This twenty-first production of LeTourneau College's student annual "The Pioneer," has been edited for 1968 by interested students, printed by
ehav nsee sthi lschoo .year
uyo lwil ese eth efac fo uLeTournea -Col .lege rConside ythoughtfull twha sother
uyo trepresen eth efac fo uLeTournea .College sA uyo kloo hthroug ethes spage
UYO sa a tstuden ear ttha !face oT ethos ni ryou ,hometown ot ethos ni wLongvie
efac sother ese mfro yda ot day
ntio ear a lvita ,part tbu ythe ear tno eth
College eTh tPresiden dan shi -administra
ythe ear tno eth lrea efac fo uLeTournea
sa ythe ear ot .us eTh sprofessor dan sinstructor ycertainl ehav rthei ,part tbu
rNeithe si ti eth sFounder sa timportan
rno eth dol nwoode sbarrack buildings
tI si tno eth wne kbric dan lstee ,buildings
tWha si eth efac fo uLeTournea ?College
k .V*A
My heartiest congratulations on the completion of another year of your college work and another milestone in your training and education for service to the Lord and to your fellowman. May God bless you and use you in His service in the years ahead.
President LeTourneau relaxes at homeDr lPau R eVic,Bauman tPresiden rfo
ot Dr Bauman
tAssistan ot eth President
Mr sNel E ,Stjernstrom
yBett ,Moore sBusines sAffair -secre Affairs tary
fo sBusines
Mr lPau ,Glaske eVic tPresiden Mrs Mrs eRos ,Anderson sRegistrar' secretary![](https://assets.isu.pub/document-structure/240612142958-8d128cda04b878b75bf40fd875ec3c9f/v1/97b0d6f93c8274a02ed3ed62344917b0.jpeg)
Mr nJoh ,Faulkner eVic tPresiden fo Development Mrs aWand ,Majors Cashier Mrs eFay ,Bozarth![](https://assets.isu.pub/document-structure/240612142958-8d128cda04b878b75bf40fd875ec3c9f/v1/80fd4c86d76d8bb189c74db6ec6b6c7f.jpeg)
Vernard Holsinger, Head Carpenter; Donald Crisler, Mechanic; DeWitt Dews, Electrician; Roy Moore, Grounds; Swonzie Coleman, Head Custodian
Mr Tom Bailey, Superintendent of Maintenance.
yRo S uLeTournea
,Longview sTexa G yFa sLiver ,Longview sTexa sCharle sLuca eWhit sTexa,Oak rClai .D rWelle ,Waco sTexa
.Mrs .R .G uLeTournea ,Longview sTexa tHerber nBuschma eLanc nMcFaddi wNe ,York wNe kYor ,Lufkin sTexa nJoh .C eScobe ,Longview sTexa dRichar H yHarve ,Longview sTexa
dHarol nJorda ,Vicksburg iMississipp mSa ,Mack ,M.D. D.D.S ,Longview sTexa nJulia A yBand aTocco ,Falls aGeorgi C dRichar eBarg ,Macon iMississipp .Wm .F mGraha ,Montreal hNort aCarolin
dboar ylegall dentruste hwit eth ,operation ecar dan efutur fo eth College eThes ear eth epeopl owh rbea eth -responsi ybilit fo gkeepin uLeTournea eColleg etru ot sit epurpos dan sit philosophy R G uLeTournea yBarne rWalke Jr ,Longview sTexa ,Houston sTexa
eTh dBoar fo sTrustee si a gself-perpetuatin ggovernin
The talents and lives of these professors have affected every student taking their courses Everyone has had some happy, some not-so-happy, but never-the-less, unforgettable experiences under these professors In addition to memories, each student has gained from these professors' lives knowledge and wisdom which can never be taken away.
Dr. John W Stuber, Division Chairman Philosophy Dr R E Gingrich Bible and Greek![](https://assets.isu.pub/document-structure/240612142958-8d128cda04b878b75bf40fd875ec3c9f/v1/73b99b158ee8e664978cac3a91002bc4.jpeg)
Foreign Language
.Dr hKennet .K yMcKinle Bible Dr eCatherin nHellma![](https://assets.isu.pub/document-structure/240612142958-8d128cda04b878b75bf40fd875ec3c9f/v1/ad1d511b916c47687b128070a61ae2e8.jpeg)
Electrical Engineering
eMauric sSimmon
ear lElectrica dan Missionary eTh mai fo sthi tdepartmen si ot rscatte tthroughou eth dworl sengineer dan stechnician owh ehav a edesir ot eserv eth dLor ni heac tpar fo rthei life
sclude ,Aeronautical ,Design ,Industrial dan ,Welding ro eth otw ytechnolog ,courses hwhic
ni reithe lMechanica ,Engineering hwhic -in
sa lwel sa svariou nforeig scountrie ot rmajo
sStudent ecom mfro ralkove eth dUnite sState
eTh gEngineerin dan yTechnolog ndivisio si eth tlarges aare fo ystud ta uLeTournea .College
.W .C nCrisma Engineering
ear lElectrica dan Missionary eTh mai fo sthi tdepartmen si ot rscatte tthroughou eth dworl sengineer dan stechnician owh ehav a edesir ot eserv eth dLor ni heac tpar fo rthei .life
sclude ,Aeronautical ,Design ,Industrial dan ,Welding ro eth otw ytechnolog ,courses hwhic
ni reithe lMechanica ,Engineering hwhic -in
sa lwel sa svariou nforeig scountrie ot rmajo
sStudent ecom mfro rall«ove eth dUnite sState
eTh gEngineerin dan yTechnolog ndivisio si eth tlarges aare fo ystud ta uLeTournea College
sCharle H eYoh Engineering![](https://assets.isu.pub/document-structure/240612142958-8d128cda04b878b75bf40fd875ec3c9f/v1/f8d4ffe73bd752abc331012ab1be5561.jpeg)
The area of Natural Science includes majors in Physics, Mathematics, and Chemistry. Chemistry courses train students in the field of industry, medicine, laboratory technology, and graduate study. Math and Physics courses help students prepare for work in industry, marketing, insurance statistics and research, and graduate study In Biology students learn fundamentals of structure and the function of living things
Dr. William W. Boardman, Jr. Chemistry Bruce R. Hood Physics![](https://assets.isu.pub/document-structure/240612142958-8d128cda04b878b75bf40fd875ec3c9f/v1/9bd4605b779d15643e24ed6c01d2dcb6.jpeg)
College hEac tstuden sfind eth ylibrar lhelpfu ni gdoin hresearc ,papers ,studying ro tjus gkeepin dinforme yb greadin eth ewid tassortmen fo smagazine dan newspapers sStudent etak eadvantag fo eth ylibrar ystud area
eTh tMargare Estes ylibrar si na timportan tpar fo uLeTournea
Mrs sDori ,Andersen Head Librarian
eColleg ,Longview sTexa
The objectives of the Student Wives Club are to: emphasize the spiritual growth of each student wife, give spiritual encouragement to others, provide physical aid to student families in time of need, promote school spirit, and have monthly meetings that will help to better the wives, mothers and individuals.
Some of the highlights of the past year were: the "Tasting Bee", where the wives brought samples of their favorite dishes; the Style Show of the clothes that student wives made to help economize; the chapel program, where the wives had a chance to share their Lord; and the Sweetheart Banquet, where the wives honored their sweethearts The wives whose husbands graduate during the year are awarded a PHT diploma (Pushing Hubby Through) This is for a job well done
pgrou sworkot phel eth cacademi sstanding fo eth sstudent dan ot hestablis nChristia sprinciple sa a ywa fo elif no rou .campus
earrang eth ynativit escen no eth tfron fo eth scampu yever sChristma .season sThi
fo eth dCol yKe bClu si ot eassembl dan
ewer nchose yb eth yfacult sa eth nte tmos goutstandin ssenior ni eth areas fo ,learning ,loyalty dan leadership eOn fo eth sactivitie
eThes nte sstudent fo eth dGol yKe bClu
This year the Industrial Engineering Society toured several factories and participated in area conventions.The officers worked hard this year to acquaint interested members with opportunities for engineering graduates in different fields of industry
sstres dbuil pu dan .concentration
eTh epolariscop said ygreatl ni gbein eabl ot dunderstan
eon fo otw spolariscope ni eth dUnite .States
sa tequipmen
ynearb ,facilities dan leducationa lectures eTh rchapte sha
epurpos fo gexchangin ,ideas gpromotin ninspectio stour fo
dpurpose ot h"sketc eth dbroa sopportunitie eavailabl ni eth gweldin "industry. sIt ymonthl smeeting ear rfo eth
eTh uLeTournea eColleg rchapte fo sthi lnationa ysociet
The History Club was organized to stimulate Christian intellectual companionship while discussing various aspects of History This year the club helped with the arrangements for the World Around Us Series on campus besides taking several field trips First semester they presented LeTourneau College's first intercollegiatedebate team
Mr Durham and Mr Selby, sponsors, talk with President Nancy Meyers![](https://assets.isu.pub/document-structure/240612142958-8d128cda04b878b75bf40fd875ec3c9f/v1/73d1025bf05ec1b32a2115b331664aef.jpeg)
tmen ttha lindividua smember dcoul tno ,afford dan ot eprovid eclos nassociatio hwit lprofessiona -so cieties
rfo oaut ,maintenance ot eprovid stool dan -equip
gdrivin ,practices ot eprovid a esaf dan nclea aare
evid yopportunit rfo smember ot rfurthe rthei eknowledg fo eth oaut ,industry ot eadvocat esaf
dcentere norganizatio fo oaut ,enthusiasts ot -pro
gfollowin spurpose ni :mind ot nmaintai a -Christ
dforme yb a pgrou fo oaut senthusiast hwit eth
eTh uLeTournea eColleg eAutomotiv ySociet swa
This year has seen many changes in KLET New equipment includes a four-track stereo tape recorder and a transmitter with five times the power of the old one This will make it possible for students all over campus to have Christian music as near as their radios
Changes in programming include the addition of Mutual News and Billy Graham's "Hour oi Decision." An upgrading in programming is now in progress.
Next on their plans is increasing the number of records.
sDenni ssit ta eth scontrol fo eon
sDenni ,Howard LQS ;manager J T ,King ;V.P. aBarbar ,King ;secretary nJoh ,Zable ;treasurer nRo ,Perrett president
ssage yb ephon ot yman dintereste .parties
hpatc tequipmen ythe ehav nbee eabl ot yrela -mes
sstate dan yman nforeig countres hWit rthei ephon
oT yglorif tChris hthroug ramateu oradi si eth lgoa fo .K5JEF eTh oradi bclu sha emad scontact ni lal
Wings for Witness is an organization of men with aviation majors, who are interested in increasing their knowledge of missionary av:ation This group corresponds with many missionaries and works together on Project Friendship as they grow spiritually through their fellowship Project Friendship is a Stinson 108 which they are preparing for use on a mission field
eordinat lal lspiritua sactivitie gincludin chapel
elif fo eth scampu dan fo eth .individual yThe phel -co
eCommitte si dconcerne hwit eth lspiritua
eTh lSpiritua eLif
This organization of missionaryminded students acquaints its members with missionaries and different mission boards and fields Throughout the year, the officers kept the students informed of missionary news and the students met once a week to pray for these missionaries During Missionary Emphasis Week, students were able to talk to the missionaries personally and attend seminars where missionary life and work were discussed
This summer the LeTourneau College Choir plus the two male quartets will travel through Texas and the Middle West and Great Lakes regions representing the college in various churches They will minister in song, and act as representatives, seeking to stimulate interest in LeTourneau College.
The LeTourneau College Choir and director Mr Vic Werner The Soulaires quartet.![](https://assets.isu.pub/document-structure/240612142958-8d128cda04b878b75bf40fd875ec3c9f/v1/776f6a3964817a7680f11813648cd007.jpeg)
"Sarge" and Terry discuss yearbook problems
Roy spends time checking copy for this book
Mr. "Sarge" Grey Advisor
Roy Polman Editor
Terry Michmerhuizen Asst. Editor
Dave Irving Head Photographer *****
Donna Stephens Classes
Becky Pfau Classes
Jeannette Wagoner Activities
Jackie Jones Organizations
Jim Monkemeier Societies
Jerry Rohrbach Sports
Jesse Adams Curriculum
Dave Bell Ads
Linda Sutton Index
Max Rarick Art
Jim Sartorius Art
Jim Barnhart Copy Preparation
Dan Eaby Copy Preparation
Larry Erb Photographer
Ralph Donnelly Ads Sales
Howie Pinner Ads Sales
Dave Irving carries a large load of the work on the Pioneer![](https://assets.isu.pub/document-structure/240612142958-8d128cda04b878b75bf40fd875ec3c9f/v1/1c7cacc7486c494e10c804d31e755187.jpeg)
erespectiv .sections
rfo rthei
,Jackie ,Becky dan eJeannett sAd redito dan nsalesme kloo rove rthei section nDa dan mJi dhelpe eprepar eth yman spage![](https://assets.isu.pub/document-structure/240612142958-8d128cda04b878b75bf40fd875ec3c9f/v1/6f03e393c770996a106355a1456e9965.jpeg)
Lambda Alpha Sigma, founded in 1963, is composed of those chosen students enrolled in the aeronautical courses The society motto is taken from Isaiah 40:31, "But they that wait upon the Lord shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings as eagles; they shall run, and not be weary; and they shall walk; and not faint." The society was formed for the purpose of furthering the department and the college in the aeronautical field and to learn more about the advancements in the fields of aviation.
As Christian young men, we feel it is important, whether on the sports field, in the society lounge, or at a more formal gathering, to live by these words: "Trust in the Lord with all thine heart; and lean not unto thine own understanding In all thy ways acknowledge Him, and He shall direct thy path." Proverbs 3:5-6
As time passes, it is our prayer that we, as members of Kappa Zeta Chi, will continue to uphold the name of Jesus Christ, and to develop into mature Christians who reveal Christ to the world
Alpha Omega is a brotherhood . . . united .. . steadfast toward a single goal, that of building Christ centered men for a confused and lost world A brotherhood of friendships that will go on through eternity A group, united with bonds of love, but most of all with a mutual love for Christ Men, steadfast, in the belief that all we do, be it study or sports, should be done with an enthusiasm that only a Christian can have. Believing that, "Whatsover ye do, do it heartily, as to the lord, and not unto men." Col 3:23
Delta Sigma Psi was founded in February of 1963 with the purpose of developing the mind, the body, and the soul. The men of Delta Sigma Psi know that through organized brotherhood they can prepare themselves for leadership unparalleled in the outside world
Tau Kappa Delta Society has now been in existence for seven years Our motto, "For better men and a better college," has helped to develop the brothers who have achieved most worthy leadership in all reputable walks of school life.
eth egam dende ti swa aAlph aOmeg no pto hwit a
eTh sfinal wsa eResidenc lHal A34 tagains aAlph aOmeg ni a gfittin xclima ot na gexcitin .season nWhe
eth season
tspiri fo ncompetitio dhighlighte eth nactio tthroughou
eabundanc fo ttalen sa lwel sa a nkee
gfla football nA
eTh lIntramura mProgra runde eth pleadershi fo a wne .director hCoac ,Cook tgo fof ot a efin tstar hwit
TKD, overcoming an early defeat at the hands of Residence Hall 35, came on to tie 35 for the American Conference championship. After upending Residence Hall 35 in the playoff and defeating Delta Sigma Psi in the semi-finals, they moved into the finals AO, who went undefeated in the National Conference, overcame a fighting Residence Hall 35 in the semi-finals to earn the right to face TKD in the finals. AO went well ahead in the third game after each team had won a game apiece, but TKD, showing the mark of a championship team, came from behind to win 15 to 13.
This year's intercollegiate basketball season was one of challenge and excitement. Although the team faced one of its toughest seasons, they came through very well, showing a lot of spirit and determination. The Yellowjackets, led by their new coach Mel Fratzke, furnished the fans with many tense and exciting moments.
This year's record doesn't show the type of ball the team played, because there were a lot of close ball games and quite often they had a disadvantage in height A game scoring record of 114 points was set, the most points scored in a single game, and Mike Givens set an individual high of 11 consecutive free throws made.
nI eth ,foreground kDar
sSeever dhea )cheerleader slead a cheerJV
Another first at LeTourneau College this year, the Junior Varsity, provided entertainment and excitement for the Student Body Primarily started to give underclassmen an opportunity to develope their talents, the team played 16 games this year Under the guidance of coach Robert Cook, they played with larger and faster teams and made their presence known. The season saw several young freshmen blossom and de.velope the poise and confidence necessary for intercollegiate sports As a team, they had the expected first year problems, but the attitude of the players and coaches makes the future of Junior Varsity basketball here at LeTourneau College very promising.
,Rodgers sCharle ,Rayle nRo ,Allen nSta ,Self yGar ,Gerling eStev ,Jaquith tKen ,Boyd kDic ,Conkle rJunio
mFro pTo ot Bottom: nJo ,Soule nDa ,Sierra nHave ,Hood eWayn ,Anderson lBil ,Patterson eDav ,Parrish eDav ,McGuffee
nJoh sRodger sgoe pu rfo otw points
U i\
sCharle lRay sgrab a rebound
^^^k -4*
Held early in the academic year, Spiritual Emphasis Week provided a firm foundation for students to grow on during the remainder of the school year
The enthusiastic preaching of Merv Resell and Bud Shaffer combined with the singing talents of Norm Nelson contributed to making the chapel and evening services an outstanding spiritual program.
The choir contributed its talents to the musical portion of the services Merv Rosell pointed out the road to salvation Bud Shaffer related incidents he experienced while playing on the Ventures for Victory basketball team. Norm Nelson praised the Lord through song and testimony.ethem fo e"B lstil dan wkno ttha I ma "God.
sseminar lal gcenterin no eth
sserie fo special smessage dan
nstimulatio swa dprovide yb a
mfro rthei sstudie dan ot yenjo eth lrecreationa facilities lSpiritua
,There sstudent dha etim ot xrela
sground ni ,Ringgold Louisiana
dweeken fo tres ta eMiracl pcam
lFal tRetrea dprovide a dneede
sS'More dan smarshmallow dprovide dfoo dan pfellowshi daroun eth campfire
esh dsteppe hthroug cL'Ar ed .Triumphe sCandelabra
yPand ,Grey hEdit ,Foster dan yMar Boardman eTh tspotligh dfocuse no heac ecandidat
Chi dan lChery nPeterso grepresentin d2n rFloo rTyle Hall rOthe sgirl gparticipatin ni eth nquee tcontes ewer eD'De ,Todd yMar ,Knowles eConni ,Boese aAnit ,Weller yJud ,Bell aDarl ,Seevers
eTh prunners-u ewer nCaroly ,Lunsford dsponsore yb aKapp aZet
rfloo hlengt ngow fo dgol ebrocad dcovere hwit a tshor gevenin jacket
festivities ,Rosie grepresentin aAlph ,Omega ewor a
eTh gcrownin fo eRosale yBarnosk sa nquee dclimaxe eth 8196
sDebater lChery nPeterso dan mJi eLeagu dpresente rthei sargument rfo eth affirmative
LeTourneau College places an emphasis on its spiritual program by the chapel services which are held four times a week. These chapel programs provide an opportunity for each of the students and faculty members to find fellowship in the Word of God.
The services, under the direction of the Spiritual Life Committee, present speakers with broad background and experience in evangelistic work ,
Trumpet trio presents special music in chapelgProvidin eth lspiritua gsettin rfo eth gsprin ,semester yMissionar sEmphasi kWee dha sa sit ethem s"I ti gnothin ot ,you lal ey ttha spas "by? Lam 1:12 eTh gevenin sservice dan nafternoo sseminar dle yb .Dr lPau .Freed tPresiden fo sTran dWorl ,Radio ewer doriente dtowar ethos owh ddesire emor ninformatio no nmissio work gDurin eth sservice eth tstuden ybod draise 0$250 rfo eth tsuppor fo rforme CL sstudent gworkin no eth nmissio
.Dr lPau dFree ddiscusse eth sproblem fo ymissionar kwor hwit yman fo eth sstudent ni eth nafternoo sseminar dan rafte services
Freshman "dogs" bark for upperclassmen
The LeTourneau College Christmas float, which placed first in the parade contest, portrayed the theme, "Christ is born, the Light of the world."![](https://assets.isu.pub/document-structure/240612142958-8d128cda04b878b75bf40fd875ec3c9f/v1/67127a9bb845cba938cc00a5329b0837.jpeg)
eTh eintercollegiat sdebater ydispla esom fo eth ssource duse ni gpreparin rthei .case
eTh ddignifie ""dog yjur senter eth courtroom![](https://assets.isu.pub/document-structure/240612142958-8d128cda04b878b75bf40fd875ec3c9f/v1/9587db7ee180725361da04c8df6db676.jpeg)
President, Tom Hartberg
Treasurer, Dan Eaby
Secretary, Debbie McGuire
Vice President, Tim Bryant
As Freshmen LeTourneau College greeted us with an academic and spirited atmosphere and Dog Days. Football brought excitement, loyalty, and bruises to us all. The word was study every night until finals. Christmas was a welcomed vacation to talk of grades, to discuss courses, and to impress the high schoolers The post office was a place of contact with the outside world The Dog House is best remembered for its coffee and doughnuts before chapel Chapel gave us the spiritual lift that helped us through the day The cafeteria always surprised us with new and different dishes. Founders' Day will always be remembered by us. Our first college experience will always be remembered
dDalen R yBane
dGeral A iBandin
sElli C tBabbit
eJess sAdam dRonal R nAUe dDonal .D nAnderso eWayn D nAnderso yGar .L lAubih eMik yAver eVanc R sAyre nEldo R tBabbitRichard F. Cobb
Robert N. Compton
Charles L Conlon
Cortney W Comils
Dorthy J Cornelius
Gordon Cook
Tony Cox
Homer L Dalton
Robert E Dalton
Weldon A Davis
Steve T Denger
Larry A Dettmer
James W. Dobos
Bruce W Dorr
Michael D Duvall
Larry D Dziekan
Daniel G Eaby
Michael D Eames
Paul C Eckenroth
David M Eder
Donald H Ekback
Larry A Erb
Garry Gerling
P Kay Glass
Claude R Glaze Jr
Thomas C Grau
Russel M Gray II
Stan G Greer
Pandela Grey
Gary R. Grobner
David C Grotheim
Timothy A Gustafson
George A Hadley
Dean A Hannam
Richard L. Harding
Thomas D Hartberg
Sanford D Hartzler
Alan L Hasler
Thurston A Hassler Jr
Timothy Heemstra
Timothy J Helfrich
Kenneth A Helvie
Charles D Henley
Dale R. Hicks
Samuel L Hobson
Sam Hollinger
yGerr A nJorda
sJame E nJohnso
yLarr E sJenning
C dDavi sJeffrie
sEno J sJarvi III
nStephe K hJaquit
eClarenc A dKur
lBil A yHumphre J nJoh rHunke
nStephe M hHervat Jr
lPhi nHorstma
dHowar .C sHopkin
Gerald W Kahler
Robert L Karhan
Steven D Kellogg
Darryl K Knabe
Roger R. Kufahl
L Val Kunze
Daniel H Larson
Kenneth A Larson
Wilh'am E Lincoln
David J Linder
Jesse D Loffer
Carolyn Y Lunsford
tBren E yMcCurd
rRoge .C dMcClellan
sCharle .W dMcClellan
tRober nMcClanaha
W dDavi eMcGuffe hDebora M eMcGuir kMar .A sMcReynold lJere .W mMalmstro dHarol P yMarone yRicke .L eManor yHue .J yMarone dDavi .A nMarti eDuan L nMartinse tRober H sMatthew Jr hRalp L mMaytu dDavi A eMaz Jr nCalvi .L kMee lSamue G tMoffat dDavi O eMoor yTimoth J kMorschec hDebora N nMoulto sWilli W rMoye dMaynar E nMusslemaFrank E Olsen
A J Ouellette
William L. Paris
David B Parrish
Leonard E. Parsons
John R Peterson
David A Phillips
Dean C Phillips
Lawrence F. Phillips
Lynn A Philpott
Michael Newton Cedric Ng Lyndon S Nielsen V Clayton Nutter Cheers!!lBil fSel .Jr
sJame sSchwitter
nMerli R nSchloman
nJoh S gSchellenber
sCharle .W sSaunder
lPau C nSatra
mJi R sSartoriu
eGeorg J hSappa
lCar W dSanfor
lMichae J lSandah
dDavi E eRug ,PttWs
dDonal A lRosel
eGeorg sResale
dEdwar .H rRohre
hKennet W sRodger
nJoh .M sRodger
lMichae .F sRichard
dDavi L. sRichard
sCharle O lRay
xMa A kRaric
kMar E yRame
eWayn M. rProsse
R Stanley Self
Ron Selph
Daniel F Shaffer
James D Shehan
Daniel F. Shilling
Kenneth M Short
Becky A Simmons
Michael D Simmons
John C Sites
Milton D Smith
Jon E Soule Richard D. Stackhouse Vernon L Strege Thomas P. Summers Allen L. Tapija Jon Tentarelli Gerald G Therrell Thomas G Therrell Allen E Thompson Edith M Todd Ralph K ToddnSharo L nWaldro
eJeannett K rWagone
dDavi E
dHowar R eTowl kMar yTrac yLarr C tTrescot nDo M gTwin yStanle P tVoge M rVollme dDavi R rWalle tRober H yWaske Jr aAnit F rWelle nJoh H nWilso nSteve S nWilso nBr>"a A tWrigh B eElain tWyat![](https://assets.isu.pub/document-structure/240612142958-8d128cda04b878b75bf40fd875ec3c9f/v1/569f6fcdab9498ffb6ff08d29672e432.jpeg)
Steve Coyle
Vice President
John Sprunger
Secretary Faith Hopler
Treasurer Greg Midura 1970
As a student begins college his first year is spent getting acquainted with college life. However, his sophomore year is different, for he now enjoys the rank of upperclassman This means he can now help to initiate the freshmen, and he begins to gain a sense of pride in his college He wants to see his school grow and to help it grow
With a year behind you college life begins to take on a different outlook with more advanced subjects, more participation in campus activities, and possibly a part time job. The sophomore year is the time you make your final decision as to a major course of study Here we take a big step toward the future On the following pages are the pictures of a great class of young men and women They have set goals for the future and are step by step working toward their attainment I feel we have achieved a greater class unity, more school spirit, and a greater pride in our college, which has. added enthusiasm to the campus atmosphere.
rRoge S hChurgovic M D iCiavarell
nStephe W tCarhar
lLowel M yCaneda
nLore D yCaneda
gSterlin I sBus
lSamue R sBuller
yLarr .J rBulle
sJame P dBooger H sThoma nBrow
yJerr L eBoev
eConni .M eBoes
eRonni .A yBeverl
tRober .M tBennet nJo nBergero
tRober P sBayli
eRosale R yBamosk
nAlla C lArnei
mWillia R nAnderso D pPhilli ,Asher Jr
kMar 0. nAnderso
dDonal .R nAlle
rOlive P nAeschlima
sThoma D nAckerma
Richard P. Clapp
Thomas C Clark
Nelson G Cleveland II
Richard W. Conkle
John E Corneby
Ronald E Courson
Walter R Coutier
Steve D Coyle
David C Crone
James Derrico
Douglas L. Donalson
M Wayne Donnelly
For a moment "Kangaroo Court" has turned to a marriage altar for Rosie Barnosky and Jack FaulknereDal E nHerrima
lPhi C yHenr
lPau A nHelgese
nJoh .A nHeitzman
dRichar .A nHarriso J nMarvi rHawbake
nJoh E sHarri
nJoh C sHarri
lDanie .E sHarri
lRusse H nHarde
tErnes A bGrub
nJoh R nGreenma
lMichae .T yGrace
eDav .J yGold
mTo sGilli
dHowar C eGillespi
nJoh S rGarne
sJame .G rGardne
nIva .R yFre .Jr
hEdit E rFoste
lDarre 0 tErns
yStanle J sElli
lDanie .J kDworsha
dRonal D nDunca
Terrance G Hershberger
David R Hill
David H Hollan
Haven J Hood
Faith A Hopler
Lyle C. Hunter
Michael Jackson
Kenneth C. Jobes
Norman L. Johnson
Philip L Jose
Gregory L Kachner
Daniel R Kallevig
Clifford R Karling
H. Steve Keir
eMont R eMueck
eEtti L sMos
sJame .L rMonkemeie
sJame A nMinto Jr
rRoge A. nMillermo
gGre .P aMidur nIa .R rMille
eBruc R eMalenk yTerr nMichmerhuize
eEddi U nMcPherso
sJame .L hLongenbac aBarbar .L dMcClellan
Eldon R. Nafziger
Roger C Nelson
John-E Nikerle
Michael Ohlsen
Walter G Parrish
Orville G Paul
Cheryl A Peterson
Becky L Pfau
George A Phillipp
Gorden W Phillips
Ward Pitman
Daniel E Powell
John C Ranny
Larry Rehnquist
Paul R. Reiche
George D Reily Jr
R Bruce Remely
Jerome Rohrbach
Larry J Rohrbaugh
Daniel Rowland
Kent E. Sanders
Stephen P Sargent
yBradle A fSchaf dDavi L kSchic lKar .D fSchoo lLowel .F kSchroc eMauric C tRober H tShor lDanie aSierr dFre mSlocu dDavi C ySpakouskDaniel U Theobald
Nels J Thorsen
Ken Tucker
Wayne R Tucker
Bruce Villaume
Ann E Werner
Douglas A WOliams
David F Wunsch
John T Zabel
epriz fo eth hhig gcallin fo dGo ni tChris "Jesus.
ebattl ycr fo sPhilippian ,3:13 41 g"Forgettin ethos sthing hwhic ear dbehin I spres dtowar eth kmar rfo eth
sprogres ethes tpas years ,Yes ew ehav dcomplete ethre eyears—thre syear ttha ewer ,wonderful tye ssometime ;tragic ,glorious tbu ssometime ;painful ,victorious tbu ssometime ;overwhelming ,profitable tbu costlyssometime eW ehav ,one emayb otw syear ,left tbu ti lwil eb eth tbes .ones rOu gson fo yvictor tmus eb dreplace hwit eth
eminut mfro rou dma hrus ni gpreparin rfo ,industry egraduat ,school ro eth tnex pste ni elif dan rponde rou
sA sJunior ew ehav ynearl dcomplete rou ecolleg work tI si a dgoo etim ot epaus dan reflect sLet' etak a
sFrance dGoul
yTull rParke
mJi sLandi
mJi eLeagu
Priscilla Adriance
Marshall J. Aggen
Stephen S Alvine
Derek K. Anderson
Sherwood D. Anderson
Richard D Baney
Larry Bartell
David A Beckman
John D Bell
Paul H Bennett
Donald W. Biggs Jr.
James H. Brown
Don Voget displayed his engineering interests in this Manx![](https://assets.isu.pub/document-structure/240612142958-8d128cda04b878b75bf40fd875ec3c9f/v1/2ffd4e1f6edd14ac729090d69794eb8d.jpeg)
William K Hess
Dale R Hill
Myron B Hoover
John R Hoving
Paul G Howard
David P Hutnvak
Gary M. Janes
James E. Jones
James T. King
Daniel E Lachmiller
Robin E. Guyer
A. Haas Dean P Hamrick Phillip BarkerdRonal P iPacitt
dRonal nOlso
hJosep iNowiczewsk
aMasatak aNishimur
yLeRo E nNielse
mWillia C dNewlan Jr
nMyro L yMurra
sDougla yMoone
dDonal nMoo
Gary D Palmer
Tully C. Parker
Luis Perez
Brent Phinney
Wendell N Piepgrass
Roy L Polman
Carol R. Reed
David K. Reinbold
William S Rodda Jr
Jim Rowland
David N Rowley
Constantino Sassi
John F Saucerman
Thomas Schrag
John C Schwope
Darla J Seevers
Ray Shirey Su Simmons
Charles Smeeton
Mary Sprano
Jerry Stanton
Thomas F. Steele
twha ythe ehav dexperience dan learned eW ttrus ttha eth sclas fo 8196 lwil eb dremembere sa a ,dynamic eprogressiv class
tChris dan dsecon sa sleader ni eth svocation ew ehav .chosen yEver taspec fo uLeTournea eColleg sha dchallenge su ot rgreate things yEver ryea sstudent mfro uLeTournea emov ,on gputtin ot eus
rmembe fo rou sclas sha tbrigh expectations hWit eth eexperienc ttha sha nbee ,gained ew ear wno yread ot tse wne sgoal rfo eth .future eW ehav ddevelope sourselve ot eb ,leaders tfirs sa sleader rfo
tmen fo ttha lgoa completely rOu lgoa si ot nlear ot tconduc sourselve sa gmaturin Christians hEac
hEac fo su ni gdoin os sha tse a lgoa rfo .himself oT ereceiv a SB ro AB degree si tno na -achieve
sclas fo .1968 eW ecam eher ot lfulfil a trequiremen fo ,society ttha fo gsecurin na .education
rFo eth tpas rfou ro efiv syear sstudent mfro a yvariet fo sbackground ehav dgathere ot econstitut eth
Secretary yNanc rMeye
Treasurer nDa gIrvin
Vice President nDa kWor
President dFre yRud
Steven N Albright Charles T Alderson Terry L Anderson![](https://assets.isu.pub/document-structure/240612142958-8d128cda04b878b75bf40fd875ec3c9f/v1/95f9087bd72801f6300def96acfc6bcd.jpeg)
Gary D Foster Paul J Fridenmaker Frederick R Gaddis Jonathan W Gain![](https://assets.isu.pub/document-structure/240612142958-8d128cda04b878b75bf40fd875ec3c9f/v1/1cea060239a8d2a1a900128c5f0a5576.jpeg)
Kenneth L Kaufman
Thomas W Kauffman
Paul D Kellner
James Kibelbek
Rodney A Kinch
Ronald E Kingham
Bob W. Walker Charles C. Walker Roger R. WalkerlWait'l eh sfind tou I dmove eth !flag nFelto R rBellinge .Rev lPau dUnderwoo
F lMichae nZimmerma
lDanie .H kWor Jr
lPau .D dWoo
Becky Baker and Bill Hendricks were voted as the most talented Becky participated in choir and was in the Gold Key Club Bill was editor of the YellowJacket and sang in the
Soulaires quartet Jack Warfel, student body president, was elected the friendliest of the Senior Class![](https://assets.isu.pub/document-structure/240612142958-8d128cda04b878b75bf40fd875ec3c9f/v1/a1d4ed6d2ad84f542277d42118abc179.jpeg)
sClas .Secretary nRo si a rmembe fo eth lSpiritua eLif ,Committee dan hbot ear smember fo eth dGol yKe .Club yBeck nSodde dan tRober ""Alabama dShepher ewer eth tmos shumorou
rMeye dan nRo mKingha ewer dvote sa eth tmos ylikel ot succeed yNanc swa tPresiden fo eth yHistor bClu dan swa rSenio
sPolhamu swa delecte eth tfriendlies .girl yNanc
aPLaz 48-556 0122 tWes lMarshal Ave ,LONGVIEW STEXA
lGenera sMotor lDiese sEngine
• eComplet ,regional estat dan lloca news
dDavi eLawrenc nJoh nChamberlai kDic tWes yHenr J rTaylodan sother
• dAssociate sPres eWir sPhoto eTh sworld' tmos dwidely-rea :columnists
• eWorld-wid snew ecoverag yb dAssociate sPres dUnite sPres lInternationa lNationa eEnterpris nAssociatio
t"Eas 'Texas tLarges dan tMos eComplet "Newspapers
yBarr rTinkle
mTo kBrin
mJi sCros
lPau nNelso
nCalvi gOrmi
lArie rRosentrate nDo eKogaris
lTerrel sRobbin
sDenni nCorringto eBruc rBake
eBruc lHal nDo nThompso nDo nChapma yLarr nStanto bBo dShepher
nByro sMeyer
sCharle rWoerne
sLewi rWagone
eDoyl kDic
eMik nBrow
dHarol eKraus
sCharle rReese
nKe nKaufma
lGrennel mJi nEastma
kDic lPee
yBarr dRichar
nRo rMille
lBil yMilb
nKe pRup
lLindel mQua
sDenni nParli
eLe bHie
bBo rMille
nDo nCarlso
nGle hSmit
kRic lPowel
kChuc rMille
eDav hWintsc
eDav sSaunder mJi tGaun nBe rWalke yHarr tBarret eGeorg rLave
lBil eBlain eDal lPressnal nDa rFohringe hButc eDubr tScot nNase mTo sGilli yTerr
lBil nJoh tAr yGeese
nJoh tMcCalmon
kChuc hSmit
nDea nWhitma
eDav tWit
eDav dRee
kDic lNewel
dRichar eCarlisl
dWar nAtma
nDo nAlle
lBil sHendrick
nKe eRic
tWal aGoll
dFre yRud
yRa yShire
kRic yFinle
eDav rRinike
M S L dRepresente yB ""MOON SMULLIN
THE FIRST NATIONAL BANK of Longview 235 E. Tyler Member F.D.I.C. 753-2622
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bClu dan dAwar sJacket
mfro YHARD NJOHNSO cAthleti tEquipmen
tBes sWishe
Aboo, R Kristo—M.E., 74 Ackerman, Thomas D.—A.E., 113 Adams, Jesse R.—Eng., 101
Adriance, Priscilla J.—Math, 122
Aeschliman, Oliver P.—M.T., 113
Albright, Steven N—M.E., 130
Alderson, Charles T.—Bus., 130; 81; 82; 71 Allen, Donald R.—A.T., 113 Allen, Ronald R.—Bus., 101; 85 Alvine, Stephen S.—M.T., 122 Anderson, Derek K.—M.T., 122 Anderson, Donald D.—A.T., 101 Anderson, Mark O.—A.T., 113 Anderson, Sherwood D.—Bus., 122 Anderson, Terry L.—Bus., 130 Anderson, Wayne D.—M.E., 101; 85 Anderson, William R.—Mis T., 113 Arneil, Allan C.—M.E., 113 Ashby, William—I.E
Asher, D Phillip—M.T., 113
Aubihl, Gary L.—M.T., 101
Avery, Michael D.—M.E., 101 Ayres, Dennis C.—A.E Ayres, Vance R.—M.E 101
BBabbitt, Eldon Rex—M.E., 101 Babbitt, Ellis C.—M.E., 101 Badley, Kim C.—I.E., 130
Bailey, Kenneth F.—M.E Baker, Bruce W.—I.E., 76, 130 Baker, C Ray—I.E Baker, Rebecca S.—Malh, 130; 144 Bandini, Gerald A.—M.E., 101 Baney, Dalend R.—Eng., 101 Baney, Richard D.—A.E., 122 Barbee, Ralph E. M.T Barbee, Vikki S.—Lib Arts Barnhart, James M.—M.E., 101 Barnosky, Rosalee R.—A.E., 113; 114; 58 Barr, Neil L.—I.E., 130; 42 Barrett, Harry G.—M.E., 130 Bartell, Larry D.—M.E., 74; 122 Baylis, R Peter—M.T., 113 Beckmann, David A.—E.T., 122 Bell, Britton W-—M.E., 131 Bell, J David—M.T., 122 Bell, Judith L.—Lib Arts, 101; 83 Bennett, Paul H.—Bus., 122 Bennett, Robert M.—M.E., 113 Bergeron, Jon A.—M.T., 113 Beverly, Ronnie A.—M.E., 113 Biggs, Donald W.—M.E., 122 Blaine, William H Boardman, Mary E.—Lib Arts, 101; 83 Bodden, Rebecca S.—Eng., 131; 145; 42 Boese, Connie M.—Bible, 113 Boogerd, James D.—A.E., 113 Boone, John S Borntrager, Ervin J.—A.T Bowen, David J.—E.T., 101 Bowman Jim D.—Bible Brown, H Thomas—M.T., 113 Brown, James H.—Bible, Mis T., 122; 58 Brown, Michael A.—E.T., 131 Bryant, Timothy D.—A.T., 101 Buller, Larry J.—A.T., 113 Burgner, Richard E.—E.T., 101 Buss, Sterling L—E.T., 113 Bussert, Daryl L.—A.T., 101
Cain, Dan F.—Bus., 131 Cajas, C David—E.T., 131 Campbell, Alvin D.—M.E., 76; 70 Caneday, Loren D.—Chem., 113 Caneday, Lowell—Math, 76; 113; 70; 78 Cannavan, James A.—M.E Caplinger, Jimmy C.—A.T Carhart, Stephen W.—A.E., 113 Carlisle, Bernard L.—A.T Carlson, Richard A.—Math Castiglia, Herbert J.—Bus., 123 Catlin, Daniel P.—M.E., 101 Chin, Ken P.—M.E., 101 Chisman, Keith E.—Bus., 123 Churgovich, Roger S.—M.E., 113 Ciavarelli, Matthew D.—A.E., 113 Clapp, Richard P.—M.E., 114 Clark, Richard E.—Mis T., 132; 59 Clark, Steven E.—101 Clark, Thomas C.—A.T., 114; 52 Claypool, Edward L.—M.T., 123 Cleveland, Nelson G.—M.T., 114 Cobb, Lloyd H.—M.E
Cobb, Richard F.—Physics, 102 Compton, Robert N.—M.T., 101 Conkle, Richard W.—114; 85 Conlon, Charles L.—E.T., 102 Cook, Gordon R.—Mis Aviation, 102 Corneby, John E.—A.E., 74; 114 Cornelius, Dorothy J.—Math, 102 Cornils, Cortney W.—A.T., 102 Courson, Ronald E.—M.E., 114 Coutier, Walter R.—M.E., 114 Coyle, Steve D.—Bible, 112; 114 Cox, Anthony B.—M.T., 102 Cummings, Jerry C.—M.E., 123 Currie, Dave B.—I.E., 74; 76; 132 Currie, Patsy—special Currington, Dennis A.—M.E., 132 Currington, Rebecca S.—History, 123
Dalton, Homer L.—A.T., 102; 103 Davis, Clarence G.—A.E., 62; 123; 62 Davis, Weldon A.—M.E., 102 DeArmey, Cary L.—M.E., 132 Dechert, Charles H.—M.E., 132 Derrico, James—Eng., 114 Dettmer, Larry A.—M.E., 102 DeWitt, Dallas J.—M.T., 123 Dick, Doyle L.—E.T., 132 Dillard, Tedd A.—W.E Dingmon, James E Dobos, James W.—M.E., 102 Donnelly, M Wayne—M.T., 114 Donnelly, Ralph W.—M.E., 123
Donovan, Richard L.—M.E Dorgan, David F.—special Dornak, Anthony J.—M.E Dorneman, Eugene T.—Eng., 123
Drown, Richard L.—A.T., 133
Dubre, Harold R.—I.E., 133
Duncan, Ronald D.—Bus., 115
Durniak, James D.—M.E.; A.E., 133
Duvall, Michael D.—102
Dworshak, Daniel J.—E.T., 74; 115
Eaby, Daniel G.—Eng., 102
Eames, Michael D.—A.T., 102
Earhart, John E.—M.T., 74; 133
Eaton, John P.—M.E., 123
Echols, George D.—M.E.; W.E., 133
Eckenroth, Paul C.—A.T., 102
Eder, David M.—A.T., 102
Ekback, Donald H.—M.E., 102 Ellis, Stanley J.—A.E., 115 Enright, David J.—A.T
Erb, Larry A.—Technology, 102 Ethell, Lane O.—103 Evans, Jerry A.—History, 133
Fallo, J Edward—A.T., 133 Fast, Walter D.—M.E Faulkner, John P.—M.E., 103; 114 Faulkner, Linda J.—History, 123
Fenton, Dennis L.—E.T., 103
Fenton, Thomas A.—E.T., 103 Festa, Burton C.—M.E., 133 Field, Lynette K.—Chemistry, 103 Finley, Richard E.—I.E Fish, Steven E.—A.T., 103 Fiveland, Andrew K.—103 Fohringer, H Daniel—A.T., 123 Foss, Robert—A.T Foster, Edith E.—History, 115 Foster, Gary D.—Bus., 134 Fowler, Kim C.—M.E., 123 Fownes, Richard H.—A.T Freeman, Terry W.—M Drafting, 103 French, Jack A.—M.T., 103 Frey, Ivan R.—E.T., 115 Fridenmaker, Paul J.—Math, 66; 74; 134; 145 Funk, Vernon E.—M.E., 103
Gabler, Paul R.—Math, 123
Caddis, Fred R.—A.T., 134 Gain, Jonathan W.—E.T., 134 Gamble, Mark B.—A.E., 123; S2 Gardenhire, R Todd—Math, 103 Gardner, J Gregory—M.E., 115 Garner, John S.—Bible; Bus., 115, 58 Garrett, Michael R.—M.E., 134 Gaunt, James C.—M.T., 123 Gayle, G Truett—Physics, 103 Gear, D Richard—A.E., 103 George, Richard W.—M.E., 123
Gillespie, Howard C.—A.T., 68; 115 Gillis, David M.—History
Gillis, Thomas M.—Bible, 115
Gilmer, Fred E.—M.E., 134
Civens, Michael W.—History, 122; 78 Glass, J Keith—I.E., 134
Glass, P Kay—Math, 104
Glaze, Claude R.—A.E., 104 Goldy, David J.—E.T., 115 Golla, Walter H.—Chemistry, 134 Gortsema, Kenneth J.—I.E Gould, Frances A.—Ed., 121; 123 Gracey, Michael T.—M.E., 115 Grau, Thomas C.—M.E., 104 Gray, Russell M.—M.T., 104 Greasley, Paul E.—M.E., 123 Greenman, John—E.T., 115 Greer, Stan G.—M.E., 104 Grey, K Pandy—Bible, 104 Grobner, Gary R.—M.E., 104 Gross, Ronald I.—Math, 123 Grotheim, David C.—E.T., 104 Grubb, Ernest A.—A.T., 62; 115; 52 Grueneich, Wayne E.^M.T., 123 Gustafson, Timothy A.—Eng., 104 Guycr, Robin E.—M.E., 124; 42 H Harrington, Tom L Haas, David A.—M.E., 124 Hadley, George A.—E.T., 104 Hall, Bruce W.—Mis T., 59 Hamrick, Dean P.—M.T., 124 Hannam, Dean A.—M.E., 104 Harden, Russell H.—E.T Harding, Richard L.—M.E., 104; 115 Barker, Phillip E.—W.E., 124 Harris, John C.—M.E., 115 Harris, John E.—M.E., 115 Harrison, David W.—E.T Harrison, Richard A.—Bible, 115 Hartberg, Thomas D.—E.T., 104 Hartzler, Sanford D.—M.E., 104 Hasler, Alan Lee—Eng., 104 Hassler, Thurston A.—104 Hawbaker, J Marvin—M.T., 115 Hayes, Stanley R.—A.T Hearn, Jerry M Heemstra, Timothy—A.T., 104 Heitzmann, John A.—Chemistry, 115 Helgesen, Paul A.—A.E., 76; 115 Helvie, Kenneth A.—104 Hendricks, William L.—Bible, 134; 144; 58 Henry, Philip C.—Bible, 115 Herda, Muryl A.—A.E., 135 Herriman, Dale A.—W.E., 115 Hershey, John D.—A.T Hess, William K.—M.T., 124 Hicks, Dale R.—E.T., 104 Hill, Dale R.—W.E., 124 Hill, David R.—A.T., 116; 76 Hillis, David H.—Bible, 135; 78 Hobson, Samuel L.—M.E., 104 Holcombe, Joe D.—M.E Hollan, David H.—M.E., 116 Holtry, Dennis L.—M.E Hood, Haven J.—Eng., 116; 85 Hoover, Myron B.—E.T., 124 Hollinger, Samuel A.—A.T., 104 Hopkins, Howard C.—Eng., 105 Hopler, Faith A.—Bus 112; 116 Horstman, Philip L.—A.E., 105 Horvath, Stephen M.—Eng., 105 Hoving, John R.—A.T., 124 Howard, Dennis W.—E.T., 51 Howard, Paul G.—M.T., 124 Hudson, Barry R.—History Hunker, J John—M.E., 105 Hunt, Raymon E.—M.E Hunt, Sylvia A Hunler, Lyle C.—A.T., 116 Hunter, Paul A.—M.E.; A.E Kurd, Clarence A.—M.E., 105 Hutnyak, David P.—M.E., 124
IIrving, David E.—M.T., 135 Irving, Daniel S.—M.E., 103; 135
Jackson, Kenneth S.—M.E., 135 Jackson, Michael L.—I.E., 116 Janes, Gary M.—ME.E., 124 Jarboe, Dwight D.—A.T., 124 Jarvis, Enos J.—A.T., 105 Jaquith, Stephen K.—M.E., 105; 85 Jeffries, C David—M.E., 105
,Phillips eLawrenc F.—Mis ,T. 810 ,Philpott nLyn ,A.—A.T. 810 ,Phinney tBren ,L.—Bus. 612 ,Piepgrass lWendel ,N.—A.T. 612 ,Pinner dHowar ,A.—M.T. 813 ,Pitman dWar ,M.—A.T. 811 ,Polhamus tJane ,S.—Engl. ;138 514 ,Polman yRo ,L.—Physics ;74 612 ,Powell lDanie ,E.—W.E. 811 ,Pressnall eDal W.—M.E ,Price nSta J.—M.E ,Pridachuck Kenneth—Chem ,Prosser eWayn ,M.—A.T. 910 R ,Ranney nJoh ,C.—A.E. 811 ,Rarick xMa ,A.—Bible 910 ,Rayl sCharle D.—Lib ,Arts ;109 ;85 87 ,Redman dRichar E ,Reed lCaro ,R.—I.E. 612 ,Reed dDavi ,T.—Bus. 813 ,Reeser sCharle ,F.—I.E. ;76 ;138 07 ,Rehnquist eLawrenc ,R.—A.T. 811 ,Reiche lPau ,R.—M.T. 811 ,Reily eGeorg ,D.—M.T. 811 ,Reinbold dDavi K.—Mis ,T. ;74 612 ,Remely R ,Bruce—Chem. 811 ,Rice G ,Kenneth—E.T. 913 ,Richards dDavi ,L.—M.T. 910 ,Richards lMichae F. ,A.T. 910 ,Ridley lDel R.—A.T ,Riniker dDavi ,R.—I.E. ;66 ;74 913 ,Risk lPau E.—E.T ,Roberts lCar F.—A.T ,Robertson W ,Dave—E.T. 913 ,Robinson R ,Mark—M.E. ;139 87 ,Rodda mWillia ,S.—M.E. 612 ,Rodgers nJoh ,M.—Bus. ;109 58 ,Rodgers hKennet W.—Lib ,Arts 910 ,Rohrbaugh yLarr ,J.—M.T. 811 ,Rohrer dEdwar ,H.—Chem. 910 ,Root hKennet D.—M.T ,Resales eGeorg ,S.—M.E. 910 ,Rose]] dDonal A.—Lib ,Arts 910 ,Rowland lDanie ,S.—A.T. 811 ,Rowland M ,James—M.T. 612 ,Rowley dDavi ,N.—E.T. 612 ,Rudy kFrederic ,J.—Bus. 913 ,Rueger sJame ,O.—M.E. 014 ,Ruge dDavi ,E.—M.T. 910 ,Runion dRonal R.—A.T ,Samuel N ,Jacob—M.T. 014 ,Sandahl lMichae ,J.—M.E. 910 ,Sanders tKen ,E.—Physics 811 ,Sanford lCar ,W.—Bus. 910 ,Sargeant nStephe ,P.—M.E. ;76 811 ,Sartorius sJame R.—Lib ,Arts 910 ,Sassi ,Constantino—A.E. 612 ,Satran lPau ,C.~A.T. 910 ,Saucerman nJoh ,F.—M.E. 612 ,Saunders sCharle ,W.—E.T. 910 ,Schaeffer kFrederic Y.—A.T ,Schaff yBradle ,A.—M.T. 911 ,Schellenberg nJoh ,S.—M.T. 910 ,Schick dDavi ,L.—M.E. 811 ,Schlomann nMerli ,R.—A.T. 911 ,Schoof lKar ,D.—M.E. ;88 612 ,Schrag sThoma ,G.—M.E. ;88 612 ,Schrock lLowel ;F.—76 ;119 07 ,Schultz nJoh C.—I.E ,Schumacher nNatha E.—A.T ,Schwitters sJame ,H.—M.E. 910 ,Schwope nJoh ,C.—M.E. 612 ,Scobee eMauric ,C.—I.E. 911 ,Scott dGeral L.—M.E ,Seevers aDarl ,J.—Math ;126 38 ,Self dMillar ;D.—85 87 ,Selph dRonal ,G.—A.E. 011 ,Shafer lDarry C.—M.E ,Shaffer lDanie ,F.—Eng. 011 ,Shehan sJame ,D.—A.T. 011 ,Shelley lJoe J.—W.E ,Shepherd tRober O.—W.E ,Shilling lDanie ,F.—A.E. 110 ,Shirey yRa ,A.—E.T. 612 ,Short hKennet ,M.—Eng. 011 ,Sierra ,Daniel—I.E. ;119 58 ,Simmons yBeck ,A.—Bible 011 ,Simmons lMichae ,D.—W.E. 011 ,Simmons yStanle ,M.—W.E. 014 ,Simmons ,Susanne—History 612 ,Sites nJoh ,C.—M.E. 011 ,Smiley G ,Dale—Bus. ,74 014 ,Smith rAbne ,J.—History 914 • ,Smith sCharle ,W.—I.E. 114 ,Smith nJoh M.—W.E ,Smith nMilto ,D.—M.E. 011 ,Snow sCharle M.—M.E ,Soule nJo ,E.—M.E. ;110 58 ,Sowerby dRichar J.—A.E ,Spakousky dDavi ,C.—M.E. 911
,Phillips nCordo ,W.—M.E. 811
,Phillips nDea ,C.—M.T. 810
,Phillips dDavi ,A.—A.E. 810
,Philipp eGeorg ,A.—W.E. 811
,Peterson lChery ,A.—Engl. 811 ,Pfau yBeck ;L.—118 85 ,Pfau sJame ,L.—M.E. 813
,Perrett dRonal ,L.—E.T. 15
,Perez sLui ,R.—M.E. 612
,Paul eOrvill ,G.—A.T. 811
,Patterson 5Willem—8
,Parrish dDavi ,B.—Chem. ;108 58
,Parrish eBenni F.—A.T
,Paris mWillia ,L.—A.T. 810 ,Parker yTull ,C.—M.E. ;121 612
,Pacitti dRonal ,P.—M.E. 512
,Ouellette eAdolph ,J.—A.T. 810
,Orwig nCalvi hE.—Mat ; sPhysic
,Opsata dRichar ,L.—Bible 813
,Olson dGeral R.—A.T
,Olson kFran E.—Mis ,T. 810
,Olsen eLawrenc J
,Ohlsen ,Michael—M.T. 811
O ,Oh ,Munjim—M.E. 512
,Nowiczewski ,Joseph—A.T. 512
,Nishimura ,Masataka—M.E. 512
,Nikerle nJoh E.—Mis ,T. ;68 811
,Nielsen nLyndo ,S.—A.T. 810
,Nielsen yLeRo ,E.—W.E. 512
,Nicholls dRichar ,H.—Chem. 813
,Ng cCedri 8S.—10
,Newton lMichae ,H.—W.E. 810
,Newland mWillia ,C.—M.E. 512
,Newell dRichar ,J.—M.E. ;138 85
,Nelson sThoma ,W.—Bus. 710
,Nelson rRoge ,C.—M.E. ;76 ;118 87
,Nafziger nEldo ,R.—Eng. 811
,Mooney sDougla ,R.—Bus. 512
,Myers nByro M.—Mis ,T. 713
,Musselman dMaynar ,E.—Bus. 710
,Murtishaw dEdwar C.—A.E
,Muecke eMont ,R.—Bus. 711
,Moss eEtti ,L.—Engl. 711
,Morscheck yTimoth ,J.—A.E. 710
,Morrison aPatrici A.—Lib sArt
,Moore dDavi O.—A.E. 710
,Moon dDonal ,A.—Eng. 512
,Moffitt mWillia P.—A.T., 812
,Minton sJame ,A.—M.T. 711
,Mills dDonal ,R.—M.T. 713
,Millermon rRoge ,A.—M.E. 711
,Miller ,Kenn—M.E. 512
,Miller nIa ,R.—M.E. 711
,Miller dEdwar ,J.—A.E. 512
,Miller eClarenc W.—A.T
,Midura yGregor 2P.—11 ; 711
,Michmerhuizen yTerr ,A.—Math 711
,Meyer yNanc ,J.—History ;137 514
,Meissner dDavi W
,Meek nCalvi ,L.—Eng. 710
,Meador sThoma ,N.—A.T. 512
,Maze dDavi ,A.—Math 710
,Maytum R ,Layne—Eng. 710
,Matthews tRober ,H.—E.T. 710
,Masten yBobb ,M.—M.T. 512
,Mason dRonal ,L.—Physics 512
,Martinsen eDuan ,L.—M.E. 710
,Martin nSteve E
,Martin dDavi ,A.—M.E. 710
,Manore yRicke ,I..—M.T. 710
,Manley dHarol P.—A.T
,Malmstrom lJere ,W.—M.E. 710
,Malenke eBruc ,R.—M.E. 711
,McPherson eEddi ,U.—M.E. 711
,McLaughlin dRonal ,J.—Eng. 711
,McGuire yLarr ,A.—E.T. 713
,McGuire hJudit ,K.—History 512
,McGuire hDebora ,M.—Chem. 710
,McDonnell yTomm ,T.—A.T. 711
,McDonnell ySherr A
,McCreary dRonal L
,McClelland rRoge ,C.—A.T. 710
,McClelland sCharle ,W.—A.E. 710
,McClanahan ,Robert—M.E. 710
,McCaslin rGinge eL.—Bibl
,McCaslin aDoroth M.—Engl
,McCallum eDal ,G.—Bible 512 ,McCalmont nJoh ,R.—M.T. 713
,Lunsford nCaroly ,Y.—Ed. ;106 38 M
,Longenbach sJame ,L.—M.E. 711
,Loffer eJess ,D.—A.T. 610 ,Lombard sJame ,E.—A.T. 711
,Jennings yLarr ,E.—E.T. 510 ,Jobes hKennet ,C.—E.T. 74; ;116 58 ,John mWillia H.—A.T ,Johns sDenni O ,Johnson sJame ,E.—Bible 510 ,Johnson yLarr ,G.—Bus. 513 ,Johnson nNorma ,L.—A.E. 611 ,Jones sJame ,E.—History ;124 ;81 87 ,Jose pPhili ,L.—A.T. 611 K ,Kachner yGregor ,L.—Eng. 511 ,Kahler dGeral W— ,Eng. 610 ,Kallevig lDanie ,R.—M.T. 611 ,Karhan tRober ,L.—Eng. 610 ,Karling dCliffor ,R.—History 611 ,Kauffman sHill O.—A.E ,Kauffman sThoma W.—A.T., 613 ,Kaufman hKennet ,L.—M.T. 613 ,Kazmark dRichar L.—M.E ,Keck lMichae A.—M.E ,Kejr H ,Steve—M.T. 611 ,Kelley rElme R ,Kelley nVerno L ,Kellner lPau ,D.—E.T. 613 ,Kellogg nSteve ,D.—E.T. 610 ,Kibelbek sJame ,J.—M.E. 613 ,Kilby yTimoth ,H.—M.E. 711 ,Kinch yRodne A.—Mis ,T. 613 ,King sJame ,T.—A.T. ;124 15 ,Kingham dRonal ,E.—A.E. ;62 ;136 514 ,Kizer nMorga ,A.—I.E. 713 ,Knabe lDarry ,K.—E.T. 610 ,Knapton sJame E ,Knowles yMar ,E.—History 711 ,Kraft dDavi W.—M.E ,Krause dHarol ,D.—Bible 713 ,Kristoff dRonal ,J.—E.E. 711 ,Kufahl rRoge ,R.—A.T. 610 ,Kunze L ,Val—M.E. 610 ,Lachmiller lDanie ,E.—M.E. ;124 ;80 ;81 87 ,Landes sJame ,M.—M.E. ;121 512 ,Larsen lDanie ,H.—M.T. 610 ,Larson hKennet ,A.—M.E. 610 ,Latham gCrai sV.—Physic ,Laver C ,George—M.E. 713 ,Lawrence B ,Thomas—A.T. 713 ,Lawson yCathe ,G.—Eng. 711 ,League sJame ,R.—Chem. ;121 512 ,Lemons yTimoth ,C.—A.T. 512 ,LeTourneau R ,Gil—M.E. 711 ,Linder dDavi ,J.—A.E. 610 ,Lindsay Alex—A.T ,Locklear dLloy ,M.—M.E. 711
Speers, Charles J.—M.T., 141
Spencer, Gary L.—A.T
Sprano, Mary M,—Engl., 126
Sprunger, John W.—Bible, 112; 119; 58 Stackhouse, Richard D.—A.E., 110
Stanton, Jerry G.—M.T., 74; 126 Stanton, Larry R.—M.E., 74; 141; 144 Stedman Stan W.—M.E., 141 Steele, Ronald W.—Math Steele, Thomas F.—M.E., 126 Stohler, Julian L.—Bus Stoltzfus, David D.—M.E., 66; 74; 141 Stone, David G.—W.E., 76; 127; 70 Stone, George D.—A.T Storey, James A.—Bible, 127 Strege, Vernon L.—Bible, 110 Sutton, Linda G.—History, 119 Swanson, Donald P.—M.E., 68; 127
Tameling, Norm P.—Bus., 119 Tapija, Allen L.—E.T., 110 Tarillion, Joseph F.—M.E., 127 Taylor, Ralph E.—A.T., 127;58 Temple, Phillip I.—I.E., 119 Tentarelli, Jon D.—M.E., 110 Thames, Timothy D.—M.E., 127 Theobald, Daniel—I.E., 110 Therrell, Thomas G.~I.E., 110 Thisse, T. R Ted—M.E., 127 Thompson, Alan E.—110 Thompson, Donald L.—M.E Thompson, John E.—Math, 127 Thomsen, Leon F.—M.T., 127 Thorson, Nels J.—Math, 120 Tiemersma, John—A.T Todd, Edith M.—110; 83 Todd, Ralph K.—M.T., 110 Toliver, Richard D.—M.E., 110 Toth, Andrew L.—M.E., 141 Tracy, Mark D.—Lib Arts, 111 Train, Dennis L.—A.T Trauger, Vernon W.—M.E., 127 Trescott, Larry C.—Math, 111 Troyer, Thomas L.—M.E., 68; 127 Tucker, Kenneth E.—W.E., 120 Tucker, Wayne R.—M.T., 120
Twing, Don M.—History, 111 Tyler, Harold R.—M.E., 127
Vanderburg, Ralph W.—A.T Vanderburg, Robert J.—W.E VanDuzee, Barry F.—Chem., 66; 74; 127 Van Marter, Wesley—A.T., 127 Van Niel, Paul R.—M.E., 66; 74; 141 Vickery, Barbara L.—Ed Villaume, Bruce C.—W.E., 68; 120 Voget, Donald G.—M.T., 128 Voget, Stanley P.—M.T., 111; 122 Vollmer, Richard M.—M.T., 111 Vriezelaar, A Terry—I.E Vroom, David H.—M.E., 128 W
Wagoner, Jeannette K.—M.T., 111 Wagoner, Lewis R.—Physics, 141 Wah, John S Walker, Robert W.—M.E., 142 Walker, Rogers R.—Chem., 142 Waller, David R.—A.T., 111 WarM, John H.—M.E., 142; 144;42 Waskey, Robert H.—M.E., 111 Wellcr, Anita F.—Ed., Ill Wendling, Lawrence W.~A.E., 142; 78 Werner, Ann E.—Engl., 120 Werts, Robert A.—M.T Whitman, Dean W.—I.E., 142 Whitlen, David P.—M.E., 74; 142 Widlicka, Darlene A.—Math Wieland, Charles F.—M.E, 74; 128 Wilkins, Richard L.—M.T Willcox, Georgie B.—Engl Williams, Douglas A.—M.E., 120; 58 Williams, Sherman—W.E Wilson, John H.—A.E., 111 Wilson, Steven Samuel—M.E., 111 Wintsch, John D.—M.E., 142 Witt, David R.—I.E., 76; 142 Woerner, Charles F.—M.E., 142 Wood, Paul D.—Engl., 143; 82; 78 Work, Daniel H.—Math, 143; 59 Wright, Bryan A.—A.T., 111
Wright, William D.—A.E., 128 Wunsch, David F.—A.T., 120 Wyatt, Betty Elaine—111; 58
Zabel, John T.—E.T., 120;51 Zimmerman, Allen R.—M.E., 128 Zimmerman, Frank M.—M.E., 76; 143