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Innovate, Invigorate & Elevate your Spa
26 & 27 September 2021 Book Now Nk Noook N NB k Now

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LNE Spa Conference Programme 2021 Sunday, 26 September 2021

8.30 - 9.30 Registration MC: Sheila Otieno-Osanya (Founder of The Spa People)
9.30 - 10.00 Welcome - Innovate to Elevate: How to Use Creativity to take your Business to the Next Level - Dr Nadine de Freitas (Managing Editor - Les Nouvelles Esthetiques)
Peruse the top ten requisite business skills right now and forecasted for the future (as determined by last year's World Economic Forum Future of Jobs report) and you'll find a common thread of creativity. Skills like manual dexterity and time management are trending downward. Emotional intelligence, originality, critical thinking, innovation, and complex problem solving are gaining ground. Creative problem solving is a highly sought after skill.
10.00 - 11.00 The Future of Spas - Patrick Huey (USA) - (Chairman of the International Spa Association and Corporate Spa Director at Montage Hotels & Resorts)
The wellness movement has grown to a multitrillion dollar industry, creating a world of opportunities, where you can strategically position your business to take advantage of “what's next.” Businesses that come up with new ideas and trial them are the ones that will evolve faster. Mobilise the magic, it's you and your people and once you ignite your magic, that builds resilience in your team.”
11.00 -11.30 Mid Morning Break
11.30 -12.15 The 4 Curves and Flat Earth - Dr Wynand Goosen (CEO and Founder of Skillzbook)
There are plenty of echoes in our modern-day Vesuvius. For years, we have lived with - and largely ignored as “not particularly alarming” - increases in chronic diseases, an accelerating mental health crisis and growing income inequalities - not to mention the escalating climate change crisis. So here are four curves that we need to start flattening.
12.15 -12.30 The Power of Connection - Dr Lientjies van Rensburg
The skin is the largest organ in our body and is designed, amongst other things, to experience touch. As our brains and bodies have developed extensive and complicated responses to being touched, massage has a profound impact.
12.30 - 13.00 Spa Design: Wellness and Biophilic Architecture that creates Emotional Connections - Andrew Scrivener (Managing Director - Distinctive Spaces)
Biophilic and wellness design is a concept used within the design and architectural industry to increase connectivity to the natural environment through the use of direct nature, indirect nature, and space and place conditions.
13.00 -14.00 Lunch
14.20 -15.00 Preparing to Dream - a New World of Well-being Jean-Guy de Gabraic (Belgium) (Founder World Wellness Weekend)
Wellness does not start with “me,” but with “we.” We should become the artisans of healthier and more vibrant lifestyles. Wellness does not just help us to survive, it helps us to thrive. This is the goal of World Wellness Weekend and every Weekend and encourages people to take the Wellness Pledge to positively impact the lives of people near or far, through solidarity and a sense of purpose.
14.30 - 15.15 How the Future of Work-Life Balance Will Look Like? - Ronald Abvajee (CEO of HLC: Winner of the 2019 Corporate Wellness Champion Award at the Future of HR Awards. Physiologist and Health and Wellness Expert, Entrepreneur and Motivational Speaker) There's a new shift that suggests companies and their employees will have to start thinking in a different way when it comes to the way we work and live. This isn't only because there are fewer of us to do more work, but because the is going to be occupied by different generations. This is especially true for jobs that require creative solutions, knowledge and innovation. Employees in these fields fight to reach the ideal balance with set patterns, when in fact they would benefit significantly from breaking the pattern and instead of following a system based on the individual tasks and their own energy levels. To get as much as possible out of our human resources, it is vital that we put the work-life balance in focus.
15.15 - 16.00 Being Part of the Blue Wellness Movement - Kent Richards (Hong Kong) - Spa Operations Director Six Senses Hotel Resorts & Spas International
You are familiar with the green beauty movement that was pioneered by small, independent brands as it steadily emerged over the past three decades. Green beauty is generally defined as beauty products that are plant-based, organicfocused, and ethically sourced. Over the past few years, green beauty has gone more mainstream. But have you heard of Blue Beauty? Businesses have to “go blue,” which means that they were going to be held accountable by consumers to surpass being green and sustainable and forge new ways to use their businesses to make a positive impact on the environment, not just minimize their impact.
Monday, 27 September 2021
8.30 - 9.00 Registration Tebogo Thoka - Founder and CEO of Fabu-Health & Co
9.00 - 9.15 Welcome & Spa Awards 2021 - Dr Nadine de Freitas
9.15 - 9.30 The Word “Wellness” - Andrew Jacka (Singapore) (Chairman - Asia-Pacific Spa & Wellness Coalition
The Dangers of Wellness.“It’s actually worse than when we started the spa industry and 'spa’ was used to describe everything. The word 'wellness’ is now used to describe everything and this is dangerous. As an industry we need to define exactly what we mean by wellness. We can deliver 'light wellness’ or 'integrative wellness’ but we need to be clear about what we do, especially in hospitality.
9.00 - 10.30 Is it a Bullish or Bearish Spa Market for Investment Panel Discussion - Panel Discussion : Tebogo Thoka (CEO: Fabu-Health & Co), Debbie Merdjan (CEO: Camelot International), Patrick Huey (Chairman: iSpa), Stav Dimitriadis (CEO: Twincare International)
The term “Bullish” is used because of the way a Bull attacks, moving his horns and head upwards and higher. So the price will rise.. A bearish market means that the price is going down and falling. So is the Spa Market currently and into the future: Bullish or Bearish.
10.30 - 11.00 Future Proofing - Increasing Profitability and Wellness ROI - Marisa Dimitriadis (Founder and Managing Director - The Spa Consultants)
It takes a lot to keep an organization running efficiently, ask any spa owner or manager, to produce better outcomes, profit margins and have the best chance at making the most of well-suited investments. Allowing money or time to slip through the cracks or go to waste can quickly deter progress on any initiative. Of course, this is all easier said than done. Especially when it comes to abstract, highly impactful initiatives like an employee wellness program or marketing programs, it can be challenging to assess its value and ensure the investment is worth it.
11.00 - 11.30 Mid Morning Tea Break

11.30 - 12.00 Mind - Body - Skin Connections - Symphony of Graceful Ageing- Dr Denise Bjorkman (CEO at Neuro Business Institute)
Providing a mind-body-skin connections that restores the cellular balance between the skin, nervous system and immune system. One treatment at a time, through touch you can help create a more connected and compassionate world, beyond the immediate effects of reducing individual stress.
12.00 - 12.30 Media, Influencers and new Technologies are Driving Wellness - Unaiza Suliman - The Brow Queen but her influence extends To Business, Beauty & Aesthetics, Fashion, Parenting, Health & Fitness
THE INFLUENCER WELLNESS REPORT states “2,267 social media influencers, trendsetters and early adopters reveal next years biggest trends in exercise, nutrition, food, alcohol, cannabis, supplements, e-commerce, apps, and much more…”
12.30 - 13.00 Talent Management Strategies to help your Business Stand out - Miranda Forrester (Owner of MF Spa & Beauty Placements)
Talent management is an ongoing process of attracting and retaining highperforming employees, providing the tools to develop their skills, and keeping them engaged and motivated. Retainment is a big part of a talent management strategy
13.00 -14.00 Lunch
14.00 -14.30 Embracing Diversity - Creating a new breed of culture driven leaders to grow the SA economy.
Diversity is about what makes each of us unique and includes our backgrounds, personality, life experiences and beliefs, all of the things that make us who we are. It is a combination of our differences that shape our view of the world, our perspective and our approach
14.30 -15.00 Circular Economy EXPLAINED : Lucy Brialey (UK) (Co-Founder and Director of the Sustainable Spa Association) and Stephanie Hodgson (UK) (Campaign Partner #spawastenotchallenge)
A circular economy is based on reducing consumption, waste and pollution through better design of materials, products and packaging. It also prioritises reverse logistics trends and practices to ensure the return of those goods back into the system where they can be reused, repaired or recycled. These are the five Rs of a circular economy, according to MeetthefiveRs: REDUCE - REUSE RECYCLE - REPAIR - RETURN
15.00 -15.30 Brand Shaper: Shape your professional brand and polish your personal presence - Lori Milner - Speaker | Trainer | Author
What is the image that lights up in the minds of people you work with when they hear your name? In other words, what do others perceive, think, believe and remember about you? Can you control those things? And if so, what would you have them say? Whether you are conscious of it or not, everything you do or say contributes enhances or detracts from your brand. Why not consciously brand yourself before others can brand you? This program gives you the power to shape your own reputation in ways that are strategic to your career and life goals and congruent with who you are as a professional.
15.30 -16.00 “How you see your Future is much more Important than what has Happened in the Past” - Zig Ziglar - Leona Toussaint (GIBBS Business School)
16.00 Closing & Thank you - Dr Nadine de Freitas (Managing Editor Les Nouvelles Esthetiques & Spa) Les Nouvelles Esthetiques Spa Conference 2021
Theme : Innovate, Invigorate and Elevate your Spa
A must attend event for all spa managers, salon or spa owners, and wellness professionals.
The Les Nouvelles Esthetiques Spa Conference focuses on building capacity, raising benchmarks and adding value to the spa industry, in addition to the infinite networking opportunity. This results in a speaker program that is focused in helping delegates to better understand their business; master industries best practices and directly apply practical lessons in their business.
Peruse the top ten business skills forecasted for the future and you'll find the common thread of Creativity. Emotional intelligence, originality, critical thinking, innovation, and complex problem solving are essential to invigorate and elevate your Spa. Creativity is Intelligence having Fun - Albert Einstein

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