Les Nouvelles Esthetiques Spa Magazine #87

Page 64

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Leaders are Made - RELATIONSHIPS By Brendan P. Keegan - Fearless Leadership Leaders are MADE they are not born. There are 8 attributes that help one to become a truly fearless leader. One of the most important is RELATIONSHIPS. Fearless Leaders develop RELATIONSHIPS and take the required time to invest in those relationships. Leadership is about organizing a group of people – people require your time, energy, focus, and investment. Fearless Leaders also are willing to put themselves out there and network, meet new people and connect more often. Sometimes this can be scary because fear, uncertainty, and doubt creep in. But as you develop the attributes and a leadership style that pushes past challenges and cultivates a network, and tribe of people that want to follow your fearless style is built. And why do they want to follow you? Because you take their fear away, you lead them to a bigger vision, and they value your leadership and bravery in the face of their own doubts.


Slowing down to take the time to build trust and relationships is very challenging. Early in my career, I thought I was pretty good at building relationships. As I grew and wanted to become a better leader, I realized I was good at creating relationships but didn’t invest the time to nurture ongoing relationships. We’ve all gotten the out-of-the-blue call, text, or email from a person from our past, asking how we are doing, followed by a favor request. One day, I realized I was in a relationship like this, and I was the one reaching out. So, I made a conscious decision to get much better at nurturing relationships. With how busy the world is today and with our own perception of how busy we are, I find myself still challenged to do this, but it is a conscious battle I work on every week. Why? Because as a Fearless Leader, I am committed to building trust with my connections so someday I can help each of these

Les Nouvelles Esthetiques no’87

people by removing some fear, self-doubt, or uncertainty in their lives. I am committed to taking the time and making the investment, no matter how challenging. Fearless Leaders find a way, and I know you will as well. I challenge you to look at your current relationships, personal and business. Are you taking the time to nurture them or are you creating them and leaving them to sit? Evaluate each one and determine one thing you can do to help that relationship grow. You might find that a relationship you put on the back burner or forgot about could make a difference in some aspect of your life. BE FEARLESS & build RELATIONSHIPS

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Articles inside

LNE #87 - Employees are Putting Wellness over Work

pages 58-59, 61

LNE #87 - The Sense of Awe

pages 62-63, 71

How to Make your Metabolism Work for You No Matter your Age - LNE Spa #87

pages 56-57, 59

LNE Spa Issue #87 - Walking MindfulnessActivities

pages 60, 62-63

LNE Spa Magazine Issue #87 - The Nutrition for Healing Initiative Trends

pages 4-5, 9

Six Senses Laamu in the Maldives

pages 40-41

Zulal Wellness Resort by Chiva-Som in Qatar

pages 30-31

Banyan Tre Ilha Caldeira

pages 20-21

LNE Issue #87 Collective Action amongst Spa against Water Scarcity

pages 44-45, 49, 63

LNE Issue #87 - Building Social Capital in a Hybrid World

pages 38-39, 42-43

LNE Spa #87 - Spas Leading Biophilic Design

pages 48-49

LNE Spa #87 - The Healing Power of Music

pages 32-33, 35

6 Commonly-Believed Myths about Eathing for the Environment

pages 52-53, 65

LNE Spa # 87 - Functional Foods

pages 50-51, 55

LNE Issue #87 - Signature Scents

pages 70-72

Signature Scents

pages 68-72

The Science of Optimism

pages 66-67

6 Ways Taylor Swift Excels at Content Marketing

pages 64-65

The Sense of Awe

pages 60-61

Leaders are Made – RELATIONSHIPS

pages 62-63

Walking Mindfulness Activities

pages 58-59

Employees are Putting Wellness over Work

pages 56-57

Smart Tips to Make 2022 Your Healthiest Year Yet

pages 52-53

How to Make Your Metabolism Work for You, No Matter Your Age

pages 54-55

6 Commonly-Believed Myths About Eating for the Environment

pages 50-51

Six Senses Laamu Leads the Maldives as Eco-Resort of the Year

pages 38-41

Functional Foods

pages 48-49

Collective action amongst Spa and Wellness Operators is needed in Climate Battle against Water Scarcity

pages 42-45

Wellbeing as One System: Mind, Body and Place

pages 32-35

The Healing Power of Music

pages 30-31

Qatari and wider Arabic Culture

pages 28-29

Wellness Space

pages 24-25

Pregnancy Massage & the Trimesters Zulal Wellness Resort by Chiva-Som opens with Spa Rituals rooted in

pages 26-27

Banyan Tree Ilha Caldeira - Ribbon of Sustainability

pages 18-21

Let’s Be the Change

pages 4-5

3 Reasons To Switch To Natural And Organic

pages 12-13

Esse and the ‘Skinimalism’ Trend

pages 14-15

Celluvac: Restoring overall Balance

pages 10-11

The Awakened Life is the Best Life

pages 6-7

CSpa Aroma Wellness

pages 8-9

Top 10 Beauty Trends from My Beauty Luv

pages 16-17

The Nutrition for Healing Initiative Trends

pages 2-3
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