PRAYER SUPPORT HOW DOES ONE GET INVOLVED IN MISSIONS? ne way is to be a short-term or long-term missionary. Another way is to be a volunteer going to the various mission fields to embark on the work of spreading the Gospel. In the local churches, there are also many other ways that one can get involved in, such as fundraising, hospitality, keeping in touch through letters, administrative support, and so on.
Rev Dr Chong Chin Chung
新加坡卫理公会 会督 is the Bishop of The Methodist Church in Singapore. He likes reading and spending time in bookshops.
YOU CAN ALSO PRAY! When Paul was in prison, he wrote to the church in Philippi on how his heart was filled with thanksgiving to God whenever he remembered the brothers and sisters there who supported him in prayer from the very first day! Regardless of whether one is a pastor, a missionary or someone in any other position preaching the good news, knowing that there are prayer warriors praying for our work, whether they do it regularly or occasionally, is surely encouraging and inspiring. Not everyone gets called to be a pastor or a missionary. And not everyone can go to the mission field as they wish, or be in touch with missionaries. But everyone can lift the missionary closer to God through prayer and intercession. No matter where the missionary is stationed, whether in deep jungle or backward villages, or even if detained in prison, the prayers of Christians can cover them. Today, the places where our missionaries travel to are not any safer than during the times of the early church. Some missionaries and their families regularly face life-threatening situations, persecution, house arrests, expulsion, and deportation. Other than activating the relevant agencies or asserting political pressure for their rescue, prayer is the best way to provide direct support for missions. There are many needs in missions that we can help pray for. These include praying for opportunities to preach the gospel, contacts and networking, the establishment of various types of ministries, peaceful environments, persevering faith, capability to serve, grace and spiritual gifts, loyalty that defies the threat of death, or loss of family or health, and relief from hardship, etc. Can you think of more? Pray and let the Lord move you to a greater understanding of the labourers and their work to be done in the harvest field.