Les Nouvelles Esthetiques Spa Magazine #101

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Spa Excellence


Lifestyle Relaxation & Health Therapies

s k i n v i t a l i t y b o d y b a l a n c e

A Professional take on SPA Business, Health Therapies, Products & Simple Relaxation 2023*ISSUE*101

C O N T E N T S *101


Doc: Amani Spa Livingstone, Zambia

s k i n v i t a l i t y b o d y b a l a n c e

Sustainable Spa Design 2 A Fractured Wellness Market: Both Super-Expensive and Free, Simple Wellness Will Rise 4 Wellness is a Top Priority for Consumers Globally in 2024 6 Esse incorporates 'nature's retinol' in its latest launch of Bakuchiol Serum 8 Creativity in Marketing 10 Les Nouvelles Esthetiques Spa Awards 2023 12 Spa Equipment Technology Shaping the Future of Wellness 44 The Sauna and Steam Guy 46 The Future of Mindfulness Therapies in Spa and Wellness Retreats 48 The Skin Positivity Movement 50 PURLÉS : Innovative French Biotechnological Thinking 52 Effective Communication 54

E d i t o r s

W e l c o m e

The focus of this issue of Les Nouvelles Esthetiques Spa Magazine is the annual Les Nouvelles Esthetiques Spa Awards, hosted by Les Nouvelles Esthetiques South Africa and France. Les Nouvelles Esthetiques would like to congratulate all the finalists and winners as they continue to excel in providing the keys to relaxation and wellness. The Spa Awards programme is more than pure recognition of achievement; it sets a benchmark for spas in Southern Africa. Additionally, we analyse the latest Mindbody 2024 Predictions report, revealing the top six wellness trends that consumers and businesses can expect in the upcoming year. Trends: Strength Training Surge, The Social Side of Wellness, Show Me the Science, Don’t Sleep on Rest, Hot & Cold and lastly, Boomers Join the Wellness Craze. So allowing spas and businesses to prepare to meet the unique needs of wellness enthusiasts young and old.. Enjoy the read !

Les Nouvelles Esthetiques International Publisher I 7, avenue Stephane Mallarme 75017 PARIS Tel: 01 43 80 06 47 Fax: 01 43 80 83 63 www.nouvelles-esthetiques.com I Fondateur : H. Pierantoni I Directeur de la Publications: Jeannine Cannac-Pierantoni I Redactrice en chef: Michéle de Lattre-Pierantoni I International Editions • Argentina • Baltic • Benelux • Brazil • Bulgaria • Canada • China • France • Greece • Hong Kong • Hungary • Israel • Italy • Japan • Mexico • Poland • Portugal • Romania • Singapore • South Africa • Spain • Taiwan • Turkey • Ukraine • USA • Yugoslavia Les Nouvelles Esthétiques South African Edition I Max Cafe P. O. Box 81204, Parkhurst Johannesburg, South Africa 2120 I Tel: +27 83 267 2773 e-mail: info@lesnouvelles.co.za www.lesnouvelles.co.za I Publisher/Creative Director : Anthony de Freitas e-mail: tony@maxcafe.co.za I Managing Editor : Dr. Nadine de Freitas e-mail: nadine@maxcafe .co.za I Editor ial Assistant: Sarene Kloren editor ial @lesnouvelles.co.za I Adver tising Enquir ies: Dr Nadine de Freitas e-mail: info@lesnouvelles.co.za I Subscription Enquiries: Tel: +27 83 267 2773 e-mail: info@lesnouvelles.co.za or visit: www.lesnouvelles.co.za

spa excellence Ever since a “green” spa philosophy was pioneered by Mexico's Rancho La Puerta in the 1940s, the connection between wellness and sustainability has become an intricate aspect to consider when designing a spa. As a spa designer and consultant working currently on projects in Africa and Mauritius, sustainable spa design has now become more of a responsibility rather than a trend for me and for spa owners I consult to. With eco friendly spa practices, our spa guests have become more savvy educated consumers and understand the relationship between wellness and social and environmental health more so than ever. It is a known fact that the savvy guest understands that their environment they spend time in has a huge impact on their wellness overall. As one of the leading wellness ambassadors, the spa industry, it is our responsibility to produce spaces that induce wellness while treading lightly on this earth. When designing a spa here are a few sustainable aspects to consider:

1. Natural Light 13-26% of all energy used in a building is from our light sources. To improve this and save on this cost in the long run, natural light from the sun and the impact it has on the space, should be made a priority when designing a wellness space. Natural Light, abundantly found in Africa, has extensive wellness benefits to the body. Various studies have shown that it strengthens the Circadian Rhythms, which in turn improves sleep patterns and reduces stress, it decreases healing time, it allows staff to be more productive, decreases lethargy, increases sales in a retail space as products look more attractive in natural light all while decreases energy cost of your building. Throughout your space focus on “light collectors” that will allow light in but be mindful allowing in too much glare. A few “light collectors to consider are Atriums for public spaces, reflection panels over windows that receive direct sunlight, clerestory windows, round shaped roofs, skylights, light tunnels and horizontal reflective panels.

Sustainable Spa Design By Jacoline Wentzel, Managing Director of The Spa Warehouse

2. Outdoor Spaces In Africa, we have a rich plant and outdoor environment. From desert sands to tropical palm trees to expansive lakes and coast lines, we are privilege to be surrounded by exceptional natural scenes that many a book has been published about. It is our responsibility to utilise this exceptional beauty as part of our guest's wellness journey. Think rooftop decks & terraces to view the sunrise or sunsets, community outdoor spaces to perform group activities like yoga, meditation, and relaxation in, natural rock pools for hydrotherapy and wandering footpaths for silent meandering. In these areas you need to focus on using, natural materials like wood, copper, eco friendly outdoor furniture and as little plastic as possible.

3. Landscaping Sustainable landscaping is when you consider the


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whole environment around your project, with the goal to reduce your negative environmental impact, while including features that are beneficial to the natural world and beautiful at the same time. Aspects to consider for sustainable landscaping: •Don't disturb what you don't have to. Leave trees, plants and rocks where possible to prevent disturbance of the eco system. • Plan well taking in consideration sun, shade and wind climate of the area • Analyse and improve your soil quality with natural fertilisers • Use indigenous water wise plants to reduce your footprint. Refer to the internet or your local authority to get a list of local plants. • Plant edible fruit trees like lemons, that can again we used in the spa to flavour your water offerings. Have a herb and vegetable garden, where you can grow the likes of mint, cucumbers, strawberries and blueberry's to use in your spa cuisine. • Appropriate use of grass & lawn areas to break up planted areas. It cools down a space by absorbing sunlight and preventing harsh reflection. • Make sure you have efficient irrigation and use preferrable a drip system, that can be set according to the water need of each plant. • Use mulch around large trees to help retain water around the roots. • Use organic fertilisers and grey water to sustain your landscaping. • Maintenance of your landscaped area is key. Keep checking taps, irrigation system, dams, ponds etc for any leaks and prevent water wastage.

4. Be Water Wise Indoors To be LEED certified (which is the international green building certification) you need to achieve 20% savings on water use, compare to the baseline of a usual building. Some ideas to reduce water usage by 20% in your spa: • Catch rainwater and grey water (showers/washing hand sinks) in tanks and use to flush toilets and irrigation of landscapes • Look out for Energy Star accredited hardware like taps, shower heads etc. that is more water efficient. •Use energy efficient washing machines for towels and linen. •Use skin and body products that uses less water and steam during treatments and rather use hot compresses and dissolvable exfoliators that is just as effective. •Maintain your water outlets regularly. Leaking taps and broken faucets and valves can often cause water leakage that increases cost quickly. •Use sensors in public bathroom areas on switch taps on and off. This will prevent tap from releasing water when no one is there anymore. •Use dual flush toilets, so that less water can be used when only urination is performed. •Use air rated shower heads for a low flowing shower head but that still produces enough water for a comfortable shower. • Use only eco friendly products in showers and at hand basins so that the water can be captured and used in your garden. •Educate, educate, educate. Education of your staff and guest regarding the value of water is by far the most important part of keeping your water usage down. For exmple: Place signage around your spa at water points, asking clients to be more mindful.

5. Natural Materials Africa is one the continents that have the riches natural resources available. With still a vast number of various types of woods, stones, granite, coppers and sand available, we are fortunate that we can tap into natural materials to use as siding, surfaces and cladding in our spas. Some sustainable materials: Bamboo - It grows quickly so can replaced very quickly but is very durable to use. Hemp Fabric - Grown from the hemp plant, it is a strong durable fibre that is easy to grow Natural stones - Look around your area for stone masons that use stone from your area to make items, counter tops etc with local stone. Cork - Produced from the Cork oak trees inside bark, that replenishes itself every 9 years and does not hurt the tree when removed. Wool & Linen - Easily grown and 100% natural and perfect on the skin. Reclaimed woods - Use as much reclaimed items as possible. Smart Felt - Felt made from recycle plastic bottles. Glass - Not only used in packaging and windows, but now also used in counter tops.

6. Noise Management Lastly sustainability is the wellness of people and their relationship to their environment. The noise level of your space is important to understand. To analyse and plan the noise distribution in your space is key. First understand what noise you will be dealing with in your area like traffic, a school next door etc. Make sure you know what time of the day a higher noise level is and from what direction is comes. There are various apps available on your phone that will help measure the decibels. You then will choose a barrier that will help to prevent the noise from traveling. When using barriers to prevent noise from travelling, use vegetation. The trick is to use as dense as possible, as big as possible and as high as possible. Sound Insulation is especially important in a spa. Make sure insulation is around your pipes for instance to insulate the pipes and prevent the sound from traveling. Also make sure windows, doors and closures close properly and prevent sound from coming through from the small areas. Make sure your noisy areas in your spa like hair salons, barber areas, reception area, nail area and pedicure stations are separated from your quiet areas like sleep rooms and massage treatment rooms.

Conclusion To achieve sustainable architecture and design in your spa, planning is key. The balance between design, wellbeing and the environment is the goal. When all is working in harmony with each other, we not only achieve an establishment that makes our clients happy, but also stimulates wellness and healing without having a detrimental impact on our environment. For more information, The Spa Warehouse www.thespawarehouse.co.za info@thespawarehouse.co.za

spa excellence Ever since a “green” spa philosophy was pioneered by Mexico's Rancho La Puerta in the 1940s, the connection between wellness and sustainability has become an intricate aspect to consider when designing a spa. As a spa designer and consultant working currently on projects in Africa and Mauritius, sustainable spa design has now become more of a responsibility rather than a trend for me and for spa owners I consult to. With eco friendly spa practices, our spa guests have become more savvy educated consumers and understand the relationship between wellness and social and environmental health more so than ever. It is a known fact that the savvy guest understands that their environment they spend time in has a huge impact on their wellness overall. As one of the leading wellness ambassadors, the spa industry, it is our responsibility to produce spaces that induce wellness while treading lightly on this earth. When designing a spa here are a few sustainable aspects to consider:

1. Natural Light 13-26% of all energy used in a building is from our light sources. To improve this and save on this cost in the long run, natural light from the sun and the impact it has on the space, should be made a priority when designing a wellness space. Natural Light, abundantly found in Africa, has extensive wellness benefits to the body. Various studies have shown that it strengthens the Circadian Rhythms, which in turn improves sleep patterns and reduces stress, it decreases healing time, it allows staff to be more productive, decreases lethargy, increases sales in a retail space as products look more attractive in natural light all while decreases energy cost of your building. Throughout your space focus on “light collectors” that will allow light in but be mindful allowing in too much glare. A few “light collectors to consider are Atriums for public spaces, reflection panels over windows that receive direct sunlight, clerestory windows, round shaped roofs, skylights, light tunnels and horizontal reflective panels.

Sustainable Spa Design By Jacoline Wentzel, Managing Director of The Spa Warehouse

2. Outdoor Spaces In Africa, we have a rich plant and outdoor environment. From desert sands to tropical palm trees to expansive lakes and coast lines, we are privilege to be surrounded by exceptional natural scenes that many a book has been published about. It is our responsibility to utilise this exceptional beauty as part of our guest's wellness journey. Think rooftop decks & terraces to view the sunrise or sunsets, community outdoor spaces to perform group activities like yoga, meditation, and relaxation in, natural rock pools for hydrotherapy and wandering footpaths for silent meandering. In these areas you need to focus on using, natural materials like wood, copper, eco friendly outdoor furniture and as little plastic as possible.

3. Landscaping Sustainable landscaping is when you consider the


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whole environment around your project, with the goal to reduce your negative environmental impact, while including features that are beneficial to the natural world and beautiful at the same time. Aspects to consider for sustainable landscaping: •Don't disturb what you don't have to. Leave trees, plants and rocks where possible to prevent disturbance of the eco system. • Plan well taking in consideration sun, shade and wind climate of the area • Analyse and improve your soil quality with natural fertilisers • Use indigenous water wise plants to reduce your footprint. Refer to the internet or your local authority to get a list of local plants. • Plant edible fruit trees like lemons, that can again we used in the spa to flavour your water offerings. Have a herb and vegetable garden, where you can grow the likes of mint, cucumbers, strawberries and blueberry's to use in your spa cuisine. • Appropriate use of grass & lawn areas to break up planted areas. It cools down a space by absorbing sunlight and preventing harsh reflection. • Make sure you have efficient irrigation and use preferrable a drip system, that can be set according to the water need of each plant. • Use mulch around large trees to help retain water around the roots. • Use organic fertilisers and grey water to sustain your landscaping. • Maintenance of your landscaped area is key. Keep checking taps, irrigation system, dams, ponds etc for any leaks and prevent water wastage.

4. Be Water Wise Indoors To be LEED certified (which is the international green building certification) you need to achieve 20% savings on water use, compare to the baseline of a usual building. Some ideas to reduce water usage by 20% in your spa: • Catch rainwater and grey water (showers/washing hand sinks) in tanks and use to flush toilets and irrigation of landscapes • Look out for Energy Star accredited hardware like taps, shower heads etc. that is more water efficient. •Use energy efficient washing machines for towels and linen. •Use skin and body products that uses less water and steam during treatments and rather use hot compresses and dissolvable exfoliators that is just as effective. •Maintain your water outlets regularly. Leaking taps and broken faucets and valves can often cause water leakage that increases cost quickly. •Use sensors in public bathroom areas on switch taps on and off. This will prevent tap from releasing water when no one is there anymore. •Use dual flush toilets, so that less water can be used when only urination is performed. •Use air rated shower heads for a low flowing shower head but that still produces enough water for a comfortable shower. • Use only eco friendly products in showers and at hand basins so that the water can be captured and used in your garden. •Educate, educate, educate. Education of your staff and guest regarding the value of water is by far the most important part of keeping your water usage down. For exmple: Place signage around your spa at water points, asking clients to be more mindful.

5. Natural Materials Africa is one the continents that have the riches natural resources available. With still a vast number of various types of woods, stones, granite, coppers and sand available, we are fortunate that we can tap into natural materials to use as siding, surfaces and cladding in our spas. Some sustainable materials: Bamboo - It grows quickly so can replaced very quickly but is very durable to use. Hemp Fabric - Grown from the hemp plant, it is a strong durable fibre that is easy to grow Natural stones - Look around your area for stone masons that use stone from your area to make items, counter tops etc with local stone. Cork - Produced from the Cork oak trees inside bark, that replenishes itself every 9 years and does not hurt the tree when removed. Wool & Linen - Easily grown and 100% natural and perfect on the skin. Reclaimed woods - Use as much reclaimed items as possible. Smart Felt - Felt made from recycle plastic bottles. Glass - Not only used in packaging and windows, but now also used in counter tops.

6. Noise Management Lastly sustainability is the wellness of people and their relationship to their environment. The noise level of your space is important to understand. To analyse and plan the noise distribution in your space is key. First understand what noise you will be dealing with in your area like traffic, a school next door etc. Make sure you know what time of the day a higher noise level is and from what direction is comes. There are various apps available on your phone that will help measure the decibels. You then will choose a barrier that will help to prevent the noise from traveling. When using barriers to prevent noise from travelling, use vegetation. The trick is to use as dense as possible, as big as possible and as high as possible. Sound Insulation is especially important in a spa. Make sure insulation is around your pipes for instance to insulate the pipes and prevent the sound from traveling. Also make sure windows, doors and closures close properly and prevent sound from coming through from the small areas. Make sure your noisy areas in your spa like hair salons, barber areas, reception area, nail area and pedicure stations are separated from your quiet areas like sleep rooms and massage treatment rooms.

Conclusion To achieve sustainable architecture and design in your spa, planning is key. The balance between design, wellbeing and the environment is the goal. When all is working in harmony with each other, we not only achieve an establishment that makes our clients happy, but also stimulates wellness and healing without having a detrimental impact on our environment. For more information, The Spa Warehouse www.thespawarehouse.co.za info@thespawarehouse.co.za

spa lifestyle

A Fractured Wellness Market: Both Super-Expensive and Free, Simple Wellness Will Rise By Thierry Malleret, Economist High-end Wellness: Where Will It End? The most recent Trendium from the GWI’s sister organization, the Global Wellness Summit, is about the postpandemic surge in “super-expensive wellness”: the seemingly never-ending expansion of very highpriced wellness products and services that benefit the upper decile in terms of income and wealth. For some in the upper decile of the upper decile (the 0.1%), nothing seems too much, with ergonomic treadmills co-branded with luxury brands like Dior (price tag: slightly below $10K) or monogrammed dumbbells becoming standard products, though it’s difficult to argue what their contribution in improving physical performance or wellness could actually be.

be perceived as a sign that the degree of inequality has gone badly wrong. This gives credence to those who’ve been arguing for a while that severe inequalities could threaten the legitimacy of our society’s’ institutional structures, which in turn demands nothing short of a redefinition of our social contract. (2) It gives a bad name to the wellness industry at large. While many wellness companies do simultaneously well (for themselves) and good (for their customers and other stakeholders), a few that benefit from severe “consumer excess” become the focus of the rising cynicism about the industry.

As the world’s ultra-high-net-worth population (those with more than $30 million in assets) rose by 24% in the first year of the pandemic (according to Credit Suisse’ Global Wealth report) and the number of millionaires expanded to reach almost 60 million, high- and top-end wellness consumption are destined to increase even further.

Wellness is such an expansive industry with such attraction power that it inevitably creates fads, popular trends which, like in fashion, come and go. In essence, wellness is not a consumer endeavour, but many companies frame it as such, well aware that in a very crowded market, the monetization of offerings often depends on good marketing and a seductive narrative. This is the source of the endless fads in food, fitness, self-care, and other wellness segments and intersects with the issues of “superexpensive wellness” and “wellness inequality”

Why does this matter? For two reasons. (1) Investing in positional goods that deliver little apparent value (apart from status signalling) can


Wellness Fads Vs. Wellness Simplicity

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highlighted above. Many “formulas” for wellbeing are straightforward, highly effective but hardly monetizable, and thus often take a back seat with wellness companies. The reason is simple: there is no money to be made in telling people to eat fruits and vegetables, to sleep enough, or to simply go for a walk. But during the pandemic, people globally rushed to free or very affordable wellness–whether hiking, camping, wild swimming, or starting a home garden–and as we emerge from the pandemic, nature and back-tobasic, beautifully simple wellness approaches are becoming more aspirational than expensive and trendy products. It’s time to think harder about the respective wellbeing effects of non-monetizable activities (like walking for physical wellbeing and small acts of kindness for mental wellbeing) versus fads that purport to deliver wellbeing benefits, but do not in a manner commensurate with the investment required. A costbenefit analysis for wellness is due!


Wellness is a Top Priority for Consumers Globally in 2024 Mindbody and Classpass 2024 Predictions Report Mindbody has released its 2024 Predictions report, revealing the top six wellness trends that consumers and businesses can expect in the upcoming year. What’s on the minds of consumers as they look ahead to a new year? And how can businesses meet the unique needs of fitness enthusiasts young and old?

Strength Training Surge Strength training leads the 2024 Predictions Report, perhaps predictably since more than 60% of consumers report including weight or strength training in their routine, and more than half of those who do work out two to four times per week. As Mindbody’s report points out, strength training offers numerous benefits, including improved mobility and flexibility, and also lowers cardiovascular disease, diabetes and even cancer rates. Strength training offers something for everyone. While younger fitness enthusiasts may prefer strength training for appearance, mature fitness consumers may want to incorporate strength building for balance, increasing bone density and longevity.

The Social Side of Wellness Consumers can expect to see an increase in events hosted at salons, barbershops, and spas to build community and brand exposure. As the Mindbody report demonstrates, consumer demand for such events is there, with over a third preferring to choose wellness businesses known for their social events. Over 60% have attended or


would like to attend a community-building event hosted at a salon, spa, med spa or wellness center.

Show Me the Science In an age of doubt, consumers have come to expect science-based products and services and are predicted to become increasingly discerning over what they consume and use in their daily lives. Mindbody also predicts that consumers will opt for research and expertise, with over half already ensuring their preferred beauty products are supported by research and clinical studies. Millennials and male consumers, in particular, are more likely to look for science-backed evidence in their desired products. As consumers become increasingly savvy, products will be held to higher standards, pushing manufacturers to ensure quality and results. Mindbody’s report reveals that over a third of consumers say effectiveness is the most essential aspect of a beauty product, while 23% share that clean or organic ingredients are the most important.

Don’t Sleep on Rest With one in three Americans not getting enough sleep, Mindbody predicts sleep hygiene will catch on with consumers. As people continue to burn the candle at both ends, a ‘backlash against busy’ has developed, with consumers realizing that sleep deprivation doesn’t equal a gold star. While many have a routine to ease into a (hopefully

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restful) sleep, over half of consumers also invest in smart beds, wearables and body pillows to enhance their sleeping hours. Consumers are also predicted to seek out holistic boutique wellness experiences, such as cold plunging, saunas and float therapy, to promote or complement a healthy sleep routine.

Hot & Cold Speaking of holistic boutique wellness experiences, as 2024 approaches, Mindbody predicts demand for cold and heat therapies will continue to surge. Almost a quarter of consumers have experimented with cold or heat activities, such as cold plunging and infrared saunas, and 80% say they are interested in merging the two. Tying into the expectation of science-supported experiences and products, consumers have begun to accept extreme temperatures in exchange for their vast recovery and mental health benefits.

Boomers Join the Wellness Craze Mindbody predicts some leading boutique fitness operators will design classes and offerings for a more mature set of fitness enthusiasts and that older adults will head to fitness studios in larger numbers than before. According to the Mindbody report, over half of baby boomers report prioritizing wellness now more than ever and over a third view strength training as more important than other wellness activities. Older wellness enthusiasts, especially those who are retired, may also desire the community aspect of group fitness as a way to mingle and make new friends.

Esse incorporates 'nature's retinol' in its latest launch of Bakuchiol Serum When it comes to anti-ageing ingredients in skincare products, retinoids have been the gold standard for decades - despite the side effects. The discovery of Bakuchiol, however, has changed the face of the industry by offering consumers an alternative ingredient, without the risks. Bioclinical skincare brand, Esse, has already been infusing 'nature's retinol' into its Clarifying Range, and now the launch of its antiageing Bakuchiol Serum is set to drastically shift the industry in a positive direction. The efficacy of retinoids in anti-aging is wellestablished, and they have become the mainstay active ingredient in the skincare industry's approach to anti-aging. The problem lies in the side-effect profile, which puts the user at considerable risk, making them problematic for practical use. For this reason, Esse has never included retinol in the product range. Adding toxins to a complex ecosystem, like the skin's microbiome, is risky. Putting consumers' health first remains the core value of Esse. Users of retinol, which is a form of vitamin A, are advised of the risks associated with this anti-ageing and anti-acne treatment, among them dryness, itchiness, and stinging. The dryness is a result of the reduced sebum production which is vital for healthy skin function. But one of the most cumbersome adverse effects is the photosensitivity associated with retinol, which makes its daytime use prohibitive.

status of retinoids, indicating that their use will be heavily restricted in the future. Bakuchiol: effective without the risks For the past few years, Bakuchiol has been incorporated into skincare products, replacing retinol as the key anti-ageing ingredient. Esse has been at the forefront of this movement, with Bakuchiol included in its anti-acne treatments, Clarifying Oil and in the Clarifying Spot Corrector. The launch of its Bakuchiol Serum is the brand's first foray into Bakuchiol for antiageing treatment.

the production of aquaporin channels to maintain water balance. This collagen and elastin support, as well as increased hydration, results in decreased wrinkle depth for notable anti-ageing. Bakuchiol also performed on par with retinol in the reduction of hyperpigmentation and age spots. It is believed that Bakuchiol's anti-inflammatory activity may assist here, reducing inflammatory triggers for melanocyte activity. The photostability of Bakuchiol means it's safe for UV exposure, and a first choice for improving photo-ageing. Esse Bakuchiol Serum

The key advantage of using Bakuchiol over retinol is that the side effects are absent. “Bakuchiol is photostable, meaning it can be safely used during the day without the risk of phototoxicity, and it's also safe to use in pregnancy,” says Steyn. Not to be confused with babchi oil, Bakuchiol is purified from the seeds of the Psoralea corylifolia, a plant found in Eastern Asia. Babchi oil is an unrefined seed oil which has some toxicity problems of its own. The purification process is critical and Esse tests every batch with Nuclear Magnetic Resonance spectroscopy to ensure optimum health. Bakuchiol is a pure compound that is well tolerated, making it suitable for sensitive skin.

In addition to Bakuchiol, the potent antioxidant, the latest Esse Bakuchiol Serum includes Aloe Vera leaf extract which protects, hydrates, and calms the skin; as well as Jojoba Seed Oil which improves skin elasticity, reduces wrinkles, moisturises, smooths, and has an anti-inflammatory effect on the skin. The Esse Bakuchiol Serum can be added to one's daily skincare routine to enhance its anti-ageing effects. Users of Esse Resurrect Serum or Esse Clarifying Oil need not apply additional Bakuchiol Serum, as both products already contain Bakuchiol. However, for users of Esse leave-on products, Bakuchiol Serum can be used as a supplement to enhance these antiageing benefits.

The many benefits of Bakuchiol Many groups have highlighted the toxicity of retinol, and the FDA (American Food and Drug Administration) is concerned that retinoids may accelerate the development of cancer lesions. The Environmental Working Group has rated it 9 out of 10 on their toxicity scale, with 10 being the most toxic. Additionally, the European Commission has recently introduced draft regulations to change the regulatory


In a treatment study, Bakuchiol showed identical improvements to retinol in terms of anti-ageing properties, without any of the side effects. Multiple studies have shown that Bakuchiol increases the expression of genes that produce collagen and elastin - proteins that are central to improving firmness and elasticity in the skin - as well as genes responsible for

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Esse Bakuchiol Serum should be applied twice daily over the face and décolleté after cleansing, and before moisturising. If applied twice daily, the product will last two months. To find out more about Esse's latest Esse Bakuchiol Serum, visit: https://www.esseskincare.com/product/baku


Creativity in Marketing By Ernst Kuhlmann - Chief Evolution Officer, Arc 8 Global

The field of marketing has changed significantly over the last two decades, especially with the introduction of social media. What surprises me though, is how few companies really align their marketing activities to their strategic intent. To shift your perspective on marketing, here are a few points for consideration that should yield real results: 1. Start with your WHY. Simon Sinek has been the leader in purpose-driven companies and with his Golden Circle model, he demonstrates that “People don't buy WHAT you do, they buy WHY you do it”. Define WHY you do what you do, and let your deeper purpose drive all your actions.

5. Have a customer-centric culture. Your team's culture needs to deliver on your CVP and this will only happen if you have the right people in your team and they understand their role in this. To further embed this culture, create an internal experience for your staff as well, so they too feel valued.

3. Have a defined Customer Value Proposition (CVP). Define your customers, and make sure you know what they want from you. Define how you will deliver on their needs and ensure you add value to them, beyond just your direct service offering.

6. Have a holistic and integrated approach to all your marketing activities. The marketing landscape is huge and intricate. If you have the budget, then consider traditional channels such as TV, print and radio. Consider your digital presence in the form of your website, and how it ranks across various search engines. In addition, it is critical to choose the correct social media channels and create content relevant to your preferred customer profile. Do not see any of the channels and platforms in isolation, so ensure you integrate your campaigns across all of them. However, the marketing efforts are not only externally focused. Do internal marketing and communication to your team as well, to include, and involve them in the hype.

4. Map out all the touch-points of how and when you interact or engage with you customers, also known as a customer journey map. Once you mapped them, think of ways you can create wow

7. Choose to be inspired. Find inspiration from other brands, especially the ones outside of the spa and wellness industries, and make it your own. Put your own unique spin on things.

2. Begin with the end in mind. Every business should have an idea for the future (Vision), as well an idea on how to get there (Strategy). Ask yourself where your business is heading; how marketing will support your strategy and what you ultimately want to achieve with your marketing activity.


moments for each of those steps. Those memorable moments they want to talk about and share on their own social platforms, which will boost your credibility ten-fold.

Les Nouvelles Esthetiques no’101

8. Have a clear plan for your content. Too many brands only push hard sell onto their followers. Split your content into thought leadership, conversation pieces to initiate dialogue, and brand building where you pull your customer into your world. Only then, do you push promotions onto them. 9. When you create your content, you have the freedom to be as creative as you wish. Think of the seasons, special dates such as Valentine's Day, events, and even social trends to build content around. Marketing is not an event. It does not happen in isolation, and should form part of all activities across the business. You also need to remember to have fun, and always be authentic! Creativity is more than giving expression of self, but to ultimately inspire others, to find the power of creation in themselves. About: Ernst Kuhlmann is the CEO and Chief Evolution Officer of Arc 8 Global. At our core we are a business evolution firm. No fancy consulting jargon and impressive academics. Just authentic passion, experience, and expertise. We challenge traditional thinking by adding value to your business, for real change and measurable bottom-line impact. ernst@arc8global.com

The results of 18th annual Les Nouvelles Esthetiques Spa Awards hosted by Les Nouvelles Esthetiques, South Africa in association with Les Nouvelles Esthetiques Paris, were announced on the 30th July 2023, at The Houghton Hotel, Houghton Estate, Johannesburg. The Les Nouvelles Esthetiques Spa Awards Gala Dinner evening was filled with excitement and glamour as some of the industries most respected and well-known names and media came together to acknowledge their peers. Enjoying the sounds of the band “Blue Rock - The Experience” Gauteng's Premium Blues Rock Trio. A fusion of traditional blues and more up to date rock, with band members Chris Parry (vocals, guitar) Llewellyn Friend (bass) and Lawrence Bailie (drums). ogramme The Les Nouvelles Esthétiques awards programme encourages the highest standards within the Spa & Wellness timulate a Industry. The awards have been designed to stimulate can Spas. desire for service excellence among Southern African Days Spas ted in tthe Eaglee Canyon Winner: Asher Spa & Hair, located er" means mea to t bring happiness Golf Estate, Johannesburg. "Asher" of peace, magnificent & blessings. An elegant, tranquil haven of ere frien friendly faces greet views of the golf course, where eet you on entry, inviting you to facials and skin rejuvenation, n, relaxing edis, Ozo therapy, and more. is, Ozone Ozon massages, mani's and pedis, thcliff, Finalists: Casalea Spa. Nestled in the heart of Northcliff, tyle yle Spa, French inspired space a peaceful luxury lifestyle ht through modern m uches layered with well thought eclectic touches aarray of facilities including di throughout. Casalea Spa offers an arr mplimented wer and trtre ower their signature Vichy shower treatment, complimented ber.r. Evolve Da by the heated salt chamber. Day Spa iss a hidden s bann sanctuary, sanctua situated gem, a contemporary urban inn the heart omprehensive range of services, of Boksburg. They offer a comprehen comprehensive lities such suc as a rasul, asul, indoor complemented by additionall facilities ted pools. nd heated poo . Life Day as, and heate and outdoor relaxation areas, ay Spa - Rosebank Roseb R b k Spa - Rosebank. Since 2011, Life Day Spa is try. Life Day Sp has been at the forefront of thee industry. ook and feel uest to look committed to assisting clients in their quest kages. With pa packages. packages W better, through a variety tailor made spa ay Spa has state of the art interiors and facilities, Life Day deur introduced clients to enter a world of opulence, grandeur and tranquility. Hotel Spas Winner: The House of Tshegofatso Spa. a The Thhe flag flagship ship egofatso Moseme, facility, under the guidance of CEO, Tshegofatso on Hotel. The stateis located the prestigious The Houghton of-the-art facility, offers an an exclusive Couple's Suite with a private Jacuzzi, wooden deck and outdoor shower, 8 ul, a Nail Beautique multi-functional Spa suites, a Grand Rasul, and Hair Salon, Relaxation area, indoorr heated swimming i it natural t l cooll pool and outdoor relaxation with an exquisite and heated Infinity Pool. Finalists: Royal Spa at The Palace. A truly luxurious spa experience fit for royalty, at The Palace of the Lost City. The legendary destination, since inception in 1992, The Palace of the Lost City has enthralled visitors from all over the globe, with its unique setting, inspired architecture and now matched by The Royal Spa, set amongst the backdrop of lush botanical gardens and trickling streams to soothe and calm and restore. Twelve Apostles Hotel and Spa. Member of the Red Carnation Group. Majestically located above the Atlantic Ocean, flanked by the magnificent Twelve Apostles and Table Mountain. The spa offers a cocoon of wellness and rejuvenation, restorative indoor space, with

elegant treatment rooms, Hydrotherapy facilities and Mountainside Spa Gazebos offering the unique opportunity for a wellness journey with panoramic ocean views. Kievits Kroon Winelands Spa. Rejuvenation await you at Kievits Kroon's luxurious Spa, just north of Pretoria. Offering one of the most advanced thermae treatment facilities, complemented by the heated indoor swimming pool with its awesome view of the estate. The unique relaxation lounge, with a complimentary catering selection, allows you to enjoy a true sense of hospitality, throughout your wellness journey. Boutique Hotel Spas Winner: Healing Earth Transformative Wellness at Brahman Hills. An unrivalled experience amidst the u spectacular rolling hills of KwaZulu-Natal. Bespoke treatments and wellbeing experiences have been designed to help experien reconnect in a way th that leaves you feeling refreshed, rejuvenated and bursting burstin with new energy. alist: Vivari Boutique Finalist: Boutiqu Hotell & Spa is nestled in a leafy ey in Featherbrooke, Cra of Humankind. valley Featherbrooke near the Cradle apture this serenity at Vivari, ri, whe Recapture where luxury intersects inabili and where olist wellness concepts our ur holisti with sustainability holistic w y Vi V ry withh rejuv rejuvenation. Additionally, nally, Vivari medicine meets marry provid pre aand post-surgery ness, providing t-surgery treatments to assist wellness, Vergenoegd w Boutique Bout with recovery. V Löw Hotel & Spa. Vergeno sed in the beautifully restored ed farm slave quarters and Housed old dairy adjacent to the gracious home homestead, Vergenoegd tantalizzing journey throough history. Löw Spa ttakes you on a tantalizing jour through orin Honoring oringg the wine farms rich he heritage, we use only locally rced pproducts and perform a wide range of of traditional, sourced Th Turbine T bi Hotel H t l & Spa. S A bi i naturall treatments. The An ambitious ed an old po power station on into a uunique ich tra transformed project which achinery which w tique Knysna Hotel. All the t old machinery 5 star boutique has been lovingly ovingly restored res was used in this power station ha art of the ho hetics, including inclu part inte and forms an integral hotel's aesthetics, ety of treatments treatm The Turbinee Spa, offeringg guests a w wide variety om. ul Steam Ste Room. and a Rasul Safari Spas Amani Spa & Wellness ss - Radisson B MosiWinner: Aman Ra isson Blu MosiW Winne nestled on the OA-Tunya Livingstone Resort. The hotel hot is nestled th OA-Tunya Livin Zam just banks of he Zambezi, ju o one of Africa's longest rivers, the Victoria lls. The Amani SSpa offers 4km h-west of o the Vic ctoria Falls. ff k north-west e hol listic modern spa andd wellness signature ll i hholistic li therapies and treatmen s, co p e e e byy the outdoor ou or vitality p and outdoo vititality pool treatments, complemented viisions of t o endless bestoowinngg visions vis enddlesss magnitude maggnitude of the gazeboss bestowing ationa erre suns nnsetss createe a new onaal Parkk where ne Mosi-oaa-Tunya Na sun Mosi-oa-Tunya National sunsets sense of awe and internal harmony. Finalists: Veldhaven Spa at Bona Bona Game Lodge, in North West. Our goal with Veldhaven Spa is to offer clients a space of complete relaxation and enjoy a sensory experience. To accomplish this, guests choose their journey under three categories d th t i - CALM, CALM SOOTH andd UPLIFT. UPLIFT Your Y preference will then transport you and invigorate your senses. Dee's African Spa at Kruger Gate Hotel. Located at Kruger Gate Hotel, on the banks of the Sabie River, just 500 meters from the enowned Kruger National Park. We offer services and signature treatments that are inspired by the Tsonga/Shangaan traditions, with a welcome foot ritual, while game viewing from the Spa Tree-house. Unique Spa Concept Winner: Sante Wellness Retreat & Spa. Nestled in a winelands valley and surrounded by the magnificent Drakenstein mountains, Santé's a haven with serene spaces and uncomplicated luxury and exquisite, healthy cuisine.

Facilities include the world class day spa with extensive hydrotherapy facilities, indoor heated pool & jacuzzi, outdoor pool, fitness centre with a yoga & pilates studio, and walking labyrinth. Uniquely and innovatively, Sante has introduced the Bio-Energy Centre, offering Health Optimizing, a comprehensive methodology for mapping the client's health and identifying causative factors of health challenges, utilizing more than 30 technologies. Finalists: Woodlands Spa. Woodlands Spa offers bespoke treatments, workshop, classes and healing retreat designed to relax you, heal you and give you an intrinsic view of yourself. Idyllically set on the banks of the Crocodile River, offering a holistic approach with a unique blend of traditional spa therapies and energy healing experiences. Soaring Eagles Guest Lodge & Day. Nestled in the Overberg mountains, offering a unique experience, from the fresh air, tranquil environment, wellness activities to our African inspired treatment's it's a transcending experience like no other. Yadah Castle - Hammam Turkish Spa & Bath. Guests receive a warm welcome to a true discerning exotic ey. The Turkish Hammam or Turkish Bath, is the middle journey. jou o the steam bath. Although the first hammams rn variant varia of eastern ea ed in Ar ated i Arabia, originated Turkey popularised the tradition. Most or lent dé pulent décor and artworks were imported from of the opulent he h owne Turkey by the owners, Vanessa and Gokhan Hacisuleyman Tu ed thera lled the and the skilled therapists will take you on an enchanted an ommy W escape. Mommy Wellness - Someset West. The es motherh experience off motherhoo motherhood and pregnancy is a time of great ex py exp expec ppy joy and happy expectations. And Mommy Wellness complements the the journey jjourney with particularly designed spa treatment prov viding the th perfect haven to restore and providing invigorate! Additionally A dditionall Mommy Wellness provides or Daddy W treatments ffor Wellness, Babe, Tot and Tween Wellness. Aestheticc Institutes stitutes Winner: nner: SCINMed SCINM W Wembley Square, Cape Town: The S exclusive clusive aand co contem contemporary centre offers clients not only opportu an opportunity to receive the most advanced medical and aessthetic treatments, tr aesthetic treatmen but invite them to do so within a serene env environme This world-class facility offers high-end antienvironment. age measures, me ageing partnered with preventative medicine and wellness expertise to provide clients with groundbreaking aesthetic solutions. Finalists: Pulse Dermatology & Laser. Internationally qualified specialists in non-surgical aesthetic procedures. Offering clients an unrivalled menu of medical aesthetic cl treatments from bespoke peels & facials, anti-ageing injectables, injectables advanced fat removal & body sculpting treatments and pain free laser hair removal. Treatment programs are a tailor made to attaing each clients goals and concerns. Anti-Aging Art is a Medical Aesthetic and A Holistic Wellness Centre focusing on minimally invasive antiWe aging and ccosmetic treatments conveniently located in the heart Owned by Dr. Reza Mia, renowned h t off Houghton. H aesthetic specialist and supported by a staff of qualified therapists. By listening to the client's individual needs, he is able to develop a tailored treatment plan to achieve your desired results. Senses Wellness Institute. Set in the leafy suburbs of Wembley in Pietermaritzburg, Senses Wellness Institute is an oasis of tranquility. Opulent décor, plush finishing's with state of the art equipment, making this a unique space. Complemented by exceptional personalised service, innovative treatments and personally-designed packages, ensuring clients leave rejuvenated. We look forward to hosting the Spa Awards in 2024, as Southern African Spas continue to flourish in an internationally growing market place.



The results of 18th annual Les Nouvelles Esthetiques Spa Awards hosted by Les Nouvelles Esthetiques, South Africa in association with Les Nouvelles Esthetiques Paris, were announced on the 30th July 2023, at The Houghton Hotel, Houghton Estate, Johannesburg. The Les Nouvelles Esthetiques Spa Awards Gala Dinner evening was filled with excitement and glamour as some of the industries most respected and well-known names and media came together to acknowledge their peers. Enjoying the sounds of the band “Blue Rock - The Experience” Gauteng's Premium Blues Rock Trio. A fusion of traditional blues and more up to date rock, with band members Chris Parry (vocals, guitar) Llewellyn Friend (bass) and Lawrence Bailie (drums). ogramme The Les Nouvelles Esthétiques awards programme encourages the highest standards within the Spa & Wellness timulate a Industry. The awards have been designed to stimulate can Spas. desire for service excellence among Southern African Days Spas ted in tthe Eaglee Canyon Winner: Asher Spa & Hair, located er" means mea to t bring happiness Golf Estate, Johannesburg. "Asher" of peace, magnificent & blessings. An elegant, tranquil haven of ere frien friendly faces greet views of the golf course, where eet you on entry, inviting you to facials and skin rejuvenation, n, relaxing edis, Ozo therapy, and more. is, Ozone Ozon massages, mani's and pedis, thcliff, Finalists: Casalea Spa. Nestled in the heart of Northcliff, tyle yle Spa, French inspired space a peaceful luxury lifestyle ht through modern m uches layered with well thought eclectic touches aarray of facilities including di throughout. Casalea Spa offers an arr mplimented wer and trtre ower their signature Vichy shower treatment, complimented ber.r. Evolve Da by the heated salt chamber. Day Spa iss a hidden s bann sanctuary, sanctua situated gem, a contemporary urban inn the heart omprehensive range of services, of Boksburg. They offer a comprehen comprehensive lities such suc as a rasul, asul, indoor complemented by additionall facilities ted pools. nd heated poo . Life Day as, and heate and outdoor relaxation areas, ay Spa - Rosebank Roseb R b k Spa - Rosebank. Since 2011, Life Day Spa is try. Life Day Sp has been at the forefront of thee industry. ook and feel uest to look committed to assisting clients in their quest kages. With pa packages. packages W better, through a variety tailor made spa ay Spa has state of the art interiors and facilities, Life Day deur introduced clients to enter a world of opulence, grandeur and tranquility. Hotel Spas Winner: The House of Tshegofatso Spa. a The Thhe flag flagship ship egofatso Moseme, facility, under the guidance of CEO, Tshegofatso on Hotel. The stateis located the prestigious The Houghton of-the-art facility, offers an an exclusive Couple's Suite with a private Jacuzzi, wooden deck and outdoor shower, 8 ul, a Nail Beautique multi-functional Spa suites, a Grand Rasul, and Hair Salon, Relaxation area, indoorr heated swimming i it natural t l cooll pool and outdoor relaxation with an exquisite and heated Infinity Pool. Finalists: Royal Spa at The Palace. A truly luxurious spa experience fit for royalty, at The Palace of the Lost City. The legendary destination, since inception in 1992, The Palace of the Lost City has enthralled visitors from all over the globe, with its unique setting, inspired architecture and now matched by The Royal Spa, set amongst the backdrop of lush botanical gardens and trickling streams to soothe and calm and restore. Twelve Apostles Hotel and Spa. Member of the Red Carnation Group. Majestically located above the Atlantic Ocean, flanked by the magnificent Twelve Apostles and Table Mountain. The spa offers a cocoon of wellness and rejuvenation, restorative indoor space, with

elegant treatment rooms, Hydrotherapy facilities and Mountainside Spa Gazebos offering the unique opportunity for a wellness journey with panoramic ocean views. Kievits Kroon Winelands Spa. Rejuvenation await you at Kievits Kroon's luxurious Spa, just north of Pretoria. Offering one of the most advanced thermae treatment facilities, complemented by the heated indoor swimming pool with its awesome view of the estate. The unique relaxation lounge, with a complimentary catering selection, allows you to enjoy a true sense of hospitality, throughout your wellness journey. Boutique Hotel Spas Winner: Healing Earth Transformative Wellness at Brahman Hills. An unrivalled experience amidst the u spectacular rolling hills of KwaZulu-Natal. Bespoke treatments and wellbeing experiences have been designed to help experien reconnect in a way th that leaves you feeling refreshed, rejuvenated and bursting burstin with new energy. alist: Vivari Boutique Finalist: Boutiqu Hotell & Spa is nestled in a leafy ey in Featherbrooke, Cra of Humankind. valley Featherbrooke near the Cradle apture this serenity at Vivari, ri, whe Recapture where luxury intersects inabili and where olist wellness concepts our ur holisti with sustainability holistic w y Vi V ry withh rejuv rejuvenation. Additionally, nally, Vivari medicine meets marry provid pre aand post-surgery ness, providing t-surgery treatments to assist wellness, Vergenoegd w Boutique Bout with recovery. V Löw Hotel & Spa. Vergeno sed in the beautifully restored ed farm slave quarters and Housed old dairy adjacent to the gracious home homestead, Vergenoegd tantalizzing journey throough history. Löw Spa ttakes you on a tantalizing jour through orin Honoring oringg the wine farms rich he heritage, we use only locally rced pproducts and perform a wide range of of traditional, sourced Th Turbine T bi Hotel H t l & Spa. S A bi i naturall treatments. The An ambitious ed an old po power station on into a uunique ich tra transformed project which achinery which w tique Knysna Hotel. All the t old machinery 5 star boutique has been lovingly ovingly restored res was used in this power station ha art of the ho hetics, including inclu part inte and forms an integral hotel's aesthetics, ety of treatments treatm The Turbinee Spa, offeringg guests a w wide variety om. ul Steam Ste Room. and a Rasul Safari Spas Amani Spa & Wellness ss - Radisson B MosiWinner: Aman Ra isson Blu MosiW Winne nestled on the OA-Tunya Livingstone Resort. The hotel hot is nestled th OA-Tunya Livin Zam just banks of he Zambezi, ju o one of Africa's longest rivers, the Victoria lls. The Amani SSpa offers 4km h-west of o the Vic ctoria Falls. ff k north-west e hol listic modern spa andd wellness signature ll i hholistic li therapies and treatmen s, co p e e e byy the outdoor ou or vitality p and outdoo vititality pool treatments, complemented viisions of t o endless bestoowinngg visions vis enddlesss magnitude maggnitude of the gazeboss bestowing ationa erre suns nnsetss createe a new onaal Parkk where ne Mosi-oaa-Tunya Na sun Mosi-oa-Tunya National sunsets sense of awe and internal harmony. Finalists: Veldhaven Spa at Bona Bona Game Lodge, in North West. Our goal with Veldhaven Spa is to offer clients a space of complete relaxation and enjoy a sensory experience. To accomplish this, guests choose their journey under three categories d th t i - CALM, CALM SOOTH andd UPLIFT. UPLIFT Your Y preference will then transport you and invigorate your senses. Dee's African Spa at Kruger Gate Hotel. Located at Kruger Gate Hotel, on the banks of the Sabie River, just 500 meters from the enowned Kruger National Park. We offer services and signature treatments that are inspired by the Tsonga/Shangaan traditions, with a welcome foot ritual, while game viewing from the Spa Tree-house. Unique Spa Concept Winner: Sante Wellness Retreat & Spa. Nestled in a winelands valley and surrounded by the magnificent Drakenstein mountains, Santé's a haven with serene spaces and uncomplicated luxury and exquisite, healthy cuisine.

Facilities include the world class day spa with extensive hydrotherapy facilities, indoor heated pool & jacuzzi, outdoor pool, fitness centre with a yoga & pilates studio, and walking labyrinth. Uniquely and innovatively, Sante has introduced the Bio-Energy Centre, offering Health Optimizing, a comprehensive methodology for mapping the client's health and identifying causative factors of health challenges, utilizing more than 30 technologies. Finalists: Woodlands Spa. Woodlands Spa offers bespoke treatments, workshop, classes and healing retreat designed to relax you, heal you and give you an intrinsic view of yourself. Idyllically set on the banks of the Crocodile River, offering a holistic approach with a unique blend of traditional spa therapies and energy healing experiences. Soaring Eagles Guest Lodge & Day. Nestled in the Overberg mountains, offering a unique experience, from the fresh air, tranquil environment, wellness activities to our African inspired treatment's it's a transcending experience like no other. Yadah Castle - Hammam Turkish Spa & Bath. Guests receive a warm welcome to a true discerning exotic ey. The Turkish Hammam or Turkish Bath, is the middle journey. jou o the steam bath. Although the first hammams rn variant varia of eastern ea ed in Ar ated i Arabia, originated Turkey popularised the tradition. Most or lent dé pulent décor and artworks were imported from of the opulent he h owne Turkey by the owners, Vanessa and Gokhan Hacisuleyman Tu ed thera lled the and the skilled therapists will take you on an enchanted an ommy W escape. Mommy Wellness - Someset West. The es motherh experience off motherhoo motherhood and pregnancy is a time of great ex py exp expec ppy joy and happy expectations. And Mommy Wellness complements the the journey jjourney with particularly designed spa treatment prov viding the th perfect haven to restore and providing invigorate! Additionally A dditionall Mommy Wellness provides or Daddy W treatments ffor Wellness, Babe, Tot and Tween Wellness. Aestheticc Institutes stitutes Winner: nner: SCINMed SCINM W Wembley Square, Cape Town: The S exclusive clusive aand co contem contemporary centre offers clients not only opportu an opportunity to receive the most advanced medical and aessthetic treatments, tr aesthetic treatmen but invite them to do so within a serene env environme This world-class facility offers high-end antienvironment. age measures, me ageing partnered with preventative medicine and wellness expertise to provide clients with groundbreaking aesthetic solutions. Finalists: Pulse Dermatology & Laser. Internationally qualified specialists in non-surgical aesthetic procedures. Offering clients an unrivalled menu of medical aesthetic cl treatments from bespoke peels & facials, anti-ageing injectables, injectables advanced fat removal & body sculpting treatments and pain free laser hair removal. Treatment programs are a tailor made to attaing each clients goals and concerns. Anti-Aging Art is a Medical Aesthetic and A Holistic Wellness Centre focusing on minimally invasive antiWe aging and ccosmetic treatments conveniently located in the heart Owned by Dr. Reza Mia, renowned h t off Houghton. H aesthetic specialist and supported by a staff of qualified therapists. By listening to the client's individual needs, he is able to develop a tailored treatment plan to achieve your desired results. Senses Wellness Institute. Set in the leafy suburbs of Wembley in Pietermaritzburg, Senses Wellness Institute is an oasis of tranquility. Opulent décor, plush finishing's with state of the art equipment, making this a unique space. Complemented by exceptional personalised service, innovative treatments and personally-designed packages, ensuring clients leave rejuvenated. We look forward to hosting the Spa Awards in 2024, as Southern African Spas continue to flourish in an internationally growing market place.





Spa Awards Les Nouvelles

Esthetiques Hotel Spa 2023 Category Winner

House of Tshegofatso

The Houghton Hotel Spa


he flagship Spa and Wellness facility is located the prestigious Urban Resort – The Houghton Hotel in Johannesburg. The Spa is a member of the House of Tshegofatso, under the guidance of CEO, Tshegofatso Moseme and her team of highly skilled therapists and hairstylists. Their mission is to add value by providing the best care and healing environment, so guests leave with renewed balance and beauty. They strive to pamper their guests in the most indulgent way, with the conviction of “Changing The Status Quo”. The new state-of-the-art facility, offers an an exclusive Couple’s Suite with a private Jacuzzi, wooden deck and outdoor shower, 8 multi-functional Spa treatment suites, a Grand Rasul, a Nail Beautique and Hair Salon, indoor Dining as well as Relaxation area, a spectacular indoor heated swimming pool and outdoor relaxation with an exquisite natural cool and heated Infinity Pool. This unisex Spa caters to inhouse Hotel guests, residents, private individuals, groups and the corporate market, making it a destination par excellence. The Houghton Hotel Spa promotes holistic health, offering a diverse range of result-driven spa and wellness treatments and world class products with wellness benefits.

Spa Awards Les Nouvelles

Esthetiques Hotel Spa 2023 Category Winner

House of Tshegofatso

The Houghton Hotel Spa


he flagship Spa and Wellness facility is located the prestigious Urban Resort – The Houghton Hotel in Johannesburg. The Spa is a member of the House of Tshegofatso, under the guidance of CEO, Tshegofatso Moseme and her team of highly skilled therapists and hairstylists. Their mission is to add value by providing the best care and healing environment, so guests leave with renewed balance and beauty. They strive to pamper their guests in the most indulgent way, with the conviction of “Changing The Status Quo”. The new state-of-the-art facility, offers an an exclusive Couple’s Suite with a private Jacuzzi, wooden deck and outdoor shower, 8 multi-functional Spa treatment suites, a Grand Rasul, a Nail Beautique and Hair Salon, indoor Dining as well as Relaxation area, a spectacular indoor heated swimming pool and outdoor relaxation with an exquisite natural cool and heated Infinity Pool. This unisex Spa caters to inhouse Hotel guests, residents, private individuals, groups and the corporate market, making it a destination par excellence. The Houghton Hotel Spa promotes holistic health, offering a diverse range of result-driven spa and wellness treatments and world class products with wellness benefits.

Finalists: Spa Awards 2023

Category: Hotel Spa

Royal Spa at The Palace

Twelve Apostles Hotel and Spa


truly indulgent and luxurious Camelot Spa experience fit for royalty, at The Palace of the Lost City. The legendary destination, since inception in 1992, The Palace of the Lost City has enthralled visitors from all over the globe.


ember of the Re Carnation Group.

The Twelve Apostles Hotel & Spa is majestically located above the Atlantic Ocean, flanked by the magnificent Twelve Apostles and Table Mountain, discover a unique five-star experience close to the vibrant heart of the city. The spa offers a cocoon of wellness and rejuvenation, with a calm and restorative indoor space, with seven elegant treatment rooms, two of which offer couples' treatments. Two additional Mountainside Spa Gazebos offer the unique opportunity for a wellness journey with panoramic ocean views

Its unique setting on an extinct volcanic site among the Pilanesberg mountains, is matched by the inspired architecture is renowned. Now matched by The Royal Spa, uniquely designed to create a naturally elegant healing sanctuary, set amongst the backdrop of lush botanical gardens and trickling streams to soothe and calm the senses, while restoring body, mind and soul.

Kievits Kroon Winelands Spa ejuvenation await you at Kievits Kroon's luxurious Winelands Spa. The Spa offers one of the most advanced thermae treatment facilities, well-designed steam rooms, saunas, Jacuzzis, Swiss showers, Rasul room, mud massage & scrub room, herbal bath with exfoliation & massage area as well as indoor plunge pools. The heated indoor swimming pool with its awesome view of the estate completes the superior facilities.


In keeping with current spa trends, Kievits Kroon Spa offers a unique arrival and relaxation lounge. The lounge puts further emphasis relaxation, providing a sanctuary where clients can enjoy a complimentary catering selection, this will allow you to enjoy a true sense of hospitality infused with well-being and relaxation before, after and between treatments.

Previous Spa Awards Winners & Finalists: Hotel Spa Category




Winner -

Winner -

Winner -

Amani Spa and Wellness at Houghton Hotel

The Houghton Spa and Wellness at Houghton Hotel

Finalists Lanzerac Spa The Spa at the Twelve Apostles Hotel The Hydro & Spa at Badplaas, Forever Resorts

Jiva Spa at TAJ, Cape Town

Finalists The Saxon Spa Mangwanani Signature Spa at The Capital Hotel, Zimbali @Sandton Hotel Spa

Finalists: Spa Awards 2023

Category: Hotel Spa

Royal Spa at The Palace

Twelve Apostles Hotel and Spa


truly indulgent and luxurious Camelot Spa experience fit for royalty, at The Palace of the Lost City. The legendary destination, since inception in 1992, The Palace of the Lost City has enthralled visitors from all over the globe.


ember of the Re Carnation Group.

The Twelve Apostles Hotel & Spa is majestically located above the Atlantic Ocean, flanked by the magnificent Twelve Apostles and Table Mountain, discover a unique five-star experience close to the vibrant heart of the city. The spa offers a cocoon of wellness and rejuvenation, with a calm and restorative indoor space, with seven elegant treatment rooms, two of which offer couples' treatments. Two additional Mountainside Spa Gazebos offer the unique opportunity for a wellness journey with panoramic ocean views

Its unique setting on an extinct volcanic site among the Pilanesberg mountains, is matched by the inspired architecture is renowned. Now matched by The Royal Spa, uniquely designed to create a naturally elegant healing sanctuary, set amongst the backdrop of lush botanical gardens and trickling streams to soothe and calm the senses, while restoring body, mind and soul.

Kievits Kroon Winelands Spa ejuvenation await you at Kievits Kroon's luxurious Winelands Spa. The Spa offers one of the most advanced thermae treatment facilities, well-designed steam rooms, saunas, Jacuzzis, Swiss showers, Rasul room, mud massage & scrub room, herbal bath with exfoliation & massage area as well as indoor plunge pools. The heated indoor swimming pool with its awesome view of the estate completes the superior facilities.


In keeping with current spa trends, Kievits Kroon Spa offers a unique arrival and relaxation lounge. The lounge puts further emphasis relaxation, providing a sanctuary where clients can enjoy a complimentary catering selection, this will allow you to enjoy a true sense of hospitality infused with well-being and relaxation before, after and between treatments.

Previous Spa Awards Winners & Finalists: Hotel Spa Category




Winner -

Winner -

Winner -

Amani Spa and Wellness at Houghton Hotel

The Houghton Spa and Wellness at Houghton Hotel

Finalists Lanzerac Spa The Spa at the Twelve Apostles Hotel The Hydro & Spa at Badplaas, Forever Resorts

Jiva Spa at TAJ, Cape Town

Finalists The Saxon Spa Mangwanani Signature Spa at The Capital Hotel, Zimbali @Sandton Hotel Spa

Spa Awards Les Nouvelles

Esthetiques Day Spa 2023 Category Winner

Asher Spa & Hair


sher Spa & Aesthetics and Hair Salon, an award-winning spa, is located on the lower level of the Eagle Canyon Country Club, Eagle Canyon Golf Estate.

Estate Residents and dynamic mother and daughter duo, Tracy Pereira, and Kym Quincey are the brains behind this new venture. Asher Spa & Aesthetics and Hair Salon is an elegant, tranquil haven of peace where you can have all your beauty, aesthetic, wellness, and hair treatments under one roof carried out by trained professionals and doctors. From friendly faces greeting you on entry to facials and skin rejuvenation, relaxing massages, mani’s and pedis, Ozone therapy, Spray tanning and Collagen stand up tanning in a can to Botox, fillers and more – all on offer in a serene surrounding. Hairstylists, aesthetic doctors and somotologists have been personally selected as a cohesive unit, a group of dedicated experts who have specialised skills, as well as experience in dealing with all skin and hair types. Asher offers a welcoming environment for the whole family, from men having haircuts and youngsters experimenting with styles over the holidays, to little ones having manis and pedis. There is even a special couples suite with its own jacuzzi bath and magnificent view of the golf course. The Spa, which has embraced top of the range technology, has been designed with comfort and luxury in mind. From the light interior to the finishes, the product offerings and layout of the treatment rooms themselves, everything has been designed with the client in mind.

Spa Awards Les Nouvelles

Esthetiques Day Spa 2023 Category Winner

Asher Spa & Hair


sher Spa & Aesthetics and Hair Salon, an award-winning spa, is located on the lower level of the Eagle Canyon Country Club, Eagle Canyon Golf Estate.

Estate Residents and dynamic mother and daughter duo, Tracy Pereira, and Kym Quincey are the brains behind this new venture. Asher Spa & Aesthetics and Hair Salon is an elegant, tranquil haven of peace where you can have all your beauty, aesthetic, wellness, and hair treatments under one roof carried out by trained professionals and doctors. From friendly faces greeting you on entry to facials and skin rejuvenation, relaxing massages, mani’s and pedis, Ozone therapy, Spray tanning and Collagen stand up tanning in a can to Botox, fillers and more – all on offer in a serene surrounding. Hairstylists, aesthetic doctors and somotologists have been personally selected as a cohesive unit, a group of dedicated experts who have specialised skills, as well as experience in dealing with all skin and hair types. Asher offers a welcoming environment for the whole family, from men having haircuts and youngsters experimenting with styles over the holidays, to little ones having manis and pedis. There is even a special couples suite with its own jacuzzi bath and magnificent view of the golf course. The Spa, which has embraced top of the range technology, has been designed with comfort and luxury in mind. From the light interior to the finishes, the product offerings and layout of the treatment rooms themselves, everything has been designed with the client in mind.

Finalists: Spa Awards 2023

Category: Day Spa

Casalea Spa

Life Day Spa - Rosebank



ince 2011, Life Day Spa - Rosebank has been at the forefront of the beauty and wellness industry, continuing to invite clients to the most up to date treatments and products. Life Day Spa, as a member of the Spas of Distinction Group, is committed to assisting clients in their quest to look and feel better, through a variety of treatments and tailor made spa packages that ensures a sought after wellness experience. With state of the art interiors and facilities, Life Day Spa has introduced clients to enter a world of opulence, grandeur and tranquility.

asalea Spa, nestled in the heart of Northcliff, is a peaceful luxury lifestyle Spa, French inspired space layered with well thought through modern eclectic touches throughout. Casalea Spa offers an array of facilities and exceptional treatments, including their signature Vichy shower and treatment, a decadent full body exfoliation treatment while five outlets of warm water cover your body, followed by a relaxing aromatic oil massage. Additionally, included with all treatments, a complimentary heated salt chamber, allowing you to re-energize while you enjoy the healing power of pure salt

Evolve Day Spa


volve Day Spa is a hidden gem, a contemporary urban sanctuary designed to make guests feel and look better than before. Situated in the heart of Boksburg, they offer a comprehensive range of services filled with value-for-money treatments to meet the needs of the most discerning guests. Offering a wide range of up-to-date spa services and additional facilities such as mani and pedi lounge, rasul chamber, indoor and outdoor relaxation areas, and heated pools. .

Previous Spa Awards Winners & Finalists: Day Spa Category




Winner -

Winner -

Winner -

Life Day Spa - Rosebank

Shambala Wellness Spa

Asher Spa & Hair

Finalists -

Finalists -

Shambala Wellness Spa Annique Day Spa Thai Sabai Day Spa

Relax Spa - Protea Hotel Fire & Ice, Cape Town Vivari Spa Revive Wellness Spa

Finalists: Spa Awards 2023

Category: Day Spa

Casalea Spa

Life Day Spa - Rosebank



ince 2011, Life Day Spa - Rosebank has been at the forefront of the beauty and wellness industry, continuing to invite clients to the most up to date treatments and products. Life Day Spa, as a member of the Spas of Distinction Group, is committed to assisting clients in their quest to look and feel better, through a variety of treatments and tailor made spa packages that ensures a sought after wellness experience. With state of the art interiors and facilities, Life Day Spa has introduced clients to enter a world of opulence, grandeur and tranquility.

asalea Spa, nestled in the heart of Northcliff, is a peaceful luxury lifestyle Spa, French inspired space layered with well thought through modern eclectic touches throughout. Casalea Spa offers an array of facilities and exceptional treatments, including their signature Vichy shower and treatment, a decadent full body exfoliation treatment while five outlets of warm water cover your body, followed by a relaxing aromatic oil massage. Additionally, included with all treatments, a complimentary heated salt chamber, allowing you to re-energize while you enjoy the healing power of pure salt

Evolve Day Spa


volve Day Spa is a hidden gem, a contemporary urban sanctuary designed to make guests feel and look better than before. Situated in the heart of Boksburg, they offer a comprehensive range of services filled with value-for-money treatments to meet the needs of the most discerning guests. Offering a wide range of up-to-date spa services and additional facilities such as mani and pedi lounge, rasul chamber, indoor and outdoor relaxation areas, and heated pools. .

Previous Spa Awards Winners & Finalists: Day Spa Category




Winner -

Winner -

Winner -

Life Day Spa - Rosebank

Shambala Wellness Spa

Asher Spa & Hair

Finalists -

Finalists -

Shambala Wellness Spa Annique Day Spa Thai Sabai Day Spa

Relax Spa - Protea Hotel Fire & Ice, Cape Town Vivari Spa Revive Wellness Spa

Spa Awards Les Nouvelles

Esthetiques Safar Spa 2023 Category Winner

Amani Spa & Wellness Radisson Blu Mosi-OA-Tunya Livingstone Resort

he Radisson Blu Mosi-OA-Tunya Livingstone Resort is nestled on the banks of one of Africa's longest rivers, the Zambezi, in Mosi-oa-Tunya National Park, just 4km north-west of the Victoria Falls, one of the seven natural wonders of the world and Unesco World heritage site.


Complement by Amani Spa & Wellness, living true to its name, meaning hope & aspire in Arabic and peace & harmony in Swahili. Amani's mission is to inspire our guests, by enhancing, physical, mental and emotional wellbeing with uniquely designed treatments and healing journeys. The Amani Spa offers a variation of river and resort views with a dedicated hair and beauty salon, infinity pool, and six treatment rooms of which four are single and two couples treatment rooms. The Luxury Dual suite comprises of a steam room with uninterrupted views and the sound of the flowing Zambezi river. The outdoor vitality pool and river facing treatment rooms bestows visions of endless magnitude of the Mosi-oa-Tunya National Park where sunsets create a new sense of awe and internal harmony.

Previous Spa Awards Winners & Finalists: Safari Spa Category




Winner -

Winner -

Winner -

Sediko Bush Spa at Palala Boutique Game Lodge

Kukura Wellness Spa at Kilima Private Game Reserve

Finalists Emoya Spa

Xigera Safari Lodge & Spa

Finalists Sediko Bush Spa at Palala Boutique Game Lodge Earth Spa at Tzaneen Country Lodge Kukura Wellness Spa at Kilima Private Game Reserve

Spa Awards Les Nouvelles

Esthetiques Safar Spa 2023 Category Winner

Amani Spa & Wellness Radisson Blu Mosi-OA-Tunya Livingstone Resort

he Radisson Blu Mosi-OA-Tunya Livingstone Resort is nestled on the banks of one of Africa's longest rivers, the Zambezi, in Mosi-oa-Tunya National Park, just 4km north-west of the Victoria Falls, one of the seven natural wonders of the world and Unesco World heritage site.


Complement by Amani Spa & Wellness, living true to its name, meaning hope & aspire in Arabic and peace & harmony in Swahili. Amani's mission is to inspire our guests, by enhancing, physical, mental and emotional wellbeing with uniquely designed treatments and healing journeys. The Amani Spa offers a variation of river and resort views with a dedicated hair and beauty salon, infinity pool, and six treatment rooms of which four are single and two couples treatment rooms. The Luxury Dual suite comprises of a steam room with uninterrupted views and the sound of the flowing Zambezi river. The outdoor vitality pool and river facing treatment rooms bestows visions of endless magnitude of the Mosi-oa-Tunya National Park where sunsets create a new sense of awe and internal harmony.

Previous Spa Awards Winners & Finalists: Safari Spa Category




Winner -

Winner -

Winner -

Sediko Bush Spa at Palala Boutique Game Lodge

Kukura Wellness Spa at Kilima Private Game Reserve

Finalists Emoya Spa

Xigera Safari Lodge & Spa

Finalists Sediko Bush Spa at Palala Boutique Game Lodge Earth Spa at Tzaneen Country Lodge Kukura Wellness Spa at Kilima Private Game Reserve

Finalists: Spa Awards 2023 Veldhaven Spa at Bona Bona Game Lodge


ona Bona Game Lodge offers a serene experience at Veldhaven Spa in North West, South Africa. Our goal with Veldhaven is to offer clients a space of complete relaxation and enjoy a sensory experience. To accomplish this for your treatments, you will choose fragrance and music under three categories - CALM, SOOTH and UPLIFT. Your preference will then transport you on a journey to invigorate your senses. The natural aromas of the locally produced RUAH range will enhance your senses while you are been pampered with the best aroma oils from our exclusive range of products. We welcome clients to explore our variety of treatments, including facials, grooming and other unique options, including extensive thermae options and we strive to give clients the most extraordinary spa experience ever.

Dee's African Spa at Kruger Gate Hotel ee's African Spa is located at Kruger Gate Hotel which is on the banks of the Sabie River just 500 meters away from the gate of the world-renowned National park, the Kruger National Park.


Offering services like facials, massage, body therapies and signature treatments that are inspired by the Tsonga/Shangaan traditions. The spa treatments are developed with rejuvenation in mind, including a 15min Foot ritual before commencing treatments. Additional to the Signature African Therapies and enjoy game viewing from the Spa Tree-house.

Spa Awards Les Nouvelles

Esthetiques Unique Spa Concept 2023 Category Winner

Sante Wellness Retreat & Spa


estled in a valley and surrounded by the magnificent Drakenstein mountains, Santé's a haven with serene spaces and uncomplicated luxury - full of heart with generous hospitality, stunning villa suites, retreat suites, relaxed friendly service and exquisite, honestly healthy cuisine. Facilities include the world class day spa with extensive hydrotherapy facilities, indoor heated pool & jacuzzi, outdoor pool, fitness centre with a yoga & pilates studio, sauna, labyrinth, feature herb and vegetable garden. Uniquely and innovatively, Sante has introduced the Bio-Energy Centre, offering Health Optimizing, a comprehensive methodology for mapping the client's health and identifying causative factors of health challenges. Utilizing more than 30 technologies, each providing many pieces of a health-status jigsaw-puzzle, the most innovative aspect of the Health Optimizing proprietary methodology is the way Sante Wellness Retreat uses advanced technologies to put these pieces together to achieve an overall picture. The Health Optimizing concept starts with an all-encompassing health assessment process. Followed by treatment, through lifestyle coaching and specific high-tech treatments, and then utilizing high-tech medical devices to specifically stimulate the intrinsic self-regulating mechanisms, we enable the client's own physiology to solve most health challenges quickly and effectively.

Previous Spa Awards Winners & Finalists: Unique Spa Concept Category




Winner -

Winner -

Winner -

Jiva Spa at TAJ, Cape Town

Finalists -

Yadah Castle Hammam Turkish Bath & Spa

Yadah Castle Hammam Turkish Spa & Bath Bakwena Day Spa Umngazi River Bungalows & Spa

Vygenhoek Organic Spa

Finalists Yadah Castle - Hammam Turkish Bath & Spa Esse Concept Store Woodlands Spa

Spa Awards Les Nouvelles

Esthetiques Unique Spa Concept 2023 Category Winner

Sante Wellness Retreat & Spa


estled in a valley and surrounded by the magnificent Drakenstein mountains, Santé's a haven with serene spaces and uncomplicated luxury - full of heart with generous hospitality, stunning villa suites, retreat suites, relaxed friendly service and exquisite, honestly healthy cuisine. Facilities include the world class day spa with extensive hydrotherapy facilities, indoor heated pool & jacuzzi, outdoor pool, fitness centre with a yoga & pilates studio, sauna, labyrinth, feature herb and vegetable garden. Uniquely and innovatively, Sante has introduced the Bio-Energy Centre, offering Health Optimizing, a comprehensive methodology for mapping the client's health and identifying causative factors of health challenges. Utilizing more than 30 technologies, each providing many pieces of a health-status jigsaw-puzzle, the most innovative aspect of the Health Optimizing proprietary methodology is the way Sante Wellness Retreat uses advanced technologies to put these pieces together to achieve an overall picture. The Health Optimizing concept starts with an all-encompassing health assessment process. Followed by treatment, through lifestyle coaching and specific high-tech treatments, and then utilizing high-tech medical devices to specifically stimulate the intrinsic self-regulating mechanisms, we enable the client's own physiology to solve most health challenges quickly and effectively.

Previous Spa Awards Winners & Finalists: Unique Spa Concept Category




Winner -

Winner -

Winner -

Jiva Spa at TAJ, Cape Town

Finalists -

Yadah Castle Hammam Turkish Bath & Spa

Yadah Castle Hammam Turkish Spa & Bath Bakwena Day Spa Umngazi River Bungalows & Spa

Vygenhoek Organic Spa

Finalists Yadah Castle - Hammam Turkish Bath & Spa Esse Concept Store Woodlands Spa

Finalists: Spa Awards 2023

Category: Unique Spa Concept

Soaring Eagles Guest Lodge & Day

Woodlands Spa


oodlands Spa offers bespoke treatments, workshop, classes and healing retreat designed to relax you, heal you and give you an intrinsic view of yourself. Idyllically set on the banks of the Crocodile River, our approach is holistic, offering a unique blend of traditional spa therapies and energy healing experiences. We are dedicated to providing an unforgettable stay, but offering all services required to effectively heal and energise our guests. Feed your body as well as your soul, with our inviting menu of organic options. We provide a getaway that goes beyond health and beauty. We offer a state of well-being that uplifts your spirit and sparks change in your life.


oaring Eagles Guest Lodge & Day. Nestled in the Overberg mountains; Soaring Eagles lodge and spa offers a unique experience. From the fresh air, Tranquil environment to our African inspired treatment's it's an experience like no other. Our unique treatments take you on a journey to pure relaxation allowing your Mind, Body, and Soul to completely recharge.

Yadah Castle - Hammam Turkish Bath & Spa rom the warm welcome you receive, candles are lit and the sound of beautiful music surrounds you. The contrasting colours and aromas will send your emotional palette of sensation on a separate journey. The beautiful lighting, priceless antiques and art adoring our walls are a feast for your eyes. Persian carpets and comfortable pillows, scattered across our relaxation lounges, Breath garden and Sun deck are for you to relax and unwind from the tensions of the outside world.


The Hammam also known as the Turkish Hammam or Turkish Bath, is the middle eastern variant of the steam bath. Although the first hammams originated in Arabia and bath culture was a central part of Roman life, Turkey popularised the tradition. The adjoining A'la Turka restaurant offers guests a true exotic middle-eastern experience with subtle Turkish music and food on offer: meze, shish kebab, falafel, dolmades and other Middle Eastern fare.

Mommy Wellness - Someset West


The experience of motherhood and pregnancy is, for most women, a time of great joy and happy expectations. The mother-to-be exudes a special glow of inner light and calm. Of course, pregnancy also has its own particular drawbacks, and so, to complement the unique beauty of pregnancy, the Mommy Wellness provides the perfect haven to restore and invigorate! Additionally Mommy Wellness provides treatments for Daddy Wellness, Babe, Tot and Tween Wellness.

Finalists: Spa Awards 2023

Category: Unique Spa Concept

Soaring Eagles Guest Lodge & Day

Woodlands Spa


oodlands Spa offers bespoke treatments, workshop, classes and healing retreat designed to relax you, heal you and give you an intrinsic view of yourself. Idyllically set on the banks of the Crocodile River, our approach is holistic, offering a unique blend of traditional spa therapies and energy healing experiences. We are dedicated to providing an unforgettable stay, but offering all services required to effectively heal and energise our guests. Feed your body as well as your soul, with our inviting menu of organic options. We provide a getaway that goes beyond health and beauty. We offer a state of well-being that uplifts your spirit and sparks change in your life.


oaring Eagles Guest Lodge & Day. Nestled in the Overberg mountains; Soaring Eagles lodge and spa offers a unique experience. From the fresh air, Tranquil environment to our African inspired treatment's it's an experience like no other. Our unique treatments take you on a journey to pure relaxation allowing your Mind, Body, and Soul to completely recharge.

Yadah Castle - Hammam Turkish Bath & Spa rom the warm welcome you receive, candles are lit and the sound of beautiful music surrounds you. The contrasting colours and aromas will send your emotional palette of sensation on a separate journey. The beautiful lighting, priceless antiques and art adoring our walls are a feast for your eyes. Persian carpets and comfortable pillows, scattered across our relaxation lounges, Breath garden and Sun deck are for you to relax and unwind from the tensions of the outside world.


The Hammam also known as the Turkish Hammam or Turkish Bath, is the middle eastern variant of the steam bath. Although the first hammams originated in Arabia and bath culture was a central part of Roman life, Turkey popularised the tradition. The adjoining A'la Turka restaurant offers guests a true exotic middle-eastern experience with subtle Turkish music and food on offer: meze, shish kebab, falafel, dolmades and other Middle Eastern fare.

Mommy Wellness - Someset West


The experience of motherhood and pregnancy is, for most women, a time of great joy and happy expectations. The mother-to-be exudes a special glow of inner light and calm. Of course, pregnancy also has its own particular drawbacks, and so, to complement the unique beauty of pregnancy, the Mommy Wellness provides the perfect haven to restore and invigorate! Additionally Mommy Wellness provides treatments for Daddy Wellness, Babe, Tot and Tween Wellness.

Spa Awards Les Nouvelles

Esthetiques Boutique Hotel Spa 2023 Category Winner


n unrivalled experience amidst the spectacular rolling hills of KwaZulu-Natal at the foot of the Drakensberg mountains for the perfect me-time getaway. Surrender into a haven of serenity and relaxation as the skilled therapists work masterfully to balance and restore the mind, body, and spirit. Enjoy the natural, organic products, therapies, and spa concepts, each of which has been carefully selected and meticulously crafted to connect you to the rich natural resources of the surrounds. Bespoke treatments and wellbeing experiences have been designed to help reconnect in a way that leaves you feeling refreshed, rejuvenated and bursting with new energy.

Healing Earth Transformative Wellness at Brahman Hills

Spa Awards Les Nouvelles

Esthetiques Boutique Hotel Spa 2023 Category Winner


n unrivalled experience amidst the spectacular rolling hills of KwaZulu-Natal at the foot of the Drakensberg mountains for the perfect me-time getaway. Surrender into a haven of serenity and relaxation as the skilled therapists work masterfully to balance and restore the mind, body, and spirit. Enjoy the natural, organic products, therapies, and spa concepts, each of which has been carefully selected and meticulously crafted to connect you to the rich natural resources of the surrounds. Bespoke treatments and wellbeing experiences have been designed to help reconnect in a way that leaves you feeling refreshed, rejuvenated and bursting with new energy.

Healing Earth Transformative Wellness at Brahman Hills

Finalists: Spa Awards 2023

Category: Boutique Hotel Spa

Vivari Boutique Hotel & Spa

Vergenoegd Löw Boutique Hotel & Spa

ivari Boutique Hotel & Spa is nestled in a leafy valley in Featherbrooke near the Cradle of Humankind, harking back to a time when the world was in perfect harmony and humans lived in and with nature. Recapture this serenity at Vivari, where we offer a return to all things natural in our tranquil surroundings, where luxury intersects with sustainability and where our holistic wellness concepts marry with rejuvenation. Additionally, Vivari Boutique Hotel & Spa, medicine meets wellness, providing pre-surgery treatments that prepare you for surgery, as well as post-surgery treatments to assist with recovery and prolong the effects of certain procedures long-term.



oused in the beautifully restored farm slave quarters and old dairy adjacent to the gracious homestead, Vergenoegd Löw Spa takes you on a tantalizing journey through history. Honoring the farms rich heritage and fertile soils, we use only locally sourced beauty products and perform a wide range of traditional, natural treatments. Enjoy panoramic views from the outdoor relaxation area just as the vrijburgers did before us, enjoy some of Vergenoegd Löw's award winning wines or immerse yourself in a hydrating milk bath while we do the rest to ensure a truly fulfilling and gratifying experience.

The Turbine Hotel & Spa


he Turbine Hotel & Spa was an ambitious project which transformed an old power station into a unique 5 star boutique Knysna hotel. All the old machinery which was used in this power station has been lovingly restored and forms an integral part of the hotel's aesthetics. Yet there's nothing old fashioned about The Turbine now, with modern 5-star facilities including the Turbine Spa, offering guests a wide variety of relaxing treatments from massages to facials and a Rasul Steam Room, the excellent Island Café, a pool with a great view on the wooden deck and a variety of activities to keep you entertained.

Previous Spa Awards Winners & Finalists: Boutique Hotel Spa Category




Winner -

Winner -

Winner -

Spa at Fairlawns Boutique Hotel

Belle Foi Spa at Pont de Val

Delaire Graff Estate Spa

Finalists -

Finalists -

Fordoun Boutique Hotel & Spa Silver Forest Spa

Milkwood Spa at Mosaic Lagoon Lodge Fordoun Hotel & Spa Silver Forest Spa

Finalists: Spa Awards 2023

Category: Boutique Hotel Spa

Vivari Boutique Hotel & Spa

Vergenoegd Löw Boutique Hotel & Spa

ivari Boutique Hotel & Spa is nestled in a leafy valley in Featherbrooke near the Cradle of Humankind, harking back to a time when the world was in perfect harmony and humans lived in and with nature. Recapture this serenity at Vivari, where we offer a return to all things natural in our tranquil surroundings, where luxury intersects with sustainability and where our holistic wellness concepts marry with rejuvenation. Additionally, Vivari Boutique Hotel & Spa, medicine meets wellness, providing pre-surgery treatments that prepare you for surgery, as well as post-surgery treatments to assist with recovery and prolong the effects of certain procedures long-term.



oused in the beautifully restored farm slave quarters and old dairy adjacent to the gracious homestead, Vergenoegd Löw Spa takes you on a tantalizing journey through history. Honoring the farms rich heritage and fertile soils, we use only locally sourced beauty products and perform a wide range of traditional, natural treatments. Enjoy panoramic views from the outdoor relaxation area just as the vrijburgers did before us, enjoy some of Vergenoegd Löw's award winning wines or immerse yourself in a hydrating milk bath while we do the rest to ensure a truly fulfilling and gratifying experience.

The Turbine Hotel & Spa


he Turbine Hotel & Spa was an ambitious project which transformed an old power station into a unique 5 star boutique Knysna hotel. All the old machinery which was used in this power station has been lovingly restored and forms an integral part of the hotel's aesthetics. Yet there's nothing old fashioned about The Turbine now, with modern 5-star facilities including the Turbine Spa, offering guests a wide variety of relaxing treatments from massages to facials and a Rasul Steam Room, the excellent Island Café, a pool with a great view on the wooden deck and a variety of activities to keep you entertained.

Previous Spa Awards Winners & Finalists: Boutique Hotel Spa Category




Winner -

Winner -

Winner -

Spa at Fairlawns Boutique Hotel

Belle Foi Spa at Pont de Val

Delaire Graff Estate Spa

Finalists -

Finalists -

Fordoun Boutique Hotel & Spa Silver Forest Spa

Milkwood Spa at Mosaic Lagoon Lodge Fordoun Hotel & Spa Silver Forest Spa

Spa Awards Aesthetic Institute 2023 Category Winner CINMed Wembley Square, Cape Town: An Award Winning, exclusively upmarket, and contemporary, the SCINMed day cosmetic centre is operated entirely by professionally qualified medical doctors and aestheticians. They offer clients not only an opportunity to receive the most advanced medical and aesthetic treatments, but invite them to do so within a serene environment, surrounded by sophistication and luxury.


This world-class facility offers high-end anti-ageing measures, partnered with preventative medicine and wellness expertise to provide clients with ground-breaking aesthetic solutions. Each guest is set on a bespoke and personal journey towards complete rejuvenation with professionalism, kindness and care. It is this holistic approach that has cemented our reputation as pioneers within the industry.

SCINMed Wembley Square

Finalists: Spa Awards 2023

Anti-Aging Art


nti-Aging Art is a Medical Aesthetic and Holistic Wellness Centre focusing on minimally invasive anti-aging and cosmetic treatments conveniently located in the heart of Houghton, Johannesburg. Anti-Aging Art is owned by Dr. Reza Mia, renowned aesthetic specialist and supported by a staff of qualified therapists. By listening to the client's individual needs, he is able to develop a tailored treatment plan to achieve your desired results. The centre specializes in offering a full range of medical anti-ageing treatments including injectables, botulinum toxin, silhouette soft threadlifts, laser hair removal, dermapen, facial rejuvenation and skin resurfacing.

Senses Wellness Institute


et in the leafy suburbs of Wembley in Pietermaritzburg, Senses Wellness Institute is an oasis of tranquility. Opulent décor, plush finishing's with state of the art equipment in the aesthetic practices making this a unique space in the area. Complemented by exceptional personalised service, innovative treatments and personally-designed packages, ensuring clients leave rejuvenated, with enhances sense of health and wellbeing. Additionally, the garden is a tranquil setting where clients are able to put their feet up & enjoy some quiet time.

Finalists: Spa Awards 2023

Pulse Dermatology & Laser

nternationally qualified specialist team lead by owner, Amy Knoetze, in nonsurgical aesthetic procedures. At Pulse we are determined to be pioneers in the industry, offering an unrivalled menu of medical aesthetic treatments where you can choose from a menu of bespoke peels & facials, anti-ageing injectables, advanced fat removal & body sculpting treatments, advanced treatments for acne and pain free laser hair removal. Treatment programs are tailor made, designed to treat individuals of all skin colours and with all skin concerns.


Previous Spa Awards Winners & Finalists: Aesthetic Institute Category




Winner -

Winner -

Winner -

Medi-Sculpt Chique Skin Technology Aesthetic & Anti-Ageing Solutions

SCINMed Wembley Square

Finalists Fabu-Health Aesthetics Amelioré Wellness & Aesthetics Skinlogic Smart Skin Centre JUST SKIN Aesthetic Clinic

Spa Awards Spa Recognition Winners 2023 The Les Nouvelles Esthetiques Spa Awards are proud to celebrate the outstanding efforts of individuals and spas driving the exceptional standard of excellence of the Southern African Spa Industry. “We focus a large amount on the actual spas, however there are a number of individuals, who go above the call of duty and through their work or innovation, the entire industry is inspired and benefits” Dr Nadine de Freitas

SPA Ambassador The Spa Ambassador Award goes to a person who has made the industry proud and whose presence in the industry is noted internationally. Marisa Dimitriadis, the visionary force behind The Spa Consultants. With an unwavering vision, Marisa has pioneered transformative approaches, reshaping spa landscapes worldwide. Her tireless dedication to advancing wellness experiences has set new industry standards. As a luminary in the international spa community, Marisa’ s passion, commitment, and forwardthinking vision position her as a trailblazer, inspiring excellence and innovation in the ever-evolving realm of wellness. Vanessa Hacisuleyman, the heart and soul behind the Turkish Hammam at the Yadah Castle, is not just a spa expert but a humanitarian with a generous spirit. Vanessa channels her kindness into making a positive impact, embodying the true essence of generosity. Whether creating a serene haven in the hammam or contributing to the community, she exemplifies a commitment to holistic care. Vanessa's dedication to both wellness and philanthropy creates a unique atmosphere, where guests not only experience Turkish hospitality but also witness a compassionate touch that transcends the traditional spa experience.

SPA Humanitarian The Spa Humanitarian Award is awarded to a person who by definition is actively concerned in promoting human welfare and / or ecological sustainability within the spa industry.

SPA Management Excellence The Spa Management Excellence Award acknowledges the dynamic spa manager who best keeps the balance between a motivated team, good working environment, superb guest experience, profitability, and efficient spa operations, with appreciation of the role of the spa manager is one of the most challenging. Celeste Mokoena - Spa Manager, The House of Tshegofatso Spa at The Houghton Hotel. Celeste Mokoena, brings a wealth of expertise to the role. With a passion for wellness and a keen understanding of the hospitality industry, she orchestrates a harmonious blend of relaxation and rejuvenation for guests. Anja Theron - Spa Manager, Woodlands Spa. Anja's expertise extends beyond spa treatments, seamlessly curating retreats that harmonize mind, body, and soul. Her attention to detail ensures every aspect aligns with the spa's mission of holistic well-being. Under Anja's guidance, Woodlands Spa becomes a sanctuary where guests embark on transformative journeys, and her dedication to crafting unforgettable retreats establishes the spa as a destination for those seeking both relaxation and rejuvenation.


Spa Equipment Technology Shaping the Future of Wellness As the world continues to prioritize health and wellness, the spa industry is at the forefront of innovation and technological advancements. Spa equipment technology has evolved significantly to enhance the overall spa experience and cater to the growing demand for holistic well-being. In this article, we will explore six trends in spa equipment technology that are shaping the future of wellness.

Virtual Reality (VR) and Augmented Reality (AR) One of the most exciting trends in spa equipment technology is the integration of virtual reality (VR) and augmented reality (AR) into spa experiences. VR and AR technologies have the potential to transport spa-goers to exotic and tranquil environments, allowing them to unwind and escape the stresses of everyday life. For instance, during a massage or facial, clients can wear VR headsets that immerse them in soothing landscapes, enhancing relaxation and reducing anxiety.

Wellness Sensors and Monitoring Spas are increasingly incorporating wellness sensors and monitoring devices into their services to provide a more personalized and data-driven experience. These sensors can track various wellness metrics, such as heart rate, skin hydration levels, and even stress levels. The data collected can help spa therapists tailor treatments to individual needs, ensuring that clients receive the most effective and personalized care.

Hydrotherapy Innovations Hydrotherapy has been a cornerstone of spa


treatments for centuries, and technological advancements have taken it to the next level. Modern spa equipment now includes state-of-the-art hydrotherapy tubs and pools that offer customizable water pressure, temperature, and massage settings. These innovations provide therapeutic benefits that help alleviate muscle tension, improve circulation, and promote overall relaxation.

AI-Powered Personalization Artificial intelligence (AI) has made its mark in the spa industry by enabling personalization like never before. AI algorithms can analyze client profiles and preferences, suggesting customized treatments and product recommendations. This level of personalization enhances the spa experience by tailoring it to individual needs, resulting in higher client satisfaction and loyalty.

Eco-Friendly Spa Equipment In line with the global shift towards sustainability, eco-friendly spa equipment has become a prominent trend. Spas are opting for energy-efficient lighting, water-saving features, and sustainable materials in their equipment and facilities. Additionally, many spas are embracing green practices by using ecofriendly product lines and reducing their carbon footprint. These initiatives not only appeal to environmentally-conscious clients but also contribute to a healthier planet.

Advanced Aesthetic and Anti-Aging Technology Spas have evolved beyond relaxation to offer advanced aesthetic and anti-aging treatments. Cutting-edge technology, such as laser therapy, microcurrent devices, and radiofrequency treatments,

Les Nouvelles Esthetiques no’101

have become common in spa settings. These technologies help clients achieve their desired cosmetic results while still benefiting from the soothing and pampering aspects of spa culture.

The Future of Spa Equipment Technology The future of spa equipment technology looks promising, with ongoing developments aimed at enhancing overall wellness. Some potential advancements include: Biometric Feedback: Utilizing biometric feedback, such as brainwave monitoring and body temperature sensors, to provide even more precise treatment recommendations and customization. Sustainability Innovations: Continued growth in eco-friendly practices, including the use of renewable energy sources, more sustainable building materials, and waste reduction measures. Genetic and DNA-Based Treatments: Customized spa treatments based on a client's genetic makeup, ensuring the most effective and personalized wellness experiences. Telehealth Integration: The integration of telehealth services, allowing clients to consult with medical professionals remotely and receive spa treatments tailored to their specific health needs. The spa industr y is embracing the rapid advancements in technology to provide more personalized and holistic wellness experiences. And spa-goers seek more personalized and effective treatments, it is clear that technology will continue to play a pivotal role in the evolution of the spa industry. The future of wellness looks positive, thanks to these innovative trends in spa equipment technology.

spa excellence

The Sauna and Steam Guy Wellness has become an increasing topic of conversation and people are taking it more seriously now than ever. With the rise in demands of day to day living, people are consciously utilising their leisure time with activities that benefit their health and wellbeing. More than a decade ago, Nicky Smit recognised an opportunity in the market that he decided to embark on a remarkable journey which is characterized by a commitment to excellence and dedicated to bringing South Africa the ultimate sauna experience. The Sauna and Steam Guys story began as Pro Plan Construction, and over the years, it has transformed and expanded its reach across South Africa. The company's adaptability and dedication to serving the diverse needs of clients led to the establishment of The Sauna and Steam Guy in Johannesburg and Sauna King in Cape Town, setting new standards for luxury and quality. This seasoned company has been perfecting the art of sauna craftsmanship for more than 14 years and will continue to maintain their reputation as the competitive leader in the sauna manufacturing industry. By identifying the unique preferences of each client, we take a huge amount of pride in custom-building every sauna to exact specifications. This personalized approach has allowed us to cultivate strong and lasting relationships with our clients. We specialise in manufacturing custom saunas and steam rooms to the European standard, delivering premium products and quality workmanship in South Africa. We use high-quality woods such as American Basswood,


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Nordic Spruce, Lunawood, ensuring an aesthetic appeal that complements any space. As a proud Certified dealer of HARVIA products, one of the most respected brands in the market, we can guarantee our customers an authentic European sauna experience. The Sauna and Steam Guy has an impressive portfolio that includes collaborations with esteemed clients and iconic locations such as The Finish Embassy, Sanctuary Spas Limited, Virgin Active Group, Val de Vie Estate, Sky Hotel Sandton, just to name a few. The Sauna and Steam Guy has successfully completed multiple projects not only nationwide, but across borders too. This a testament to our firm dedication and increasing demand for our exceptional craftsmanship. With an ever-growing portfolio and the development of continuing client relationships, we aim to shape the future of the sauna manufacturing industry. The Sauna and Steam Guy is not merely in the business of crafting saunas, we are passionate about creating tailor-made wellness experiences that resonate with our clients' desires. For more information: www.saunaking.co.za www.saunaandsteam.co.za Nicky Smit: +27 82 802 0648 sales@saunaandsteam.co.za

spa excellence

The Sauna and Steam Guy Wellness has become an increasing topic of conversation and people are taking it more seriously now than ever. With the rise in demands of day to day living, people are consciously utilising their leisure time with activities that benefit their health and wellbeing. More than a decade ago, Nicky Smit recognised an opportunity in the market that he decided to embark on a remarkable journey which is characterized by a commitment to excellence and dedicated to bringing South Africa the ultimate sauna experience. The Sauna and Steam Guys story began as Pro Plan Construction, and over the years, it has transformed and expanded its reach across South Africa. The company's adaptability and dedication to serving the diverse needs of clients led to the establishment of The Sauna and Steam Guy in Johannesburg and Sauna King in Cape Town, setting new standards for luxury and quality. This seasoned company has been perfecting the art of sauna craftsmanship for more than 14 years and will continue to maintain their reputation as the competitive leader in the sauna manufacturing industry. By identifying the unique preferences of each client, we take a huge amount of pride in custom-building every sauna to exact specifications. This personalized approach has allowed us to cultivate strong and lasting relationships with our clients. We specialise in manufacturing custom saunas and steam rooms to the European standard, delivering premium products and quality workmanship in South Africa. We use high-quality woods such as American Basswood,


Les Nouvelles Esthetiques no’101

Nordic Spruce, Lunawood, ensuring an aesthetic appeal that complements any space. As a proud Certified dealer of HARVIA products, one of the most respected brands in the market, we can guarantee our customers an authentic European sauna experience. The Sauna and Steam Guy has an impressive portfolio that includes collaborations with esteemed clients and iconic locations such as The Finish Embassy, Sanctuary Spas Limited, Virgin Active Group, Val de Vie Estate, Sky Hotel Sandton, just to name a few. The Sauna and Steam Guy has successfully completed multiple projects not only nationwide, but across borders too. This a testament to our firm dedication and increasing demand for our exceptional craftsmanship. With an ever-growing portfolio and the development of continuing client relationships, we aim to shape the future of the sauna manufacturing industry. The Sauna and Steam Guy is not merely in the business of crafting saunas, we are passionate about creating tailor-made wellness experiences that resonate with our clients' desires. For more information: www.saunaking.co.za www.saunaandsteam.co.za Nicky Smit: +27 82 802 0648 sales@saunaandsteam.co.za


The Future of Mindfulness Therapies in Spa and Wellness Retreats

In a fast-paced and increasingly hectic world, the need for relaxation and stress relief has never been more apparent. Spa and wellness retreats have long been sanctuaries for those seeking rejuvenation and tranquility. However, as our understanding of holistic well-being deepens, so does the demand for more comprehensive approaches to wellness. The future of these sanctuaries lies in the integration of mindfulness therapies, offering visitors a chance to not only pamper their bodies but also nurture their minds.

Mindful Eating Another trend is mindful eating, where visitors are encouraged to savor each bite and appreciate the sensory experience of food. Spa and wellness retreats now emphasize organic, locally sourced, and healthy meals that are not only nourishing for the body but also encourage mindful consumption. This approach fosters a healthier relationship with food and helps prevent overeating.

Mindfulness Technology: Advances in technology will play a significant role in the future of mindfulness therapies. Virtual reality (VR) and augmented reality (AR) can create immersive experiences that transport guests to serene environments, making it easier to engage in mindfulness practices. Wearable devices may also track physiological data, helping individuals monitor their progress and adjust their mindfulness routines accordingly.

Mindful Nature Walks

Integration with Healthcare: Spa and wellness retreats will increasingly collaborate with healthcare providers to offer mindfulness therapies as a complement to traditional medical treatments. Mindfulness therapies will be prescribed as part of a holistic approach to healing and wellness.

Nature has an inherently calming effect, making it a perfect backdrop for mindfulness. Retreats are offering guided nature walks and forest bathing experiences, encouraging visitors to connect with the natural world while practicing mindfulness. This immersion in nature can reduce stress, improve mental clarity, and promote overall well-being.

Mindfulness for Corporate Retreats: Businesses are increasingly investing in the well-being of their employees. Spa and wellness retreats may offer customized mindfulness programs for corporate retreats, helping professionals reduce stress, enhance productivity, and improve their overall work-life balance.

The heart of mindfulness therapies lies in meditation. Retreats are beginning to offer guided meditation sessions, where visitors can learn to cultivate mindfulness, increase self-awareness, and develop a greater sense of presence. These sessions often take place in serene natural settings, creating an ideal atmosphere for relaxation and introspection.

The Future of Mindfulness Therapies

Yoga and Mindful Movement

Personalized Mindfulness Programs: These programs will include a variety of mindfulness therapies, such as meditation, yoga, mindful movement, and mindful eating, creating a comprehensive approach to holistic well-being.

The future of spa and wellness retreats is bright, with the integration of mindfulness therapies at its core. As people seek respite from the daily hustle and bustle, they will continue to turn to these sanctuaries for relaxation and rejuvenation. The inclusion of mindfulness therapies offers a comprehensive approach to holistic well-being, addressing not only the physical but also the mental and emotional aspects of wellness. As these practices evolve and expand, spa and wellness retreats are poised to play a vital role in promoting a healthier, more mindful world.

The Rise of Mindfulness Therapies Mindfulness, rooted in ancient traditions like meditation and yoga, has made its way into mainstream wellness. People have come to recognize its benefits in reducing stress, improving mental clarity, and enhancing emotional well-being. As a result, many spa and wellness retreats are now incorporating mindfulness therapies into their offerings. Mindful Meditation

Yoga has long been a staple in wellness retreats, and its integration with mindfulness practices is becoming increasingly common. Visitors can


participate in mindful yoga classes that combine physical postures with breath awareness, helping them connect their bodies and minds.

As the demand for mindfulness therapies continues to grow, the future of spa and wellness retreats will see further innovation and integration of these practices. Here are some trends and possibilities that may shape the future of these sanctuaries:

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The Skin Positivity Movement A Powerful Counter-Narrative to the Anti-Aging Industry For decades, the beauty and skincare industry has been dominated by the concept of anti-aging, which perpetuates the idea that youthfulness is the ultimate standard of beauty. However, a powerful counternarrative has emerged in recent years known as the "Skin Positivity" movement. This movement challenges the conventional anti-aging narrative and promotes a more inclusive and self-accepting approach to beauty.

The Anti-Aging Obsession The anti-aging industry has long thrived on the insecurities and fears associated with growing older. It portrays aging as a problem to be fixed rather than a natural and inevitable part of life. The message is clear: wrinkles, fine lines, age spots, and gray hair are to be erased at all costs. Consequently, consumers have been bombarded with a barrage of products and procedures, from skincare products to Botox injections, promising to turn back the clock. The problem with the narrative is multi-faceted: Unrealistic Standards: It perpetuates unrealistic beauty standards, making people believe that youthfulness is the only form of beauty. This fosters feelings of inadequacy and shame associated with the natural aging process. Potential Risks: Many anti-aging products and procedures come with potential risks and side effects, both physical and psychological. Ageism: Anti-aging reinforces ageism, leading to discrimination against older individuals and undermining their value and contributions.


The Emergence of Skin Positivity Skin Positivity is a transformative movement that seeks to challenge the anti-aging narrative by celebrating the beauty of skin in its natural state. It encourages individuals to embrace their skin at any age, celebrating the unique stories and experiences that come with growing older. Here are some of the core principles of the Skin Positivity movement: Acceptance of Natural Aging: Skin Positivity promotes the acceptance of the natural changes that occur with age, such as wrinkles, age spots, and changes in skin texture. It encourages individuals to celebrate these as markers of a life well-lived. Holistic Well-Being: The movement emphasizes that healthy skin is a reflection of overall well-being. It encourages a balanced lifestyle that includes a nutritious diet, regular exercise, adequate hydration, and stress management, all of which contribute to skin health. Non-Toxic Beauty: Skin Positivity encourages the use of non-toxic and clean beauty products that prioritize the health of the skin over quick fixes. This means using skincare ingredients that are safe, effective, and environmentally friendly. Diversity and Inclusivity: The movement celebrates the beauty of diverse skin types, colors, and ages. It advocates for representation in the beauty industry and encourages brands to create products that cater to a wide range of skin tones and textures.

Why Skin Positivity Is on the Rise Several factors have contributed to the growing popularity of the Skin Positivity movement:

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Empowerment: Skin Positivity empowers individuals to make choices that prioritize self-acceptance and well-being over societal beauty standards. It encourages people to take control of their self-image. Mental Health: The Skin Positivity movement promotes self-love and helps reduce the anxiety associated with the pursuit of anti-aging solutions. Aging Population: With a growing global population of older adults, there is a natural shift towards valuing the wisdom and beauty that comes with age.

The Role of the Beauty Industry The beauty industry, as a major influencer of beauty standards, has a significant role to play in the success of the Skin Positivity movement. Brands and companies are adapting to this changing landscape and embracing the principles of healthy aging. The ways in which the beauty industry is supporting Skin Positivity include: Inclusive Advertising: Brands are moving away from overly retouched images and increasingly showcasing models of all ages, skin types, and sizes. This promotes diversity and inclusivity, helping to challenge the conventional standards of beauty. Education and Awareness: Beauty brands and influencers are using their platforms to emphasize the importance of embracing the aging process and understanding that beauty transcends age. Skin Positivity represents a significant step forward in promoting self-love, acceptance, and the celebration of beauty at every age, creating a more positive and inclusive beauty culture for all.


PURLÉS Innovative French Biotechnological Thinking PURLÉS is the result of innovative biotechnological thinking combined with mother nature's caring traditions, from the four corners of the globe.

results. Our presence in the care & beauty market has proven that, our clients' satisfaction and safety are of supreme importance to us.

Our world-class scientists along with the latest scientific discoveries, make possible for our professional products to offer dermocosmetic therapies with quick and visible effects. A real alternative to invasive medesthetic procedures.


of our cosmetics, makes them the best tool in the hands of qualified Professionals CEREMONIES OF PROFESSIONAL FUTURE

Inspired by nature, we create effective and pleasant ceremonies that not only perfect beauty, they also move the senses. FRENCH INNOVATION LABORATORY Purlés professional cosmetics are made in French laboratories that meet the highest production standards - 80% of products are produced in France and 20% in Spain. Our products are embedded with many years of scientific experience, quality control and constant independent dermatological tests. The fusion of innovative technologies along with industry expertise constitute a Purlés trademark which, guarantees the highest quality and visible


The range of Purlés products is constantly developing with new lines, that draw inspiration from the latest achievements in science. Such products are our chemical peels, peptides, retinols, EGF and hyaluronic acid among others. The technologically advanced formulas of our chemical peels guarantee the highest quality and efficient exfoliation. Our mesococktail line, designed for microneedle mesotherapy, enriched also with revolutionary home care, is an intensive treatment that, fights the symptoms of skin ageing, and guarantees an optimal response to the individual needs of the skin. Encapsulated vitamin C in DNA Protection Expert delivers the ingredient to the skin so that it can be effective and ensures optimum coverage and availability. Our attention to the quality and perfect composition

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Our professional cosmetics were created for beauty salons, clinics and spas that desire to offer their clients complete care & beauty solutions, in addition to offering a great service. We are always alongside the novelties and developments in the beauty industry. The constant elevation of our standards and satisfying the expectations of even the most demanding clients are fundamental to our philosophy. The Purlés s brand was created as a result of the desire to transform every-day treatments into memorable ceremonies. In our opinion, this shift represents the future of professional therapies. i-Spa - Exclusive Distributors of Purlés in South Africa visit: www.i-spa.co.za email: info@i-spa.co.za Tel: 011 954 0304

spa business

Effective Communication By Brendan P. Keegan

Most of the great businesses of the world have great services and products - that’s a given. What really makes them stand out though? Their leaders are fantastic communicators. What’s more, these leaders teach others how to communicate well, too, so that connection becomes a cornerstone for the culture of the entire organization. But what exactly is it that makes fearless leaders’ communication stand out? Fearless Leaders COMMUNICATE with clarity, transparency and authenticity. Developing your communication attributes is vital to instilling confidence in your audience and removing their fear, uncertainty, and doubt. Communication is how you speak, how you write, how you listen, and how you interact. There are 3 rules to fearless communication. Know your audience – do they want more or less, spoken word or written word, in person, email, text, or video – or do they want you to listen first. As you get opportunities to communicate as a leader, take time to prepare and think about what the audience wants, or even what they need. Do they need you to bring high energy or calming energy, do they want facts or feelings, are they looking for a long communication or a short communication? The more you invest in knowing your audience, the more they will invest in listening to the message.


Be transparent – sharing with your audience what you know, motivate them in good times and comfort them in challenging times. In almost all situations, it’s far better to share and explain the situation and align everybody through your communication. When you only tell part of the story, your audience will make up the other part, and that can be very dangerous, spreading fear and doubt spread. Sometimes you will have to be perfectly fine to say “I don’t know” as well, sometimes you just don’t. Be authentic – be yourself, don’t try to be someone you are not, people trust you, that’s why they are listening, trust yourself back. We all have been at some meeting, dinner or event when we witnessed someone trying to be more of something than they were – trying to be funny, or highly energetic or solemn. In those instances, the audience filters the message because they feel it is “off” and that “something is missing”. Fearless Leaders develop a clear, transparent and authentic style that comforts and energizes their audience in the way the leader intended. Now that you have the three rules I want to introduce you to a concept called BLUF - Bottom Line UpFront.

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In a fast-paced business environment, we need to get to the point QUICKLY, or we lose the attention of our readers. In the BLUF Approach, we start with “Newsworthy Information”. This is the MAIN POINT that we want to share with our readers. As you write, think of it this way—if all your readers consumed was the first line, they would capture the gist of the whole report or email. After the newsworthy information come all the important details. This is anything that may help to clarify or support the main point. The information is helpful, but not crucial. Finally, finish up with any background information. Again, this should be brief because a long email or report can be a turn-off, but there are times for adding in some general background information about a story or issue. Next time you are writing an email, designing a presentation, preparing for a meeting, whatever it might be, think of these rules and the BLUF Approach and I can guarantee you will communicate your message successfully. Brendan P. Keegan: CEO Merchants Fleet | Transformational Leader | Tech Innovator | ESG Expert | Board Member | Keynote Speaker

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