Credit: Craig Thomson
MINI HOUSING: THE SIZE OF A PARKING SPOT LA CAMBRE ARCHITECTURE BA1 This projets was inspired by the graphic novel ‘Blankets’, a biography that Craig Thomson wrote on his coming-‐of-‐age. During his teenage years, during a chrisBan/bible camp, Craig meets a girl called Raina. The two soon become inseperable, yet, once their stay is over, have to mantain a relaBonship through leEers and phonecalls. Raina is obliged to stay home, due to a difficult family situaBon, feeling extremely responsible for her adopted brother and sister, her biological sister and the newly born of her sister. Although their connecBon is strong, it turns out to be impossible to mantain a connecBon and Raina finally decides to end the relaBonship. 2
From a romanBc point of view I wondered if they could have stayed together if they would have had the chance to live together, . I proposed an innovaBng, alternaBve, intelligent and sustainable pre-‐ fabricated housing unit, small enough to fit a parking spot, compact and light enough to be transported by a regular car, flexible enough to fit the exciBng, constantly changing lives of two young people. The construcBon consist of a modulated structure, allowing mulBple configuraBons and personal modificaBons, in order to easily adapt to different living situaBons and environments.
Dans une optique romantique, je me suis demandé si leur relation aurait pu se développer différemment si les deux aurait
The producBon is prefabricated, minimizing Bme and waste, and starts a metal structure, giving users the possibility trouvéfrom un habitation à eux, qui leur the aurait permis d'être à to proximité ou loin de leurs familles, à proximité de la nature ou to a choose for differents finiBons. The whole house can be aEached en milieu urbain.
regular car, or brought on site in a compact pack. Je voulais leur proposer un logement alternative innovante, intelligente et durable, en profitant des avantages de la technologie de la construction hors site , sans déchets et sans gâchis.