if LONGVIEW/ November 16, 1955>

We are indeed happy to have the LeTourneau Institute located in Longview. We have watched this great School grow from its infancy until today it is recognized as one of the great young colleges in the Southwest. Not only do the students obtain their school education but are taught their profession by actually performing the work while attending school. These young men also take an active part in our Community and Social life.
I would like to offer my sincere congratulations to Mr. & Mrs.LeTourneau, the Officers, Faculty, and the entire Student Body of LeTourneau Technical Institute for the fine work they are doing.
J.Clyde Tomlinson Mayor
sActivitie sSport sAdvertisement
sJunior sSophomore
rSenio sFavorite
nAdministratio yFacult sSenior

Ten years have rolled by since we landed at the Longview Airport the first time and Mom and Carl Estes got their heads together and decided Longview would be the place to put our scheme to work giving boys a chance for a regular academic education, and at the same time giving them a chance to learn that work is an honor and not a disgrace, and that having an industrial know-how along with their education is the thing that has made America the greatest nation that she is today. And that with the joy of salvation and the peace of God in their heart, they can have the joy of accomplishmentby buckling in and applying the knowledge and education to a God given task and succeed with God's help and hear His "Well done thou good and faithful servant"
Need I say that Carl Estes put the wheels in motion and got things rolling in high as he always does, and the City of Longview met my proposition so quickly we were on our way in no time With the City of Longview back of us as they have always been, I believe the accomplishment of the past ten years will be chicken feed compared to what we will do in the next ten years I say this because R G LeTourneau, Inc has been going through a more or less transition period the last ten years, but now it looks like another year or two will see usover the top with a modern steel mill going full blast and the logging and land clearing industries revolutionized - transportation in the out of way places by the diesel electric rubber tired trackless train, a dream come true, and offshore oil well drilling platforms, a production reality, to say nothing of many other applications for the Electric Wheel

Dear Boys,
As I write this I have just returned from a trip to Africa and South America
This is the second such trip which I have made with Pop since I wrote my letter for your year book last year.
On these trips I have seen many things which have made me proud of the type of instruction which is being offered at the LeTourneau Technical Institute Throughout large portions of the world today there is a great need for the industrial know-how which you boys are getting, and there is an even greater need for lives which are in tune with the Will of God : ; V "
I am so.thankfui that our school is able to equip boys with both of these - v '•'•••••:-'.-'•-

,Longview sTexa
.Mr .C .A sLofti

,Longview sTexa
tAssistan rTreasure
Mr dRolan gHu
,Springfield iMissour
.Mr .O K gArmstron
.Mr gSterlin sStephen tAssistan ySecretar ,Longview sTexa

We are now completing ten years as a Technical Institute, and thousands of young men have passed the same courses that you have been taking. Advancing technology is making necessary sweeping social and cultural changes Now, more than ever, "Know How" is necessary Advancement in one's chosen profession or occupation requires the element of "Know Why" Our school here at LeTourneau Tech is based on these objectives—"Know How" and "Know Why". We realize these two do not make a complete man, but add to them a spiritual background, a reverence for God and our Saviour, and you have a potential for broad leadership. It is our aim, our desire, our work, to teach, guide and set an example to these ends. Let me add my personal best wishes to each and every student.

mhi na goutstandin personality
svariou sactivitie gchasinm(fro elittl sdevil ot ghangin no eth )flagpole smake
Mr sVernon'
tstuden sha nbee eunfortunat henoug ot pslee hthroug chapel
rthei ngraduatio mfro LeTech eThes scontact ear yespeciall lpersona eonc a
ttac hwit heac tstuden nupo rthei eentranc ot lschoo dan scontinue ot
dConra nVerno .Mr dConra ,Vernon eAssociat nDea dan rRegistra sha a -conlpersona

sscreen ni eth tfron
,No ,No

dan Electronics .R .W ,Spoftswood .E .E
eknowledg dan eexperienc ot tinstruc sstudent ni sPhysic
grin ni rou smind sa ew rdiscove eth ""problems ear rnea impossible A egraduat fo S M ,U. Prof dSpottswoo suse
e"Therefor kwor eth gfollowin "problems ethes sword

ttha ew yinvariabl ebecom dbaffle nwhe ttes etim sroll around yInvariabl ether ear salway spart tlef rove rafte
lAl lMechanica sStudent yinvariabl ecom oint tcontac hwit rProfesso Thompson eH yinvariabl sfill eth smind fo sstudent hwit os yman sstatistic no heac etyp fo ,engine

career hThoug eh si hric ni eknowledg dan sdrive a gbi ,Packard eh si lstil a yver ehumbl .person
rProfesso sAusmu si eon fo rou tmos eelit .personalities A egraduat fo eth lschoo fo dhar ,knocks shi ninformatio dan eexperienc ear equit evaluabl ot eth sbeginner ni eth

eTher yma eb na tanswer—le em kthin

gworkin hwit .wood
hwhic eh srelaxe ta ehom hwit shi uhobby—yo dguesse ,it
.Mr nThompso swork hwit dwoo lal yda ta eth ,school rafte
rothe ""contraptions hwhic eserv ot eillustrat shi lectures
eminiatur smodel dan ,braces shouse dan
sfamou rfo shi
.Prof ,Thompson rou gBuildin sTrade ,Instructor si tmos
.C ,Thompson .B .S
nThe fi uyo dha a ngree efir eengin

"termites dan n"gree efir "engines. sThi ""simplifying fo ynormall pdee dan ydr neducatio smake mhi a rpopula rinstructo ot yman fo shi students
Prof nSwai ,Philips sexplain neducatio her e ta eth ,Tech. yb gusin ncommo yeveryda sterm hsuc sa 4"1 dlegge
.S .D ,Phillips .M .S

emachin ,composition ro eth bjo tdepartmen ;field sa eth tpas sha yalread proven
rUnde shi asinstruction tstuden schange oint na dexperience ,individual ecapabl fo gsteppin oint ynearl yan bjo ni eth
Mr ,Belflower rou eLinotyp ,Instructor yma eb dfoun ni eth hTec tprin psho ndow ta eth rfa den fo eth .campus
M L ,Belflower B S rDea rMothe
I duse ot tge dpaddle rfo sthi

lchemica no a eplat ot ,be ewhil eh sjoke hwit esom t"innocen
rFaulkne yma eb dfoun ni eth eplat ,room gscrubbin esom
ndow ta eth tprin ,shop si lwel dlike yb shi students Mr
Mr ,Faulkner dhea fo eth eplat gmakin tdepartmen

Mr nMelvi yCaffe si nknow ot lal fo owhsu tfrequen eth tprin ,shop rfo shi tquie gunassumin .manner sHi eabl -in nstructio no sPres nOperatio si a yver edecisiv pste ni eth ninstructio fo sstudent gtakin sthi etyp fo training

s"Ye !sir wNo no nRoma "Civilization

lchape sservice eonc a .month
ttha ,is fi eh !survives sHi ""pre-graduates oals gbrin eth
,Bible dan kGree echang a ""student oint na ,"intellect"
wkno ttha "word searmark shi classes eTh scourse ni ,History
tmen eher ta eth .Tech sHi s"Ye "sir dan ."Mr sJone tdon' uyo
Dr D B dLloy si dhea fo eth nChristia eServic -Depart
.D .B ,Lloyd .Ph.D
eTh gyoun eexecutiv

Prof J M K dYoungbloo si lwel nknow rfo shi egenuin sfriendlines dan esincer seffort ot phel shi students A -grad euat fo eth yUniversit fo ,Arkansas .U .S .C dan ,Cornell eh si gworkin no shi eDoctorat .degree sHi lIndustria nRelatio sclasse ear yregularl dfrequente yb shi yjoll hlaug dan esom fo eth tmos teloquen sspeeche rou sstudent ehav reve heard
J M K ,Youngblood Ph.D
egon fi ti !isn't

hhig degree
tden scome ni tcontac hwit .Mr rArche ta esom etim gdurin shi ysta eher dan a gsurprisin rnumbe nlear gDraftin ot a
tbes nknow rfo shi hslouc tha dan ""cool .manner yEver -stu
tDepartmen si
Prof nElto ,Archer dhea fo eth gDraftin
E W ,Archer M S lWel
ulefQurnea ©leglCo ,longvisw sTexa

Tourneau Mr rTaylo sha eclos tcontac hwit yman sstudent owh lal nagree—iro si hard—
ecapabl ,welders a ymight timportan npositio eher ta -Le
sHi kwor sa dhea fo eth gWeldin tDepartmen sturn tou yman
Prof nDo rTaylo si rbette nknow sa ""electrode Taylor
D rTaylo
I tthough ether swa na !answer

dan .Calculus .(P.S eH si oals na texper ta eth lpoo etabl sa yman sstudent ywoefull )learn.
sinstruction ear a econfidenc rbuilde rfo sstudent fo aAlgebr
rprofesso ew have sHi hsmoot dmetho dan gwillin aextr
Prof kJac ,Crawford si yprobabl eth t"easies "going
J N ,Crawford M S !Humm
fI on rfurthe nquestio

nEducatio rdirecto sha ganythin ot od hwit it
tou fo eth nquestio ot eassum ttha shi gbein na lex-physica
khomewor spaper ni no etim ntha yan rothe instructor tI si
shi goutstandin ,accomplishment si a drecor fo eth tmos
Prof eJo nNelso rousi nfreshma hmat instructor sPerhap
J ,Nelson M S

lAl rfo eChaucer—sav yLarr

lal sstudent ni shi classes
dha swing ni eplac fo legs sHi tgrea menthusias rfo yliterar ,arts yespeciall rChauce gbrin tinteres dan nattentio mfro
sdutie sa hEnglis dan hSpeec ,instructor splu shi syearbook dan ybi-weekl rpape kwor emak eon kthin eh dshoul ehav
.Prof nNorma nGalyo si nknow rfo shi drapi .pace sHi

hEnglis sbecome kGree ot nFreshma

Prof yKilda rousi nFreshma hEnglis Instructor hAlthoug a wne ypersonalit eher ta eth hTec eh si tfas gbecomin na dol rtime hthroug shi rregula sassignment dan e"thos hEnglis "classes. yThe ear yreall hroug dan t"tha tain' on lie"
.D ,Kilday .M .S
A s"static"static sClas

ta 7 .A.M heac yda ssignal eth tstar fo sclasse rfo ranothe .day yFrequentl .Mr rTucke sha ttha t"las pcu fo "coffee hwit tasstudent eth .cafeteria
Structures sHi larriva
swhy dan w"ho "comes fo lmechanica
Prof ,Tucker rou sStatic dan hStrengt fo sMaterial rinstructo eher ta eth hTec si nknow rfo shi slecture sa eth

A" aMam ,bear aPap ,bear dan elittl "bear

rcove eth ground"
stransit dan ,levels dan yusuall ghavin na eey ta eon ro eth .other sHi sfairnes ot sstudent sovercome eth tfrequen sexam dan elat sclasse hwhic oals kmar sthi .gentleman tI yma eb
Prof nGolde yma eb dconsidere sa ghavin na eey rfo

dSen ryou ybo ot !college MIHBM *f, * rzv ,vsv •* •-cf^sic

Prof nJoh ,Shaddix egraduat fo tEas sTexa eStat eColleg dan dhea fo lSocia eScienc ,Department si tbes nknow rfo a ttes yever yda dan on e"mak "up rfo tlos work nO eth etrue-fals ,questions sstudent ear drequire ot hfurnis rthei now .coin sHi tpar etim sCampu eDetectiv sdutie near mhi trespec mfro lal fo ,us t(tha ehav nbee )caught.

lMetethetica sEquation dan a tmomen fo rpraye

gin henoug ot emak heac tstuden yver rfamilia hwit lal -Chem yistr scourse dan a tdevou dfrien fo ""Phosgene Moser
tDepartmen si tbes nknow rfo shi gunfalterin gboastin fo shi ehom .state—Texas sHi tgrea menthusias sexceed shi eillegibl -writ
.Prof .U .S ,Moser dhea fo eth yChemistr
U 5 ,Moser M S
A lwel doile electur

etrad ni shi yheav nequipment-operatio dan emaintenanc
eH dreturne ot eth hTec dan wno spasse no eth strick fo eth
nditio ewher eexperienc egav mhi evaluabl knowledge
lschoo ,here nthe twen ot uPer no eth uLeTournea -Expe
.Mr yBenn ePric si eon fo r"ou now "boys owh twen ot
.B ePric
kJac nHousto
mTo sPhillip tVice-Presiden

eStev iHann
\ rTreasure
nGordo eHelvi tPresiden
yFacult rAdviso J M K dYoungbloo A — eSchedul
iVice-Presiden J A nSingleto B — eSchedul
kFran lDea

dHarol .C sEnder lElectrica eScienc ,Norwalk

eMachin eScienc ,Longview
yHarr .N lHal
kFran .M lDea lMechanica eScienc
rSenio sClas ySecretar ,Joplin iMissour
James Mansei
Electrical Science

W Middlesex, Pennsylvania
Stephen L Hanni
Mechanical Science Pioneer 56 Zion, Illinois
Otis J Houston
Porterdale, Electrical Science Georgia
Senior Class Vice-President
Gordon L. Helvie
Mechanical Science Senior Class, Sec.-Treasurer Nova, Ohio
rSec.-Treasure 45
rPionee 65

eGen .S ePool lMechanica eScienc
rSenio sClas tPresiden ,Tohatchi wNe oMexic
yLeRo .M kPol
lElectrica eScienc gBowlin ,Green aFlorid
wYello tJacke 655-5
oGabin zGome gWeldin gEngineerin lBasketbal
gWeldin ySociet ,Ebano ,S.L.P. oMexic lIntra-Mura sSport
rPionee 65
tStuden lCounci tPresiden 655-5
lMechanica eScienc sIllinoi
yLeRo nKaufmcm yBuckle
Paul G Leistner

Mechanical Science Illinois
Student Council Representative
Yellow Jacket
Intra-Mural Sports
Ft. Pierce, Florida
Building Trades Pioneer 56
Winston-Salem, N Carolina
Senior Class President
Sherman R. Parsons Electrical Science Yellow Jacket 55-56 Oneonta, New York Pioneer 56 Paul K Platts Mechanical Science Tom C. PhillipsrSenio sClas tVice-Presiden ,Beckville sTexa
wYello tJacke .J .A nSingleto lMechanica eScienc

lElectrica eScienc ,Kilgore
aLouisian iEl dDavi tPlat
rWilbu eRous yLithograph
rPionee 65 ,Bangor nMichiga
tRober .M tPlot
eMachin eScienc ,Shreveport

Student Council 55
Rex Sprowles Mechanical Science Wooster, Ohio Robert J. Stano Sharon, Electrical Science Pennsylvania Intra-Mural Sports Student Council Representative 55-56 Robert Strober Machine Science Wheeling, West Virginia Albert A. Ware Building Trades Sports Glassboro, New Jersey Hunting and Fishing Club 55 PioneerdDonal H rWeave lMechanica eScienc ,Jacksonville sIllinoi

nAmerica nAssociatio fo sEngineer
rJunio sClas ySecretar
dRonal F nWhitma ,Waverly gWeldin gEngineerin wNe kYor
tStuden lCounci 55
wYello tJacke 655-5 nBato ,Rouge aLouisian
,Maysvilie sArkansa eGeorg yWeakle lMechanica eScienc
tStuden lCounci 654-5
eMachin eScienc
William A. Whittier Longview, Mechanical Science Texas
Student Council 56
Treasurer of Ind Engineering Society

Roy K. Williams
Machine Science Corinth, Mississippi
Robert O Wilder
Mechanical Science
Intra-Mural Sports 56 Pioneer 56 Society of Ind Eng
Granite Falls, Washington
Student Council 56
Junior Class Vice-Pres

fo dHarol

tRober S yFre

nBe lLovel
kJac dCrawfor B — eSchedul
yFacult rAdviso
yTomm .B lKittrel
eVic tPresiden
yHenr sJack
A — eSchedul
pPhilli gYoun
eGeorg yBerr
eVic tPresiden
yRo nAlbritto
Conrad J. Aug
Preston, Minnesota
Mechanical Science
George D. Berry
Montague, Texas
Mechanical Science

Donald L Berg
Ft Lauderdale, Florida
Mechanical Science
James M Brookins
Portland, Oregon
Electrical Science
Austin C. Bagwell
Rotan, Texas
Electrical Science
William A. Cantrell Oil Hill, Kansas Welding Engineering
lMechanica eScienc
,Reynoldsburg oOhi
lCar .F sBurn
eMachin eScienc
Mt ,Enterprise sTexa
tRober .J sBurk

lMechanica eScienc
,Clinton aLouisian
sLoui .S mDurha
nChristia eScienc
eGranit ,Falls N C
sJame .D gCrai
lElectrica eScienc
rBeave ,Dams wNe kYor
dGeral lCrandal
lMechanica eScienc
,Pensacola aFlorid
yTro .M rBooke
Arcadia, Florida Machine Science

Harrison, Tennessee Mechanical Science
Ralph Grummert Jansen, Nebraska Building Trades
Beaver Falls, Pennsylvania Mechanical Science
Tommy B Kittrell Jacks, II Bryce Derry Zanesville, Ohio Mechanical Science Richard Hamby Simpsonville, S. C. Building Trades L HanbyeMachin eScienc
nSa ,Pablo aCaliforni
yArle rTurne
lMechanica eScienc
,Danville sIllinoi

lElectrica eScienc
eJaim G tFon ,Coyoacan oMexic
lMechanica eScienc rf 1 sJame eMarbl
eMachin eScienc
,Wilmington eDelawar
nBenjami lLovel
nByro kMcKitric ,Wiley oColorad
lMechanica eScienc
,Longview sTexa
s\ .D yMcKinne
Edward W. Pullen
Vivian, Louisiana Mechanical Science
Nestor Saez
Villarrica, Chile
Mechanical Science

Richardson Thunderbolt, Georgia Mechanical Science
John B. Moore
Santa Clara, California Machine Science
Phillip Young Arlington, Texas Heat Treat and Metallurgy
Jack Sherman Gladewater, Texas Building Trades CharleseScienc
kFran .E tWinscot

lMechanica eScienc
hNort aDakot
eMachin eScienc nDo A nWorkma
eMachin eScienc
,Devine sTexa
yHenr yRackle
,Longview sTexa
dHowar .R dMud
lMechanica eScienc
,Albuquerque wNe oMexic
nJoh .L pYop
yRo nWarre ySecretar
tErnes tMoffa tPresiden
rWilbu nJohnso eVic tPresiden

nElto rArche B — eSchedul
yFacult rAdviso
lBil hLeac
eVic tPresiden
lBil rSlothowe
Hamilton, Texas Mechanical Science

Paul J. Brett
Davenport, Iowa Machine Science
David E. Burgess Cloverdale, Oregon Electrical Science
Mt Vernon, Ohio Electrical Science
James E. Bough
Collingdale, Pennsylvania Lithography
James P. Blanchet Slocan City, B C., Canada Electrical Science
Weston Allen Andrew BallgBuildin sTrade
,Weston tConnecticu
lCar .W ,Carlson .Jr
lMechanica eScienc
,Alvin sTexa
sJame .W sByrne

lMechanica eScienc
,Hinesville aGeorgi
rEdga .E sCollin
lMechanica eScienc
,Trenton nMichiga
nLin .D tBennet
lMechanica eScienc
,Wichita sKansa
nWarre .H sChamber
eLak ,Jackson sTexa
nAlto .L tCasCraig H Cowles
Portland, Oregon Mechanical Science
Edmund M. Cutting
Oneonta, New York Electrica Science
Thomas L. Ferguson
Beaver Falls, Pennsylvania Mechanical Science

Kenneth Downer
Longview, Texas Electrical Science
Springfield, Missouri Mechanical Science
Paul E. Donaldson
Emlenton, Pennsylvania Electrical Science
Larry EthridgelMechanica eScienc
dRonal E rCoope ,Yakima nWashingto

gBuildin sTrade
nJoh .R rCulve .Mt ,Morris nMichiga
lMechanica eScienc
nGordo .A rFenne ,Ithaca wNe kYor
lElectrica eScienc
,Plainsboro wNe yJerse
rArthu .T sElli
lMechanica eScienc
,Brooklyn wNe kYor
rArthu .H dFiel
gBuildin sTrade
,Chicago sIllinoi
bHer .J nEdma
Charles R. Coonrod
Great Bend, Kansas Mechanical Science
David W Girdner
Cornville, Arizona Electrical Science

R Gargantiel Chicago, Illinois Mechanical Science
Duane J. Fisher
Lewistown, Pennsylvania Mechanical Science
Raymond K. Geyer
Fannettsburg, Pennsylvania Mechanical Science
John R Griffin Bartow, Florida Machine Science
TheodoreyStanle .E rHarpe ,Lansing nMichiga gBuildin sTrade

lMechanica eScienc
rHeste R nGustafso ,Troup sTexa
lMechanica eScienc
dHowar .L yHard ,Lakebay nWashingto
eMachin eScienc
,Lawrenceville sIllinoi
kFran .A hGoodric
lMechanica eScienc
sOdi N dHear ,Carthage sTexa
lMechanica eScienc
,Mayari aCub
oHug eGuilart
Highland Falls, New York
Building Trades

William F Hack
Wauconda, Illinois
Mechanical Science
Boise, Idaho
Mechanical Science
Leslie S. Jacob India
Electrical Science
Paul Imes
Brookville, Ohio
Mechanical Science
Frank A Jackson
Upper Darby, Pennsylvania
Electrical Science
Herbert Hudlet Donald HudginseMachin eScienc
,Johnstown aPennsylvani
mWillia E ,King Jr
lMechanica eScienc
,Wichita sKansa
dRonal W lKieke

nChristia eServic
,Longview sTexa
lHue .L sJone
gBuildin sTrade
,Cleveland oOhi
sJame eJeunnett
lElectrica eScienc
,Barnard sKansa
tRober A sJone
lMechanica eScienc
,Warren aPennsylvani
rWilbu nJohnso
Elmo, Washington
Mechanical Science

Yakima, Washington
Mechanical Science
James McMahan Great Bend, Kansas
Electrical Science
Troy, Ohio
Mechanical Science
James W. McGregor Huntsville, Alabama
Machine Science
Loring Ibbitson Hanson, Massachusetts
Mechanical Science
Raymond McDaniels Charles R. McCulioch Harry Martin, Jr.,Gallup wNe oMexic lMechanica eScienc
sThoma .G rMille
gBuildin sTrade
,Fairfield tConnecticu
tRober eMacQuarri

eMachin eScienc
eWayn eMeec ,Dykes yKentuck
nChristia eScienc
,Albuquerque wNe oMexic
mWillia .L hLeac
lMechanica eScienc
uVen G nMeno aIndi
lMechanica eScienc
,O'Brien nOrego
sCharle .W lMarshal
Joseph J. Niessen
Camrose, Alberta, Canada
Mechanical Science

Jan Jai Naochamnien
Bangkok, Thailand
Electrical Science
John C Mix
Berlin, Wisconsin
Mechanical Science
Larry E. Neely
Emienton, Pennsylvania
Mechanical Science
Gallup, New Mexico
Welding Engineering
Robert V. Porter
Clintonville, Pennsylvania Mechanical Science
lElectrica eScienc
,Bainbridge aGeorgi
sCharle L sPhillip
lElectrica eScienc
,Bainbridge aGeorgi
kFran .A sPhillip

eMachin eScienc
nJoh nStevenso ,Anderson hSout aCarolin
,lagrange oOhi
nDon .R rPfeiffe
eMachin eScienc
ePin ,Bluff sArkansa
eBenni .S ePric
lMechanica eScienc
dFon ud ,Lac nWisconsi
nDo .E iPanett
Duane A. Rhodes
Venus, Pennsylvania Mechanical Science
Kenneth D. Schreder Salem, Oregon Electrical Science

S. Sparkman
Elkhart, Kansas
Mechanical Science
Clarence J Settles
St Augustine, Florida Electrical Science
Carlos G Premier
Lima, Peru
Mechanical Science
George M Stewart
Topeka, Kansas
Electrical Science
LaneeEarl V sStair .St ,Stephen .N ,B.

lElectrica eScienc
eArli L sStagg ,Lockesburg sArkansa
gWeldin gEngineerin
dTe .M nWilkinso ,Vernon sTexa
lMechanica eScienc
,Aldan aPennsylvani
mWillia .C
lElectrica eScienc
lCar kSlabac ,Longview sTexa
,Emlenton aPennsylvani
kFredric sRittRobert L.
Bradfordsville, Kentucky
Mechanical Science
Craig B Tonroy
Lueders, Texas
Electrical Science

Ernest J. Teske
Buckingham, Quebec, Can
Mechanical Science
Charlotte, Texas
Machine Science
Elmhurst, Illinois
Electrical Science
lMechanica eScienc
,Arlington sKansa
sCurti sJame lWestfah

gWeldin gEngineerin
dGran ,Junction oColorad
yLarr eWallac
eMachin eScienc
ySicil ,Island aLouisian
nBe gWesterbur
gBuildin sTrade
,Lubbock sTexa
gBuildin sTrade
,Yakima nWashingto
yRo .L nWarre
lMechanica eScienc
,Detroit nMichiga
rWalte nWaisane sJame .E nVerno
nMarvi sHay

lWil sDinkin
bBo nHor tPresiden
lPau fWol tVice-Presiden
nJoh xShaddi
yFacult rAdviso
A — eSchedul
yRa gBowlin
B — eSchedul x-•:'
eVic tPresiden nKe rGindelberge tPresiden
nDo sJack
John T. Adkinson
Pensacola, Florida Mechanical Science
Ross H Aubin
Sinoma, California Mechanical Science

Fall River,Massachsettts
Building Trades
Edward L. Andrews
Roswell, New Mexico
Welding Engineering
Ridgeway, Missouri
Welding Engineering
John E. Babcock
Indianapolis, Indiana Mechanical Science
Wendall L. Anderson Walter Ainsworth,Mexia sTexa lSpecia
nWilso .P lBattreal

lElectrica eScienc
,Geary aOklahom
rZea yHarve eBas
gBuildin sTrade
tGilber sBigg ,Union wNe yJerse
lElectrica eScienc
eGeorg .A rBende ,Maplewood wNe yJerse
gBuildin sTrade
,Franklin oOhi
lLea .E nBalo
lMechanica eScienc
,Abilene sTexa
I / sJame .E dBair
*-OSJoe Mack Blackwell Castor, Louisiana Mechanical Science

Roy E. Bowling Sciotoville, Ohio Building Trades
Jerry H Bishop Logansport, Indiana Mechanical Science
Thurl W. Briggs Bassett, Nebraska Electrical Science
Colorado Springs, Colorado Mechanical Science
Laverne Buller Arena, North Dakota Mechanical Science
Edward BouchereScienc
rShelte ,Island wNe kYor
nJoh .R kClar
lMechanica eScienc
Mt ,Enterprise sTexa

lElectrica eScienc
,Audubon aPennsylvani
dEdwar .R yCase
lMechanica eScienc sJame P sBurk
,Camden wNe yJerse
mWillia nJoh eCardi
eMachin eScienc
,Marshalltown aIow
yDann eMauric lCaldwel
lMechanica eScienc
,Burlington nWisconsi
tErnes .V aBunat
Eldon F. Cole
Staples, Minnesota
Mechanical Science
Don H. Cowles
Portland, Oregon

Portland, Oregon
Welding Engineering
Robert E. Coyle
Balaton, Minnesota
Mechanical Science
Mountainside, New Jersey
Mechanical Science
Glen W. David
Hamilton Dome, Wyoming
Building Trades
Hugh Edward Cooper Jack CongdonlElectrica eScienc
,Stillwater aPennsylvani
dDonal yLero yDot
lElectrica eScienc
,Conrad aMontan
dRichar sDeVrie

lMechanica eScienc
hSout aCarolin
mWillia ,Dinkins .Jr
lElectrica eScienc
tGrea ,Bend sKansa
tVincen .C sDavi
lMechanica eScienc
nNorma eGen nDittma ,Onawa aIow
lMechanica eScienc
,Murdo hSout aDakot
kNic mDau
Donald J. Edgar Bagley, Minnesota Welding Engineering
Perry Esterbrooks Bellingham, Washington Building Trades

Laverne H. Eck McPherson, Kansas Mechanical Science
Delmar Emrich Jamestown, Pennsylvania Mechanical Science
Robert A. Eberhard Easton, Maryland Electrical Science
David P Downs Cotton Valley, Louisiana Mechanical Science
lMechanica eScienc
,Bloomsburg aPennsylvani
sThoma .V lFarrel
lMechanica eScienc
,Orlando aFlorid
dDavi .W rFalkne

lElectrica eScienc
mWillia .A mFentu wNe ,York wNe kYor
,Kenosha nWisconsi
tRober J nEvenso
lMechanica eScienc
eDodg ,City sKansa
nVerno tEverhar
lElectrica eScienc
eThre ,Rivers sTexa
rWalte Engelmann
Norman G. Gaut Atchison, Kansas Mechanical Science

Alberto Garcia Ebano, S.L.P., Mexico Mechanical Science
Kenneth Gindelberger Osceola, Indiana Machine Science
Mechanical Science
Neal Glass Clermont, Florida Electrical Science
Donald G. Gordon Bloomsburg, Pennsylvania Mechanical Science
Justin Garrett Attalla, AlabamalMechanica eScienc
lCana ,Zone aPanam
dEdwar yHenr
gBuildin sTrade
,Whellersburg oOhi
nMarvi sHay

lMechanica eScienc
,Woodsboro sTexa
eGeorg .E sHenkhau
lMechanica eScienc
,Williamsburg nMichiga
sJame .H aHann
eMachin eScienc
,Boswell aIndian
yJa .E zHart
lMechanica eScienc
,Minneapolis aMinnesot
dEdwar nGriffiAlbert W. Hess, Jr.
Berwick, Pennsylvania
Mechanical Science
Vicksburg, Mississippi
Mechanical Science

Owensboro, Kentucky
Mechanical Science
George T. Hunt
Irwin, Pennsylvania
Electrical Science
Elkin, North Carolina
Mechanical Science
Robert E. Horn
Cambridge, Massachusetts Mechanical Science
Stephen Hinshaw Allen HoaglandlMechanica eScienc
,Athens aAlabam
nDo sJack
lElectrica eScienc
,Sparta eTennesse
nMarli sJarvi

lMechanica eScienc
eLavern .A nJacobso ,Kenyon aMinnesot
lMechanica eScienc
,Auburn aIndian
lMechanica eScienc
dOl ,Town eMain
mWillia .E nInma
nUnio ,Mills aIndian
yJerr D tHun nJoh .P hHursWaterloo, Iowa Machine Science

Pontotoc, Mississippi Building Trades
David Hynson
Preston, Maryland Mechanical Science
Robert Evans Jones
Longview, Texas Heat treat & Metallurgy
Robert Edson Jones Waukegan, Illinois Mechanical Science
Ronald Jussila Chisholm, Minnesota Mechanical Science
Ronald M. Jolls Ralph JoneslMechanica eScienc
,Orlando aFlorid
sJame .W eLogu
lElectrica eScienc
,Eylria oOhi
dDavi sKarne

lMechanica eScienc
,Camas nWashingto
nMarvi rKruege
lMechanica eScienc
.Mt ,Carmel sIllinoi
lElectrica eScienc
,Coventry tConnecticu
sFranci .M sKrasnicka
gWeldin eScienc
,Chicago sIllinoi
mWillia .H nKielhorMechanical Science

Stump Creek, Pennsylvania
Mechanical Science
Joseph R. McClain
Welding Engineering
Fordyce, Arkansas
Welding Engineering
Charles E Lucas Mobile, Alabama Herman H Lovejoy Waterville, Maine Welding Engineering Merle London Charles McGarity Pine Bluff, Arkansas Mechanical Science L McClaineMachin eScienc
oColorad ,Springs
yJerr .R dMea
eMachin eScienc
,Decatur sIllinoi
sCharle sMeador

IlMechanica eScienc
,Humbird nWisconsi
eWallac .W nMarti
gBuildin sTrade
rParke ,Ford aPennsylvani
nGale eMalenk
lMechanica eScienc
nGree ,Bay nWisconsi
tRober .J nMarti
lMechanica eScienc
,Huron hSout aDakot
yHarve yMcGaughe
Floyd J. Martin
Springfield, Ohio Electrical Science
John E. Miller
Hillsboro, Illinois
Mechanical Science

Gutherie, Oklahoma Electrical Science
Lloyd D Miller
Clarksville, Michigan Mechanical Science
Combs, Arkansas Mechanical Science
Tom Mink
Oxford, Pennsylvania Mechanical Science
Curtis F. Miller Richard MerklelElectrica eScienc
aMechanic eScienc ,Prachasaisoradij tKia ,Bangkok dThailan
sCarlo aOliveir lBrazi

lMechanica eScienc
nHubur ePierc ,Poyen sArkansa
lMechanica eScienc
,Louise sTexa
nMelvi nNole
gBuildin sTrade
lMechanica eScienc
sThoma P eNobl cIsa D sPhillip sAransa ,Pass sTexaJohn D. Plumlee
Garland, Texas Electrical Science
Max Rangel Lima, Peru
Mechanical Science
Harvey A. Price
Schwenksville, Pennsylvania Mechanical Science
Carlos Rendon
Chimbate, Peru
Mechanical Science
Norman Quaas
Sarasota, Florida
Mechanical Science

Boyd Repsher Laceyville, Pennsylvania Welding Engineering
: 'sss±-~---

lMechanica eScienc
sElli tSchildknech ,Polo iMissour
gWeldin gEngineerin
,Pampa sTexa
rHome G rSchere
sCharle lSavel ,Many aLouisian lMechanica eScienc
lElectrica eScienc
,Moro sIllinoi
dHarol nRoemeli
lMechanica eScienc
sThoma sSalmon ,Detroit nMichiga
eMachin eScienc
tPor ,Norris wNe yJerse
eGeorg ,Robbins .Jr
Electrical Science

Brookfield, Illinois
Electrical Science
Chester L. Shaw Pine Bluff, Arkansas
Mechanical Science
William G. Sims Erlanger, Kentucky Electrical Science
Nelson Singletary Orange, Texas
Mechanical Science
Myron Saylors George Sellers Barlow Bend, Alabama Roberto V. Salazar Del Rio, Texas Linotype OperationeMachin eScienc
,Lafarge nWisconsi
nMarvi kSlabac
lMechanica eScienc
,Fairmont tWes aVirgini
kFran rSnide

eLinotyp nOperatio
lLende .R sStagg ,Lockesburg sArkansa
lMechanica eScienc
nSa ,Francisco aCaliforni
fRol .W eSolli
,Lawn sTexa
eGeorg .H hSmit
,Bristol eTennesse
Mechanical Science

Stanley W. Steigerwalt
Tamaqua, Pennsylvania
Electrical Science
Calvin E. Stuck
Streator, Illinois
Mechanical Science
Raymond G. Tuttle Kinzua, Pennsylvania Christian Science
Mechanical Science
Albert M Vogel
Orange City, Iowa
Electrical Science
lMechanica eScienc
dBernar nWalto ,Crestwell nOrego
lMechanica eScienc
nSa ,Antonio sTexa
mWillia D sWall

tTrea & yMetallurg
dDavi .W eWait ,McVeytown aPennsylvani
lMechanica eScienc
,Pasadena aCaliforni
tRober E rWagne
lMechanica eScienc
eWallac ,Leander aLouisian
.A .C
lMechanica eScienc
,Hooker aOklahom
kJac D hVot
Stanley F Watkins
Roaring Branch, Pa.
Building Trades

Ralph Willcox Greeley, Colorado Mechanical Science
Bremerton, Washington
Mechanical Science
David C. Witt
Franklin, Kentucky
Electrical Science
Lake Wales, Florida
Mechanical Science
Paul Wolf
Hopeland, Pennsylvania
Mechanical Science
Frank C Whitaker Harvey C. Willard
lMechanica eScienc
,Medford nOrego
gBuildin sTrade nJoh .R sZimmer
,Grantham aPennsylvani
eDal hWolgemut

sDean' ySecretar yAudr rPalme sRegistrar' ySecretar aL nFo hBurc nFoundatio

It ain't Mom's cookin'—but just try to live without it

The Yellow Jacket is the students college life on paper. Its staff goes through praise and censorship to present to the student body the news which they make.
Richard Hamby Editor in Chief Norman O. Galyon Faculty Advisor Jim Marble Asst Editor Sherman Parsons News Editor Joe Gillen Art Editor
eLesli bJaco
eGeorg yWeakl sTypist
sCharle eGeorg nDo rEdga
rWilbu nJohnso sElli tSchildknech
kJac rCulve yRo nAlbritto
eDav sBurges
eFeatur sReporter

Student-wives party

At the beginning of the year
In Evelyn Hall ....
Shaddix's Watermelon Party for the Freshmen

Student-wives Watermelon Party for the Freshmen and Faculty