A Christian atmosphere, coeducational, contemporary, over 700 students - all are descriptive of the LeTourneau College of 1976. Butthe college, like most things, has changed with time. In this bicentennial year when most people are reflecting on the past, perhaps it is good to look briefly at the changes wrought at LeTourneau College in its thirty year history.
Named after its founders, Mr. and Mrs. R. G. LeTourneau, the LeTourneau Technical Institute was born in 1946, occupying the site of the former Harmon General Hospital. For years, the campus landscape was dominated by numerous barrackstype buildings - remnants of the hospital days - all connected by a seemingly endless maze of covered
ramps. The move away from the old buildings began in 1961 with the construction of the Tyler Hall men's dormitory. In that same year, LeTourneau Tech changed its name, becoming LeTourneau College with the addition of a fouryear liberal arts program.
Excluding external appearances, students of yesteryear basically are the same as those of today. All came to learn in an environment designed to combine the theoretical with the practical. Thousands of faces have appeared on the campus scene during its thirty year history. Most spent only a few years, acquired a degree, and left; but some found more permanent niches on the campus and in the community.
sdent ,apartments dan eth teas gwin rfo eth smen' ydormitor ewer lal tbuil ni eth enin ryea nspa mfro .1962-1971 A wne yassembl lhal dan eth .R .G uLeTournea lMemoria dan tStuden rCente ear eth otw tmos yrecentl dcomplete nconstructio -pro .jects
eTh ,library escienc ,building gdinin ,hall -wom sen' ,dormitory ylaborator ,buildings dmarrie -stu
eSinc ,1961 eth sbarrack sbuilding ehav yrapidl ddisappeare sa wne sstructure ktoo rthei .place
dan hgrowt ni eth syear .ahead
school dan tou lwil taffec eth ecolleg yministr
,future rfo rthei sattitude dan saction hbot ni
epeopl owh lwil eshap uLeTournea sCollege'
edon ytoda saffect .tomorrow eThes ear eth
,ever rfo ti tcanno eb .altered tTha hwhic si
eOn tcanno ldwel ycontinuall ni eth ,past -how
AW3 13H
For the fall term enrollment showed a slight increase over previous years. Freshmen provided 222 of the 745 total registered. The number of returning students also increased to 409. Students came from 48 states and many foreign countries.
Students received their room assignments and keys at the Tyler Hall lounge The college vans were kept busy bringing students from the airport.Upon their arrival on campus in the fall, returning students discovered several newfaces - and some familiar old ones - had become part of the college administration. Dr. Richard LeTourneau became president and Al Birkelund, vice-president, effective May 1, 1975. During the summer months, Sam Brantley and John Bryson assumed administrative positions in the Student Affairs office. The Services Division, newly created , brought in some new personnel also, including Ben and Ted LeTourneau, Jim Stjernstrom, and Earl Martin.
Al Birkelund, vice president, and Richard LeTourneau head up the new administration,addition nJoh nBryso swa ngive lcontro fo ghousinscampu dan employment
dinclude grepresentin eth -col
eSom fo Dr emorsLeTourneau' tpleasan sdutieSoon after registration, freshmen are told of all the horrors that await them in the week of Dog Days - the traditional welcome to college life by upperclassmen. But after a week of wearing beanies, collecting signatures, and meeting other new faces, most freshmen realize that their fears weregroundless. Dog Days had fulfilled its initial purpose of easing the pains of homesickness and getting the new students involved in campus life
At mealtime, freshmen were required to sit at a table with at least one upperclassman Earning an upperclassman's signature proved to be quite a task in some instancesSpiritual Emphasis Week, an annual observation held early in September this year featured Dr. Phil Hook of Tyler, Texas. Using examples from the New Testament, Dr. Hook illustrated his theme of walking with Christ, emphasizing the practical aspect of day-to-day Christian living Dr Hook formerly taught at Wheaton College and Dallas Theological Seminary before assuming his duties as director of Pine Cove Camp.
Many students sought opportunities to speak to Dr Hook after the completion of the evening service.,Presently kHoo si eth rdirecto fo ePin eCov pCam ni ,Tyler .Texas
Refreshments, including doughnuts, cookies, crackers, and punch were served in each of the lounges
A semi-annual tradition at LeTourneau is the semester observation of Open House, sponsored by the Intersociety Council. The event signals the stan of the semester's pledging activities. The evening provides an opportunityfor society members to meet prospective pledges, as well as allowing the public to view the individually designed roomsof the society houses.
dintereste ,visitors dstrolle hthroug eth shouse
eProspectiv ,pledges sa lwel sa yan
nJo yBromle dchatte hwit eon fo eth yman visitors gdurin ethsStudent dgathere lsevera stime ydail rfo eth lchape services eThos gattendin eth tRetrea dhear eth smessage fo dHarol ,Fleming tgues rspeake dan rforme uLeTournea .teacher ,Friday rOctobe ,3 5197 lsevera dhundre -stu sdent tlef ,classes dpacke rthei ,bags dan dtreke fof ot ,Ringgold aLouisian rfo eth lannua dweeken epilgrimag nknow sa lFal .Retreat dGoo ,weather pfellowshi dan dfoo dcombine ot emak eth tRetrea a ememorabl .one rPasto dHarol ,Fleming a rforme uLeTournea yfacult ,member espok no eth tsubjec fo sGod' lwil rfo eth .Christian tA eth ,bonfire yman sstudent dtestifie fo eth echang ni eattitud eth dweeken dha nitwrough .them
The new Assembly Hall, complete with a large auditorium and four classrooms, was in use at the start of school
Landscaping wasdone quickly, using this giant machine to level off the ground
Sidewalks and draining ditches were formed last
rForme mclassroo sbuilding ,20 ,30 dan 13 ewer ntor ,down gprovidin na dunobstructe wvie fo eth
dschedule ot eb eth tnex nconstructio .project
scampu dan ycommunit .use sA eth ryea ,dende wne smen' sdorm ewer
runde eth ebarrag fo shammer dan gwreckin bars eTh yAssembl ,Hall ecomplet hwit efin nprojectio -facil ,ities dprovide a wne mauditoriu rfo
sBuilding ,29 ,30 dan 13 ddisappeare
dfinishe no eth tStuden .Center
lphysica sfeature fo eth scampu dchange yslowl sa svariou -construc ntio sproject progressed -Landscap ,ing ,paving dan rinterio kwor ewer
sThi ryea sa ni yman fo eth ,past eth
nO eth dthir rfloo fo eth tStuden ,Center eth dfinishe ndesig yslowl .appeared
lMemoria dan tStuden CenterThis year marked the fourth anniversary of the Sam Jack Amateur Hour. Held in the Assembly Hall, the talent show was hosted by Stan Watne and Sam Brantley Most of the talent entered was musical, but a wide variety was evident Selections ranged from 50's rock to contemporary Christian music. As in other years, Dorm 40 again provided top-class entertainment
Co-hosts Sam Brantley and Stan Watne helped the time pass smoothly between acts.For those who would like to test their driving expertise, the Auto Society annually sponsors a fall slalom race. On a specially laid out course on the gym parking lot, drivers are invited to negotiate the turns while being timed by a stopwatch This year, fine weather helped produce a record crowd which viewed the mid-October event.
A special coed division was created for the second consecutive year
For a nominal $.75 entry fee, drivers could test their skill on the track
Track times were tabulated and recorded on the big toteboardAnnually, the first big event of Homecoming week is the parade Starting this year in the dining hall parking lot, the parade ended as usual at the bonfire by the athletic field. There, a pep rally was held and floats were judged for "spirit" points
Design and construction, in most cases, took many hours.
Cars were banned as a mode of transportation for candidates and their escorts in the parade. "Techo Ingenuity" went to work to design unique entriesUnder the attentive gaze of several hundred guests, sophomore Sheree Chapman was crowned the 1976 Homecoming Queen by former runner-up, Loretta Wallace The campus dining hall, site of the coronation banquet, was gaily decorated , reflecting a theme of ''We, the people . . . " The Renaissance provided post-coronation entertainment for the banquet guests.
Prior to the banquet, guests mingled in the lobby, sipping punch. Al Birkelund, LC vice president, extended official congratulations.sa ,usual swa ni ,attendance descorte yb
dnibble no
eBefor eth ,banquet sguest
eth cheese Mrs R G ""Mom ,LeTourneaueShere ,Chapman
rWebbe - tescor
;Queen dan tJane ,Johnson dSecon Runner-up tJane ,Johnson OA
hBet ,Ewald tFirs ;Runner-up
dPicture mfro :left
eShere ,Chapman HWR 030
eDav mSafstro - tescor hBet ,Ewald SLA eStev sRea - tescorSaturday of Homecoming was filled with activity from early morning on With a large crowd encouraging them, the Jacket soccer team came from behind to tie the Baylor Bears at 1-1 in an afternoon game. At the same time, the go-karts were running the first of their three annual races Earlier in the day, time had been devoted to a flag football game and the traditional golf tournament.
One of the largest crowds of the season was in attendance at the gameheats gwinnin hbot fo sit
tKar ,#2 ndrive yb nKe ,Burkins dperforme ,well
eblu sskie dprovide a dgoo yda rfo gracin -com
rClea .npetitioKeeping the crowd alive, an all-important task, was capably achieved by the 75-76 cheerleading squad
Directed by Dave Benson, the pep band helped create fan enthusiasm for the team. The Jackets suffered a tough 94-76 Homecoming game losseTh lcolorfu wne tmasco emad sit tdebu ta eth .game A epost-gam tconcer ngiveswa yb eTh eRenaissanc ni eth yAssembl .Hall hThoug ythe dha nsee eth sJacket pdro a htoug egam ot sTexa ,Weslayan yman sfan tlef eth mgy gfeelin .optimistic eTh ,Jackets glackin theigh dan hbenc ,strength dmatche eth sRam tpoin rfo tpoin ni eth dsecon half eTh gHomecomin egam dmarke eth gcoachin tdebu fo eMik eFratzk dan shi tassistan nBe Greer eTh sJacket dtraile yb 81 spoint ta eth ,half tbu dsecon fhal lfou strouble dhindere rthei seffort ta govertakin sTexa -Wes
All coed rooms were open during the evening
The Open House provided an atmosphere to chat with friends and to make new ones
Cake and punch were available to all visitors in the residence hall loungeeto dan rothe lseasona sdecoration dadorne eth eloung ni nobservatio fo eth tfas gapproachin sChristma .season
ewer nope rfo .visitation -Mistle
rsemeste ,break lal fo eth sroom
stine' ,Day eth lannua sWomen' eResidenc lHal nOpe eHous sthi ryea dswitche .semesters eOn tnigh lsevera sweek ebefor eth
yTraditionall dhel daroun -Valen
etim gservin hpunc ot .guests
,Ewald's dgreete eth yman
yFriendl ,faces elik ttha fo hBet visitors aDonn tspen esom yMan svisitor dstoppe ot drea eth ssignNear the end of the fall semester, students as well as the local communitywere treated to an out-ofthe ordinary campus concert. Performers for the evening were the Wheaton College Symphony Orchestra, directed by Arthur Katterjohn. The orchestra played works of many classical composers, including Mozart, Bach, and Tchaikovsky Additionally, the orchestra played several inspirational selections from Handel's"Messiah. "
The orchestra members were all Wheaton College students majoring in that college's liberal arts programwdre a elarg
mProgra gHarmonizin ,well eth nfourtee rmembe pgrou gsan lsevera eTh echoral swa tpar fo eth cmusi mprogra fo eth eGrac eBibl ssong .acappella .College nO a tconcer ptri hthroug eth -South ,west eth eGrac eBibl eColleg swomen' echoral dpresente a lchape .concert gHailin mfro dGran ,Rapids ,Michigan eth schorale' mprogra -fea dture sreligiouycontemporar sselection sa lwel sa yman nwell-know .hymns eleg
sWomen' eChoral sPresent
The LeTourneau College Christmas float, built by donated labor and Student Senate funds, won third place in the Longview Christmas parade, December 1. Jim Thomson chaired the committee that made the winning entry. The float's theme centered around II Corinthians 9:15 "Thanks be unto God for his unspeakable gift.''
The float won third place in the Longview Christmas parade.sFamou sAmerican dreappeare ni eth dramatizations
scampu .visitors
wdre a elarg dcrow fo sstudent dan -off
sca' ,history eth rtwo-hou npresentatio
lBicentennia celebration gContainin a elarg yvariet fo ssong dcouple -dramhwit satization gdepictin sepisode ni -Ameri
dsente a tconcer gsalutin sAmerica'
rFo eth tfirs lmusica mprogra fo eth gsprin ,semester eth eAgap sPlayer -pre
eTh eAgap sPlayer dpresente a lmusica esalut ot sAmerica'
Personal witnessing with special emphasis on scripture memorization was a topic which occured repeatedly in
Dan Piatt, former associate in the Billy Graham Evangelistic Association where he was in charge of advance crusade preparations, was the guest speaker at Missions Emphasis Week Piatt, involved in witnessing to governmental leaders, greatly emphasized the need for scripture memorization as a prerequisite for effective witnessing. During the evening services, pledges were collected toward the college's Summer Missions program By week's end, over $14,000 had been donated - all of which will go to students who plan to work as missionaries during the summer months
Piatt's mesThe Rambos, a husband, wife, daughter musical team played to a large LeTourneau crowd Their program featured songs in soul, country, and contemporary styles Dottie and Reba write most of the music for the group which annually travels thousands of miles to give concerts.
A band of backup musicians accompanied the Rambos throughout the concert.ghour-lon lecture
dchatte hwit yman rafte rhe
tden sActivitie .Committee
rhe audience rHe tvisi swa dsponsore yb eth -Stu
erol ni eth ,film e"Th gHidin "Place, dpresente na gevenin electur no scampu gdurin eth gsprin .semester gFollowin rhe electur ewhos stopic drange mfro nChristia adram ot rhe lpersonanow nChristia ,experiences tClif dfielde mfrosquestion
eJennett ,Clift eth sactres owh dplaye a gstarrin
The Spirit of '76 Phonathon, a fund raising drive for the Scholarshare program, proved successful in its inaugural running at LeTourneau. Nearly 3000 phone calls, made to all corners of the United States, netted more than $45,000 for the student aid program The three day event, coordinated by Sam Brantley, exceeded the preliminary goal of $30,000 on the second evening of calling.
Some students spent an evening acquiring phone numbers
,41 dface a htoug rchallenge ni aAlph
mTea aHond swa ni hfourt eplac ni
ltota spoint .accumulated tKar ,1 ndrive yb eDav ,erfStauf nra dhar tbu eunablswa ot mclai yan .victories eTh gsprin tsprin ,race eth -sec don fo ethre scampu gracin ,events swa nru twithou hmuc .difficulty eCharli sSteitler' tKar 24 ddominate eth ,action gwinnin shi sdivision' thea dan ytroph .dash ,KZX gdrivin tKar ,17 dcapture eth nDivisio II -tro yph .dash lMechanica sproblem dseeme yunusuall hhig sa lsevera skart ddi tno erac rafte gbein tbese yb ltechnica -diffi .scultie
In addition to an extended period for growing beards, the college sponsored a number of events in commemoration of the bicentennial celebration The LeTourneau Bicentennial Committee, chaired by Dr. Ken Durham, sponsored four contests: speech, essay, crafts, and poster. The winners received cash prizes Additionally, the committee arranged the visit of Dr. Bell I. Wiley, a noted historian specializing in Civil Warmemorabilia.
Students exhibited their handicraft skills by completing projects for the bicentennial crafts contest For this special year, men were permitted to keep their beardsA rNumbe fo sEvent eCommemorat eth lBicentennia
oals dinclude esom rsecula .selections
ymar teffor si na cevangelisti ,one rthei
hTrut dthrille a elarg dcrow dgathere ni eth yAssembl lHal ni yearl yFebruar ot rhea sit dblen fo ycontemporar music ethhAlthoug sgroup' -pri
sTruth' goutstandin sbras nsectio swa teviden gdurin eth -con cert gMakin rthei dthir eappearanc ni sa yman ,years
dDirecte yb rRoge ,Breland 51 smusician mfro enin sstate mfor eth pgrou TruthWell-blended vocal renditions of traditional hymns was a trademark of the quartet
The Back to the Bible Quartet, a nationally known vocal group, presented a concert of familiar hymns in both traditional and contemporary settings early in February. Representingthe Back to the Bible Broadcast of Lincoln, Nebraska, the quartet has long been noted for the smooth, well-blended stylings which they exhibited during the campus performance.
Instrumental accompaniment hanced the concert
eprais dan eserv eth dLor hthroug eth foyministr
hBot lCul dan yLaffert dexpresse rthei edesir ot
gin eth tspotligh ni sthi tconcer swa nKare -Laf ,ferty na daccomplishe nmusicia ni rhe .rightnow
lvoca estyl wdre na eappreciativ audience -Shar
yearl ni eth wne year ,usualsA shi ,informal tsof
bBo lCul dperforme shi dthir tconcer no scampu
""Remembrance ,album sLafferty' shayministr ntake rhe oint ,schoolshhig
,churches ,colleges dan neve .prisons
gHavin dprovide pbacku svocal dan rguita rfo sCull'
The checkered flag closed down racing action
eResidenc lHal dentere
dDelaye eon kwee edu ot tinclemen ,weather eth lannua grunnin fo eth tgo-kar oEndur swa dplague yb tintermitten .rain tA eth rfou ,hour 84 eminut ,mark eth dcheckere gfla ,fell gmakin tKar fo1 OA eth rwinne hwit 116 slap .completed nA -ear ,lier dhar rshowe dha ytemporaril dstoppe eth race dSecon dan dthir splace ewer ntake yb skart ,41 dan ,82 .respectively
dmaneuvere yslowl hthroug eth sturn ni eth -din
,fall eth
Because of the one week mid term break during the spring semester, Frontier Week was held in early April, thus explaining the presence of the good weather which graced many of the activities. Each weekday evening, a different contest was held, ranging from pancake eating to egg tossing. Dorms accumulated points toward an overall award by participating in each event Dorm 1A claimed this first year trophy.
Contestants grunted and strained muscle against muscle in the second annual armwrestling contest. Egg tossing participants tried to catch the fragile egg.,Week
yFrida gevenin fo rFrontie ePet rStrubha dtrie ot emak teigh sweek fo -non gshavin ypa fof ni genterin eth gbeard-growin .contestAn original song entitled "Tumbleweeds" earned Sam
a second place prize.
Outgoing officers, and the incoming ones, awaited the announcement of the Student Senate presidential winner
A fspoo fo ycountr dan nwester cmusi yentr nwo tfirs epriz rfo nDaw Mathiesen eTh ,Hootenanny na lannua thighligh fo rFrontie ,Week dcentere daroun eth ethem fo -"Tumblew "eeds, a nwell-know .cartoon sSkit ginvolvin eth ncartoo scharacter dfille ni eth svoid nbetwee .acts nDaw nMathiese dcapture eth sevening' dgran prize eTh ltraditiona gcrownin fo eth -Fron rtie nQuee doccurre ta .intermission .Mrs .R .G )(Mom uLeTournea dpresente eth ncrow ot -sopho emor nCaroly .Heil nIntermissio oals dinclude eth tannouncemen fo tnex syear' eslat fo tStuden -Sen eat sofficer owh dha nbee delecte rearlie ni eth week
Saturday of Frontier Week was hectic as usual with the scheduling of many events. Early in the morning, golfers teed off in the annual student-alumni golf tourney. Raft battles were held in mid-morning. Afternoon activities included a Saga barbecue, the traditional rope pull, and the re-institution of the Wells Fargo Race. The final event of the day was held in the Gladewater Arena, the 14th Annual Stampede
dprovide yb eth wLongvie hHig .School
rfo eth noccasio swa
eAppropriat cmusi
ycator address
Dr yGrad nWilso dpresente eth -dedi
eColleg npublicatio NOW
eAllianc ,churches dan sNel mStjernstro fo eth
eth nChristia dan yMissionar
rTracto ,Company .Dr nNatha foyBaile
dinclude eMerl zYount fo eth rCaterpilla
.dedication rOthe tgues sspeaker
.address nWilso oals espok ta lsevera sbanquet dan sreception gleadin pu ot eth
uLeTournea ,family egav eth ydedicator
yGrad ,Wilson elongtim dfrien fo eth
semonie rfo eth 2$1. nmillio .structure
lal spart fo eth ycountr dattende eth -cer
.afternoon lSevera dhundre svisitor mfro
rCente doccurre no a ,warm yearl lApri
lMemoria dan tStuden
eTh dlong-awaite ndedicatio fo eth .R .G
To the traditional strains of "Pomp and Circumstance,'' over one hundredstudents marched down the aisle of the Assembly Building, April 30, to participate in graduation ceremonies Delivering the commencement address was Dr. George Luce, business executive from Fort Valley, Georgia. The 10:00 Friday morning exercise had been preceded by several special activities the night before. Thursday evening, a reception and banquet honoring the graduates had been held. Also that same evening, graduates wives had received recognition for "pushing hubby through" college.
gStandin ni ,line eth 'graduates sname dan smajor ewer drea yb cAcademi ,Dean
ot rhono .students
ni eth .audience lDivisiona ,dean Dr dRichar ,Johnson dpresente smedallion
eColleg rchancello yHarr kHardwic drecognize lspecia sguest
Each 1976 graduate with a cumulative GPAof 3.20 or better received special recognition
Loretta Wallace ranked first in the 1976 class.rRoge
,Wallace aLid ,Cook yWend ,Gray eJoyc ,Seibert
eMichell ,Howard
rHono sgraduate dpicture :are ,Guthrie aLorett lCaro ,Sage sJame ,Tolson nBria ,Bogart sJame ,Homan yMar ,Duell yLarr ,Claypool yBarr ,Brown rWalte ,Moore -fKieAs an integral part of their everyday lives, LeTourneau students endeavor to show their love of Christ in word and deed This concern leads many to seek Christian service opportunities, the year around. With the aid of the Summer Missions Fund, donated largely by students, the college's missionary outreach has literally spanned the globe in service for God.
While school was in session, a few students prepared a weekly radio broadcast consisting of Christian music for airing over local stations.
An old French castle was the home of some Greater European Missions workers.America .Hot ysweat nconstructio kwor swa dperforme yb esom -sum
eSom dreceivesstudent lpractica ymissionar gtrainin ni -Cen
nwithi eth eadministrativ estructur fo eth ;college schange hwhic ewer ddesigne ot efacilitat rsmoothe noperatio dan ot -pro evid emor tdirec tcontac nbetwee eth nadministratio dan tstuden .body
hWit eth wne tpresiden ecam schange
.lege .Dr dRichar .H dreturneuLeTournea ot eth lpresidentia ,office gbringin hwit mhi .Mr lA dBirkelun sa .Vice-President
nbega eth yday-by-da grunnin fo eth -col
nO yMa ,1 ,1975 a wne nadministratio
Under the new administrative structure employed by the college this year, Dr. Elton Archer was named head of the college's academic area. Under him, two newly created offices were filled by Dr Richard Johnson and Mr Richard Berry Answerable to these two divisional deans were the various departmental coordinators in their respective divisions.
As head of the college Student Affairs area, Dean Caneday has vast responsibilities to oversee. All student-related activities and records (including the Registrar)are under his jurisdiction Twonew faces appeared in the Student Affairs area this year. Sam Brantley became head of guidanceand counseling, and John Bryson assumed the responsibilities of student housing, employment and personnel.
rDirecto fo gHousin dan lPersonne
.Mr eDav nBenso cMusi dan nChristia eServic rDirecto Mr nJoh nBrysoThe two administrative departments of admissions and of the registrar perform vital functions Admissions, headed by Steve Adell, handles queries from interested potential college students. Working fulltime as a recruiter under Adell this year was Jeff Kleinbeck Once students begin
attendance at LeTourneau, registrar John Stuber's office takes over. Forthere, all official academic records for each student are kept. From this department also, official requests for transcripts are handled.
rthei ,bills hcas ,checks ro mperfor
enam fo rWalte sKnowle si a rfamilia ,one rfo ti sappear no heac fo rthei paychecks sKnowle sha nbee dassociate hwit uLeTournea rfo a glon etim ni yman tdifferen capacities sA sbusines -man ,ager 'Knowles fchie yresponsibilit swa ot ypa eth scollege' bills
sBusines eOffic oT ethos sstudent owh kwor rfo eth ,college eth
rLama yTankersle
sman' rtou ,ministry eth ,computers dan scampu .development gOccupyin eth gbuildin hwhic dha eonc nbee eth ,chapel eth sService nDivisio swa
tno dfunde yb edi scollege' .budget eTh sproject dinclude ,are eth ,publicationWNO .Dr -BaulPau
eTh sStjernstrom ddiscusse leditoria ypolic rfo eth ymonthl ,paper NOW eTh sService ,Division wne ot eth ecolleg ni ,1975-76 dresulte mfro eth gcombinin dan -cen gtralizin fo lal sproject drelate ot eth ,college tbu
lSpecia sMinistrie
.Dr lPau nBauma
soversee eth sprogram hwhic ear dgeare dtowar elong-rang fotsuppor eth .college
eTh dFun si ddivide oint ethre :divisions dplanne ,giving lgenera ,development dan lfinancia .affairs oAls gcomin runde eth sFund' njurisdictio si eth iAlumn ,Association ddirecte yb tKen .Olson nJoh rFaulkne sa tpresiden fo eth noperatio
eTh tdevelopmen dan dfun graisin sdutie fo eth ecolleg ear dhandle yb eth uLeTournea eColleg ,Fund a eseparat llega yentit mfro eth college
lGenera tDevelopmen
.Dr hJosep .C rWenninge
rInstructo ni nAviatio yTechnolog
Mr sThoma kClar
eAssociat forProfesso nAviatio
Mr dFloy pBisho
tAssistan forProfesso nAviatio
.Mr rRoge nCa
rLecture ni nRecreatio
Mr lLowel yCanedatAssistan forProfesso lPhysica nEducatio
Mrs yBett eJan eFratzk
rInstructo ni lPhysica
Mr lMichae eFratzk
tAssistan rInstructo ni lPhysica nEducatio
Mr lMichae rGarne
eAssociat rProfesso fo yHistor
Dr hKennet mDurha
tAssistan rProfesso fo yChemistr
Dr sDougla dFor
tAssistan forProfesso
.Mr rRoge dEricksta
Mr lDanie nLarse
tAssistan rProfesso fo yHistor
tAssistan rProfesso fo gWeldin gEngineerin .Dr lPau tKubrich
eAssociat rProfesso fo yChemistr
Dr dRichar nJohnso
Mr mWillia nKielhor
lSpecia rLecture ni lMechanica yTechnolog
Mr nGordo rHuyse
tAssistan rProfesso fo lPhysica nEducatio
Dr dDavi nJorda
Associate Professorof Bible
Assistant Professorof Mathematics
Dr. Kenneth McKinley Dr. Kenneth Roden Dr Richard LeTourneau Lecturer in Industrial ManagementeAssociat forProfesso
.Dr .M eDean eWhit
Dr nJoh rStube rLecture ni yPhilosoph
tAssistan rProfesso fo sBusines nAdministratio
.Dr aOr xMa nWellma
Mr lEar nThompso rProfesso fo eAutomotiv
eAssociat forProfesso gEngineerin yTechnolog
Mr sDougla sSander
eAssociat rProfesso fo hSpeec
Dr dDavi eSpragu
tAssistan rProfesso fo gEngineerin yTechnolog
.Mr dRichar dwoospottS
Dr. Julian A. Bandy
Toccoa Falls, Ga.
John E Caldwell LosAngeles, Ca
Gordon M Cathey Nyack, NY
Joseph J Castiglia Hamburg, NY
Robert G Coleman Longview
Margaret V. Estes Longview
John F. Faulkner
Paul E. Glaske
Longview, Tx Longview,
Rev. Billy Graham Montreal
Dr. Harry T. Hardwick Longview, Tx.
Paul M. Johnson Birmingham, Mich.
Ben LeTourneau Longview, Tx.
R G LeTourneau II Houston
Mrs. R. G. LeTourneau Longview
Richard H LeTourneau Longview,
Justin G Longenecker Waco,
Lloyd A Molby Longview, Jim Molzahn Littleton,
Rev. E. Nielsen Dallas,
Dr. David Pewterbaugh York,
Clarence O. Swanson Longview, Tx.
NelsE. Stjernstrom Longview, Tx.
George H. Webber Rockville, Md.
Several times yearly, the trustees congregate in Longview to discuss pertinent issues affecting the running of LeTourneauCollege
sthi ryea yb Dr nJusti Longenecker
dBoar fo sTrustee smeet lsevera stime yyearl ot sdiscus tpertinen sissue sa lwel sa glon erang splan fo eth .college eTh etwenty-thre rmembe ,board grepresentin lal ssector fo eth ,country swa dchaire
nChairma fo eth dBoar dBoar sDirect eColleg yPolic dCharge hwit eth yresponsibilit fo gformulatin lgenera ecolleg ,policies eth uLeTournea eColleg
nJusti .G rLongenecke
After absorbing the resignation of Jeff Baker and undergoing the slow, painful ordeal of electing a vice presidential replacement, the Senate enjoyed a good year. Retreat, Homecoming, the Christmas float, and Frontier Week could all be labelled
well-planned successes. Under president David Oakes, the Senate sponsored a blood drive and created a campus prayer room The Senate constitution experienced careful review and some revisions throughout the year.
lPau lGraybil
rRoge eLang
mTi eMcGuir
nDaw nMatheise
eStev mBeacha
nCarso rFishe
ySherr nLarse
kMar mSjoblo
yBeck sBate
eBerni sHaye
yBarr nBrow
nJoh pBisho nDa sSchwitter
lPhi yYorge
hRut nHartshor
mJi nThomso nBe tSchuber
cEri rHause
kJac sAdam lWendel sSimmon
sRos sBean
eDav nWootte
eLe yBeach
nGordo dOskneva
eDav tStrai
hKeit dHibbar
kMar nFreise
eDal rWeave
kMar hSmit
nJoh sRea
eLanc rBehyme
tAr nSalati
yRa rFarra
eDav sOake
eStev sRea
yBets nAnderso
,Farrar ;Treasurer dan sRos ,Beans Vice-Chairman
eSenat sofficer dpicture mfro :left eDav ,Oakes ;President yBets ,Anderson ;Secretary -Ray
dmonThirteen LeTourneau seniors were honored by selection to the 1976 edition of Who's Who in American Colleges and Universities. Students receiving the award were chosen for their general contributions to campus life Academic achievement, extra-curricular activities, and involvement both on and off campus are the standards by which the thirteen were chosen.
Bruce Barlow Brian Bogart Ken Farrar Wendy Gray Paul Graybill Leora YardeJoyc tSeiber
rRoge rKieffe
Paul Graybill
Wendy Gray
Jack Adams
Marc Bacon
Dave Baird
Jerry Cramblett
Keith Hibbard
Byron Montgomery
Bill Patterson
Mark Sjoblom
Vernon Wilson
Pictured from left: Wendy Gray, Jack Adams, Paul Graybillna ,excellent ghard-workin wcre fo -photogra spher
ntio fo eth kyearboo twen rtogethe hwit -difelittl yficult , a tfac eattributabl ot fstaf eexperienc dan
tfirs ;problem on eon sknow twha dcreate eth -sec .ond eDespit ethes ,burdens eth lbicentennia -edi
dan a esever klac fo .staffers nInflatio dcause eth
runde otw shandicap - a lperennia mprobletbudge
eTh 6197 RPIONEE fstaf dworke eth eentir ryea
Art Salatin
Feature Editor
Esther Lum
Sports Editor
Stan Watne
Vern Wilson
Keith Hibbard
Jerry Gramblett
Staff Writers
Ken Johnson
Nesa Cramblett
Alan Griffin
Paul Graybill
Roger Lange Doyle Peterson
Art Salatin, Editor Ralph Gilbert, AdviserTJACKE fstaf dendeavore ot eachiev eth lnationa
rUnde tfirs ryea ,editor tAr ,Salatin eth -YELLOW
sfirst-clas grankin hwhic swa ynearl dattaine eth spreviou .year nO ealternat sTuesday fo eth ,month eth tlayou fstaf dtoile glon oint eth tnigh ni na teffor ot tge eth rpape tou no time -Through tou eth ,year eth rnewspape tkep eth tstuden ybod dsupplie hwit scampu ,news sa lwel sa apizz dan rhamburge .coupons
;Watne :Top yJerr ,Cramblett rEsthe
,Wootten tAr ,Salatin
dPicture mfro ,left mbotto :row eDoyl ,Peterson nKe ,Johnson eDav aNes ,Cramblett lPau ,Graybill nSta .LumaLorett
hMat nEducatio
eJoyc tSeiber
lPhysica nEducatio
yJerr dLoy
uLeTournea sCollege' yonl yhonorar .club
ot eth tstuden ybod sa eth tnewes smember fo
.club tA a lspecia ,chapel eth nte ear dintroduce
ear dpicke yb eth yfacult rfo pmembershi ni eth
dGol yKe .Club hEac ,year nte goutstandin ssenior
squalitie dpossesse yb lal fo eth smember fo eth
,Loyalty ,leadership dan glearnin ear eth ethre
lPhysica nEducatio
rRoge rKieffe
Lance Behymer
Mike Omstead
Sue Britt
Richard Barrett
eDav tStrai
eShere nChapma rTreasure
eWayn nLlverma ySecretar
lWendel sSimmon
Chuck White
Tim McGuire
Crystal Weichmann
aLeor dYar
eMichell dHowar ySecretar
nSta eWatn tVice-Presiden
Meeting regularly in the Science Building, the Missionary Union became one of the more active groups on campus Each Tuesday, members gathered to hear speakers from various mission boards Students who had spent a summer abroad working in the Summer Missions Program also spoke at
several meetings. A union of Missionary Fellowship, STAG, and Wings for Witness, the Missionary Union was formed this year to promote the common interests of the three, yet allowing the groups to maintain their separate identities.
eWhit dpreside sa tpresiden fo eth norganizatio sthi .year
eth sfacilitie fo .K5JEF sUser fo eth gri yregularl emad scontact ni yman nforeig .countries kChuc
yopponunit ot yenjo eth mha oradi yhobb hthroug
rFo ramateu oradi ,buffs eth ecolleg sprovide eth
:are kChuc eWhit dan tBren ,Stewart sofficer fo FK5JE gdurin eth 61975-7 lschoo year
dPictureEach spring, two groups of students postpone the summer vacation for six weeks. These groups are the LeTourneau Singers who annually minister for the Lord in song, and in doing so, create more awareness of the college and its ministry. This year, one group headed northeast, to tour Pennsylvania and Ohio. The other one headed for Florida and other Southeastern states.
Jon Bromley, Candy Wilson, Ruth Hartshorn, Sylvia Wallis, and Vern Wilson toured Florida for six weeks in the spring of 1976.lwel sa ethos hwit a lgenera tinteres ni diving oT erais ,funds eth bclu dsponsore a hfull-lengt emovi e"Blu rWate - eWhit "Death ni eth lfal semester ,Additionally strip ewer emad ot lloca slake ot eengag ni gdivin .activity
gHavin dstarte elat ni eth 51974-7 lschoo ,year eth gDivin bClu ni 61975-7 denjoye sit tfirs lful ryea fo existence dSponsore yb Dr dDavi -Hart ,man eth bclu scontain yman dregistere ,divers sa
dPicture mfro ,left tfron :row nKe ,Petersen eBruc ,Dodds dCha ,Chang yRand ,Rodebaugh mIbrahi ,Zabaneh nOwe -Blickens ;derfer dSecon tRober:row ,Peterson kMar ,Smith mWillia ,Autrey .Dr ,Hartman dRichar ,Thompson lPhi ,Martin eStev .Lund
Directed by Dave Benson, the Pep Band again provided much needed enthusiasm at all home basketball games. Playing both before the games and at halftimes, the members were happy to see the Jackets come through with a victory several times. The band also played for the daily chapel services on special occasions throughout the year.
Pictured left to right, front row: Jim McMahan, Dan Vanderley, Jack Hughes, Dave Adler, Robert Peterson; Second row:Jim Wahlstrom, Steve Quigg, Beth Ewald, Loren Deal, Dave Benson (Director); Third row: Dick Smith, Joe Forrest, David PeettBren ,Stewart dan ;LindquistnLy :Standing eDav ,Benson ,Director dan yNanc ,Longenecker .pianist
;Hartshorn dThir ;row lLynel ,Friesen sDenni ,Nybro
dSecon :row eSu ,Britt
hRut ,Mclntosh aSylvi ,Wallis yCand ,Wilson dan hRut
dPicture mfro ,left tfron :row kRic ,Stewan kRic ,Walker ,HaroldbBo dan ;JohnsontBren
rUnde eth ndirectio fo eDav ,Benson eth uLeTournea rchoi dprovide na yopportunit rfo tinvolvemen rfo ethos owh yenjo lvoca .music tThroughou eth lschoo ,year eth pgrou drehearse etwic yweekl ni eth yAssembl .Hall eTh rchoi swa dfeature ni lsevera schapel heac semester
In the bustle of daily campus activity, one group of dedicated individuals is often overlooked Aiding the husband through college can be burdensome, as many members of the Student Wives Club can attest Sponsored jointly by Mrs Tom Compton and Mrs. John Faulkner, the Wives Club involved itself in several functions. They pre-
sented a chapel program, held a Valentine's sweetheart banquet, and sold refreshments at the Enduro. Wives of graduating husbands received a PHT (Pushing Hubby Through) degree of theirown in ceremonies held in late April Teresa Homan served as president of the group.
sOfficer dpicture mfro :left .Mrs nKe ,Durham .Mrs nJoh ,Faulkner .Mrs tRober ,Ralston .Mrs eJo ,McGraw .Mrs lHaze ,Obetz Mrs mTo ,Comptom Mrs yHarr ,Hardwick dan Mrs yLarr Anderson
The Business Club completed its second year of operation since its reorganization under the sponsorship of Dr. O. M. Wellman. Club membership is open to both Business Administration majors and those who held an interest in business related topics. When illness befell Dr. Wellman during the spring semester, President Randy Rodebaugh guided the club through the remainder of the year.
dtoure lsevera wLongvie -indus .strie
ytionall gdurin eth ,year SAW
hEac gmeetin dfeature a tgues rspeake mfro .industry -Addi
mlia ,Kielhorn tme .monthly
runde eth padvisershi fo -Wil
ranothe eactiv .year eTh ,club
gWeldin ySociet dexperience
tden rchapte fo eth nAmerica
uLeTournea eColleg -stu
Following a one year period of general inactivity, the campus chapter of IEEE returned to life. Guided by co-sponsors Richard Spottswood and Bill Graff, the club began meeting regularly again to discuss topics of common interest. The club also made its annual tour of the facilities of television station KLTV in Tyler. On several occasions, special guest speakers lectured the assembled members
;Claypool dSecon :row
yLarrkDic ,Jeffries mTi ,Kostaroff kMar ,Stephens eDav ,Wootten .Dr .Ralston
,Kelso sJame ,Hemmes kRic ,Kaufman lCar ,Mattson eJo ,Scott
norganizatio fo eth esam name
gseekin naffiliatio hwit eth ,national lprofessiona
gmanufacturin careers ,Presently eth bclu si
gin stopic fo tinteres ot ethos dinterestesstudent ni
sEngineer (SME) eTh bclu tme ,monthly -discuss
tstuden rchapte fo eth ySociet fo gManufacturin
gJoinin eth rroste fo scampu sclub sthi ryea .theswa
Comprised of letter-earning members of LeTourneau sports teams, the Letterman's Club can be seen in action at most basketball games. The club sells refreshments at these events, the profits of which go toward the annual awards ban-
quet held late in the spring semester At the banquet, varsity jackets and letters are awarded. Also, extramural and intramural trophies are presented to the appropriate player or team.
Pictured from left, front row: Steve Wildasin, Kevin Jackson, Ron Van Vranken, Jeff Shaver, Dusty Strayer, Darrel Caneday, Larry Lunsford; Second row: Roger Kieffer, Jerry Loyd, David Parker, Bonnie White, Don Beacham, Joey Pipak, Doug Welch, and Dr David Jordan, Advisor,Ingram nByro ,Montgomery lPau ,Colvin nDa ,Schwitters nVa ,Abel kMar ,Stephens lJoe ,Cranbaugh dBernar ,Banzhaf nJo ,Mensonides nDa ,Swanson nVer ,Swanson nJoh
hLeig,Seiffert sJame ,Lund
gnin fo eon tsprin erac dan oals dshortene eth
heac .year tInclemen rweathe dhindere eth -run
a mslalo ear lal gbi sevent no eth scampu rcalenda
.Society nA nope ,house ethre tgo-kar ,races dan
yvisabl eactiv sorganization si eth eAutomotiv
nI eth ecours fo eth lschoo ,year eon fo eth tmos
ySociet sContinue yBus eSchedul
After a near brush with extinction several years ago due to a general lack of interest, the Rodeo Club this year showed that it wasindeed alive and full of life. President Wendell Simmons guided the group of active members to a successful year. With some financial aid from
the Senate and a good dose of fine weather, the Club produced a profit from its annually sponsored affair the LeTourneau College Stampede which returned to the Gladewater Arena this year after a one year absence.
sThi ,year eth lCounci tbough otw sflag dan dplace mthe ni eth dthir rfloo etheatr fo eth -Stu tden .Center
sguest yma rtou eth shouse dan tmee eth .members
ssentative mfro heac ,society sserve sa a ggovernin ybod rfo eth efiv scampu .societies hEac ,semester eth lCounci ssponsor na nOpe eHous ni hwhic
eTh yIntersociet ,Council dcompose fo otw -repre
lPau ,Graybill nDa ,Tarr kRic ,Kaufman mJi ,Bromley yLarr .Claypool
dPicture mfro ,left tfron :row kMar ,Nymeyer tAr ,Salatin yBarr ,Brown mTi ;Eppinger dSecon :row dRichar ,Thompson
eStev -For
nDa ,Webber dE ,Reister
lPau tKubrich
Mr hRalp tGilber
lPau gYoun
yBill gYoun
lPhi yYorge
nDa rWebbe nDo fWikof
mTi eWallac nVer nWilso
eDav sStoltzfu
eDav rStauffe
tAr nSalati
dE rReiste
yPerr tPus
nKe nPeterso .Dr
lPhi nOlse
kMar rNymeye
mTi nMoo
eDav sLuca
yTerr dLoy
eStev eLov
nJoh eLe
lCar yHarve
yRand nHartma
eStev yForce
eBruc sDodd
nKe sBurkin
.Dr eDean eWhit
.Dr dDavi nHartma
eStev sThoma
yGerr nThiese
ePet rStrubha
eJo kPipa
kMar gPaulin
eStev nNielse
yLarr dLunsfor
eStev pLem
hKiet dHibbar
eDal eHardtk
lPau lGraybil
dRaymon rFarra
mTi rEppinge
.T tRober oCreg
nRo sBurn sJame eCours
kMar sAhleniu
sOfficer dpicture mfro :left mTi ,Eppinger lPau ,Graybill dan tRober .Crego sMember
Mr lBil nKeilhor
Mr rRoge rCar
eDal rWeave
eMik dSwinefor eMik hSmit dRichar nThompso
lCar nMattso nDa tNewquis yBarr sPhillip yRand hRodebaug
nArde tHun
kChuc yBushe yLarr lClaypoo lLynel nFreise kMar gHenneber
nJo yBromle yBarr nBrow
nDa rTar
eJo nSwenso
eStev nSutto
yWood dRolan
nStephe sRea
yLarr nRobinso
dBra nOlso
nJoh sMorri
yLarr rMille
nJonatha aMeji
mTi nLarso
dE sLandi
yRa yKingsle
dRichar kFis
mWillia nEwi
yJerr lCasse
mTo tBur
yLarr nAlle
sOfficer dpicture mfro :left nDa ,Tarr yRa ,Kingsley eStev ,Reas dan yLarr Allen sMember
Mr eJo wMcGra
.Dr mTo nCompto
nJoh sWilliam
eStev nWildasi
nSta eWatn
nRo nVa nVranke
nKe hTiefenbac
lNoe nPassa
dE rMcAliste
rRoge rKieffe
lPau gKin
kRic nKaufma
nKevi nJackso
tScot gHelbin
yGerr tCramblet yRand nFolkma
mTo rCowpe
lIsrae oCorder
mJi yBromle
lPau sBeer
sLoui rBeele
Under new head coach Bob Thiesen, the Yellowjacket soccer team experienced its share of lows and highs throughout the season. Most of the games were decided by a one goal margin, and only once were the Jackets defeated badly. The most memorable victory was the 1-0 upset of the strong SMU Mustangs. Lacking a potent attack on offense, the team relied on its defense, finishing with a 35-3 overall record.
Sophomore Dave Stoltzfus missed most of the season after suffering a knee injury.
rbolste eth
htoug tJacke defense tMos fo eth sgame ewer eclos sa ni yonl eon swa eth lfina nmargi emor
rSenio ,halfback yGerr ,Thiesen dhelpe
dplaye ni sles ntha lidea ,conditions sthi ryea eth sJacket denjoye dgoo gplayin
scondition ni tmos fo rthei games
eUnlik eth spreviou ryea nwhe yman sgame ewer
Many times, that last all important
would not develop and the offensive
A stingy defense enabled the Jackets to win three Robert Thiesen, a LeTourneau alumnus, served as the head coach, games and tie three others.sDalla tBaptis
sDalla tBaptis rBaylo
nAusti eColleg
Paradoxically, the Yellowjacket team with the best record this year was probably the least satisfied with it. Coming off a second place finish last year, the Jacket wrestlers held valid hopes for a team title this time around. Early season victories, including one over the reigning champ, did little to sway this opinion. But when the state tourney ended, the team had to settle for a highly respectable, yet disappointing, fourth place finish However, the squad did boast two individual state champs in Ross Beans and Stan Watne.
Eyeing the Scoreboard and clock, Steve Wildasin wasin the 150Ib classeStev ,Wildasin nSta ,Watne dan sRos ;Beans :Standing eDoyl ,Peterson hRic ,Hobein nDo ,Wikoff rRoge ,Kieffer yRand ,Hartman dan yAnd Briggs
position ,Kneeling mfro :left mTo nCompto ,(coach) lKar ,Anderson bBo ,McCutcheon
shi .opponent nVetera dsqua ,member yRand ,Hartman dmaneuvere rfo a rbette
rRoge rKieffe dendeavore ot ngai lcontro fo
eFratzk dan tBer .Greer gInfusin wne dbloo ewer nfreshme sstandout yGu yBradberr dan kRic nVa .Beek gRelyin no eth tfas kbrea eoffens ot toffse a theigh ,disadvantage eth scager etwic tpu emor ntha 010 spoint no eth .Scoreboard yJerr ,Loyd a dsecon mtea lal econferenc ,player dle eth mtea ni .scoring nI eBonni eWhit dan eth yTerr ,Loyd eth sJacket dpossesse eth pto otw srebounder ni eth gBi eStat .Conference
dsoli snucleu rfo eth mtea dcoache yb eMik
0.50 kmar ynearl lal season nVetera splayer -Bon eni ,White ,Terry dan yJerr dLoy dprovide eth
esam cbasi dsqua ttha dha nwo yonl otw sgame eth spreviou ,season sthi syear' mtea dflirte hwit eth
dturne ni rthei tbes drecor ni rfou .years hWit eth
rbuzze dsounde ni elat ,February eth sdribbler dha
eSophomor eBonni eWhit dle eth gBi eStat eConferenc ni rebounding nPreseaso sprognosticator tforecas a glon rwinte rfo sYellowjacket lbasketbal ,fans tbu nwhe eth lfina
In his senior year, Terry Loyd again proved invaluable in controlling both the offensive and defensive backboards.
esiv estyl fo play
sCoache eFratzk dan rGree dmotivate rthei splayer ,well ginspirin na -aggres
mFro eth ,outside eBonni eWhit swa eth
hFros yGu yBradberr swa eth -ball .handler
sbasket fof fo eth tfas break
dscore yman fo shi
hWit a 216. gscorin ,average yJerr
dskille dan dexperience scompetitor fo eth
gWinnin eth ecolleg mtea etitl swa rTyle .College
lIndividua dan mtea -competi ntio ewer .featured lSevera uLeTournea sstudent nwo shonor ni rthei erespectiv .divisions
eColleg eKarat .Championships
tMos fo eth 57 scompetitor ewer mfro eth rTyle-Longview .aare nI yearl ,April eth uLeTournea mgymnasiu ebecam eth esit fo eth dsecon lannua uLeTournea
For a while, everything looked rosy for the Yellowjacket baseballers as the team jumped off to a 5-4 record Butthen the roof fell in, and the team finished the season with a disappointing 5-17 record Lack of depth hurt Coach Mike Garner's squad, especially after injuries began to accumulate. Despite the record, the Jackets often played well but were hurt by a bad inning or two each game. Seniors Joe Pipak, Doug Welch, Lou Beeler, and Roger Kieffer provided the solid nucleus and played well in their final varsity season.
Veteran Lou Beeler's season was cut short by a badly broken right armeTh dwell-manicure
dprovide a esit rfo hmuc gexcitin lbasebal action
dConra nVerno dFiel gHustlin ot escor ranothe tJacke nru swa esophomor nVanRo VrankenThe 1976 Jacket tennis effort under new coach Lamar Tankersley began slowly, but by late April, had showed marked improvement Don Beacham, Tim Moon, and Sam Seifert held down the top three positions on this team which posted a seventh place conference finish in tourney competition held in Marshall Tim Moon captured the award for being the high scorer in match play for the team.
Playing close to the net provided this opportunity for an easy point.
Dusty Loewe was one of Coach Tankersley'stop five playerseTh tJacke snetter tspen glon shour ni ,practice gsharpenin rthei sskill rfo nDo mBeacha ddisplaye shi pto dsee .form
The Yellowjacket golf team closed out what ultimately proved to be its last varsity season with a sixth place Big State Athletic Conference finish Wet weather hindered early season performances, but by season's end, the play was more consistent and the scores more respectable. Sophomore David Faulkner earned a medalist trophy for his skill and leadership throughout the course of the season.
On a dew-soaked green, Wayne Liverman eyed his short putteTh nseaso gendin ttournamen dhelswa ni
mTea sscore dimprove yconsistentl sa eth nseaso wdre ot a .close
MarshallPerforming an underrated and often thankless task, the 1975-76 cheerleading squad rallied fan support behind the Jacket cagers. From the season's inaugural until the last game, the squad appeared at every home game, generating school spirit This year for the first time, the squad travelled to several road games to provide a little home support for the team.
Fan spirit generated by the cheerleaders helped create a winning team attitude The tensions of the game were seen in Dawn Mathiesen's facemas high
eTim sout ta ehom sgame ewer ganythin tbu tquie sa eth sgirl tkep -enthusi
eVarco dcaptaine eth .squad
sMember fo eth 61975-7 gcheerleadin dsqua dinclude :(kneeling)
aEls sInni dan yShell Varcoe :Standing nDaw ,Mathiesen nFra ,Powell dan eJuli Niewald yShellInvolving themselves in competition other than that offered in intramurals, several coeds, under the direction of Betty Jane Fratzke, formed a team and entered the Longview City League For most of the spring semester, January through March, the team journeyed to the Pine Tree Jr. High gym each Tuesday evening where the games were held. The eight team league provided several tough opponents, but to coeds, relying on solid team play, managed to make a respectable showing.
The coeds played each Tuesday night, January through the end of March.eJan eFratzk ,organized dtraine dan dcoache eth team
gLackin a tpoten gspikin ,capability eth scoed demphasize kteamwor ni lal fo rthei .games
The women's IM calendar featured field hockey competition for the first time. While the men were engaged in the volleyball season, the coeds were outdoors in the late summer heat, exhausting themselves in seemingly futile dashes after the elusive ball
Four teams were involved in the competition, and at season's end, the team captained by Esther Stoltzfus emerged victorious.
This year marked the first year of competition for field
The second sport on the coed IM sports calendar was volleyball which involved four teams
Using a round-robin type format, each team played the others three times to total nine games
Games were played each Monday and Thursday
pchampionshi ta sseason' .end
rLongenecke dclaime eth lunofficia
dcaptaine yb yNanc
dplaye a ltota fo enin .matches eTh mtea
gUsin a nround-robi -for ,mat heac mtea
no eth ,ball aDonn nChapma dprepare ot tse rfo a .spike
lvolleybal .competition
,coeds denjoye lintramura
rFou ,teams ginvolvin lsevera ndoze
rfo MI
Coed intramural participants began basketball competition early in the spring semester Two teams - one captained by Nancy Longenecker, the other by Ruth Calkins - comprised the entire league. Longenecker's team won all of the six games played, but after the first two contests, the teams were evenly matched and played exciting basketball.
Wiechmann's shot hangs on the rim while many players await the rebound.
Games began promptly at 6:30 p.m and were played on Mondays and Thursdays, soon after the start of the second semester.
ChrystaltMos fo eth sgame ewer thard-fough struggles
rbreathe rfo dwinde players
econsecutiv victories
Bowling (Team)
Bowling (Individual)
Golf (Team)
Golf (Individual) -
Free-Throw Contest (Team)
--Alpha Omega
--Alpha Omega
--Alpha Omega --Alpha Omega
--Alpha Omega
Billy Young
Dave Huthwaite
Mark Nymyer
Ken Burkins
Carl Harvey
•-Roger Erickstad (F/S)
Lowell Caneday
Don Connors
John Faulkner
Lamar Tankersley
--Wayne Liverrnan (3A)
--Kappa Zeta Chi
Jon Bromley
Steve Prater
Larry Claypool
Dave Dufendach
Mark Henneberg
Free-Throw (Individual) - Jon Bromley
Swim Meet (Team)-- Dorm 4A
Swim Meet (Individuals) -
50 yd. backstroke - Randy Nelson (4)
50 yd breaststroke - Bruce Smith (35)
50 yd. butterfly - Karl Anderson (4A)
50 yd freestyle - Bruce Smith (35)
100 yd. freestyle — Randy Nelson (4)
100 yd. freestyle relay --3A
Andy Briggs
Steve Woodward
Brad Anderson
100yd medley relay
John Bygrave Dorm 4A
Karl Anderson
Jim Ozinga
Robert Peterson
n-Jo yBromle )(KZX yNanc )(WRHrLongenecke y—Bill )(AOgYoun mTi nMoo )(AO
MI rHono )(WomendAwar MI sCaptain' dAwar MI hHig tPoin dAwar —
I sTenni -(Singles) w.n n-Ro hRaus )(4 y-Ra )(2AsWell sDenni nChi yLo m-Ti nMoo )(AO MI rHono dAwar )(Men —
eTabl sTenni )(Singles eTabl sTenni s(Double
#148 lDary )(3ByForr #165 eStev nWildasi I(T #181 ,-._-_ eStev yForce )(AO #198 iff" lPau )(AOgYoun .Hwt rRoge )(TKDrKieffe gWrestlin uTa aKapp aDelt #H8 fJef eSchultz )(1A #126 kHar )(KZXgHennebur #134 fjff sReynold )(35 #142 a^.- > nMcCutcheobBo )(3B •#015 •#815 .167# eStev nWildasi )(TKD yRand nFolkman )(TKD yAnd )(3AsBrigg sRos sBean )(1A rRoge rKieffe I(TK #190 .Hwt -1 nSta )(TKDeWatn yTurke tTro )(Individual nMcCutcheobBo )(£B )(Team uTa aKapp tDel lPau gKin yRand nFolkman j — mTo rCowpe / * nRo nVrankenVa
uTa aKapp aDelt
Volleyball was the first team sport on the IM calendar this year
Alpha Omega began its quest of the IM sweepstakes crown by capturing the volleyball championship as well as the total points honors 2B, in a hard-fought final game, fell short of victory and settled for second place. DSPfinished in third position by defeating 3A in the consolation game
Most games were won or lost in frontline action along the netgReachin sa hhig sa ythe ,can otw splayer dattempte ot espik eth lbal dan ngai a point yB gdefeatin A3 ni eth nconsolatio ,game dclaimePDS dthir eplac ni eth .competition
Saturday morning games were quite popular, providing warm weather and good visibility
Pictured are the 1975 IM football champs: Kneeling, from left are: Art Salatin, Phil Yorgey, John Lee, Randy Hartman, Steve Forcey, Dan Webber, Paul Young, and Chuck Davis; Standing are Ken Peterson, D Huthwaite, Perry Pust, T Moon, Billy Young, Dave Stauffer, and Steve Love.dThir dan hfourt splace ewer ntake yb A1 dan PDS -respec .tively rAfte a eon ryea hswitc no eth MI rcalenda hwit eth lvolleybal ,season eth lfootbal nseaso dreturne ot sit rregula etim tslo sthi year
uTa aKapp .Delta nO eth ,cold twe ,field OA dclaime eth etitl hwit a gconvincin 436-1 yvictor rove eth -previ yousl nunbeate DTK .team
sClaim eTitl eTh 5197 MI lfootbal -cham ,pionship dplaye ni a erar tEas sTexa ,snowstorm -fea dture otw lperennia -power shouse - aAlph aOmeg dan
sdiscus eth gupcomin .play
mTea shuddle dserve otw :purposes ot tle dwinde splayer
hcatc rthei ,breath dan otLacking well-disciplined offenses, most teams relied on the quick outlet pass to get a fast break going down the floor
Alpha Omega claimed its third major title of the year by retaining the IM basketball crown from last year. AOswept through its regular schedule undefeated. By overcoming 3A in the semi-finals, AO entered the championship game against 1A. 2Bcaptured the consolation match, nailing down third place in the final standings
Alpha Omega made Intramural sports history at LeTourneau late in the spring semester by capturing the Softball crown. In doing so, AO became the first team ever to capture all four major team championships during the same school year Like its rival 1A in the championship game, AO relied heavily upon its potent offense, but also possessed a solid team defense capable of making the clutch plays.
Steve Wildasin of TKD prepared to toss in another strikegHittin swa a yke rfacto ni eth ssucces fo eth gwinnin teams
rEage shand dwaite rfo eth larriva fo heac ppo fly
tpoin nma ni MI ypla swa mTi nMoo fo AO yNanc -Lon rgenecke nwo eth lindividua MI rhono dawar rfo .women
.KZX mTea ncaptai fo eth ryea swa yBill gYoun fo AO
dawar twen ot nJo yBromle
030 ,Wing ewhil eth -individ
dfeature rspeake rfo eth event yVarsit scoache dintroduce rthei erespectiv steam dan dpraise sindividual rfo lspecia -contrib .utions rFo eth dsecon -consecu etiv ,year aAlph aOmeg nwo eth MI ssweepstake .award eTh mtea psportsmanshi ytroph twen
dhel ni elat April nAlvi dRee fo eth nWashingto sRedskin swa
sution ot eth MI .program yNanc rLongenecke dreceive na dawar rfo -out gstandin .contributions ,Intramural ,extramural dan eintercollegiat ssport -partici spant ewer drecognize ta eth hfourt lannua ssport tbanque
rRoge rKieffe dreceive lspecia nrecognitio rfo shi -contrib
Van Anton Able, SO
Margaret Ackley, SO
Jack Lee Adams, SR
Timothy A. Adkins, SO
David E. Adler, FR
Mark T. Ahlenius, JR
James S Akovenko, SR
Larry S. Allen, SO
Mark D. Alumbaugh, FR
Bradley J. Anderson, SO
Karen J. Anderson, FR
Karl R. Anderson, FR
Lillian E. Anderson, JR
Mark K Anderson, FR
Paul J. Anderton, SO
Donald W. Ansley, JR
David F. Arnold, FR
Benjamin Assam, FR
Jon W. Arrowsmith, SO
William D. Autery, SR
dRichar ,Barrett RF
yJeffre ,Ban RF
eBruc .S ,Barlow RS
dBernar ,Banzhaf OS nStephe ,Baptista RJ
eBruc B ,Balcom RS eLawrenc ,Bandstra RF
eDal .A ,Bakk RF
pPhili ,Bakelaar RF
dDavi .J ,Baird OS
lMica .D ,Baird RF
cMar .R ,Bacon RF
Keith L Bastian, FR
Philip J Bateman, SR
Rebekah A. Bates, FR
David C Bauer, SO
Leland J. Beachy, SO
Donald Beacham, SO
Steve G. Beachan, JR
Dwight D. Beadle, FR
Ross A. Beans, JR
Robert K. Beck, FR
Alan S. Beckett, SR
Paul R Beers, SR
Louis H Beeler, SR
Lance Behymer, FR
Dale E. Bell, SO
Bryan E. Benson, SR
Robert T. Benson, SO
BarthJ. Benton, SO
Lowell Berentsen, SR
Douglas Bergen, FR
kMar H ,Buob OS
nJoh .A ,Bullock RJ
yGregor ,Buchanan RF
lRandal ,Brown RJ
dDavi .R ,Brown RJ
dDavi .N ,Brown RF
yBarr K ,Brown RS
nJonatha ,Bromley RJ
sJame .A RF,Bromley
dRonal .R ,Brittain RF
nSusa E ,Britt RF
nJoh .P ,Brinkerhoff RF
tStewar ,Brinkoeter RF
wAndre .J ,Briggs RJ
tRober .R ,Brandt OS
yGu E ,Bradberry RF
yTimoth .A ,Boyce RF
tErnes M ,Bomar RF
yRo .G ,Bogert RS
nBria .W ,Bogart RS
lJoe ,Blosser RF
yHarve .A ,Block RJ
nOwe ,Blickensderf RF
kFran .C ,Blalock RJ
yTimoth ,Bjornson OS
nJoh .H ,Bishop OS
yLarr .D ,Birdwell RF
dGeral O ,Bird RF
nWarre .S ,Binion RS
nStephe .G ,Biggs OS
eEugen .L ,ordfBick RS
dDavi M ,Best RF
Lori S. Burck, SO
Kenneth Burkins, JR
Ronald S Burns, SR
Rodney A. Burtch, FR
Carl A Burtner, SO
Thomas J Burt, SR
Charles Bushey, JR
John E Bygrave, FR
Ruthanne Calkins, FR
Richard Campbell, SO
Robert Campbell, JR
J. Darrel Caneday, SR
sDougla B ,Cobb OS
yLarr .R ,Claypool RS
rAnve .E ,Classens RF
nJoh H ,Clark RF
sBurn .W ,Clark RF
tRober nWing-ka ,Chu OS
lMichae C ,Christensen OS
sJame A ,Christoferson RF
sDenni .H nChi ,Loy RS
eShere .L ,Chapman OS nStephe .L ,Cheek RS
aDonn .M ,Chapman OS
kChadwic .D ,Chang RF
yGarr .D ,Chambers RF
nEvely .R RF,Chamberlain nStephe ,Chamberlain OS
yJerr L ,Cassel OS
tConan .C ,Can OS
yJeffre .C ,Carlson RF
nKe .E ,Caplet RS
David P Colvin, JR
Patrick Colvin, FR
Gary C Condit, FR
Lida L. Cook, SR
Douglas M. Coon, JR
Israel Cordero, SO
Jose D Cosa, SO
Richard Counsellor, SR
James R. Course, SO
Andrew D Cowles, JR
Timothy Cowper, FR
Thomas J Cowper, SO
Lawrence Craig, SO
Gerald Cramblett, SR
Nesa Cramblett, FR
Paul L. Craymer, SR
Thomas Crego, SR
James Crews, FR
Joel Cronbaugh, SR
Timothy Crosier, SO
Donald H Cross, SR
Paul A. Grouse, FR
Charles Curtis, JR
Donald Cutler, FR
Jeffrey A Cutler, JR
William Cutler, FR
Kevin L Damon, FR
VickiL Dahn, SR
Marlin Danielsen, FR
Charles E. Davis, SR
James Davis, FR
Jonathan Davis, FR
lDanie ,Duda RS
nStephe ,Dubert OS
pPhili ,Dubert RF
mWillia ,Dubas OS
lDanie ,Doenges RJ
eBruc ,Dodds RJ
lJoe ,Dingeldien RF
lPau fDif ,erfender OS
tRober ,Dias OS
eTerrenc ,Devries OS
yLarr .D ,Devries RS
yRo W ,Delgatty RS
yLarr ,Delgaty OS
tGarret ,Dejong OS
sJame .T ,Deibel OS
dDonal ,Decurtis OS
hGriffit ,Decker RF
sJame ,Dearman RJ
nLore D ,Deal RF
rWalte ,Dawson OS
Thomas Duddles, SO
Charles Duell, SR
Mary Ann Duell, SR
David Dufendach, FR
Alexander Dufton, FR
Stephen Dunbar, FR
Patricia A Dutton, SO
Donald Durrett, FR
William Ebener, SO
James Elkins, FR
Richard Elsdon, SR
Michael Emmons, JR
Timothy Eppinger, SO
Candace Wilson, JR
William Eppler, FR
Carrie Erickstad
Edgar Exhleman
James Everding, SO
James Evans, JR
Elizabeth Ewald, SO
,Francis ,Fiore RF
lPau ,Finch RF
lMichae ,Ferrell RF
eJos ,Ferreira RF
nJoh .P ,Faulkner RS
dDavi ,Faulkner OS
nJoh ,Faucett RF
dRaymon ,Farrar OS
hKennet ,Farrar RS
lEmmanue ,Farnese RF
sDougla ,Fagley RF
mWillia ,Ewin OS
Carson Fischer, FR
David Fisher, FR
Richard Fisk, SO
Bruce Fivecoat, SO
Melvin Flowers, FR
Randall Folkmann, JR
Stephen Forcey, JR
Tim Ray Ford, FR
Joseph Forrest, FR
Daryl Forry, FR
John Foster, FR
Jerry Foulk, SR
Lawrence Fouts, FR
Russell Frank, FR
Arlin Fratzke, FR
Paul Frew, SR
Mark Friesen, JR
Lynell Friesen, SO
Lowell Frye, JR
Tony Fryman, FR
Gregory Fuchs, FR
David Gardner, JR
Philip Gardiner, JR
Philip Garrison, FR
Geoffrey Gathungu, FR
Michele Gaunt, FR
Gregory Gebhardt, FR
Scott George, FR
David Gerdes, JR
Guy Gerrard, JR
Richard Gilson, FR
Timothy Gingrich, FR
dDavi ,Harris RF
tRober ,Harold RF
eSuzann ,Hare RJ
eDal ,Hardtke RS
rPete ,Haney RF
yGar ,Haller OS
nSteve ,Haglin RS
nJoh ,Haagen RF
dRichar ,Guthrie RS
sCarlo ,Guerrero RF
yTimoth ,Grover RS
nJoa ,Griparis OS
nSteve ,Grimm RS
nStephe ,Greenman OS
lPau ,Graybill RS
yWend ,Gray RS
aNovell RF,Gray
lPau ,Grant RF
yJeffre ,Gould OS
eRonni ,Goines RF
Kenneth Hartman, FR
Allen Hartman, SO
Randall Hartman, FR
Ruth Hartshorn, FR
Carl Harvey, SO
Eric Hauser, FR
Edward Hayes, JR
Douglas Haynes, SO
Stephen Hayes, SO
George Haymond, FR
James Hawes, SR
George Heggan, FR
Carolyn Heil, SO
Bruce H. Helin, FR
John Helbing, FR
William Helton, JR
James Hemmes, JR
Mark Henneberg, SO
Donald Henry, SR
George L Herb, SR
yJa ,Hostetter RF
lPau ,Homey RF
nJoh ,Homan RS
lDary ,Hoffman OS
tBren ,Hoff RF
dRichar ,Hobein RF
nSharo ,Hill RF
hKeit ,Hibbard OS
nCarlto ,Heston RJ
eMerl ,Hertzler RF
nJoh ,Herrmann RF
lDanie ,Herrmann OS
Michelle Howard, SR
Mark W Howard, SR
Timothy Howrey, FR
Ray G. Huey, SR
JohnM. Hughes, FR
William Huggan, SR
Arden Ray Hunt, SO
Leigh Hunt, SR
Shannon Hunt, SR
Dave Huthwaite, SO
Philip Ingram, SR
Elsa Lyn Innis, SO
Susan Iversen, FR
Edward M. Iwan, SO
Gary Jackson, SO
Kevin Jackson, SO
Robert Jackson, SO
John M. Jacobs, JR
Richard Jefferies, SR
David Jensen, FR
yTimoth ,Kostaroff RS
nCalvi ,Kooy RF
eMehdi ,Kohanloo RS
nAla .J ,Koch RF
sJame ,Knowlton OS
sJame ,Kladifko RF
nStephe ,Kirsling RS
kMar ,Kirsling OS
aDan ,Kirchstein RF
yTimoth ,Kinney OS
dRaymon ,Kingsley OS
lPau .L ,King RJ
nDonova .J ,King RF
aBrend ,Kindberg OS
dDonal ,Killinger RF
hKennet ,Kienzle RF
tRober ,Kiddy RJ rRoge ,Kieffer RS
nJoh C ,Kelso RS
yRand ,Kelly RF
yRick ,Kaufman RJ
yTon .G ,Karr RF eBruc RF,Kauffmann
nVerno .R ,Justus RF
sThoma .W ,Justus RF
hKennet ,Johnson RF
lPau ,Johnson RF
tJane ,Johnson OS
dDonal ,Johnson RS
tBren ,Johnson RJ
hKeit .P ,Johannes RF
nMoha S ,Jhass RS
Jeffrey Kostreva, SO
Robert Krans, JR
Gary D. Kurr, FR
David K. Kyrk, FR
David A Lacey, SO
Russell H. Lacoste, FR
Philip E Lacy, FR
Chieh LaiChun, SO
Due Van Lam, SR
Curtis Lammey, FR
James Landis, SO
Roger D Lange, FR
yGregor ,Lohmeyer RF
dHarol ,Loewe RJ
eWayn ,Liverman OS
kMar ,Littlejohn RF
lDanie D ,Linser RF
nLyn ,Lindquist RF
nGle ,Lindahl RS
sJame ,Lightfoot OS
eWayn B ,Lewis RF
hKeit ,Leonhardt RJ tHerber .G ,Letney OS
nStephe P ,Lemp OS
yLarr .D ,Lee RS
nJoh .S ,Lee RJ
sJame .E ,Lauver OS kRic .E ,Leasure RF
yTimoth .A ,Larson RF
ySherr ,Larson RS
nNorma .R ,Larsen OS
yHarr W ,Larsen RJ
Nancy Longenecker, JR
Stephen Love, SO
Jerry W. Loyd, SR
Terry G Loyd, SR
Charles Lucas, JR
David W Lucas, SO
David Luckert, SO
Richard Ludwigson, FR
Esther Lum, JR
James H Lund, SR
Steven R. Lund, SO
David Lundgren, SO
David Lundquist, SR
Larry Lunsford, SO
Jerry W Lynch, SO
David McAfee, JR
Peter McAfee, FR
Arthur McAlister, SR
Marks. McCall, SO
Richard McClain, FR
Robert McCutcheon, FR
Elaine McDaniel, FR
Donald McGraw,SR
Timothy McGuire, JR
Alice Mclntosh, SR
Ruth Mclntosh, FR
Daniel McKenrick, FR
Kiel McKenrick, FR
James McMahan, FR
Kevin McMains, SR
Max A. Mabry, FR
Edwin Macdonald, SO
nGordo ,Metsker RS
tRober ,Mertz OS
dRonal ,Merrin OS
lDanie ,Merrick RF
nJonatha ,Mejia RJ
dEdwar ,Meier RJ
hDebora ,Mayo RF
hRut ,Pierce RJ
lCar ,Mattson RJ
dDavi ,Mason RS nDaw ,Mathiesen RF
sDougla ,Mashburn RF
nJoh .T ,Marx RS
pPhili ,Martin RF
lCar ,Martin OS
gCrai ,Marino RF
sThoma ,Manzo RJ
mKi K ,Manore RS
nJoh ,Madsen RF
sJame ,Mackay RF
Robert Meyer, JR
Timothy Milanowski, SO
Duane Miller, SO
Douglas Miller, SR
Phillip Miller, SR
Stephen Miller, SR
Susan Miller, FR
Alexander Mirzamoghada, FR
James Mitchell, SO
Larry Mitchell, FR
Sharon Mitchell, SR
Vernon S. Mitchell, SR
AlanK. Mock, FR
Michael Monahan, FR
Byron Montgomery, SO
Jonathan Montgomery, SR
Timothy Moon, JR
Walter Moore, SR
Stanley Moore, SO
David Moorhouse, JR
lPau RF,Nasse
nSteve ,Nafziger RF
mWillia ,Naas OS
mWillia ,Myers RF
kPatric ,Murphy RF
lVirgi ,Moyer OS
lDanie ,Mosser RF
eBruc ,Moses RJ
kMar ,Morrison RF
yMar L ,Morris •OS
mWillia ,Morgan RF
yBradle ,Morgan RF
Paul G Nation, JR
Randall Nelson, FR
Larry Newcomer, SO
Sharon Newman, SO
Daniel Newquist, SR
Bruce Newton, SO
Jesse M. Newton, SO
Steven Nielson, SR
Sue Nielsen, FR
Phillip Niewald, SR
James Niuman, SR
Robert Nolder, FR
Richard Noel, JR
Royal Nordeen, FR
Jeffrey Nolt, FR
Kristine Reints, SR
Dennis Nybro, SR
Mark Nymeyer, SR
David M Oakes, JR
Gordon Oksnevad, FR
yTerr ,Pradmore RS
nFra ,Powell RF
nOle ,Porter RS
nRo eLe ,Pontier RJ
nJoh .C ,Plemmons RS
eDuan ,Platz RS
lRandal ,Pirkle RF
hJosep R ,Pipak RS
ySidne ,Pillow RF
dDavi .E ,Phipps OS
fJef .C ,Phillips OS
yBarr ,Phillips RS
tRober ,Peterson OS
eDoyl ,Peterson RF
hKennet ,Petersen RJ
nVerno ,Penrod RF
nJonatha ,Peet RF
sThoma ,Reasland RS
kMar ,Pauling RS
mWillia ,Patterson RF
lNoe ,Passan OS
tRober ,Parrish RF
dDavi ,Parker RJ
sJame ,Ozinga RF
kMar D ,Ott RF
lAnge ,Ortiz OS
sDougla ,Oplinger OS
tRober ,Oneill RF
nGlen ,Onarheim RF
lMichae ,Omstead RF
pPhili ,Olson RJ
yBradle ,Olson RF
Stephen Prater, FR
James Price, JR
Stephen Prosser, JR
Perry D. Pust, SR
Jay C. Puzey, FR
Stephen Quigg, JR
Charles Ramey, FR
Ronald Raush, SO
Steven H. Reas, JR
Harlan Reckling, FR
Larry Record, FR
John S. Rees, SO
minSteve C ,Ross RF
yGar ,Roth OS
nVerno ,Rosenau RS
nSteve ,Roseveare RF
dRichar ,Rosenberger RF
eStev ,Rogers RJ
yRand ,Rodebaugh RS
ySidne ,Roberts OS
dFre ,Ritchey RF
lMichae ,Ringler RJ ,FredRitchey RF
eGeorg ,Riffle OS
nDa .A ,Ries OS
tRober ,Ridder OS
lMichae ,Rice RF tRober ,Richards RS
yJeffre ,Reynolds RF
cMar ,Rettig OS
dEdwar ,Reister RS
dRichar ,Reisman OS
PaulD. Rudy, SO
Dawn Ruge, FR
Harry Saddock, FR
David Safstrom, JR
Carol Sage, SR
Glenn D. Sage, FR
Nathanael Saint, SO
Arthur Salatin, SR
Walter Sampson, SR
John Sanders, SO
Thomas Sanders, FR
Steven Satran, FR
Dennis Saye, FR
Dick Schafer, JR
Paul Schanely, JR
Michael Scheel, SR
Peter Schiller, SR
Brian Schmidt, JR
Benjamin Schubert, SR
John Schultze, SO
Lawrence Schultz, FR
Jeffrey Schulze, SO
Dennis Schumacher, SO
Dan Schwitter, JR
Harry Scott, SR
Joe L. Scott, SR
Jack Scranton, SR
Rick Searls, SR
Joyce Seibert, SR
Sam Seifert, SO
Karl Shaffer, SO
sJame .M ,Snow RS
dRichar ,Smith RF
lMichae .L ,Smith OS
lMichae ,Smith RF
eBruc ,Smith RF kMar A ,Smith OS
tBren ,Smith OS
yStanle ,Slater OS
yTerr ,Skinner RS
nJoh .C ,Simon RF kMar ,Sjoblom OS
lWendel ,Simmons OS
aMarsh ,Simmons OS
sJame ,Sickler RF
dDavi ,Shinen RF
eGeorg ,Shull RF
yJa ,Shearer OS
lPau .B ,Shaw RJ
yJeffre ,Shaver RS
eBruc ,Shauger RF
Curtis Snyder, JR
Timothy Sommer, JR
Donald Spears, FR
Duane Spicer, JR
David Stauffer, JR
John Stegner, FR
Charles Steitler, SR
Norman Steinkraus, FR
Brian Stephens, SO
Mark D. Stephens, JR
Mark K. Stephens, SO
Brent Stewart, FR
lDanie ,Tarr RS
aDian ,Swope RF
lMichae ,Swinefor RS
hJosep ,Swenson OS
nVer ,Swanson OS cEri ,Swartz RF
eGeorg ,Swanson RF
eStev ,Sutton RF
dHowar ,Summerville RF
lCar ,Stutsman OS dDavi ,Sullivan RF
yDoroth ,Stuit RS
sJame ,Strickler RS
sDougla ,Strege RF
dDavi ,Strait OS yDust ,Strayer RJ
rEsthe ,Stoltzfus RS
dDavi ,Stoltzfus OS
sJame ,Stewart RJ
,Stewart OS
Roger W. Tauck, SO
Bruce Taylor, FR
Glenn M. Taylor, FR
Bruce R. Temple, JR
David J Temple, SO
Michael Thomas, SR
Steven Thomas, SR
Byron Thompson, SR
Richard Thompson, SR
Steven R Thompson, JR
James Thomson, FR
Kenneth Tiefenbach, SR
James Timmons, SR
Norma Todd, SO
Ralph K. Todd, SR
Tim Tokatloglou, SO
James M. Tolson, SR
Steven J. Toth,FR
David K. Tou, JR
Joy Trittipoe, FR
yBill ,Watson RF
nSta ,Watne RS
dDavi ,Wankmuller RF
yRodne ,Walzel RF
aSylvi ,Wallis RF
aVirgini ,Wallace OS
aLorett ,Wallace RS
dDonal ,Wallace RJ
dRichar ,Walker RF
aWand ,Walker OS
lMichae ,Walker RJ
sJame ,Wahlstrom RF
yGregor ,Wagner RF
lCar ,Waechter RS
eDeWayn ,Vogt OS
yTimoth ,Visti RF
tScot ,Velting OS
lAbimae ,Velazquez RF
nStephe ,Veele OS
dJeral ,Vaughn RF
yShelle ,Varcoe OS
lKar nVa ,Wie RS
dRonal nVa ,Vranken OS
sThoma nVa ,Vleet OS
dRichar nVa ,Beek RF
lPau ,Vannatto RF
lDanie ,Vanderley RF
lRussel ,Turnquist OS
nStephe .D ,Turner RS
nJoh ,Turnbull RF
hKennet ,Tucker RS
yTimoth ,Trowbridge RF
Barry Waugh, SR
Dale Weaver, SO
David Weaver, SO
Merlin Weber, SR
Daniel Webber, SO
J Douglas Welch, JR
Raymond Wells, SR
B J Werner, FR
Rodger Wesner, SR
Billy West, FR
David Whelchel, SO
Bonnie White, SO
Charles White, SR
Lacy White, FR
Corwin Wiechman, FR
Chiystal Wiechman, JR
Paul Wik, SR
Don Wikoff, SO
Steve Wildasin, JR
Rod Wilday, FR
Dale Wilder, FR
Dennis Williams, SO
Kenneth Williams, JR
William Willoughby, SR
Howard Wilson, SO
Jimmie Wilson, FR
Todd Wilson, FR
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320 ,Blalock kFran yCla 772 rSilve St ,Kingman aArizon 18640
4100 N eBuckey ,Abilene sKansa 06741
320 ,Birdwell yLarr eDal ,Arcadia sTexa 77751 ,166 320 ,Bishop nJoh dHowar
320 ,Bird dGeral nOle 2640 GrdnsSwis ,Toledo oOhi 24361
tFor ,Worth sTexa 97610
320 ,Binion ySidnenWarre oEch1372 Tr
320 ,Biggs nStephe nGlen P.O 314xBo tFor ,Bragg aCaliforni 79543
166 320 ,ordfBick eEugen yLaro 241 eIren Ave ,Ironton aMinnesot 55645
812 ,Best dDavi lMichae 31212 eCastl ,Carmel aIndian 24603
220 ,Bergquam lPau nStephe 8290 tChestnu ,Sacramento aCaliforni 69582
220 ,Bergen sDougla lPau 9370 rOleande nSa ,Diego aCaliforni 69210
220 ,Bentzel hKeit dDavi 1101 nDunca eAvenu ,Cleaiwater aFlorid 63351 ,Berentsen lLowel eWayn Rt 1 xBo 311 ,Bagley aMinnesot 15662
220 ,Benton hBart nJonitha rCarrie411 St ,Liberty wNe kYor 41275
220 ,Benson tRober yTimoth .Rt 1 82xBo ,Mayer aMinnesot 05536
220 ,Benson nBrya nEmerso P.O xBo 365 ,Longview sTexa 17560
,Bell eDal eEugen 440 M St WS ,Quincy nWashingto 89884
,Beeler dHowarsLoui 1212 nTarleto ,Charlottesville tWes aVirgini 12290 ,162 220 ,Behymer eLanc E 520 lMaryknol ,Stillwater aMinnesot 25508
,Franklin aPennsylvani 31632
,Beers lPau lRussel xBo 582
,Penndel aPennsylvani 71904
,Beckett nAla tScot 253 tCrescen
,Beall tScot yKenned 1731 eSpringlak wNe ,Orleans aLouisian 67012 ,Beans sRos nAlle 9303 rFarme eDriv ,Highland aIndian 24632 ,161 220 ,Beck tRober tKen 2322 .E .U.S 02 gRollin ,Prairie aIndian 14637
.W mPlu .St ,Westerville oOhi 14388
,Beadle tDwigh dDavi
,Beacham eStev eGeorg Rt 1 xBo 653 ,Sebring aFlorid 03387 ,156 ,193 220 ,Beachy dLelan lJoe 53 mFro tStree ,Lititz aPennsylvani 31754
,Beacham dDonal pPhili nSuda Int Msn rCeda ,Grove wNe yJerse 90700 ,140 ,173 220
,Bauer dDavi sCharle yCountr110 Cl ,Cheshire tConnecticu 00641
eLittl ,Rock sArkansa 77220
,Bates nRebekahAn
,Bateman pPhili nJoh tCrescen Blvd ,Coraopolis aPennsylvani 81510
,Ban yJeffre nAla 0344 t41s St
,Barlow eBruc nSabi dOl yColon dRoa ,Eastford tConnecticu 20624 ,116 ,122 120
,Baptista nStephe sJame P.O xBo 824 ,Waxhaw hNort aCarolin 32817 120
,Highland aIndian 24632 120 ,Barrett dRichar eLow 55 dDavi dRoa ,Cedargrove yJersewNe 07009 ,124 120 ,Bastian hKeit tLamon Rd. 3 xBo 77 ,Muncy aPennsylvani 61775
088 nAutum Dr
8101 N nWasso ,Stieator sIllinoi 46136
,Anderton lPau sJame
324 W eBridg St ,Delano aMinnesot 85532 020
,Anderson nKevikMar
,Anderson nLillia hElizabet aCasill 2249 aLim 010 uPer 020
112 eAvenu tEasD ,McClusky hNort aDakot 35846 020 ,Allen yLarr lSamue .Rt 2 ,Blanket sTexa 27643 ,150 ,151 020 ,Alumbaugh kMar dDavi P.O xBo 1700 ,Longview sTexa 17560 020 ,Anderson yJayBradle 7214 yPenn Ln ,Napa aMontan 89455 020 ,Anderson nKare nJea 61302 N d42n St ,Omaha aNebrask 26811 020 ,Anderson hRudolplKar 06 tGran St ,Bangor eMain 10440 ,161 ,192 020
,Akovenko sJame yStanle
tWalnu ,Creek aCaliforni 020 89459 ,Arrowsmith eWaynnJo 212 rCallende E ,Peoria sIllinoi 16161 020 ,Autrey mWillia dDavi 210 .W sBarne ,Kaufman sTexa 27514 020 ,Backlund tRober hJosep 651 W nFarmingto aVirgini ,Beach aVirgini 42345 ,Bacon cMar rRoge 121 nVa nBure sEvan ,City aPennsylvani 31603 ,119 120 ,Baird lMica nDea 6150 eRichval ,Houston sTexa 87705 120 ,Baird dDavi nJoh 040 eGag lHil ,Pelham wNe eHampshir 60307 ,119 120 ,Bakelaar pPhili hJosep 411 N fClif Ave ,Sayville wNe kYor 21178 120 ,Bakk eDal nAla 3475 W h80t eAvenu ,Anchorage aAlask 29950 120 ,Balcom eBruc nBria Rt 2 24xBo ,Roscommon nMichiga 34865 120 ,Bandstra eLawrenc wMatthe 64 nJefferso eAvenu nPompto ,Lakes wNe yJerse 20744 ,166 120 ,Banzhaf dBernar eKay xBo 63020 ,Nairobi aKeny 120
,Adams kJac eLe 1320 eKHendal ,Tucson aArizon 68571 ,118 ,137 020 ,Adkins yTimoth nAlle Rt ,1 xBo 026 ,Edgerton oOhi 74351 020 ,Adler dDavi dEdwar 0695 nLeo nDavi ,Tucson aArizon 48850 020 ,Ahlenius kMar dTod 61 eAvenueGal rRive ,Forest sIllinoi 56030 020
440 N sAdam nJunctio ,City sKansa 16644 020 ,Ackley tMargare dTod Apt C9 ,Longview sTexa 17560 020
,Abel nAntonVa
020 ,Arnold dDavi kFran aCaix tPos 958 ,Manaus lBrazi 06900 020 ,Assam nBenjami 04 yLibert St ,Arcake wNe kYor ,156 020 91400 ,Ansley eWayndDonal
Bjornson, Timothy Read 985LaPazRd Santa Barbara, California 203 93108
Blickensderfer, Owen Everett Rt 1 Mott, Iowa 58646 166, 203
Block, Harvey Allen Rt. 3 Box147 Monroe, Washington 98272 203
Blosser, Joel Richard 402 N Indiana Goshen, Indiana 46526 203
Bogart, BrianWayne Northern Road C Winchester, Ohio 43110 83, 116, 122, 203
Bogert, Roy Breen 5 13 3rd St Fairlawn, New Jersey 07410 203
Bomar, Ernest Monroe 2594 Bonnie Dr Santa Clara, California 95051 203
Boyce, Timothy Allen W148N7540 Wdlnd Menomonee Fls., Wisconsin 53051 203
Bradberry, Guy Ernest P.O Box 61 Grand Isle, Louisiana 70358 162, 164, 165 203
Braithwaite, Thomas Dickinson 3937 Homewood Toledo, Ohio 43612
Brandt, RobertRice P.O Box 183 Campina Grande, Brazil 58100 203
Brantley, Irma Dell Box 7001 Longview, Texas 75601
Brantley, Samuel Jackson 1900 S Green #205 Longview, Texas 75601
Briggs, Andrew John Rd 6 Box 266 Manheim, Pennsylvania 17545 161, 203
Britt, Susan Elaine 13635 Jackson Mishawaka, Indiana 46544 124, 133, 203
Brinkoeter, Stewart Eugene P.O Box 357 Simon, Texas 78387 203
Brinkerhoff, John Peter 477 Baxter Ave Wyckoff, New Jersey 07481 203
Brittain, Ronald R P.O Box 69 Lake Arrowhead,
California 92352
Bromley, James Arthur Box 270 M57 Banfield, Michigan 49046 143, 203
Bromley, Jonathan Bruce Rt 2 Box270 Delton, Michigan 49046 148, 156, 203
Brown, Barry Kent 604 Cedarwood Friendswood, Texas 77546 83, 114, 137, 143, 148, 203
Brown, David Neil 516 W Valley Rd Chickasaw, Alabama 36611 203
Brown, DavidRodney Box 489 Jenkins, Kentucky 41537 203
Brown, Randall William 2406 Nye W Monroe, Louisiana 71291 203
Buchanan, Gregory Scott 2555 Karen Avenue Hatboro, Pennsylvania 19040 203
Bullock, John Andrew 1727 Goley St. Boothwyn, Pennsylvania 19061 203
Buob, Mark Haven Rt 1 1865 B NW Ephrata, Washington 98823 203
Burck, Lori Susanne 5025 Winsdale Golden Valley, Minnesota 55422 204
Burck, Paul Milton Box 7001 Longview, Texas 75601
Burkins, Kenneth Charles 14 W. State St. Quarryville, Pennsylvania 17566 144, 156, 193, 204
Burkitt, Leon Earl P.O Box108 Waterman, Illinois 60556
Bums, Ronald Scott 250 BetcherRd Collegeville, Pennsylvania 204
Bunch, RodneyAlvan Casilla 2492 Lima 100 Peru 204
Burtner, Carl Alan 281 North Avenue Webster, New York 14580 204
Bun, Thomas James 624 Bellcourt Algona, Iowa 50511 150, 204
Bushey Jr., Charles Arthur Box 53G Skyview Jericho, Vermont 05465 148, 204
Bygrave, John Edward 678 Westover Rd Connecticut, Connecticut 06902 204
Calkins, MarkEdwin 13564 Crystal Brighton, Colorado 80601
Calkins, Ruthanne 13564 Crystal Brighton, Colorado 80601 142, 182, 204
Campbell, Richard Donald 11 Bruce St Scotia, New York 12302 204
Campbell, Robert Douglas 1840 Palmcrest Clearwater, District of Columbia 33516 204
Caneday, John Darrel Box 143 Taylors Falls, Minnesota 55084 140, 174, 204
Caplet, Kenneth Edward 11Balawender Norwich, Connecticut 06360 205
Carlson, Jeffery Gilbert 4877 Summit St West Linn, Oregon 97068 205
Can, Conant Cave 1815 S 12th Longview, Texas 75601 205
Can, Janice Elizabeth 1815 S 12th St Longview, Texas 75601
Cassel, Jeny Lee 103 W Pliler Longview, Texas 75601 150, 205
Chamberlin, Stephen Lewis P.O Box 226 Wellborn, Florida 32094 205
Chambers, Garry Douglas 304 N 56th Ave Hollywood, Florida 33021 205
Chang, Chadwick Daniel Southfield PO St Elizabeth, Jamaica 205
Chapman, Donna Marie Rd 1 Moscow, Pennsylvania 18444 183, 184, 128, 205
Chapman, Sheree Lynn 118Maple Rd Warren, Rhode Island 02885 125, 162, 205
Cheek, Stephen Lowell 336 N Main Jasper, Texas 75951 205
Chin, Loy Dennis Harvey P.O Box270 Kingston 6 Jamaica 205
Christoferson, James Alan 3113 Magnolia Temple, Texas 76501 205
Christensen, Michael Gordon Rt 3 Box 103 Oberlin, Kansas 67749 205
Chu, Wing-Kan Robert 211 Tak Minghs Kowloon, Hong Kong 205
Clark, BurnsWayne 1992 Outer Dr Mansfield, Ohio 44905 205
Clark, John Harland 10502 Mt Tipton San Antonio, Texas 78213 205
Clark, Maggie Victoria 2601 Eastman Rd Longview, Texas 75601
Classens, Anver Edmond P.O Box 20 Maphiveni SDSouth Africa 205
Claypool, Lawrence Ralston Rd 2 Butler, Pennsylvania 16001 83, 139, 143 148, 149, 205
Cobb, Douglas Bruce 26W110 Black Hawk Wheaton, Illinois 60187 205
Colvin, David Paul 470 E. St. Chula Vista, California 92010 206
Colvin, Patrick Alan 845 E 8th St National City, California 92050 206
Condit, Gary Clark 1010 E Tyler Avenue Eau Claire, Wisconsin 54701 206
Cook, Lida Lyn 2945 N Montgomery Center Tipp City, Ohio 45371 81, 83
Coon, Douglas Mark RR1
Cambridge City, Indiana 47327 206
Cordero, Israel 2811 Pleasant Sebastopol, California 94572 206
820 nEwi ,III mWillia dWinstea 2453 tAlcot Dr ,Nashville eTennesse 53721 ,150 920 ,Fagley sDougla dEdwar lCromwel 410 ,Glenbumie dMarylan 12106
,Ewald hElizabet nAn 11520 yEmor .Ln ,Rockville dMarylan 32085
820 ,Evans tRobersJame nHarriso737 ,Buffalo wNe kYor 31422 ,175 820
lCrysta ,Lake sIllinoi 96001
820 ,Everding sJame nAla 4740 yMcHenr Ave
820 ,Eshleman rEdga lSamue .P.O 819xBo nGle ,Mills aPennsylvani 21934
820 ,Erickstad eCarri nAn 3 lCornel eCircl ,Longview sTexa 17560
143 820 rEpple ,III mWillia sThoma 6513 sReed ,Mission sKansa 26620
820 ,Eppinger yTimoth eLe 011 E wGrandvie ,Zelienople aPennsylvani 31606
aSant ,Rosa aCaliforni 49540
820 ,Emmons lMichae tRober dGraywoo0415
820 ,Elsdon dRichar mWillia 09 nBurto .St ,Watertown tConnecticu 50679
820 ,Elkins dRicharsJame 1568 E tAmhers ,Denver oColorad 28022
820 ,Ebener mWillia sCharle 039 gSprin eAvenu nGle ,Ellyn sIllinoi 76013
820 ,Durrett dDonal sLewi Rt wIRivervie ,Ledbetter yKentuck 84205
820 ,Dutton nAnaPatrici Rt 2 xBo 613 ,Adairsville aGeorgi 33010
820 ,Dunbar nStephe dRichar 0301 .Rt 89 ,Johnsonburg wNe kYor 41408
732 .W tMarke ,Clearfield aPennsylvani 01683
,tonfDu rMacGregorAlexande
,Shreveport aLouisian 97110
,Longview sTexa 17560 38 ,Dufendach dDavi eLe 0174 wWillo Pt
,Duell yMar nAn 1100 S nHousto
,Duell sCharle rArthu 1100 S nHousto ,Longview sTexa 17560 820
0576 W h60t Ave ,Arvada oColorad 38000 820
,Dubert yRopPhili 1602 eWestbrook ,Topeka sKansa 76661 720 ,Dubert nStephe yRa xBo 72 aUkarump eLa 720 ,Duda lDanie tRober xBo 94 ,Pasadena aCaliforni 19110 ,138 720 ,Duddles sThoma kMar
,Douglas kFran dBear 2265 L nRuyDr ,Cincinnati! oOhi 44524 ,Dubas mWillia sJame 3740 nWoodhave ,Brooklyn oOhi 44414
,Longview sTexa 17560
,Donner nMarti rWalte 6230 S h12t
,Dodds eLawrenceBruc 71152 rRosse ,Dallas sTexa 97522 ,144 720 ,Doenges lDanie nLyn 1RR ,Continental oOhi 14583 ,138 720
,Dingeldein lJoe nAlla 442 eYanke hBus ,Warren aPennsylvani 51636 ,166
,Diffenderfer lPau tAugus 82 RdyBeverl ,Summit wNe yJerse 10790
,Dias sJametRober 1530 E mRylPal ,Scottsdale aArizon 38525
,DeVries eTerranc L 935 .S sAdam ,Wickenburg aArizon 88535
,DeVries yLarr eDal 4141 h8t eAvenu ,Fulton sIllinoi 26125
N yBroadwa ,Fresno aCaliforni 19370
,Delgatty yRo mWillia
,Delgaiy yLarr lEar 0750 W PC mWisdo ,Dallas sTexa 17521
eOrang ,City aIow 15104
,DeJong tGarret nDea 011 h6t St EN
,Deibel sJame yTimoth 1200 W d92n 976 ,Denver oColorad 18022
720 ,Decurtis dDonal yTimoth 3123 eDrivnWilso rUppe ,Darby aPennsylvani 21908
61 eWolf eAvenu ,Mansfield oOhi 74490 720 ,Decker hGriffit yJa 1694 tPrecour ,Orlando aFlorid 93280
720 ,Dearman sJame nAla
720 ,Deal nLore lDanie 0865 lMil St ,Onekama nMichiga 54967
620 sDavi ,Jr. sCharle dEdwar 620 sCypres Rd ,Portsmouth aVirgini 12370 ,Dawson rWalte wAndre 23 dMorelan ,Pontiac nMichiga 84805
620 ,Davis nJonatha tRober Rt 2 773-3xBo ,Clermont aFlorid 13271
620 ,Davis sJame yHarle C P 250 ,Belem lBrazi
620 ,Dahn iVick nLyn 3601 .St sJohn lFoi ,Worth sTexa 47611 ,182 620 ,Danielsen nMarli pPhili 7340 dLinkwoo eDriv nJohnso ,City eTennesse 13760
620 ,Damon eLenKevi 231 S eMonro ,Fremont oOhi 04342
620 ,Cutler yJeffre rAyma 920 E tFron St ,Danville aPennsylvani 11782 ,206 813 ,Cutler mWillia tAlber 725 W gMahonin ,Danville aPennsylvani 11782
6362 eBlu rRive ,Lansing nMichiga 04891
,Greenville hSout aCarolin 92960
sCurti ,Jr. sCharle eEverett tPiedmon350 kPar
620 ,Grouse lPau wAndre 1RR ,Chester aNebrask 76832
620 ,Cross dDonal yHarve 011 .E oRadi ,Longview sTexa 17560
,Crosier yTimoth eDal 11112 hLeavenwort sKansa ,City sKansa 96610
,142 620
rCeda ,Rapids aIow 45240
620 ,Cronbaugh dRicharlJoe h12117t St WS
620 ,Crews eGilmorsJame 092 fClif St ,Ithaca wNe kYor 01485
620 ,Cramblett dGeral nLyn 1147 rFahlande ,Columbus oOhi 94322 ,119 ,121 ,174 ,192 620 ,Cramblett aNes eRa 1147 rFahlande ,Columbus oOhi 94322 ,121 620 ,Craymer sLewilPau Rt 5 423xBo ,Loris hSout aCarolin 92956 620 ,Crego tRobersThoma RR 2 ,Plainfield sIllinoi 46054
620 ,Cowper sThoma sJame Rt 1 75xBo eMiddl ,Grove wNe kYor 01285 ,154 620 ,Craig tRobereLawrenc xBo 729 Pt ,Pleasant aPennsylvani 01895
620 ,Cowper yTimoth nJo Rd 1 xBo 75 eMiddl ,Grove wNe kYor 01285
620 ,Cowles wAndre lDanie P.O xBo 1108 ,Cottonwood aArizon 68632
480 dLockwoo Ln sScott ,Valley aCaliforni 69506
620 ,Course dRicharsJame
620 ,Counsellor tAlberdRichar 471-3 d72n PI ,Glendale wNe kYor 71122
,Cosa eJos oDoming oApo oAgre 7584 eGal ,Vail aColombi ,156
620 ,Cutler lRusseldDonal
Farnese, Emmanuel Salvatoie P.O Box32 Poncha Springs, Colorado 81242 209
Farrar, Kenneth Paul Norwich, Kansas 67118 116, 122, 209
Farrar, Raymond Edward Box 156 Norwich, Kansas 67118 209
Faucett, John Thomas 3103 Flamboroug Pasadena, Texas 77503 209
Faulkner, David Lee 1708 Pineridge Longview, Texas 75601 174, 209
Faulkner, John Paul 2100 S 12thB Longview, Texas 75601 209
Ferreira, Jose Echevarria Mexico Avenue398 Lima, Peru 156, 209
Ferrell, Michael Leslie 452 Riverdale W New Shrewsbury, New Jersey 07724 209
Finch, Paul Douglas Rd 2 Box 198A New Brighton, Pennsylvania 15066 209
Fiore Jr., Francis John 4 June Rd Levittown, Pennsylvania 19056 209
Fischer, Carson Bryce 1115 N Garrison Olympia, Washington 98506 210
Fisher, -David Thomas P.O Box121 Satsuma, Florida 32089 166, 209
Fisher, David Wayne 437 GolfviewDrive Crystal Lake, Illinois 60014
Fisk, Richard Lowell Rt 1 St. Croix Falls, Wisconsin 150, 210
Fivecoat, D Bruce 15133 SWRose Portland, Oregon 97230 210
Flowers, Melvin Ingalls, Kansas 67853 210
Forcey, Stephen Eugene
Folkmann, Randall Mark 4929 Boston Rd Brunswick, Ohio 44212 210 54024
Box 121
Sprucedale Ont Canada OA1YO 144, 145, 210
Ford, Tim Ray 1185 Modtford R Kalispell, Montana 59901 210
Forrest, Joseph Glenn 1039 Harvard Drive Yardley, Pennsylvania 19064 210
Forry, Darly Kent Rt 2
Manheim, Pennsylvania 17545 210
Foster, John Andrew 8 Robert Sproul Medfield, Massachusetts 02052 210
Fouts, Lawrence Russell 2243 Uirazon Drive La Habra, California 90631 210
Frank, Russell Martin RR 6 Box 189A Valparaiso, Indiana 46383 210
Fratzke, Arlin Peter 8631 Ange Anchorage, Alaska 99502 162 210
Fray, Jonathan Carey P.O Box68 Arkadelphia, Arkansas 71923
Frew, Paul Charles 1 Birchard St Agincourt Ont Canada 210
Friesen, Lynell Eugene 1832 Willow Rd New Ulm, Minnesota 56073 133, 148, 210
Frye, Lowell Dwayne P.O Box122 Farmington, New Mexico 87401 210
Friesen, Mark Allen Box 1 Pucallpa, Peru 210
Fryman, Tony Jay Rt 2 Box 13 Henderson, Texas 75652 210
Fuchs, Gregory Allan 209 Maplewood R W Chester, Pennsylvania 19380
Gardner, David Edward 115Avondale Cr Severna Park, Maryland 21146
Gardiner, Philip Alan 712 Woodland Av Punxsutawney, Pennsylvania 15767 166, 210
Garrison, Philip Matthew 900 East 10th St Rolla, Missouri 65401 210
Gathungu, Geoffrey Stephen 1818 Rodden Longview, Texas 75601 210
Gaunt, Michele Annette 3808 Oakhurst Kokomo, Indiana 46901 210
Gebhardt, Gregory John 4871 Watson Rd Erie, Pennsylvania 16505 210
George, Scott Allen Rt 2 Middletown, Maryland 21769 210
Gerdes, David Roger ML 1 McGrath Rd Fairbanks, Alaska 99701 210
Gerrard, GuyBrent 7425 Church 77 Yucca Valley, California 92284 210
Gilson, Richard Imel RR5
Canton, Illinois 61520 210
Gingrich, Timothy Ulysses 103 Cemerfield Harrisburg, Pennsylvania 17112 210
Glaske, Randall Paul 5 Cherrywood Longview, Texas 75601
Goines, Ronnie Lee Carver St 1313 Bossier, Louisiana 71010 162, 185, 211
Gorrell, David Paul 2004 Easy St Arlington, Texas 76013
Gould, Jeffrey Eugene 1134 Lee Drive Baton Rouge, Louisiana 70808 162, 211
Grant, Paul William 5214 Spruce Drive Fayetteville, North Carolina 28304 211
Gray, Novella Rt 6 Box 48 Longview, Texas 75601 211
Gray, Wendy Jean 126 Pine Henderson, Texas 75652 80, 83, 116, 122, 182, 184, 211, 118
Graybill, Paul Timothy Rd 1 Box42 Mt Pleasant MI, Pennsylvania 17853 116, 118, 119, 121, 143, 211
Greenman, Stephen Bryce 13573Kingswood Delton, Michigan 49046 211
Griffin, AlanRodney P.O Box 14163 Nairobi, Kenya
Grimm, Steven Parks Texas 211
Griparis, Joan Louise 123 Emery St Joliet, Illinois 60436 211
Grotheim, David Cory 703 Sheryl Ln Longview, Texas 75601
Grover, Timothy Allen 909 Fredrick Blvd Akron, Ohio 44302 211
Guerrero, Carlos Ivan K66 B49-30 Barrangvilla, Colombia 211
Guthrie, Richard Lee 721 S Green 232 Longview, Texas 75601 83
Haagen, John Mark P.O Box 9 Strasburg, Pennsylvania 17579 211
Haglin, Steven Arthur 705 Salsbury Rd Clarks Summit, Pennsylvania 18411 211
Haller, Gary John BP 23 Idiofa Via Kinshasa Zaire 156, 211
Hamer, Timothy Edwin Traer, Iowa 50675
Haney, Peter David 1300 KingsHwy Winona Lake, Indiana 46590 211
Hardin, RubyeGayle 1905 Wimberly Longview, Texas 75601
Hardtke, Dale Leslie 2215 N 118th Wauwatosa, Wisconsin 53226 211
Hare, Suzanne Marie 2241 Alston Ft Worth, Texas 76110 185, 211
Harold, Robert Edward 107Ardwick Ter Lansdale, Pennsylvania 19446 133, 156, 211
Harris, David Paul 5743 N Hamilton Peoria, Illinois 61614 211
,McKean aPennsylvani 61642 521
,Kelly yRand mWillia 11108 .Rt 99
3101 N tWalnu ,Normal sIllinoi 16176 521 ,Kaufman sJameyRick Mtn Rd R.F.D 3 W ,Redding tConnecticu 60689 ,139 ,143 521
,Kauffmann eBruc nAla
,Justus sThoma dFre 8504 W gStron ,Chicago sIllinoi 06063 521 ,Justus nVerno tRober 1454 N.W 34 aOklahom ,City aOklahom 27312 521 ,Karr yTon eGen 82 N.W h78t Ter sKansa ,City iMissour 86411 521
,Johnson hKennet eLe R.R 1 ,Sedgwick sKansa 56713 ,121 521
.P.O xBo 66 ,Unalakleet aAlask 49968 521
rBoulde ,Creek aCaliforni 09500 521 ,Johnson lPau sCharle
,Johnson yRadDonal 9450 eOrang eGrov ,Houslon sTexa 97703 521 ,Johnson tJane aMelv 51638 2 rBa Rd
,Johnson tBren lDanie 0307 sDalla Rd ,Rockford sIllinoi 96110 ,133 521
421 ,Jacobs nJoh lMitchel 397 rSumte ,Memphis eTennesse 23812 421 ,Jefferies dRichar eGen A911 aElecir ,Longview sTexa 17560 ,139 421 ,Jensen dDavi nMorga xBo 87 ,Brownsdale aMinnesoi 85591 421 ,Jhass nMoha hSing P.O 3BOX7232 ,Nairobi aKeny 521 ,Johannes hKeit lPau 43063 kWillowic ,Willowick oOhi 44409 521
kNyac eColleg ,Nyack wNe kYor 01096
Jackson, nGordotRober
,Jackson nKevi lDarnel 9142 N h15t Si ,Harrisburg aPennsylvani 31710 ,140 ,154 421
nJackso ,Jr. yGar eLavern Rt 1 wNe ;Burnside sIllinoi 76296 ,162 ,164 ,184 421
,Iwan dEdwar kMar 410 tForres ,Shirley wNe kYor 71196 ,156 421
,Innis nLyaEls % sHolli yConle ,Hampton aCanad 0OG12 ,176 ,177 421 ,Iversen nSusa eMari 71011 nHarriso ,Bloomington aMinnesot 75543
,Ingram pPhili mWillia 511 nMyre St ,Fairfield tConnecticu 00643
,Huthwaite eDav nGlen 2451 eNeus yWa tGrea ,Falls aVirgini 62206
,Hunt nShanno nDevo .Rt ,2 xBo 424 ,Carthage sTexa 37563
,Hunt yRanArde 72015 nStanto oCastr ,Valley aCaliforni 69454 ,148 421 ,Hunt hLeig yBirle 35 E dClevelan ,Newark eDelawar 11971
sa ,Homey lPau nAlle 7500 .W h26t .Ter ,Topeka sKansa 46661 321 ,Hosteller yJa nLyn 12 lSurreymal ,Slingerlands wNe kYor 91215
,Homan nMilto.John 1220 AvenRosly Dist ,Hts. dMarylan 82002
321 Hogate ,Jr. hJosep lEar 59 AvesSpark ,Pennsville iHawai 00807
321 ,Hobein dRichar yHenr 6141 rBeeche ,Wheaton sIllinoi 76018 ,161 321 ,Hoff tBren nHarriso E hBirc Ave R.R 1 ,Barron nWisconsi 25481 321 ,Hoffman wAndrelDary xBo 65 eAuk ,Bay aAlask 19982
363 S dGran kOa ,Kaysville hUta 78403
321 ,Hibbard hKeit dHarol P.O 8Box24 ,Waxhaw hNort aCarolin 32817 ,156 ,166 321 ,Hill nSharo hElizabet
,Heston nCarlto dBradfor 551 nLincol Hwy ,Frazer aPennsylvani 51935
321 ,Hertzler eMerl rElme Rd 2 ,Elverson aPennsylvani 01952
,Dearborn nMichiga 44812
321 ,Herrmann nJoh lDanie 3321 eMonro
rHarbo ,Spgs. nMichiga 04974 ,139 221 ,Henneberg kMar wAndre 7280 .N dWalron sKansa ,City iMissour 76411 ,148 221 ,Henry dDonal eGen Rt ,3 34xBo Mt ,Gilead oOhi 84333 ,128 221 ,Herb eGeorg eLawrenc xBo ,231 Rd 4 E ,Stroudsburg aPennsylvani 11830 221 ,Herrmann lDanie dRichar 5461 dHanfor eLan ,Louisville yKentuck 74020
321 ,Howard dLloy sJame 5251 N dEucli ,Tucson aArizon 98571 ,Howard nLyn eMichell 51240 aLim Dr rSilve ,Springs dMarylan 42090 ,83 ,117 ,122 ,127 421 ,Howard nWarrekMar xBo 82 ,Schaefforstown aPennsylvani 81708 421 ,Howrey yTimoih lPau S125 dGarfiel ,Denver oColorad 18020 421 ,Huey yRa dGarlan uLeTournea eColleg ,Longview sTexa 17560 ,166 ,167 421 ,Huggan mWillia tRober 7221 .E h40t .Ave ,Vancouver ,B.C. aCanad 65P1J ,Hughes kMarnJoh 1240 eAllendal ,Wilmington eDelawar 31980
,Helton mWillia yJeffer 9142 .N nWoodlaw ,Griffith aIndian 94631
,Hannibal tConnecticu 16340
,Helbing nJoh sThoma dShepher211 PI
aBrasili ,D.F. lBrazi 615
,Heinrichs nLyndo eWayn C.P 114222
,Hein eBruc dHowar Rt ,1 28xBo ,Gaston nOrego 99711 221
,Dayton oOhi 94545
221 ,Heil nCaroly tMargare 0236 eWymor PI
nHegga ,Jr. eGeorg rElme tFairmoun810 lLaure ,Springs yJersewNe 50805
,Hedrick dDonal sJame y114Gerstle Rd ,Hatboro aPennsylvani 01904
221 ,Hawes sJame tErnes 616 lJewel ,Mansfield sMassachusett 80204
,Marina aCaliforni 39393
444 wAndre Cir
,Haymond eGeorg lMichae
221 ,Hayes nStephe eLaurenc 01041 S.W nDelmo ,Tigaid nOrego 39722
221 ,Haynes sDougla eDuk 6111 hllt ,Wyandotte nMichiga 24819
221 ,Hayes dEdwar dBernar 2371 aSequoi Ave ,Baltimore dMarylan 52121
,Hauser cEri eGeorg 375FairwoodCi ,Berea oOhi 74401
,Harvey lCar tRober 821 kMeadowlar nMichiga ,City aIndian 04636 ,144 221
,Hartshorn hRut eMari 060 tWalnu St ,Meadville aPennsylvani 51633 ,133 221
52081 nMeridia eGross ,He. nMichiga 84813 ,144 ,161 221
nHartma ,Jr. lRandal eLayn
nHartma ,Ji, nAlle R ,Barrett aMinnesot 15631
,Tucson aArizon 48570
,Haitman hKennet eKyl 1641 nAvenidapi
221 ,Hemmes sJame tHerber Rt ,2 kQuic Rd
Kelso, John Campbell 25576 Forestview Southfield Michigan 48075 139 215
Kiddy II, Robert Alfred Rt. 8, Box14
Vicksburg, Mississippi 39180 215
Kieffer, Roger Lee 1250 Detwilei York, Pennsylvania 17404 117, 192, 160, 161. 197, 123, 140, 215, 83, 169, 168, 171, 152
Kienzle, Kennethlames 703 Kay Dr Longview, Texas 75601 215
Killinger, Donald Gale
8025 Umerhachi Postfach 1242 215
Kindbeig, Brenda Wieland 902 W Stratum Safford, Arizona 85546 215
King, Donovanloseph Christiana, Manchester 215
King, Paul Lewis 4071 Portland White Bear Lake, Minnesota 55110 215
Kingsley, Raymond Eugene 307 La Pasada
Goodyear, Arizona 85338 150, 151, 215
Kinney, Timothy Allan 5876 N Mtneer Flagstaff, Arizona 86001 215
Kirchstein, Dana Steven Rt 2 7930Sandy Kewaskum, Wisconsin 53040 215
Kirsling, Mark Whittaker 4740 Hidden Oak Santa Rosa, California 95404 215
Kirsling, Stephen Anderson 4740 HiddenOaks Santa Rosa, California 95404 137, 215
Kladifko, James Paul 23150rklaDr Golden Valley, Minnesota 55427 215
Klino, Roy Thomas 427 ElCaminito Livermore, California 94550
Knowlton, James Swift
13315 Dunmore
Houston, Texas 77069 215
Koch, Alan Jay
2622 Victor Ave.
Lansing, Michigan 48910 215
Kohanloo, Mehdie
308 Bailey St Kilgore, Texas 75682 215
Kooy, Calvin Grant 1730 Rd 52N.W Quincy, Washington 98848 215
Kostaroff, Timothy Lee 3046 Syracuse Dearborn, Michigan 48124 139, 215, 83
Kostreva, Jeffrey Carl Rt 2, Box 51 Grivitz, Wisconsin 54114 216
Krans, Robert Harry 4948 97 Way N St Petersburg, Florida 33708 216
Kurr, GaryDean 800 S Spencer Newton, Kansas 67114 216
Kyrk, David Kenneth 1540 N Stoddard Wheaton, Illinois 60187 216
Lacey, David Alan Rd 2 Moravia, New York 13118 216
Lacoste Jr., Russell Hilary 6104 Lucy Pensacola, Florida 32503 216
Lacy, Philip Eric 44 Poplar Ave Shalimar, Florida 216 32579
Lai, Chun Chieh 11Dao Tan Cholon, South Viet Nam 216
Lam, Due Van 24 Bach Dang Chau Phu, South Viet Nam 216
Lammey, Curtis Dean Rd 2, Box278 Elverson, Pennsylvania 19520 216
Landis, Edward Dwight 2475 Oregon Pik Lancaster, Pennsylvania 17601 150, 216
Landis, James Stanley Box 477 Quakertown, Pennsylvania 18951 216
Lange, Roger Dean 832 Maple St Waynesboro, Pennsylvania 17268 216
Larsen, Harry William Rt 2 Hayfield, Minnesota 55940 217
Larsen, NormanRobert 12 Leonard Ave
Staten Island, New York 10314 217
Larsen, Nonie Harral 1201 Blueridge Longview, Texas 75601
Larson, Sherry Jean 596 Jefferson S Hutchinson, Minnesota 55350 217
Larson, Timothy Allen 1409 Ford Rd Minnetonka, Minnesota 55343 150, 217
Lauver, James Ernest R.R 3, Box 201 Howe, Indiana 46746 217
Leasure, Rick Eugene 606 MulberrySt Scottdale, Pennsylvania 15683 217
Lee, John Steven 47 W Knollwood Edison, New Jersey 08817 144, 217
Lee, Larry Dale LeTourneau College Longview, Texas 75601 217
Lemp, Stephen Paul 41721 Little Rd Mt Clemens, Michigan 48043 217
Leonhardt, Keith Warren Rt 3 Lincoln, Nebraska 68505 217
Letney, Herbert Gene 1214S Chestnut Lufkin, Texas 75901 217
Lewis, Wayne Bruce 92 Paine St Lindenhurst, New York 11757 217
Lightfoot, James Owen 1730 Cherokee Albuquerque, New Mexico 87107 217
Lindahl, Glen Thomas P.O Box 8311 Longview, Texas 75601 217
Lindquist II, Franklin Daniel 207 Wood Road Rockford, Illinois 61107 133, 217 166
Linser, Daniel Dean R.R. 3 Marshalltown, Iowa 50158 217
Littlejohn, Mark 39 Jefferson Maplewood, NewJersey 07040 162, 185, 217
Liverman, Wayne Martin
C3B14 URB S A Humacao, Puerto Rico 00661 125, 128, 174, 175, 217
Loewe, Harold Loyd 203 E.N. 6th Hubbard, Texas 76648 162 172, 217
Lohmeyer, GregoryDean 1515 1st PKWY Washington, Missouri 63090 217
Longenecker, Lynn Louise Rt 3, Box393 Longview, Texas 75601
Longenecker, Nancy Louise 750 Arlington Waco, Texas 76710 133, 182, 183, 184, 185, 197, 218
Love, StephenMacDonald 3701 Clark Quinnesec, Michigan 49876 193, 218
Loyd, Jerry Wayne 711 Wells Kilgore, Texas 75662 83, 116, 123, 140, 162, 165, 184, 185, 186, 218
Loyd, Terry Gayne 711 Wells Kilgore, Texas 75662 144, 162, 164, 165 193, 197, 218
Lucas Jr., Charles Elwin 2664 W. 71st Tulsa, Oklahoma 74132 218
Lucas, David William 2664 W 71st Tulsa, Oklahoma 74132 144, 193, 218
Luckert, J David 4051 Breckenrdg Granite City, Illinois 62040 218
Ludwigson, Richard Donald 5437 Florence Downers Grove, Illinois 60515 218
Lum, EstherMew-Lin 1675 Ala Mahamo Hon Hawaii 96819 121, 218
Lund, James Harold 14202 N 73rd Peoria, Arizona 85345 218
Lund, Steven Ray 1730 Ave. D Billings, Montana 59102 218
Lundgren, David Eugene 2017 53rd Everett, Washington 98203 218
Lundquist, David Edward 8661 W. WarrenL Denver, Colorado 80227 218
,Dugway hUta 28402
723 .B tWes h5t
,Morrison kMar nJoh
0171 rBuckne ,Longview sTexa 17560
,Morris yMar eLucill
01701 HamlinRd ,Seattle nWashingto 59815 122
,Morgan mWillia nSlayto
,Morgan yBradle rLacou 0698 tCalume nBato ,Rouge aLouisian 57080
,Moore rWalte sJame 6101 rBoroughb ,Richmond aVirgini 52322 ,83 ,117 ,123 022 ,Moorhouse lPaudDavi 0660 nBougai VI St ,Petersburg aFlorid 73370 022
,Moore yStanle eEugen 1224 E gWallin aL ,Habra aCaliforni 19063
,Moon yRoyTimoth 3481 aMariett ,Sacramento aCaliforni 19584 ,144 ,145 ,173 ,193 022
,Box72-A Rt 1 ,Dryprong aLouisian 17129 022
,Montgomery nJonatha dDavi
,Mitchell nSharo nMcKow 0675 Lk Mich Dr ,Allendale nMichiga 14940 ,184 ,185 022 ,Mitchell nVerno lSamue 0201 S tWes St ,Longview sTexa 17560 022 ,Mock nAla lKendal 22-19- aUehar ,Shibuya oToky nJapa 022 ,Monahan lMichae hJosep 54 mEl ,Whitefield wNe eHampshir 80359 022 ,Montgomery nByro nMarti 44 rPopla Ave ,Shalimar aFlorid 83257 022
,Mitchell yLarr dTod eMusgrov Hwy eLak ,Odessa sArkansa 022 94884
,Mitchell sJame nAlle 940 W hWas ,Owosso nMichiga 74886 022
,Washington Dist aColumbi 62001 ,156 022
,Mirzamoghada rAlexande nVicso 6460 eBrandywin
,Uniontown aPennsylvani 11540
,Miller eRanSusa 92 yKa .St
,Miller nStephe dDonal 5504 eRobindal ,Salem nOrego 39730 022
,Miller tScot dRichar Rt 112 ,Oxford eMain 00427
,Miller pPhilli lMichae 240 eDalevill ,Daleville aIndian 44733 022
sKansa ,City iMissour 26415 022
,Miller eDuan hKeit 0760 N.W 96
h282927t Ave kRoc ,Island sIllinoi 16120 022
,Miller sDougla pPhili
,Milanowski lPau eGeorg 8Box6 ,Eastlake oColorad 48061 ,Milanowski yTimoth dDavi 8Box6 ,Eastlake oColorad 48061 022
,Meyer tRober yHenr Rt ,3 424xBo ,Stoughton nWisconsi 95358 022
sKansa ,City iMissour 46411 921
,Metsker lNeinGordo 9730 tSummi
,Mertz tRober yHenr Rd 1 ,Downingtown aPennsylvani 51933 921
,Mansfield oOhi 64490 921
,Merrin dRonal nAuber 6117 W h4l
nHoffman ,Ests. sIllinoi 26017 921
312 wNorthvie
,Merrick lDanie kMar
,Mellott nLynyKerr 661 S eHal ,Wheaton sIllinoi 76018 ,Mensonides dRaymonnJoh 9350 E d72n St ,Tacoma nWashingto 39844
,Mejia nAbelJonata vBa oEldorad nSa ,Salvador lE rSalvado ,150 921
rMeie ,Jr. dEdwar sJame 0133 S rWate ,Wichita sKansa 36721 921
,Longview sTexa 17560 921
0120 dBriarwoo
,Mayo hDebora nJea
oColorad ,Spgs. oColorad 98090 ,139 ,148 ,149 921
,Mattson lCar dDavi 5223 tBennet
,Mathiesen nDaw nMare 2212 S nLinde ,Palatine sIllinoi 76006 ,162 ,176 ,177 921
,Mason dDavi sMorri 78 ,S pWalku Ave lCrysta ,Lake sIllinoi 46001 ,138 921
,Marx nJoh yTimoth 6303 ,S.W 36 aOklahom ,City aOklahom 97315 921 ,Mashburn kMarsDougla 4131 W lKleinda ,Tucson aArizon 58570 921
,Martin nStanto sJame 560 E kPar St ,Wayzata aMinnesot 15539
nMarti ,III pPhili sRos Rd ,4 xBo 330 ,Stroudsburg aPennsylvani 01836 921
,Deland aFlorid 03272 921
,Martin lCar nNatha 8110 N dGarfiel
,Mars eGeorg eEverett 1311 eMiddl Dr ,Pascagoula iMississipp 73956
,Moline sIllinoi 56126 921
,Marino gCrai nAla 9271 h16t Ave
oManz ,Jr. sThoma hJosep 44 lBue .Ave nState ,Island wNe kYor 41030 921
,Manore mKi hKeit xBo 76 St ,Ingatius aMontan 55986 921
,MacKay sJame dRichar R.R ,2 99xBo wNe ,Richmond oOhi 74515 921 ,Madsen nJoh G 0142 kLar .Ln ,Naperville sIllinoi 06054 921
nSchroo ,Lk. wNe kYor 01287 821 ,Mabry eAndrxMa P.O 017xBo aUkarump 821 ,MacDonald rArthunEdwi P.O 31xBo W ,Frankfort sIllinoi 66289 821
5451 E Ave N.E
,McLaughlin nGordonAla
,Murdo hSout aDakot 95755
,McKillip mJi nAla xBo 937
,McKenrich KielD xBo 618 ,Edson sKansa 36773 821
,McKenrich lDanie lJoe ** 618xBo ,Edson sKansa 36773 821
,Mclntosh eLynnhRut 0582 oRancher .L ,Dallas sTexa 17521 1 ,128 ,133 821
0582 oRancher L ,Dallas sTexa 17521 ,128 821
5521 sMammon Dr ,Charleston tWes aVirgini 22531 ,161 821 ,McDaniel eElain J Rt ,10 851xBo ,Pensacola aFlorid 63250 821 ,McGraw dDonal lEar 681 nEastma 2 ,Longview sTexa 17560 821 / ,McGuire yTimoth yJa .Rt ,1 CBox44,Fountain oColorad 78081 ' ,126 821 ,Mclntosh eAlic nMarily
McCall Mark nSpurgeo 822- iIzum 4 hC ,Suginami oToky nJapa 821 ,McClain dRichar tElliot S153 nLincol ,Aurora sIllinoi 56050 821 ,McCutcheon tRober eLe
,McAfee rPete 741 dPortlan Ct ,Valparaiso aIndian 34638 821 rMcAliste ,Jr. rArthu dEdwar 9 sMill Ave ,Liberty aCarolinhSout 72965 821
080 hSixt St W ,Elizabeth aPennsylvani 81508 821 ,McAfee dDavi 741 dPortlan Ct ,Valparaiso aIndian 34638 ,166 821
,ordfLuns yLarr nDo 5290 yParkwa ,Longview sTexa 17560 ,140 821 ,Lynch yJerr eWayn
rCeda ,Rapids aIow 25240 ,McMahan dHowarsJame 633 W lNapervil ,Westmont sIllinoi 96055 821 ,McMains nKevi nWre Rt ,1 616xBo
Moses Jr., BruceLee 6151 Spg Garden
Charlotte, North Carolina 28213 221
Mosser, Daniel Vernon 4050 Proctor Dr Sarasota, Florida 33581 221
Moyer, Virgil Robin 16 Augustine Rd Sellersville, Pennsylvania 18960 221
Murphy, Patrick Edward 1617 West Ave Linwood, New Jersey 08221 221
Myers, William Scott P.O Box21565 Nairobi, Kenya 221
Naas, William Frederick 106 E 8 Hinsdale, Illinois 60521 221
Nafziger, Steven Eugene 611Cedar Delavan, Illinois 61734 221
Nasse, Paul Jonathan Rd 1 Canajoharie, New York 13317 221
Nation, PaulGrant 1508 Killian Arlington, Texas 76013
Nauman, John E P.O. Box 70 Otselic, NewYork 13129
Nelson, RandallRoy 160 N.E. River Rd. DesPlaines, Illinois 60016 222
Newcomer, LarryLee LeTourneau College Longview, TX 75601 222
Newman, Sharon Pratt 1805 Holly St Longview, Texas 75601 222
Newquist, Daniel James 1773 Paris St Aurora, Colorado 80010 148, 222
Newton, BruceRaymond 15439 E EndAve S Holland, Illinois 60473 222
Newton, Jesse Mack LeTourneau College Longview, Texas 75601 222
Nielsen, Steven Paul 10409 Coppedge Dallas, Texas 75229 222
Nielsen, Dianne Sue 10409 Coppedge Dallas, Texas 75229 222
Niewald, Julie Belle P.O Box343 Washington, Missouri 63090 176, 177, 184, 185
Niewald, Phillip Wayne 816 Eastman Rd Longview, Texas 75601 222
Niuman, James Logan 3638 Cedarwood Dayton, Ohio 45430 112, 128, 222
Nolder, Robert Paul 137 Grassy Pin Bethel, Connecticut 06801 222
Noel II, Richard Dale 657 N. Hawthorne York, Pennsylvania 17404 162, 222
Nordeen, Royal Kent 11237 Bootes St San Diego, California 92126 222
Norris, John Minor 915 15th Longview, Texas 75601 150, 222
Nolt, Jeffrey Scott 2117 Lyndell Dr Lancaster, Pennsylvania 17601
Reims, Kristine Nordell 1017 Humiston Worthington, Minnesota 56187 182, 222
Nybro, Dennis Leroy Rt 1, Box 519 Watervliet, Michigan 49098 133, 222
Nymeyer, Mark A 3120 Ridge Rd Highland, Indiana 46322 143, 144, 145, 193, 196, 222
Oakes, David Merl Rd 1, Grndst HI Greencastle, Pennsylvania 17225 222
Oksnevad, Gordon Olav 103Cynthia Ct Durand, Illinois 61024 222
Olson, BradleyJohn 4330 Wilson St. Minnetonka, Minnesota 55343 151, 223
Olson, Philip Devon R.R 3 Winamac, Indiana 46996 144, 223
Omstead, Michael Robert Box 11 Wheatley, Canada OP2PO 124, 223
Onarheim, Glenn Douglas 1685 Webster Ave Merrick, New York 11566 223
O'Neill, Robert Gene Rural Box 9 Winchester, Kansas 66097 223
Oplinger, Douglas Edward 632 N Howard St Allentown, Pennsylvania 18102 138, 223
Ortiz, Angel Vincente F-l Nueva Clementina, Puerto Rico 00657 223
Ott, MarkDavid LeTourneau College Longview, Texas 75601 223
Ozinga, James Matthew 7147 Jackson Mentor, Ohio 44060 223
Parker, David Edward 307 S 6th St Wishek, North Dakota 58495 140, 162, 223
Parrish, Robert Lawrence Rt 1 Hanover, Ohio 17313 223
Passan, Noel Paul 289 Stanwood Dr New Britain, Connecticut 06053 223
Patterson, William Richard 433 Copley Rd Haddonfield, NewJersey 08033 119, 223
Patton, William Arthur 3764 School Ln Newtown Square, Pennsylvania 19073
Pauling, Mark Leroy LeTourneau College Longview, Texas 75601 223
Pearl, Leroy Blane 16980 Mitchell Fort Bragg, California 95437
Peasland, Thomas Ruente San Sul Lomas Tecamach, Mexico 223
Feet, Jonathan David P.O Box 548 Imperial, California 92251 223
Penrod, Vernon Darrel 60 Beacon Romeoville, Illinois 60441 223
Peterson, Daniel Scott 3018 Sunshine Miramar, Florida 33023
Peterson, Doyle Lane 416 1st St N.E Hayfield, Minnesota 55940 121, 161, 223
Petersen, Kenneth Roger 11 Pent Bloomfield, Connecticut 06002 144, 223
Petersen, Roberta Lee 1730 Hillcrest St Cloud, Minnesota 56301
Peterson, Robert Frank 2970 Holly Rd Ft Myers, Florida 33901 223
Phillips, Barry Wade 108 D. Moore Portland, Texas 78374 148, 223
Phillips, Jeff Clark 616 Phillips Bagdad, Arizona 86321 223
Phipps, David Elbert P.O. Box793 Kilgore, Texas 75662 223
Pierce, Ruth Maxwell 620 14th N.W Ardmore, Oklahoma 73401 223
Pillow II, Sidney Franklin 3680 Haven Ave Fremont, California 94538 223
Pipak Jr., Joseph Robert 1900 Green 213 Longview, Texas 75601 104, 140, 223
Pirkle, Randall Wayne P.O Box 390 Fallen, Nevada 89406 223
Plants, Randall Jacob P.O Box 787 Paonia, Colorado 81428
Plata, Duane Waldon R.F.D 3 Lime Springs, Iowa 52155 223
Plemmons, John Clark 905 S. Adams Quincy, Florida 32351 166, 167, 223
Pontier, RonLee 850 Center Ln Clermom, Florida 32711 223
Porter, Olen De Walt 2311 S 16th St Longview, Texas 75601 223
Powell, Fran Rt 1, Estates Cr Flint, Missouri 75762 162, 176, 177, 223
Pradmore, Terry Arthur 916 Walnut Dr Santa Maria, California 93454 223
Prater, Stephen Lowell 10914 Indianhd Oxon Hill, Maryland 20022 156, 224
Price, James Franklin 802 W Avalon Longview, Texas 75601 224
687 N nLexingto ,Mansfield oOhi 6449C ,172 ,173 622
,Seifert mSa nAlle
5585 S.W 49 St ,Miami aFlorid 63315 ,83 ,117 ,123 622
,Seibert eJoyc hRut
,Zanesville oOhi 14370 622
,Searls kRic eLe xBo 0185
,Scranton kJac dRichar oApd 81012 nSa ,Jose aCost aRic 622
,Scott Joe nLyn R.R 2 ,Arlington yKentuck 14202 ,139 622
P.O xBo 825 eWhit ,Clay aNebrask 56936 813
,Scott yHarr oWald
,Schwitters nDa rWalte d2310753r Ave ,Bothell nWashingto 19801 622
,Schumacher nAllasDenni Rt ,2 46xBo lCentra ,City aNebrask 66882 622
,Schulze yJeffre W 0314 kTamarac ,Erie aPennsylvani 61650
313 E 414 Ave ,Tampa Fla 23361 622
,Schultz nNathaeLawrenc
,Schultz nJoh dLloy 612 W eRow ,Roodhouse sIllinoi 26208 622
,Schuette sDougla dDonal 3222 .S yMobberl ,Longview sTexa 17560
R.R 2 KermitRd ,Freeport sIllinoi 26103 ,138 622
,Schubert nBenjami hJosep
,Schmidt nBria nJo 3129 S oQuiet ,Denver oColorad 38022 622
,Schiller rPete sJame 051 E Shadowln ,Chattanooga eTennesse 43740 622
,Scheel lMichae nDea 0575 tBittrswee ,Madison nWisconsi 55370
,Waxhaw hNort aCarolin 32817 ,166 622
eWycliff xBo 824
Mt ,Cory oOhi 84586
R.R 1
,Schafer kDic eLe
,Gobies nMichiga 54905
R.R 2
,Saye nMarvisDenni
,Halstad aMinnesot 85654 ,166 622
P.O 622xBo
,Satran nSteve tDwigh
,Oroville aCaliforni 59596 622
014 .Mt wVie
sSander ,III sThoma dLeonar
,Longview sTexa 17560 622
,Sanders nJoh sDougla 8181 nRodde
,Sanders tAlber sDougla 8181 nRodde St ,Longview sTexa 17560
,Wellsboro aPennsylvani 11690
R.D ,2 xBo 839
,Sampson yRarWalte
,Salatin rArthu mWillia R.T ,1 128xBo ,Swoope aVirgini 92447 ,120 ,121 ,143 ,144 622
,Saint lNathanae .R.D ,2 110xBo ,Elverson aPennsylvani 01952 ,156 622
,Sage lCaro sFrance uLeTournea eColleg ,Longview sTexa 17560 38 ,Sage nGlen nDaviso 6 ePin St N ,Arlington yJersewNe 20703 622
,Chamblee aGeorgi 13034 622
,Safstrom dDavi eWayn 6443 nStoningto
,Rudy lPau dDavi 34 eAlle sDe sPlantane 06026 eFranc 622 ,Ruge nDaw eJeanett 71288 7 eMil Rd ,Belding nMichiga 94880 622 kSaddoc ,Jr. yHarr eGeorg 5110 sWell Dr ,Longview sTexa 17560 622
,Rudoi eIren 5502 kGransbac ,Philadelphia aPennsylvani 01912 622
622 ,Schanely lPau kMar
,Atlanta aGeorgi 83030 522
,Ross nSteve lCampbel 134 ePonc eD eL
,Rosenau eLenVerno 914 dHubbar Dr ,Longview sTexa 17560 522
,Tucson aArizon 68571 522
,Rosenberger dRichar nJonatha P.O 81xBo ,Pinckney nMichiga 94816 ,Roseveare nSteve lCar 6252 .E .Blkldge
,Roland E M yWood nMorga lRura eRout oZumbr ,Falls aMinnesot 15599 ,150 522
,Toledo hNort aDakot 44361 ,148 ,149 522 ,Rogers eStev lSamue eMil 86 ,Willow aAlask 89968 522
,Robinson eLawrenc hLeig h20445t .St nWester ,Spgs. sIllinoi 86055 ,150 522 ,Rodebaugh yRand eLe 5353 tBlairmon
,Roberts ySidne eLe xBo 37 hChurc ,Vincentown wNe yJerse 80808 522
yRitche ,Sr. dFre eLe 262 W eLe St ,Floydada sTexa 57923 522
,Longview sTexa 17560 522
,Ritchey FredL 7201 S nGree
,Ringler lMichae nAla 1410 aAstori ,Irving sTexa 27506 522
,Riffle nJonatha nEtha P.O 835xBo ,Athol oIdah 18380
eRiffl ,Jr. eGeorg wAndre 487 eCo St ,Camarillo aCaliforni 09301 522
nWester ,Spgs. sIllinoi 86055 522 ,Ries nDa nAlle P.O 219xBo ,Houghton wNe kYor 41474 522 ,Riesland lDanie eEugen 5144 E Hwy 02 rUppe ,Lake aCaliforni 59548
,Roth yGar nAlle 6642'S nSherma ,Littleton oColorad 18012 622 ,Rowe yNanc hElisabet 113 eRosco ,Muscatine aIow 15276 ,185 418 ,Rud dRichar nMarti 0300 N yNormand ,Chicago sIllinoi 46063
,Longview sTexa 17560
sRichard ,Jr. nJohtRober %1815 h12t
,Rice lMichae tJarret xBo 222 ,Quincy sIllinoi 16230 522
,Reynolds yJeffre tScot 6494 dConra ,Erie aPennsylvani 01651 522
,Rettig cMar dHowar wMeado kLar eLan ,Highwood aMontan 05945 522
,Reister dEdwar sJame eSton11 aWall ,Walla nWashingto 29936 ,144 ,145 522
522 ,Rees nJoh tScot 5141 dEnglewoo ,Slidell aLouisian 87045 522
422 ,Reas yHenrnSteve eSpruc166 St ,Aurora sIllinoi 66050 ,150 ,151 422 ,Reckling nHarla eRitchi Rt 8 ,Lincoln aNebrask 66850 522 ,Record yLarr xRe 11501 E dLockwoo rFrazie ,Park aCaliforni 59322 522 ,Reisman dRichar yHenr 41 nWashingto ,Wellsville kYorwNe 51489
422 ,Raush dRonal eLawrenc Rd ,1 eLanwMeado ,Conestoga aPennsylvani 61751
422 ,Quintero nMervi sDougla uLeTournea eColleg ,Longview sTexa 17560 ,Ramey sCharle sThoma Rt ,2 0189xBo sGras ,Valley aCaliforni 59594
422 ,Quigg nStephe lPau S91 nMai St ,Elmer wNe yJerse 80831
,Puzey yJa sCharle R.R 1 ,Indianola sIllinoi 06185
422 ,Pust nDeayPerr P.O 211xBo ,Charlo aMontan 45982 ,144 ,145 422
20FredricksRd ,Scotia k.YorwNe 21230
Prosser nStephe kMar
522 ,Ridder tRober dRichar 0520 nLaw
Shaffer, Karl George 1649 Ivy Rd Memphis, Tennessee 38117 226
Shaugei, Bruce Alan 313Washington Phillipsburg, NewJersey 08865 227
Shaver, Jeffrey Lynn 10 Woodside Dr Scotia, New York 12302 83, 140, 227
Shaw, Paul Bradley 229 Ada Richland, Washington 99352 227
Shearer, JayEugene Rd 1, Box342 Elizabethtown, Pennsylvania 17022 227
Shull, George Daniel 13675Walaskapl Lakewood, Colorado 80228 227
Shumate, Douglas Carson StarRoute Pottstown, Pennsylvania 19464
Shinen, DavidJoseph P.O Box 629 Nome, Alaska 99762 227
Sickler, James Laurence R.D 2, Box156 Montoursville, Pennsylvania 17754 227
Simmons, Marsha Elaine Hillcrest Dr Hughes Spgs., Texas 75656 227
Simmons, WendellRay 5101N Shannon Tucson, Arizona 85705 125, 142, 174, 227
Simon, John Christopher 13202 Pleasantv. Fairfax, Virginia 22030 174, 227
Sjoblom, Mark Davis 305 Magnolia Lane Longview, Texas 75601 227
Skinner, Terry Palmer 26 Draper St Wolcott, New York 14590 227
Slater, Stanley Judson 404 N.E 1st St Belle Glade Florida 33430 227
Smith, Brent David Box 102 Kadoka, South Dakota 57543 227
Smith, Bruce Allen 17920 Chicago Lansing, Illinois 60438 227
Smith, KevinDon 5412 Beauregard Orangevale, California
Smith, Mark Alan 16030 S.W 98th Miami, Florida 33157 148, 227
Smith, Michael Drue Rt 1, Box277 Longview, Texas 75601 227
Smith, Michael Lee LeTourneau College Longview, Texas 75601 227
Smith, RandallWade 11107 Manning Houston, Texas 77041
Smith, Richard Michael 28793 CR24W Elkhart, Indiana 46514 227
Snow Jr., James Matthew 213S.E 7th St N Belle Glade, Florida 33430 227
Snyder, Curtis Perry 8118 Rhea Reseda, California 91335 228
Sommer, Timothy John Rd. 1 Harmony, Pennsylvania 16037 228
Spears, Donald Patrick 4006 Craft Bossier City, Louisiana 71010 228
Spicer, Duane Gregory 1289 Gale Dr Kent, Ohio 44240 228
Stauffer, David Brubaker 6480 Main St E Petersburg, Pennsylvania 17520 144, 228
Stegner, JohnDavid 8620 E 81st Ter Raytown, Missouri 64138 228
Steitler, Charles Leo Rd 2 Lyons, New York 14489 228
Steinkraus, Norman Samuel 2201 N Springfl Chicago, Illinois 60647 228
Stephens, Brian Noel 509 Main St Dowagiac, Michigan 49047 228
Stephens, Mark Douglas 5730 Pleas Vly Brighton, Michigan 48116 228
Stephens, Mark Kaslow Rt 2
Carthage, Missouri 64836 139, 228
Stewart, Brent Erin P.O Box 62 Camino, California 95709 133, 228
Stewart, Gary Dean 19011st Capitl St Charles, Missouri 133, 229 63301
Stewart, James Wesley 157 Billingham Monroe, Louisiana 71202 229
Stoltzfus, David Jay P.O Box225 Elverson, Pennsylvania 19520 144, 156, 229
Stoltzfus, Esther Joy Box 225 Elverson, Pennsylvania 19520 229
Strait, David Robert 307% Main Cornell, Wisconsin 54732 125, 229
Strayer, Dusty Allen 8234th Ave
Lake Odessa, Michigan 48849 140, 173, 229
Strege, Douglas Kim 1804 Truman Valparaiso, Indiana 46383 229
Strickler, James Edward Rd 3, Box266 Lewisburg, Pennsylvania 17837 229
Strubhar, Peter Martig 308 S. Market Washington, Illinois 61571
Stuit, Dorothy Bernice 1536 Scoville Berwyn, Illinois 60402 117, 229
Stutsman, Carl Andrew 8514 218th S.W Edmonds, Washington 98020 229
Sullivan, David Lee P.O Box364 Judsonia, Arkansas 72081 229
Sullenger, BillyRay 7320 W LakeRd Lakeport, California 95453
Summerville, Howard John 20336 Edmunton Stclair Shores, Michigan 4808 229
Sutton, Steve Lloyd Rt 1
Lewistown, Montana 150, 229 59457
Swanson, George Daniel 1405 Whitley Dr Vienna, Virginia 22180 229
Swanson, Vern Raynold 2335 N. 12th
Quincy, Illinois 62301 229
Swartz, Eric Nolan 420 RanchRd Wheaton, Illinois 60187 229
Swenson, JosephPaul Box 11 Outing, Minnesota 56662 150, 229
Swineford, Michael Joseph Rd. 1, Box207 Ashland, Ohio 44805 148, 229
Swope, Diana Faye 114Firmin St Franklin, Louisiana 70538 229
Syme, Randel Stewart 12000 Falls Rd Cockeysville, Maryland 21030
Talaasen, Barthol Edward Rt 5, Box168 Longview, Texas 75601
Tarr, Daniel Craig Rd 1, Box 85% Paxinos, Pennsylvania 17860 143, 150, 151, 229
Tauck, Roger William Hammond, Montana 59332 230
Taylor, Bruce Edward 910 Union Rd W Seneca, New York 14224 230
Taylor, Glenn Mitchell 2620Kennedy Livermore, California 94550 230
Temple, BruceRoy 6565Olde8 Rd Peninsula, Ohio 44264 138, 230
Temple, David James Tibbies R.R 5 Quesnel, Canada 2J3H9 230
Thomas, Michael Lawrence Drawer F Window Rock, Arizona 86515 230
Thomas, Steven Dale 403 Forde Ave Mahomet, Illinois 61853 230
Thompson, Byron Kenneth Rt 2 Baltimore, Ohio 43105 230
Thompson, Richard Gary 6802 Dante Ct Springfield, Virginia 22152 143, 148, 149, 230
Thompson, StevenRay 17 5th St St Thomas, Virgin Islands 00801 230
223 ,Wilder eDal nAdro Rt ,4 439xBo ,Moscow oIdah 38384
538 nGwe ,York aPennsylvani 41740 140 ,160 ,161 223 ,Wilday dRo eLe xBo 324 ,Galway wNe kYor 41207
220 S nAvalo Ave ,Longview sTexa 17560 ,Wildasin eStev lEar
223 ,Wikoff nDo eLe N450 nJunctio ,Grangeville iHawai 08353 ,144 ,161 223 ,Wilcox eGeorgi B
,Wik lPau dRaymon 765 eJacksonvill ,Ivyland aPennsylvani 41897
223 ,Weichmann lCrysta nAn xBo ,126 R.R 2 ,Hubbard aIow 25012 ,126 ,128 ,184 185 223
223 ,Wiechmann nCorwi E .R.R 2 ,Hubbard aIow 25012
,White yLac nBrya 9302 S rDromeda ,Tempe aArizon 28528
231 S tWalnu W ,Chester aPennsylvani 01938 ,126 223
,White sCharle nCamero
140 ,154 223 ,Wells dRaymon nNelso 401GanherRd nWinsto ,Salem hNort aCarolin 12710 223 ,Werner dBoy nJonatha Rt 3 ,Sandpoint oIdah 48386 223 ,Wesner lPaurRodge 0560 eAlpin ,Stevensville nMichiga 74912 223 ,West nDeayBill 9260 mBuckingha ,Denton sTexa 17620 ,162 164 223 ,Whelchel dDavi nFrnakli lBox ,Helton yKentuck 04084 ,156 223 ,White yRaeBonni 862 wRainbo Dr ,Shreveport aLouisian 67110 ,162 ,163 ,164 ,165 ,140 223
,Gering aNebrask 16934
,Weber nMerli nDea Rt ,2 ABOX436
,Webber lDanie dGeral 1373 dHowar Ave sLo ,Alamitos aCaliforni 09072 ,144 ,145 ,193 223
,Weaver nStephe kMar uLeTournea eColleg ,Longview sTexa 17560
,Longview sTexa 17560 223
uLeTournea eColleg
,Weaver nJohdDavi
,Windber aPennsylvani 31596 ,148 223
,Weaver eDal tErnes P.O xBo 636
,Miami aFlorid 33314 223
,Waugh yBarr tGran 0545 S.W h87t St
,Watson yBill kMac Rt ,1 HBox54,Krum sTexa 97524 123
,Watne yStanle eLe R.R ,Gait aIow 15010 ,121 ,161 ,127 123
,Fanwood yJersewNe 30702 123
,Wankmuller dDavi lNei 111 hBeec Ave
,Cypress sTexa 97742 123
61200 mEl Dr
,Walzel yRodne eBlak
,Wallis aSylvi yKa 251 N nMcPherso Ft ,Bragg California 79543 ,133 123
,Houston sTexa 67703 ,24 123
,Wallace aVirgini eLucill 5861 lArie
,Houston sTexa 67703 ,80 ,82 ,83 ,117 ,123 123
,Wallace aLerett eLouis 5861 lArie
,Wallace dDonal yTimoth Rd ,1 xBo 128 tFron ,Royal aVirgini 02263 ,144 ,194 123
,Walker dRichar dRaymon cPontia321 Ave ,Pittsburgh aPennsylvani 71523 ,133 123
,Longview sTexa 17560 123
3222 S yMobberl
,Walker aWand eGal
,Longview sTexa 17560 123
,Walker lMichae lPau 3222 S yMobberl
223 ,Welch sJame sDougla 1842 yNisquall ,Dallas sTexa 77521
,Aurora oColorad 18001 123
,Wahlstrom sJame sDougla 472 nDearbor
,Wagner yJeffre sJame 4210 kWarwic ,Longview sTexa 17560
,Wagner yGregor nDea 0620 aBoc oRi D kOa ,Forest sIllinoi 26045 123
,Longview sTexa 17560
,Waechter lCar dDavi P.O xBo 1700 ,Longview sTexa 17560 123 ,Waechter nKare sDobb P.O 1700xBo
,Vaughn dJeral yRo P.O V rBunke ,Hill sIllinoi 123 46201 ,Veele nStephe lPau h3319160t Ave ,Holland nMichiga 34942 123 ,Velazquez lAbimae sMora 534 oMexic ,City oMexic 123 ,Veiling tScot nAlle 6175 eBetbyshir dGran ,Rapids nMichiga 84950 123 ,Vetter tRober nMcClella 1173 wLongvie ,Lancaster aPennsylvani 11760 ,Visti yTimoth eDal 334 Fpt Nrsy Rd ,Painesville oOhi 74407 123 ,Vogt eDewayn eGen 11066 .W eMarlen ,Littleton oColorad 38012 123
123 nVa ,Beek yRadRichar 01385 rRivelEe rPotte ,Valley aCaliforni 99546 ,162 ,165 ,185 123 nVa ,Vleet sThoma nJoh 2130 .E tFores ,Wheaton sIllinoi 76018 123 nVa ,Vranken dRonal sJame yJocke tStree ,Galway wNe kYor 41207 ,136 ,140 123 nVa ,Wie lKar sDougla Rd 6 nBallsto ,Lake wNe kYor 91201 123 ,Varcoe yShelle nDaw 42832 yThorn Br ,Farmington nMichiga 44802 ,162 ,176 ,177 123
842 gKin St ,Wallaceburg aCanad 88A1H
831 eIbervill ,Biloxi iMississipp 13953
,Vanderley lDanie lPau
,Turnquist eDallRussel 51 dHomestea ,Rome aGeorgi 13016
,Turner nStephe eDal 013 rCente ,Raynham sMassachusett 70276 123
123 ,Turnbull nJoh nPatterso 3250 rDove Rd ,Westlake oOhi 54414 123
023 ,Tolson sJame lMichae eDrak520 ,Longview sTexa 17560 ,83 ,138 223 ,Toth nSteve 3731 W h87t ePlac sLo ,Angeles aCaliforni 59004 023 ,Tou dDavi gKeun 850 RdnNatha 7 tFron ,Kowloon gHon gKon 023 ,Townsend eJerom eLe ,Ekalaka aMontan 45932 ,Trittipoe yJo nLyn R.R 1 ,Elwood sIllinoi 16042 023 ,Trowbridge yTimoth lPau R.R ,1 823xBo ,Valparaiso aIndian 34638 123 ,Tucker hKennet dEdwar 750 S nJea ,Longview sTexa 17560
2436 W sTuft ,Denver oColorad 68023
023 ,Todd aNorm nJea uLeTournea eColleg ,Longview sTexa 17560 023 ,Todd hRalp hKennet uLeTournea eColleg ,Longview sTexa 17560 023 ,Tokatloglou sNicholayTimoth
793 xFeli Ave ,Windsor aCanad 29C3L 023 ,Thornton lDanie eLe 0143 tSuebarnet ,Houston sTexa 87701 ,Tiefenbach hKennet eWayn 7262 mBotha Ct St ,Joseph nMichiga 54908 ,192 023 ,Timmons sJame eBruc 2383 nGree eAcr ,Philadelphia aPennsylvani 41915
,Thomson sJame eLom
123 ,Vannatto lPau lGabrie
Williams, Dennis Boyd 4020 Diexel Di Binghamton, New York 142, 232 13903
Williams, KennethWayne 4020 DrexelDr Binghamton, New York 13903 232
Williams, Jonathan Guest 212 E Melbourne Silver Springs, Maryland 20901
Willoughby, Diola Irene LeTourneau College Longview, Texas 75601
Willoughby, William Ellis P.O Box1287 Pendleton, Pennsylvania 97801 232
Wilson, Candace Eppler 3950 Van Dorn Lincoln, Nebraska 68506 133, 198, 208
Wilson, Howard Grenville 4 VassarRd Winnipeg, Canada 3T3M9 232
Wilson, Jimmie Dale 2510 Thomas Ave Halland, Michigan 49423 232
Wilson, Todd Robert 2514 Greenwood Woodstock, Illinois 60098 232
Wilson, Vernon Lee 1106 Rose Ave DesPlaines, Illinois 233 60016
Wingerd, Raymond Earl 2141 C Daley N Las Vegas, Nevada 89030 233
Wisser, Charles Edward 3011 Bergman Pittsbuig, Pennsylvania 15204 233
Witt, Joel Raleigh 18 Brockhaven Chattanooga, Tennessee 37404 233
Wittenbach, Paul Glenn 13077 3Mile Rd Lowell, Michigan 49331 233
Wood, Keenon Lee P.O Box886 Raymondville, Texas 78580 233
Wood, Laurie Lynne StarRoute Gypsum, Colorado 81637 233
Woodward, Stephen Wayne West Lake Rd Westfield, New York 14787 233
Wootten, David Roben 17 Tappen Hum Slaiion, New York 11746 121, 139, 233
Worley, Timoihy Allen Rd 2 Emlenton, Pennsylvania 16373 233
Wrighl, Roger Ernesl 507 W Harmonl Phoenix, Arizona 85021 233
Wubbenhorst, Roben Gene 9835 Fox Rd. Houslon, Texas 77064 192
Yard, Leora Sue 708 Meadowview Greenwood, Indiana 46142 116, 127, 136, 233
Yaughn, Randy Felton 1665 Tucker Rd. Macon, Georgia 31204 233
Yorgey, Philip M Box 313 Fleelwood, Pennsylvania 19522 144, 193, 233
Young, Roben Roger 235 McKinney Wexford, Pennsylvania 15090 233
Young, Paul Edwin Gen Del Dixons Mill, Alabama 36736 144, 193, 233
Young, William Graham Gen Del Dixons Mill, Alabama 36736 144, 145, 196, 233
York, Michael Gregory 2518 Stoninglon Chamblee, Georgia 30341 233
Zabaneh, Ibrahim Khalil Azmi Tripoli, Lebanon 233
Zitzmann, George Paul 4657 - 158Si Flushing, New York 11358 233