School Of Design & Environment
(Diploma inArchitecture)
DS5 FYPStage 1 Site ResearchAnalysis
SiteAnalysis Tanjong Pagar
Submitted by:
Edano Leslie Gelene Rebueno (S10219396C)
Honey Chia Han Ning (S10222552D)
Manimaran Rajaveni (S10222359E)
Melanie Tay Sin Ni (S10227371D)
Ong Lizhen Shenisse (S10219605C)
Sivakumar Mona (S10219175J)
Table of Contents 1. Macro Research 1.1 Location of the region and travel distances 1.2 Location of the district and travel distances 1.3 Location of the subzones and travel distances 1.4 Location of the given site and travel distances 1.5 Location of the chosen site and travel distances 1.6 Demographics of Everton Park 1.7 Demographics ofTanjong Pagar 1.8 Demographics of Chinatown 1.9 History ofTanjong Pagar Part 1 1.10 History ofTanjong Pagar Part 2 1.11 Shophouse typologies 1.12 Zoning 1.13 Recreational spaces and amenities 1.14 Solid-VoidAnalysis 1.15 Mono-HybridAnalysis 1.16 Solar and ShadowAnalysis 1.17 Urban Section Vertical 1.18 Urban Section Horizontal 1.19 Road connectivity 1.20 Public transport and cycling connectivity 1.21Traffic Flow on weekdays 1.22Traffic Flow on weekends 1.23 Key Roads 1.24 Key Buildings 1.25Activities- programmes (Formal) 1.26Activities- programmes (Informal) 1.26 EthnicAssociations 1.27 Commerce 1.28 Insights
Table of Contents 2. Micro Research (Site 1) 2.1 Site Location 2.2 History 2.3 Future Developments 2.4 Zoning & Building HeightAnalysis 2.5 Micro Sections 2.6 Solar & ShadowAnalysis 2.7 Recreational Spaces &Amenities 2.8 Hard & Soft Landscape 2.9 Roads &Alley NetworkAnalysis 2.10 BuildingTypologies 2.11 User Path & Experience 2.12 Site Drawings 2.13 Insights 4. ENGAGEMENT PLAN 4.1Aim 4.2 User Statistics 5. SYNTHESIS & ANALYSIS 5.1 S.W.O.TAnalysis 5.2 Key Users and Needs 5.3 How Might we 5.4 Design Vision 6. CLIENTS 7. VIDEO 8. OUR GROUP & REFLECTIONS 9. REFERENCES 3. Micro Research (Site 2) 3.1 Site Location 3.2 History 3.3 Future Developments 3.4 Zoning & Building HeightAnalysis 3.5 Micro Sections 3.6 Solar & ShadowAnalysis 3.7 Recreational Spaces &Amenities 3.8 Hard & Soft Landscape 3.9 Roads &Alley NetworkAnalysis 3.10 BuildingTypologies (Residential) 3.11 BuildingTypologies (Places of Worship) 3.12 BuildingTypologies (Other Important Places under Conservation) 3.11 User Path & Experience 3.12 Site Drawings 3.13 Insights
Yan Kit Road Cantonment Road Tanjong Pagar Road
Yan Kit Road Site/ Yan Kit Playfield
Yan Kit Road Site / Yan Kit Playfield
Land Use: sports and recreation
GPR: -
Building Profile:
Lot No.:TS23-00596V
Planning Boundary: PAOutram
PS Chinatown
Road|Green Buffer:Yan Kit Road
Planning Decisions: proposed community sports facility development comprising of outdoor multipurpose court , Jogging track, Fitness station and playground.
Yan Kit Road Cantonment Road
Yan Kit Road Site / Yan Kit Playfield / Former Yan Kit Swimming Complex
7) 1900s
Built by the City Council at a cost of $513,000, Yan Kit Swimming Complex was officially opened by then Governor of Singapore John Fearns Nicoll and City Council President T. P. F. McNeice on 29 December 1952. It was named after a Canton-born dentist, Look Yan Kit. The complex was built on an old railway site off Cantonment Road spanning 14,859 sq m, and contained three pools, a single-storey clubhouse and three other buildings housing toilets and showers.
1) 2000-2011
The complex eventually closed its doors in 2001, due to a decline in attendance, coupled with an increase in maintenance costs. As subsequent efforts to privatise it in 2005 proved unsuccessful, the pools were ultimately backfilled and grassed over in 2011.
1) 2019
The place was then redeveloped and reopened as a community sports facility in 2019 after an extensive refurbishment.
<30 storey >5 storey <6 storey <6 storey >3 storey
Staircases and Ramps
There are many ramps and stairs around and within the site, even in the small spaces in between shophouses. This is due to the fact that the site is located on a hill which is not very noticeable at times.
There are ample signages located along the site. one example is the one showing directions which makes it easier for pedestrians to reach their destinations. The rest of the signanges are just signs of rules such as no littering and no riding.
The pavements located within the site which are part of the playfield are rough textured which is beneficial during rain as it is less slippery especially since the site is mostly used by elderly and children
There are a few drains located around the site. Most of them are close to one another and are known as trench drains which are found mostly near roads or sidewalks
SOFT LANDSCAPE Yan Kit Playfield
There is ample vegetation around the site with most of them being tall trees and grass making the site cooler and more attractive given its one of the few location within the CBD to have this much greenery. Near the entrance of the site there are bamboo trees which very uncommon.
Yan Kit Road Site / Yan Kit Playfield Pinnacle@ Duxton 40m 30m 0m 10m 20m Site 2: Yan Kit Road Site The Beacon Condominium 28 Yan Kit Road Tanjong Pagar Plaza Amara Singapore
Micro Section 1
Micro Section 2
Yan Kit Road Site / Yan Kit Playfield
40m 30m 0m 10m 20m Site 2: Yan Kit Road Site The Shala Singapore Keppel South Central
Yan Kit Road Site / Yan Kit Playfield
Buildings surrounding site 2, especially Pinnacle@ducton as it casts very long and huge shadows on site throughout day except for the during noon when the shadows cast are significantly shorter. This also causes it to get dark at the site sooner at around 6.30pm compared to its surrounding which tends to get dark at around 7.15pm
Shadow Cast at 9am
Shadow Length: 22m for 20m Height
Shadow Cast at 12pm
Shadow Length: 2m for 20m Height
Shadow Cast at 3pm
Shadow Length: 23m for 20m Height
Shadow Cast at 6pm
Shadow Length: 47m for 20m Height
Secondary Alleys
Tanjong Pagar has a two-way primary road which is one of the main streets in Singapore's central business district is Cantonment Road. There are one-way streets as as well, including Tanjong Pagar Road. that connects to Tanjong Pagar's interior and surroundings.
Additionally, there are a few one- and two-way secondary roads in Tanjong Pagar that connect to the main thoroughfares, including Craig Road, Peck Seah Street, Yan Kit Road, TG Pagar Road, Enggor thus increasing traffic in Tanjong Pagar's smaller regions.
One-way alleyways, which run between the backs of many shophouses and allow deliveries without obstructing the main or side
Yan Kit Road Site / Yan Kit Playfield
WithinTanjong Pagar, there are 2 types of residential building types. HDBs and Condominiums, however inTanjong Pagar there are more of HDBs as it is considered an old estate in Singapore even though it is still in the process of further development.
(Residential) Yan Kit Road Site/ Yan Kit Playfield
1) Pinnacle @ Duxton
1 2
2) Onze @Tanjong Pagar
Temples in Buddhism represent the pure land or pure environment of the Buddha.Traditional Buddha temples are designed to inspire inner and outer peace. Usually, the temple consists not only of its buildings, but also the surrounding environment.The Buddhist temples are designed to symbolize five elements: fire, air, water, earth and wisdom.
BUILDING TYPOLOGIES (Places of Worship) Yan Kit Road Site/ Yan Kit Playfield
1) PooThor JeeTemple
1 2
2) Seng Wong BeoTemple
Other Important Places Under Conservation
Yan Kit Swimming Pool, Singapore's second public pool, opened its doors in 1952. The Mount Emily Swimming Complex in Upper Wilkie Road served as Singapore's first public swimming facility. It used to be a well-known pool where there was standing room only and strictly enforced timed periods. Although the pool was decommissioned in 2001, the original entry façade is still present today. The ancient pool is covered with grass, luring guests to enjoy the area right now.
Users of the pool at Yan Kit Swimming Complex initially paid 15 cents each entry.A previous pool supervisor claimed that the facility was so well-liked that there was only standing room in the pool and that swimmers were given a two-hour time limit. Only females and little girls who were too bashful to wear swimming suits in front of men were allowed access to the pool on Tuesdays.
In addition, Yan Kit was the first City Council pool to be floodlit when night swimming was allowed in 1954.Singapore only had one other public swimming pool before Yan Kit, the Mount Emily Swimming Complex, which was constructed in the 1930s.
The Papilionanthe Miss Joaquim, the first known orchid hybrid from Singapore in the 1890s, was born close by at the Vanda Miss Joaquim Pavilion in Tanjong Pagar. The hybrid orchid's breeder, Agnes Joaquim, was honored with the plant's name. Singapore officially recognized the Vanda Miss Joaquim as its national flower in 1981. Ms. Joaquim belonged to the Armenian community, which was a notable early immigrant group that contributed significantly to Singapore.
On April 14, 2002, the current Vanda Miss Joaquim Pavilion, a modest tiny garden, received its formal opening.Shiah Chyi Yun created a sculpture to honor the Vanda Miss Joaquim orchid.
The Aranda Lee Kuan Yew and Vanda Kwa Geok Choo orchids are another impressive collection that can be found at the Vanda Miss Joaquim Pavilion. These honor the first prime minister of Singapore and his spouse. From 1955 to 2015, Mr. Lee served as the Tanjong Pagar representative in the parliament.
Visitors can engage in a range of activities starting at Tanjong Pagar MRT. They will first be able to tour the hotels and Taoist temple. If the guests must spend the night, they can get a room at any of the hotels in Tanjong Pagar.Along Craig Road and Tras Street are preserved shophouses in a hybrid Hokkien-Teochew style that feature lavish ornamentation and pastel colors. The location has a number of parks where tourists can relax, including the Vanda Miss Joaquim Park, the Trans Link Park, and the Community Green.Visitors can savor the market and local cuisine in the center of the site. The tall pinnacle, where guests can visit the sky terrace, serves as the final point. And a nearby community club for the locals.
4. Discover Tanjong Pagar 4 Community Green
5. Tras Link Park
8. Tanjong Pagar Plaza Market & Food Centre
11. Pinnacle@Duxton
12. Tanjong Pagar Community Club
10. Vanda Miss Joaquim Park
7. 84 Tras St ,Craig Rd, Shophouses
1. Seng Wong Beo Temple 2. Oasia Hotel Downtown
Site Plan for Site 2
Former Tanjong Pagar Railway Station Car Park
The site’s most unique factor is its shape, it is a relatively narrower site compared Site 1, but nonetheless there is opportunities to capitalise on its shape according to user needs.
The site is enveloped by medium- to high-rise buildings, mostly HDBs and apartment complexes with some standalone shophouses nearby. The site would be well accessible by residents, as many of them pass through the site from Tanjong Pagar MRT to get home.
The site holds quite a bit of history, which can serve as an opportunity to preserve or reminisce the history of the place.