更重要的是 在升学期间持续不断地鼓励他们及关注他们灵命塑造的进展 。 负责这项目的罗月华宣教士来自三一年议会的勿洛堂 ,她定期 与个别学生会面,并且每年数次召集学生一起团契、分享及祷 告。 赞助一名PCOSIIP项目中的孩子,包括学费、书籍费、校服及生 活费在内,每年约美金1200 – 2000 元( 各科系收费不一)。这 意味每月 200新币就可以改变一个年轻人的生命。 今天,共有 34 位年轻的信徒在PCOSIIP这个项目下受惠。 明 年、后年,将会有更多的年轻人需要您伸出援手帮助他们-为
我是家中四个孩子的老大。因为 上帝的眷顾,让我在PCOSIIP 的 资助下以优异的成绩毕业于柬埔 寨理工学院土木工程系。目前我 在以马内利儿童村当经理,也帮助 带领金边卫理学校的男少年旅。 然而我最大的愿望是去神学院受 装备,有朝一日成为牧师。
他们提供一个能改变他们、他们的家庭甚至他们居住社区的机 会。高等教育是增强经济稳健的途径,也直接对柬埔寨卫理教 会的增长及持续的发展有正面的影响。 造就下一代柬埔寨的基督徒企业领袖,政要,保健及教育的精 英,有赖您我来参与!今天就慷慨资助PCOSIIP吧!毕竟还有什 么比这更好的回报呢? 特丽莎牧师 卫宣社区拓展副主任
Part 1
Current Trends in Mission – Intr This is the first part of an essay by Rev Dr Andrew Peh, who is a lecturer in Trinity Theological College.
There are a good number of well-researched articles (and even books) that have been written in providing perspectives on what mission will look like in the 21st century. These include Timothy Tennent’s blog posts on the “Top Ten Mission Trends” 1 , Howard Brant’s informative article “Redefining Missions for the 21st Century” 2, Michael Pocock’s The Changing Face of World Missions: Engaging Contemporary Issues and Trends, and Stan Guthrie’s Missions in the Third Millennium: 21 Key Trends for the 21st Century. The list is not exhaustive. As underscored by the various authors, the contours of God’s mission in our contemporary world are being redefined by significant developments in human history. These developments call for (and perhaps even demand, I posit) a shift in how the church is to be involved in missio Dei. The first of these has been well documented by missiologists such as Andrew Walls and historians, including Scott Sunquist and Justo Gonzalez, in their various publications. Historian and author Philip Jenkins in his book, The Next Christendom: The Coming Global Christianity 3 chronicles this emergence of Christianity as a worldwide phenomenon. All of which echoes the global shift of Christianity to the ‘south’, which references the rise of Christianity in Asia, Africa and Latin America, which Professor Walls had written about in a series of essay, later published as The Missionary Movement in Christian History.4 Another important development is information technology and the manner in which it has formed (or deformed) our priorities in life. Barely nine years ago, there were no iPhones (Apple’s first generation iPhone was launched on June 29, 2007) nor were there iPads, but consider how technology had reshaped our lives today. I was reminded that it was barely a decade ago that tweets were the sound that real birds made (Twitter was created by Jack Dorsey in March 2006 and the social networking site was launched in the July of that year) and “Angry Birds” only existed in real life when you attempted to ruffle their feathers or intrude upon their nesting sites. It seems that just in this short span of time, the world as we know it today has undergone tremendous change. And the truth of the matter is that whether you like it or not, technology, in the words of Thomas Friedman, has flattened our world5; it has brought with it many challenges, many conveniences and many changes. The third (and not the least) of the significant developments in world history is globalization. While arguably, globalization may have brought with it various positive results, yet one cannot deny the fact that it may be one of the chief contributing factors for wanton materialism, wasteful consumerism, widening divide between the rich and the poor, global warming as well as global terrorism.
oduction “The mission the church is called to participate, is primarily God’s mission.”
Together, these developments exert a significant impact and compel urgent, yet cogent responses from the church today in regard to mission. But before I highlight four significant trends that flow from the confluence of these three tributaries of world history and have particular relevance for the church in Singapore (namely short-term missions, urban missions, information technology and global warming), perhaps it is important that we do not forget that the mission the church is called to participate, is primarily God’s mission. As John Stott precisely worded it, “that mission arises primarily out of the nature, not of the church but of God Himself.”6 Christopher Wright also perceptively posited that: When we get exhausted and frustrated with the constant questions, “What is the essential mission of the church? What should the mission of the church legitimately include (and what does it not include)?”, it is worth reminding ourselves that the key question is not so much “What kind of mission does God intend for His church?” as “What kind of church does God intend for His mission?” The church exists, in its historical journey on earth, for the sake of God’s mission in the world. So, rather than asking only what the church should do (or not do), we should be asking what the church is for and that drives us to consider the redemptive mission of God for all nations and all creation7. We do well to remember that the mission is ultimately God’s mission and that He graciously invites us to participate in His work of reconciling the world (which includes all of His creation) to Himself. Rev Dr Andrew Peh Lecturer at Trinity Theological College 3 Philip Jenkins, The Next Christendom: the Coming of Global Christianity ( New York: Oxford University Press, 2011) 4 Andrew Walls, The Missionary Movement in Christian History (Maryknoll, New York: Orbis Books, 1996) 5 Thomas Friedman, The World is Flat - A Brief History of the Globalized World in the 21st Century, (London: Allen Lane, 2005). 6 John Stott, Christian Mission in the Modern World: What the Church Should Be Doing Now! (Downers Grove, Illinois: IVP, 1975), 21. 7 John Stott and Christopher Wright, Christian Mission in the Modern World, (Downers Grove, Illinois: IVP, 2015), 35-36. 1 2
We are never alone in mission It is often quite easy for a mission enterprise to act as if it is the only player on the mission field. Even after seeing other agencies and churches in action in the same field, and affirming the need for collaborative efforts, what is most telling are the actions it takes to carry out its work there. Sometimes our actions are not in alignment with what we may have said to be our beliefs. Understandably, each mission agency may have a definite objective or strategy which it has determined to adopt. From a broader biblical perspective, each agency brings its own unique set of gifts to the field, and so enhances the overall impact of the mission. What then is Apollos? What is Paul? Servants through whom you believed, as the Lord assigned to each. I planted, Apollos watered, but God gave the growth. So neither he who plants nor he who waters is anything, but only God who gives the growth. He who plants and he who waters are one, and each will receive his wages according to his labour. For we are God’s fellow workers. You are God’s field, God’s building. (1 Corinthians 3:5-9, ESV) Paul saw his ministry at Corinth not as a pioneer. Apollos had gone there ahead of him. But it was neither Apollos nor Paul who grew the church; it was God Himself. In his understanding of collaborative ministry, Paul saw his efforts as part of a larger tapestry of God’s scheme for building His church. It is easy to fall into the temptation of wanting to be the first, or pioneer, on a mission field, or to initiate a particular strategy. A great deal of humility is needed to submit, or to give credit to another. Jesus Himself faced this sentiment among His disciples. They found out someone not among the twelve had been casting out demons in the name of Jesus, and tried to stop him from doing so. But Jesus said, ‘Do not stop him, for no one who does a mighty work in my name will be able soon afterward to speak evil of me. For the one who is not against us is for us.’ (Mark 9:3940, ESV) Imagine having been given the power to cast out demons and heal the sick (Mark 6:7-13); you were probably thinking that you belong to a unique ministry team and believing that only you and your team were the only people able to conduct such a ministry. Then, you found out that others not in the team could do the same. It was something outrageous in the mind of the disciples that someone else could have the same ability. It was never explained whether the other person had any kind of training or involvement in the ministry of Jesus, or even if he was a Godbeliever.
“In his understanding of collaborative ministry, Paul saw his efforts as part of a larger tapestry of God’s scheme for building His church.” However, Jesus had a broader perspective of mission.
church. There are times when God may even allow non-
“The one who is not against us is for us.” As long as the
believers, or civic and secular organisations, to prepare
other person or group is not working at cross purposes to
the way for us, or for us to collaborate with them.
us, then they are working to accomplish the same goal as we are.
We know in many cases of earlier missions in the 18th and 19th century, how the Gospel arrived with the colonial
Reaching a people group, or transforming a society, is not
powers that unfairly, and at times cruelly, subjugated the
an effort of a select Christian group. It is a whole Church
people whom the accompanying missionaries were to
enterprise. Each part makes its own unique contribution to
evangelise. Even the Nestorians, who believed that Jesus
the success of the whole mission, bringing its own gift-mix
was two distinct persons (divine and human), instead
to nourish, grow and multiply the church.
being both human and divine, were allowed by God to bring the Gospel to Xi’an, China in AD 635.
Furthermore, what Jesus taught His disciples in the situation described above seems to imply that we can
In recent years, there have been several reports of how
even work with any person or group who has similar
unreached communities had been prepared earlier by
objectives as we have. In my mind, this could include
angelic visitations telling them to be ready to receive
even non-Christian agencies and organisations. This is
people who would have some very important news (the
especially so in community development projects and
Gospel) to tell them. When the missionaries came, the
some social enterprises. It would be easier for us to do
people were already pre-set to believe the Gospel.
these projects and enterprises with regard to civic and secular organisations, rather than religious ones.
We (in any mission agency or church) are not the only ones on the mission field. In the light of this, we have to
Most religious groups (including ours) have as our ultimate
adopt a more multi-dimensional strategy on the mission
(or secondary, in the case of community development
field that factors the other players who are present. It
projects) goal, or an unstated desire, that people come
is good to begin a mission on what we may start off
to know Jesus Christ as Lord, even though that may not be
believing to be virgin territory, by finding out who are
the primary thrust of what we do in a particular case.
already out there, and what kind of work they are doing.
We are never alone in mission. God uses our other
Regardless of whether we eventually work closely
Christian brethren who have gone before us, or at the
with them or not, it is necessary to start a dialogue or
same time with us, or even those who arrive later than
conversation with them. If nothing concrete develops from
us, to synergise our efforts towards the building up of His
this process, we can at least say that we are friends and
宣 教,不孤单之路 are working under the same Lord in seeking to fulfil His calling upon us. Who knows how we may need one another in times of a crisis that may arise. The mission field out there
宣教单位常会很轻易就认定自己是禾场上唯一的服侍单位,即 使看到有其他机构和教会在同一个禾场活动,也认同宣教需要 群策群力,然而,最有说服力的还在把行动实践出来。 的确,有 时候我们的行为与我们所相信的有落差。
is big enough to have many of us working alongside each other. Even if we are not collaborating, we can nevertheless see to it that we do not work at cross purposes with
当然,每一个宣教团队应该都有自身所定的目标或策略。从宏 观的圣经角度来看,各个团队也是带着本身特有的恩赐投身禾 场,加强对整个禾场的影响力。
each other, or duplicate unnecessarily what each is doing. Then, of course there is the great opportunity to collaborate. Here, we can tap on one’s strength to shore up another’s weakness. We can maximise the best of our core
亚波罗算什么?保罗算什么?无非是执事,照主所赐给他们各 人的,引导你们相信。我栽种了,亚波罗浇灌了,唯有神叫他生 长。 可见栽种的算不得什么,浇灌的也算不得什么,只在那叫 他生长的神。 栽种的和浇灌的都是一样,但将来各人要照自己 的工夫得自己的赏赐。因为我们是与神同工的,你们是神所耕种 的田地,所建造的房屋。哥林多前书 3:5-9
gifts. Synergy is the result. The whole mission enterprise is the better for it. Bishop Dr Wee Boon Hup Bishop of The Methodist Church in Singapore
保罗并不把自己视为哥林多事工的先驱。亚波罗早在他之前已 到了哥林多。但是,让教会成长的,既不是亚波罗,也不是保罗, 而是上帝。保罗认识到事工必需相互配搭,自己的努力只是建立 上帝教会的一小部分。 在禾场稍不留意就会受到诱惑,想在禾场上争取成为先驱者, 或是启动某个策略的先锋部队。顺服或归功于他人确实需要 极大的谦卑。耶稣曾经面对自己的门徒出现类似的心态。圣经 记载门徒发现十二门徒以外有人能够奉耶稣的名赶鬼,就禁止 他。然而,耶稣说: “不要禁止他,因为没有人奉我名行异能,反 倒轻易毁谤我。 不敌挡我们的,就是帮助我们的。” 马可福 音 九:39-40
倘若你蒙恩得能力赶鬼医病(马可福音六:7-13),这时候,你大 半会认为自己以及团队是属于一个独一无二的宣教团队,更相 信只有自己和团队才可以肩负这类事工。然后,却很惊讶地发 觉到在团队以外的某些人,也具有这样的能力。对门徒来说,其 他人也具备类似的能力真是很荒谬。而且,也不晓得这些人是 否接受过任何培训, 或者是参与过主耶稣的事工,甚至他可能并不是信徒? 然而主耶稣却具有宽阔的宣教视野。圣经教导我们, “不敌挡我 们的,就是帮助我们的。”只要彼此的目标一致,他们就是能和 我们完成共同任务的同路人。 向某一族群传福音或者是复兴一个社会,不是靠某个特定基督 徒群体作出的努力,而是靠整体教会的努力。是靠每个肢体以各 自独特的恩赐, 参与教会的培育与成长事工,促进教会倍增。
我们知道在十八、十九世纪西方殖民主义盛行时也把福音带进 殖民地。殖民地的居民受到不平等,残酷的待遇,但他们同时也 是宣教士传福音的对象。上帝甚至让大秦景教教徒,在公元六 三五年把福音引进西安,尽管这些教徒相信主耶稣是人、神两个 分别的位格,而不是人神一体的位格。 近年有一些报导,某些还未接触福音的社群曾有过天使造访, 要他们作好准备迎接带来重要讯息(福音)的人。宣教士来到 时,他们已经预备好接受福音。 无论我们属于哪个宣教机构或教会,我们必须紧记这个禾场还 有其他伙伴。有鉴于此,有必要在禾场上采取多方位的策略,把 在禾场的其他伙伴一并考虑在内。在进入我们所心目中的福音 荒地前,不妨探索当地是否曾经有哪些人去过,做了什么事工。
耶稣在上述的处境中似乎也在晓谕我们要与有同样目标的任何 人、任何群体合作。在我看来,这甚至可以包括非基督教的组织 与机构, 特别是在社区发展和某些社会企业项目,和民间以及 世俗团体进行配搭,应该会比起和宗教团体来得容易。
不论我们最终是否会和这些禾场上的团队紧密合作,和他们进 行对话沟通还是有必要的。即使是双方没什么合作项目,至少 我们可以说我们是朋友,受同一位主的呼召来服侍。万一出现危 机,说不定还可以互相照应呢。禾场足可容纳多人并肩耕耘。即 便没有合作,还是可以做到彼此之间的工作不至于出现矛盾或 重复的状况。
多数的宗教团体,包括我们在内,在推动事工获活动时即使未 明确标榜所要达致的目标,但都有自己终极的目标 (若是社区 发展项目,可能是次要的目标), 这终极的目标就是引领众人 认识耶稣为救主。
当然互相同工的大好机会还是有的。大家可以彼此支援,相得 益彰,充分发挥自己所具备的最佳恩赐,让整个宣教事工获益。
我们在宣教禾场上并不孤单。上帝使用其在我们之前、同个时 段、或在我们之后进入禾场的肢体,与我们一同群策群力建立 起祂的教会 。其实也有时候,上帝甚至让非信徒、民间以及世俗 团体为我们开路,或与我们携手合作。
黄文合牧师(博士) 新加坡卫理公会会督