Student Organization Handbook 2017-2018

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Table of contents

Explore. Have fun. Discover. Give Back. Initiate. Create. Inspire. Focus. 1 About Student Activities 2 Student Activities Staff 3 Message from the Director of Student Activities 4 Recognized Student Organizations 5 LUConnect 8 Student Organization Registration 9 Creating a new Student Organization 10 Privileges of being a Registered Student Organization 11 Responsibilities of Registered Student Organizations 12 General Policies: Membership Requirements (12) Constitution Requirements (13) Statement on Hazing (14) Posting Policy (15) Social Media Policy (16) Travel Policy (18) Copyright Policy (20) 21 Event Planning 9-Week Event Planning Timeline (21) Room Reservations (22) Funding Opportunities (23) Allocating through USG (24) Fundraising (25) Applying for a CAB Grant (26) Contracts and Waivers (27) University Services (28) Alcohol at Events (29) 30 Role of Faculty/Staff & OSA Advisors X

About the OSA

Student Activities office mission: The Student Activities office provides resources and support for undergraduate students through meaningful and diverse opportunities that foster individual and community success from their transition into, through, and beyond Lesley University. Student Activities: • Is a part of Student Life and Academic Development (SLAD) • Exists to provide Lesley undergraduate students co-curricular involvement • Helps students to develop skills in leadership, decision-making, communication, multicultural understanding, self-awareness, and community responsibility • Believes that participating in co-curricular life on campus will allow you to grow and get more out of your college experience, which ultimately contributes to both campus life and the surrounding community Services Student Activities provides: • • • •

Coordination of the Student Activities and Service Fair each semester Leadership opportunities for students, including the Emerging Leaders Program Registration and advising of student organizations Support and advising for the Undergraduate Student Government (USG), Campus Activities Board (CAB), and CommonLynx • Workshops for organizations, their leadership, and their advisors • Annual Leadership Banquet, honoring the work of student-leaders and the student organizations they run


MEET THE OSA STAFF Location: Doble Campus, McKenna Student Center, 1st Floor Hours: Monday - Friday, 9:00 a.m. - 6:00 p.m.

Felecia Bumpus

Si Harris-Adam

Assistant Dean & Director Pronouns: My name

Assistant Director Pronouns: He/Him

Katy Hamm Coordinator Pronouns: They/Them


message from the OSA

Lesley Undergraduate Students: Thanks for thinking about getting involved at Lesley. Involvement in student activities will prepare you for personal and professional success beyond graduation. Find something that you are passionate about, take a trip off campus, go to an event that seems interesting to you, start a new club, or perform at an open mic night. Co-curricular involvement is a huge piece of your experience here in Cambridge. Involvement provides you with the opportunity to apply what you are learning inside the classroom to your life outside of class. We want you to find involvement opportunities where you can exercise your passion and strengths with other students that share a common interest. The Office of Student Activities is confident that there is a place for you to get involved in here at Lesley, and we are here to help you make those critical connections. Sincerely, Student Activities Staff Lesley University


Recognized organizations

Student Body & Governance


Arts & Expression

Admissions Ambassadors (LUAA) Campus Activities Board (CAB) Commuter Club Orientation Leaders Overnight Hosts Undergraduate Student Government (USG)

Big Sister Chapter Lesley Delivers Strides

Critique Club Dance Team Focal Point Harmogeddon Jam Band Ladies First Lolsley Improv Performing Arts Club Swingin’ Lynx

Academic Critique Club Lesley Art Therapy Association Lesley Public Post Sigma Tau Delta Athletic & Recreation Cheerleading Team Dance Team Student Athlete Advisory Council Faith-based Christian Fellowship Hillel

Social Awareness Active Minds Actively Moving Forward Circle of Friends CommonLYNX Environmental Club Multicultural Student Association QLEAR: Queer Lesley Eucation & Resources Strides Shared Interest Anime Club Comic Conglomorate Community Garden Club Disney Club Fibers Circle Pokémon Club Strategic Games Club



What is LUConnect? LUConnent is your one-stop-shop to getting involved on campus. It has everything you need to discover and join student organizations, connect with other students in leadership positions, and keep up with ongoing events on campus. Student organizations can find event planning forms, request funding for programs, graphic design requests, as well as applications for various leadership opportunities on the site. Keeping up with LUConnect means you won’t miss a thing from Student Activities or all the programs and organizations housed underneath it. Make sure to add LUConnect to your bookmarks! How do I log in? The username and password for LUConnect are the same as your Lesley email. If you have any troubles accessing LUConnect, please contact the Office of Student Activities. Visit LUConnect at



What’s on it? All events hosted by Student Activities, student organizations, or student life offices. Information on each registered organization, including: their constitution, events, meeting times, members and more. Many forms are available on LUConnect for your student organization: Funding Request Reimbursement Request Petty Cash Request CAB Grant Application Program Review Graphic Design Request A personal co-curricular transcript can also be created, creating a tangible way to show future employers your co-curricular experience.


LUConnect View updated list of student organizations

Interact with organizations you’re in

Check out upcoming events


Find and fill out forms for events

Registering a student org

Existing Student Organizations At the beginning of each academic year, all existing student organizations will go through a re-registration process. Re-registration will take place on LUConnect. The process for re-registration includes: • Meeting with your faculty/staff advisor • Attendance at the All Club President’s meeting run by Student Activities • Submitting a student organization registration form • Establishing goals and possible programs for the academic year • Submitting an updated copy of the organization’s constitution • Complete Anti-Hazing Form • Submit membership list All organizations eligible for re-registration will be able to participate in the Student Activities Fair.


Creating a new student org

New Student Organizations Students that are interested in starting a new student organization should schedule an appointment with the Student Activities office. Establishment Period • Meet with student org representatives of the Undergraduate Student Government • Eligible to plan & host events under the advisement of an Student Activities advisor • This period typically lasts 1 semester, though the duration is set by Student Activities Recognition • Once the establishment period has ended, new organizations may be invited to become recognized • Once recognized, student orgs are eligible to apply for funding through the Undergraduate Student Government Allocations Committee Registration • Once recognized, student orgs must register or re-register each year to be considered an active organization that may recieve funds from Undergraduate Student Government • Registration takes place on LUConnect at the beginning of each academic year


registered org privileges

All registered student organizations receive: • • • • • • • •

An organization page on LUConnect The right to schedule & utilize facilities Use of the university name as part of the organization’s name Eligibility for funding through USG Allocations Committee The right to post approved fliers and advertisements through Student Activities An organization email account Ability to conduct fundraising activities on campus Access to cash boxes, ticket sales, poster making, computers and other resources available through Student Activities • Up to 45 copies of a poster for promotion of an event • Access to the use of yniversity vans in accordance with travel policy



All registered student organizations are responsible for: • Knowing, understanding and adhering to policies and procedures laid out in the Lesley University student handbook, and Student Organization Handbook whether you are on or off-campus; organizations alleged to be in violation of university policy will be referred to the Assistant Dean and Director of Student Activities, and may be subject to a hearing through the university judicial system • Registering on LUConnect with at the beginning of each academic year • Working with their faculty advisor and Student Activities staff • Actively recruiting to maintain the longevity of the organization • Assuring all events are consistent with the mission of the Student Activities office, and Lesley University • Maintaining open membership to all full-time undergraduate students • Not discriminating on the basis of race, ethnicity, national origin, gender identity or expression, sexual orientation, age, ability, class, marital status, family status, military or veteran status, citizenship status, or any other protected identity per the Discrimination and Harassment Policy of the University • Using LUConnect to actively monitor the use of any allocated funding • Updating the Undergraduate Student Government of any changes to organization structure or constitutional amendments


Membership requirements Membership Requirements All registered student organizations must be open to all Lesley University students. Organizations can not discriminate on the basis of race, ethnicity, national origin, gender identity or expression, sexual orientation, age, ability, class, marital status, family status, military or veteran status, citizenship status, or any other protected identity per the Discrimination and Harassment Policy of the University. All members must be Lesley undergraduate students (CLAS, LUCAD, LCAL). All members of registered organizations on campus must be in good standing with the university, meaning they meet the requirements for Satisfactory Academic Progress as well as Good Judicial Standing. All executive board members must maintain a minimum 2.0 grade point average. Student-leaders not in good academic or judicial standing will be affected in the following ways: • Upon recommendation of the Dean of Students, any student may be removed from a student organization at any time • Executive board members who do not meet the GPA requirement or are not in good judicial standing will be considered in probationary status for that semester • Students in a probationary status are not able to stand as candidates for an open position The Assistant Dean and Director of Student Activities reserves the right to impose stricter sanctions at any time, depending on the severity of the incident. Any organization violation of the university Code of Conduct will be handled through existing disciplinary procedures.


Constitution requirements

Constitution Requirements All registered student organizations are required to have a constitution. The constitution should include the organization name, mission, requirements for membership, officers, officer duties, officer selection processes, amendment process, and general operating principles of the organization. When writing a constitution, remember to think about both the organizations short term priorities, and long term goals. Sample constitutions are available on LUConnect.


Statement on hazing

Hazing is a crime under Massachusetts law. All organizations must sign the Anti-Hazing Form in order to be eligible to receive Registered Organization status by the Student Activities office. The Lesley University Handbook states: Hazing means any conduct or method of initiation into any student organization, whether on public or private property, which willfully or recklessly endangers the physical or mental health of any student or other person. Such conduct shall include: whipping; beating; branding; forced calisthenics; exposure to the weather; forced consumption of any food, liquor, beverage, drug or other substance; or any other brutal treatment or forced activity which is likely to adversely affect the physical health or safety of any such student or other person, or which subjects such student or other person to extreme mental stress, including extended deprivation of sleep or extended isolation. Consent to participation in such initiations does not justify hazing and is not a legal defense. Whoever knows that another person is the victim of hazing, and is at the scene of such hazing shall, to the extent that such person can do so without danger or peril to herself or others, report such crime to an appropriate law enforcement official as soon as reasonably practical. If any organization or individual is found to have engage in hazing, the relationship between the university and the organization or individual may be severed. Any organization violation the university Code of Conduct will be handled through existing disciplinary procedures.


POsting policy

Where can I hang my group’s posters? All posters, fliers, banners, and print media must be approved by Student Activities. • The name of the sponsoring organization or department must appear clearly • Materials may only be posted in approved spaces • Blue painters-tape is the ONLY approved tape that may be used on university walls, and can be found at the Information Desk Available posting areas: • 10 posters may be brought to the Student Center Information Desk, where they will be hung in the Student Center, Doble Hall, White Hall, Fitness Center, and Stebbins Hall • 30 posters may be brought to Residence Life for CAs to hang in halls • 3 posters may be brought to the Lunder Arts Center desk • Additional posters may be hung in University Hall • Electronic Postings a. Must adhere to the university’s posting policy (LUConnect, Email, Facebook, Twitter, etc) b. If you’d like your event advertised on the digital display screens in the Student Center and Fitness Center, please contact the Coordinator of Student Activities, Katy Hamm at with your horizontal 11 X 17 poster.


Social media We want a Facebook/Twitter/Instagram account... can we do that? This policy only applies to social media accounts created to represent registered student organizations and does not apply to private individual accounts. Facebook All Facebook groups representing a student organization must have an advisor as an administrator at all times. However, it is the responsibility of the organization’s executive board to monitor and manage the content of their groups. Twitter/Instagram All Twitter accounts representing a student organization must have the Student Activities office (@lesleyosa) as a follower at all times, and the student organization’s advisor must be given access information to access the account. However, it is the executive board’s responsibility to monitor and manage the content of their tweets and their accounts. Consequences Any student organization found in violation with the OSA Social Media Policy must meet with their OSA Advisor to discuss the infraction, and work to correct the mistake. Depending on the severity of the infraction, student organizations may be subject to either a probationary period, or elimination the organization.


Social media Content Use good judgment about content and respect privacy laws. Do not include confidential information about the university, faculty, staff, or students. You may not post any content that is threatening, obscene, a violation of intellectual property rights or privacy laws, or otherwise injurious or illegal. Representation of your personal opinions as being endorsed by the University or any of its organizations is strictly prohibited. You may not use the organization’s name to promote any opinion, product, cause, or political candidate. By posting content to any social media site, you agree that you own or otherwise control all of the rights to that content, that your use of the content is protected fair use, that you will not knowingly provide misleading or false information, and that you hold the university harmless for any claims resulting from the content. The Student Activities office has the right to remove any content for any reason, including but not limited to, content that it deems threatening, obscene, a violation of intellectual property rights or privacy laws, or otherwise injurious or illegal. Please refer to the Lesley University Acceptable Use Policy. When using or posting online material that includes direct or paraphrased quotes, thoughts, ideas, photos, or videos, always include citations. Provide a link to the original material if applicable. Refrain from using information and conducting activities that may violate local, state, or federal laws, and regulations.


Travel policy

We want to take a trip! What do we do? All organizations traveling using University funding must adhere to the policies and procudures set by the University, as well as any applicable laws. Participants are responsible for their own behavior and any resulting consequences, as well as the behavior of any guests. Lesley will not be held financially responsible for any damage caused by a student or group of students on a trip. Any university-funded trip must have a designated Student Trip Leader who is responsible for handling emergency situations and logistical issues, and ensuring adherance to University policies and procedures. Student Trip Leaders act solely on the behalf of their organizations. They do not act as agents of the University, or otherwise on behalf of. Nor do they have the power or ability to bind or create liability. Student Trip Leader: • Responsible for directions, accomodation information, a detailed itinerary, and contact information • Submitting a final list of attendee names, cell phone numbers, and emergency contact information 24 hours prior to departing from campus to a Student Activities staff member • Familiarity with and upholding University policies and procedures


Travel policy

Faculty/Staff Advisors: Some off-campus trips require that the student organization’s faculty or staff advisor, or another full-time employee of the University agree to accompany the organization as the trip advisor. The trip advisor’s expenses will be the responsibility of the sponsoring organization. The following types of trips will require a trip advisor: • Any trip on a rental bus traveling a distance of 50 miles or more from campus • Overnight trips • Any trip where presence of a University official is deemed necessary by the Office of Student Activities Not sure if you need your advisor? Stop in to the OSA, or email us to check. Personal Vehicle Use: The University does not recommend the use of personal vehicles for student organization sponsored travel. When a personal vehicle is used, the driver assumes all liability for themselves and all passengers in the event of an accident or injury. Personal vehicles may be used under the following conditions: • The trip involves less than 5 students • The travel is less than 50 miles from the University • University transportation is not available • All drivers must be licensed and insured • All vehicles must be registered and properly inspected


Copyright information

Planning on showing a film/video? Federal copyright law restricts public showings of films and tv shows. Videos obtained from stores, Netflix, etc are for home use only, and cannot be shown in public spaces. If your organization wishes to show a film or show in a campus space, the rights must be purchased from either Criterion Pictures or Swank Motion Pictures. These rights typically cost between $200-$600 per showing. When showing a film your organization has purchased the rights to, it is against the law to charge admission. Please meet with a staff member of the Student Activities office at least 3 weeks in advance of your event if your organization would like to show a film.


event planning 9 Week Timeline for Event Planning Week 9: • Research event ideas with your organization • Pick a tentative date, reserve room • Prepare any budget you may need Week 8: • Create your event on LU Connect • Submit a funding request (if necessary) • Submit a design request (if necessary) Week 7: • Once funding is approved, begin any necessary contracting or purchasing of film rights • Work with Student Activities on printing any promotional materials Week 6: • Follow up with Student Activities on contracts and W9 forms • Order any materials you may need with a Student Activities staff member Week 5: • Distribute posters & promo materials • Send in any work order requests for event set-up (if necessary) • Discuss any AV tech needs with Student Activities

Week 4: • Continue promotion • Create Facebook event & utilize other social media marketing • Submit poster to Student Activities for the digital display screens • Kiosk/table to promote event Week 3: • Continue promotion • Assign volunteer duties • Send out event schedule to members • Advance with artist/agent • Create shopping lists & items needed Week 2 (Week of Event): • Pick up petty cash, and do any necessary shopping • Send reminder to volunteers • Check out any necessary equipment • Create event evaluations • Set up the venue, including a promo table for your organization • Clean up the venue/office/storage Week 1 (Post-Event): • Evaluate event with your organization • Submit evaluation on LUConnect


room reservations

We need a meeting/event room? What do we do? Space is very scarce on campus, especially popular spaces like Marran Theatre. Make sure to book your rooms as soon as possible for any meetings or events. Rooms may be reserved starting 5-weeks prior to the beginning of each semester for events or meetings taking place within that semester. You have the ability to search for open rooms, and submit a reservation request on behalf of your organization. Please use the 25LiveÂŽ system to request a room: Make sure to include a Student Activities staff member as a contact person within your reservation request. Questions about 25LiveÂŽ or room reservations? Contact Student Activities at OR 617-349-8565


Funding opportunities

Allocating Funding for your Event If your organization is looking to request funding for an event, look no further than LUConnect. You’ll find the USG Funding Allocation form as well as an application for a CAB Grant. All funding must be secured before any contracting or purchases can happen! This means that performers, choreographers, speakers, prizes, supplies, food, and anything else you may need CANNOT be purchased without an approved allocation through USG or an approved CAB Grant. If this rule is not followed, your group will be solely responsible for payment you agreed to, not the Student Activities office. Your group members cannot sign any contracts or agreements. Only the Assistant Dean and Director of Student Activities can sign contracts or create legally binding payment agreements. The next few pages will detail each type of funding opportunity, and the requirements that have been laid out for them.


Allocating through usg

How to submit a funding request & what follows Through LUConnect, any recognized organization will be able to create an event, and apply for funding through the Undergraduate Student Government. An event MUST be created before you can apply for funding. All requests must be submitted at least 2 weeks prior to the event or date needed. If you are requesting over $500, it must be at least 3 weeks prior. When submitting an application, you will need any costs quotes or links that justify the expenses you are requesting. Any organization requesting over $500 will be asked to have a representative attend an Allocations Committee meeting. If you’ve completed a request for over $500, please contact the Chair of the Finance Committee ( to arrange this meeting. It is your responsibility to make sure the meeting is arranged. Once your request has been accepted, please visit your OSA advisor to access your funds through a check request, online order, petty cash, or reimbursement. After your event, you must fill out a program review form on LUConnect within 30 days. Failure to submit a program review form will lead to a hold on any future funding for your organization.



Can we raise money for our organization? Short answer, yes. If necessary, your organization can get a loan from the Undergraduate Student Government to purchase any necessary supplies for your fundraiser. Said loan will need to be returned to USG after the event. Your organization will be able to keep any additional profits. Fundraised money may be spent in many ways for your organization, including, but not limited to: events, performers, speakers, apparel and promo items, supplies, etc. All fundraised money MUST go to the Student Activities office. This money will be reserved solely for your group’s use, but must be kept within the Student Activities budget for legal reasons. Please see a Student Activities staff member for details when planning a fundraiser.


Applying for cab grants

What is a CAB grant and how can we use it? The purpose of the Campus Activities Board Grant is to facilitate collaborations between student organizations, and to plan and implement a diverse schedule of events for the Lesley community. CAB Grants can be used to assist your organization in funding entertainment for your events, advertising, gaining volunteers, or if you have a creative suggestion-they’ll probably want to run with it. For a Bingo or DIY event, please allow 2 weeks for your submission. For movies, allow 3 weeks. For contracted performers such as musicians, comedians, speakers, etc., please allow 4 weeks. CAB grants were not specifically created to fund organization events, but rather, were created to showcase the connections between students and their respective organizations here at Lesley. With this in mind, the CAB executive board will make a decision within one week after submission regarding your organization’s application.


contracts & waivers

How do I book a performer or guest teacher/choreographer? If your organization is interested in booking any type of performer or featured guest whom you plan on paying, you will need to work with a Student Activities staff member to make it happen. A FUNDING REQUEST MUST BE COMPLETED AND APPROVED BEFORE YOU CAN AGREE TO A CONTRACT! When submitting your funding request, you will need a PRICE QUOTE from the artist or agent, not a contract. Contracts are a binding agreement that only the Assistant Dean and Director of Student Activities can create. Your organization may not agree to the creation of a contract without a Student Activities staff members go-ahead, and a contract may not be signed without the Assistant Dean and Director of Student Activities. Do we need a waiver for our event? If your organization is taking a trip off-campus, or hosting an event or activity that may pose risks or potential harm to participants, a waiver is required. Waivers typically state the nature of the event, the responsibility of all participants as representatives of Lesley University, and the liability and responsibility of the participant. Not sure if your event needs a waiver? Ask a Student Activities staff member. If you think it might, you’re probably right!


university services

Bon Appetit View the catering menu at, and work with a Student Activities staff member to place your order. Physical Plant For room set-up/break-down, table & chair rentals, access to a helium tank, and more; Physical Plant can do many things to make your events run smoothly. Work with a Student Activities staff member to submit a work order for your event Copy Center Need posters printed? The Copy Center offers discounted prices to students. Work with a Student Activities staff member to get your posters printed through the Student Activities fee budget instead of using your print credits. Public Safety Presence of Public Safety is required for certain events. Large-scale events, and events with controversial topics may require officer presence.A fee is incurred for the presence of Public Safety Officers at events. Work with a Student Activities staff member for the hourly rate, and for access to Public Safety presence services. Disability Services If you need assistance in making your event inclusive to all attendees, or information on providing accomodations at your event, you should the Director of Disability Services, Ruth Bork at or work with a Student Activities staff member. When publicizing for your event, it is important to provide those with disabilities the opportunity to request special accomodations. See LUConnect for a copy of the Special Accomodations Statement for all posters and program announcements.


Alcohol at events

Can we have alcohol at our event? All members of the Lesley community are expected to abide by Massachusetts laws governing the sale, purchase and consumption of alcoholic beverages, as well as the Lesley University policies. Guidelines for serving alcohol at events: • No undergraduate student fee money can be used for the purchase of alcohol • No alcoholic beverages may be served at any University sponsored activity on or off-campus at which the majority of attendees is expected to be under the age of 21 • Organizations sponsoring an event are responsible for insuring all city, state, federal and campus regulations concerning alcohol are observed • Any event serving alcohol must be registered with the Student Activities office or gain prior approval from the Dean of Student Life and Academic Development or designee at least THREE weeks prior to the event • All individuals attending an event serving alcoholic beverages will be required to present proper identification prior to being served • A bartender must be hired to serve all alcoholic beverages • All participants under the age of 21 must have a clear identifying mark, insuring they are not served at any point in time during the event • No event shall include any drinking contest or games • Advertisement must note the availability of non-alcoholic beverages • Consumption of alcohol must only be permitted in an approved designated space • Sponsors of the event accept responsibility for provoding non-alcoholic beverages to guests, providing food at no cost, and insuring alcohol is not served to any person who is intoxicated


Faculty/Staff Advisors

The role of your faculty or staff advisor All organizations are required to have an advisor who is a full or part-time employee at Lesley University. Advisors can include faculty, staff, or administrators. They must be on-campus for the entire academic year, and cannot be graduate students. Advisors will assist the organization in reaching its goals. They should be familiar with the organization’s constitution, the Student Organization Handbook, and the programs and members they are advising. It is the responsibility of the Executive Board of your organization to meet with the advisor to discuss their needs as a group, and the relationship they would like to have with their advisor. More information can be found in the Student Organization Advisor Handbook, which can be found on LUConnect.



What’s the difference between my faculty or staff advisor, and the Student Activities staff members? The Student Activities staff members serve as general advisors for all student organizations. They will serve as a resource to assist your organization in many of the logistics involved in planning events, including, but not limited to: use of LUConnect, printing promotional materials, space reservation, contracting, purchase of supplies, and the use of university services. They will also be available to assist with the New Organization Recognition process, as well as the Returning Organization Registration process. Student Activities staff members serve as the advisors to the Undergraduate Student Government, the Campus Activities Board, and CommonLynx, and therefore cannot serve as the main advisor for any other student organizations. However, we still want to see all of you, so stop into the office and say hi!


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