PRAYERconnect September 2016 to December 2016
A prayer letter of the Methodist Missions Society ď Ž Not for circulation ď Ž For Mission Partners and Volunteers only
Pray the Lord of the harvest to send out laborers into His harvest. Matthew 9:38 (NKJV)
dear prayer partners
the workers are few The harvest is plentiful but the workers are few. Ask the Lord of the harvest, therefore, to send out workers into his harvest field. (Matthew 9:37-38, NIV) Jesus said these words immediately after a period of intense ministry. He had healed a paralytic (9:2-8), called Matthew (9:9), answered queries about fasting (9:14-15), and restored life to a dead girl (9:25). Furthermore, He brought healing to a woman with bleeding for 12 years (9:20-21), gave sight to a blind person (9:27-31), and brought release and speech to a demon-possessed man (9:32-33). Indeed these events pointed to a reality – the needs are many. And the potential for a plentiful harvest was great. But the workers are few. If nothing is done, the harvest will go to waste; the crops may rot or be stolen away. Jesus responded to the lack of workers by telling the disciples to PRAY. There are two reasons for this instruction: Firstly, the whole missions endeavour is the work of God. He is the one who touches and moves people. And He is the one who is able to turn the hearts of people towards God. Secondly, when we pray, we begin to develop a burden for the lost. This burden sensitised us towards God’s call. Immediately after asking the disciples to pray for workers, Jesus sent out the 12 disciples on their first short-term mission trip. I am sure the disciples went on their trip with a better appreciation of God’s mission. As you thumb through this issue of PrayerConnect, I pray that we will become more and more sensitive to God’s mission. Rev Philip Lim Executive Director Methodist Missions Society
2. Pray for the discipleship of the children and youth in COSI, COSY and POSCOIIP, that they will be deeply rooted and obey God’s Word. Pray for the Missionaries and local staff for anointing and empowerment to minister to them. Pray for Doris and Carol Ong as they mentor the staff.
3. Pray for success for the church members who took the step of faith to start their livelihood projects (small businesses) under the support of BAMBOO. Pray for wisdom and good discipline, and that they will seek to glorify God. Pray that their church and community will be blessed by their good work. Pray for Sinat (Local Staff) and Li Diang (Missionary) as they follow up and minister to them. Pray for the upcoming Business as Missions Training on 8-11 November.
1. Pray for the students of Methodist School of Cambodia to be healthy and protected from harm. Pray that they will know Jesus’ love and encounter Him in a real personal way. Pray for wisdom for School Board and Missionaries to explore the extension of the school premise.
4. Thank God for the completion of the 8th Annual Mission Conference. Pray for the Pastors to find strength and encouragement. Pray that they will bring their community to the Lord, and make faithful disciples. Pray for their family to be full of joy, love and unity as they serve together. Pray for wisdom for the Missionaries as they support the training for the Cabinet and Executive Board of the Methodist Church in Cambodia. 5. Thank God for good construction progress of Glory Trinity MC. Thank God for good partnership with Trinity MC. Pray for the Kindergarten and enrichment classes taking place in the new premise early next year.
6. Pray for the Prayer & Spiritual Warfare Retreat on 25-27 October, that the Pastors and staff who attend will have a power encounter with God in prayer.
2. Pray for GCC community (An Hui Province) as they live in faith and grow in maturity and for the transformation of the lives of the younger generation. Pray for our MCS churches to participate in growing the ministry in GCC at TP.
1. Thank God for a successful Staff Retreat in KM at WG. A refreshing time with the Lord and with one another as well as the renewing of the purpose and zeal to fulfil His will. Pray that the opening of the Mission and Training Centre in KS will be an impetus to raise more workers.
3. Pray that are newly graduated couple from TX Seminary will settle in well in GCC and be able to initiate Bible Training for the younger leaders. 4. Pray that the work in ZJJ will grow under the leadership of CT and WT. Pray that the HS will continue to guide and empower the church leadership. 5. Pray that the teaching and ministering of the HS in Shanghai ICF will set the members free from bondages and to learn to trust the Lord Jesus Christ in everything they do. Pray that members will grow in maturity and be a blessing to the community.
2. Thank Him for providing a good contractor and for the steady progress of the extension building works despite the rainy season from June to November. 3. Pray for the smooth completion of this tenmonth project, scheduled for 30 November, and for His provision for the returfing, repainting, repairs and other accompanying work. 4. Pray for His guidance in the planning for the dedication and opening ceremonies of the new building, to be held in January or February 2017. 5. Thank the Lord for inspiring and leading His people who have come as volunteers to train our teachers and build up the school.
6. Uphold in prayer those seeking to serve through His work at SMS and INSPIRE, that He will be preparing them and providing the needed manpower and expertise.
7. Praise God for the partnership with MMS in the past and ongoing ministry in Laos. Pray for wisdom as we seek to enlarge His ministry together. 8. Pray for the SMS children in their faith, that they may continue to hear the word, ask questions about beliefs, and grow in His saving knowledge. 9. Pray for the new team in the Lao Government as they host a huge ASEAN summit in September while striving to improve the welfare of the nation.
1. Praise the Lord with us for the smooth completion of the summer term (4 July - 19 August) and for the staff and students we have for the start of our 7th school year on 29 August.
1. Pray for the 8th Annual Meeting in East Nepal hosted by Mahimit MC in October 2016. Pray that God will provide the direction and wisdom for our leaders as they plan for the new church year. Pray for Rev Gopal Khanal as he leads his team in preparation for the Annual Meeting. 2. Pray for the teams from our partner churches that are conducting medical camps between September and December 2016 in Kavre, Tanahun and Ilam districts.
3. Pray for Rev Sabashtain Lepcha as we embark on the rebuilding programme to provide safe homes for those who were affected and suffered losses to lives and properties during the Nepal earthquake in 2015.
4. Pray for the team that is reviewing our training programme and curriculum that is targeted to be completed by end 2016. Pray for God’s wisdom and perseverance as the team prepares the new curriculum. 5. Pray that God will send forth His servants to fulltime ministry in Nepal. Pray for God’s covering and provision for our Missionary family – GS, Jacqueline and their three sons.
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Payakaphumpisai MC - Ps Pitti and Mildred Pray for physical, mental, and spiritual refreshment for Mildred and her son during her sabbatical (Sep to Nov). During her absence, Mook and his wife, Juk, will stand in to take care of the Children’s and Youth Ministry. Pray for wisdom as they consider starting a Nursery in the church. Nongbualumphu MC - Ps Winai and Roong Pray for God’s favour & blessings as they work to win the hearts of the youth. Pray discipline and obedient youth to serve God in church or home. Thank God for a successful & fruitful combined Isaan Family Church Camp at Khon Kean in Aug. May the campers share Christ’s love in their villages.
Kham Ta Kla PP - Rev Attaphon Pray that the people to open their hearts to the Gospel and accept Jesus into their hearts. May the pre-believing parents be willing to send their children to church service & activities. Pray for backslidden Christians to return to God. Sub-Chareon PP - Ps Pila Pray for the 74-year-old pastor and his family to have good health, strength, wisdom to serve the Lord well. Pray for a good minister to come alongside him. Klong 8 Church - Ps Saranya aka “Kuk” Pray for Klong 8 Church in Bangkok, Ps John Lim and Ps Kuk. May God bless their evangelistic efforts. Phrao Ministries Pray for Daniel Loo and Sharon’s school and church ministries. May God grant them wisdom and good time management at the school – while mentoring the new assistant pastor of Little Candle Light Church.
Rangsit MC – Rev Prasert Pornkiratikul Pray for wisdom to keep separate books for the crematorium business & church operations. Pray for a good manager for the crematorium.
2. Pray for God’s timing and wisdom over David Chan and his family as they oversee the development of the Methodist school, and liaise with government authorities and various other stakeholders. Pray that the school will fulfil its destiny in Timor-Leste.
1. Pray for Joseph and Grace Mannar as they manage Sundermeier Home, the hostel for high school students in Gleno. May they disciple & equip the youth to become Christ-loving disciples. May the hostelites experience breakthroughs in their lives and family relationships.
3. Pray as Rudy explores areas of social & community development businesses and enterprises, especially in Dili where there are many poor, homeless, disabled or mentally ill people, and in Ermera where the people suffer from unreliable electricity, and lack of clean water, basic sanitation, and health advice. Pray for focus to work on the things that will create the most impact. Pray for open doors, men of peace to make things possible, and passionate & faithful partners with the same vision.
4. Pray for all Missionaries to comprehend the cultural nuances and intricacies of the language so that they can speak life and transformation into the hearts of individuals, communities and the nation as a whole.
2. Pray for God’s wisdom as we search for a new MMS NGO project for the betterment of the society. 3. Pray for an increase in foreigners to join us and be our regular worshippers in the International Christian Fellowship (ICF). May they be committed to discipleship and God’s work through ICF.
1. Pray for God’s favour to be with Rev Leslie Lim as he renews his preaching licence and visa.
5. Thank God for helping Ps Leslie and his family to adjust and settle well.
4. Pray for God’s provision of a staff to help us in the administrative work in ICF.
6. Thank God for a good number of people are attending International Christian Fellowship (ICF).
7. Thank God for a good network of partners in social holiness and social concerns.
my journey ~ by TM, a member of International Christian Fellowship (ICF-HCMC)
When I first knew about Christianity and ICF, I was still very far away from the Lord. But God closed the gap. I met an accident few weeks later. My scooter was totally damaged and my left ear was bleeding. Though conscious, I could not talk or move my hand. On the way to the hospital, I started praying to God to save me. I never felt so weak, terrified and so much in need to be saved. God answered my prayer - more than anything. I had a CT scan for my head, and it turned out that my left ear bled because of a cut inside and not due to any head injury. It was unbelievable. Looking at my scooter and myself at that time, I was too close to death. It was not by pure luck that I was fine. Surely it was God who had saved me. God is awesome. Since then, I longed to be baptised and be committed to my relationship with God. Thank God for the baptism class where I learnt more about God and baptism. Baptism is the most important decision I have made; it was a life-changing experience. I first knew God, I did not expect to love and be loved this much. Yet what God did to me has opened my heart. At my weakest moment, He embraced me in His arms and saved me. With God, nothing is impossible. There would not be anything that is greater than His plan for me. I can now shout out loud that I am God’s child and let everyone know that I am so happy to celebrate the relationship between my Father and me. I used to face life challenge with depression and disappointment. My new life with Christ has created a new me; I face challenge with a peaceful heart lifted by the Holy Spirit. In this long journey, I pray not for an easy path, but to have strength given by my Father to stand firm and enhance this relationship with Him.
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