8 minute read

Getting Grounded: How Dirt Makes You Happy

Hippies are known for being happy and chill, and for running around barefoot.


Emerging research suggests they’re onto something, too. Turns out, kicking off your shoes and literally connecting with Mother Earth has health benefits, such as boosting immunity, regulating sleep, and reducing stress.

Grounding, also known as earthing, is when humans make an electrical connection to the earth’s energies. The simplest form involves walking barefoot in the grass, dirt, or sand.

Some people take a more technical approach using grounding matts and other devices. More on that in a second.

As radical as it seems, grounding is simple science. Humans are bioelectrical beings that carry a positive charge, which can build up in our bodies. Earth has a negative charge. When we m2ake contact through grounding, we discharge our excess energy, producing a healing effect at the cellular level. Grounding is essential as it may: •reduce inflammation •reduce cortisol •increase energy •increase healing speed •decrease pain •restore balance to the body It’s Science.

There isn’t a huge vault of studies on grounding (yet), but the research that exists shows a measurable improvement in blood chemistry, pain, immune response, and inflammation after short periods of skin-to-earth connection. One research review suggests the earth is a living matrix with a central connection to all living cells.

This matrix is held together by electrical conductivity, which acts as an immune system defense (sort of like antioxidants). The body restores its natural defenses by connecting to the matrix through grounding. affects heart health, 10 healthy volunteers had grounding patches placed on their hands and feet. Blood measurements were taken before and after grounding to detect changes in red blood cell fluidity.

The conclusion showed a major decrease in blood cell clumping after grounding, which indicates the practice is beneficial to heart health.

Grounding has also been studied for its pain-relieving abilities. One study used grounding patches and mats to understand how grounding affects postexercise muscle damage.

Researchers measured creatine kinase, white blood cell counts, and pain levels, before and after grounding. The resulting blood analysis demonstrated that grounding reduced muscle damage and pain, indicating it had an influence on the body’s ability to heal.

Another more recent study further examined the pain relief and mood boosting properties of grounding. This study looked at 16 massage therapists who rotated between periods of grounding

and no grounding. Due to their physically demanding jobs, they’d all complained of chronic pain and physical and emotional stress. After receiving grounding therapy, all participants reported a decrease in pain, stress, depression, and fatigue.

Many of these studies are small and rely on anecdotal evidence, although many also include measurable blood markers. More research is needed overall,but the results look very promising. And there’s really no downside to connecting with Mother Earth.

Bottom line: Research suggests grounding may improve symptoms of… •chronic fatigue •anxiety and depression •sleep disorders •chronic pain •cardiovascular health

3 Common Types Of Grounding

Choose your own adventure when it comes to connecting with the Earth. Here are some popular approaches to consider.

Outdoor Savasana

When was the last time you laid on the ground? If the last time was in childhood, it’s time to get back to your roots. Get that skin-to-earth connection by laying in a wide space like a picnic area at a park or in the sand at the beach. Or, next time you’re doing yoga, try going outside and including a little savasana on the earth rather than on your mat.

Earth walker

Walking barefoot is the easiest way to have a skinto-earth connection and wake up your senses. Savor the feeling of soft grass tickling your feet. Find a patch of dry, sun-warmed dirt and enjoy the sensation. If you’re near a beach, dig your toes in the sand. Keep in mind, If you aren’t used to walking barefoot, your feet may be tender. Be sure to keep your eyes peeled for stray rocks

Embrace your inner mermaid

If you’re more of a beach babe, this one’s for you. Swimming in oceans, lakes, or rivers are perfect ways to ground yourself. Feel the cool water, soft sand, and even slimy rocks or smooth river stones to feel more connected to the Earth.

Equipment for Rainy Days

While rain wouldn’t phase a die-hard hippie, most of us save our earth child urges for good weather. When the ground is muddy, there are indoor alternatives to consider like grounding mats, sheets, blankets, bands, patches, and even cozy socks that are designed to allow you to ground from the cozy comfort of your couch or office. Safety First

swimming in murky waters, grounding naturally is a very safe and enjoyable activity. Using a grounding device poses a small risk of electrical shock if used incorrectly. Physical Techniques to get Centered

Mental health therapies often include grounding techniques to calm distressing thoughts. Here are some hands-on approaches to emotional grounding by engaging your senses.

Dish it out. Convert the never-ending task of dishwashing into a grounding exercise and finally answer the age-old question: is water wet? Focus on the temperature of the water. Do all parts of your hand feel the same degree of warmth? Notice the contrast of the cold rinse water. Think of all the ways water purifies and heals the body and soul. Touch. Hold and touch items near you and challenge yourself to think deeply about their texture, weight, and temperature. Take a pencil and roll it between pinched fingertips. Tap into your inner thesaurus and find words to describe the sensations, being very specific. Breathe, beathe, breathe. For an instant dose of calm, bring your attention to your breath, noticing your regular breathing pattern. Then inhale deeply, filling your belly and lungs. Hold for a few seconds, then let it out.

Mental Grounding Techniques

Try these mental grounding exercises to ease distressing thoughts and feelings.

Memories. Look at a picture or piece of artwork. Close your eyes and try to remember as much detail as you can about it. Math. You’re never too old to practice your times table. Recalling basic math facts is a simple way to ease anxious thoughts and exercise your brain. Bonus points if you’re bad at math due to the need for even slower concentration. Other ways to use math include counting down from 100 or choosing a number and thinking of 5 ways to make that number. For example 12 + 7 = 19, 24 – 5 = 19 Laugh. A fit of giggles, a full-on belly laugh, or just a chuckle are all great mood boosters. Read some dad jokes, watch a baby-eating-a-lemon video, or whatever makes you smile. Find joy in the little things. What’s your mantra? In action movies there’s often a character who summarizes their life in a succinct way, like… “My name is Katniss Everdeen. I live in District12.” It’s a storytelling strategy to ground that character from the anxiety of their situation. You can do it for yourself when you’re feeling overwhelmed. Self-soothing Techniques

Feeling overwhelmed? Try these exercises if you’re in need of comfort.

Who do you love? Imagine someone positive in your life or even someone you admire. Picture their face and hear their voice telling you that although this moment is challenging, you will get through it. Love yourself. What would you say to a friend who was feeling the same way you are now? Try saying the same phrases, like “you?re strong,” “you can get through this,” and “I believe in you.” Say it like you mean it! Pet your pet. There’s a reason why we have emotional therapy dogs! Animals don’t judge you for being sad or moody. Give them a cuddle, a belly rub or just a knowing pat on the head. They got you. Your happy place. Use all of your senses to visualize the feeling of being in your faavorite place. Maybe a childhood fort, your kitchen, or a foreign city you love to visit. Imagine the colors, sounds, and sensations. Bring it to life in your mind. Listen to music. Put on your favorite song, but pretend you’re listening to it for the first time. Focus on the melody and lyrics. Does the song give you chills or create any other physical sensations? Pay attention to the parts that stand out most to you. Feel the music move you. Let emotions come up and out, don’t stuff them in. Mindful meals. Many of us are in the habit of eating while staring at our phones or other screen. To start, put down your phone, your to-do list, and your busy thoughts, and simply focus on your food. Step-by-step: Feel how the earth is there to meet you at each step, notice how your foot feels on the ground and how it peels up off of it. Notice the rhythm of your steps, maybe even count how many you take. Other tips to improve your practice

Grounding yourself through centering is subtle therapy. Unlike a prescription med, it takes time and consistency. However, the results are organic and empowering with no side effects, so don’t give up after the first try. Keep those self-empowering mantras close

Get the most out of your grounding therapy by: Sticking with it. Practice makes perfect. Even when you feel like it’s not working, keep at it. With consistency, you’ll find yourself centered with an arsenal of grounding tools at your disposal. Try it first thing in the morning. If you wait until you’re in meltdown mode, it will be harder to take back control of your mind and emotions. Avoid being critical. When using visualization or observation techniques, go general and concentrate on the basics of your surroundings, not how they make you feel. Check yourself. Before grounding, rate your distress on a scale of 1 to 10. Do the same after grounding. Noticing results will encourage you to keep at it. You can also use this method to figure out which techniques work best for you. Eyes wide open. Keep your eyes open for many of these exercises, as it’s easier to stay connected to the present moment if you’re engaged with your environment.

In Conclusion

It’s kind of amazing that simply walking the earth barefoot can have so many health benefits. In years past, our ancestors did this out of necessity. These days we have to make a concentrated effort (thanks, shoes). So Kick off those shoes, take a deep breath, and repeat: “I have the power!

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