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School Of Design & Environment

(Diploma inArchitecture)

DS5 FYPStage 1 Site ResearchAnalysis

SiteAnalysis Tanjong Pagar

Submitted by:

Edano Leslie Gelene Rebueno (S10219396C)

Honey Chia Han Ning (S10222552D)

Manimaran Rajaveni (S10222359E)

Melanie Tay Sin Ni (S10227371D)

Ong Lizhen Shenisse (S10219605C)

Sivakumar Mona (S10219175J)

Table of Contents 1. Macro Research 1.1 Location of the region and travel distances 1.2 Location of the district and travel distances 1.3 Location of the subzones and travel distances 1.4 Location of the given site and travel distances 1.5 Location of the chosen site and travel distances 1.6 Demographics of Everton Park 1.7 Demographics ofTanjong Pagar 1.8 Demographics of Chinatown 1.9 History ofTanjong Pagar Part 1 1.10 History ofTanjong Pagar Part 2 1.11 Shophouse typologies 1.12 Zoning 1.13 Recreational spaces and amenities 1.14 Solid-VoidAnalysis 1.15 Mono-HybridAnalysis 1.16 Solar and ShadowAnalysis 1.17 Urban Section Vertical 1.18 Urban Section Horizontal 1.19 Road connectivity 1.20 Public transport and cycling connectivity 1.21Traffic Flow on weekdays 1.22Traffic Flow on weekends 1.23 Key Roads 1.24 Key Buildings 1.25Activities- programmes (Formal) 1.26Activities- programmes (Informal) 1.26 EthnicAssociations 1.27 Commerce 1.28 Insights
Table of Contents 2. Micro Research (Site 1) 2.1 Site Location 2.2 History 2.3 Future Developments 2.4 Zoning & Building HeightAnalysis 2.5 Micro Sections 2.6 Solar & ShadowAnalysis 2.7 Recreational Spaces &Amenities 2.8 Hard & Soft Landscape 2.9 Roads &Alley NetworkAnalysis 2.10 BuildingTypologies 2.11 User Path & Experience 2.12 Site Drawings 2.13 Insights 4. ENGAGEMENT PLAN 4.1Aim 4.2 User Statistics 5. SYNTHESIS & ANALYSIS 5.1 S.W.O.TAnalysis 5.2 Key Users and Needs 5.3 How Might we 5.4 Design Vision 6. CLIENTS 7. VIDEO 8. OUR GROUP & REFLECTIONS 9. REFERENCES 3. Micro Research (Site 2) 3.1 Site Location 3.2 History 3.3 Future Developments 3.4 Zoning & Building HeightAnalysis 3.5 Micro Sections 3.6 Solar & ShadowAnalysis 3.7 Recreational Spaces &Amenities 3.8 Hard & Soft Landscape 3.9 Roads &Alley NetworkAnalysis 3.10 BuildingTypologies (Residential) 3.11 BuildingTypologies (Places of Worship) 3.12 BuildingTypologies (Other Important Places under Conservation) 3.11 User Path & Experience 3.12 Site Drawings 3.13 Insights


What do we hope to achieve through our engagement plan?

- Gather insightful opinions from the public and the people who resides in Tanjong Pagar

- We aim not to rely solely on our own perceptions and presumptions of the location. We would like to get feedback from a wider range of people from different walks and different age groups and hear about their authentic stories from the past and the present. This will guide to design and select some of the most ideal solutions for Tanjong Pagar.


Prior to this stage 1, the majority of us were aware of the rich heritage behind the bustling CBD and the business industry within it, therefore we are hoping that our engagement plan approaches will help to provide us with more insight and understanding on the business operations in Tanjong Pagar.



Users aroundTanjong Pagar

Purpose of Visit to Tanjong Pagar

Age Range of the Demographics inTanjong Pagar

Type of Building The Working Demographic Works in





What do we hope to achieve through our engagement plan?


- Vibrant spaces with contrasting yet authentic characters and ambiances

- Past meets Present

- Busy vs Calm commercial spaces

(Skyscrapers vs Shophouses)

- Poor connectivity network for pedestrians and cyclists with confusing alleys and lack of signages

- Lack vegetation and soft landscape with mostly hard concrete landscape


pportunities Threats

- Heavy human footprint and

- Strong identity and character based on current status as business capital and past as a trade and port capital

- Rising numbers of hipster cafes, bars and restaurants within shophouses

- Overcrowding in choke points such narrow alleys and pedestrian paths

- Unorganised and unbalanced traffic flow due to poor networking


What do we hope to achieve through our engagement plan?

- Very open with few mid rise buildings on the right and Spottiswoode park to the right


- Wind circulation and Daylight are not blocked off by high rise as it is in other parts of the parcel


- Close proximity to future Cantonment MRT station

- Rich heritage background associated with the former tanjong pagar railway station

- The start of the east coast bike path directly passes by the northern perimeter of the site allowing for branching out the cycling network to either minimise vehicular network or to go car-lite -

- Mostly surrounded by industrial buildings and undeveloped land

- Currently not very accessible o foot


- Heavy vehicular network around site


- lack of pedestrian friendly pathways due to it primary function as a carpark


What do we hope to achieve through our engagement plan?

- Close proximity to food centre and shophouses

- The area is clean

- Tranquility, the area is quite peaceful and calm

- Lack of entertainment around area

- Inaccessible and requires quite a bit of walking

- Not much shelters along the pathway (lack of shade from sun and rain)

Strength Weakness

- Unique identity as a swimming complex from the past that people in vicinity can connect with.

pportunities Threats

- Inadequate maintenance of communal spaces and facilities makes it appear run down

- Faces the back of pinnacle@duxton that blocks, view, daylight and wind circulation to the site

- Close Proximity to shopping malls, retail and commercial spots given its central location with CBD O


Our key users will be Residents living within Tanjong Pagar, people working in the Central Business District (CBD) and the surrounding areas, visitors who neither work nor reside in area and tourists

Some of their needs include, having more recreational or relaxation spaces for them to take a break and rejuvenate given how busy it is within the CBD. Another possible need is to learn about the heritage of the Tanjong Pagar that so many people visit yet so few are aware it.


When asked to give examples and recall the brief history of Tanjong Pagar, many respondents stated that they do not know much about the place, apart from the visible exterior facade of the conserved shophouses.

There were also plaques with brief descriptions of the history of specific landmarks, but it was noticed that not many people stop by to read them.

Many respondents shared that despite Tanjong Pagar not necessarily having a typical CBD cityscape, and that there is a wide range of building types in the area, they specifically like how the past and the present fit well together.

How Might We

How might we increase awareness of sites’ significance and heritage among visitors of Tanjong Pagar?

How might we further enhance the integration of the past and the future seamlessly at Tanjong Pagar while conserving the past?



To attract individuals from all walks of life by enhancing Tanjong Pagar's dual character of new and old



Who are they?

The National Arts Council is a statutory board established on 15 october 1991 to oversee the development of arts in Singapore, it is under the ministry of culture,community and youth.

What are their goals/missions?

(Mission) To champion the creation and appreciation

Of the arts as an integral part of our lives.

(Vision) Home to diverse and distinctive arts which inspire people,connect communities and position

Singapore globally.

What activities do they provide?

(Key Festivals and Programmes)

Singapore Art Week

Singapore International Festival of the Arts

Singapore Writers Festival National Music Competitions


Our Core Values

They are passionate,creative,collaborative

Our Strategic Outcomes

Inspire our people

Singaporeans are empowered to create, present and appreciate excellent art. Connect our communities

Diverse communities come together to enjoy and support the arts.

Position Singapore globally

Arts and cultural icons and works are appreciated by audiences and critics at home and abroad.

Long-term sustainable growth

Our arts sector grows sustainably as our people's understanding of its value grows.


Our SG Arts Plan (2018–2022), developed in close consultation with the arts community and stakeholders, maps the National Arts Council (NAC)’s priorities to bring Singapore’s arts development to new heights. The arts must energise and excite Singaporeans, bring people together and reflect what Singapore represents to the global community. Our SG Arts Plan has identified three strategic thrusts:

1. Inspire Our People - Singaporeans are empowered to create, present and appreciate excellent art.

2. Connect Our Communities - Diverse communities come together to enjoy and support the arts.

3. Position Singapore Globally - Arts and cultural icons and works are appreciated by audiences and critics at home and abroad.


Guided by these three strategic thrusts, eight priorities that will guide future arts and culture initiatives has also been defined:

1. Strengthen NAC's role in leading and championing the arts in Singapore

2. Increase our focus on growing audiences

3. Build diverse capabilities in the arts sector

4. Increase sector-wide support for freelance arts professionals

5. Use technology to improve art-making and outreach efforts

6. Strengthen research in the arts sector

7. Strengthen programme design to maximise the impact of the arts on society

8. Take Singapore’s arts beyond our shores





Before doing the site analysis, I felt that Tanjong Pagar was just another busy street in Singapore. But after going in depth into studying the street activities and human flow, I realised that Tanjong Pagar is so much more than that. It is a place where remnants of both the past and the present can be found. For instance, the unique architectural details of the shophouses' exteriors are preserved. The vibrant and distinctive exterior made the shophouses stands out among all the current modern skyscrapers surrounding the site and serve as a continual reminder of Singapore's past. As a result, I believed that the site has a lot of potential in terms of how we can continue to preserve the site's history and culture while moving forward.

Both sites are vastly different despite being rich in heritage, culture and character. For instance, site 1 is in close proximity to the southern waterfront, and has a more tranquil ambiance given its current location beside spottiswoode park and surroundings which include undeveloped land and medium rise with very few high rise. Thus, it receives more daylight and wind circulation in comparison to site 2, which is sandwiched between towering buildings. Site 2, is located in the heart of the CBD and as such has more amenities and facilities in proximity. It unlike site 1, has a more vibrant and bustling city life around it. Both sites have their fair share of challenges but they both hold great potential in their own way.


This site analysis was a really enlightening experience because it increased my understanding of the scope of a research procedure. It also demonstrated to meTanjong Pagar's past and present are full of undiscovered tales.

There are many points of interest withinTanjong Pagar, it seems small but there are many eateries as well as activities that can be carried out throughout the day.After having done all the research, knowing the history of spaces along the way is very insightful.

What I observed during the site visit and study was that the site's duality of the old and the new blended together rather than stood out. It is both peaceful and boisterous in parts.The area near offices is generally peaceful. The location has numerous parks.At night, it becomes really busy. I believe there are many cafes around where students can study. and many bars to visit afterward.Additionally, it has a rich past that most people are just dimly familiar with.You can only experience it when visiting these locations. It might be used to motivate our designs for stage 2, in my opinion

After me and my group mates has collected all the site analysis datas I have gathered the information thatTanjong Pagar is a busy and fast moving place as there are a lot of commercials around and little residentials in the areas, From the micro site both sites are relatively quiet and a secluded area where it is peaceful and calm and I felt that this are something we can improve on to match the vibe of the other places inTanjong Pagar.


- https://www.google.com/url?sa=i&url=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.gettyimages.com%2Fphotos%2Ftanjong-pagar-railway-station&psig =AOvVaw3ItFX6TRrTqp4Psoktcnuh&ust=1685649043395000&source=images&cd=vfe&ved=0CBEQjRxqFwoTCICdz5WqoP8CFQ


- https://www.som.com/projects/guoco-tower/

- https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jinrikisha_Station#/media/File:Jinrikisha_Station_2012_0141.jpg

- https://eresources.nlb.gov.sg/infopedia/articles/SIP_485_2005-01-03.html



- https://eresources.nlb.gov.sg/infopedia/articles/SIP_926_2005-01-24.html

- https://eresources.nlb.gov.sg/infopedia/articles/SIP_879_2005-01-27.html

- https://www.penang-traveltips.com/singapore/keppel-viaduct.htm



- https://eresources.nlb.gov.sg/infopedia/articles/SIP_732_2005-01-26.html

- https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cantonment_Road,_Singapore

- https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Robinson_Road,_Singapore

- https://eresources.nlb.gov.sg/infopedia/articles/SIP_179_2005-01-19.html

- https://eresources.nlb.gov.sg/infopedia/articles/SIP_1391_2008-12-23.html

- https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tanjong_Pagar_railway_station

- https://eresources.nlb.gov.sg/infopedia/articles/SIP_954_2005-01-10.html

- https://www.google.com/url?sa=i&url=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.littlestepsasia.com%2Fsingapore%2Fplay%2Fneighborhood-guides %2Ftanjong-pagar%2F&psig=AOvVaw1OHo3yzrVLuRmVRRuHoIZo&ust=1685651856476000&source=images&cd=vfe&ved=0CB


- https://www.nac.gov.sg/docs/default-source/the-arts-plan/our-sg-arts-plan_2023---2027_phase-4_updated.pdf?sfvrsn=bf188896_2

- https://www.nac.gov.sg/about-us/our-sg-arts-plan-2018-2022

- https://lkyspp.nus.edu.sg/docs/default-source/ips/presentation-slides-of-lynette-pang.pdf


- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=orZ-TSf1gf0

- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yYqf3Rq_GCA

- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RfWl7zdoAYU

- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=v3oy2Ag6QcE

- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=orZ-TSf1gf0

- https://eresources.nlb.gov.sg/infopedia/articles/SIP_732_2005-01-26.html

- https://www.roots.gov.sg/en/stories-landing/stories/singapore-shophouses/story#:~:text=In%20Singapo re%2C%20shophouses%20started%20appearing,the%20course%20of%20a%20century.&text=Shoph ouses%20originally%20served%20merchants%20and,of%20immigrants%20moved%20to%20Singapo re.


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