Les Nouvelles Esthetiques Spa Magazine #87

Page 54

spa therapies

By Samantha Frances - Voices Wellness

Smart Tips to Make 2022 Your Healthiest Year Yet

This year, we’re bidding farewell to fad diets and rigid workout regimes. Instead, we’re all about embracing a smart and healthy approach to living and eating well in a way that’s flexible enough to suit our busy lifestyles. This means sustainable meals that fuel us all day instead of crash diets, and planning workouts according to what our body needs, instead of burning out from overexercising. Eat the Rainbow What eating the rainbow really means is to incorporate fruits and vegetables of different colours into your diet daily. As plants contain different pigments or phytonutrients, colourful plants offer higher levels of specific nutrients. A 2021 Neurology study also revealed that those who regularly ate from a full colour spectrum had a 20 percent lower risk of cognitive decline, compared to those who ate less. The next time your meal looks a little dull, why not add in some avocados, blueberries, and peppers?


Exercise correctly, not exercise more

Soothe your Mind and Body

While it’s great news that more people are adopting regular workouts in the new year, this newfound enthusiasm can lead to overtraining. Exercising too much without adequate rest and recovery can lead to more stress and injuries. Instead of pushing yourself too hard, focus on exercising correctly by including a balanced mix of strength training, cardio workout, and flexibility exercises. Always start at a lower intensity before working your way up.

Relaxation can feel like a luxury when work and life get in the way but knowing when to rest does wonders for the mind and body. Hoping to make meditation a part of your life? Try apps like Calm, Headspace, and Unplug. Other mindful ways of relaxing include soaking in a warm bath, listening to music, and simply taking slow, long breathes wherever you are. To ease into your bedtime, try enjoying a warm beverage that doesn’t have alcohol or caffeine in it.

Roast your Vegetables Find your Tribe It’s no secret that roasting not only coaxes out delicious, caramelised flavours but is also one of the healthiest ways to cook and eat more vegetables. Using dry heat to soften vegetables doesn’t require added butter or oil, which both add large amounts of calories and fat. Roasting at high temperatures of 200-220 degrees gives them a crisp texture, without stripping the heart-healthy fibre and vitamins within.

Les Nouvelles Esthetiques no’87

Your closest friendships and relationships can affect your mental health more than you think. In the new year, rethink which ones are worth investing your time in and distant yourself from those who leave you feeling worse about yourself. Find your tribe— people who support and love you for who you are. Looking to meet new people? Trying a new hobby is a great way to start.

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Articles inside

LNE #87 - Employees are Putting Wellness over Work

pages 58-59, 61

LNE #87 - The Sense of Awe

pages 62-63, 71

How to Make your Metabolism Work for You No Matter your Age - LNE Spa #87

pages 56-57, 59

LNE Spa Issue #87 - Walking MindfulnessActivities

pages 60, 62-63

LNE Spa Magazine Issue #87 - The Nutrition for Healing Initiative Trends

pages 4-5, 9

Six Senses Laamu in the Maldives

pages 40-41

Zulal Wellness Resort by Chiva-Som in Qatar

pages 30-31

Banyan Tre Ilha Caldeira

pages 20-21

LNE Issue #87 Collective Action amongst Spa against Water Scarcity

pages 44-45, 49, 63

LNE Issue #87 - Building Social Capital in a Hybrid World

pages 38-39, 42-43

LNE Spa #87 - Spas Leading Biophilic Design

pages 48-49

LNE Spa #87 - The Healing Power of Music

pages 32-33, 35

6 Commonly-Believed Myths about Eathing for the Environment

pages 52-53, 65

LNE Spa # 87 - Functional Foods

pages 50-51, 55

LNE Issue #87 - Signature Scents

pages 70-72

Signature Scents

pages 68-72

The Science of Optimism

pages 66-67

6 Ways Taylor Swift Excels at Content Marketing

pages 64-65

The Sense of Awe

pages 60-61

Leaders are Made – RELATIONSHIPS

pages 62-63

Walking Mindfulness Activities

pages 58-59

Employees are Putting Wellness over Work

pages 56-57

Smart Tips to Make 2022 Your Healthiest Year Yet

pages 52-53

How to Make Your Metabolism Work for You, No Matter Your Age

pages 54-55

6 Commonly-Believed Myths About Eating for the Environment

pages 50-51

Six Senses Laamu Leads the Maldives as Eco-Resort of the Year

pages 38-41

Functional Foods

pages 48-49

Collective action amongst Spa and Wellness Operators is needed in Climate Battle against Water Scarcity

pages 42-45

Wellbeing as One System: Mind, Body and Place

pages 32-35

The Healing Power of Music

pages 30-31

Qatari and wider Arabic Culture

pages 28-29

Wellness Space

pages 24-25

Pregnancy Massage & the Trimesters Zulal Wellness Resort by Chiva-Som opens with Spa Rituals rooted in

pages 26-27

Banyan Tree Ilha Caldeira - Ribbon of Sustainability

pages 18-21

Let’s Be the Change

pages 4-5

3 Reasons To Switch To Natural And Organic

pages 12-13

Esse and the ‘Skinimalism’ Trend

pages 14-15

Celluvac: Restoring overall Balance

pages 10-11

The Awakened Life is the Best Life

pages 6-7

CSpa Aroma Wellness

pages 8-9

Top 10 Beauty Trends from My Beauty Luv

pages 16-17

The Nutrition for Healing Initiative Trends

pages 2-3
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