Raphael Villiermet 2012 CV Book Portfolio

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WORKS RaphaĂŤl Villiermet


RAPHAEL VILLIERMET Graduate Architect of State

D.O.B. : 04/09/1988 French Nationality r.villiermet@hotmail.fr +33 (0)6 26 92 34 71

Personal Profile A young architect who has just graduated from the National School of Architecture of Versailles, which is an innovative and renowned school, the best according to ministry of culture’s ranking. A cutting edge designer combining creativity and coherence throughout his projects. An industrious and autonomous worker willing to comprehend the whole complexity of context and programs in order to provide appropriate solutions. An adaptable and fast learner, fluent in French, English and Spanish, who has assimilated a wide spectrum of methods and experiences from Latin America and France.

Professional Experience 2011-2012 6 months Paris

Bruther Architectes (http://www.bruther.biz/) A young architecture office set by two former project managers from Jacques Ferrier’s studio. The firm is known for its efficient and rational design, focusing on improving living quality through materials and light. Assistant Project Designer & Model Maker - Internship Designing of a school of osteopathy and a council housing program in Nantes (France), a social centre and a student restaurant in Paris and a secondary school in Lille (France). - Study and final models - 3D models and perspectives, - Drawing assistant (Phases A to D equivalent : «ESQ», «APS-APD», «permis de construire») - Study and detailed design of an original furniture line

2011 4 months Boulogne

Baillon-Henrion Architectes (http://www.baillon-henrion.fr/) A small studio specialized in educational buildings and offices, with a pragmatic point of view on the projects’ political, financial and social context. Project Designer - Part Time Competition to rehabilitate a secondary school in suburban Paris. - Feasibility analysis - Concept and designing - 3d models, final perspectives

2009 1 month Lyon

Perraudin Architectes (http://www.perraudinarchitectes.com/) Successful award winning company, focused on simple and environmentally friendly designs while reducing costs and carbon footprint. The studio is known for its use of local stones and traditional techniques. Assistant Designer - Internship Involved in various tasks including the designing of furniture, the rendering of study images and worksites visits.

2008 3 months Paris

Bruno Legrand Architecture (www.bla.fr) A small architecture office run by a senior architect, specialized in housing, luxury hotels and wineries. The firm works in association with Argentinean studios. Assistant Project Designer - Internship Project of a winery and hotel resort near Mendoza, Argentina -Master plan of the vineyard -Hotel rooms design -Drawing assistant (Phases C and G equivalent : «ESQ», «DCE»)

Education 2007-2012 France

Master Degree in Architecture ENSAV - Ecole Nationale Supérieure D’architecture de Versailles

2010-2011 Argentina

Master’s year abroad FADU - Facultad de Arquitectura, Diseño, y Urbanismo, Buenos Aires

2009 6 months Versailles - Lyon

ENSAV – VICAT (http://www.vicat.fr/) A six months academic and professional research project focused on the use of concrete. It included a construction project in association with VICAT, using BEFUP (Ultra High Performance Concrete).

2000-2006 France

French Baccalaureate with Honours, Major : Sciences IBO-CA2(International Baccalaureate Organisation Certificate in English) First Certificate of English - University of Cambridge Esol (Grade B) EABJM International School - Ecole Active Bilingue Jeannine Manuel, Paris

Computing Skills 2D Autocad Archicad Vector Works Photoshop InDesign Illustrator Flash

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3D Sketchup Autocad 3Ds MAX Rendering Artlantis V ray 3Ds Max

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Presentation Microsoft Office + + + + + -

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Special Interests Music

Saxophone French Classical Conservatoire and Jazz Conservatoire. Private music teacher. The Red Pill Electro-jazz music band, recording and production done in a home studio. Supertromp University brass band, Co-founder, President, composer and rehearsal chief.

Design, DIY

Furniture design, using second hand objects, or cheap materials, prefering simple processes Small size architecture (polycarbonate and wooden structure pavilion)


Basket-Ball, Rugby Ski and snowboard

Web design

www.bloggymary.fr www.baillon-henrion.fr

Travels 2012 2011 2010 2009

UK, London Italy, Rome - Venezuela, Caracas - Colombia, Cartagena, Santa Marta, Bogota - Ecuador, Quito, Cotopaxi Peru, Lima, Machu Pichu, Cuzco, Puno - Bolivia, Titicaca lake, Copacabana, La Paz Uruguay, Montevideo, Cabo Polonio, Colonia - Brasil, Iguazu, Sao Paulo, Rio de Janeiro Argentina, Salta, Tucuman, Abra Pampa, Jujuy, Cafayate, Buenos Aires, La Plata Hungary, Budapest - Germany, Berlin - Czech Republic, Prague - Italy, Rome - USA, Los Angeles, San Francisco, Las Vegas

Languages : French (mother tongue), English (spoken and written, fluent), Spanish (spoken and written, fluent) References available upon demand.

Metropolis Stadium Orly

Master Degree - Final Project Professor: F. Chochon

ENSAV, Versailles Orly, France Paris

Furthermore, Orly has a strategic location regarding July 2012 the “Grand Paris� program being at the outskirts of the upcoming suburban zone materialized by a new 80 000-seat Stadium, Sports & entertainment transportations belt (trains and metro in a concentric complex and radial organization). This belt will link the major suburban cities together along with Paris airports and This project find its origin in a real request from the train stations. French Rugby Association (FFR): the development of a coherent project (site, needs and functioning) with a My project consists in developing a site shaped and strong and symbolic concern to achieve a place devoted streamlined as an island, with a totally introverted to sports and to promote rugby in the North of France. 80 000-seat entertainment complex. I selected the site from the FFR shortlist and chose the city of Orly which best met all the requirements: local, regional and international connecting facilities. Orly is a nodal point in the Paris urban district which concentrates all types of transportation: train (freight & passengers, national and regional lines), automobile (major motorways cross the site) and plane (Orly Airport is within a stone throw).

The site, a sterile industrial zone, isolated and hyper connected, matches with the paradox of the project: hypo-insularity. So far, it appears that the challenge is to create a built-in structure, similar to a city in terms of dimensions and functioning. Its conception, development and scale is the result of an analysis of the people in and out flows in a short period of time.

train station 1 plateform = 1200 pers/min = 1 train/90sec 2 for regional trains 1 for subways

1 bridge = 7200 pers/15min


The entertainment resort is entirely pedestrian with underneath different layers: a six-platform train station above which is a circular 3 lane-motorway with intersections to get into a two-level car park housing 4500 parking places. The project is based on the analysis of successive bottlenecks considering the chronological order in which visitors and workers enter the stadium. This methodology gives an approximate scale of the project: the ring dimension is given by the size of the car park and the number and width of the footbridges by the number of pedestrians (80 000) having to get out in less than 15 min. In addition to this, we understand that no other places could host this stadium without massive investments in transportation facilities. These key elements are spatially organized in two directions: first from underground zones (train station and indoor motorway) to higher levels (tribunes), and secondly from exterior (outside the public piazza) to central point (sports field).

Programmatic mix

The whole project intends to create a dynamic stadium able to attract all types of audiences: sports, of course but also entertainments, offices, hotels, shops and sport facilities, maintaining its activity at the level of major centres in Paris metropolis area. In order to create this unity of the stadium and the whole complex, the public piazza is continuous from the ring to the inner stadium, but also, all the minor functions of the stadium (police, logistic, media hosting, reception, administration) are located in the ring, giving the image of a boneless stadium.

MAXI PLAN R+3 500E.indd




College 700

BAILLON-HENRION, architectes, Boulogne-Billancourt Part time

Assistant project designer Chatillon Competition, rehabilitation

March 2011

700-student secondary school+gymnasium The competition site is the Paul Eluard Secondary School built in the suburban city of Paris, Chatillo. It consists in rehabilitating the school’s main wing on one side and to create a new gymnasium on the other. The analysis first revealed the lack of anticipation from the city to organize the construction while

phase 1 : Build the future main wing 18 months Build the future dwellings

students had to stay at school during the threeyear worksite. In addition, the building itself had no patrimonial qualities regarding history or conception. It is a 1960’s three-storey longitudinal building, with wide and old windows, narrow corridors and stairways built in concrete and deprived of isolation. Also the implemented costs were high; it didn’t allow reaching high environmental goals. For these reasons, we took an opposite view regarding the wing in building a whole new one along the street, keeping the old one at the bottom of the site. This gave the advantage not to disturb the school life during works and guaranteed a safe worksite for children and workers. Relocate pupils and staff over one summer became possible. The new building could

phase 2 : Move all school life during one summer 2 months Destroy the old main wing Create the new access from the street


reach much more easily higher energetic and environmental goals. We only had to dismantle the old building where we had planned to build the gymnasium. The costs of this proposal were analysed by a consulting firm and validated. Even though we knew our project did not match with the title of the conpetition it seemed to be our duty to give this analysis and proposal. The results of the competition are not yet given, it appears that there will be no laureate, and the city will launch a new competition soon. -Analysis and concept -CAD drawings -3D models, rendering, (Models done by an external studio)

phase 3 : Build the future gymnasium 12 months

Plan of the dwellings, typical floor

Plan of the ground floor


«Spa tower in rome», in front of the coliseum Original board handed in


Team: B.Chantelou, F. Leite, P.H. Monfort

Spa in Rome

18° 28° antique ruin


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18° 28° 38°

public area

private spa area

it a difficult and melancholy business, confess, separating the old Rome from the new. » Richard Wendorf quotes Goethe in Piranesi’s Double Ruin

eal with the antique Rome heritage, thinking about the best way to create a good collaboration between the new and the old, we settle a new ritage strategy: Prefer merging to side by side collage.

antage of the architectural qualities of the coliseum, giving back its part in the city life, bringing it some new uses, giving a new life to the old paces. This interpretation implies adding, at the same time, a private initiative and public spaces for Romans, and retaining ruins as an open urm. giving an inner point of view of Rome instead of a global landscape from above, merging the spa in the coliseum. We create windows towards arena but also to the surroundings monuments, guests become actors of this mythic place.

Arcade college

Bruther Architectes, Paris Master internship Lille Competition

November 2011

900-student secondary school+gymnasium Designed for a disadvantaged zone in the suburbs of Lille, the project had two parts: a boarding school and a city building hosting a gymnasium and a small concert hall. The foothold reconciles the construction of a set of three triangular buildings around a courtyard in keeping each one’s autonomy. The estate is unified by the facade’s material and pattern: glazed bricks and arcade pattern. Bricks are commonly used in the north and suggest the building is part of the city and integrates public functions. But its glazed blue bricks add a modern and new touch in the morose landscape, introducing new social actions and community equipment.

Furthermore, the arcades give pedestrians an insight into the ensemble. The sight is filtered and centred thanks to the arcades and the glass separations. Even though the outsiders can partly see inside and the public ground is continuous, the access is controlled at the arcades. Perspectives done by an external studio -Models and Photos -CAD drawings


Buenos Aires


Museo de Arquitectura Work in solo

Buenos Aires Competition

September 2010

Extension of a small arquitecture museum

The competition was held for architects and FADU’s students, its aim was to give ideas for a hypothetical extension of a small museum in the centre of the city. The original museum is set up in a vertical building which was originally a railway observation post apart from the urban space. The proposal intends to occupy the ground and make a connection to the street. It makes a minimal link with the ancient building. The formal aspect of the building is a belt slightly unbalanced with the existent geometry. This belt offers a partial transparency to let see the building from the street. It wears a light formal shape, unstuck from the ground using stilts. The result is open longitudinal space, creating a tension between old and new.

MNBA El Tigre, Buenos Aires

Museo Nacional de Bellas Artes

Professor : Roca FADU, Buenos Aires

El Tigre, Argentina

December 2010

3 000 m² exposition museum The project is a 3000m² museum for fine arts of Argentina’s collection. It’s located at the estuary of the river La Plata, the land is a marshy ground cut by river arms. The whole city of El Tigre is made of hundreds of islands. The museum is on one of the major island and benefits a road connection. The main transportation medium is boat. The museum develops between these two sides, offering equivalent qualities for both accesses(river and road). The visitors ‘course is a spiral way going progressively up to the rooftop, where it is possible to enjoy the sight of the delta. The path is organized around a two patios and a high library hall. This gives sights to the inside and creates the introverted atmosphere needed in a museum.

Museo Alicia Penalba

Professor : Gringberg FADU, Buenos Aires Buenos Aires, Argentina 6 500 m² exposition museum

Buenos Aires


July 2010

The museum is dedicated to Alicia Penalba’s works, and a third of the exposition surface to temporary exhibitions. The site is in Buenos Aires itself, in a very dense part of the city. The space available is tiny, and in a L form. The building, massive and tall has to deal with the surrounding. The theme of party walls was important in the site. For this reason, the main entrance of the museum is made in an opening fault, which is even more dramatic at night with the light of the museum coming from inside. The fact that a museum, which should be a free and wide space, has to be constrained by its neighbors gave the way to the shape of the building. It gets out of the block with a torsion move as if it was forced. To reinforce the aspect of a naturally constrained rock, the skin is meant to be as homogenous and opaque as possible, it is made of perforated corten steel. Finally the inside visitors path is thought as a series of very different rooms in scale, made exclusively for the sculptures of Alicia Penalba.

Unduline house


Clearing pavilion Coupigny

Friends ‘project

Economic construction 6 days, 7 workers, 650€, cheap and re-used materials

The idea of this pavilion was to try to build something with a group of friends. The site is at the countryside, one hour driving from Paris. The pavilion is watertight September 2009 and isolated. Foundations are made of recuperated concrete blocks. Structure is made of cheap pine wood. All windows are recuperated, or made up with wood and glass. Isolation is made of rock wool. Exterior facing and water tightening are done with undulated transparent polycarbonate and a simple plastic film at the bottom under the floor. Interior’s facing is done with OSB.

Vaulted concrete


History & experimentation

A six months history analysis exercise in third year of license led to think about relations and evolution of structures through XIX, XX and XXI centuries. The Work with group of students group was formed of 15 students. We first worked June 2009 on building references (Bourse of Paris, Pantheon of Licence Versailles, France Paris) and technical history (traditional apparatus and assembling). From all those examples, the principle of Creation of an historically inspirated structure vault structures made of wooden small pieces (“Structure Experimentation of a new material de voûte à petits bois”, Viollet-Le-Duc) seemed very interesting and barely forgotten today. The reason is that concrete does not permit to use such thin pieces and is made to be a “one piece structure”, but today’s evolution led us to think that it’s now possible with Ultra High Performance Concretes. These are new types of concrete composed of very thin concrete, very little sand and aluminum fibers. This technology is used for exceptional infrastructures.

Personal Work

The idea of this table came from the fact that dozens of test concrete slats were thrown away (from the project above). In regards of their financial and design and construction of furniture ecological cost, it seemed to be a waste to not re-use Coffee Table (80x60x40cm) them. Furthermore, the aesthetic qualities of this Frejus, France August 2011 half industrial objects and its brutal material make it Recycling used materials and giving new life to beautiful. The wood comes from an old dismantled house gate. All materials were cleaned and prepared garbage objects to be worked as it stands. The assembling is inspirited from traditional wood works

Our project wasinspired by our historical analysis and knowledge of traditional know-how. We reproduced a vault structure with small pieces, but adapted to concrete and integrating the use of 3D computing. The project got sponsored by an important French concrete firm (VICAT) which financed the whole material for trials and final work. We made all the pieces ourselves, in a big construction lab, where we made the formworks and poured the concrete. The structure was assembled in Versailles Architecture School, then dismantled and assembled for a professional concrete show in Marseilles on Vicat’s stand.



1 Square galvanized steel profile (20x2x700mm) 2 Galvanized steel frame (600x1000mm), L angle iron (20x20mm) 3 Medium wood board (16x590x990mm) 4 Lacquered sheet metal 5 Steel mounting angle (3x45x130mm) 6 Adjustable foot: turn of the screw, stalk thread 50mm, nut, plastic square foot 7 Plastic square foot 8 Nut 9 Stalk thread 50mm 10 Turn of the screw in iron foot

Bruther Architectes, Paris Master internship Paris Furniture collection

December 2011


The aim of this work was to produce a furniture set designed by the studio. The design focused on simple materials and fabrication processes to guarantee low prices and fast fabrication. The drawings presented are the schedules of the prototypes handed to the craftsman in charge of the production. Each object has a little booklet to explain how it is made. In the end, it is an attempt to create modern furniture, designed and produced by small firms on demand, and at low prices.

Divan 1 Galvanized steel frame (2400x800mm), L angle iron (30x30mm) 2 Galvanized steel frame (660x400mm), Square section (20x20mm) 3 Galvanized steel frame (895x400mm), Square section (20x20mm) 4 T angle iron (30x18x794mm) 5 T angle iron (30x30x794mm) 6 Foot - U galvanized steel frame (290x800mm), Square section (20x20mm) 7 Iron angle (127mm) 8 Bed slat (ikea SULTAN) 9 Bed matress (ikea SULTAN) 10 Wooden board (27x395x790mm) 11 Mirror board (10x170x395mm)

RaphaÍl Villiermet, architect 30 rue Barbès, 92120 Montrouge France

r.villiermet@hotmail.fr +33 (0)6 26 92 34 71 +33 (0)1 46 48 39 05

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