In our age of expression, college students across America have begun to search for truth and reality in a new form Mobbing, protesting, sign carrying students in several states have demonstrated for some cause or ideal Students carrying signs of protest have ironically failed to recognize that it is their lives that people see and not their cardboard advertisements. The lives of these young people are often solidly molded during the college years. Hence, these years are vital.
During this year, students from all types of backgrounds have gathered at LeTourneau College to complete a requirement of society the sign of an education For many collegiates, these days will be remembered as days of challenging opportunities and life changing decisions. To other students this past year will be eternally revered — for they met Christ as their Savior and Lord.
Each student has had some goal during this year. Their lives radiated what direction their "sign" pointed more powerfully than any electronic advertisement.
Within this book are the signs of college life in a Christian atmosphere. For the student this college year has been a sign of growth, maturity, and dedication As students leave for new vistas of life, they seek God's road signs for purposive direction.
Sectional editor: Donna Stephens
Cathey Lawson
Dave Johnson
Sectional editor: Carolyn Wagoner
Ginger McCaslin
Darlene Widlicka
Lloyd Cobb
Norma Jones
Sectional editor: Carolann McLennan
Faith Hopler
Mary Knowles
Mike Rives
Sectional editor: Dave Currie
Sectional editor: Dave Hillis
Phil Jose
Phil Crawford
Richard Sprano
Sectional editor: Connie Boese
Mary Sprano
Richard Langford
Sectional editor: Pat Rieger
Becky Pfau
Ann Werner
Terry Michmerhuizen
Sectional editor: Millie Culver
Dan Clark
Business Manager: Larry Rehnquist
Mike Witzky
Photographer-in-chief: Dave Irving
Jack Smith
Fred Gilmer
Dale McCallum
Glenn Johnson
Artists: Becky Pfau
Dan Armstrong
Millie Culver
Secretary: Vikki Barbee
Advisor: "Sarge" Grey
Director of Student Affairs: Mr. Lawson
I extend my sincere and heartfelt thanks to the 1967 PIONEER staff for your wonderful cooperation and willingness to work You have worked well together. I do hope that each of you will profit through this experience in creating a yearbook. Do not forget our staff motto for this year — "whatsoever ye do, do all to the glory of God." I Corinthians 10:31b.
I also extend my sincere and heartfelt thanks to each of you who are the contents of this book For without you there would have been no need for this book. Thank you for cooperating in being at the proper place when we needed you
The most important person on our staff deserves all the praise for the job that He accomplished He gave us the wisdom to make the decisions and to assemble the entire yearbook The foremost thought in the production of this book is to glorify our Lord Jesus Christ, to whom we owe everything.
Several years from now this book will be the link between you and your experiences as a LeTourneau College student The pages of this book will show signs of being used as you flip through them in search of your best friend, a picture of you on your first bronc, or some other memory.
Signs show many things You will come in contact with many signs in the future years; however, the signs which this book portrays will always be a part of you Remember that wherever you are there are many people reading and watching your sign to see what it says. Whatever you do, do it to the glory of God and you will carry the right message on your sign!
Ralph Barbee Editor-in-Chiefunea sCollege' tstuden ,annual e"Th "Pioneer, sha nbee dedite rfo 7196 yb dintereste ,students dprinte no eth -col eleg scampu yb eth yLithograph -De ,partment dan dboun yb eth nAmerica yBeaut rCove ,Company ,Dallas Texas
218 sThi htwentiet nproductio fo -LeTour
Dr. Richard Harvey, Executive Vice President
Dr Paul R Bauman, Vice President for Special Ministries
Dr Harvey makes sure his secretary stays busy — at least while he is watching
sa eh spresent a wfe sslide mfro shi yHol sLand tour
.Dr nBauma si dwire rfo dsoun
Dr tRober L ,Stephens cAcademi nDeaMr
Paul E Glaske, Business ManagerMr Lawson, with a sheepish grin, seems to be pondering the reason for receiving KP duty at the fall retreat
Mr John Faulkner, Assistant Business Manager
Mr eGlask senjoy gteachin sa lwel sa gbein sBusines Manager
.Mr dDavi .M ,Lawson rDirecto fo tStuden sAffairMrs. Faye Bozarth, Development Supervisor
Mr. "Sarge" Enloe Grey, Counselor and Publications Advisor
Dr Stuber decided that he needed a rest from his kitchen duties at the fall retreat.
,No sit' tjus nope house
sI .Mrs rWerne gthrowin a gbi ypart ni eth sgirl' ?dorm
Mr yHarr C ,Wiley nDea fo sStudentMr and Mrs Jerry Cummings, Women's Residence Supervisors
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Wischmeirer, Tyler Hall Supervisors
yvictor dban ta a lbasketbal game
Mr cVi rWerne slead shi
.Mr cVi ,Werner rInstructo ni tStuden
sAffairIs Mr. Myers working on job placements?
Mrs. Winona McClelland, Post Mistress Mr. Clayton Battles, Book Store Manager,Stanfield
Mr tRober.Mrs hRut ,Arnold tGues eHous sHostes
The Board of Trustees is a self-perpetuating governing board legally entrusted with the operation, care and future of the College These are the people who bear the responsibility of keeping LeTourneau College true to its purpose and its philosophy
R G LeTOURNEAU Longview, Texas BARNEY WALKER, JR Houston, Texas HAROLD JORDAN Vicksburg, Mississippi SAM MACK, M.D., D.D.S Longview, Texas JULIAN A BANDY Toccoa Falls, Georgia* 1 -
The talents and lives of these professors have affected every student, since they are required to take some of their courses Everyone has some happy, some not-sohappy, but never-the-less, unforgetable experiences under these professors. In addition to memories, each student has gained from these professors' lives knowledge and wisdom which can never be taken away.
yb .Dr yMcKinle ni lSpiritua eLif .class
eTh ethre spart fo eth nhuma gbein ear dexplaine
Philosophical questions arising from this Christian Philosophy class are answered by Dr. Stuber.
The band members made good use of the instruments which were donated to them this year
The choir and director, Mr Werner, go through many hours of rehearsal.
In Speech class, students learn the techniques for preparing and giving speeches
sEste yLibrar
sIt' mter rpape !time
,Longview sTexa
uteTournea eColleg
yMan sstudent etak eadvantag fo eth ylibrar ystud area
dHea nLibraria
sDori .F nAnderse
dadde ot eth ylibrar sthi ryea ot phel eth sstudent ni rthei courses
yMan wne sbook ehav nbee
gin eth ewid tassortmen fo smagazine dan newspapers
tjus gkeepin dinforme yb -read
gin hresearc ,papers ,studying ro
sfind eth ylibrar lhelpfu ni -do
unea .College hEac tstuden
na timportan tpar fo -LeTour
eTh tMargare sEste ylibrar si
Ralston Divisional Chairman of Engineering and TechnologyThe Engineering and Technology department is the largest area of study at LeTourneau College Students come from all over the United States as well as various foreign countries to major in either Mechanical Engineering, which includes Aeronautical, Design, Industrial, and Welding, or the two technology courses, which are Electrical and Missionary.
The aim of this department and the other departments of the college is to scatter throughout the world engineers and technicians who have a desire to serve the Lord in each part of their life.
Charles H Yohe Engineering Elton Archer Graphics Floyd Bishop Aviation Dale Crane Aviation J C Harder Aviation William Kielhorn Mechanical Engineeringsfellow eguid a ,plane hwhic ythe ear gworkin ,on
nAviatio tou fo eth bla building A pto yqualit gprintin bjo si twha sthi emachin producesWelding lab helps students develop welding skills.
Mr. Thompson gives some helpful pointers in working on a diesel engine. "Let me try to get it loose."A tstuden sput esom gfinishin stouche ot shi drawing
eth nmissio field
A yMissionar eLif dan kWor sclas slisten ot rthei ,teacher .Mr ,Roberts ltel tabou
tstuden esolv a .problem
nI sGraphic ,Class Mr rArche shelp a
rsumme ot phel eth smissionarie ni rthei ltechnica work
lSevera yMissionar yTechnolog sstudent twen ot aAlask tlas
Having the knowledge of electrical wiring in cars comes in handy sometimes
The practical knowledge gained in automotive lab is put to use.
A D.C Circuits class takes down Mr Spottswood's notes A radio circuit can get very complicatedbadmintonfo
nDa gArmstron -re
dbuil shi ybod dan nlear lrecreationa .skills oTw wne ,teachers .Mrs yMurra dan .Mr -Fratz ,ke ehav ygreatl -im dprove eth lphysica -ed nucatio scourse sthi .year
tden os ttha eh nca
lPhysica neducatio si drequire rfo heac -stu
hsuc sa ,bowling -bas ,ketball ,volleyball -foot ,ball ,badminton etc
lca neducatio scourse
sfer a yvariet fo -physi
eColleg -of
sMen' lPhysica nEducatio
lMe eFratzk
rDirecto fo sAthletic nI eexercis ,class .Mrs yMurra slead eth sgirl ni esom .calisthenics
sWomen' lPhysica nEducatio yMurra yBaile
lMurie yMurra
The division of Applied Arts enables students to train in Business Administration or Education The courses in the department of Business Administration are directly useful in the specific vocations of accounting, banking, selling or teaching Students who pursue an Education program may prepare for elementary or secondary teaching with specialization in subjects relating to either field of teaching
Students in Education in Secondary Schooling class take notes on Mr. Phillips' lecture.
In Social Studies Elementary, the students gather information and pictures from magazines to do a report.
Elementary School Curriculum class meets in Mr Phillips' office to discuss their lesson
James C LockyGar yDeArme sdouble-check shi problems
eBefor gaccountin sclas ,starts
lPau eGlask aOr xMa nWellma nI gMarketin ,class .Mr nWellma sput esom lvita ninformatio no eth blackboard eTh tcorrec eprocedur ni gusin eth gaddin emachin siDr. Robert Stephens Chemistry and Divisional Chairman
The area of Natural Science includes majors in Physics, Mathematics, and Chemistry Chemistry courses train students in the field of industry, medicine, laboratory technology, and graduate study. Math and Physics courses help students prepare for work in industry, marketing, insurance statistics and research, and graduate study. In one course of Biology, students learn fundamentals of structure and the function of living things.
Philip H Beatty Physics Linda Kerley Biology Bruce R. Hood Physics U S Moser Chemistry Lyndell Kerley Mathematics Conrad Vernon Mathematics Dr Kenneth R Suiter Chemistry Jack N Crawford Mathematicsshelp otw sstudent
eTh yChemistr ,instructor .Mr ,Moser
.Mr nRode ni gsolvin rthei hmat .problems
lSevera sstudent ear ngive esom eoutsid phel yb
rthei wne .machine
eTh yElectricit dan mMagnetis sclas texperimen hwit
nI yBiolog ,lab Mrs yKerle sshow eth sstudent who ot tconduc na texperimen dan twha ti slook elik runde eth microscope
sPhysic sclas sget yunderwa sa Mr dHoo sput a gdrawin no eth .blackboard
The Social Science department is made up of the History courses Teachers in this area seek to broaden each student's knowledge of history in relation to current events as well as give history majors a well rounded program Items of historical interest are displayed in the library for the enjoyment of the students A history club also functions for the interest of those in history courses.
Mr Durham's class learns about Western Civilization
The World Geography class has varied interests!
Kenneth R. Durham, Jr. History I Robert H Selby Historyclass tMos fo eth sstudent ni eth eRis fo nModer eEurop sclas ear ybus hwit rthei !assignment
,Selby si a
nAmerica yHistor ,class ttaugh yb
cEconomi yHistor class
rFaulkne sview eth darrowhea ncollectio ni
It has been a wonderful privilege to serve as your student body president this year. Oft times the task has seemed insurmountable and probably would have been were it not for the tremendous jobs that George Crone, Brent Phinney, Lynn Pearson, and Becky Bodden have done as vice president, treasurer, and secretary.
76 a rbette lschoo ryea ta uLeTournea College nI sChrist' ,service <lh mWillia G yMilb M
elik ot dexten ym lpersona nappreciatio ot eeveryon owh sha dhelpe emak -1966
dan administration ,Therefore I dwoul
neratio fo rou tstuden ,body ,faculty
epossibl ebecaus fo eth texcellen -coop
eTh ssenator oals ehav edon a -com emendabl bjo sthi ryea ni yever aare fo rou tstuden life sThi sha yonl nbee
The B.S.U. is a student led, Christ centered group organized for the purpose of Christian fellowship and evangelism President Felton Bellinger will be spending the summer in Nigeria as a missionary from the Texas Baptist Student Unions. He and the other officers, Kim Fowler, Darrell Walden, Stan Price, Judy McGuire, Cathey Lawson, and Carolann McLennan, work together on activities of the club such as the children's Bible class on Saturdays, social activities, and missionary projects Mr John L LaNoue is the area B.S.U director and Mr. Lyndell Kerley is the faculty advisor.
dan kwor swa .discussed
dten sseminar ewher ymissionar elif
lsevera smissionarie ypersonall dan -at
,Week sstudent ewer eabl ot ktal ot
,Also gdurin eth yMissionar sEmphasi
yar nbulleti dboar ni eth tpos office
ymissionar snew yb gusin eth -mission
sofficer tkep eth sstudent dinforme fo
rfo sthi .year tThroughou eth ,year eth
yJo yShad ysecretar- ewer eth sofficer
,dent nDa kWor evic- ,president dan
sboard dan fields nByro -Myers-presi
sstudent sacquaint sit smember hwit smissionarie dan tdifferen nmissio
sThi norganizatio fo dmissionary-minde
Wings for Witness is an organization of men with aviation majors, who are interested in increasing their knowledge of missionary aviation Led by Jack Sawatzky -coordinator, Mai Ratcliff -administrative secretary, and Evan Smithtechnical secretary, this group corresponds with many missionaries and works together on Project Friendship as they grow spiritually through their fellowship Project Friendship is a Stinson 108 which they are preparing for use on a mission field
rou campus
nChristia sprinciple sa a ywa fo elif no
sing of the sstudent and to hestablis
pgrou swork ot phel eth cacademi -stand
scampu yever sChristma .season sThi
eth ynativit escen no eth tfron fo eth
yKe bClu si ot eassembl dan earrang
.ership eOn fo eth sactivitie fo eth dGol
eth sarea fo ,learning ,loyalty dan -lead
sa eth nte tmos goutstandin ssenior ni
nte sstudent ewer nchose yb eth yfacult
sactivitie fo eth dGol yKe Club eThes
eKnous ,secretary- dguide sthi syear'
sCharle hSmit evic- ,president dan sLoi
eTh ,officers bBo gHogber - ,president
The Pioneer was created for the purpose of providing each student with a collection of the year's activities, establishing good public relations, and glorifying Christ
This year's Pioneer represents many hours of painstaking work in layout, photography, and editing by an all student staff. The main addition to this year's Pioneer is the addition of fourcolor pictures
The school newspaper, the Yellow Jacket, is edited this year by Jack Warfel. Bill Hendricks is feature editor and Ron Kingham, who is pictured with "Sarge" Grey, advisor, is the assistant editor. Doug Mooney, reporter, checks the ball game scores with sports editor Bruce Baker Those in charge of typing and layout work do their part in meeting the paper's deadline. Gary Foster is business manager and Dave Riniker is circulation manager The photographers are Dave Irving - photographer-in-chief, Dale McCallum, and Jack Smith. They were kept very busy getting all the pictures for each issue
The main function of the Rodeo Club is the organization and preparation for the LeTourneau College Rodeo held each year in conjunction with Frontier Days This year's officers, Bill Taylorpresident, Byron Myers - vice president, Edith Foster -secretary, and Jim Minton -treasurer, spent much time preparing for this year's rodeo in order to make it the highlight of Frontier Days
ryea ear dawarde a TPH adiplom g(Pushin yHubb .Through) sThi si rfo a bjo lwel .done
ewhos shusband egraduat gdurin eth
tstuden swive dha a lvita ;part dan eth tSweethear ,Banquet ewher eth swive dhonore rthei .sweethearts eTh swive
swive dha a echanc ot eshar rthei ;Lord eth gHomecomin nreceptio ni hwhic eth
ttha tstuden swive emad ot phel -econo ;mize eth lchape ,program ewher eth
swive tbrough ssample fo rthei efavorit ;dishes eth eStyl wSho fo eth sclothe
eSom fo eth shighlight fo sthi tpas ryea :were eth g"Tastin ,Bee" ewher eth
sing ttha lwil phel ot rbette eth swive sa sGod' ,children ,wives ,mothers dan individuals
lschoo ,spirit dan ehav ymonthl -meet
tden sfamilie ni etim fo ,need epromot
tden ,wife egiv lspiritua tencouragemen ot ,others eprovid lphysica dai ot stu-
eTh sobjective fo eth bclu ear :to -em ephasiz eth lspiritua hgrowt fo heac stu-
.Mrs yMcKinle dan .Mrs tGilber.sponsors
aLeon tFas ,hospitality- yNanc dDillar,reporter-historian yMar eKat nGoodma - ,chaplain yNanc tLiker - ,membership
-hTot ,president nCarole nBergero evic,president aDonn lPowel -secretary,treasurer lCaro ,refreshments-rMille
eTh sofficer sthi ryea ear eDorcian
The LeTourneau College chapter of this national society purposed to "sketch the broad opportunities available in the welding industry." Its monthly meetings are for the purpose of exchanging ideas, promoting inspection tours of nearby facilities, and educational lectures The chapter acquired this year one of two polariscopes in the United States The polariscope aids greatly in being able to understand stress build up and concentration.
dtereste smember hwit sopportunitie rfo gengineerin sgraduate ni tdifferen sfield fo industry
dworke dhar sthi ryea ot tacquain -in
gber evic- ,president yJerr nHudso,treasurer dan mTo lStee ,secretary-
eWayn nJohnso ,president- bBo -Hog
ni ,Beaumont Texas eTh ,officers
eth nAmerica eInstitut fo lIndustria sEngineer lRegiona tStuden nConventio
yciet dtoure lsevera sfactorie dan -par dticipate ni aare sconvention hsuc sa
sThi ryea eth lIndustria gEngineerin -So
The LeTourneau College Automotive Society was formed last year by a group of Auto Knthusiasts with the following purposes in mind: to maintain a Christ-centered organization of auto enthusiasts, to provide opportunity for members to further their knowledge of the auto industry, to advocate safe driving practices, to provide close association with professional societies, to provide a safe and clean area for auto maintenance, and to provide tools and equipment that individual members could not afford.
The Automotive Society also believes that field trips, educational films, and speakers from the automotive industry give a practical experience with one of the main factors of the American economy — the automobile
The officers this year were Jon Bergeron -publicity agent, Marshall AggenStudent Senate representative, Howard Pinner -vice president, Charles Snowtreasurer, William J. Taylor -president, and Phil E. Crawford - secretary.
sstrate eth eus fo eth mha ,radio K5JEF
srecord dan stape .turning nRo ,Perrett tpresiden fo mHa oRadi ,Club -demon
tmen ebefor ggoin no eth air gGre ,Midura na ,announcer shelp pkee eth
tem nJo ,Gain ,engineer shelp nDa ,Clark nstatio ,manager kchec eth -equip
dan ,K5JEF eth tshor ewav oradi -sys
oT yglorif tChris hthroug oradi si eth lgoa fo ,KLET rou scampu oradi ,station
A welcomed addition to our music department this year is Mr Vic Werner Mr. Werner conducts the band, orchestra, and choir and instructs all the singing groups The choir served local and regional churches and presented special music in campus services. Our three singing groups this year are: The Ladies Trio: Millie Culver, Becky Baker, Edith Foster, and Judy Havskjold, accompanist; The Soulairs: Eddie Fallo, Dick Clark, Bill Hendricks, and Jim Kibelbek; and The Men's Quartet: Dave Rowley, Dennis Howard, Ron Mason, and Jim League.
The History Club was organized to stimulate Christian intellectual companionship while discussing various aspects of History. This year the club, led by Rick Harter -president, added new programs with films and guest speakers and played an important role in the presentation of a "Display of Lincolniana." These activities are advised by Professor Robert Selby and Professor Ken Durham The other officers are Donna Kulp - vice president, Ruth Stellrecht - secretary-treasurer, and Dixie Teer -coordination chairman
ni lal ereputabl swalk fo lschoo .life
ehav dachieve tmos yworth pleadershi
sha dhelpe ot pdevelo eth sbrother owh
r"Fo rbette nme dan a rbette "college,
ni eexistenc rfo xsi .years rOu ,motto
uTa aKapp aDelt ySociet sha wno nbee
rFo rBette nMe dan a rBette eColleg
Lambda Alpha Sigma, founded in 1963, is composed of those chosen students enrolled in the aeronautical courses. The society motto is taken from Isaiah 40:31, "But they that wait upon the Lord shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings as eagles; they shall run, and not be weary; and they shall walk, and not faint." The society was formed for the purpose of furthering the department and college in the aeronautical field and to learn more about the advancements in the field of aviation.
As Christian young men, we feel it is important, whether on the sports field, in the society lounge, or at a more formal gathering, to live by these words:
"Trust in the Lord with all thine heart; and lean not unto thine own understanding In all thy ways acknowledge him, and he shall direct thy path.'' Proverbs 3:5-6
As time passes, it is our prayer that we, as members of Kappa Zeta Chi, will continue to uphold the name of Jesus Christ, and to develop into mature Christians who reveal Christ to the world
Alpha Omega is a brotherhood united steadfast toward a single goal, that of building Christ centered men for a confused and lost world.
A brotherhood of friendships that will go on through eternity.
A group, united with bonds of love, but most of all with a mutual love for Christ Men, steadfast, in the belief that all we do, be it study or sports, should be done with an enthusiasm that only a Christian can have. Believing that, "Whatsoever ye do, do it heartily, as to the Lord, and not unto men."
Col 3:23
Delta Sigma Psi was founded in February of 1963 with the purpose of developing the mind, the body, and the soul. The men of Delta Sigma Psi know that through organized brotherhood they can prepare themselves for leadership unparalleled in the outside world.
Kickoff return
Prayer before every game End sweep
Missed the flag
This year flags were worn as the teams battled together The flags could be pulled off easily and rules permitted that only one flag be pulled for the play to be stopped
Sprint for the touchdown
sCros ,Country -Volley ,ball ,Football ,Softball ,Basketball ,Swimming ,Judo tWeigh ,Lifting
AO took first place in the volleyball pile by beating Second Floor Tyler in the championship game
Up for a cram!
front row 1to r: Bill Wright, Dave Reinbold, Dan Armstrong, Roy Polman, Scott Nason, back row 1to r: Jerry Stanton, Dale Smiley, Ron Wilburn, Rick Goodman, Dave Hillis, John EarharteResidenc lHal 14
eResidenc lHal A7
uTa aKapp aDelt
eResidenc lHal 53
aKapp aZet iCh
aDelt aSigm iPs
tFirs ,Floor rTyle
lNationa eConferenc
tWes sWing
dThir ,Floor rTyle
eResidenc lHal 04
eResidenc lHal A4
fMarried-Of sCampu
eResidenc lHal 4
aAlph aOmeg
dSecon ,Floor rTyle
nAmerica eConferenc
uLeTournea nwo 710 ot 78 rove sTexa nWesleya no .Feb .21
eLittl kRoc no Feb 18
sCorpu iChrist no Feb 13
nTarleto eStat no Feb 10
uLeTournea nwo 58 ot 28 rove
uLeTournea nwo 59 ot 28 rove
uLeTournea nwo 67 ot 85 rove
eLittl kRoc no Feb 6
uLeTournea nwo 79 ot 17 rove
uLeTournea tlos 76 ot 37 ot .St sThoma yUniversit no .Feb .4
uLeTournea tlos 17 ot 37 ot nHousto tBaptis no .Feb .3
uLeTournea tlos 68 ot 79 ot sCorpu iChrist no .Jan .30
uLeTournea tlos 77 ot 78 ot nAusti eColleg no Jan 26
nHousto tBaptis no nJa 21
uLeTournea nwo 211 ot 47 rove
uLeTournea tlos 38 ot 58 ot sTexa nWesleya no .Jan .17
uLeTournea tlos 46 ot 56 ot eMcNees eStat eColleg no .Jan .16
uLeTournea tlos 18 ot 38 ot nAusti eColleg no Jan 10
uLeTournea tlos 87 ot 97 ot tEas sTexa tBaptis no Jan 7
uLeTournea tlos 57 ot 38 ot nStephe F nAusti no Dec 17
uLeTournea tlos 57 ot 67 ot lOra sRobert yUniversit no .Dec .15
uLeTournea tlos 66 ot 18 ot eMcNees eStat no .Dec .13
uLeTournea nwo 57 ot 06 rove nTarleto eStat no .Dec .10
uLeTournea tlos 76 ot 48 ot tEas sTexa tBaptis no .Dec .6
uLeTournea nwo 19 ot 77 rove St sThoma yUniversit no Dec 3
uLeTournea tlos 46 ot 86 ot nStephe F nAusti no Nov 29
eJacki ,Jones eEddi hHendric uLeTournea tlos 28 ot 510 ot lOra sRobert yUniversit no Nov 19
uLeTournea eColleg wYello sJacket 1 ot :r eMik ,Givens lPau ,Wood nArde ,Cooper nDa ,Harris sCharle ,Alderson kMar ,Robinson nAlle ,Snow dEdwar ,Harris bBo ,Simpson nDa ,Lachmiller
School spirit, a new gymnasium, and anxious players could well describe this year's intercollegiate program.
Coached by Mr. Murray Bailey, this year's team fought to regain its former reputation for championship. The team fought to do its best throughout the season and was backed up by a vivacious student body.
High flying JackieDuring the week-end of October 7-9, a fall retreat was held in Ringgold, Louisiana at Miracle Camp grounds. It was a time of recreation and relaxation from classes. Well-known speakers led seminars which brought a concentrated look at each student's spiritual life. This week-end of fellowship closed with an inspirational rally and singspiration Saturday night.
Marriage is discussed by Mr and Mrs LaNoue during a seminar
The rules are laid down for the get-acquainted time.
Dr Suiter leads a seminar discussion To some people, the retreat was a time to relax and fishsorie kbac ot campus
sStudent tbrough yman lwonderfu -mem
oS sthat' ewher lal eth esausag !went
eTh rwate swa tgrea — oals !wetThe week of spiritual emphasis, October 12-16, gave the whole school a new outlook for the coming year. Spiritual emphasis week provided everyone with the strength and determination they needed to face the academic year ahead of them During this week of messages from the Word of God, many students took a new outlook on life Many lives were changed into useful lives for Christ due to this week of spiritual emphasis
With vivid storytelling, Bill Weston relates Bible truths. The audience was enchanted by Jack Conner and his marimba The choir provided some of the special music during the meetings. An attentive audience packed the multi-purpose building each night.dan shi .guitar
nHallowee cmusi swa dprovide yb nRo
The speaker for chapel is introduced by Mr Lawson
Interesting chapel programs are planned by a busy student activities committee.
"Where two or three are gathered together in My name, there I am also." "Study to show thyself approved unto God." Chapel provides an opportunity for both of these statements During the chapel service, the students, faculty, and staff fellowship together. Chapel also provides a relief from the monotony of constant classes It provides a time to forget studying and to look into the Word of God for encouragement and strength to continue through the rest of the day
sdent gconcernin shi
tBer ,Reed ,missionary stalk hwit
eJapanes nforeig .student
stalk hwit ,Nishimura a
mfro ,Japan
sMis lMabe ,Frances ymissionar
eth wne rsemeste hwit a hfres ttrus ni .God
sprovide a ,challenge soffer wne schance fo ,service dan sbegin
tdifferen nforeig scountrie tpresen rthei kwor ot eth school sThi
kwee fo ymissionar doriente services lSevera smissionarie mfro
,faculty fstaf janc sother dconnecte hwit eth lschoo datten a
tA eth gbeginnin fo eth gSprin rSemeste heac ,year eth ,students
sEmphasi kWee nbega hwit ,a tbanque ni eth .gym
sTran dWorl ,Radio schat hwit .Dr .Stephens
dRichar ,Dickinson ymissionar mfro
eRosale yBarnosk dan gDou yMoone eConni eBoes dan dTe dMattfel
tFirs :Runner-up aDonn sMorphi dan eDal ySmilertie sDay ewer -climax de yb eth lannua -Hoot yenan dan ,Rodeo hwhic swa dpresente yb eth oRode Club
eTh sactivitie ewer -pre dcede yb -beard-grow .ing nWester dan -fron rtie gclothin swa nwor yb eth students -Fron
l7-Apri2 ,1 swa a kwee fo nwester activities
rFrontie ,Days hMarc
sread eth emessag ni eth .baton
nMaratho srunner hwatc nJoh ,Nikerle eth tfastes ,runner dhan eth nbato ot eth .mayor eTh wLongvie rmayo
gdurin eth .Hootenany
gin tcontes ewer dannounce
eTh swinner fo eth -beard-grow
eprovid tentertainmen ta eth Hootenany
sride daroun eth aaren ta eth .rodeo eTh '"Swingin "Seven-plus-One
rFrontie 'Days ,Queen aDonn ,Morphis
dan eStev
tCarhar dprovide shilariou .entertainment
eGeorg yReil
gDurin eth yHootenan
dan smedal gdurin a lchape .program
eTh swinner fo eth lfal dan gsprin lintramura sactivitie ewer dawarde strophie
nJohnso dtrie eth barbells
gDurin eth gweightliftin ,contest nGle
eTh swomen' lbasketbal mtea sget fof ot a gjumpin start
hRut tStellrech sgoe pu rfo ranothe otw .points
In some games, the catcher didn't get the ball very much!
It looks good for a two-bagger!
Sometimes a fellow just couldn't get on bas
TKD was the champion Softball team.candidates
rfo eth esenat
eTh dcrow ta eth nNominatio
shi squalification dan swishe rfo eth -of efic eh si seeking
edat sha dappeare ni lchape dan ngive
scer fo sthi eSenat ear delecte heac ryea yb eth tstuden ybod rafte heac -candi
eth yman tstuden .functions eTh -offi
rato nbetwee eth sstudent dan eth -ad ,ministration dan ti si oals ni echarg fo
tStuden eSenat hwhic sact sa a -medi
sBeside ghavin a nDea fo sStudent dan a yFacult ot nliste ot eth 'students ,wishes uLeTournea eColleg oals sha a
A tstuden scast a tballo rfo shi echoic fo tstuden esenat officers
Senior class president, Ivan Secord, presented President LeTourneau and the college a clock as a gift from the Seniors
Those on the platform listened intently to Dr.
The Commencement speaker Dr. Paine from Houghton College Paine.eTh yfacult dchecke rthei sprogram sa eth tcommencemen sservice .began > .V
ntio swa .held
dreceive rhe .diploma gFollowin eth tcommencemen sservice a -recep
eTh rchoi dprovide lspecia cmusi gdurin eth tcommencemen services
tHighes rhono ,graduate hRut ,Stellrecht
As the Car Rodeo participants drove the course, the judge kept their scores.
Car Rodeo Individual Winners: 1 to r, 1st womenBecky Baker, 2nd womenMary Sprano, 1st menDallas DeWitt, 2nd menEddie Hendricks
rOu tStuden eSenat ,president kJac ,Warfel sha svariou sway fo .traveling
During the spring, Bob Miller presented a piano concert.
A free trip to the Holy Lands was presented to Wayne Johnson by Dr. Sam Mack during chapel
Country western star — Freddie, the campus patrolman — joins in with the fellows.
The Yellow Jacket and Pioneer Staff climaxed their year with a banquet at which the yearbooks were handed out
1 to r: Steve Coyle, vice - president; Jim Miller, treasurer; Ann Werner, secretary; Bruce Remely, president
Like our fathers before us, we go to battle. Ours are not battles against tyranny or religious persecution. We aren't protecting our families from line after line of marching red-coats, nor are we struggling to establish our freedom. But our battles are those fought to insure security, independence, and respect. Our battlefields are not water-soaked rice paddies, or miles of flak-filled skies, but rather the quiet of the class-room. Our enemy is not a well-trained army of jungle fighters Instead we fight ignorance, equally cunning and twice as deadly
But simply because no blood is shed does not imply that our battles demand no bravery. Just as the soldiers of world wars past, we must show courage, initiative, and perfection We cannot quit when pressures build and we cannot run We cannot compromise; we must win Our future and the future of generations to follow depend upon our victory. We can't afford to fail
Our preparation for gaining position in today's rapid world is not limited only to the academic and social levels Our preparation must be spiritual also Unlike so many others who study in schools with no spiritual emphasis, we have a great advantage We have a greater knowledge of our Lord and Savior We have divine help and guidance at our request
But with this advantage comes responsibility. It is our duty to give the Lord Jesus Christ the glory and praise he deserves It is also our duty to do all we possibly can to show and tell others of our great Savior. In return, we will find our battles easier to face and more often won Jesus said, "If I be for you, who can be against you?" With this in mind we turn and face the brilliance of the future
Bruce Remely Freshman class presidenteConni M eBoes
dEdwar C yBixb
sThoma P nBeckma
tRober .P sBayli
dRichar .P mBasha
eRosale yBarnosk
sDenni C sAyre
D pPhilli rAshe
nAlla C lArnei
mWillia .R nAnderso
dSherwoo .D nAnderso
kMar .O nAnderso
dDonal R nAlle
lMichae R sAdam
sThoma .D nAckerma
Jerry L. Boeve
James D. Boogerd
Samuel R. Bullers
Sterling I Buss
H Thomas Brown
Lowell M. Caneday
Jimmy C Caplinger
Stephen W. Carhart
Matthew Ciavarelli
Richard Clapp
Roger S. Churgovich
Thomas C. Clark
Nelson G. Cleveland
Lloyd H. Cobb, Jr.
Paul W Cocking
lDarre O tErns
yStanle J sElli
lDanie J kDworsha
dRonal D nDunca
yStanle W gDoi
sCharle W nDavidso
nJoh S mCunningha
dDavi .C eCron
eStev .D eCoyl
rWalte .R rCoutie
nIva .R
nJoh .E yCorneb
nArde .B
yBarr L kCoo
dRichar W eConkl
Robert L. Foss
Edith E. Foster
Gene A Frantz
Randy R. Friesen
Charles R Frame
Mark B Gamble
James G. Gardner
Dale D. Fuller
David A Giarritta
Sandlin L. Gillen
Howard C Gillespie
David J. Goldy
Frances A. Gould
John Ginocchio
Kenneth Govertsen
nJoh .A nHeitzman
nMarvi .J rHawbake
sDenni L rHawbake
dRichar nHarriso rRoge .O nHarriso
dDavi C nHarriso
nJoh .E sHarri
dEdwar .O sHarri
lDanie .E sHarri
lRussel .H nHarde
nEdwi .W eHanl
sCharle H eHal
tErnes A bGrub
nJoh .R nGreenma
lPau F rGowe
iHHraEU BJi^HI^MHMBI^^Paul A. Helgesen
Edward N. Hendrich
Dale A Herriman
Frederick D. Hess
Philip C. Henry
David H Hollan
Stephen Holt
David R. Hill
Dennis W Howard
Barry R. Hudson
Faith A Hopler
Sylvia A Hunt
Lyle C. Hunter
Raymon E. Hunt
Michael L Jackson
dRonal .J fKristof
yMar E sKnowle
lPau F tKnigh
lCar G nKleema
sDenni H yKinse
yTimoth H yKilb
dCliffor .R gKarlin
pPhili .L eJos
aNorm .J sJone
nNorma L nJohnso
tDwigh V nJohnso
dDonal G nJohnso
dDavi .D nJohnso
hKennet .C sJobe
tDwigh D eJarbo
Steve L Lake
Richard Langford
Carl D Larson
Cathey G Lawson
David M. Lindamood
Charles S Lindholm
James E Lombard
James Longenbach
David J. Loveland
Mark T Lowery
Stephen W Lorimer
niVirginia McCaslin
Tommy McDonnell
Ronald J. McLaughlin
Eddie U. McPherson
hRut A yMontgomer
sJame L rMonkemeie
sJame A nMinto
rRoge .A nMillermo
mWillia J rMille
sJame .R rMille
nIa .R rMille
yGregor .P aMidur
yRodne tMiddlested
yTerr .A nMichmerhuize
ySamm .R yMa
lDarrel L nMarti
dDonal .W
eBruc .R eMalenk
lPau .R nMachla
Leigh L. Moore
Wayne L. Morgan
Donna L. Morphis
Ettie L Moss
Monte R Muecke
George R Nelson
Roger C Nelson
Eldon R. Nafziger
George A. Oehmcke
Michael Ohlsen
John E. Nikerle
Leonard E Parsons
Charlie B Pawluk
Walter Parrish
Ronald L Petros
eJerom hRohrbac
.A .M eMik sRive
rRoge B yRemel
lPau R eReich
eLawrenc tRehnquis
eGeorg .D yReil
yTerr L dRee
dRichar E nRedma
nJoh C yRanne
lDanie .E lPowel
dWar .M nPitma
aId eIren ePierc
eGeorg A pPhilip nGordo sPhillip
yBeck L uPfa
Daniel S Rowland
Ronald R Runion
Stephen P Sargeant
Mackey F Sarvis
Kent E. Sanders
David L. Schick
Karl D Schoof
Brad A Schaff
Nathan Schumacher
Maurice Scobee
Lowell F. Schrock
Richard L. Searight
Joy S. Shady
John A Scott
Joel J Shelley
nNorma P gTamelin
dRichar V sSteven nJurge aSzumad
nJoh .W rSprunge aDonn .K sStephen
dRichar W. oSpran
yHarve L nSpilma
dDavi C ySpakousk yGar L rSpence
eDav .J gSnellin
nJoh .M hSmit
dFre mSlocu
kJac T rSlate
lDanie aSierr
nEvely .F dShepher
Phillip I Temple
Daniel V. Theobald
Nels J. Thorson
Douglas Van Beenen
Ralph W Vanderburg
Bruce Villaume
Wesley Van Marter
Mark A. Vile
Dale L Weisbrod
Ann E. Werner
Helge E Vorland
Douglas A. Williams
Clyde L. Whittle
Michael E. Witzky
William W Wootten
owh splay eth mdru ni eth ppe !band
tNo lal scollege ehav a nDea fo nWome
nJoh .T lZabe
dDavi .F hWunsc
dRonal .C nWorkma
A yvictor ebonfir wthre rou lbasketbal nseaso oint yplaWhen a young person reaches college, his life turns from the frivolous to the sincere; for college is a sincere step toward his future Here a profession must be chosen — engineering, business, teaching. This decision will play a leading role in his life.
The second year of college is extremely important for this is the time that decisions must be affirmed
This year is a busy one for the Sophomore class Besides the campus activities, homework assignments, and church activities, many sophomores use their spare hours to work at part-time jobs. This, plus the testing of a new-found freedom that comes from being an upperclassman, fills every day of the sophomore.
Even though this is a busy year, the Sophomore class is trying to help LeTourneau College as much as possible. By cooperating with the administration and the other classes, the Sophomore class's aim is to add to the college in order that an even higher pinnacle of Christian fellowship may be reached
With Christ as our leader and friend, we will move ever forward.
Tully Parker Sophomore class president left to right: Bob Rodgers, vice president; Darlene Widlicka, treasurer; Vikki Barbee, secretary; Tully Parker, president.dDonal W K ,Biggs Jr .R tDwigh yBirk
nJo A nBergero
nJoh .D lBel
nDa .E yBeer
dDavi .A nBeckma
iVikk S eBarbe yLarr lBartel
dRichar D yBane
hKennet W tAx
nElto ,Archer .Jr .C lDanie gArmstron
nStephe .S eAlvin
aPriscill .J eAdrianc
R oKrist oAbo
Rebecca S Bodden
Richard W Bowman
Rebecca S Brink
Stephen J. Brower
James H. Brown
Michael F. Bullock
Richard Carlson
Thomas H Case
Herbert J Castiglia
Daniel D. Caudill
Keith E Chisman
Edward L. Claypool
Phillip E. Crawford
Jerry C. Cummings
Clarence G Davis
nRobi .E rGuye
tRober D dGuichar
eWayn .E hGrueneic
dRonal I sGros
lPau E yGreasle
pPhili .L rGrabe
hKennet J aGortsem
lMichae W sGiven
dDavi P iGiacomon
hKennet .J pGalenkam
kFrederic .R sGaddi
lPau .R rGable
aLind J rFaulkne
nJoh P nEato
hRalp W yDonnell
Dean P. Hamrick
David W Harrison
David Henderson
William K. Hess
Dale R. Hill
Dennis L Holtry
John R Hoving
Paul G Howard
David P. Hutnyak
James D. Jones
James E. Jones
Doris E. Kaufhold
Daniel Lachmiller
James M. Landes
Paul A. Larson
dArnol .L rMille
lMichae nMiddleto
lEvere .H nMasti
dRonal .L nMaso
nJoh R xMar
nSteve E nMarti
hJudit .K eMcGuir
aDoroth nMcCasli
eDal G mMcCallu
nSteve .T kLin
yStanle nLinderma
sCharle L kLiffic
yTimoth .C sLemon
sJame .R eLeagu
nBerge .T eLawrenc
Edward J. Miller
William D, Moody
Donald A. Moon
Douglas Mooney
Myron L. Murray
William C Newland
LeRoy E Nielsen
Masataka Nishimura
John C Noffsker
Richard A Ogden
Gary D Palmer
Tully C Parker
Orville G Paul
C. Lynn Pearson
tRober L sRodger
lPau E kRis
aPatrici rRiege
dDavi .K dReinbol
sJame .B dRei
lCaro R dRee
hKennet W kPridachu
yStanle J ePric
yRo .L nPolma
aDan .S nPippi
tBren .L yPhinne
hKeit .T sPhillip
yNanc S sPeter
dRonal L tPerret
sLui R zPere
Kenneth D Root
David N Rowley
Constantino Sassi
John F Saucerman
Jack W. Sawatzky
Thomas G Schrag
John C Schwope
Darla J. Seevers
Ray A. Shirey
Thomas P. Shorb
Dick Slakes
Mary M. Sprano
Thomas F Steele
Gerald G. Stanton
David G Stone
yBarr F nVa
nSharo .A hUnru
hKennet W hUnru
dHarol R rTyle
sThoma L. rTroye
hKennet L rTraye
nVerno W rTrauge
sDenni L nTrai
nLeo F nThomse
rTho R eThiss
yTimoth sThame
dDonal .P
nBerwi L sSummer
dRonal C dStran
sJame A yStore
Rick L. Vette
Donald G Voget
David H Vroom
Carolyn M Wagoner
Darrell E. Walden
Lawrence W. Wendling
Darlene A. Widlicka
Charles F Wieland
William D Wright
Allen R. Zimmerman
It's up and over for that game point!
eDal ySmile rJunio sclas tpresiden
.year ,Yes I ma ycertainl dprou ot eb a !junior
twithou yan fo ,these eth rJunio sclas dwoul tno ehav nbee twha ti swa sthi
yonl ehav nbee a ,smile a lhelpfu ,hand a dkin ,word ro a elittl ,character tbu
thasn' nbee lal ,receiving rfo heac eon sha ngive a elittl gsomethin too tI yma
smember fo eth sclas yma eb fo eservic ot eth school rAnothe nobservatio sha nbee ttha heac rmembe fo eth sclas si na ,individual gseekin twha eh ro esh yma ngai mfro eth ecolleg experience ,However ti
dwatche yclosel rfo shint sa ot eth sthing ot ecom dan sway ni hwhic eth
eth tpas dan wne sgoal ear gbein established eTh ssign fo eth efutur ear gbein
dgaine mfro
eColleg dan sha ngrow ot elov dan hcheris eth .campus eExperienc sha nbee
dimpresse hwit eth sadvance fo uLeTournea
gconcernin eth .future tI sha nbee
I ehav oals dfoun ttha eth sclas sha tbrigh sexpectation
dspirite tsegmen fo uLeTournea .College sThi si devidence yb eth hhig edegre fo nparticipatio ni lschoo activities
I ehav dfoun ttha eth rJunio sclas si euniqu ni ttha ti si r"ove eth "hump, os ot ,speak dan si tpas eth yhalf-wa .mark rFo sthi nreaso eth sclas si a yhighl
women I ma dhonoure ot eb a erepresentativ fo ethes gyoun sadult dan dwoul elik ot erelat a wfe sobservation I ehav emad gdurin ym dperio fo .service
nO ethes spage ear eth spicture fo a stremendou pgrou fo gyoun nme dan
,Rudy ;vice-president eDal ,Smiley president ..':. : •' : : i
tJane ,Polhamus ;secretary dFre
tlef ot :right yBeck ,Baker ;treasurer
Marshall J. Aggen
Charles T. Alderson
Derek K. Anderson
Terry L. Anderson
Kim C. Badley
Rebecca S. Baker
Neil Barr
William H Elaine
David E. Blakney
Lowell K. Booker
Michael A. Brown
Daniel R. Clark
Richard E. Clark
David B. Currie
Gary L. DeArmey
yGar .D rFoste
nBurto .C aFest .R lDanie rFohringe
rWalte tFas
yJerr .A sEvan J dEdwar oFall
eGeorg D sEchol
nJoh E tEarhar
sJame D kDurnia
eDoyl .L kDic
dHarol R eDubr
sJame .E nDingmo
sDalla .J tDeWit
sCharle .H tDecher
—/ r 4r
Paul J Fridenmaker
James C. Gaunt
Frederick Gilmer
Walter H Golla
Richard M. Goodman
J Gordon Haas
Gayle L Hara
Frederick Harter
Judy Havskjold
William L Hendricks
John D Hershey
David H. Hillis
Daniel J. Hopler
Eldon L. Huether
Daniel S. Irving
mWillia .R nMaco
nCarolan nMcLenna
yLarr A eMcGuir
nJoh R tMcCalmon
oNiil .A iKorp
sCharle .G rLave
aDonn .R pKul
yJeffer .L gKin
nMorga A rKize
dRonal E
yLarr G nJohnso
sJame J kKibelbe
hKennet .L nKaufma
hKennet .S nJackso
dDavi .E gIrvin
Nancy J. Meyer
Donald R. Mills
Byron M Myers
Joyce L Nagai
Scott A. Nason
Richard J. Newell
Richard Nicholls
Joseph Nowiczewski
Munjin Oh
Richard L Opsata
James L Pfau
Howard A Pinner
Janet S. Polhamus
David T Reed
Charles F. Reeser
J sSpeer
bBo nSimpso
nGlen .S hSmit
eDal .G ySmile
yStanle .M sSimmon
lDarry C rShafe
nJoh C zSchult
sJame .O rRuege
dDavi M sSaunder
bJaco .N lSamue
kFrederic yRud
kMar R nRobinso
mWillia D nRobertso
dDavi .R rRinike
hKennet G eRic
David S. Stoltzfus
William J Taylor
Linda C Teer
Judith L Tesmer
William D Tingle
Frank Waggoner
Robert W Walker
Rogers R Walker
Janet M. Weller
Leon C Weller
David P Whitten
David J Wintsch
David R. Witt
Paul D Wood
Daniel H Work
top to bottom: Ivan Secord, president; Bob Miller, vice-president; Jim Eastman, treasurer; Millie Culver, secretary.
I wish to thank the Senior class officers for their help and assistance in making this, their, senior year a better one I also thank our sponsor, Mr Thompson for his support and advice Above all, I wish to thank each Senior for the honor and privilege of serving as your Senior class president.
Reminiscing this past year, we have experienced a delightful Junior-Senior Class Banquet sponsored by the Junior class as a means to show their appreciation for the Seniors; thus they will deserve to become the honored guests next year
Our graduation exercises are to be held April 22, 1967 at 7:30 p.m in our newly dedicated gymnasium. We are honored this year in having Dr. Stephen Paine as speaker. Dr. Paine is the President of Houghton College, Houghton, New York
As we depart and settle throughout the United States, I pray that each Senior will be a leader — a leader in Christ It is our responsibility to be an effective witness to our fellow-man. We have been instructed by dedicated professors who have given us the "tools" to work with. It is our challenge to build ourselves, our families, our friends, and our great nation An appropriate verse for success in any field of endeavor is found in Proverbs 3:6, "In all thy ways acknowledge Him, and He shall direct thy paths." A life directed by God is THE successful life.
Again, thank you very much for allowing me to serve you
Ivan W. Secord Senior class presidentRichard E. Bellamy
Britton W. Bell
Robert E. Bishop
John S. Black
Terrence R. BlandHarold D. Krause
Charles E Lacey
John E Klotz Charles A Knoll Lois E KnouseCharles B Miller
Robert Miller
Ronald D. Miller Paul A Nelsen Roy H. NiemanJohn
Karen Sloan
H Sloan Charles W. Smith Evan Smith Verlan SnodgrassDennis I Thompson
Robert E. Ward
John H Warfel
Robert J. Vanderburg
Nels M. TimmCharles F Woerner
Paul G Yarger
George W Younker
Paul A. Zimmerli
hNort aFredoni ,Longview sTexa
aVroor slook rove eth sVolkswagen ta
James Marlow
Carl L Estes, PublishereBruc rBake
sDenni nCurringto
yTerr dBlan
ePet nLawso
nRo sHarri
yJerr nHudso bBo dShepher
yLeRo tFas
mTo kBrin
mJi sCros
yLarr nStanto
eStev hHollwart
lPau nNelse
nCalvi gOrwi
nDo eKegaris
nJoh nSloa
lPau dGrandlinar
lTerrel sRobbin
nFelto rBollinge
mJi nEastma
eMik lGrennel
lBil yMilb kDic lPee nDo nChapma
lCar eConstabl
nDo Thompson
kDic nKorma
nIva dSecor
lBil sJone
nDo gFannin
eStev rPife
yLarr rDuple
lPau tBreithaup
lPau aHar
lPau yKelse
mTo nMoulto
cEri rHarshbarge
mJi nBurgi
nDo sKrau
dGarlan nMaha
yLarr nDickso
pSki rPalme
tWal mNeedha
dE eLaVell
lCar sCypher
lA gRudber lBil nAlle
eStev rCarpe
yGar yAme
nRo eTyron yBarr rTinkle
dRichar nDickma
mTo hMcCulloug
lPhi sMatthew
sMorri nHarmonso
eWayn nHanse
eWayn dDiamon
eDav sBurges
nLyn rPainte
bBo eStark
eGen sShield
nKe sHes
nRo dBon
eBruc nMcClella
eGeorg rApga
eDav lHal
eJo yDuPu
kChuc mPurdo
nJoh kSwizdary
kVic eRic
yJerr lHal
tAr nJohnso
eDav tVanSan
mTo eChass
lPhi nMoulto
yRa sGei
nJoh sDavi
eDav hWintsc
nKe yHollowa
mJi yMood
lArie rRosentrate
kChuc rMille
Welcome, Grads and Alumni!
aPLaz 13-335 ,LONGVIEW
"Just Behind The Campus"
Anderson, Terry L
Aboo, Kristo
3939 N Hamlin, Chicago, III M.E p 139
Ackerman, Thomas D
8 Banks Ave., Johnson City, N.Y Aero Eng p 123
Adams, Michael R
R. R. No. 1, W. Lebanon, Ind. Aero Tech p 123
Adriance, Priscilla J
655 Taylor Ave., Oradell, N.J. Math p 45, 100, 139
Aggen, Marshall 1705V2 Mobberly Ave., Longview, Tex Aero Tech p 65, 150
Albright, Steven Box 42, Kennedy, N.Y M.E p 55, 74, 75
Alderson, Charles 803 W. Ave. C, Lampasas, Tex. Busn. p. 46, 71, 91, 92, 93, 94, 150
Allen, Donald 3500 38th St., Moline, III Aero Tech p 123
Altig, Ralph E. Campus Trailer Park Mech. Tech. p. 159
Alvine, Stephen S 4332 3rd Ave N.W., Seattle, Wash Mech Tech p 139
Anderson, Derek 364 Baker Ave., Ventura, Calif Mech Tech p 150
Anderson, David 606 N Galena, Dixon, III E.T
Anderson, Mark O
Rio Sena 49, Mexico 5, D.F Bible
Anderson, Sherwood R.D No. 2, Russell, Penn Busn. Admin. p. 123 p 123
R.R No 4 Toronto Rd., Spgfield., III Busn p 50, 75
Anderson, William R.D No 2, Russell, Penn Misn Tech p 123
Archer, Elton, Jr
900 Young, Longview, Tex Math p 86, 139
Armstrong, C Daniel 2251 N Burlington, Arlington, Va Chem p 41, 88, 139
Arneil, Allan C 311 Grove St., Montclair, NJ
M.E p 123
Ashby, William L 129 Glen Riddle, Media, Penn. I.E p 58, 159
Asher, Donald P P O Box 1006, Boerne, Tex Mech Tech p 123
Axt, Kenneth 1694 Broad St., Bloomfield, NJ. Eng p 79, 139
Ayres, Dennis C R.R No 2, N Manchester, Ind Eng p 123
BBadley, Kim C.
3211 W. Laurelhurst, Seattle, Wash.
I.E. p. 150
Baghramian, Peter
Rudsar Ave., Neyestany No 58, I.E Tehran, Iran
Bailey, James W Star Route, Bayside, Tex
Baker, Bruce W
2680 Killian Rd., Uniontown, Ohio
I.E p 59, 70, 71, 159
Baker, Rebecca S 2680 Killian Rd., Uniontown, Ohio Math. p. 47, 66, 150
Bakke, Kenneth A 6 Arbor Lane, Huntington, N.Y M.E
Baney, Richard D Benkelman, Neb.
Aero. Eng. p. 39, 139
Barbee, Ralph E
R.R No 2, Edgerton, Ohio Misn Tech p 8, 30, 31, 51, 55, 56, 88, 159
Barbee, Vikki S.
R.R. No. 2, Edgerton, Ohio
Hist. p. 30, 31, 42, 56, 139
Barnosky, Rosalee 3324 S. Rita, Springfield, III. Aero Eng p 59, 61, 100, 123 Barr, Neil L 1160 Millville, Lapeer, Mich
I.E p 85, 150
Barrett, Harry G Berwinsdale, Penn Mech Tech p 75, 159
Bartell, Larry D
R.R No 1 Box 141, Custer, Wash M.E p 139
Bartlett, John Hummock Pond Rd., Nantucket, Mass Ed.
Basham, Richard P Box 83, Horned, Kentucky Busn p 100, 123
Baylis, Robert P 10660 Island Lake Rd., Dexter, Mich Mech Tech p 123
Beckman, David A 4234 Wakefield, Richmond, Va. E.T p 139
Beckman, Thomas P. 4234 Wakefield, Richmond, Va M.E p 123
Beery, Dan E Box 209, Seaman, Ohio Ed p 139
M.E p 512
2185 .S ,Second ,Allentown .Penn
,Crone dDavi .C
Aero Tech
,Criswell eGeorg R 4521 .E ,28th sKansa ,City .Mo
Busn Admin p ,56 ,65 014
R.R No 1 ,86A ,Arcanum oOhi
,Crawford pPhilli E
Misn Tech p ,12 ,51 ,122 512
R.R No 1 xBo ,610 ,Baker La
,Coyle eStev D
M.E p ,78 ,79 512
I.E p 312 ,Coutier rWalte R 34 wDelawarevie ,Ave. ,Trenton N.J
R.R No ,2 ,Laceyville Penn
Aero Eng p 512 ,Cornell nIva R
.Weld nDesig .p ,91 512 ,Corneby nJoh E 451 dDesmon ,St. ,Athens .Penn
Aero Eng p 512 ,Cooper nArde .B 817 ,Cresentview ,Massillon oOhi
1334 nClinto ,Rd. ,Jackson Mich
,Cook yBarr L
110 E rPlile ,Ave. ,Longview Tex .Hist .p ,30 ,31 ,42 ,46 ,100 116
,Constable lCar K
M.E ,Conkle dRichar W xBo ,585 ,Paonia Colo lLibera sArt p 512
R.R No ,2 gBi ,Rapids Mich
9190 rMano ,Lane oColorad ,Spgs. Col Math p 412 ,Comer hJosep K
.M.E .p ,57 412 ,Cocking lPau W
M.E ,Cobb dLloy ,H. .Jr 2381 lWhitehal ,Dr. ,Charlotte .N.C
R.R No ,1 ,Galesburg Kan
R.R No ,1 ,Erin N.Y .Mech .Tech .p 412 ,Clevenger lKendal .L
,Cleveland nNelso G
Aero Tech p 014
R.R No ,2 ,Butler Penn
Aero Tech p 412 ,Claypool dEdwar L
Misn Tech p ,39 ,67 015 ,Clark sThoma C 635 E yMoone ,Dr. yMontere ,Pk. Cal
635 E yMoone ,Dr. yMontere ,Pk. Cal
Busn Admin p ,35 ,56 ,65 015 ,Clark dRichar E
,Clark lDanie R 5781 wWillo ,Ave. ,Riverside Calif
.M.E .p 412
Clapp, dRichar P.O xBo ,83 tFla ,Rock oOhi
M.E p ,45 412
7880 ,Pinegrove ,Parma oOhi
Mech Tech p ,38 ,74 ,75 116
8833 eRidg ,Rd. ,Clarkson N.Y
,Chapman dDonal J
061 E ,Butler ,Longview Tex Engl
,Cessna nJoh H
E.T p 014
1179 Janita ,Dr. ,Winston-Salem N.C
,Caudill lDanie D
Busn Admin p 014
02 ,Woodview ,Hamburg N.Y
,Castiglia tHerber
Eng p 014
2150 ,Dartmouth ,Longview Tex
,Case sThoma H
E.T p ,79 014
7101 nLincol ,Rd. ,Otsego Mich
,Carlson dRichar
E.T p 116
7200 S h12t ,St. ,Longview Tex
Misn Tech p ,39 116 ,Carlson dDonal
P.O xBo ,204 ,Datil wNe Mex
,Carlisle dRichar D
Aero Tech
344 sMoore ,Lane wNe ,Castle Del
,Carlisle dBernar L
Aero Eng p 412
R.R No 2 xBo ,230 ,Medford N.J
,Carhart nStephe W
Aero Tech p 412
R.R No 1 xBo ,199 ,DeQueen Ark
,Caplinger yJimm C.
sTaylor ,Falls Minn hMat p 412
,Caneday lLowel M
Aero Eng p ,45 07
0100 tWes J ,St. ,Hastings Neb
,Campbell nAlvi D
E.T p ,33 116
,Cajas .C dDavi dBoulevar ,Cipresoles ,Guatemala .Guat
sTompkin ,Rd. ,Medina oOhi
,Ciavarelli wMatthe
R.R No 4
,Churgovich rRoge
Busn Admin p 014
0250 E ,Boulder oColorad ,Springs Col
,Chisman hKeit .E
.E.T Longview, .Tex
071 lMagril ,St. .Apt A nLarso ,Apts.
,Butler sCharle M
Eng p 412
R.R No 1 xBo ,339 ,Nazareth Penn
,Buss gSterlin I
Misn Tech p 412 ,Bullock lMichae F rLowe ,Waterford tVermon .Weld .Eng .p 014
R.R No ,1 ,Brookville Penn
,Bullers lSamue R
E.T p 015
1154 yLa ,St. sDe ,Moines aIow
Misn Tech p ,59 014 ,Brown Michael A
nUnio .St xBo ,26 ,Springboro .Penn
Mech Tech p 412 ,Brown sJame .H
Aero Tech p ,73 116 ,Brower nStephe J ,Hundred .W .Va .M.E .p 014 ,Brown nHerma T 041 ,Harrison ,Pawnee III
sEagle ,Mere Penn
,Brink sThoma E
Hist p ,4 ,21 014
7100 aLind ,Lane ,Nacogdoches Tex
,Brink aRebecc S
xBo 59 .R.R .No ,1 ,Pomeroy .Wash .Weld .Eng
M.E ,Breithaupt lPau .H
nMai ,St. ,Yorkshire N.Y
,Brandt dDavi M
Aero Tech p ,97 014
,M.E. Aero Eng • p 015 ,Bowman dRichar W ,R.R. ,Chesterfield III
R.R No ,2 ,McPherson Kan
,Booker lLowel K
M.E p 412
yHiwa 81 R.R No ,1 kRoc ,Valley aIow
Aero Tech p ,52 ,73 016 ,Boogerd sJame .D
052 hEight ,St. ,Sealy Tex
0210 S h12t ,St. ,Longview Tex .M.E ,Bellinger nFelto
.M.E .p ,73 412 ,Boley kFrederic
.R.R .No 3 h146t ,Ave. ,Holland .Mich
Ed p ,57 ,100 312 ,Boeve yJerr L
E.T p ,79 016 ,Bodden aRebecc S 530 sFellow ,Rd. ,Houston .Tex .Engl .p ,50 ,51 ,100 014 ,Boese eConni M ,Bloomfield Mont
Mech Tech p 015 ,Bland eTerrenc 990 ,Electro Apt ,3 ,Longview Tex
R.R No ,3 ,Hillsborough ,N.B. Can
Aero Tech p 015 ,Blakney dDavi E
I.E p 016 ,Black hKeit R. xBo ,967 ,Friona Tex .M.E ,Elaine mWillia H xBo ,642 ,Hobbs wNe Mex
S yBa Rd R.D No ,1 ,Clay N.Y E.T p 312 ,Black nJoh .S oApartad lPosta No ,849 ,Hermosilla Mex
E.T p 016 ,Bixby dEdwar C
410 W ,Catawba ,Morganton N.C
Aero Tech p ,119 913 ,Bishop tRober E
sCampu eConcret Apt ""C
Mech Tech p 913 ,Birky .R tDwigh
Mech Tech ,Biggs ,Donald Jr 6111 tPos ,Rd. ,Wakefield .R.I
1121 ,Raney ,Longview Tex
Mech Tech p ,65 ,139 814 ,Beverly eRonni
sCampu rTraile kPar
Mech Tech p ,62 016 ,Bergeron nJo A
1222 eJan ,Drive ,Waco Tex
,Bellamy dRichar
Mech Tech p 913
050 wNe ,Road ,Southampton Penn
M.E p ,75 016 ,Bell nJoh D
,Bell nBritto W R.R No ,1 ,Kalispell Mont
Crone, George E
Box 961, Ft Stockton, Tex
Mech. Tech. p. 50, 51, 79, 157, 162, 181
Cross, Jimmie H
5020 Macafee Rd., Torrance, Calif
Aero Tech p 73, 162
Culver, Mildred E
11073 N. Center Rd., Clio, Mich.
Engl. p. 55, 59, 66, 100, 162, 179
Cummings, Jerry C
R.R No 2, Tuscumbia, Ala
M.E p 20, 140
Cunningham, John S
17447 S.E 40th PI., Bellevue, Wash
Aero Tech p 125
Currie, David B
13725 Commonwealth, Southgate, Mich
M.E. p. 51, 56, 137, 150
Currington, Dennis A
748 N Pearl, Bridge'ton, NJ
M.E p 71, 119, 162
Davidson, Charles W
Box 158, Humble, Tex
Construction Tech p 125
Davis, Clarence G
401 Bluebonnet, Bristol, Tenn
Aero Eng p 73, 140
Davis, John R
444 N.W 9th St., Boca Raton, Fla
E.T p 162
Davis, Paul J
164 E Spooner Rd., Milwaukee, Wis
Aero Tech
Davis, Ray C.
2005 Hoffman, Longview, Tex.
Busn. p. 157, 162
DeArmey, Cary L
Box 65, Listie, Penn
M.E p 11, 62, 137, 150
Dechert, Charles H.
Paradise Valley, Riverton, Wyo.
M.E. p. 50, 62, 151
Deere, David
606 S Division, DeRidder, La Aero. Tech.
DenBleyker, Marvin J
596 W 48th St., Holland, Mich Misn Tech p 163
DeWitt, Dallas J Airdrie, Alberta, Can. Mech Tech p 151
Dick, Doyle L Marion, S Dak E.T p 151
Dillard, Tedd A
202 Boring, Longview, Tex
M.E p 35, 71
Dingmon, James E
7443 Basin Rd., Ft. Edward, N.Y. M.E. p. 151
Doan, Christopher 4032 E Whitman, Tucson, Ariz
Aero Tech p 37, 72, 163
Doig, Stanley W
Box 479, Sitka, Alaska
M.E p 125
Dolgner, James R
306 Parallel St., Beaver Dam, Wis
Aero Tech p 37, 75, 163
Donnelly, Ralph W
2815 Sheffield Dr., New Lenox, III
M.E p 141
Donovan, Richard L
Campus Trailer Park
M.E p 75
Dubre, Harold R
R.R No 4, Danville, III Mech Tech p 151
Duffey, Paul, Jr
R.R No 3, Greencastle, Penn Aero Tech p 73, 163
Duncan, Ronald D
Box 1, Madison, Penn Busn Admin p 125
Dupler, Larry R
Campus Trailer Park Mech Tech p 163
Durniak, James D.
547 Ambridge Ave., Ambridge, Penn M.E p 151
Dworshak, Daniel J
6 W Cheyenne Rd., Colo Spgs., Colo E.T. p. 100, 125
Earhart, John E
63 N. Grant St., Manheim, Penn. * Mech. Tech. p. 88, 151
Eastman, James T
Box 147, Mount Upton, N.Y Aero Tech p 163
Eaton, John P
Mount Pleasant Mills, Penn.
M.E p 141
Eben, Dennis M
2637 Rosewood, Mesquite, Tex Aero Tech p. 51, 164
Echols, George D
1223 S. Azalea, Tyler, Tex. Weld p 151
Edwards, James K
120-A S Sidney, Longview, Tex Mech Tech
Ellis, Stanley J
R.R No 2, Monett, Mo M.E p 125
Ellis, William G
1214 Mahlow Dr., Longview, Tex Chem p 6, 164
Engle, Leon R
P.O Box 158, Nichols, Fla Mech Tech p 164
Erickson, Stanley C Box 89, Hutchinson, Minn Mech Tech p 62, 74, 75, 164
Ernst, Darrel O
R.R No 5, Meadville, Penn Aero Tech p 125
Evans, Jerry A
168 S Main St., Manheim, Penn I.E p 70, 87, 151
Fast, LeRoy D Box 6, Butterfield, Minn Aero Tech
Fast, Walter St Catharines, Ontario, Can M.E p 151
Faulkner, Linda J.
1708 Pineridge, Longview, Tex.
Hist. p. 47, 141
Fauss, Stephen G
R.R No 2 Box 45, Seville, Ohio
Festa, Burton C
1958 N Normandy, Chicago, III
M.E. p. 151
Finley, Richard E 2915 Colcord, Waco, Tex I.E p 79
Fohringer, R Daniel
R.R No 1, Mill Hall, Penn Aero. Tech. p. 79, 151
Foss, Robert L 113 Clay, Glendive, Mont Aero Tech p 126
Foster, Charles J
R.R No 2, McDonald, Kan Aero Tech p 164
Foster, Edith E
R.R No 2 Box 427, Arlington, Tex Hist p 60, 66, 119, 126
Foster, Gary D.
R.R No 1, Graver Hill, Ohio Ed p 33, 59, 151
Fowler, Kim C 1547 W University, Mesa, Ariz M.E p 52, 151
Fownes, Richard H 1915 E Marshall, Longview, Tex
Aero Tech
Frame, Charles R 5843 N.W Circle, Chicago, III
Aero Tech p 126
Frantz, Gene A 709Vz N 6th, Longview, Tex Eng p 126
Fridenmaker, Paul J 845 W. Edgemont, Phoenix, Ariz. Aero Eng p 77, 86, 152
Friesen, Randy R 861 E. Baseline, Hillsboro, Ore. Eng. p. 126
Fuller, Dale D Ill Grace St., Crockett, Tex Aero Tech p 126
Fallo, J Edward
364 N Longview, Dayton, Ohio Aero Tech p 67, 77, 151
Fanning, Don C
Campus Apts Aero Tech
Gabler, Paul R. 1601 Berry Lane, Longview, Tex. Math. p. 141
Gaddis, Frederick R
R.R No 1, Fairmount, Ind M.E p 141
Gain, Jonathan W. Box 163, Hoopsport, Wash E.T p 65
Gaienkamp, Kenneth, J. 521 Sicomac, Wyckoff, NJ Busn p 141
Gamble, Mark B
1270 Acdo Dr S., Pt Credit, Ont., Can M.E., Aero Eng p 51, 126
I.E p ,50 ,55 ,63 616
481 tFirs ,Ave. ,Cadillac Mich
,Hogberg tRober E
R.R No 2 xBo ,16 ,Roselle III
,Hitzeman nJoh C
eBibl p ,39 ,57 ,59 ,88 215
039 eExecutiv ,Dr. lCaro ,Stream III
,Math. Aero Eng p 812 ,Hillis dDavi H
7373 ,State ,Saginaw Mich
,Hill dDavi .R
M.E p 214
5191 E ,Marshall ,Longview Tex
,Hiemstra lCar W 0181 ,Hoffman ,Longview Tex Hist ,Hill eDal R
I.E p ,35 616
0290 ,Mobberly ,Longview Tex
Mech Tech p 214 ,Hieb C eLe
933 E ,11th ,Berwick Penn
Mech Tech p 812 ,Hess mWillia K
dThir ,St. ,Benton Penn
Aero Tech p 215 ,Hess kFrederic D
M.E p 812 ,Hershey nJoh D 816 S tGran ,St. ,Manheim Penn
01460 ,Jonas nAlle ,Park Mich
,Herriman eDal A
,Herndon yBobb J 4121 ,Tulane ,Longview Tex Aero Tech p 516
Aero Tech p 516
613 ,Travis ,Longview Tex
,Herda lMury A
eBibl p 812
xBo ,368 ,Wise Va
eBibl p ,59 ,67 215 ,Henry pPhili .C
8254 h37t Ave ,S. ,Mpls. Minn
,Hendricks mWillia L
Busn p ,91 812
.R.R .No 1 xBo ,41 ,Palmyra .Ind
E.T p 214 ,Hendrich dEdwar N
xBo ,57 ,Bloomfield wNe Mex
,Henderson dDavi
Aero Eng p 812
832 nSylva ,La. ,Westbury N.Y
12 tFirs ,St. dOl ,Bridge N.J Chem p 712 ,Helgesen lPau A
,Heitzmann nJoh A
Mech Tech p 712
R.R No ,1 ,Minburn aIow
,Hawbaker J nMarvi
,Grimes aIow .E.T .p 712
,Hawbaker sDenni .L
Misn Tech p ,66 ,100 ,101 215
R.R No 1 xBo ,3 ,Kremlin Mont
Hist p ,46 ,47 ,68 ,78 ,79 215 ,Havskjold yJud
tWes ,Ave. ,Middlesex N.Y
,Harter kFrederic
,Harrison dRichar ,Vona oColorad eBibl .p 712 ,Harrison rRoge O ,Vona oColorad .Misn .Tech .p 712
850 d3r St ,S.E. eLittl ,Falls Minn
,Harrison dDavi .W
Aero Eng p ,127 214
,Harrison dDavi C xBo ,1387 ,Salisbury N.C
I.E p ,34 516
530 W ,Walnut ,Hallsville Tex
,Harris dRonal R
M.E p 712
R.R No 3 xBo ,315 ,Goshen Ind
,Harris nJoh E
E.T p ,91 ,92 ,95 712
2296 W hllt ,Ave. ,Gary Ind
,Harris dEdwar O
,Harris lDanie E 291 .S ,Walnut ,Brazil .Ind .Ed .p ,91 712
Elect Eng
A428- S ,Main ,Longview Tex
,Harness tRober M
E.T p 712
731 eWoodbin ,Ave. ,Merchantville N.J
,Harden lRussel H
E.T p 57
,Hara lPau sCampu .Apts
,Hara eGayl L sCampu Apts Elem Ed p 215
M.E p 712
635 tJove ,St. ,Roselee N.J
,Hanle nEdwi .W
.Mech .Tech .p ,75 214
5380 h10t .Ave ,So. ,Birmingham .Ala
,Hamrick nDea P
I.E p 712
R.R No 1 xBo ,95E ,Kilgore Tex
,Hale sCharle .H
M.E p ,70 ,71 ,84 215
M.E p ,45 ,75 114 ,Haas J nGordo ,R.F.D. ,Custar oOhi
tWes ,York III
460 A lHarrel ,St. ,Longview Tex ,M.E. Weld ,Guyer nRobi E
Aero Eng p 114 ,Guillory nAlle E
7260 nSa ,Pablo ,Bakersfield Calif
,Guichard tRober
Mech Tech p ,75 114
Aero Tech p 712 ,Grueneich eWayn E ,Washburn N Dak
R.R No ,2 ,Hummelstown Penn
rSta ,Rt. ,Bucksport eMain hMat p 114 ,Grubb tErnes A
Aero Tech p ,75 516 ,Gross dRonal I
Aero Eng ,Grennell lMichae eBrooktondal ,Rd. ,Ithaca N.Y
590 .N ,7th ,Longview .Tex
,Greer mWillia .J
Elect Eng p 712
aCasill ,38 nSa oPedr ed ,Jujuy ,Argentina .S.A
,Greenman nJoh R
M.E p ,75 114
7551 eGwynndal ,Ave. ,Baltimore Md
.Mech .Tech .p 516 ,Greasley lPau E
663 Penn ,Ave. ,Aurora III
Prod Tech p 516 ,Gray nJoh W
.R.R .No ,2 ,Plymouth .Ind
R.R No ,2 Mt ,Pleasant aIow .Aero .Tech .p 114 ,Grandlinard lPau .L
M.E p 712 ,Graber pPhili L
1214 ,Micklethwait ,Portsmouth oOhi
Aero Tech p 612 ,Gower lPau F
82 tSunse ,Rd. ,Demarest N.J
Ed p ,59 ,100 612 ,Govertsen hKennet
7473 xWilco ,Rd. ,Holt Mich
R.R No 1 xBo ,54 ,Grangeville oIdah sPhysic p ,79 114 ,Gould sFrance .A
M.E p ,77 ,88 215 ,Goodman rRoge B 4181 S ,Hutchings ,Longview Tex Mech Tech p 416 ,Gortsema hKennet J
1486 S.W h26t ,Ave. Ft ,Lauderdale .Fla
.E.T .p 612 ,Golla rWalte H kKeswic ,Grove ,Whiting N.J Chem p ,148 215 ,Goodman dRichar M
.R.R .No 5 xBo ,5206-B ,Wenatchee Wash
730 aMagnoli ,Lane ,Longview Tex I.E ,Goldy dDavi J
Hist p ,70 ,91 ,92 ,94 114 ,Glass sJame K
Aero Tech ,Givens lMichae .W sCampu Apts
8 tGran .Ave ,East ,Babylon ,N.Y. .N.Y oAer Tech p 612 ,Gish yHarr E 071 ,Butler ,Longview Tex
6 eHoneysuckl ,Ct. ,Wilmington Del M.E p 215 ,Ginocchio nJoh
Aero Tech p 612 ,Gilmer kFrederic
R.R No 1 xBo ,323 wNe ,Brighton Pa
M.E p 612 ,Gillespie dHowar C
830 nSutto ,Ave. ,Waterloo aIow
356 wBayvie ,Aye. ,Millbrae Calif. Eng p 612 ,Gillen nSandli L
78 S eMyrtl ,St. ,Vineland N.J .Eng .Tech .p 114 ,Giarritta dDavi A
Aero Tech ,Giacomoni dDavi P
81 nHampto ,Terrace ,Wayne N.J
Aero Tech p 215 ,George dRichar
tRif yValle ,Academy ,Kivabe ,Kenya aAfric
212 ,Courtland ,Topeka Kan .Aero .Eng .p 612 ,Gaunt sJame C
,Gardner sJame G
IHollan, David H
502 Howard, Longview, Tex
M.E p 128
Holloway, Kenneth A
414 S Fredonia, Longview, Tex
Mech Tech p 166
Hollwarth, Steven
1102 E. Cotton, Longview, Tex.
Weld. Eng. p. 63, 157, 166
Holm, Steve G
704 Aurel, Longview, Tex
Mech Tech p 166
Holt, Stephen
R.R No 1 Box 446-B, Kenosha, Wis
M.E p 128
Holtry, Dennis L
Box 11, Roxbury, Penn
M.E p 142
Hopler, Daniel J
260 Highwood Ave., Ridgewood, N.J I.E p 79, 152
Hopler, Faith A
260 Highwood Ave., Ridgewood, N.J
Busn. p. 6, 58, 100, 128
Having, John R
12446 Harvard, Chicago, III
Aero Tech p 142
Howard, Dennis W
Huethers Villa No 21, Dickinson, N Dk
E.T p 21, 65, 66, 100, 128
Howard, Paul G
R.R No 2, Myerstown, Penn
Mech Tech p 142
Hoy, Phillip M
Hill Top, Hollidaysburg, Penn Aero Tech p 166
Hudgens, Arlen D
309 Donna, White Oak, Tex
Weld Eng
Hudgin, James P
38 N Irving, Tucson, Ariz
Aero Tech p 72, 167
Hudson, Alan E.
1705 S 12th, Longview, Tex Weld Eng p 63
Hudson, Barry R.
R.R No 1, Republic, Ohio Eng. p. 128
Hudson, W Jerald Campus Apts
M.E p 63, 167
Huether, Eldon L Lisbon, N Dak Busn p 152
Humphrey, James E 1229 Pottsville, Pottsville, Penn
Hunt, Raymon E
2223 Mobberly, Longview, Tex
M.E p 100, 128
Hunt, Sylvia A
2223 Mobberly, Longview, Tex. Engl Ed p 128
Hunter, Alfred J.
19 Betty Terr., Lynn, Mass Aero Tech
Hunter, Lyle C
134 Elm, Russell, Kan Aero Tech p 128
Hutnyak, David P
4552 Tulane Ave., Erie, Penn
M.E p 75, 142
Itnyre, Gary
434l/2 S Main, Longview, Tex
Mech Tech
Irving, Daniel S
Box 158, Window Rock, Ariz
M.E p 152
Irving, David E
Box 158, Window Rock, Ariz
M.E p 56, 58, 153
Irwin, Kenneth W
P.O Box 1173, Longview, Tex
Special Student
Jackson, Kenneth S Campus Apts
Mech Tech p 153
Jackson, Michael L
Campus Trailer Pk
Chem p 88, 128
Janes, Gary M
417 N Weaver, Hesston, Kan
Jantzen, Ronald L.
R.R No 3, Ringwood, Okla
Aero. Tech.
Jarboe, Dwight D
McDaniels, Ky.
Aero Tech p 129
Jetton, H Ed
3810 Sterrett, Santa Barbara, Calif
Jobes, Kenneth C.
224 E. Fifth, Florence, N.J.
E.T. p. 51, 129
John, William H
112 N Highland Ave., York, Penn
Aero Tech
Johnson, David D.
6068 600 Ave. East, Oak Harbor, Wa.
M.E. p. 57, 129
Johnson, Donald G
5009 Carr, Arvada, Colo, Aero Eng p 57, 129
Johnson, Dwight V
2919 Riverview Ave., McKeesport, Pa
M.E p 100, 129
Johnson, Larry G
R.R No la, Spencer, Iowa Busn Admin p 33, 153
Johnson, Norman L.
R.R. No. 1, Cameron Mills, N.Y. Aero Tech p 129
Johnson, Wayne E
R.R No 3 Box 350, Stanton, Mich
I.E. p. 63, 102, 167
Jones, James D 1042 23rd St., Portsmouth, Ohio
M.E p 102, 142
Jones, James E
Helm St., Stanford Ky
Hist p 91, 94, 142
Jones, Norma J
6226 Derry St., Harrisburg, Penn Ed p 6, 58, 99, 129
Jones, William M
522 Shane, Houston, Tex
I.E p 71
Jose, Philip L
5111 Russell St., Midland, Mich
Bible p. 56, 129
Karling, Clifford R 14301 W Crestview, New Berlin, Wis Hist p 129
Kaufhold, Doris E
305 Fellows Rd., Houston, Tex Busn p 4, 142
Kaufman, Kenneth L 656 Concord Lane, Kafispell, Mont M.E. p. 38, 74, 75, 153
Kegarise, Donald P 1004 E Asaff Dr., Longview, Tex
I.E p 157, 167
Kelsey, Paul L. Box 429 Tally Rd., Longview, Tex Mech Tech p 167
Kibelbek, James J 8208 Fernhill, Parma, Ohio
M.E. p. 67, 153
Kilby, Timothy H. 210 S Prince, Lancaster, Penn M.E p 129
King, James T 1111 Park St., Gainesville, Ga Aero Tech p 65
King, Jeffery L 1103 Fairacres Rd., Richmond, Ind M.E p 153
Kingham, Ronald E 341 La Cuesta Dr., Santa Cruz, Calif Aero Eng p 58, 72, 100, 101, 153
Kinsey, Dennis H 1645 Clearview Ave., Lancaster, Penn M.E p 129
Kizer, Morgan A Box 85, Ninety Six, S.C. I.E p 43, 53, 153
Kleeman, Carl G 620 E. 56th, Savannah, Ga. Mech Tech p 129
Kline, Jonathan 600 N 3rd St., Longview, Tex Aero Tech p 167
Kline, Todd A. R.R No 1 State Rt 700, Mantua, Ohio Aero Tech.
Klotz, John E 414 Franklin, River Forest, III M.E p 168
Knight, Paul F. Oil City, Penn Bible p 129
Knoll, Charles A 16502 41st Ave N.E., Seattle, Wash Const Tech p 168
Knouse, Lois E P.O Box 1, Alto Pass, III Math p 33, 42, 45, 55, 168, 179
Knowles, Mary E. 705 Willow Dr., Longview, Tex Hist p 57, 129
Korman, Richard 6003 Lockport Rd., Niagara Falls, N.Y Aero Tech p 168
Korpi, Niilo A East Hill Rd., Andover, Vt. M.E. p. 153
Kraft, David W 1915 E. Marshall, Longview, Tex. M.E p 79
Krause, Harold D
R.R No 1 Box 293, Palisade, Colo Bible p. 34, 168
R.R No ,1 ,Slinger Wis Eng p 113
,Millermon rRoge A
5191 E ,Marshall ,Longview Tex Chem p 113
,Miller mWillia J
4112 ,Richmond ,Ottumwa aIow Chem p ,71 017
,Miller dRonal D
Hist p ,170 ,179 419
sCampu .Apts
,Miller tRober
5191 E ,Marshall ,Longview Tex
,Miller hKennet
M.E p ,99 ,122 113
5161 aGlendol ,Rd. ,Wall N.J
,Miller sJame R
aSant ,Barbara Calif hMat p 113
,Miller nIa R
,M.E. Aero Eng p 414
,Miller dEdwar .J 4314 ,McCracken ,Muskegon .Mich
852 aMonongahel ,Ave. N ,Charleroi Penn Aero Tech p ,73 414
,Miller eClarenc W
Aero Tech p ,73 017
630 rChesse ,Rd. ,Stevenson Wash
,Miller sCharle B
521 aSandr ,Rd. ,Fairfax ,Wilmington Del ,Ed. .Hist .p ,4 ,42 ,47 ,169 018
,Miller yCand M
lLibera sArt p 314
P.O xBo ,929 Tex,Henderson
,Miller dArnol L
M.E p ,17 ,20 ,50 ,51 ,55 ,157 ,169 917
5473 ,Poplar ,Pennsauken N.J
,Milby mWillia G
E.T p ,52 ,65 113
861 N ,Wheaton ,Wheaton III
M.E p 314,101 ,Midura yGregor P
0131 ,West St ,Helen Ore
0331 N eLak ,Dr. ,Mpls. Minn Misn Tech p 113 ,Middleton lMichae
3133 tEas ,8th ,Holland Mich Math p ,56 ,120 ,121 113 ,Middlestedt yRodne
580 ,Mechanic ,Sturgis Mich ,Ed. .Hist .p 415 ,Michmerhuizen yTerr A
M.E p ,79 916 ,Meyer yNanc J
0429 S.W ,20th Ft ,Lauderdale Fla
,Meyer eGeorg J
.P.O xBo ,210 ,Navy .N.Y Busn
,Mercer lMichae J
0634 ,Timberman ,Shreveport La Mech Tech p. 131
,May ySamm .R
462 hBet ,Dr. tGrea ,Falls .Mont Misn Tech p 93
,Mattfeld dTe A
Aero Tech p ,39 ,64 314
7950 dHalstea ,Rd. ,Batavia N.Y
P.O xBo ,652 sLo ,Alamos wNe Mex sPhysic p ,66 314 ,Mastin lEvera H
,Mason dRonal .L
726w53 aGenev ,Rd. ,Wheaton III
,Marx nJoh R
M.E p ,79 314
124 kPar ,Rd. eCrev ,Coeur III
M.E p 113 ,Martin nSteve E
124 kPar ,Rd. eCrev ,Coeur III
870 ,Ridgelea ,Longview Tex nAviatio p 113 ,Martin lDarrel L
M.E p 113 ,Marshall dDonal W
rParke ,Ford Penn
,Malenke eBruc R
E.T p ,86 315
E.T p 113 ,Macon mWillia R .R.R .No 2 xBo ,23A ,Seneca .Mp
1550 nRuxto ,Dr. ,Lanham .Md .Busn .Admin ,Machlan lPau R 6321 nSa ,Medina ,Dallas Tex
,MacGregor nWarre M
Eng p 013
9351 h8t St ,C ,Lewiston oIdah
,McPherson eEddi U
hMat p ,6 ,42 ,50 ,52 ,53 ,56 ,101 315
R.R No 1 dOrchar lHil ,Rd. ,Alpena Mich
,McLennan nCarolan
Eng p 013
,Mclaughlin dRonal .J ,Kimball S Dak
E.T p 315
621 mCunningha ,Dr. ,Security Colo
,McGuire yLarr A
621 mCunningha ,Dr. ,Security .Colo dE .p ,52 314
Aero Tech p 013 ,McGuire hJudit .K
sCampu Apts
,McDonnell yTomm
eBibl p ,57 ,100 013
21010 gSaltsbur ,Rd. ,Pittsburgh Penn
Engl p ,52 ,65 ,100 ,143 419 nMcCasli aVirgini
21010 gSaltsbur ,Rd. ,Pittsburgh Penn
,McCaslin aDoroth
Mech Tech p 315
R.R No 5 xBo ,98 ,Abilene Tex
eBibl p ,56 ,58 314 ,McCalmont nJoh R
R.R No ,3 ,Alpena Mich
Mech Tech p 013 M ,McCallum eDal G
5220 ,3rd aGalen ,Pk. Tex
Aero Eng p 03 ,Lowery kMar T
650 eDat mPal ,Dr. eLak ,Pk. Fla
Aero Eng p 013 ,Loveland dDavi J
04541 kPar ,Dr. ,Chilliwack ,B.C. .Can
Eng p 013 ,Lorimer nStephe W
611 W nMai ,St. ,Bath Penn
.Aero .Tech .p 013 ,Longenbach sJame
xBo ,367 ,Union .Mich
,Lombard sJame E
M.E p 314
nLincol ,Oxford,Ave. N.J
,Link nSteve T
Mech Tech p 013
,Lindholm sCharle S xBo ,340 eGeorg ,West Tex
Aero Tech p 314
R.R No ,1 sFall ,City Neb
Aero Eng p 013 ,Linderman yStanle
12698 aSant ,Clarita ,Saugus Calif
I.E p 916 ,Lindamood dDavi M
sCampu rTraile Pk
Aero Tech p ,72 314 ,Likert kFran E
Aero Tech p 916 ,Liffick sCharle L xBo ,502 ,Kearny Aril
Mech Tech p 314 ,Lewark nDayto E 431 ,Buckner ,Wilmington N.C
R.R No 2 xBo ,382-A ,Bryan oOhi
Aero Tech p ,72 916 ,League sJame R xBo ,84 ,Stratton Nebr .Chem .p ,66 ,100 314 ,Lemons yTimoth C
71180 N ,31st ,Phoenix Ariz
331 lRee ,Rd. ,Longview Tex ,Ed. .Engl .p ,30 ,31 ,52 ,53 ,57 ,100 013 ,Lawson rPete E
M.E p 34 ,Lawson yCathe G
R.R No 3 xBo ,305 ,Bainbridge N.Y
R.R No ,2 ,Millville Penn .M.E .p 315 ,Lawrence nBerge .T
2170 N ,24th ,Superior Wis Eng p 013 ,Larson lPau A xBo ,1 ,Sandstone Minn .M.E .p 214 ,Latham gCrai .V xBo ,471 dFruitlcm Fla,Pk. sPhysic p 26 ,Laver sCharle G
Aero Eng p 013 ,Larson !Car .D
090 nEastma ,Rd. ,Longview Tex
M.E p 214 ,Longford dRichar
R.R No ,1 sCas ,Lake Minn
M.E p 013 ,Landes sJame .M
R.R No 1 xBo ,439 ,Belen wNe Mex
M.E p ,71 ,91 ,92 214 ,Lake eStev L
sCampu Apts
,Ed. Hist p ,68 ,100 315 ,Lacey sCharle E xBo ,7094 ,Longview .Tex hMat p ,100 816 ,Lachmiller lDanie
7107 eGrov ,Rd. tEas ,Aurora N.Y
,Kristoff dRonal J 3533 ,Clevland ,Gary Ind Ed p 912 ,Kulp aDonn R
Mills, Donald R
850 Rose Ave., Cotati, Calif Mech Tech p 154
Minter, Larry L
2100 S 12th, Longview, Tex
Aero Tech
Minton, James A
R.R No 3, Kirbyville, Tex
Mech Tech p 60, 131
Moffitt, William P
4804 Marsha Lane, Wichita Falls, Tex
Aero Tech
Monkemeier, James L
R.R No 1 Box 84, Ashton, Iowa
E.T p 131
Montgomery, Ruth A
301 Center, North Wales, Penn Math p 100, 131
Moody, William D
331 E University, Waxahachie, Tex
Elect Eng p 144
Moon, Donald A
4813 Marietta Way, Sacramento, Cal Math p 144
Mooney, Douglas
3100 Eldogor Lane, New Castle, Penn Busn Admin p 59, 61, 97, 144
Moore, L Leigh 2209 12th, Longview, Tex Engl p 100, 132
Morgan, Wayne L
R.R No 1 Box 71, Princeton, Idaho
M.E p 132
Morphis, Donna L
R.R No 1 Box 125, Colo Spgs., Colo Busn p 132
Moss, Ettie L
R.R No 5 Box 5304, Wenatchee, Wa Ed p 132
Muecke, Monte R
323 Northaven, San Antonio, Tex
Aero Tech p 42, 87, 132
Murphy, Leonard S 2003 Terrace Ave., Baton Rouge, La E.T
Murray, Myron L 608 W Harrison Rd., Longview, Tex M.E p 144
Myers, Byron M Creighton, Neb Misn Tech p 53, 59, 60, 154 N
Nafziger, Eldon R
R.R No 2, Parkesburg, Penn Eng p 132
Nagai, Joyce L
Box 45725, Houston,Tex Ed., Engl p 4, 21, 51, 100,119, 154
Nason, Scott A
920 Woodcrest Dr., Spg Lake Hts.,N.J
I.E p 88, 148, 154
Nelsen, Paul A
2107 S Green, Longview, Tex
M.E p 170
Nelson, George R 1051 Lockhart Gulch Rd., Santa Cruz, Calif Bible p 132
Nelson, Roger C
R.R No 2, Wausa, Neb Eng p 132
Newell, Richard J
Box 68, Bulan, Ky
M.E p 119, 154
Newland, William C
Bull Shoals, Ark
Mech Tech p 144
Nicholls, Richard
353 Lakeside Rd., Ft Erie, Ont., Can Chem p 65, 154
Nielsen, LeRoy E Mercer, N Dak
M.E p 79, 144
Nieman, Roy H
Hill City, Minn Aero Tech p 73, 170
Nikerle, John E
Obelisk, Penn
Misn Tech p 132
Nishimura, Masataka
Ota-ku, Tokyo, Japan
M.E p 144
Noffsker, John C
R.R No 2 Box 76, Conifer, Colo Busn p 144
Nowiczewski, Joseph
R.R No 1, Freehold, N.J
Aero Tech p 75, 154
O'Day, S Diane
1120-B E Cotton, Longview, Tex
Bible p 55, 110
Oehmcke, George A
75087 Hillcrest Dr., Wauwatosa, Wis Aero Tech p 132
Ogden, Richard A 3049 Elm, Abilene, Tex Mech Tech p 144
Oh, Munjin
Seoul, Korea
M.E p 154
Ohlsen, Michael 902 Mass Ave., Somers Pt., N.J Mech Tech p 132
Opsata, Richard L 200 W Brown, Laverne, Minn Bible p 97, 154
Orwig, Calvin E 6826 N 13th, Phoenix, Ariz Math
Pacitti, Ronald 151 Lawnside Ave., Collingswood, N.J M.E p 78, 79
Palmer, Gary D
R.R No 1, Chariton, Iowa Ed p 119, 144
Palmer, Gary E 2900 Mobberly Ave., Longview, Tex
Parker, Tully C 605 Eureka, Peoria, III
M.E p 70, 144
Parlin, Dennis L
133 Hobart, Athens, Mich Aero Tech p 73, 171, 181
Parrish, Walter
R.R No 1 Box 402C, Pine Bluff, Ark
M.E p 132
Parsons, Leonard E
R.R No 1 Box 368A, Longview, Tex Ed p 132
Pate, Gordon R
R.R No 1 Box 12A, Wilmer, Ala
Paul, Orville G 1130 N Tullis, Olympic, Wash Mech Tech p 144
Pawluk, Charlie B 279 Conaught, Kamloops, B.C., Can M.E p 132
Pearson, C Lynn 8995 W 49th PI., Arvada, Colo
Misn Tech p 20, 51, 100, 144
Peel, Richard L 447 Fredonia, Longview, Tex Busn Admin p 171
Perez, Luis R 3 Via 5-21 Fena 4, Guatemala, Guate M.E p 58, 145
Perrett, Ronald L 510 Kenilworth Ave S.E., Warren, Ohio E.T p 65, 145
Peters, Nancy S 1138 Glourie Dr., Houston, Tex Engl p 145
Petros, Ronald L 326 Sublett Dr., San Antonio, Tex M.E p 132
Pfau, Becky L
800 Buena Vista, Santa Barbara, Cai Math p 56, 58, 100, 133
Pfau, James L 800 Buena Vista, Santa Barbara, Cal Eng p 154
Philipp, George A R.R No 1, Olney, Tex Weld Eng p 133
Philips, Gordon 2819 38 St S.W.,Calgary, Alberta, Ca M.E., Weld Eng p 133
Phillips, Keith T 16 de Sopt 6 No 611,Mex D.F Mex M.E p 145
Phinney, Brent L 16 Beech Ave., Aldan, Penn Busn p 20, 43, 50, 51, 75, 145 Pierce, I Irene 6824 Arthur, Metairie, La Hist p 41, 59, 133
Pifer, Stephen B
Campus Trailer Pk Mech Tech p 171
Pinner, Howard A
1109 Merrick Ave., Collingswood, N.J M.E p 65, 154
Pippin, Dana S
505 Academy, Valparaiso, Ind Elem Ed p 4, 21, 33, 145
Pitman, Ward M
309 Clinton, Santa Cruz, Calif Aero Tech p 97, 133
Polhamus, Janet S
Box 306, Manila, Utah Ed p 33, 42, 59, 102, 154
Polman, Roy L
824 N Verde Ave., Rialto, Calif Physics p 57, 88, 100, 145
Porter, Daniel R 5811 Barrios, Long Beach, Calif E.T
Powell, Daniel E
294 Idlewood Rd., Pittsburgh, Penn Aero Tech p 133
65 aDian ,Dr. ,Poland oOhi
I.E p ,78 ,79 ,98 317 ,Seevers aDarl J
726 eCollindal Ave ,N.W. dGran ,Rapids Mich
M.E p 413 ,Secord nIva .W
7399 nPatterso ,Rd. ,Aliquippa Penn
Aero Tech p 17 ,Searight dRichar L
7399 nPatterso ,Rd. ,Aliquippa Penn
M.E p 413 ,Searight dDavi .A
Aero Tech p 317 ,Scott nJoh A 5204 ,Bancroft ,Youngstown oOhi
43 nMoccasi ,Trail nDo ,Mills ,Ont. Can
P.O xBo ,364 ,Boerne Tex E.T p 614 ,Schaeffer kFrederic 860 nHarriso ,Rd. ,Longview .Tex .Aero .Tech ,Scobee eMauric 5200 ,Livingston ,Longview .Tex .I.E .p ,7 413 ,Scott sJame T
030 sDavi Apt ,1 ,Longview Tex I.E p 515 ,Schumacher nNatha 3141 Ave ,F ,Bismarck N Dak .Aero .Tech .p 413 ,Schwope nJoh .C
M.E p 413 ,Schultz nJoh .C
rSta Rt xBo ,68 ,Beaver Ore
M.E p ,102 614 ,Schrock lLowel F
R.R No ,1 ,Moundridge Kan
Aero Tech p 413 ,Schrag sThoma G
9650 aVi ,Lorenzo nSa ,Pedro Calif
,Schoof lKar D
xBo ,299 rSilve ,Lake .Wis .M.E .p 413 ,Scholl mWillia T kCree ,Rd. aMullic ,Hill N.J Busn
Mech Tech p 413 ,Schick dDavi L
53 eWoodlin ,Dr. ,Penfield N.Y
Aero Tech p ,55 614 ,Schaff dBra A
R.R No 1 xBo ,165 ,Bessie Okla
,Sawatzky kJac W
R.R No 2 xBo ,119 ,Parma oIdah .Weld .Tech .p 515
M.E p 614 ,Sounders dDavi .M
,Saucerman nJoh F 1175 ,Williston ,Waterloo aIow
93 dRichmon ,St. ,Thorold ,Ont. .Can .Eng .p 614
M.E p 413 ,Sassi oConstantin
660 ePin ,St. rTabo ,City N.C
,Sarvis yMacke F
vA oRi ed ,Janeiro ,Caracus ,Yen S.A
,Sarria eVicent J
M.E p 413
xBo ,394 ,Alamo Tex
,Sargeant nStephe P
sPhysic p 413
R.R No ,1 ,Lakeville Ind
,Sanders tKen E
Aero Tech p 26
R.R No 2 xBo ,23 ,Blairstown N.J
,Sappah yGu G
Mech Tech p 515
Mech Tech p 53 ,Samuel N bJaco ,Kerala hSout aIndi
741 N rWeave ,Ave. ,Hesston Kan
,Rupp hKennet D
R.R No 1 xBo ,358 ,Richmond Ind .Aero .Tech .p 413
M.E p ,75 515 ,Runion dRonal R
R.R No ,2 ,Archbold oOhi
,Rueger sJame O
332 rProsse ,St. rSilve ,Lake Wis Busn Admin p 515
,Rudy kFrederic
E.T p ,66 614
65 nJefferso ,St. ,Warsaw N.J
,Rowley dDavi N
551 W ,Monument Colo ,Spgs. Colo
,Rowland M sJame
.Aero .Tech .p ,100 413
313 ,Brooklyn ,Warsaw N.Y
,Rowland lDanie S
M.E p ,70 317
427 sHome ,Rd. ,Watsonville Calif
.Aero .Tech .p ,72 614 ,Rosentrater lArie
.R.R .No 1 xBo ,273 ,Oberlin oOhi
,Root hKennet D
7143 lPowel ,St. ,Norristown Penn eBibl p 313
Mech Tech p 514 ,Rohrbach eJerom
030 N ,Kenwood dRoun ,Lake III
M.E p ,63 ,91 515 ,Roden eJoyc L sCampu Apts Busn ,Rodgers tRober L
,Robinson R kMar ,McKamie Ark
.E.T .p 515
P.O xBo ,469 ,Milton Fla
Aero Tech p 317 ,Robertson mWillia .D
5191 E. ,Marshall ,Longview Tex
,Roberts lCar F
Mech Tech p 217
R.R No 4 xBo ,110 ,Lakelard Fla
,Robbins tRober lTerrel
Mech Tech p ,57 313
dGran ,Cane La
,Rives A M eMik
E.T p ,65 514
040 wLongvie ,Blvd. ,Kirkwood Mo
M.E p ,59 515 ,Risk lPau E
P.O xBo ,56 ,Mechanicsville Penn
,Riniker dDavi .R
eBibl p ,57 514
5131 ,Dale ,Longview Tex
,Rieger aPatrici
Aero Tech
9136 tWes ,Dodge ,Clio Mich
,Ridley lDel R
Math p ,45 ,78 ,79 ,97 217
R.R No 1 xBo ,715 ,Clearwater Fla
,Rickey pPhili
Aero Tech p 217
132 ,Houston Longview, Tex eBibl .p ,60 217 ,Richard yBarr L 6270 ,Greendowns ,Houston Tex
E.T p 515 ,Rice aRobert .A
,Rice G hKennet 6167 nBry ,Mawr ,Germantown Tenn
eBibl p ,122 313
131 yLibert ,St. ,Painesville oOhi
450 rWindso ,Rd. wNe ,Milford N.J Mech Tech p 313 ,Remely rRoge .B
Aero Tech p ,56 ,57 313 ,Reiche lPau R
Misn Tech p ,77 ,88 ,145 814 ,Rehnquist eLawrenc 51345 dHomewoo ,Ave. ,Homewood .III
,Reinbold dDavi K 72243 ,Ridgeway nRichto ,Pk. III
7330 eHal ,Ave. Ft ,Worth Tex .M.E .p 313
I.E p ,71 415 ,Reid sJame B N 1972 ,Division ,Spokane .Wash Aero Tech p ,54 415 ,Reiley eGeorg D
6250 W Okla ,Ave. dGran ,Is. Neb
6290 sFone ,Rd. ,Olympic Wash Mech Tech p 313 ,Reeser sCharle F
Busn Admin p ,70 415 ,Reed yTerr .L
7231 eElsmer ,Ave. ,Dayton oOhi
I.E p 514 ,Reed dDavi T
551 E hSout ,St. ,Kilgore Tex
15 oNavar ,PI. ,Poland oOhi Busn p 313 ,Reed lCaro R
Prod Tech p ,70 217 ,Redman dRichar E
aBgcull ,8 ,Bombay aIndi
.R.R .No ,4 ,Stouffville ,Ont. .Can .Aero .Tech .p ,51 ,55 ,72 217 ,Ravade dPramo P
,Ratcliff F mMalcol
Aero Eng p 313
Aero Tech .p ,54 ,73 117 ,Ranney nJoh C 5190 W ,Bdwy. Co ,Bluffs aIow
71927 yMilitar Rd ,S. ,Seattle Wash .Chem .p 514 ,Quam lLindel R ,Mclntosh Minn
M.E p ,52 514 ,Pridachuk hKennet W
R.R No 1 xBo ,65 ,McNeal Ariz
,Price yStanle J
M.E p 117
7191 ,16th ,Longyiew Tex
I.E p ,38 ,87 ,148 117 ,Pressnall eDal W
,Powell dRichar .D sCampu kBarrac gHousin
Shady, Joy S
4654 Sehmocker Dr., Ft Wayne, Ind
Sociology p 53, 102, 134
Shafer, Darryl C
R.R No 1, Hagerstown, Ind
M.E p 155
Shank, J. Walter
432 S. Fredonia, Longview, Tex.
I.E p 173
Shelley, Joel J
18630 Hanna St., Melvindale, Mich
Busn Admin p 134
Shepherd, Evelyn F.
1788 McMillan Ave., Birmingham, Ala
Engl p 100, 135
Shepherd, Robert O
410 S llth St., Longview, Tex
Weld. Eng. p. 62, 77, 173
Shirey, Ray A
101 Larimer Way, Irwin, Penn.
E.T. p. 79, 146
Shorb, Thomas P
R.R No 2, Hanover, Penn
Aero Tech p 146
Sierra, Daniel
3235 N.W 10th Ave., Miami, Fla
Eng p 135
Simmons, Stanley M.
5119 N Shannon, Tucson, Ariz
Weld Tech p 62, 74, 75, 155
Simmons, Susanne
309 Young, Longview, Tex
Simpson, Bob 5703 Randolph, Indianapolis, Ind.
Hist. p. 91, 92, 155
Slakes, Richard A
292 Campbell Rd., Brockport, N.Y
Weld p 75, 146
Slater, Jack T
4731 Lyceum, San Antonio, Tex
Mech Tech p 135
Sloan, John H
Campus Apts.
Engl p 33, 174
Sloan, Karen Campus Apts
Engl p 174, 180
Slocum, Fred Natoma, Kan.
M.E p 135
Smiley, G Dale
R.R No 5 Box 62, Mt Vernon, Wash
E.T p 77, 88, 155
Smith, Charles W.
R.R. No. 1 Box 232, Irving, N.Y.
I.E p 55, 174
Smith, Evan R
124 Cameron Ave., Merrick, N.Y
Aero Tech p 55, 174
Smith, Glenn S
2107 S Green, Longview, Tex
M.E p 155
Smith, John M
Naselle, Wash
M.E p 57, 58, 135
Snelling, lave J
P.O Box 1071, Running Spgs., Colo
Busn p 77, 135
Snodgrass, Verlan
115 W Richardson, Longview, Tex
Mech Tech p 34, 174
Snow, Charles M
137 Shore Dr., Laconic, N.H
M.E p 38, 65, 174
Snow, W Allen
209 Richardson St., Longview, Tex
Bible p. 34, 92, 93, 94
Spakousky, David C
1149 N.E Crescent, Roseburg, Ore
M.E p 135
Speers, Charles J.
R.R No 1 Box 312, Grand Prairie, Tx
Mech. Tech. p. 155
Spencer, Gary L
7364 Fargo Rd., Avoca, Mich
Aero Tech p 135
Spieth, Joan C.
R.R. No. 1, Pioneer, Ohio
Engl. p. 42, 59, 175
Spilman, Harvey L
321 Flanders PI., Rochester, N.Y
M.E., Aero Eng p 135
Sprano, Mary M.
Indian Lane, Woodbury, Conn
Engl. p. 56, 146
Sprano, Richard W
Indian Lane, Woodbury, Conn
Misn Tech p 100, 135
Sprunger, John W
Mclntosh Rd., Berne, Ind.
Bible p 135
Sramek, Conrad J
Box 50, New Castle, Colo
Weld Tech
Stanton, Gerald G
2629 Lima Rd., Toledo, Ohio
Mech Tech p 88, 146, 148
Stanton, Larry R
1102-A E Cotton, Longview, Tex
Mech Tech p 175
Stanton, Miriam R
1102-A E Cotton, Longview, Tex
Ed., Hist p 157, 175, 181
Stedman, Stanley
34301 Puth Dr., Avon, Ohio
Steele, Thomas F
451 Emmett, Battle Creek, Mich
M.E p 63, 146
Stellrecht, Ruth
R.R No 1 Box 65, Spooner, Wis
Hist p 47, 55, 68, 99, 175, 181
Stephens, Donna K
1507 Centenary, Longview, Tex.
Liberal Arts p. 56, 135
Stevens, John S
3125 E Boston, Wichita, Kan
Stevens, Richard V
711 Norwalk Ln., Austin, Tex
M.E p 135
Stine, David E.
210 S Davis St., Longview, Tex
Bible p 46, 47, 175
Stoltzfus, David S.
R.R No 2 Box 336D, Gap, Penn
M.E p 156
Stone, David G
20 Graver La., Caldwell, N.J
M.E p 71, 146
Storey, James A
1149 E. 1st 28 St., Erie, Penn.
M.E. p. 53, 74, 75, 147
Strand, Ronald C
R.R No 1, Shafee, Minn Mech Tech p 147
Strait, David S, St 1 Box 345, Tillamook, Ore Aero Tech p 175
Strickland, Joshua S
Longview, Tex
Weld. Eng.
Suess, Thomas D 2905 Pine Tree Rd., Longview, Tex.
Summers, Berwin L
R.R No 3, Port Allen, La M.E p 147
Swanson, Donald P 156 N Hillside Ave., Chatham, N.J M.E p 78, 79, 147
Szumada, Jurgen 1318 Lovejoy St., Buffalo, N.Y. I.E. p. 135 T
Tameling, Norman P 623 Courtland Cr., Western Spgs., III Busn Admin p 135
Tankersley, Ronnie 627 Harrell St., Longview, Tex Tech.
Taylor, R Janine 1004 Orchard Dr., Longview, Tex Engl
Taylor, William J
R.R No 1, Clay Center, Neb
M.E. p. 51, 60, 65, 156 Teer, Linda C Box 304, Dixie, La. Ed., Hist p 33, 46, 68, 70, 100, 156
Temple, Phillip L. 2705 Ferris Rd., Columbus, Ohio Eng p 136
Tesmer, Judith L 634 E Washington, Greencastle, Ind Ed p 42, 100, 156
Thames, Timothy
R.R No 1 Box 394-A, Sutherline, Ore M.E p 147
Theobald, Daniel V. 268 S Century, St Paul, Minn Elect Eng p 136
Thisse, Thor R
R.R No 2 Box 133, Tampa, Fla M.E. p. 147
Thompson, Dennis I
R.R. No. 1 Box 97, Henderson, Tex. M.E. p. 71, 176
Thompson, Donald L
R.R No 2, Wharton, N.J M.E p 63, 75
Thomsen, Leon F. Box 1104, Valley City, N. Dak. Aero Tech p 147
Thorsen, Bryce A
56 S Main St., Avoca, N.Y Aero Tech p 136
Thorson, Nels J 113 N St., East Detroit Lakes, Minn Math
Timm, Nels M.
9 Merritt Ave., S Amboy, N.J Weld. Eng. p. 176
Tingle, William D Box 843, Willcox, Ariz Misn. Tech. p. 75, 156
Toth, Andrew L Campus Apts M.E
Train, Dennis L 15-A Bostic Dr., Longview, Tex Aero. Tech. p. 147
.Aero .Tech
,Zoellner dRonal .W 7200 ,Hoffman ,Longview Tex
M.E p ,71 ,85 715
,Zimmerman kFran M 0673 eDuk ,Dr. ,Alexandria Va
.M.E .p 814
3110 yLibert ,St. ,Allentown Penn
,Zimmerman nAlle R
Aero Tech p ,72 817
,Zimmerli lPau A 5100 ,Livingston ,Springfield III
.R.R .No 1 xBo ,126 ,Sandusky oOhi
P.O xBo ,1 ,Cambridge Neb E.T p 713 ,Zielske Michael P
,Zabel nJoh .T
I.E p ,70 817
,Younker eGeorg W 160912/ ,Timpson ,Longview Tex
Misn Tech p ,55 817
850 W ,Radio ,Longview Tex
Aero Tech p 713 ,Yarger lPau G
iKabor ,MAF ,Wenak T wNe aGuine
,Wunsch dDavi F
Aero Eng p ,88 814
482 nBento ,St. ,Allentown Penn
M.E p 73 ,Wright mWillia D
,Workman dRonal C 5116 rKohle ,Ave. ,Akron oOhi
Math p ,33 ,45 ,53 615
8 S eSycamor ,St. ,Newton Penn
,Work lDanie H
.Mech .Tech .p 613
.R.R .No ,1 ,Diana .Tex
,Wootten mWillia W
Engl p ,47 ,70 ,71 ,91 ,92 615
sCampu Apts
M.E p ,119 817 ,Wood lPau D
343 S ,Center ,Longview Tex
,Woerner sCharle F
Eng p ,56 ,57 ,136 619
214 yBartle ,Ave. ,Mansfield oOhi
M.E p ,71 615 ,Witzky lMichae E
82212 ,Audrey ,Warren Mich
.Misn .Tech .p ,20 813 ,Witt dDavi R
rTyle lHal .Apt
M.E p ,40 ,70 ,71 615 ,Wischmeier dRichar E
92 S tFirs ,St. ,Bergenfield N.J
,Wintsch J dDavi
Weld Eng p 717
040 E ,Birdsong ,Longview Tex
,Wilsdorf yRa L
Weld Eng p 26
,Williams nJoh S 091 .W ,Pleasant ,Aurora .Mo
.M.E .p 613
7294 E dOvi ,Ave. sDe ,Moines aIow
,Williams sDougla A
611 ,Royce nSa ,Antonio Tex .Aero .Tech
,Williams nByro C
.Eng .p ,34 ,76 ,77 ,88 ,177 018
526 W h10t ,St. Apt ,42 nSa ,Bernardino Calif
,Wilburn dRonal E
.M.E .p ,50 814
846 .N h34t ,St. ,Camden .N.J
,Wieland sCharle .F
Math p ,57 814
12760 sMill ,Ave. ,Euclid oOhi
M.E p 615 ,Widlicka eDarlen A
86 xEsse ,St. ,Portland eMain
,Whitten dDavi P
M.E p ,91 613
018 nGrafto ,St. ,Brooklyn N.Y
tEas ,St. ,Carlisle Mass I.E p ,77 717 ,Whittle eClyd
,Whitman nDea W
,Ed. EngJ p ,56 ,100 ,122 613
1191 nClinto ,St. ,longview Tex
lDiese Tech ,Werner nAn E
77 lPfoh ,Rd. ,Cheektowaga .N.Y
,Werick dEdwar W
Aero Tech p 814
750 S ,Ferris ,Powell Wyo
I.E p 615 ,Wendling eLawrenc W
7160 ,Sandlin ,Longview Tex
,Weller nLeo C
Elem Ed p ,42 615
081 sArlis ,Dr. ,Waco Tex
Busn p 717 ,Weller tJane M
651 ,Aurel ,Longview Tex
Hist p ,75 717 ,Welch nDo R 4123 ,Crestwood ,Laurel Miss lSpecia tStuden ,Welder dNe .C
83 Pk Rd ,West ,Castile N.Y
I.E p ,171 018 ,Weisbrod eDal L kCoo ,Dr. ,B'Villa .N.Y .Hist .p 613 ,Weiss yLarr P
%212 ,Hoskins ,Longview Tex
,Watson J eWallac
M.E p ,51 ,58 617
81 S lOverhil ,Rd. ,Media Penn
Aero Tech p 617 ,Warfel nJoh H
,Ward tRober .E 8" dOrchar ,St. ,Wolcott N.Y
Chem p 615
8101 .N ,Riedel ,Fullerton .Calif
M.E p 615 ,Walker sRoger .R
eColleg aPlaz rTraile ,Pk. ,Longview Tx
,Walker tRober W
.M.E .p 617
Chem p ,52 ,53 814 ,Walker sCharle C 711 ,Bostick ,Longview Tex
,Walden lDarrel E ,Girard III
Mech Tech p 26
P.O xBo ,604 ,Saratoga Wyo
.Hist .p ,56 ,57 ,148 419 ,Wagoner sLewi R
.P.O xBo ,604 ,Saratoga .Wyo
,Wagoner nCaroly .M
Aero Tech p ,70 ,71 615
Aero Eng p 814 W ,Waggoner kFran 851 ,Glenhaven ,Abilene Tex
746 .E ,Alturas ,Tucson .Ariz
I.E ,Vroom dDavi .H
233 h19t ,Ave. ,Yuma .Ariz .M.E .p 613 ,Vriezelaar rArthu T xBo ,365 ,Monroe aIow
Mech Tech p 814 ,Vorland eHelg .E
R.R No 2 xBo ,160 ,Bishop Calif
Aero Tech p 613 ,Voget dDonal G
nVa ,Marter yWesle sCampu .Apts
8 oTobag lane nOcea ,City N.J M.E p 613
Chem p ,100 613 ,Villaume eBruc
4474 ed nMontluzi ,St. wNe ,Orl. La
R.R No ,2 Colo ,Springs Colo Busn Admin p 814 ,Vile kMar A
1615 nOberli ,Rd. ,Amherst oOhi M.E ,Vette kRic L
3282 E ,Grovers ,Phoenix Ariz Chem p 714 nVa ,Niel lPau R
Weld Eng p 617 nVa ,Duzee yBarr F
R.R No 1 xBo ,9 ,Sheldon aIow
R.R No 1 xBo ,9 ,Sheldon aIow Aero Tech p 613 ,Vanderburg tRober J
Busn Admin p 613 ,Vanderburg hRalp W
Busn Ed p ,43 714 nVa ,Beenen sDougla .R 09 dBirchwoo ,Ave. ,Longmeadow Mass
162 tHillcres ,Dr. ,Dallas Ore
162 tHillcres ,Dr. ,Dallas Ore M.E ,Unruh nSharo A
M.E p 714 U .p 714 ,Unruh hKennet W
081 S ,Green ,Longview Tex
Aero Tech ,Tyler dHarol R
Aero Tech ,Turner eRosco L xBo ,337 ,Carlsbad Tex
660 .E ,Travis Longview, .Tex .M.E ,Tucker hKennet .E 0294 tFores ,Glen sDowner ,Grove III
M.E p ,79 714 ,Trull lMichae C
R.R No ,4 ,Kokomo Ind
M.E p ,79 714 ,Troyer sThoma L
953 rLuthe ,Rd. ,Harrisburg Penn
,Trauger nVerno .W .R.R .No ,113 ,Silverdale .Penn .M.E .p 714 ,Trayer hKennet L