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Why Crystal Therapy?
By Mandy Trollio - The Soul Khaya / TAWA LABS Crystal Collection
From the great galaxies to the subatomic, all people and particles dance to a vibration of resonance. Resonance is a way of storing energy by vibrating at a particular frequency, and everything everything - in the universe resonates.
If energy is added to something at its resonate frequency, it can store more and more of that energy by vibrating at that particular resonate frequency. Simply put this translates to, more energy = higher vibration, or, the more the energy the greater the life force energy.
Our Vital Life Force energy, also known as Chi, Ki, Prana or Mana is directly linked to our wellbeing, vitality and happiness.
What does this have to do with Crystal Therapy? Well, everything!
The above fundamentals of resonance sum up the basics of Crystal Therapy. For example when during a Crystal Massage we lay out a clear quartz energy grid around the treatment bed and then, with focused intention, perform a chakra stone layout along the pathway of the 7 corresponding energy centres, we are weaving a matrix of raised vibration.
What arises naturally from the stones frequencies, colours, shapes and mineral content, along with the therapists focused intention, is a deep sense of harmony and peace for the guest and therapist alike. The energy system begins to flow and balance, and as science tells us, through entrainment, this alignment of rhythm now flows into the physical, emotional, and mental bodies.
And this is just the start of the treatment!
Discerning guests seek authentic experiences which allow them to go within and visit the landscape of self-inquiry. No longer is a 60 minute Swedish massage enough to feed their soul. Now more than ever we need to provide the space for outer and inner sensory experiences, this is the future for body therapies.
Along with other modalities of like breathe work, meditation, sound therapy, and aromatherapy in the form of the TAWA LABS Crystal Collection, the crystal massage brings a gift to the guest, enabling him/her to embrace the remainder of their day with renewed energy, joy and happiness. And with entrainment………this joy transfers from this moment to the next and the next, and from this person to the next and the next.
The Crystal Therapy training I have curated for therapists enables them to bridge the gap between providing merely a body massage, to creating an authentic open hearted holistic therapy.
The regular practice of receiving, and giving, a mindful massage is a without a doubt an altruistic act. How so? Unconditionally giving benefits both the receiver and the giver by activating our happy hormones! These regular experiences settle into ones consciousness, improving the quality of one's mind and overall wellbeing.
It is now my time to pay it forward, after so many years in this dynamic industry, spending time with, and facilitating growth for young therapists and teams who wish to grow both professionally and personally is my mission. My Crystal Therapy training paves the way for this. Reviews
Celeste Mokoena, Spa manager of The Houghton Hotel and Spa, and two of her senior therapists recently completed a full 5 day training programme. “This was one of the best training courses I have ever experienced, out of this world! Crystal Therapy massage holds incredible benefits for both the client and therapist. As a Spa manager I have often found it difficult to switch off after the many daily challenges, learning these holistic practices during the course was invaluable and has enabled me to find balance, calm and focus. I am more equipped than ever to apply myself fully during and after my daily tasks and challenges, both professionally and personally. This is true Body, Mind and Soul therapy!”
It was with incredible gratitude that I recently received from Roxane Gordan, owner of Flourish Beauty Salon in Glen Ashely Durban North, the following review “A crystal massage at The Soul Khaya is not a treatment, it is a life changing experience."
For more information on treatments and training courses, contact Mandy Trollip www.thesoulkhya.com 082 451 7701