Title pages by HERB
T Roger Barbour editor John B Harris, Jr assistant editorhKennet R sBumpas U S rMose yfacult radviso lfinancia radviso
dRichar rSaylo
sJame sBrookin
yJerr lZerke
eEugen tRundquis
dFre lEzekie
tLef ot :Right eGeorg lSchnel
lPau rReitze tlayouDedication
yMa sGod' triches sblessing eb hwit uyo lal tthroughou ryou lives
rSaviou sJesu tChris dwalke sthi .earth .Matt .24:35
change yThe nremai eth esam ytoda ttha ythe ewer nwhe rou dLor dan
mfro yda ot ,day tbu lspiritua ,values hwhic ear eth yonl lrea ,values rneve
hEart gmovin ,equipment lschoo sprogram dan ,many yman rothe sthing ni sthi dworl ear ni a lcontinua estat fo echang dan lmateria svalue echang
rSaviou ewhil sstudent ta .Tech
nme ehav dfoun rthei
w"kno "how ynecessar ot od eth job I kthan dGo oto ttha yman gyoun
rfo sthemselve dan rfo eth lschoo yb gdemonstratin ttha ythe ehav eth
nme ti ,produces dan I ma dgratifie ta eth yman sreport hwhic ehav ecom ot em gconcernin sgraduate fo Tech eThes nme ehav emad a nreputatio
mprogra nca tbes eb dJudge yb eth rcalibe fo
ssucces fo yan cscholasti
lpractica kwor hwit eth ytheor dan cbasi sstudie fo eth sclas .room eTh
lpractica ndow hthroug eth .years eTh lTechnicauLeTournea eInstitut swa doriginate ni na tattemp ot ecombin
sState sha dbroadene ni ,scope ygraduall gchangin dan gbecomin emor
,But esinc eth gbeginnin fo ethes yearl ,schools neducatio ni eth dUnite
ldea fo semphasi no lspiritua ,values hwhic fo ecours ethsi tmos )important.
I( ma dplease ot enot ttha yman fo ethes yearl sschool dplace a tgrea
schools tAlmos gnothin fo lpractica evalu swa dinclude ni eth curriculum
ldea fo semphasi swa dplace no eth ystud fo nLati dan kGree ni ethes
ttha rou tfirs sschool ewer dcalle n"Lati rGramma "Schools dan a tgrea
sFriend fo emin owh ear seducator yb nprofessio ltel em ttha eth sschool fo sthi ycountr ehav dchange a tgrea ldea gdurin eth years tI sseem
rfo sles ymone ytoda ntha ti dcoul ni eth dol ,days hwit lal eth inflation
ttha ,time ti si tno tdifficul ot dunderstan ywh a dyar fo tdir nca eb dmove
heart gmovin tequipmen hwit eth rmeage tequipmen hwhic swa ni eus ta
dentere sthi dfiel emor ntha 02 syear .ago nWhe ew ecompar nmoder
lRadica schange ehav ntake eplac ni heart gmovin ymachiner esinc I
rDea :Students
eLov ot uyo .all
uyo a blessing
yMa eth dLor sbles heac dan yever eonfo uyo . . . dan emak
salway dintereste ni ewher uyo ear dan twha uyo ear .doing
ePleas od tno tforge su eher ta uLeTournea !Tech eW ear
ywa rfo twithou mHiuyo nca od gnothin worthwhile
ttha lwil eencourag uyo ot econtinu ot nlear dan bclim ot eth thighes grun fo eth .ladder tBu easid mfro eth ,latter dan eabov ,all I ypra ttha heac fo uyo sha dlearne ot tle eth tGrea yAlmight ehav sHi
sposition hbot ni ryou dfiel fo kwor dan ni eth droa fo elif
ttha uyo lwil dfin
dblesse hwit eth plam fo eknowledg
ycountr dan tno .return I ysincerel ypra ttha uyo ehav nbee
pkee kbac a rtea ta eth tthough fo ryou leaving yMan fo uyo lwil nobtai sposition ni svariou spart fo eth
rAnothe mter shaecom ot a eclos . . . dan I dfin ti dhar ot
lfee ttha yever dwor scome mfro eth mbotto fo ym heart
nperso ot egiv uyo sthi message sA ttha si ,impossible epleas
rDea :Students I ysincerel hwis ttha I dcoul heacese dan yever eon fo uyo ni
.Mr nVerno sadvise wne sstudent hwit rthei .curriculum
dConra nVerno eassociat ndea dan rregistra
splan ttha dlea su ot yhapp dan lsuccessfu
rthei soffice ecom eth nadministratio fo eth
rfo rou lindividua .need mFro
kwor mprogra
phel su tselec eth tmos lbeneficia lschoo dan
etur of the sstudent' eentir ecours ,objective
rOu ,counselors hwit a ecomprehensiv -pic
rfo ttha .future sThi si ewher eth nfoundatio fo rou yabilit ot dsuccee si laid
kthin eth hTec soffer eth tbes npreparatio
rOu ,task sa sbuilder fo a rbette ,tomorrow si tno ntake lightly eW ear eher ebecaus ew
yabl eli ahead
dplanne ot dwithstan eth sstorm ttha -invari
ese ttha eth sfoundation ew yla ear lwel
,futures dan gnothin si emor lvita ntha ot
lfu preparation eW ear gbuildin rfo rou
ETRU SBUILDER erealiz eth foynecessit -care
Dr nAlle C rTyle ndeaLawrence Oliver has nothing on Wier
Now spell 'pusillanimous."
nWilbur T kDerricePop
sClear dan simprove rwhate'e ti sshine "upon.
t"Bu etru ,expression elik eth gunchangin ,sun
dpresse yclearl dan concisely
os ttha rou sfinding dan sidea yma eb -ex
trepor dan sbusines rlette gwritin si edesirabl
cbasi rgramme dan ,spelling a ymaster fo
nadditio ot
sconvey shi sidea ot others nI
HENGLIS si eth smean yb hwhic eth rBuilde
Mr. Shaddix refers the class above to a chart to show the intricacies of the National Electoral System.
lPowel ot eth nsatisfactio fo fo Dr dLloy dan class
nIsgre slocate sAthen rfo
sstudent tabou tinteres dan loans
lNationa ,Bank sanswer eth squestion fo ethes sEconomic
evic tpresiden fo eth tFirs
nJoh ,Dougherty tassistan
"Gilbreth" Soys...
1. Try to have both hands doing the same thing at the same time.
2. Try to avoid the useof hands for holding.
3. Eliminate as many therbligs as possible.
snique ni eth tmanagemen fo a dFor tplan ot classroometh
ntio mroo wbelo sbring esom -tech
eus a efir extinguisher -projeceTh
.Mr sGrime eth rprope ywa ot
sber fo a ySafet class gDurin a tvisi ta eth tplan ythe nlear mfro
eTh sfellow ta eth tlef ear -mem
sha ngive eth sclas trouble
)(Left ,Noyce sJone dan eLan epuzzl tou eon fo Mr sSpottswood' ypulle systems eTh lmechanica eadvantag fo eth dincline eplan si eth nquestio ta eth trigh dan wbelo Mr dSpottswoo s"run "through a mproble ttha
gEngineerin scourse dan sexpose eth tstuden ot eth cbasi slaw involved
SPHYSIC si na nintroductio ot yman fo eth
sscience ot mfor a ecomplet ecomposit whole
emad pu fo eknowledg mfro yman lindividua
sbrick ni ,it os a lwel drounde neducatio si
dRichar W dSpottswoo tJus sa eth lwal fo a nfoundatio sha yman
At the left, budding chemists wrestle with a weighty problem, and below, the fellows get a closer look at the "Mendelyeev brainstorm."
lal eth .angles
ehav dfigure
eThes sboy
istudent ,Right -Trigo ynometr sseem ot eb a tbi .humorous
lmateria rfo eth hmat
aAlgebr si kbedroc
oT eth ,left ew dfin
MECHANICAL ENGINEERING is more than a list of formulas to be manipulated in the class room.
Just as mortar is used to cement many bricks into the unity of a wall, so the practical experience and common sense values gained by "getting a little grease on our hands," integrates our new found knowledge into a sure foundation upon which to build our careers.
Strength of Materials students hope Lackey's answer above agrees with the book Stilley's Machine Designers are hard at work at the left.
Thompson's auto mechanics above get an overall view of the electrical system and we never knew those Diesels at the left had so many parts in them
.Dr ,Hardison
no eth yassembl line
eLarrabe ta nStatio 7
ELECTRICITY is one of man's best servants The Tech electrical student learns its many abstract theories, and in spite of its elusive nature, applies them daily in the shop.
The pictures on this and the opposite page show the theoretical and the practical side of the Electrical Science course.
ot k"brea eth "ground rfo efutur sleader ni eth emachin shop
sit smember kwor ,together runde eth ninstructio fo sAusmu dan ,Adams
inch dPicture no ethes otw spage si eth eMachin eScienc department sa
ETH TMACHINIS si a nma fo nprecisio owh smeasure ni sthousandth fo na
.O .K sAusmu
mWillia .E sAdam
WELDING, as a means of fabrication, has enjoyed increased industrial application andconsequentlya rise in importance as a profession
In the lab, studentsacquire a basic skill that is all important in making a good weld. A knowledge of welding theory and better techniques is the difference between welding operators and welding engineers.
nCarbo .diagram
nso sentangle eth sclas ni eth -Iron
ytheor ni .action ,Below .Mr -Bron
tpartmen dan lstee lmil ot ese rthei
kloo oint eth tplan ymetallurg -de
yonl ot
THEA TTREA sstudent ehav
sCharle E nBronsoAbove, McDougali feeds the platen press as "Brad" watches his technique. Right, these "ink slingers" learn hand composition as well as the Linotype.
Ernest W. Bracewell, JrLITHOGRAPHY is one of the youngest fields in the printing industry and has been said to be the most rapid growing of the Graphic Arts The LeTourneau Printing Department has, in the most part, "offset" equipment and it is in this shop that the "NOW" and this yearbook is published
Above, Stanfield gives Spencer a few pointers on washing up the LTN. Right, Some "Litho" students are giving the copy camera a once over
shum hwit aTorng dan sHarri gworkin .together ,Below sWhat' os yfunn tabou a dSpee ?Graphic
eTh eplat mroo
Spring is sprung
The grass is riz
A baseball bat
(We think this is!)
Careful Steve, you'll crack it!
Claude A. Thompsonstrade .lab
)(Bottom gBuildin
rfo ,theory too
)(Below eTher si a eplac
rfine spoint ni .masonry
sdescribe esom fo eth
)(Left .Mr nThompso
,longview sTexa
dan lBunne tge ,through ti tough ot work uLeTournea eColleg
ecycl ni a tnu .shell )(Left nWhe nHuffma
)(Above eTh nrefrigeratio
That's right, isn't it Mr. Meadows?
(Below) Wyckoff and Schofield pose with the Boy's Club, basketball team.
Dr. D. B. Lloydsexplain .them
eplac nwhe Mr nOde
rfo dprofoun dan sconscientiou nconsideratio fo lspiritua things lScriptura sdetail lfal oint
eBibl edoctrin scall
dCliffor .E nOde
Christian Service students conduct a chapel service
gcounselin ta eth 'Boys .Academy
,Left eDav dSchofiel
JlBil M ,Jones dlicense ot minister ,Above aMaranath tBaptis hChurc ni eth building
eHous " tstree .services
lRussel ,Richey rmanage fo eth g"Do
tstree ,services dlicense ot minister
sCharle ,Webb ySaturda dan ySunda
eLe .J ,Wilner rcounselo ta ""Jim ,Club ljai services
uLeTournea ,Tech ljai services
ttis hChurc fo ,Kilgore lchape gson rleade ta
rdirecto dan ,speaker dlicense ot .minister lPau ,Reitzer cmusi rdirecto ta lBethe -Bap
'Boys ,Club ySunda lSchoo ,teacher hyout
yHarr ,Wyckoff rdirecto fo ""Jim rCrusade
sTexa ,Academy hcoac rfo ""Jim Club
dDavi ,Schofield 'boys rcounselo ta tEas
eth eTempl tBaptis ,Church Longview
eMerl ,Brooks dordaine ,minister rpasto fo
nJoh ,Ferguson dordaine ,minister rpasto fo eth lBethe tBaptis ,Church .Kilgore
rto fo aMaranath tBaptis ,Church Longview
tRober ,Meadows dordaine ,minister -pas
sselve ot gpreachin dan gteachin eth dWor ni eth gfollowin :ways
nChristia eServic sstudent eobligat -them
eth sday ear "evil, si ntake ot thear sa eth
od eth kwor fo na ,evangelist emak lful fproo fo yth yministr . . . gredeemin eth etim rfo
eTh nexhortatio ot h"Preac eth ,word
fo nChristia kwor tapar mfro rthei schooling
eth nChristia eServic sstudent dhol sposition
gAlon hwit eth rcurricula ,activities yman fo
(Above left) Ed and Ben Jenkins— Evangelistic team
(Above) Mrs Irene Hanley, a converted Jewess, speaking at the plant chapel hour.
(Left) Tom Olson, tract writer and Bible teacher, brings a series of sermons to the Tech
C hKennet nMan
smessage ehav dinspire yman sChristian eher dan dstrengthene su all
sist mfro lal rove eth ycountr hpreac ot us rThei
gin elif hwit .Him nI rou lchape sservice ew ear efortunat ot ehav yman lwel nknow lGospe sspeaker dan -evangel
plationshi hwit dGo dan eprepar rfo na -everlast
rou ,temporal yearthl ,future ot nstrengthe rou -re
ySurel ti si ,proper dan neve emor timportan ntha
ttha ew tmigh econcentrat no leterna things
LCHAPE ETIM si tse easid tou fo a ybus yda os
The LIBRARY is a convenient place to gather and re-hash those hardto-work homework problems The librarians stand ready to help you find the population of Zanzibar, Tanganyika Territory, Africa, or any other bit of common information you might need
Mrs Windsor O Crim Irma Maki Mrs. Roy E. CarlsonyMar eAlic nLarso
eMarjori kKir
yDoroth nHaga
eAlic sWilliam
nLaFo hBurc
eNoalen sBrook
Gibson, knowing manager of the resale store, waits patiently as Jones puts his stamp of approval on a pair of diagonals before he signs on the dotted line
Dozier M. Gibsonsroom dan gissuin ssheet dan .bedding
yb gassignin mthe rthei
nBe E sRoger ghousin radministrato
nBe sRoger stake ecar fo eth wne sarrivalThy word is a lamp unto my feet, and a light unto my path -Psalm 119:105
e"tak ti "easy ewhil glookin rove eth merchandise
tbu oals sprovide esom yeas schair ewher ew yma
tmen fo .Mrs ,Hoffer soffer tno yonl a eplac ot epurchas lspiritua eliteratur dan hchurc ,supplies
ETH KBOO DAN EBIBL ,STORE runde eth -manage
Here is the place we gather just before chapel to mull over the things of the day or just relax Some go for Mrs Richey's coffee while others might compete in a vigorous game of ping pong
"Is the mail up yet?" This cry is heard by Bessie Hancock every day as she faithfully tends the mail and performs her many chores at the Campus Post Office
We shall always remember this little building, just off the brick ramp, which we visited so often anticipating that welcome letter from home.
Bessie HancockDr. Wensley and Nurse Fry work together at the plant dispensary to administer medical services to the working student as well as the plant employee.
Above, Penny gets first aid treatment for a sore finger. Right, it looks as though T. W. has something in his eye.
Ruth L. Fry NurseBarbour, Roger Murray
Denver, Colorado
Yearbook Staff
Choral Group
Courney, Clark
Mechanical Science
Cleveland, Ohio
President of Student Council
Yearbook Staff
Barlow, Delton D.
Welding Paradis, Louisiana
Davis, Carrol L.
Electrical Science Pittsburg, Texas•
lMechanica eScienc ,Seadrift sTexa
,Gilmer sTexa ,Glaze ySamm .E
lMechanica eScienc
,Florence .C ,Ed .Jr
lElectrica eScienc ,Ray aArizon
,Ernst yStanle .G
tStuden ,Council lChora pGrou
,Vineland wNe yJerse ,Softball uLeTournea dBan
lMechanica eScienc
tRober nWalto
Tipton, Missouri
Student Council Secretary
Christian Service
Longview, Texas
Phoenixville, Pennsylvania
Mechanical Science
Merit, Texas
Livers, Glenn Fay Machine Krug, Paul William Machine Science Meadows, James Robert Nelson, James O. Bowling TeameMachin eScienc ,Wilmar sArkansa
,Thomas nMarvi J
,Fayette iMissour lBasketbal sClas ySecretar
lMechanica eScienc
,Hancock nWinto nAlla
eMachin eScienc nSa ,Antonio sTexa
,Greggton sTexa ,Irwin sCharle E
lMechanica eScienc
Griffith, .T .W
Pierson, Richard N.
Electrical Science
Philadelphia, Pennslyvania
Prentice, Bruce Calvin
Machine Science
Coffeyville, Kansas
Phillips, William Eugene Machine Science
Gushing, Oklahoma
Scarborough, Glynn O. Machine Science
Natchitoches, Louisiana
,Representative 2
tStuden lCounci
tHo ,Springs sArkansa
gBuildin sTrade
,Smith sRa sLewi
nSa ,Bernardino aCaliforni
lElectrica eScienc
,Thomas nKe
,Covington eTennesse
lElectrica eScienc
,Smith nAlle G
,Longview sTexa
lMechanica eScienc
,Yancey mWillia .R
Young, Seth
Mechanical Science
Puyallup, Washington
Building Trades
Emmet, Arkansas
Whittle, Chesley Glenn
Boise, Idaho
President, Student Chapter of American Welding Society
Thompson, John M.tdeposi no eth 3'5 rPionee !
pSte trigh pu dan tpu a
Davis, Albert H. Machine Science
Henrietta, Texas
Frisbie, Arthur R. Machine Science
Hawley, Pennsylvania
Carlisle, Hubert O. Welding
Pittsburg, Texas
Groves, William L. Machine Science
Rocky, Oklahoma
Daniel, Howard Leroy Machine Science
Gladewater, Texas
,Brooklyn wNe kYor
lMechanica eScienc
,Medina tVincen
,Waynesboro aPennsylvani
,Davis sCharle .H
,Oblong sIllinoi
eMachin eScienc
,Finney lPau eDuan
,Harvey hNort aDakot
lMechanica eScienc
,Huber nMelvi H
,Waterloo aIow
lMechanica eScienc
,Lockey lWendel nMerly
,Leonard sTexa
eMachin eScienc
,Golden sJame .D
Lane, William Jesse
Machine Science
Duncan, Oklahoma
Mickle, Scott C.
Mechanical Science
Galena, Ohio
Maki, Walter E.
Mechanical Maintenance
Iron River, Wisconsin
Lymn, Thomas N., Jr.
Mechanical Science
New York City, New York
Mayfield, Bill Wayne
Welding Birmingham, Alabama
Mudd, Howard R.
Machine Science
Longview, Texas
,Ormsby aPennsylvani
lMechanica eScienc
hFis ,Creek nWisconsi ,Raszmann tHerber .G
lMechanica eMaintenanc
,Peterson dRichar .L
,Silverhill aAlabam
gBuildin sTrade
,Rundquist eEugen lAxe
,Dilley sTexa
eMachin eScienc
,Noll eEugen yAnthon
,Dilley sTexa
eMachin eScienc
,Rumfield mWillia dGeral
,Lockport wNe kYor
lMechanica eScienc
,Peterson dRaymon lCar
Sprankel, William Albert Machine Science
Bellevue, Ohio
Simmons, George A. Mechanical Maintenance
Longview, Texas
Tornga, Gerald J
Grand Rapids, Michigan
Wilner, Lee John Christian Service
Los Angeles, California
Moore, Gerald Roden Lithography
Stowell, Glenn Alvin Mechanical Science
Kingston, Massachusetts
,Cornwall wNe kYor
lElectrica eScienc
,Schnell eGeorg nJoh
,Humble sTexa
lMechanica eScienc
,Woffard .J .G
,Owego wNe kYor
lElectrica eScienc
,Holmes E dFre
,Phoenix aArizon
lMechanica eMaintenanc
,Hardison nJoh .F
,Lodi wNe yJerse
nChristia eServic
,Wyckoff yHarr dElwoo .Jr
,Memphis eTennesse
gBuildin sTrade
,Spaeth yStanle .R
Angelo, Andrew Lamar
Electrical Science
Galveston, Texas
Balceszak, Lige Edward
Mechanical Science
New Braunfels, Texas
Bond, Merlin Clifford
Mechanical Science
Schenectady, New York
Bower, David E.
Machine Science
Irwin, Pennsylvania
,Nampa oIdah
eMachin eScienc
,Harris lLenera .L
,Houghton wNe kYor
gBuildin sTrade
,DeRuiter nJoh lPau
,Kilgore sTexa
nChristia eServic
,Ferguson nJoh .M
eLittl ,Valley wNe kYor
gBuildin sTrade
,Crosby dHowar dArnol
,Denver oColorad
lElectrica eScienc
eLak ,City aFlorid ,Ericson eEugen rVicto
eMachin eScienc
,Champion nBenjami nFrankli
Bradford, Nathaniel Virlyn Linotype
Lincolnton, Georgia A A Degree
Burks, Robert J. Machine Science Mt Enterprise, Texas
Ezekiel, Freddy Jacob Mechanical Science Bombay, India
Hurley, Robert A. Mechanical Science Britannia Beach, B. C, Can.
Harstine, Dale Edson Mechanical Science New Philadelphia, Ohio
Jones, Larkin Anson Machine Science
Gilmer, Texas
hNort ,Dartmouth Mass
nChristia eServic
,Schofield dDavi
,Batesville sArkansa
lMechanica eScienc
,Marshall tElber yRa
,Brooklyn wNe kYor
lMechanica eScienc
,Tyler sTexa ,Newecral dDavi nJoh
eMachin eScienc
,Kelly sCledi .E
,Shelbina iMissour
eMachin eScienc
,Haydon sJame .L
,Longview sTexa
lElectrica eScienc
,Jones sJame J
Noll, Joseph Frank
Electrical Science
Dilley, Texas
Winsor, Robert L.
Mechanical Science
Milwaukee, Wisconsin
Noyce, James Robert
Mechanical Science
Wheatland, Wyoming
Perkins, Charles Edwin
Machine Science Nacogodoches, Texas
Orwig, Herbert L.
Mechanical Science Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania
Reigart, Edward Ellsworth
Christian Service York, Pennsylvania
,Covington eTennesse
lElectrica eScienc
,Smith tRober hParis
St ,Louis iMissour
lMechanica eScienc
,Winscott kFran
Yale, sIllinoi
eMachin eScienc
,Shanks eLe
,Inman sKansa
gBuildin sTrade
,Toews yHenr lPau
tFor ,Collins oColorad
nChristia eServic
,Reitzer lPau .G
,Coleman sTexa
lMechanica eScienc
,Penney yHarve eJo
Wier, Ronald Lee
Electrical Science
South Bend, Indiana
Wiley, Charles E. Machine Science
San Antonio, Texas
Hazewinkel, Albert Christian Service Grand Rapids, Michigan
,Mebane hNort aCarolin
lMechanica eScienc
aL ,Habana aCub ,Covington eBenni lMel
lMechanica eScienc
,Badia oArmand sEusebiu
,Start aLouisian
lMechanica eScienc
,Bennett eClyd nJackso
,Conowingo dMarylan
,Alexander rRoge rTaylo
tMoun ,Hope tWes aVirgini
lMechanica eScienc
,Alford nNorma .L
oMexic ,City oMexic
lMechanica eMaintenanc
,Acosta sCarlo .A
Bailey, Herbert Earl
Electrical Science
Camdenton, Missouri
Borgardt, Fred "Hank"
Mechanical Science Arlington Heights, Illinois
Ball, Stephen H.
Building Trades Orange, New Jersey
Berg, Donald Lee
Mechanical Science Ft. Lauderdale, Florida
Baty, Lee Roy
Mechanical Science Palestine, Texas
Boggs, Charles Harold
Electrical Science
Ricelake, Wisconsin
oMexic ,City oMexic
lMechanica eScienc
,Font eJaim .A
,Berkeley aCaliforni
lMechanica eScienc
,Bunnel nGordo dAlfre
,Oblong sIllinoi
eMachin eScienc
,Deeter rRoge sLewi
lElectrica eScienc
,Portland nOrego
,Brookins sJame .M
wNe ,Summerfield sTexa
eMachin eScienc
,Davis dHarol eGen
,Orange aVirgini
lMechanica eScienc
,Brizzolara tRober ePag
Cain, James A.
Electrical Science Asheville, North Carolina
Cameron, Jack Everett Machine Science San Antonio, Texas
Dougherty, Thomas D.
Mechanical Science Electro, Texas
Gotten, Joe Henry Machine Science Counce, Tennessee
Davis, Leonard Isaac
Mechanical Maintenance Dickerson, Maryland
Dover, Benton Layman Building Trades Buffalo, Montana
,Longview sTexa
lElectrica eScienc
,Hoffer .J eLe
,Norwalk oOhi
lElectrica eScienc
,Enders eClarenc dHarol
,Lehighton aPennsylvani
lMechanica eScienc
,Foster aIr .C
,Canyonville nOrego
,Dunbar tRober F
,Duluth aMinnesot
lMechanica eScienc
,Gabriel lEar .H
,LaGrange oOhi
lMechanica eScienc
,DeArmon nMarvi nDea
Fogt, David Clifford
Mechanical Science
New Bremen, Ohio
Gould, Howard Merrill
Electrical Science
Cocoa, Florida
Fullerton, Derral Keith
Mechanical Science
Antelope, Texas
Ferguson, Ben
Mechanical Science
Longmont, Colorado
Glenn, Stanley F.
Mechanical Science
Balboa, Canal Zone
Gomez, Gabino
Ebano, San Luis Potosi, Mexico
,Pulaski aVirgini
lMechanica eScienc
,Hughett tHuber ,Carl .Jr
,Arlington aVirgini
lMechanica eScienc
,Hash mWillia lEar
,Cocoa aFlorid
gBuildin sTrade
,Hoxie eJeff eGen
,Memphis eTennesse
,Harris nJoh ,B. .Jr
gWeldin wNe ,Bethlehem aPennsylvani
,Hetrick eGen oOtt
,Hilbre ,Manitoba aCanad
,Grusing dDavi T
Hatch, Dale Wallace
Mechanical Science
Gordon, Nebraska
Hoffer, Morris Robert
Galena, Kansas
Hazlewood, Turner L.
Machine Science
Mansfield, Louisiana
Hoffman, William L.
Mechanical Science San Antonio, Texas
Helvie, Gordon
Mechanical Science Nova, Ohio
Huggins, Edwin Bright
Electrical Science
Darlington, South Carolina
,Clearfield aPennsylvani
lMechanica eScienc
,Chatauqua wNe kYor ,Kennard kFrederic dDavi
eMachin eScienc
,Huffman sCharle tRober
lMechanica eScienc wNe ,Stanton aPennsylvani
,Gordon aNebrask ,Johnson eEugen .F
,Hickman tRober dHarol
,Longview sTexa
,Isgren nVerno ,Robert .Jr
,Longview sTexa
,Hiett eBilli nAlliso
Hunter, Jimmy Mechanical Science
Batesvi'lle, Arkansas
Jones, Noel Conrad Machine Science Henderson, Texas
Johnson, Harlow D. Welding Nashville, Arkansas
Kamradt, Robert George Welding Sodus, Michigan
Jones, Robert Stanley Machine Science Mountain Home, Arkansas
Kerr, Kenneth Howard, Jr. Mechanical Maintenance Fairlawn, New Jersey
Mt ,Hope tWes aVirgini
lMechanica eScienc
,Shreveport aLouisian ,Lewallen dDonal eWad
lMechanica eScienc
,Lacy mWillia .A
lElectrica eScienc ,Bangkok dThailan )(Siam
lElectrica eScienc ,Longview sTexa ,Kulachan nSayu
,Kogon rRaine .H
,Dillsburg aPennsylvani
lMechanica eScienc
,Longview sTexa ,Kinter mWillia eLaver
lElectrica eScienc
,Kirk .L .D
Lange, George B. Mechanical Science
Puyallup, Washington
Laumann, David Paul Electrical Science Pine, Colorado
Larrabee, William Tyrrell Mechanical Science
Inglewood, California
Lee, David O. Welding Auster, Minnesota
Lotting, Joe Terrell Welding Longview, Texas
Lee, William Douglas Machine Science Pine Bluff, Arkansas
,Bridgeport aNebrask
lMechanica eScienc
,Parker dLelan ""Gene
,Oroville nWashingto
,McDougall kJac lNei eLinotyp
,iNeedham sMassachusett
eMachin eScienc
,McAdam dHarol H
,Davidson aOklahom
lMechanica eScienc
,Lewis tWilber eWayn
,Dalton oOhi
lMechanica eScienc
,Lowe dRonal hEllswort
,Martin nMichiga
lElectrica eScienc
,Leep nDo .E
Murphey, Jim B.
Machine Science
Prescott, Arizona
O'Dell, Donald David
Machine Science
Oblong, Illinois
Nichols, Malcolm
Electrical Science Dilley, Texas
O'Neal, Allen W.
Mechanical Science Atmore, Alabama
Nyvall, Vernon E. Machine Science Kilgore, Texas
Ortiz, Eloy Joe
Mechanical Science
Sheridan Lake, Colorado
gBowlin ,Green aFlorid
lElectrica eScienc
,Polk nMarvi yLero
,Onida hSout aDakot
,Payne sTitu dDavi gWeldin
,Albany sTexa
lMechanica eScienc
,Porter dRichar nArle
,Chickasha aOklahom
,Paul kJac yGu gWeldin
,Longview sTexa
lMechanica eScienc
,Pliler nAlvi ,M. .Jr
,Oneonta wNe kYor
lElectrica eScienc
,Parsons nSherma sRos
Pennington, James Harold
Machine Science
Bluefield, West Virginia
Porter, James A.
Machine Science
Meridian, Mississippi
Peterson, Lloyd Harland
Mechanical Science
Longview, Texas
Polloni, Peter Paul
Electrical Science
Sandwich, Massachusetts
Platts, Paul Kingsley
Electrical Engineering
Ft Pierce, Florida
Powell, Bill Dale
Electrical Science
Harrisburg, Illinois
aCasill 12 ,Villarrica eChil
lMechanica eScienc
,Saez rNesto
,Zion sIllinoi
lElectrica eScienc
,Rendall tAr sLewi
kHasbrouc ,Heights wNe yJerse
gBuildin sTrade
,Rumminger rWalte lEar
,Longview sTexa
nChristia eServic
,Rambo yRo mWillia
,Coraopolis aPennsylvani
nChristia eServic
,Richey lRussel sThoma
,Bangkok dThailan )(Siam
lElectrica eScienc
,Purnabimba sPisce
Renshaw, Edwin W.
Mechanical Science
Cortland, New York
Roberts, Samuel Carl Machine Science
Churdan, Iowa
Rhodes, Robert Ward Machine Science
Port Jervis, New York
Saltmarsh, Milton Arthur
Mechanical Science
Gardiner, Maine
Richey, Frank William Welding
Martinsburg, Pennsylvania
Saylor, Richard Louis
Electrical Science
St Louis, Missouri
,Akron oOhi
,Spencer hRalp .A
,Henderson sTexa
lMechanica eMaintenanc
,Sells yRo dRichar
,Henderson sTexa
lM.echanica eMaintenanc
,Smith eJo .E
,Lebanon aPennsylvani
lElectrica eScienc
,Schools nGlen
,Childness sTexa
lMechanica eMaintenanc
,Shaw dGarlan .E
,Kalamazoo nMichiga
lElectrica eScienc
,Schmidt dDavi cEri
Sikes, Lawrence W.
Mechanical Science
Zephyr, Texas
Squires, Douglas Charles Machine Science
Staples, Minnesota
Sprowls, Rex Warden
Mechanical Science
Wooster, Ohio
Stephenson, Jackie G. Machine Science
Hugo, Oklahoma
Stephens, Kenneth Snowden
Mechanical Science
Allentown, Pennsylvania
Stewart, William James
Reading, Massachusetts
,Sturgis nMichiga
eMachin eScienc
,Warner kChuc kFran
,Pickens hSout aCarolin
lMechanica eScienc
,Swayngham yHenr .P
,Onalaska nWashingto
lMechanica eScienc
,Thomsen sJen yAnthon
,Bangkok dThailan )(Siam
lElectrica eScienc
,Sethawat iThan
,Stillwater aOklahom
eMachin eScienc
,Thomason sJame ySelb
,Wheeling tWes aVirgini
eMachin eScienc
,Strober tRober nJoh
Ward, Irpel Ray
Electrical Science Springfield, Arkansas
Weathersby, Keith Machine Science Orange, Texas
Way, Ernest J., Jr.
Mechanical Science Longview, Texas
Webb, Charles William Christian Service Clarksville, Georgia
Weakley, George Oliver
Mechanical Science Baton Rouge, Louisiana
Weldon, Alton Gene
Mechanical Science
Shreveport, Louisiana
,Detroit nMichiga
eMachin eScienc
tMoun ,Hope tWes aVirgini ,Woodworth sCharle E
lMechanica eScienc
,Wilkins nLyn dSherwoo
,Corinth iMississipp
eMachin eScienc
,Williams yRo gKin
lMechanica eScienc
,Portland eMain
,Whitten wWinslo ,Edmund .Jr
,Newhall aIow
lMechanica eScienc
,Sneads aFlorid ,Werling yHarve nJoh
lMechanica eScienc
,Wesley sJame .R
Williams, Bobby E.
Mechanical Science
Coushatta, Louisiana
Young, Clarence Maxwell
Mechanical Science
Puyallup, Washington
Winn, Robert E.
Mechanical Science
Macon, Missouri
Zerkel, Jerry Lane
Mechanical Science Berne, Indiana
Yopp, John L
Mechanical Science St Augustine, Florida
Sherman, Jack Kinnard
Building Trades
Gladewater, Texas
dan yFa ,Livers secretary-treasurer
tA eth ,right ,above ear kClar ,Courney -Stu tden lCounci ,president nJoh ,Shaddix yfacult -advisor, ,below D D ,Barlow evic ,president
Council tFron ,row tlef ot :right ,Prentice ,Huber ,Polloni ,Winscott ,DeRuiter ,Toews ,Scofield ,Smith ,Schnell ,Stowell ,Rundquist ,Courney ,Barlow ,Livers dan Mr Shaddix
dPicture eabov ear eactiv smember fo eth
ni government
pdevelo dgoo scitizen hthroug eexperienc
tinteres fo eth ,school dan
stivitie rfo eth tbes
lschoo yb gupholdin hhig sstandard fo -per lsona ,conduct epromot dan eencourag -ac
rte a tspiri fo ncooperatio gamon eth sstudent dan ,faculty ecoordinat dan eregulat tstuden ,activities nmaintai a hhig dstandar rfo eth
ETH TSTUDEN SCOUNCIL' epurpos si ot -fos
dSchofiel dan dDavi -Bower, dan ,Freshmen lA nWeldo dan dLeonar .Davis
dan rRoge -Barbour, ,Juniors nJoh -Hardison, ,Sophomores dDavi
lbasketbal .games dPicture ta eth trigh ear eth -pres sident fo heac sclas no hbot -sche .dules ,Top ,Seniors .T .W hGriffit
dsore eth nconcessio dstan ta eth
eTh sgroup dplanne spicnic dan souting dan eth rSenio sclas -spon
sofficer dan eon lchape eservic a hmont swa ddevote ot sclas .day
no hbot A dan sscheduleB delecte
smeeting ni eth chapel hEac sclas
eTh sactivitie fo eth sclasse ewer dplanne dan ddiscusse ta ymonthl
texpec a htop-notc .team
yever nma ,returning ew ehav yever nreaso ot
dan dshoul ehav a gwinnin mtea tnex year hWit
lAl ni ,all eth sboy tgo a tlo fo dgoo eexperienc
eb dgoo sloser lwelsa sa dgoo winners
dshowe eth ,fight ,determination dan eth -sports pmanshi fo .professionals yThe dshowe ythe dcoul
tou a pgrou fo lwel dcoache boys eThes sboy
hWit a yfairl ngree ,team hCoac rTaylo dturne
nseaso swa over
yonl otw ,lettermen tElber lMarshal dan kChuc ,Warner eth rlatte ggivin pu eth egam ebefor eth
splayer dan .experience yThe ewer dendowe hwit
mtea tnex ryea yb gendin pu hwit esom dgoo
dshowe epromis fo a dgoo
dha a wslo ,start tbu
sThi syear' nversio fo eth tyellow|acke ecag mtea
dan hCoac .Taylor
,Kneeling tlef ot ;right ,Davis ,Marshall .Polloni ,Standing tfirs ;row -Penning ,ton ,Stephens ,Listner ,Newman ,Hall ,Ritchey ,Warner ,Lee .Lowe kBac -row, ,Thomsen ,Martinez ,Dover ,Wilson ,Rhoades ,Swayngham ,Barrier ,Helvie
nDo .R rTaylo hcoacAbove ore the outstanding Yellowjackets of the '52-'53 season Top, left to right; Elbert Marshall, Pat Swayngham, Kenneth Stephens, below, Frank Ritchey and Bob Rhoades Not shown but of equal rating is Gordon Helvie
Lon Morris Panola
LeTourneau 55
LeTourneau 53
LeTourneau 78
LeTourneau 46
LeTourneau 60
LeTourneau 65
LeTourneau 76
LeTourneau 63
THE SPANISH CLUB of The Tech was formed with the purpose of promoting a better understanding of our Latin-American neighbors and becoming better acquainted with the Latin American language, customs, and people The members call themselves "Los Gauchos," which is the name of the South American cowboys that roam the wide open spaces of the lonely Pampas RoyLeTourneau was elected president of the club, and Paul Reitzer served in the capacity of secretary-treasurer The Spanish closes'were conducted by Bob Dunbar, who spent ten years in Argentina where his folks were missionaries. "Los Gauchos" met regularly every Monday night, and the one phrase that they will never forget is: "comamos!" or "Let us eat!"
The student bowling team enjoyed an average season this year, finishing fifth in the LeTourneau league
The season is over and much good bowling ha? been done. The boys feel they have much room for improvement, yet their time was well spent and each one enjoyed the game
Four members of the team are shown here,- James Nelson, Paul Finney, Nat Bradford and James Golden Other players not shown are, Lockey, Maki, and Dunn.
tGilber .A dRushfor
hwit Mr LeTourneau
efor ,clubs ycit ,organizations dan svariou hchurc ,congregations sa lwel sa saudience fo .R .G .LeTourneau eFutur sperformance ear gbein darrange rfo eout-of-stat ltrave
sLord' "Prayer, p"Dee "River, dan eth -pop rula ""Trees. eTh schoru sha dappeare -be
sclassic dan spirituals gAmon ethes ear e"Th
dtice dan dcreate sit nrenditio fo sreligiou
nrectio fo .Rev .G .A dRushfor dan .Mrs ,Rushford ,pianist eth lchora pgrou sha -prac
yTuesda dan yThursda nights rUnde eth -di
,chapel ewher eth sMen' sChoru smeet yever
sharmoniou svoice sdrift mfro eth scampu
yRecentl drecognize ta ,Tech eth dsoun fo
,Winsor ,Lee ,Ellis ,Parker dan G A ,Rushford director dSecon ,row ,Rhoades ,Reitzer ,Dover ,Medina ,Hardison ,Tornga ,Warner dan .Spencer
tFron ,row tlef ot ;right Mrs G A ,Rushford ,pianist ,Porter ,Bond ,Barbour
THE STUDENT GARAGE, a service and repair center for student cars, is maintained on the campus by the Student Council as a privilege to Tech students Equipped with hoist, vise, work bench, and room for four cars, the garage is used on a basis of a waiting-list of students wishing to do repair on their cars. Students who found the use of the garage valuable to them are pictured during a G I party when the garage was given a thorough cleaning.
The hum of dual exhaust, the smooth timing of an engine, the installation of one spark plug to that of an engine, and a wide range of auto mechanical jobs are results from the use of the Student Garage
gin shi now scountry' ""western .costume
hSout ,America si nshow no sthi epag -wear
ribbon ttha sadorn
,Chile eth dembroidere
tstuden mfro
rNesto ,Saez rou yonl
scampu gdurin eth nseaso fo pageantry
tmos ltypica ""true-dudes ttha dadorne eth
sstudent .alike dPicture eher ear esom fo eth
eattir swa yproudl ddisplaye yb yfacult dan
dproclaime n"Wester "Week, dan nwester
hTec students eTh tfirs kwee ni hMarc swa
tmen fo eth ""true-dude tspiri gamon eth
epropriat ot ededicat a kwee ot eth -develop
nwester ,theme eth smember tthough ti -ap
dorganize no a
bClu swa
eSinc eth hSpanis
After re-decoration and change of management, the official re-opening of the Doghouse, student recreation center, was held February at 7:30 P M., amid excitement of games, special music, and refreshments. Attended by students, faculty, staff, and families of each, a variety of games such as ping pong, dominoes, etc was begun by some, while others enjoyed the special music brought by the violin of Mrs Chester Hall and the piano of Mrs Mark Wooten
In addition to the official re-opening, Apple Day was celebrated and enjoyed by everyone as illustrated by the smiling faces pictured Inaccordance with the celebration, apples from Washington, obtained through JackMcDougall, a Tech Student, were passed out to everyone along with coffee and cake
After a brief announcement of the opening by Dean Tyler, the refreshments were passedout and the facilitiesof the Doghouse were put into use
Congratulations and Best Wishes to the V.
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