1977 LeTourneau University Yearbook

Page 1

910870 RPIONEE 7197 uLeTournea eColleg ,Longview sTexa Illar^aret xBo 1700 uLeTournea ,Longview sTexa r7560£ .Vol 03

eth dworl hwit a euniqu nChristia ecolleg ni tEas .Texas

rOu npublicatio WNO scircle eth eglob hwit a ncirculatio fo rove fone-hal ,million rfurthe gacquaintin

cmulti-ethni .ministry

Nam eW ear sthu dreminde ttha sour asi ,multi-racial

sstudent mfro ,China ,Burma gHon ,Kong dan tVie

sintonation fo lorienta slanguage ear dhear mfro

ydispla ni esom nportio fo rthei enativ dress eTh

sstudent mfro aAfric yfrequentl atpresen lcolorfu

aCanad slead eth tlis hwit ,eight tbu eth dcombine pgrou mfro hSout aAmeric stotal eleven teigheTh

,nationals sother eth nchildre fo ymissionar parents

sstudent ear fo linternationa norigi — esom nforeigear

na linternationa note eMor ntha efiv tper-cen fo eth

.continent tI si on esurpris ttha eth tstuden ybod sreflect

uLeTournea sgraduate serve no sfieldnmissio no yever

eTh sgeniu fo .G.R uLeTournea swa nknow .world-wide



. .

owh wno lcal rtheiwLongvie .home

,total dinflate yb eth xinflu fo dmarrie sstudent

hthoug eth sTexa ndelegatio ethdshowe thighes

,Michigan ,Minnesota dan aFlorid dtoppe eth ,list

accents ,Pennsylvania wNe ,York ,Illinois ,California

hwit eth tpredominan nmidwester dan nnorther

,western dan,eastern sdialectnsouther dblende

sA eth,usual clinguisti npatter ddefie sanalysi sa

eRhod dIslan swa .representedtno

ear nidrepresente sthi ;bodytstudensyear' yonl

eTh tstuden ybod cosmopolitansi eForty-nin sstate



V S\

nreflectio dfulfille rou lspiritua .goals

oint eth eactiv life nChristia eservic dan eth tquie stime fo

scampu — and mfro ,brief eprivat ofsminute dtuckegsharin

ninter-actio scome mfro nisstudent ydail notcontac a ybus

yFacult dan fstaf nieshar mdor ,devotions tbu tmos fo eth

ehav rthei tpar ni gmoldin eth lspiritua eton fo .campuseth

eCorporat pworshi sfind sit nexpressio ni dvarie ways sClas ,devotions lchape ,services fosweeklspecia —semphasi lal




With the rush of campus life, we had to remind ourselves that our academic priorities were important Classes, labs, co-curricular andextracurricular activitieshad their part in sharpening skills and disciplining minds. Amid cries of national grade inflation, we kept our eyes upon theDean's List and the GPA and someeven managed to reach the elusive 4.0.



Studies did not prevent an active social life. Concerts, film nights, intra-mural sports and planned activities had their part, but sodid those unplanned times when lasting friendships were established and nurtured.


All of the nationalforecasters predicted that students would stay away from the polls in droves Apathy was the expected position for college students of voting age. LeTourneau students broke the trend with an unusual interest in the national election scene True, they were not interested in local politics, but they spoke out loud and clear on the national contest Their support of Gerald Ford

was never in doubt. A final campus poll showed his campus support at 81% and a surprising three-fourths of the student body registered to vote For the first time in recent years there was no activity of "Young Republicans" or "Young Democrats," — they did not even bother to organize Party politics was subordinated to the support of a man, though the vast majority of the student body admitted to Republican preference.

Ford Dole Ford Dole Ford Dole

YJ Poll: Ford Leads Carter

1 As of this date, I would considermyself to be a memberof the following national political party:

2. As of this date, I am:

3 If the 1976 election were held at this time, I would vote for the following: Jimmy Carter

4 In my opinion, the following person will win the 1976presidentialelection: Jimmy Carter 33.8% Gerald Ford 58.7% No Response 7.5%

The results of the poll are based on a student body response of 35.9%. A second poll will be taken immediately prior to the national election

10.4% Republican 61.3% Independent 18.6% Other .4%
registered to vote 39.4% Registered to vote 60.6%
63.2% Other 8.9%
Gerald Ford


The new food servicesoon found out that pleasing hungry Techoswas no easy job

Unequal enforcement of the new curfew regulations was a minor irritation in some residence halls

The significance of Good Friday was emphasized by an all-school communion service, the first of its kind here at LeTourneau.

sissue — ttha swa !pleasant

tI swa tno a ryea fo lcontroversia

EBUMBLEBE swa dpublishe eonc .again

lApri 1 tbanque gsettin no pto fo B A rSkippe gDinin Hall dAn eth

eth tmos eextensiv kpran swa eth

dan harmless eW dha rou fun, dan

nEve eth scampu sprank ewer dmil

eresistanc swa tme sa gsprin sday tgo warmer

eth msyste — yonl dscattere

sha nbee on lrea tattemp ot kbuc

eTh tshir erul lstil sexist dan ether

esom ereasonabl schange ni eth wcurfe —srule dan ythe ewer .accepted

sgarden ni svariou spart fo eth campus sRule ewer salway runde discussion A epossibl nconfrontatio swa ddefuse nwhe eth tStuden eSenat drecommende

yThe oals dplante lsmal -mini

sarea ttha ewer yformerl bare

dworke dhar ot tplan sgras ni elarg

swa tno a ryea rfo rmajo scampu ,improvement tbu eth sground wcre

scampu sservice mid-week sThi

rfo ethos owh ddi tno datten -off

rpraye gmeetin dprovide pfellowshi

mroo rfo eprivat dan lsmal pgrou .devotions A yWednesda tnigh nstudent-ru

eSenat dfurnishe a lsmal rpraye

,bare tbu ew ear duse ot it yEver rcorne fo eth nmillio rdolla gbuildin swa .used eTh tStuden

tStuden .Center eTh mber



eTh efurnituracafeteri ymysteriousl

eth t"shir
A yWednesda gevenin rpraye ,meeting dinitiate yb ,students swa yusuall lwel attended sCampu earsjournalist yconstantl gseekin rfo ""issues ttha lwil emak ginterestin r(o )controversial copy eTh yusuall mcal eatmospher fo rou nChristia ycommunit swa neve emor os sthi year gBi sissue ewer
by nEve rafte
fo eth spro dan scon fo eth dfoo eservic ,change-over eth rmajo ycontrovers swa dwage rove eth
rfo emor peanut .butter rAfte
oint eth
G lMemoriauLeTournea dan
dappeare no eth
morning eMaintenanc ddi esom lsmal escal elandscap kwor ta lsevera scampu
lBeautifu gsprin rweathe tbrough dscattere tstuden nreactio ot
dhar ot ecom
otw syear fo ,talk ew dsettle
si lstil
V ^ >i3>-r-> * X *W?JBK& sk-W, « t • .: • >T, IwLSBR^. ^ '


Gordon M. Cathey, Nyack, New York

Joseph J Castiglia, Hamburg, NY

Lanny R Clark, Lexington, Ohio

Robert G Coleman, Longview, Texas

Paul E.Glaske, Longview, Texas

Philip Hook, Tyler, Texas

Paul M Johnson,Birmingham, Michigan

Harold C Jordan, Vicksburg, Mississippi

Ben LeTourneau,Longview, Texas

R. G. LeTourneauII, Houston, Texas

Mrs R G LeTourneau,Longview, Texas

Richard H. LeTourneau,Longview, Texas

Bart W McCoy, Longview, Texas

Sam Mack, Longview, Texas

Walter E.Mays, Dallas, Texas

Lloyd A Molby, Longview,Texas

Jim Molzahn, Littleton, Colorado

Elwood Nielsen, Dallas, Texas

David Pewterbaugh, York, PA

Dan W. Piatt, Gatlinburg, TN

Bill Retts, Tucson, AZ

Earl Roberts,Jr., Longview, Texas

Randel Stringer, Longview, Texas

Clarence O Swanson, Longview, Texas

George H. Webber, Rockville, Maryland

Stan Bjornson,Longview, Texas

Harry T Hardwick, Longview, Texas

Larry R Rehnquist,Longview, Texas

Clarence Swanson of Longview is Chairman of the Board of Trustees, the governing body of LeTourneau College. He is seen here with President LeTourneau

rthei euniqu yministr fo ""Friend-raising.

eic ot eth ecolleg ni rthei ehom .communities .Dr kHardwic dan shi ewif erang eth nnatio ni

uLeTournea eColleg Council eMad pu fo dintereste ,volunteers eth pgrou sgive -servdvarie

ssee eth tdevelopmen fo a ggrowin ybod fo epeopl lvita ot eth yministr fo eth ,college eth

uLeTournea College wNo ni shi dsecon ryea fo eth wne ,responsibility Dr kHardwic -over

.Dr yHarr .T kHardwic ebecam rChancello ta eth den fo shi etenur sa tPresiden fo


I 72


dRichar H uLeTournea dRichar .H uLeTournea


nI sHi ,Service

sThank rfo ghelpin ot emak sthi a dgoo ryea rfo ,me .also

yMa uyo salway wkno ttha uyo ear ni tChris wno dan ni eth .future

"Spirit. I( nJoh .4:13)

ttha ew dwell ni ,him dan eh ni ,us ebecaus eh hhat ngive su fo shi

eBibl ,courses ni ,chapel ni sclas ,devotions ni mdor sdevotion dan sperhap ni ryou lpersona sdevotion sa .well y"Hereb wkno ew

dkin fo ryea ttha uyo ypersonall .had fI uyo dha a dgoo eon ti swa yprobabl ebecaus uyo ehav eassuranc dan epurpos ni elif dan ear gpressin dtowar ttha .goal fI uyo dha a dba ,year ypossibl uyo yreall tweren' esur fo ,yourself ewher uyo ewer ,going twha uyo yreall dwante ot .accomplish uYo nca eb ,sure uyo .know eYou'v dhear ti yman stime rove ni

tBu tjus sa ,you ,collectively dplaye a rmajo erol ni eth dkin fo ryea ew ehav dha ta eth ,college ,you ,individually ddetermine eth

eth .best tWha emad ti ?that uYo !did rYou ,attitudes ryou edesir ot nlear dan ryou nconcer rfo lspiritua svalue lal dplaye a tpar ni .it

sdiscussion hwit rothe sadministrator dan ,faculty I ebeliev I nca ysafel ysa ttha ti swa eon fo eth tbes syear ni rou ,history fi tno

dAn sthi swa a dgoo ryea ebecaus uyo emad ti .that nI ,fact rafte

uYo ewer a tpar fo ttha .year tWha emad eth ryea twha ti swa -depend de ot a elarg emeasur no twha uyo sa sstudent ycollectivel emad .it

rAnothe ryea sha ndraw ot a eclos ni eth yhistor fo uLeTournea .College

rDea uLeTournea eColleg :Student

a four-year Christian coeducational college

lTla att iuxvA MJJ (nout. COLLEG I SART DAN SSCIENCE • GENGINEERIN DAN YTECHNOLOG / ,LONGVIEW STEXA 17560 • area 421 / phone 1753-023 lApri
fRHL:g 92


;••! •
SDORI ,ANDERSEN nLibraria 13

dreceive ethes .awards

ewer drecognize rfo goutstandin teaching eTh sClas fo 1 797 echos otw nme sa their efavorit .instructors eThes ewer dname ta eth rSenio tBanque dan dawarde plaques rRoge rCar dan lBil fGraf

enomine rfo eth eMinni rPipesStephen .Award hBot

sScholar' dAwar dan tAlber L rGree swa nchose sa

nchose yb eth yfacult sa a enomine rfo eth hDanfort

oTw ewer nchose yb rthei speer ot ethtrepresen ecolleg in estat and lnationa .competition M. eDean eWhit was

yFacult earsmember yofficiallssometime drecognize rfo rthei ncontributio ot eth college


wr*ft- &»&& -* V '' *' iTj^f-
smember gbein
lsevera sbanquet hwhic
cacademiecolleg year 33
dserve ta eon fo
dcomplete eth
f ) T l >o

rRoge ,Carr tAssistan ,Professor ,Aviation SM sThoma ,Clark ,Instructor SB,Aviation

tStewar ,Brynn tAssistan rProfesso fo lPhysica ,Education AM

dRichar ,Berry eAssociat rProfesso fo lMechanica ,Engineering SM dFloy ,Bishop eAssociat rProfesso dan ,Chairman nDivisio fo nTechnicia ,Programs AM

pPhili ,Beatty eAssociat rProfesso fo ,Physics DPh

nElto ,Archer rProfesso fo DPh,Engineering

yTerr ,Applegate tAssistan rProfesso fo ,Graphics SM

yLarr ,Anderson tAssistan rProfesso fo DPh,Mathematics


Thomas Compton, AssociateProfessor of Biology and Chairman, Division of Math and Natural Sciences,PhD

Donald Connors, Assistant Professor of Missions and Chairman, Division of Bible, Missions, History and ClassicalLanguage, MA

Jack Crawford, Associate Professor of Mathematics, BS

W. C. Crisman, AssociateProfessor of Mechanical Engineering, MASE

Joy Dennis, Assistant Professor of English, PhD

Marty Donner, Instructor— Aviation, A T Certificate


dRichar ,Fowler tAssistan rProfesso fo ,Psychology DEd

sDougla ,Ford eAssociat rProfesso fo ,Chemistry DPh

hKennet ,Durham eAssociat rProfesso fo ,History DPh rRoge ,Erickstad tAssistan rProfesso fo ,Mathematics SM


Betty Jane Fratzke, Assistant Professorof Physical Education, MS

Michael Fratzke, Assistant Professorof Physical Education and Chairman, Division of Health, Physical Education and Recreation, MEd

Ralph Gilbert, Professor English and Chairman, Division of English, Speech and Foreign Languages, PhDCandidate

Keith Glass, Instructor in Welding Engineering, BS

William Graff, Assistant Professor of Electrical Engineering,PhD

Albert Greer, AssistantProfessorof English, MA


,Engineering DPh

gEngineerin dan ,Chairman nDivisio

dDavi ,Hartman tAssistan fo gWeldin

J C ,Harder tAssistan rProfesso — nAviatio


Wayne House,Assistant Professor of Bible, ThM

Gordon Huyser,Instructor in Machine Tool,BS

Richard Johnson,Professor of Chemistry, PhD

William Kielhorn, Assistant Professor of Welding Engineering,MS


nMelvi ,Miller eAssociat rProfesso fo ,Business

hKennet ,McKinley eAssociat rProfesso fo ,Bible

dRichar ,LeTourneau rLecture ni lIndustria DPh,Management eJo ,McGraw eAssociat rProfesso fo ,Mathematics

lDanie ,Larsen rInstructo ni eAutomotiv

,Kubricht tAssistan rProfesso fo yHistor

910870 xBo <70 iLLeTou j ',Longview sFexa 57 lPau
DPh 14

Robert Ralston, Associate Professor of Engineering,PhD

Kenneth Roden, Assistant Professor of Mathematics, EdD

Douglas Sanders,AssociateProfessor and Chairman, Division of EngineeringTechnology, MS

Richard Spottswood, Assistant Professor of Electrical Technology,BS

David Sprague, AssociateProfessor of Speech, PhD

John Stuber, Associate Professor of Bible and Philosophy, and Registrar, PhD

Earl Thompson,Assistant Professor of AutomotiveTechnology

Ora Max Wellman, Associate Professor of Business Administration, PhD

M Deane White, Associate Professor of English, PhD

lLowel ,Caneday rLecture ni .Recreation 34
tNo dpicture ear ,Librarian,AndersensDori dan





LOWELL M. CANEDAY, Dean of Student Services




rDirecto fo sAdmission



FRANK UZZEL, Treasurer
JOHN BRYSON, Director of Office Services
SJAME ,ALLAN rControlle
EARL MARTIN, Director of General Services FAYE BOZARTH, Book Store Manager
ESTEV ,APPEL rDirecto fo AAR dFoo eServic
rDirecto fo lPhysica tPlan sService




,Director sFoundation


rDirecto fo rDono sRelation

,Director lGenera gGivin NJOH ,FAULKNER

rEdito fo WNO



Seated: Maynard Musselman, Sam Jack Brantley; Standing: Stephen Wier, David Cohee, Sheila Peterson, Larry Rehnquist, Dale Brocklehurst

tPresiden uLeTournea rafte

rthei lchape presentation

iAlumn eDal lHil dan tKen nWilso njoi

srecipient fo eth yHarr T kHardwic iAlumn Scholarship

eth tfirs otw

iAlumn dassiste eth lannua .Phonothon eDav tWit eonsi fo eth ialumn owh tspen etim no eth project

semphasi no aare .chapters gWeldineTh ialumn dforme a rchapte hwhic lgeographicadcrosse lines eTh ialumn rnewslette swa dexpande dan dchange ni .format

A rmajo tprojec fo eth nassociatio swa dcontinue

dname sthi syear' sAlumnu fo eth .Year oAls dhonore ta eth gsprin nluncheo swa hJosep ,Wenninger yHonorar sAlumnu fo eth .Year

rDirecto rafte eth nresignatio fo tKen nOlso owh swa

mSa kJac yBrantle ethdassume npositio fo iAlumn

l[Il dDavi tStrai )(1977 dan kChuc eWhit )9761( ear

Registra+ion-Frosh Week Kick Off Year

-M. ., ...
Registration lines get longer each year, but it's all part of a college student's life! Freshman, Bob Dyke, isall ready for hisfirst
DaveWootten, ChuckWhite, and Deb Mayo made I.D. cards for hundreds of registering semester at LeTourneau. students.

lfal nsessio asi ybus dan gexcitin etim rfo everyone

kWee dan ,Registration eth gopenin fo wnea

dplanne rfo eth wne .freshmen nBetwee hFros

geatin eartcontes gamon eth sactivitie

rove eth U.S dan 22 nforeig scountrie ot tge .acquainted A etreasur thun dan epancak

sprovide na yopportunit rfo mfrosstudent lal

einevitabl gstandin ni line hFros kWee

025 ewer .freshmen gDurin ether,registration si salway lbil ,paying epictur ,taking ndistributio fo nfreshme ,beanies ethdan

sstudent rfo sthi lfal semester tOu fo ,these

sa tenrollmen sfigure hreac a drecor 075

nRegistratio dan hFros kWee og dhan ni dhan

mSa wGano dan lJoe kDy kloo no sa ePet
eth epancak
geatin contest
nFreshma nsig
eMclntyr tge rbette dacquainte hwit nupperclassma YorgeylPhi
The LeTourneau Choir provided special music before the evening message.
Dave Benson performed and directed music for the week's services Pastor Eddie Schwartz challenged hisaudience to live a consecrated and dedicated Christian life

kWee swa a grewardin .one

decisions sA a ,result lSpiritua sEmphasi

tcommitmen sa lwel sa eimmediat

happroac dstresse glon erang

services Mr ylow-kesSchwartz'

dan mJi lFaul dadde hmuc ot eth

uLeTournea ,Singers dDavi mTo,Benson ,Burt yLarr ,Robinson ,ChoiruLeTournea

dan dedication cMusi dprovide yb eth

demphasize eBibl ,study nChristia kwal

yministr ta eth nShanno sHill ,Chapel ,Greensboro hNort Carolina zSchwart

ni a ,preaching ,teaching dan oradi

yministr enin syear ago yToda he sserve

na rengrave ebefor genterin a efull-tim

dan 07:0 .p.m tthroughou eth eTh.week ,Richmond aVirgini enativ swa yformerl

rspeake ni ssession dhel ta 01:01 a.m

semester rPasto eEddi swazSchwart eth

lSpiritua kWeesEmphasi sprovide a lspiritua tboos and echalleng in the lfal



gsingin dan rguita

mTo dantBur yLarr nRobinso dadde hmuc ot eth cmusi hwit rthei gplayin gdurin eth sweek' services
lal rove scampu
eEddi zSchwart dministere dan dshare
tthroughou eth week

Once again the five societiesof LeTourneau campus opened their doors to the public for one evening. The unique societies AO, DS, KZX, LAS, and TKD arranged and designed their rooms to suit their individual tastes Also, the society offers a feeling of closeness and unity among the men who share in the "house" life Open House acquainted students with society living and activities so that they may become interested in joining a society, and, at the same time, provided members with an opportunity to view prospective pledges Open House was held at the beginning of each semester.

Deb Fulghum relaxed in Joel Dingeldein's room, which was a perfect example of "Techo1 creative ingenuity found in all the societies Ross Beans "showed off" his library to Debbie Mayo and Mel Salseth Members, John Leeand Ken Petersen were aided at the refreshment table by Susan Lee and Jan Johnson
Larry Lunsford "checked up" on Linda Russell and B J Werner as they manned the guest book.

ycompan gdurin nOpe House

aBrend sBusing' rfomroo a elittl visit ""Takin ti "easy! gDou sHayne ndowdsettle ot pkee lHeinCaroly

fofdstoppe ta

rAfte a ptri ot eth trefreshmen ,table eMik eRic

nwome dan rthei visitors

gevenin eenjoyabl rfo hbot eth

,candy dan gbi ssmile emad eth

ltraditiona .fashionsChristma ,Cake

ddecorate eth eloung dan shall ni eth

dcleane dan ,scrubbed ythe oals

mdor dan eseparat .rooms eBecaus ti swa rnea etimsChristma ythe tno yonl

hEac ,year ta eth den fo eth tfirs ,semester eth sco-ed w"sho "off rthei

eTh nme fo uLeTournea ear tno eth yonl sone hwit edecorativ ingenuity

gdurinmroosMclntosh' eth sWomen'

eResidenc lHal HousenOpe

sStudent emad sthemselve trigh ta ehom ni hRut



The studentslooked forward to getting out of their classes and leaving thecampus behind for a weekend of fun and spiritual renewal in Ringgold, Louisiana Stan Watne and hisstaff of Deb Mayo, Lisa Still, Dave Gorrell, Phil Ingram, Lance Behymer, Phil Yorgey and Ruth Hartshorn, planned a full weekend of activities: faculty and staff led Bible studies, recreation, skits, a movie, the inevitable Fruit Basket Turnover and KP duty

Chefs John Stuber, Art Salatin, Steve Adell, Andy Cowles, Jeff Kleinbeck, Dave Benson, the Comptons and the Clarks planned and prepared delicious food under the direction of Ralph Gilbert They managed to satisfy thebottomless appetites of theRetreaters.

Jim Sjernstrom spoke each day of retreat giving a balanced, down-to-earth message emphasizing the practical aspects of the Christian life Thebonfire Saturday night furnished a focal point for the weekendas the studentssang songsand shared the Lord's blessingand working in their lives By four o'clock Sunday afternoon, 220 tired but refreshed studentsreturned to campus.

Jum Sjernstromgave his Bible studies in an informal atmosphere As in past years, Dr Hardwick gave a thought-provoking message
Some studentscontributed their talents in the evening services.

eTh ebonfir dpresente a etim rfo .reflection

pFellowshi daroun eth ebonfir dcontinue oint eth yearl shour fo eth morning

' ••
eTh dfoodgoo swa hwort eth glon twai ni line
* * Cc+' • . >*-. • k •- *
Art Salotin and Jeff Kleinbeck get a taste of KPduty Benjamin Assamrelaxes with hisguitar in hisfree time
Lois McFarland takes a break from a busy day at FallRetreat.
I 1 J
eDav dannBenso eStev lAdel yportra dol sladie ni rthei ethre eminut skit nA uimprompt ggatherin fo smusician gsan dan dplaye gdurin lunch nDa dEkstran splan shi ystrateg ewhil yRand nFriese smake shi shot gPlannin smeal ssound elik nfu ot nSta ,Watne eth nma ni ,charge
tbu Mr
tGilber sknow ttha sit' dhar work

Uniforms frequently indicated that a studenthad Long dresses remained popular slipped a few hours of work into his class day. for Sunday ans special times.

Homecoming brought out the tuxedos and formal gowns to brighten a banquet scene A relaxed dress trend meant tailored slacks and bright blouses for coeds Cheerleaders called for "Hat Day" and all Karen's expressionreflects the slogan on herTshirt at Fall retreat

,motorcycles sgo-kart dan wne edun buggies

sHelmet ewer ncommo rheadgea sa sstudent erod

greflectin a edesir ot ecommunicat eth .visuallyhFait

eth ehom ,state tbu yman dcarrie a sseriou lspiritua ,message

sT-shirt dflashe shumorou sslogan ro tpu ni a dgoo dwor rfo

sfavorite ewer ethos fo mfar tequipmen .dealers

loccasiona bbi sover-all dan sjumpsuit — tbu salway hwit shat fo yever ndescriptio dan .color gFollowin a lnationa scampu ,trend eth dfa swa lbasebal scap hwit lcommercia slogo —

gobservin s"dres "up days tBu ,usually rwealcasua swa dfavore — ,jeans ,slacks neve

ghousin sunit dfollowe eth dlea fo eth scampu nissocietie

ro a lforma lmea dan eth kclassroomloo fo yever day lSevera

LCASUA — swa eth dbywor ni scampu sdres sthi year eTher swa gstrikin tcontras nbetwee eth kloopdressed-u fo ySunda

sJacket dmove ot ANCCA nationals

skind fo shat dstirre pu gwanin mtea support eMor sstudent ewor eth rsocce eblu dan dgol ethsa



Technicians Ray Farrar, Mark Ahlenius, Dave Wootten and Sid Roberts,dept close tabs onthe sound and light systems throughout the whole program

Sue Iverson, Irene Rudoi, and Joni Griparis, made a bizarre threesome on stagewhen they mockedthe college'sdress code
Pete McMillan gave a crowd pleasing performancewith his handbone act

ginterestin dan gamusin wintervie hwit kChuc eWhit dan nSta

owh dha na

hwit ttalen dan .humor eOnc nagai m"Sa "Jack swa a gbi success

ndraw a elarg eattendanc mfro ,students ,faculty dan wLongvie citizens tI swa na eenjoyabl gevenin dfille

dan na nimitatio fo Mrs Brantley eTh lannua mSa kJac rAmateu rHou sha salway

dplace dthir hwit rthei fspoo no nmoder nfashio ni eaccordanc hwit kHandboouLeTournea ,regulations

euniqu ehandbon act ktooPDS dsecon hwit a dmodifie nversio fo e"Th tImportan "Papers. WNW

ramateu hour ePet nMcMilla nwo tfirs eplac hwit shi

eMor sact dan ycomed ewer dadde ot sthi syear'

kChuc eWhit dan nSta eWatn sa sMaster fo Ceremony

dfollowe a yJohnn nCarso tTonigh wSho tforma hwit

tstuden dan yfacult sparticipant .only wshoeTh

eTh lspecia yactivit dinclude ,songs ,comedy ,skits ,magic ,interviews dan dperformescommercial yb

nautum nonseaso uLeTournea campus

rAmateu rHou sha salway nbee a thighligh fo eth

dname rafte mSa kJac .Brantley eTh kJacmSa

eTh lannua ramateu rhou swa doriginate yb dan


ydisgustedl ta eth nchicke sa

!FLY sDenni dDou dan B J rWerne dlooke ,falconer kJac ,Adams dtrie ot emak shi dbir nDea lLowel Caneday swa eon fo yman Watne


Homecoming Queen — Ruthanne Calkins

eth activitiessweek'

tinvolvemen ni

tSpiri yTroph rfo

egrap juice OA nwo dcoveteeth

gtoastin heac rothe sWelch'ni

nParisia ecaf sscene hwit sdiner

spanther fo yever esiz dan ,composition dan snumerou

smodel fo eth lEiffe ,Tower kpin

rPanthe ni "Paris ethem hwit

ethdre-echoe k"Pin

eparad dan


eTh gHomecomin


Ken Burkins and his busy Homecomingcommitteeplanned a full schedule of activitiesfor the annual celebration of the basketball opener. The Senatekicked off the festivities with the announcement of a most un-likely theme— "Pink Panther in Paris." Dubiousspectators were once again amazed at Techo ingenuity as the cartooncharacter came to life amid the familiar notes of its musical theme

Though the alumni emphasis has been slowly changing from Homecoming to Frontier Days, returning alumni still had the courage to challenge the current studentsto a flag football game, a rash move they won't forget All activitieswere directed toward the traditional banquet at which RuthanneCalkins was crowned as representativeof Tyler 3A

This year the field of eighteen coeds was narrowed down to seven finalists: Sue Britt, RuthanneCalkins, Madelyn Casement,KarenJones, Dawn Mathiesen, Deb Mayo, and Beki Stieglitz All eighteen contestants shared the glory of the night with the top three who received the famous Hardwick congratulation

AO's Pink Panther brought the theme to life ashe strolled through the various activities
Saturday morning, the alumni knocked heads with the students The alumni team, including BenSchubert and John Bryson,fell to quick Kevin Jacksonand the rest of the student team

dpresente eth ltraditiona dlong-stemme srose ot eth ethre .winners

dshare eth yjo fo eth
tFirs :Runner-up iBek zStieglit dSecon :Runner-Up bDe oMay 57
hWit a yfatherl ,delight rChancello yHarr kHardwic
Carol Barclay Rebekah Bates Sue Britt Brenda Busing Ruthanne Calkins Madelyn Casement Donna Chapman Carolyn Heil
Sharon Hill nKare sJone aLaur rLuga
yCind nMarti nDaw nMathiese hDebora oMay
lChery nOwe eChristin fReehof
aLis lStil 77
iBek zStieglit

The campus go-kart racing season began with the first sprint race and KZX garnered high points for this outing which would prepare karts and teams for the Enduro of the second semester.

The basketball team swept by the Ambassador College five, but the night's joy was short-lived as they headed into a frustrating seasonof near wins and long road trips

"Jump ball!" typified the game which ran very close most of the time Cheers rang throughout the gym
The ref's decisionswere final
jmn^H^NHB T '•• " I . A

Laughter came easily as 1 A's queen candidate Deb Mayo and her escort Ross Beans enjoyedtheir dinner together

Administrative staff and personneltook the opportunity to eat and fellowship with those students who attended


Many alumni were also able to attend Scott Beall dines with the singles crowd Panther in Paris"
The fountain soonwas lined with pennies

dserve pu eth AAR dcatere .meal ,Punch dan,cheese rchatte dprecede eth banquet nKe dan iVick ycarefullsBurkin dengineere eth ncoronatio plans

wcre fo

The newly formed group TRINITYprovided excellent entertainment for both the banquet and an after-game concert.



^ ^s
1 c^r
Trinity was backed up by three very versatile musicians Jim Wright's bass voiceclearly carried themessage

eThos owhsstudent ddi tge dinvolve nofte tpu ni lsevera shour ta a etim heac night

nSouthwester lBel eTelephon soffice ot hsearc rfo ephon numbers iAlumn dan djoinesstudent ni a dconcerte teffor sa aM lBel dinstalle 09 sphone ni B.A rSkippe gDinin lHal rfo a yfour-da ""Phonathon. gMovin sacros eth etim szone heac ,evening eth scaller draise sfund rfo tstuden aid hThoug eth eimmediat spledge tdidn' equit hreac eth 000,001$ ,goal tpas eexperienc dindicate ttha lfina sgift dwoul eb ylikel ot hpus eth ltota rove eth ttarge .amount eTh <Aut enativ ySociet nwo eth hcas ibo sj rfo gproducin eth tmos ^man-hour rfo eth lannua tprojec hwhic swa dwatche yb lloca aare dan lnationa ephon officials

mistakes yCind nMarti dan rove a ndoze rothe sstudent dinvade


dan dguarde tagains

nPhonatho schecker sahsuc sLoi dMcFarlan tkep tprojec grunnin ysmoothl scareles


Many students served in "Here's life Longview
Larry Robinson joined other concerned students who shared their living hope in Christ with those in the city and county jails.


,worker eBruc rShauge tspen yman

lSevera ecolleg denjoyesstudent na gexcitin tpuppe otyministr nchildre dcalle e"Th sMaster' "Muppets.

sevening ethgpresentin lGospe
rove eth
I" dFoun "It ncampaig


The Slalom Race held in October attracted seventy-six entrants in eight different classes A crowd of over 200 watched the action during the all-day event Thefirst place winners of each class were awarded a trophy for their success The course was designed to test the driver's ability and the vehicle's handling qualities.The Auto Society puts much work and planning into each year's Slalom Race The race helped provide the necessary funds for better equipment for members and better eventsfor all students oncampus.

Todd Wilson checked the time sheet during a lull in the action

Each driver was required to drive three times around the courseand turn in their best time out of the three runs

Dan Swansongave last minute instructions to Bernard Banzhaf before histime trial

"Questions. sTruth' swatconcer eon fo ,fast-paced ycontemporar ssound dmixe hwit tsof dan esimpl melodies lAl fo rthei cmusi rtheidconveye pgrou dan lindividua .testimony

,Mobile Alabama yThe dtoure rfo xsi ,years dpresente ynearl 050 dan,concerts ehav dtravele rove 0105,00 smile tthroughou hNort America yThe ehav emad 1 2 ,albums rthei tlates dentitle s"Song rAnswetTha

states nWhe tno gtourin eth pgrou sbase fitsel ni

sthi .year hTrut sha 1 9 gyoun smusician mfro neleve

hTrut emad ranothe eappearanc ta uLeTournea eColleg


sMember fo hTrut dsol stape dan srecord fo rthei ,selections mfro eth tpas dan eth ,present rafte eth concert

hTrut dpause ewhil rdirecto rRoge dBrelan dcommente no rthei
sexperience dan


The Alpha-Omega players of Rockport, Texas performed Robert Bolt's highly acclaimed drama, "A Man ForAll Seasons." The play was set in 1 6th century England and told the story of the moral conflict of one man, Sir ThomasMore, against the changing moral trend that swept through England during Henry VIM's reign. Though a historical play it had a strong appeal to a modern audience of students.

The troupe of four actors was one of three such touring companies They tour from Maine to California each year doing one night stands as they go. Their production style was simple, using a minimum of props and scenery.

The AO players were a very talented troupe of actors; consequently they were thoroughly enjoyed by everyone in their LeTourneau audience.

An uncertain future made SirThomasMore and Lady Margaret uneasyabout all of their fates
Jim Stanley, Pamela Smith portrayed several different charactersin the tragedy, "A Man ForAll Seasons."



eValeri sTullou rSidrebuke sThoma rfo shi epersistenc gupholdin shi lmora tasprinciple kris fo shi now .life
sThoma eMor b(Bo )Evans hwitdclashe gKin yHenr rove edivorc dan .remarriage


Bob and Joy Cull shared their "love songs to the Lord" with LeTourneau students in their December concert. Bob had performed atLeTourneau before, but his Decemberconcert was somewhat different as he sang with hisnew wife, Joy

Joy Cull was a member of the group "Parable" prior to her marriage to Bob Both sang while Bob played the piano and Joy accompanied with her guitar Their informal styleand unique ministry was especially appealing to the students Bob and Joy's concert had a special effect on LeTourneau students because it was given at "Finals" time on the campus. Their songs supplied studentswith a soul refreshing and spirit filling break from their hectic schedules.

Bob Cull has composed most of the tunes and lyrics for the songs he has performed

gsan yman fo eth dol sfavorite sa lwel sa esom fo shi emor songstrecen

ssong dan
bBo dan yJo lCul
A tgrea ldea fo rthei yministr swa eth ytestimon ythe egav nbetwee


The "Careers in Welding" Day was a special activity of the LeTourneau student chapter of the American Welding Society

LeTourneau alumni presented students with several new career opportunities in the welding field. This was the first time that AWS had participated in a day of this kind.

This was also the first year that welding scholarships were awarded to distinguished welding students. They were presented during the AWS seminar to EdReister, Jim Timmons, Mike Scheel, and Pete Strubhar.The Welding Alumni Chapter of LeTourneau College sponsored the event.

, r i i
Guest speaker Kent Wilson, a 1 966 graduate of LeTourneau College, presented four welding scholarshipsduring the program. The expanse of industrial welding applications was stressed throughout the day long seminar
Scholarship recipients pose with the special alumni speakers and student chapter sponsors at the close of the "Careers in Welding" activities

sProject grangin mfro emacram 01 a amant ewer displayed

nKevi eGeorg slook rove eth efin ssketche dsubmitte yb students

eTh tcontes si dschedule ot ebecom na lannua teven and may be dexpande to einclud andhspeec writing

eth lpane fo judges

sProfessor ,Berry ,Gilbert ,Hartman dan wMcGra ewer

eDav ,Wootten swa eth roriginato fo contesteth

sActivitie ,Director

eMelodi .Salseth tStuden

loveral swa

,Anderson dan lBil Patterson dGran epriz rwinne

yLarr ,Gullman yGar ,Durbin mJi,CuthriellnLi

eTh tfirs eplac swinner ni heac fo eth scategorie :were

rthei sabilitie ni efiv :categories ,painting ,sketching ,handcrafts ,models dan photography

sabilitie fo eth students sStudent ewer eabl ot ydispla

ddesigne ot estimulat eth ,culture ,talent dan ecreativ

sActivitie eCommitte ni April sThi wne yactivit swa

dsponsore yb eth tStuden

A scampu tar swatcontes


sGullman' n"Autum "Gold ktoo tfirs gamon eth paintings


"'Elephants ni a lcentra nAfrica nwogsettin dgran prize



The After Dinner Playersare a group of Christian actorswhich performs throughout Texas and the surrounding states They perform sixteendifferent plays, all original scripts written by Mrs Jeanette Clift George, their founder. All plays by the After Dinner Players portray one or a series of incidents from the Bible.

One could almost seethe darkness of night asthe group "fell asleep" one by one

The Players conveyedthe action through their exaggerated postureand gestures

These time travelers pause in their game to watch Noah load the ark.

uLeTournea graduate


eDebbi lwil eb gmarryin eDuan ,Egle a

hthroug shi .solo

sGreg' evoicebas yeffortlessldflowe

swa lwel dreceive yb eth .students

a ycontemporar lgospe dsoun hwhic



yThe dblende rthei

dan sconsist fo dDavi ,Douglas ,Debbie ,Greg dan lDarrel Toney

.campus eTh pgrou si mfro nMichiga

rthei dthir eappearanc no sthi

tconcer no hMarc 11 sa tpar fo eth sCampu wPrevie .activities sThi swa

eTh eRenaissanc dpresente rthei


eTh rbrothe dan rsiste :team ,Debbie ,Greg dan ,Darrell emak sthi pgrou unique


Doug Oldham with his background singers, the Family Reunion, drew a crowd of over 800 people to his concert The Family Reunionis a relatively new group which has its own concert tour when scheduling permits Thestyle of the concert was unique because of its informality Odlham shared testimoniesand joked with the audience between songs He broke down the barrier between performer and audience with his unaffected manner. This warm, open, and expressive man was well received by the large crowd

Emphatic gestures were a part of his dynamic singing style His magnetic personality appealed to people of every age
Praise and worship were present in hissongs

yMan fo rthei

sThi swatconcer eon fo 035 ttha ythe dperforme no rthei nte hmont .tour

yman gdurin rthei xsi ryea saeexistenc a group

ebecom yinternationall nknow dan lwel dlike yb

eFre tSpiri si a pgrou fo nte ecollege-ag nChristia musicians yThe gsan a yvariet fo shymn dan ycontemporar dsacre cmusi here rThei cmusi sha

singing, ythe dstage a ldelightfu tpuppe show

eFre tSpiri dblende rthei svoice rtogethe well sBeside
ssong dfeature ssolo ro duets 79


This year the National Home Missions Fellowship r provided the program for Missions Emphasis Week and held their annual Convention here at the same time Displaysfrom missionboards were set up all around the auditorium The NHMF conducted workshops for the students on such topics as photography, puppetry, and chalk drawings

"All things being equal, the Christian should always excel." This isthe philosophy of John DeBrine who was the main speaker of the week This vibrant man talked to the audience in a straightforward manner showing his concern for them through his inspired preaching He was therefore a much sought after guest speakerfor society and dorm devotions that week Rev DeBrine made a tremendous inpact on the students, motivating many to re-examine the spiritual condition of their lives.

Displays were presented by mission boards from all over the U.S. -« X - \r every session
Rev DeBrine was willin

lForcefu sgesture dan sillustration dpunctuate sDeBrine' sermons


dsurface yman stime gdurin a message

Rev sDeBrine' ydr twi sThi tventriloquis tac swa eon fo eth dvarie shighlight fo eth week


Steve Love's stature added a realistic quality to his portrayal of the austere personality of Abraham Lincoln Poignant speeches between Lincoln and Douglas, portrayed by Jim Thomson and Jim Sutton, constituted most of the play
Left to Right: Pete McMillan, Sharon Newman, Jim Sutton, Jim Thomson, Cheryl Owen, and David Peet gave an almostfaultless performance

a electur ngive ot mhi yb Mrs ,Douglas dplaye yb nSharo Newman

eOnc gdurin eth ypla Mr sDougla dfoun fhimsel no eth greceivin den fo


eexperienc rfo ,them sa lwel sa ghavin nbee

dsai ythe tfel eth ypla dha nbee a glearnin


twha dcoul ebecom a yyearl tradition sactoreTh dan

dlooke no sa yonl eth gbeginnin fo

dDavi ,Peet dan nMarli .Danielsen

eTh play swa

lChery ,Owen eDenis ,Taylor ePet ,McMillan lBil ,Leek

aCeceli Miller rMino ewerscharacter dplaye :by

nSharo nNewma dan

dan eAdel ,Douglas dplaye yb

nStephe sDougla dplaye yb mJi Sutton hbot ;nights

nThomso dan eStev ;Love

nLincol dplaye yb mJi

eTher ewer otw eseparat sperformance dan scast fo .characters ethreeTh nmai :werescharacter mAbraha

eSpragu dan .Mr .Gilbert ePet nMcMilla nidassiste eth ltechnica area

hwhic tlen fitsel ynicel sa eth ltypica gmeetin ehous fo ttha etim .period nDirectio dan nproductio ewer dhandle yb Dr

treflec .on yplaeTh swa dstage ni eth dol ,Chapel

ni sIllinoi ni eth rsumme fo 1 858 lMeaningfu ,conversations shumorou dan,excerpts a nsolem tbu gchallengin tlefhspeec eth eaudienc hwit hmuc ot

gdurin eth sLincoln-Dougla ,debates hwhic ktoo eplac

eTh cdramati dan lhistorica play dpresente sevent

no ,campus yb uLeTournea eColleg sstudent dan .faculty

tfirs rmajo ypla ,directed ,produced dan ,performed

ni hMarc yb neleve uLeTournea students tI swa eth

nNorma sCorwin' ypla e"Th "Rivalry swa dperforme

rAnothe texcellen eperformanc swa ngive :by eDenis ,Taylor lBil ,Leek eStev ,Love ,MilleraCeceli mJi ,Sutton dan nMarli Danielsen


ynearl 020 hurlers

derupte —eeverywher eon dboaste

rCente slopes lSnowbal sfight

tbrough tou ,snowmen ,skis dan dcardboar ssled no eth tStuden

esurpris hnine-inc lsnowfal ttha

rrathe ntha ,inches ether swa a

sThi syear' headline swa !SNOW nI a ycit ttha wsnosmeasure yb sminute

rweathe swa salway a .possibility

eampl nrai ot dremin tthasu twe

ddi tno ,materialize hthoug ether swa

ltraditionaeth n"monsoo "season

eTh rweathe nma dfoole sthisu ryea

tpredic eth rweathe dbeyon na hour

nVetera sTecho nsoo nlear rneve ot

sFloridian rshive ni winterssTexa

dcol rweathe rfo eth dansYankee

luniversa .pastime eTher si tno henoug

gComplainin tabou eth rweathe asi


tt<f*Fb ** ^* -- -
Brew Pontiac's single entry was a black 1 977 Trans Am sporting a 6.6 liter engine This customized van drew both looks and votes Longview Corvette Club entered three cars
Randy Folkmannand Byron Montgomery took a minute to check out Bruce White's stock 1 963 Corvette

lWel agdeservin lcarefu kloo yb yAnd eth,Lewis

sMovie dan sslide dsupplemente eth displays

sdisplay mfro eth tEas sTexa area ,Vans ,antiques dan kstoc smodel ewer dentere ni ncompetitio rfo eth s"People' "Choice .award A dgoo tturnou drewarde na -all tnigh npreparatio bjo ni eth yAssembl Hall

eTh oAut ySociet dtoppe fof a ybus ryea hwit rthei tfirs oaut .show yThe wdre

eTh yonl tgo-kar no ydispla swa tcar rnumbe 28 downe yb lPau gLon dan hKeit Hibbard
3192 tT-bucke swa dvote eth
wLongvie ,collector tPa ,Ferchill efivddisplaye fo shi scar ni eth wsho gincludin sthi Packard 510

The Enduro go-kart race illustrates well the technical aspect of this college Thestudentsinvolved — mechanics, pit crews,and drivers — work hard during and before the race Many of them have the chanceto apply what they have learned in their classes to this exciting activity. The race isaptly named the "Enduro" for the Kart that wins is not necessarily the fastest;it is the one that survives the six hour race the longest, accumulating the most laps. The wear and tear of the track this year was enough to put a few of the thirteen karts in the "pits" for over half the race.

The Enduro, which was again sponsored by the Automotive Society, went very smoothly. The day was clear and cool, perfect for a race, except for the wind. Last year's Enduro was postponed because of rain, but the good weather persisted this time and many students, faculty, and campuspreviewerswere able to watch the race Thewinning kart earned points which were added to those gained in the earlier two sprints. This point system was used to determine the best kart of the year

Kart 41 of Dorm 41 driven by Randy Plantswon the Enduro with 220 laps
Kart 14 was allowed to run the racealthough it did not actually compete against the others
' tKar
tmus eb dinspecte rprio
eth race tKar
ndrive yb ,AO dplace dthir hwit 819
dSecon eplac swa dhel yb tkar 15 ndrive yb eth aOzing sbrother hwit 520 laps
,36 downe yb ,WRH sa lwel sa
eth ,karts
,1 downe dan


Determination just wasn't enough, as AO pulled KZXinto the water to win the

Terry DeVriesfound manners impossible. The raft Steve Israel fell victim in the upper division arm wrestling
rope pull for the secondyear in a row
Tim Milanowski out-ate the competition Monday by downing 29 eggs HereJohn Rees does all he can to help KarlAnderson

yinter-societ erop lpul dan eth traf .battles

no yFrida .night A elarg rnumbe fo ialumn djoine eth dcrow fo sstudent ot hwatc eth ySaturda gmornin

acriteri hsuc sa sneatnes ro hlengt

geatin .contest mareTh gwrestlin scontest ewer Tuesday wRa segg ewer dtosse yWednesda tnigh ot ese owh dcoul wthro mthe eth farthest lAl eth sbeard nsee daroun ,campus yscraggl ro yneatl ,groomed ewer djudge yb svariou

aLorn sRos — rSenio .class yMan scontest dan sevent ewer dhel tthroughou eth week yMonda tnigh swa eth dhard-boile geg

rJunio dan;class aLind lRussel dan

nChastee dan aBrend gBusin —

tcounterpar fo gHomecomin ni eth .Fall scoedtEigh ewer dnominate rfo rFrontie ,Queen otw mfro heac .class yThe :were aLaur rLuga dan iBek zStieglit — nFreshma ;class yBeverl rMino dan aNes tCramblet eSophomor ;class aAnit

rFrontie kWee swa eth gsprin

drockete lunti sDorm 04 dan A4 dcombine sforce dan dshelle tou 010$ rfo rfou pies

dsteppe pu ot eth epi auction -skygbiddineTh

ySaturda ,afternoon eAlic eGag ybravel



aBrend gBusin nsoo dfoun out

mDor 04 gendin pu eth winner oN eon sstay ydr ni eth traf sasbattle

sparticipant dan eth hwit,spectators

sBattle nfuewer rfo hbot


The Hootenanny was very successful with a variety of acts ranging from comic routines to vocal talent

Perhaps the greatest surprise was Wayne House with his impersonation of John Denver in "Thank God I'm A Country Boy." He had spent weeks listening to John Denver records in an attempt to capture the style He won first prize with his act

The Hootenanny was held in the Assembly Hall for the first time Theaudience, dressed in country style, was seated on bales of hay. Thetheme of "The Final Frontier" was a far-fetched attempt to relate the western theme to outer space Thetheme used the setting of the TV show "Star Trek" with MC Phil Burks playing the part of Captain Kirk

The backdrop in center stage was covered withsketches of such well-known cowboys as John Wayne and Festus Hagen Slipped into the middle were our own Dean Caneday and President LeTourneau, sporting 10 gallon hats and looking western Brenda Busing was the student choice as Frontier Queen

The roar of applause and cheersfilled the auditorium as Wayne House finished his prize winning imitation of John Denver
The winners of the Student Senate election were announced as Lee Beachy, Howard Eliason, Beki Stieglitz, and Alan Griffin

"Pipers dconducte yb eBruc Dodds

dreceive ytrophshi mfro kMar Stephens dThir eplac twen ot eth OA a"Banan


eStev ,Baptista sJame ,Christoferson dan eStev eLov ktoo second

gWinnin ,driveroEndur yRand ,Plants

rKar ssing eth y"Cowbo "Blues.

' ,
yTon !"Quack !Quack "Quack!


There were events for all tastesand skills Some veterans of the area rodeo circuit were presented in special events, but most of the evening was given over to the local Techo variety of cowboys and girls

Brenda Busing captured billing as the top cowgirl in addition to her choice as Frontier Queen Women's Residence Hall garnered high point honors

It may not have been the most professional rodeo in Texas, but spectatorsand participants had an enjoyable evening. It was a joint effort of the Student Senate and the Rodeo Club

Rodeos are not uncommon in Texas.The LeTourneau Stampede is It is one of the few all-student rodeos in the country Some of our cowboys would make a seasoned cowpoke weep, but others show amazing agility in handling tough rodeo stock Some even make it for the required eight seconds.

Frontier Queen Brenda Busing lead the grand entrance Another Techocowboy prepares to ride
Pete McMillan attempts a pickup in the rescue race


cBron gridin swa a wne ot esom fo eth students gWrestlin a fcal ot eth dgroun swa rharde ntha ti looked
yBeverl rMino strie rhe dhan ta lbarre racing


George Zitzmann gave Mrs Faye Bozarth a special Thank you Class President Dave Safstrom acted as MC for the evening. Songs by SteveAdell and Dave Bensonadded to the relaxed atmosphere of the senior banquet Mr Roger Carr was one of the faculty members given special recognition
Mr and Mrs Steve Beachamwere among the many who enjoyed the dinner

rweathe rfo eth glate-mornin .graduation


nThompsoySherr egav rhe dhusban hRic a kquic skis ebefor eth ngraduatio yceremon began eTher swa yplent fo etim ot tge snervou ebefor eth lfina line-up eTh swansu tbrigh dan mwar — tperfec
twen rove eth mprogra eon tlas time 511
nBria tSchmid


Dr LeTourneau and Chancellor Harry Hardwick conferred an honorary Doctor of Laws degree upon the speaker, Gordon Cathey, for outstanding Christianservice Rich Thompson listened as Dr Cathey spoke of the purpose of Esther's calling The organ sounded "Pomp and Circumstance" as the graduates filed in Mrs Morgan Willeford sang two selections during the graduation ceremony.
Harvey Block and Frank Blalock stand as Dr LeTourneau conferred thedegrees

eth .Lord

dadmonishe mthe ot od eth lwil fo ,God gemphasizin eobedienc ot

lwel dqualifie ot saddres eth sgraduate ebefor .him eH

syear ni tVie .Nam nA daccomplishe ,speaker eh swa

ewid gpreachin dan gconductin a ymissionar ,ministry gincludin efiv

Dr yCathe sha dtravelle -world

nDivisio fo eth nChristia dan yMissionar eAllianc ni ,Nyack NY

tpresiden fo eth lGenera sService

rSpeake rfo eth eservic swa eth dReveren nGordo ,Cathey -vice

25 lApri graduates

ewer e"th rorde fo eth "day ethsa ngraduatio yceremon swa dhel rfo

yHapp ssmile dan dprou sparent

adiplom dan a dwor fo congratulations

dSecond-ranke mTi eMcGuir shidreceive

tfirs ni ,classshi yAnd sBrigg dcarrie a 13.8 egrad tpoin .average

nmedallio ot erecogniz achievement

dpresente hwit na rhono

rHono ethos,students hwit a AGP fo 23. ro ,above ewer



"ADVENTURES IN LEARNING" is a series of student tours with college credit in Bible, English,and history. The summer tour covers eight countriesin Europe and the Christmas tour visits four countries in the Mideast. Over one-hundred students have traveled with Professor and Mrs Ralph Gilbert in these tourswhich are designed with the student in mind

r \e famou
Israeli guide, Lili, explains the details of a spectacular model of Jerusalem in the time of Christ

hGize ear emor ,famous eth pste dpyrami fo rZose si fo tgrea interest

sThi darcade tstree was eonc the rcente of the gthrivin ycit of Petra hThoug eth spyramid dan xSphin ta


TW 1 George Baldree Charles Allsop

TW 2 Bradley Gaasrud

TW 3 James Julsonnet Bill Leek

TE 1 Mark Mclntyre

TE 2 David Puffer

TE 3 Donald Schwaderer

TE 4 Philip Ingram

Dorm 4 DavidFisher

Dorm 4A John Rees

Dorm 35 Robert Campbell

Dorm 40 Mark Sjoblom

Dorm 41 Daniel Duda

WRH 200 Ruth Hartshorn

WRH 300 Ruth Mclntosh

WRH 400 Lisa Still

Senators, Lto r, Standing: Perry Pust,David Fisher, Lance Behymer, Dan Duda, Victor Paul, Mark Mclntyre, James Julsonnet Seated: Joseph Swenson, Howard Wilson, Beki Stieglitz Secretary, LeeBeachy Vice-President, Cheryl Owen, and Ruth Harshorn
Student Senate was in session bi-weekly, and senators convened in the Student Center theatre

eCommitte spresent a trepor ot tStuden eSenat sOfficer dan Senators

nDa ,Duda nchairma fo eth dFoo

yenthusiasticall ,received dan 050 sdollar swa tsen ot dWorl Vision

yoriginall draise ni eSenat swa

rremainde fo eth .year nO dGoo yFrida eth ymajorit fo sstudent dparticipate ni a fast eTh aide

dfille yb iBek zStieglit rfo eth

gSprin .semester eTh yvacanc swa

lunti 1 am. nDaw ,Mathiesen delecte sa rfoySecretar eth 1 lschoo6975-7 ,year swa eunabl ot nretur rfo eth

gstandin hwit eth ,college dcoul nremai yawa mfro rthei glivin aare

tstuden hwit a 23. ecumulativ egrad tpoin ,average owh swa ni dgoo

hmuc ecreativ ,talent wfe sstudent ebecam dinvolve ni sthi project eTh eissu fo eth elat wcurfe swa ecaus rfo hmuc dheate ndiscussio gdurin eth lFal tI.Semester swa ddecide ttha yan

emad ethes sevent a ,success sa yman fo eth ebecamsstudent .involved A dhundre sdollar swa rfodear-marke eth tfloasChristma hwhic swa dentere ni eth eHallsvill dan wLongvie parades hAlthoug eth lschoo dha

tStuden eSenat gdurin eth lschoo year tSelec dplannescommittee dan dorganize rFrontiegHomecomin .Week etimeTh dan yenerg dexpende

sactivitie ewer lal sissue ebefor eth

sChristma ,float eth ,curfew dan rothe

rFrontie ,Week


CB dHowar nWilso

CKLT yJeffor dLad JY lChery nOwe

oAut S kMar sStephen

oRode eBruc rShauge

SI eDal rWeave

RS dDavi mSafstro

RJ aLis eStrub

OS yGar sChamber

RF rVicto lPau

DTK nMelvi sFlower

SLA nSwensohJosep

XKZ rBehymeeLanc

PDS dBoy rWerne

OA hKennet sBurkin

HG rSnydesCurti


sOfficer dpicture mfro otL :R iBek ,Stieglitz ,Secretary eStev ,Beacham ,President eLe ,Beachy ,Vice-President dan pPhili ,Yorgey



Victor Paul President

Pete McMillan Vice-President

Jan Johnson Secretary



Kevin Jackson

Anita Chasteen

Israel Cordero

Henneberg President



mTi eMcGuir


eGeorg nZitzman


eDav mSafstro




lPhi rBakelaa


dRichar tBarret


hRut nHartshor


dHowar nEliaso


yGarr sChamber





Gold Key Club was founded in 1961 as an honor society whose objective is defined in its motto of learning, loyalty, and leadership Its original purpose was to cooperate with the administration in an effort to maintain a high moral and spiritual standard on campus. In actuality, they were intended to be a type of "congress" to the student body.

The ten membersare chosen by the faculty during the close of their junior year on two basic qualifications: residency oncampus for two consecutive semesters, and a minimum grade point average of 3.2.

Three of the ten members selected did not returnthis year Ruth Pierce graduated, while Bernard Hayes and Nancy Longeneckerdid not return for their senior year

David Oakes Mechanical Engineering
•pi 126
Suzanne Hare Mathematics

lMechanica yTechnolog / TA

nRecreatio dan gCampin



nStephe aBaptist lElectrica yTechnolog / TA yTimoth eMcGuir tRober yKidd II nJonatha yBromle wAndre sBrigg


Fourteen LeTourneau students were honored in the 1976-77 Who's Who selection These are second sememster juniors who are listed in Who's Who Among Studentsin American Universitiesand Colleges.

Dean Caneday, assisted by members of the faculty and administration, nominated the students Selectionwas based on a student's academic achievements, extra-curricular activities, and community loyalty and participation.

The goal of Who's Who is to recognize students who not only excel academically, but who also demonstrate a solid support for the American way of life Theprestige and significanceof the award is recognized in industry, although the award provides no financial stipend

Pictured Lto Rare: Jon Bromley, Steve Beacham, and George Zitzmann
Pictured Lto Rare: Rick Noel, Brian Schmidt, and Keith Leonhart dPicture otL kChuc:areR ,White eDav ,Oakes dan mTi McGuire tRober yKidd
dPicture otL yAnd:areR ,Briggs lCar ,Mattson dan eStev Baptista

There are many ways to honor studentsand faculty who have excelled Faculty members have been chosen for recognition by student groups and their peers Students have been named to Gold Key Club and Who's Who Many are honored when fellow students elect them to office in the Student Senate or one of the campus groups which serve student needs.

However, it is often true that some people render invaluable service to the campus without official recognition. The PIONEER staff, thus honors eight who have made the campus better for their lives among us This is not an official honor, but a very personal acknowledgement that servicedoes not go unnoticed


LEE BEACHY has been "Mr. IM" for most of his college career It is true that he has held an official position on the staff, but his contribution to intramural sportshas gone far beyond a job His soft-spoken firmness established a stability to a program which involveswell over 50% of the students in one of the most comprehensive IM programs in the nation His spiritual contribution was evident in his initiation of the Wednesday night prayer services and in his consistent quiet testimony His trademark has been a never-ending supply of tee-shirts commemorating long-distance races he has competed in

MR. JACK CRAWFORDhas now completed thirty years of service to LeTourneauCollege, something of a record for a college with thirty-one years of history A major portion of his professional career has beenperformed here on the campus He can regale you with tales ofthe "old days," but hisstudents can detect a very definite interest in the issues of contemporary life. He hastaught just about every mathematics course in thecurriculum and well deserves recognition for his loyalty to the institution


eenviabl yabilit fo gbein yuniversall .friendly sWhat' emor euniqu si eth egenuin nappreciatio hwit hwhic esh si dhel yb wfello nme,students dan nwome .alike bDe sha dadde a tbrigh tspo ot rou lives

BDE OMAY si everywhere sknoweEveryon rhe dan esh sknow everyone eSh sha nbee eon fo eth evisibltmos spersonalitie no campus esh,True sha nbee dhonore sa a rmembe fo eth gHomecomin ,court tbu sthi si tno rhe rmajo strength bDe eonsi fo ethos hwitsperson eth

ot rhe lpractica eknowledg fo dfoo techniqueseservic

soccasion ni eth gdinin hall rHe ssummer ear nofte tspen ni ,workecoursyuniversitlspecia gaddin eexpertis

phel dan yfrequentl soversee sbanquet dan lspecia

dfoo service eSh ethscoordinate sservice fo eth tstuden

salway nbee eth t"Righ dHan "Woman fo eth ecolleg

yfriendl shaesmil dbrightene eth ydaoTech rfo yman years rWhethe yunofficiall ro wno ,officially yRub sha

eon nperso sha dremaine eth same YRUB SINGRAM'

salway eth tmos rpopula tspo no campus dAmi gchangin fstaf dan gunchangin ,menus

B A rSkippe si tno


There are many people who work behind the scenes in student services. EDNA MILLER is a morevisible member of the student affairs staff She knowsnearly every studentby name and they frequently pass her desk in the office of the Registrar. She has developed a loyal group of friends and is often seen at campusfunctions with her husband, Frank, becauseshe is genuinely interested in student life and activity She also keeps a full candy jar.

MR EARL THOMPSON is a long-time member of the college faculty Hisfamiliar identification, agreasesmeared shop coat, marks his interest in automotive and deisel mechanics Generations of LeTourneaustudents have taken his required courses in the practical aspects of automotive maintenance, but many more have dropped by for instant diagnoses and frequent friendly chats about their cars "Hon" got his nick-name from the familiar "Now, Hon," which always precedesa gentle rebuke for careless workmanship. He is a native East Texanand has lived for years near Henderson



dname ot eth dpai npositio fo sActivitietStuden

tstuden spublication dan swa eth tfirs nperso ot eb

sthi ,year eth fotestablishmen a sfine-art ottcontes eencourag tstuden creativity eH sha oals nbee nieactiv

tdevelopmen fo a gstron tstuden sactivitie ,series dan

saspect fo scampu ,life eh sha dbacke eth tdevelopmen fo ltechnica tequipmen rfo tstuden ,programs eth

eH sha yconsistentl nbee ni eth dbackgroun fo yman fo eth rmajo scampu happenings yRarel nsee ni eth cpubli

mDor 04 ggan esinc larrivashi ta uLeTournea College

EDAV NWOOTTE sha nbee a rmembe fo eth dfame

nparticipatio ni ,TKD tbu emad shi tgreates timpac no eth lreviva fo tinteres ni gwrestlin ta .LC eH si etwo-tim estat theavyweigh pcham dan sha daide eth ecolleg ni sit kquic eris ni estat .circlesgwrestlin

lFal tRetrea rfo otw ,years dmaintaine eactiv

sendles tlis fo ecolleg sprogram dan banquets tWha eth ylegendar ""Alabama dan ""Tennessee ewer ot rearlie ,days NSTA EWATN sha nbee ot trecen ttalen ,shows ,hootenannies dan dinners eH dspearheade eth

,Graham eh sha nbee eth taeem-cetever-presen na

rfo simpersonationshi fo ,Humphrey ,Nixon dan yBill

g"Bi "Man tlef shi kmar no eth scampu sFamou.scene



The many facets of campus publications included the YELLOWJACKET, the PIONEER, and the photography staff behind them Mr Ralph Gilbert again servedas adviser for student publications. Doyle Peterson was appointed YELLOWJACKET Editor, while Mark Sjoblom filled the position of photography editor ThePIONEER staff included four sectioneditors SueBritt — Campus Life, JimCourse— Sports, Alan Griffin — Organizations,and Dave Strait — Advertising Though all staffs were small, their unity outweighed the needfor excessive personnel.

Hard at work,editor Doyle Petersonand Cheryl Owen piece together another YELLOWJACKET lay-out Deep in thought, adviser Ralph Gilbert ponders a more effective approach to meeting frustrating publication deadlines Late hours at work on the Pioneer for Debbie Fulghum and SueBritt included seeminglyendless amounts of copy to write and type
Photographer Alan Griffin presents his latest prints for Mark Sjoblom's approval, as Steve Haglin looks on

eDav ,Strait owh dserve sa seditorlsectiona rfo eth 7197 PIONEER

RPIONEE swa na glearnintexcellen eexperienc rfo eth ,staff yparticularl ,BritteSu mJi nAla,Course nGriffi dan

rUnde eth nsupervisio fo .Mr hRalp ,Gilbert eth 7971

eabl ot ecomplet eth kboo a wfe sday rafte graduation

gtryin stime fo gsprin mter spaper dan sfinal dan ewer

spreviou years yInitiall glackin tstuden pleadershi dan ,experience eth fstaf swa eabl ot tpu tou a yver lsuccessfu kyearboo ni a tfirs dhan ""learn-as-you-go manner ymajoriteTh fo eth fstaf dworke hthroug eth

eth den fo eth gsprin rsemeste ni ncompariso hwit yman

sdeadline tpu eth 1 797 daheaRPIONEE fo taeschedul

eTh ndedicatio fo a lsmal fstaf hthroug elat tnigh


epictur dfoun gamon a epil fo printsdrejecte

nsectio ot aeshar esmil rove na gamusin

kwor no eth eLifsCampu

lJoe ,Dingeldein nKare sJone dan tBriteSu etak a kbrea mfro rthei

,Staff dPicture otL nAla:R ,Griffin nKare ,Jones ,BritteSu mJi ,Course eDebbi ,Fulghum eDav lJoe,Strait Dingeldein



Under the leadership of Editor Doyle Peterson, the YELLOWJACKET maintained a steadypace and also managed to improve in quality Thestaff was able to meet a full production scale by putting out a fifteenth issue of the paper, far exceeding the accomplishments of previous years Discountcouponswere alsomore plentiful and were appreciated for late night snacks and Sundaydinners

Stan Watne's popular "Calling 'Em Close" column came to a close with his graduation in December, but senior Andy Briggs took over in the spring semester with his "Athlete's Footnotes." A major highlight, although officially disowned by the editor and staff, was the surprise April Fool's edition of the BUMBLEBEE, whichwas well accepted oncampus

Papers busily scattered in front of them, Editor Doyle Peterson and Layout Assistant Paul Milanowski plan the layout for another YELLOWJACKET

Staff, Pictured Lto R:Alan Griffin, Phil Ingram, Cheryl Owen, Jan Johnson, Jim Lauver, Andy Briggs, Paul Milanowski, Dave Strait, Doyle Peterson.

sprepare ot ytr a eangltdifferen no a enatur shot

ecaptur pclose-u rsocce nactio ni a tligh drizzle aCamer ni ,hand yphotograph rcoordinato kMar mSjoblo

rthei ndedicatio dan ediligenc dprove .worthwhile

pictures yQualit dimprove sa eth sphotographer dgaine dan,experience

snewcomer ni gshootin lcasua dan pgrou

nAla nGriffi swa daide yb lsevera

scampu life A nvetera fstaf fo kMar ,Sjoblom hKeit ,Hibbard cMar ,Bacon dan

scampu ni rorde ot tge a wne eangl no

nsee gventurin ot eth rfa scorner fo eth


rbette yearbook

gprintin dhelpe ot emak eth RPIONEE a

tspen ni eth mdarkroo no gdevelopin dan

TYELLOWJACKE publications gLon shour

ebackbon fo eth RPIONEE dan

yphotograph fstaf dprove ot eb eth

dHeade yb kMar ,Sjoblom eth ecolleg

ePet ,Haney daide yb nBenjami ,Assam sset pu ot


dPicture otL cMar:R lBil,Bacon ,Patterson nVa ,Abel eStev ,Haglin kMar ,Sjoblom ePet ,Haney nAla ,Griffin hKeit Hibbard



Missionary Union concentrated its efforts this year in two main areas For the first time Missionary Union became directly involved in the planning of Missions Emphasis Week. Lynell Friesen, President,and other members suggested topicsfor SeminarSessions which it was felt would interest students.Prayer Bands were also formed, their thrust being to supportLeTourneau College Alumni who are on the missionfield. Each group concentratedon one particular continent, and prayed specificallyfor the mission work there.

Mr. Don Connors, asadvisor, assisted in preparation for the bi-weekly meetings. He suggestedslide presentations, films and speakers Films were chosen which portrayed aspects of a particular continent or country Wings ForWitnessmet throughout the year on Monday mornings for prayer and fellowship, and also held some specialweeknight meetings The group grew in size and effectiveness as the yearprogressed

Practical assistance given to Missionary Aviation groups included installation of radio and navigation equipment in a LAMP Cessna 1 85 Helio One belonging to JAARS was also refurbishedby the group during thesummer months Alumni of the College now in Mission Aviation were supported through prayer andcorrespondence

Members, Pictured Lto R: Robert Mantel), Lynell Friesen President, Marc Rettig, Larry Allen, Gary Lundberg, Anita Chasteen, Lois McFarland, Vicki Murano, and Ruth Mclntosh Wings ForWitness installed radio and navigation aids in this LAMP Cessna 1 85 before it was delivered to Canada for missionwork
Members, Pictured Lto R:Carl StutsmanPresident, Clinton Dix,Tim Tokatloglou, Jonathan Miller, Bill Teasdale, Dan Lindquist, Larry Allen, Alan Griffin, Joel Stade Advisor J C Harder

emor ewer ntake yb yGar rHolle ni ,Zaire dan rMilleeStev dan rPontienRo ni Sudan

nI 1 ,977 72 dparticipatesstudent ni eth rSumme sMission ,program hbot ni ehom dan nforeig missions rLonge sassignment fo xsi rosmonth

dan ,Central tEas dan tWes Africa

lCentra dan hSout ,America dan sother twen sa rfa dafiel sa eEurop

rnumbe fo dinvolvesstudent ni eth ,program halthoug 72 sstudent ewer dfunde hwit 1 95,393.6 .dollars fO ethes nseve dworke hwit ehom missions eFiv twen ot

rsumme wsa a edeclin ni eth

edistanc ot dRichar.assignments dan hDebora rCounsello owh twen tou runde sthi mprogra ear lstil ni lful etim ymissionar service sThi

dawarde no hlengt fo eservic dan

eserv ni aAmeric ro abroad 26,707.41 sdollar swa draise ot tsuppor ,them dan sfund ewer

rsumme fo dpai temploymen ot

dan training nI eth rsumme fo ,9761 33 sstudent egav pu a

mthe ot eus rthei stalentlspecia

egiv sstudent a tfirs dhan kloo ta ,missions si oals na yopportunit rfo

dsponsore yb dansstudent yfacult ssupport eworldwid ymissionar outreach eTh mprogra ddesigne ot

eTh rSumme sMission mprogra

rthei field nAla nGriffi

dgaine ni

tspen eth forsumme 6'7 ni aKeny aAfricgassistin

sStudent dai ,groupsnmissio gusin ltechnica sskill dan gtrainin

dInlan nMissio rAi Wing


The secondgroup toured the northern midwest, concentrating primarily upon Illinois, Minnesota, and Wisconsin Prior to thesix week summer ministry, they performed severaltimes in chapel, as well as in local churches and a nursing home Joni Griparis, the only veteran member of the group, provided the enthusiasmand encouragement necessary to get the group on their feet. Sponsor Dave Benson,Director of ChristianActivitiesand Music, also provided a spirit of leadership for the Group.

The group presented a medley of special musicone evening during Missions EmphasisWeek

Bill Brockhoff


rCounselosAdmission ta ,LeTourneau dan ewifshi oals dparticipate yactivel ewhil no

aare churches gReturnin rfo rthei dsecon ryea no ,tour nJo yBromle dan hRut nHartshor dprovide a gstron eincentiv rfo pgrou unity rSponso fJef ,Kleinbeck

sa lwel sa snumerou sperformance ni lchape dan

eth nreceptio dhel rfo sCampu wPrevie ni ,March

sOpportunitie ot mperfor rprio ot eth rtou dinclude

lpromotiona houtreac rfo eth .college

dserve sa a

Mexico rThei yministr ni cmusi oals

,Minnesota ,Nebraska ,Colorado dan wNe

gencompassin ,Oklahoma tSouthwes,Kansas

yMa dan eth tfirs fhal fo eJun ni na eintensiv rtou

eTh uLeTournea sSinger pgrou # 1 tspen lal fo

gevenin nreceptio ni eth tStuden Center

gDurin sCampu ,Preview eth pgrou gsan ot eprospectiv sstudent ta eth

yLero nMichaelso


Students interestedin singing found a place to express themselves in the LeTourneau College Choir The group met three times a week to practice in the third floor theatre of the Memorial StudentCenter Although the bass section tended to outnumber the other voices,the overall blend of the choir's tones was quite exceptional Several concerts enabled membersto share the message of song with fellow students Under the direction of Dave Benson,and accompanied by pianist Patti Wahlstrom, the choir proved to be a musicallytalented group ofstudents

Pictured Lto Rare, Front row: Kim Nyberg Robert Harold, Tim Driver; Second row: Sylvia Wallis, Brad Vanasse, Patti Wahlstrom; Back row: Pete McMillan, Carol Barclay, Duane Platz, Debbie Fulghum, Joel Stade, Cheryl Owen, Andy Wolgemuth, Randy Friesen, Gil Page, Ruth Mclntosh, Lynn Lindquist, Dave Benson
The choir performed on special occasions such as Thanksgiving Dave Benson directsthe choir as Patti Wahlstrom accompanies

hwit eth rchoi eth yda ebefor .Thanksgiving

eth splayer sa lwel sa ni eth .spectators eTh dban emad lsevera sappearance ni ,chapel gincludin a tconcer

dincline dan a esourc fo tspiri no .campus

pset-u dplaye yb nDa .Wieland sgroup'eTh eappearanc sa a pback-u ni eth mSa kJac rAmateu rHou swa a gcontributin rfacto ni gtyin wshoeth .together rOthe dincludesperformancescampu a tjoin lchape hwittconcer eth rchoi rprio gThanksgivinot ,vacation dan lsevera yintroductor tasnumber eth Hootenany rUnde eth ndirectio fo eDav eth,Benson dban sha ebecom hbot na toutle rfo eth ymusicall

nadditio dan thighligh ot eth dban swa eth npercussio

tentertainmen gdurin eth ehalftim periods A wne

rsocce dan lbasketbal ,games gprovidin hbot tspiri dan

eTh pPe dBan sadserve a nadditiolmusica ot ehom

eTh sband' sperformance ta ehom sgame dsparke menthusias ni

mJi ,Wahlstrom kDic ;Smith :Seated nRo ,Soderberg sJame ,Walker bBo ,Peterson sChri Meyer

dPicture mfro tlef ot ,right :Standing nDa ,Wieland eDav ,Benson eJo ,Forrest eBruc ,Smith eStev ,Quigg gGre yAnd,Petersen ,Wolgemuth


Led by President Ron Rentier, Auto Society sponsored the annual Slalom and go-kart races, but also reached out for broader horizons. Flip Lacy organized thesociety's participation in the Phonothon. The dedicated crew logged more hours per man than any other dorm, floor, or society, winning a $100 cash award Spring's highlight was the sponsorshipof a chapel service in which Paul VanDerLey spoke to the student body The first annual car show the next day also proved quite successful Besides these projects, members also met daily for prayer breakfasts Membership thus provided not only a clean, safe area to work on vehicles,but close fellowship and a Christian atmosphere


Auto Society Officers, Pictured Lto R:RonPontier, Byron Montgomery, Steve Miller, Van Abel, BernardBanzhaf
Members, PicturedLto R,Kneeling: Jim Ozinga, Keith Hibbard, Steve Dubert, Mark Stephens, RonPontier, Dan Swanson, Randy Kelly, Van Abel, ByronMontgomery, Bernard Banzhaf; Standing: Max Mabry, Stephen Miller, TomOzinga, Gil Page, Kevin George, Phil Ingram, Alan Hartman, Dave Jensen,Jeff Hull, Mark Morrison, TomJustus,Jim Kladifko, Bill Myers, Randy Friesen

,Record sDenni ,Williams eRuthann Calkins

fo eth bCluoRode dsponsore .Stampede oRode bClu ,Officers dPicture otL eJuli:R yLarr,Niewald

gridin dan tovernigh pcam out

tbrough no yb shour fo gridin dan a wfe rmino ,falls eth smember ythoroughl denjoye eth khorsebac

erid ta ePin .Cove hAlthoug esor ewersmuscle

A rmajo thighligh rfo eth pgrou swa na tovernigh ltrai

eprepar rfo lsevera spartie dhel tthroughou eth year

pgrou yfrequentltme ot npla rfo eth orode dan ot

mTo ,Compton .Mr eDav ,Benson dan .Dr eth,Archer

sDenni ,Williams dan runde eth psponsorshi fo Dr

nwester doriente members dHeade yb tPresiden

eth oRode bClu oals doffere rothe sactivitie rfo sit

hAlthoug yoriginall dorganize ot rsponso eth eStamped ghighlightin rFrontie kWee ni eth ,spring


cBron gridin swa eon fo eth emor gexhilaratin dan seventgchallengin

,Members otLdPicture :Kneeling,R dHarol ,Bogner lPau ,Nasse yLarr ,Cook mJi nVer,Evans ;Swanson :Standing .Dr mTo ,Compton sDenni ,Williams aBrend ,Busing yBeverl ,Minor iPatt ,Wahlstrom Dr nElto ,Archer Mr eDav ;Benson :Mounted yLarr ,GingrichmTi,Record gDou ,Kline DeVriesyTerr



Interest in the Mechanical Engineering Society was revitalized in the Spring semester, after having suffered without a sponsor throughout the fall. Dr. Hartman, Divisional Chairman of Engineering, was designated as the new sponsor The main purpose of the society is to unite those studentswho sharea common interest in the field of Mechanical Engineering and acquaint them with the opportunities tehir professional careers may hold for them. Guest speakers from businessesand organizations suchas the Missionary Tech Team were of special help in informing students about a few of the many potential fields available in today's world of engineering

Pictured Lto Rare: Debbie Fulghum, Keith Leonhardt, Charles Lucas, Randy Plants, Daryl Hoffman, Duane Platz, John Rees,Randy Friesen, Richard Campbell
Officers pictured Lto R, Kneeling: John Rees — Vice Chairman, Randy Plants — Chairman, Richard Campbell — Secretary; Standing: Keith Leonhardt — Treasurer, Duane Platz — Chaplain.

EIEE ,Members dPicture otL :R eBruc ,Temple gDou ,Opiinger fJef ,Cutler eMik ,Crawford nBe Schubert

dRichar dSpottswoo gservin sa rsponso rfo eth organization

gDou rOpiinge dan fJefrSecretary-Treasure ,Cutler hwit Mr

sOfficer gassistin eBruc eTempl dinclude eVic nChairma

strip ot nMaratho uLeTournea dan sTexa ,Eastman sa lwel sa nparticipatio ni lregiona EIEE smeeting dhel ni Shreveport

fo .electronics sVariou sactivitie fo eth norganizatio dinclude

eth tlates ni strend dan schange ni eth yrapidl gchangin dfiel

,students eth ysociet estrov ot minfor lpotentia sgraduate fo

eBruc Temple gServin eth sinterest fo yelectronicall doriente

dremaine na eactiv norganizatio runde eth pchairmanshi fo

,IEEE eth eInstitut fo danlElectrica cElectroni ,Engineers

na tattemp ot estructur a tcorrec circuit

sexperiment hwit a ldigita clogi tcircui dboar ni




AWS, boasting someone hundred membersin the LeTourneau College chapter, brought several new additions to the college's scopeof specialactivitiesand programs Their Careers in Welding program, sponsoredby the alumni chapter, included guest speakers in chapel as well asa special session in the evening

The coordination of a joint program with theLeTourneau College student chapter of the American Society of Nondestructive Testingalso proved to be a rewarding program. Theemphasisfor the program was placed upon the topic of dye penetrants and magnetic particles.

Sponsored by Mr. William Kielhorn, the AWS chapter strives for several major goals in their program Their desire to stimulate an early professionalconsciousness among members is partially achieved in their endeavor to keep students informed of currentdevelopmentsin the welding field More importantly, the societytries to develop a sense of unity and integration of business and professional life with the basic principlesof Christianliving.

AWS Officers, Pictured Lto R: Robert Krans— Secretary-Treasurer, Duane Miller• Chairman, Harry Saddock — Vice Chairman
Members, Pictured Lto R,Front row: Duane Miller, Mr Keith Glass, Robert Krans, Tom Schmitt; Back: Mike Ringler, Anver Classens, Rich Campbell, Paul Wittenbach, Scott Miller, Roger Patrick

eStev ,Thompson lCar ,Mattson lPau ,Milanowski hRut Hartshorn

,Members dPicture otL :R eLanc ,Behymer Mr nGordo ,Huyser

hLync sa Secretary-Treasurer

kBlaloc sa dSecon eVic ,Chairman dan yJerr

nThompso sa tfirs eVic ,Chairman kFran

nMattso sagservin ,chairman eStev

sOfficer rfo eth 1 7976-7 ryea dinclude lCar

teffor ot rcharte eth norganizatio ni rorde ot wdra eth fotinteres gupcomin .students

swa a estruggl ot nmaintai ystead hgrowt ni ,membership eth bclu swa dencourage yb na

ssponsor rfo eth organization hAlthoug ether

rHuyse dan .Dr tRober nRalsto sadserve

sawarenes fo yindustr dan fomprofessionalis eth gmanufacturin engineer Mr nGordo

ESM dcontinue ot eprovid hwitsmember na

dan lGenera cElectri ni eth,Tyler sactivitie fo

dHighlighte yb strip ot nMaratho uLeTournea



pDee ni ,concentration rmembeESM kMar sStephen stake a wfe moments ot tpu eth gfinishin stouche no a sgraphic plate


KLTC, the campusChristian radio station, went through a major overhaul for two entire semesters Originally planning to broadcast in the early fall, the staff was forced not only to remodel the building, but to design and build new equipment and rebuild old equipment

The group was sponsored by Dr. David Sprague, with Dr Bill Graff serving asTechnicalAdvisor and Terry DeVriesas General Manager Thestaff worked long hourson the small radio station, and with the Lord's help, the future looks much brighter

KLTC Officers, Pictured Lto R:Dr Bill Graff, Jeff Cutler, Roger Lange, Jeff Eastman,Terry DeVries, TimMcGuire, Chuck White.
KLTC Staff, Pictured Lto R,Bottom: Dave Berliner, Joel Dingeldein, Jeff Eastman, Matt Lister; Standing: BenSchubert, Curtis Snyder,James Johnston, Chuck White, Jeff Ladd, Roger Lange, Paul Vannatto, Lynn Longenecker; Top: Terry DeVries, Dave Best, TimWolf, TimMcGuire, Jim Sutton

yplent fo ydr sday ot tbroadcas ot rothe sstate dan a wfe nforeig countries sOfficer rfo 71976-7 :were gDou rOplinge sagservin ,President tBren fHof sa eVic dan,President iVistmTi sa .Secretary-Treasurer

gbuildin dleake .extensively ,Nevertheless ythe dfoun

pgrou fo ramateu oradi ,buffs sa eth froo fo eth

eMaintenanc swa a rmajo mproble rfo sthi lsmal

etim runde rcove sa a mha oradi .station

A elittl nknow ,organization ,K5JEF tspen fotmos sit

trecen contact

dSurrounde yb ,equipment mha oradi roperato rVicto lPau sjot ndow a

FK5JE ,Members dPicture otL ,R :Front bBo ,Brandt mTi ;Visti :Back
kMar ,Allsop gDou ,Oplinger rVicto Paul

Student Wives

Highlighting the springsemester with a fashion show by J.C. Penney, the Student Wives of LeTourneau College remained quite active throughout the school months. Special seasonal activities attended by Mom LeTourneau included the Christmasparty and the Sweetheart Banquet.

The ladies also petitioned the construction of a playground in the married apartment area Money for the playground was raised through bake sales, cook book sales, and the selling of tickets for the Carpenter's concert The evening meetings, held monthly, provided a time of sharing and fellowship for those married ladies who share an interest in both the school and in married campus life.

Student Wives' Officers and Sponsors, Lto R,Seated: Dee Patrick, Carol Newton, Vera Price; Standing: Karen Waechter, Linda Montgomery, Mrs IgglissGraff, Mrs Bev Harder, Wonda Walker, Trenda Lynch, Mrs. Noni Larsen, Cheryl Williamson.
Mom LeTourneau was honored with a lovely corsageas a special guest at the Student Wives' Valentine SweetheartBanquet

,Jackson eDal Weaver

,Mattson eDav ,Stoltzfus kMar ;Henneberg :Standing nDa ,Webber ePet ,Strubhar nKevi

lCounci ,Members dPicture otL ,R :Seated eJo ,Swenson lBil ,Ewin bBo ,Crego lDary ,Forry lCar

eth epleasur fo eth tstuden .body

rshorte dan rsafe erout ot eth tStuden ,Center hmuc ot

daccomplishe ni eon ySaturda fo dhar ,work dallowe a

nwhe dmu swa ni .abundance nadditioeTh fo eth ,steps

ro a psto yb eth tpos ,office yparticularl no a yrain yda

ydifficult ni gclimbin eth ycla senbankment rafte a sclas

.Center sStudent glivin ni eth eth,societies rolde ,barracks dan eth dmarrie sapartment dha dexperience

ypreviousl kbanspathles teas fo eth lMemoria tStuden

dworke rtogethe ni gbuildin a ystairwa no eth

rmembe lcounci ,yearlyssponsor eth oalsssocietie

eth lannua nOpe eHous dan eRop lPul hwhic eth nte

eth efiv ssocietie ni a wne tjoin tprojec sthi fall sBeside

yintersociet ,activities swa eabl ot texhibi yunit gamon

yIntersociet ,Council ddesigne ni na teffor ot epromot



yIntersociet lCounci ,Officers otL eJo:R ,Swenson eDal ,Weaver

dDavi Stoltzfus

gYoun ycasuall slook on

nHartma dan lPhi nOlso tattemp ot ystud no eth tfron hporc ewhil lPau

:row nKe ,Petersen lPhi ,Olson nDa ,Webber Mr hRalp ,Gilbert eBruc ,Dodds yRand

OA sOfficer dan ,Advisors otL tFron,R :row eStev ,Love Dr lPau ,Kubricht eDav ;Lucas

eDav sStoltzfu eStev eVeel mTi eWallac nDa rWebbe lPhi yYorge lPau gYoun :Advisors Mr hRalp tGilber .Dr lPau tKubrich

eDoyl nPeterso yPerr tPus eDav rStauffe

eDav rParke nPetersenKe

eDav sLuca mTi nMoo lPhi nOlso

eStev eLov

sCarlo oGuerrer yRand nHartma Jr yTon rKar nJoh eLe

sDodd eStev /Force yRust kFran

hKeit nBastio nDo mBeacha sRos sBean nKe sBurkin nChristenseeMik sJame nChristoferso nJo sDavi eBruc
kBac ,Hartman mTi Wallace OA smember yRand
«* » "H*"^ *"*^p

eVillaum dan B J rWerne tvisi hwit eDebbi


mFulghu no eth tfron porch

rAfte a glon yda fo ,classes rmembePDS


,Crego mTi ,Eppinger Dr M eDean ,White ePet



PDS :Officers mJi

yLarr dLunsfor mJi sMorri ePet rStrubha eBruc eVillaum B J rWerne dDavi lWhelche :Advisors .Dr .M eDean eWhit Dr dDavi nHartma


hKeit dHibbar mJi oKladifk

bBo oCreg nLyn eGrous sDenni dDou mTi rEppinge dRaymon rFarra

sJame eCours

kMar sAhleniu


,Behymer dan


eadvantag fo a mwar gsprin day

Arden tHun etak

gRelaxin no rthei tfron ,porch kDicsmemberXKZ ,Smith eDal ,Weaver


,Mattson Mr rRoge ;Carr :Standing kMar ,Henneberg nJo ,Bromley eDal

XKZ sofficer dan ,advisors otL :Seated,R .Mr mWillia ,Kielhorn lCar

Mr rRoge rCar

Mr mWillia nKielhor

eDal rWeave :Advisors

dRichar hSmit

lMichae hSmit

eStev sRos

eStev rPrate

mJi aOzing

eMik dOmstea

lCar nMattso

nArde tHun

kMar gHenneber

dDavi hDufendac nFrieselLynel

mTo sDuddle

lJoe nDingeldei

nJo yBromle




Mr sThoma ,Clark Mr J C ,Harder yLarr ,Allen lBil ,Ewin pPhili Bakelaar

SLA sOfficer dan ,Advisors otL :Front,R nAla ,Griffin eJo ;Swenson :Standing

Mr J C rHarde

Mr sThoma kClar

nNorma sSteinkrau :Advisors

eJo nSwenso

eBruc hSmit

eLawrenc nRobinso

hJosep sReynold

nDa kMerric

yGar gLundber

yTimoth nLarso

nAla nGriffi

nJo yFra

lBil nEwi

dHowar nEliaso

lRussel Callison

nDa rByke

dDavi rBaue

pPhili rBakelaa

yLarr nAlle

eTh tnex estag fo nconstructio no eth nScorpio 1 33 rhelicopte swa yconstantl ddiscusse yb smember fo LAS 116
f £

DTK smember gbrin a wfe scomfort fo ehom eoutsid eth ehous ot

eDal rWilde :Advisors .Mr eWayn eHous .Dr mTo nCompto

eStev nWildasi

nKevi nJackso

nJoh gHelbin

lDary yForr

nMelvi sFlower

lIsrae oCorder

tDwigh eBeadl

DTK ,Officers otL lIsrae:R ,Cordero nKevi ,Jackson eStev ,Wildasin lDary Forry sMember

lful eadvantag fo a ysunn .day


•'•^•>' '.-'"K -;;»a'<SZ*t«r


The Jacketdefense was tight, allowing only 1.55 goals per game in spite of all opposing efforts

In its debut at varsity status, the Jacket soccer team fought itsway to two NAIA district titles and the NCCAA South Region Championship. Six team members; Dave Stoltzfus, B J Werner, Nate Saint, Dave Whelchel, Gary Holler, and Keith Hibbard were named to the All-District IV NAIA squad Stoltzfus and Hibbard were also chosen as NCCAA All-Americans.

Goalie Keith Hibbard recorded a seasonhigh of 27 saves inthe NAIA Tri-DistrictChampionship game

1976 SoccerTeam

Front row (from left):

Jim Morris

Dennis Williams

Ben Assam

Nate Saint

Dave Stoltzfus

Kent Brady

Middle row:

Gary Holler

Brian Stephens

Jon Bromley

Jose Cosa

Dave Whelchel

B J Werner

Top row:

Garret DeJong

John Brinkerhoff

Franklin Dearmore


Steve Beacham

Coach Brynn

Keith Hibbard


,season 34 sgoal ot 31

eTh tJacke eoffens tkep yenem sgoalie ,busy goutscorin sopponent

yGar rHalle swa tfirs hwit enin sgoal dan six ,assists dfollowe

eth dthir'Jackets gleadin tpoin nma hwit rfou sgoal dan

nI tfirsshi

ta eth mhel fo eth ,teamrsocce hCoac uSt nBryn dle eth mtea ot a .seasonlsuccessfu

rfo eth
ryea mJi sMorri swa rfou assists
X L.C 0 3 0 1 2 4 6 5 1 2 1 9 2 2 0 1 2 1 1 0 k SSCORE N.T.S.U rLama rBaylo .U.T.A sDalla tBaptis rAmbassado aLouisian hTec .T.C.U sDalla tBaptis yCentenar U.T.A rAmbassado rBaylo (NAIADIST )IVCH. .St sMary' .T.C.U A(NAI .BI-DIST )CH. rPhilande hSmit (NAIATRI-DIST )CH. nMidwester eStat A(NCCA HSOUT REG )CH. Tenn eTempl A(NCCA NAT )SEMI-FINALS nBrya A(NCCA )CONSOLATION sKing' RECORD 11 6— — 3 \ 8 2 4 0 2 0 0 2 0 0 2 2 2 1 0 0 3 0 2 1 716
yb eDav sStoltzfu hwit dannseve six


The Jacket wrestling squad journeyed to Pennsylvania to participate in the 1977 NCCAA National Tournament Theteam finished sixth out of a field of sixteen Ross Beansplaced second in the 177 Ib class, barely losing in the finals 10-9 Andy Briggs placed fourth in the 1 67 Ib class Five other Jacketwrestlers had qualified for the NCCAA Nationals, but none were able to place.


With Stu Brynn at the helm, the Jacket grapplers finished their dual meet seasonwith a record of seven wins and four losses. Co-captains Andy Briggsand Ross Beans wrestled in outstanding style throughout the season. Randy Hartman, Doyle Peterson and Karl Anderson were the other veterans as the squad featured several promising freshmen. With only Briggs graduating, LeTourneauCollege will be a wrestling powerhouse for years

Co-captain Andy Briggs performed well in hisfourth year on the Yellowjacket squad He took first place in the 1 67 Ib class at the NCCAA Midwest Regionals, and fourth at the national tourney Doyle Peterson wrestled in the heavy weight class He is shown here against Pete McMillan in an exhibition match One of several freshmenwrestlers, Dan Straw recorded a key win when LeTourneaudefeated RichlandCollege

splu rfo eth tYellowjacke cause eTh gwrestlintYellowjacke mtea smember dpicture are ,Standing :L-R hCoac uSt ,Brynn eDoyl ,Peterson ePet ,McMillan yAnd ,Briggs sRos ,Beans nJoh ,Sancton lKar ,Anderson lPau Ahrens ,Kneeling yRa:L-R ,Monson mTi ,Munsterman nDa ,Straw nJoh ,Stahl nGlen ,Arndt yLarr ,Lunsford yRand ,MacDowall yRand Hartman

nA eaggressiv ,competitor nco-captai sRos sBean dcomplete shi hfourt ryea no eth gwrestlin squad sHi pleadershi dan lskil ewer a tconstan



The Yellowjacket basketball team members pictured are: Standing, L-R: Coach Rick Fowler, Clyde Sepulvado, Charles Yearling, Dan Parmley, BonnieWhite, Rick Noel, Dave Larson,Keith Bastian, Manager Dave Parker; Kneeling, L-R: Kane Elie, SteveBeacham, Tim Moon, Joe Dyk, Dan Radabaugh, Ronnie Goines; Front, L-R: Mark Littlejohn, Jerome White

The Yellowjacket basketball team had a disappointing record for the '76-V7 season, but this tells only a part of the story The only returning veterans were cocaptains Rick Noel and Bonnie White.

Injuries and poor grades dropped five team members from the line-up In spite of all these difficulties,the Jackets created a lot of excitementwhen they played.

First year coach Rick Fowler brought some spunk and fire to the bench Fowler's coachingstyle was impressive, as well as effective. He will undoubtedly lead the Jackets to many victories in the coming years

The teamhad two scorers with high averages, but they had little supportfrom the rest of the team Newcomer

Kane Elie exhibited a good driving ability as he racked up an average of 19.2 points per game. Elie led the team in shooting percentage with a 47.2 mark, andwas second in rebounding with 9.3 per game

The star in the Jackets' line-up was junior Bonnie White. White was ranked among the Top Twenty Scorers inthe NAIA, and fourth in the nation on the NCCAA chartsfor his 24.7 scoring average He led the NCCAA in rebounds by grabbing an average of 1 3.4 caroms per-game His high game was against BaptistChristian College, where he registered 52 points.

For his efforts, White was named All-DistrictNCCAA, Honorable Mention All-DistrictNAIA, and was selected for the NCCAA All-American squad.


eEli ddevelope oint a mtea rleade dan ebonafid gscorin .threat sHi kquic sdrive dan

mhi foeon eth pto splayer ni eth NCCAA

eth Yellowjackets sHi gjumpin yabilit dan gscorin htouc sha emad

nCo-captai eBonni eWhit tpu rtogethe na goutstandin nseaso rfo

r L.C 68 87 83 84 79 67 47 16 38 75 29 37 28 87 66 87 68 77 74 56 46 26 04 57 07 68 97 86 SSCORE rAmbassado sTexa nWesleya yBethan eNazaren yBethan eNazaren sMillsap sTexa nWesleya nAusti iMississipp nSouthwester tEas sTexa St iMississipp E.T.B.C yTrinit rAmbassado St sEdward' nHuston-Tillotso tBaptis nChristia nSouthwester St sMary' sTexa nLuthera yTrinit St sEdward' .St sMary' sTexa nLuthera sMillsap nHuston-Tillotso tBaptis nChristia .E.T.B.C :RECORD 44-2 .OPP 18 99 98 78 59 58 59 98 28 11 4 11 5 510 99 99 37 19 11 7 65 011 410 47 68 17 11 3 17 310 68 510
dexhibite epois dan ndeterminatio ni espit fo a glosin season nEve ebefor eth tlas egam swa dplaye eh swa ybus grecruitin dan gplannin rfo tnex year 117
enos rfo
tbaske emad mhi a dcrow .pleaser
hCoac kRic rFowle


The Yellowjacket Varsity baseball team enjoyed their best season in years Under the direction of Coach Stu Brynn the team banged out a 1 4-7 season, and set some new school records in the process

Bo Letneywas the anchor of the Yellowjacket pitching staff. He set a record for wins with seven against four losses He struck out 70 batters for the season,also a school record, and had an impressive 1.81ERA.

Paul Young, in hisfirst year on the baseball team, seta record for pitching, by winning five games without a loss

Freshman Larry Verduin stepped in to take over the catching chores and had a great season behind the plate. His four triples were another school mark

Kevin Jackson and Larry Lunsfordhad outstanding offensive seasons. Lunsfordset a school record with a .404 batting average He was secondon the team in hits with 23, and stole 1 8 bases. Jackson hit .348, had 24 hits, 3 HRS,and set a record by stealing 20 bases

The team as a whole batted .287, and scored 6.24 runs per game, the latter being another in the string of school records that wereset.

Bo Letney displayed control and endurance by hurling back-to-back shutouts on consecutivenights in games against Centenary and Louisiana Colleges
Kevin Jackson slides safely into second base to add another theft to his account

tNo :pictured mJi ,Marvin nDa Webber

eGeorg ;Williamson eMiddl )(L-R lPau ,Young eDav ,Parker yGar ,Holeman yLarr ,Verduin lPau ,Ahrens ePet ,McMillan fJef ;Renfroe -(LrRea )R hCoac uSt ,Brynn nJoh ,Blackburn hKeit ,Bastion oB ,Letney B J ,Werner tCur ,Wright nKe ,Fleming hCoac lDarre ,Caneday rTraine eDav

sMember fo eth 1 797 lBasebal mtea ,include tFron )(L-R bBo ,Mitchell mTi ,Wallace nKevi ,Jackson yLarr ,Lunsford rRoge ,Gritzmaker

- - -•- • :
ewer dname eth
dSecon nbasema yLarr ,Lunsford galon hwit nKevi nJackso dan oB yLetne
steam' tMos


The 1976-1977 Cheerleaders, Bottom, L-R:Karen Jones, Brenda Busing, Julie Niewald, Cindy Martin, Madelyn Casement; Top, L-R:Cecelia Miller, Linda Russell,Carol Barclay

Supported by Captain Julie Niewald, Linda Russell mounts on top for a half-time show

This pyramid was one of several formations the cheerleaders used to give flair to their routines

During time-outs the girls would lead the crowd in a rousing cry of support for the team


fo lschoo .pride

dprovide tencouragemen rfo eth ,team dan dstirre eth efir

danmenthusias rflai

fo hbot mtea dan .school rThei

,Overall eth dconcentratescheerleader no graisin eth tspiri

droa strip eth sgirl breakfastdserve

swa dbake rfo eth .team nO ySaturda smorning ebefor

dreceive a eValentin dan a dheart-shape ecak

heac rplaye

tRadian ssmile dshowe eth menthusias ttha swa ynecessar ot rsti

ewersgame .made nO sValentine' ,Day

sSign gannouncin

hMuc etim swa tspen ni yawasactivitie mfro eth court

,term eJuli dNiewal otdascende dhea eth squad

yb nDaw .Mathiesen sA nDaw ddi tno nretur rfo eth gsprin

gDurin eth lfal rsemeste eth ewerscheerleader dcaptaine

eSenat ot ereplac nworethos rfo eth spreviou otw years

dobtaine hwit eth phel fo eth tStuden

wNe ewersuniform

ememorabl tstun dfeature a nhuma dpyrami sa sit finale

court eTher ewer wne sroutine dan formations tmoseTh

teviden sa nsoo sa eth sgirl dappeare no eth lbasketbal

eexperienc dan snumerou shour fo epractic ebecam

eColleg .campus sPreviou

fo gcheerin ot eth uLeTournea

eTh 71976-197 gcheerleadin dsqua tbrough a wne estyl

rsocce team

nwhe ythe ecam kbac oont eth tcour rafte half-time dCol rweathe swa on ehindranc sa eth dsqua ecam tou ni eth lfal ot rchee rfo eth tYellowjacke

eTh scheerleader emad esur eth mtea tfel ewelcom

I I Il-U I I
eth dcrow ot .life 517


The 1976-1977 school year featured some outstanding performances by LeTourneauCollege Athletes Itwas an exciting year, the most dramatic moment being the capture of the NCCAA South-Regionchampionship title The jubilant crowd coveredthe field after the double over-time win This was the high point of a long season, and LeTourneau College was proud of her team.

All four of the varsitysports experienced good fan support Even baseball, which had been cut from varsity status, but was later reinstated, had the stands filled with cheeringYellowjacketsupporters At soccer games the fans lined the Jacketside of the field to such an extent that the referees often had to make themmove back

The soccerteam and members of the wrestling team went to NCCAA national tournaments. Therewere three athletes who were selectedto NCCAA All-American teams. Deservingall the praise given them were Keith Hibbard and Dave Stoltzfusin soccer,and Bonnie White in basketball. To them and all other membersof LeTourneau College varsityteams: A salute and a thank-you for an exciting athletic season.

Dave Stoltzfus was selected as the soccer team's MVP,as well as making NCCAA All-American After stopping 201 enemy shots on goal, Keith Hibbard was named an NCCAA soccer All-American
Ronnie White was on the Top Scorerschart for the NCCAA all season long, and made NCCAA All-American

Mr mGrahanDa swa eth dfeature rspeake ta eth sAll-Sport tBanque no lApri .21

rTreasure — eDav .Parker

eVic tPresiden — eBonni ,White ySecretar — yLarr ,Lunsford

sOfficer rfo 79711976- :were tPresiden — eDav ,Stoltzfus


yThe oals dforme scommittee ot ehandl tbanque

lbasketbal sgame ni rorde ot erais ymone rfo eth .banquet

eTh sLettermen' bClu dsol srefreshment ta lal ehom

lfootbal hcoac ta ePin eTre hHig ,School espok ebefor a elarg crowd sTrophie dan saward ewer ngive ot uLeTournea sCollege' goutstandin yvarsit dan lintramura athletes

eTh gevenin swa dhighlighte sa Mr nDa ,Graham dhea

sLettermen' bClu dsponsore eth lannua sAll-Sport Banquet

fJef nKevi,Renfroe lJoe,Jackson ,Dyk ,WildasineStev B J ,Werner tCur ,Wright kMar Littlejohn sHour fo npreparatio ewer drealize no lApri 12 sa eth

eJerom ,White uSt ,Brynn eDoyl ,Peterson eKan ,Elie eDav ,Parker eRonni ,Goines nDa ,Straw eStev ,Beacham hKeit ,Bastion eDav ,Stoltzfus

nBe ,Assam lKar ,Anderson yRand ,Hartman mTi ,Munsterman eNat ,Saint sDenni ,Williams nDo ,Beacham yLarr ,Lunsford yAnd mJi,Briggs ,Morris eBonni ,White eClyd ;Sepulvado rRea )(L-R ePet ,McMillan tGarret ,DeJong kRic ,Noel eMik ,Fratzke Jim ,McMahan sRos ,Beans

sMember fo eth 7197 bClusLettermen' ,include tFron )(L-R ,MoonmTi nGlen ,Arndt nJoh ,Brinkerhoff yGar ,Holler tKen ,Brady nJoh ,Stahl



In the warm summerevenings of September and October the coeds could be found on the athletic field battling out a game of field hockey. Swinging at each other with the sticks of their trade, the girls vigorously pursuedthe little white ball

The field hockey gameswere anextension of the field hockeyclass taught by Mrs. Betty Jane Fratzke Because the afternoon classtime period was too short for both instruction and a full game, the intramural games were moved to the evening time slot.

Two teams were chosen from those in the field hockey class plus volunteers from the remainder of the female population When the season closed, the team captained by Ruthanne Calkins was the champion.

A break in the action gives time for team members to rest and catch their breath.
The coeds from the field hockey class used the evening games to demonstrate techniques learned during classtime


nSharo lHil swa dname eth steam' tMos eValuabl

eperformanc no eth lvolleybal ,court

lStrube dan yShelle Varcoe ncompetitioeTh swa htoug dan ,experienced tbu eth dfinishescoed hwit a erespectabl 5 swin tagains 6 losses dBase no rhe goutstandin

nSharo ,Hill nKare ,Kolkman eDebbi ,Mayo yDoroth ,Nelson eIren ,Rudoi aTwil ,Shugart iBek ,Stieglitz aLis

eRuthann ,Calkins aDonn ,Chapman aNes ,Cramblett

mteasStrube' swa champion nI eth espringtim stryout ewer dhel ot atselec mtea ot ypla lvolleybal ni eth wLongvie yCit League dCoache yb Mrs eth,Fratzke mtea fodconsiste lCaro ,Barclay

rAfte eth ,serving gjumpin dan ghittin eth lbal dha ,subsided aLis

eLat ni eth lfal eth nwome ktoo ot eth courtslvolleybal

lvolleybal game


tInten sgaze wfollo eth tfligh fo eth lbal ni a dcoe

eserv eth lbal ot a yCit eLeagu opponent 1,

sEye gfollowin eth tfligh fo eth ,ball aDonn nChapma sprepare ot

hmatc sa eteammat iBek

eth lbal ni a


nSharo lHil sspike yCit
slook on


Sharon Newman drivesin for an easy lay-up

The next coed intramural event was basketball Thewomen were competitive but the team captained by Leta House was the eventual winner

allows team members to relax and discuss strategyfor the second half

Players gather beneath the basketto await the drop of the ball incoed basketball action.

yb aDonn nChapma swa ddeclare champion

sgame dha nbee ,completed eth mtea dheade

lsevera yfriendl contests rAfte eth dschedule

gfightin rfo eth MI lsoftbal ,title eth scoed ewer gcompetin ni lsoftbal also gPlayin ni eth yearl gevenin ,hours eth nwome dengage ni

eLat ni eth gSprin sa,semester eth nme ewer


rAfte ghittin eth ,ball iPatt mWahlstro dprepare ot nru ot tfirs base aBrend seyegBusin eth lbal sa ti sarc dtowar eth plate
aDonn nChapma dle rhe mtea ot eth dcoe MI lsoftbal title








Bowling (Individual)

Golf (Team)

Golf (Individual)

Free Throw Contest(Team)

Free ThrowContest (Individual)

Weight Lifting (Team)


Turkey Trot (Team)

Turkey Trot (Individual)

Alpha Omega

Alpha Omega

Alpha Omega

Tyler 1A

Delta Sigma Psi

Kappa Zeta Chi

Randy Brown(35)


Lowell Caneday(F/S)

Tau Kappa Delta

Jon Bromley (KZX)

Tyler 3A

Clayton Lai(3A)

Daryl Forry (TKD)

Kevin Jackson (TKD)

Bruce Taylor(3A)

Andy Briggs(3A)

Pete McMillan (IB)

Tau Kappa Delta

Clayton Lai(3A)

John Lee(AO)

Jim Marvin (2A)

Rick Dinkins(2A)

Steve Wildasin(TKD)

Bruce Taylor(3A)

Jeff Brasington(1A)

John Blackburn(1A)

Stan Watne(TKD)

Dorm 4A

Brad Erickstad (MOC)

Ken Fleming (2A)

123# 132# 148# 165# 181# 198#
118# 134# 142# 150# 158# 167# 177# 190# HWT

aDelt aSigm iPs

yAnd sBrigg )(3A aAlph aOmeg

mTi nMoo )(AO

eDav tLucker )(40 aDonn nChapma )(WRH

yAnd sBrigg )(3A

mTi nMoo )(AO

eStev gQuig )(4A fJef nBrasingto )A1( ePet nMcMilla )(IB nClayto )(3AiLa nDo gKin )(41 kChadwic gChan

eLe yBeach )(GH

aAlph aOmeg aAlph aOmeg

uTa aKapp aDelt

kRic dRud )(40

dBra dEricksta )(MOC

dBra dEricksta )(MOC

eStev lIsrae )(TKD

eStev lIsrae )(TKD

rTyle A2 aAlph aOmeg

rTyle A2

tCur nErlandso )(2A

lBil sHughe )(3A

tCur nErlandso )(2A

mTo hButkovic )(2B

tCur nErlandso )(2A

rTyle A2

MI sCaptain' dAwar mTea pSportsmanshi dAwar

MI hHig tPoin dAwar

MI rHono dAwar )(Women

MI rHono dAwar )(Men

eTabl sTenni )(Doubles sTenni )(Singles sTenni )(Doubles

eTabl )(SinglessTenni

044 yRela yMedle yRela eMil yRela hHig pJum gLon pJum tSho tPu sDiscu

088 yd nRu nRueMil

044 .Yd hDas

022 yd hDas

001 .yd hDas

010 eFreestyl yRela

001 yMedle yRela

010 eFreestyl

05 eFreestyl 05 eBreaststrok 05 yButterfl 05 eBackstrok

mSwi tMee kTrac



Volleyball was the first major event on the fall intramural calendar Asthe season progressed, Alpha Omega, Delta Sigma Psi,Faculty-Staff, and 2A emerged as the dominant teams

On the evening of October 14th, Alpha Omega captured its second straight volleyball crown bydefeating 2A in semi-final action, then F/S in the championship game. The consolation game saw 2A winning over DSP.

The quality of play was improved greatly over previous years, as teams demonstrated a more professional style of play Bythe season's end, the team that usedthe spike to the greatest extent was usuallyvictorious

The 1976 IM volleyball champs pictured are: Front, L-R:TimWallace, Dave Stoltzfus, Dan Webber, Paul Young; Standing, L-R:Dave Lucas, Steve Love, Tim Moon, Ken Burkins Defense isa critical part of team strategy Here, two 1A players try to block a spike by Dave London of Dorm 40
DSP member Keith Hibbard was another athlete who was proficient at spiking the ball He uses the spike here to score against F/S

timportan eprerequisit rfo eth spike

sshow who gsettin eth lbal pu lwel si na

Dr kRic ,Fowler a SF/ mtea ,member

,Forrest gplayin rfo tGues ,House sdefend tagains a lbal thi yb ePet nMcMilla fo 1 B

nActio ta eth tne swa nofte furious eHer eJo

sSometime ti si ynecessar ot eus na xunorthodo otsmean thi eth lbal rove eth net nWildasieStev fo DTK dfoun eth d"backwar "overhead tsho ot eb effective

OA etak eth lvolleybal crown

sathlete owh dha dmastere eth spike. yabilitsHi dhelpe

mTi nMoo fo aAlph aOmeg swa eon fo eth tprominen



Alpha Omega kept its winning streak going by nabbing the IM flag football title for the second year in a row. In the championship game between AO and 1A the score was tied 66 at the half, but from then on it was all AO Thefinal score was AO — 28, 1A — 6 TauKappa Delta edged by 2A, 15-14, to take third place

The competition this season was intense, but injuries were seldom This is exceptional as the brand of flag football played at LeTourneau is rougher than most.

Nearly half of the schedulewas played on Saturday afternoons. This brought welcome relief from the cold of the night and the harsh glare of the field lights.

Tau Kappa Delta startedthe season off strong, but lost in the opening round of theplayoffs

,Petersen sCarlo ,Guerrero nKe ,Burkins mTi ,Moon eStev ,Forcey eDav Stauffer

dpicture :are ,Front nDa:L-R ,Webber dE ,Reister eStev ,Love nJoh ,Lee eDav ,Lucas tAr ;Salatin ,Standing


697 MI gfla lfootbal schamp


nvai ot lspoi eth gpassin kattac fo mDor 35

ePressur no eth kquarterbac swa nofte intense eHer B3 sattempt ni

Omega tpoteneTh gpassin egam fo OA danchore rthei offense

nDa rWebbe scradle a spas ot escor a ntouchdow rfo aAlph

:L-R yRand nKe


. •
Going high in the air, Jim Lightfoot of Dorm 4 shootsthe ball toward the basket One hand hits the ball as the other touches only air in a jump-ball for a game between TKDand Dorm 40
Eager eyes anticipate the drop of the ball in action between Dorm 40 and 1 A

mtea pchampionshi gstrin dende ta ,eight ddefeate 3A

eth tbaske ot nwi eth egam rfo 1 .A nI eth nconsolatio ,AOtcontes rmajoewhos

sThi tse eth rfoestag eth ATKD-1 .showdown hThoug DTK dle tmos fo eth ,game A1 dtie ti pu yb rfougscorin spoint ni eth lfina etwelv .seconds A tlas tsho ta eth rbuzze lfel hthroug

ttha OA dwoul eadvanc dan A1 dan tmusPDS tfigh ti tou rfo eth lfina .spot A1 ecam hthroug hwit a eon tpoin victory eTh tnex tnigh A1 dbutte hwitshead A3 dan ewer victoriousnagai

otw fplayof ,berths a stos fo eth ncoi ddecide

rove otDTK mclai eth .championship nI gdoin os A1 tlef dbehin mthe eth t"can' nwi eth gbi "one eplagu dan ecam hthroug ni eth .clutch eBecaus 1 ,A OA dan ewerPDS dtie ni a erac rfo

dclimaxe sa A1 dpulle tou a yvictorgstunnin

nA daction-packe MI lbasketbal nseaso swa

Allsop ,Standing )(L-R eDav

fo mDor 4 strie ot edriv ot eth tbaske sa mDor s'14 yRand sPlant



eTh 1 797
lBasketbal sChamp dpicture ,are gKneelin )(L-R
eStev ,Claassen kMar ,Coultas nJoh
shi progress
yRa ,Sipple nRo ,Bell bBo
yRand nNelso

The final team sport in the spring semester was softball By combining anaggressive offensive attack and solid pitching with a jovial style of play, DSPcaptured the 1977 IM softball crown

Four teams: DSP,AO, TKDand 3A did well enough in the regular season to advance tothe playoffs DSPmet and defeated TKD, while AO slid by 3A in extra innings

DSP and AO clashed in the championship game Some clutch hitting in the DSPranks gave them the lead, and a game-ending double play closed the door on AO.

The consolation game pittedTKD against 3A, and TKD picked upa solid win.

Joel Dyk of 2A concentrates on tossing another strike across the plate Frank Fiore pitched for 4B in a Saturday afternoon game
The 1 977 IM Softball Champs pictured are, Front (L-R) Jim Course, Dave Whelchel, Tim Eppinger; Middle (L-R) Pete Strubhar, Mark Ahlenius, Jim Kladifko, Ray Farrar; Rear (L-R) Keith Hibbard, Dennis Doud, Bob Crego

hcoac lJoe nDingeldei fo XKZ asadvise rrunne no eth swhereabout fo eth .ball

PDS rmembe eDav lWhelche slashe tou ta eth ,ball gshowin who yke shit tbrough e"Th "Sig ot eth MI lSoftbal crown 119


With activities from badminton to basketball,the intramural schedule featured numerouseventsthat provided exercise and competition for theLeTourneau College athlete. In addition to the four major team sports, the IM season contained several individual events Some, such as wrestling or weightlifting, were divided into different weight classes Theothers gauged each man on his skill, not his size. Special events, such as pool tourney, were interspersedthroughout the IM season to add even more variety

Dale Wilder of TKDtook first place in the intramural basketball "one on one" specialevent. AO's TimMoon receiveda special award for being the "High Point Man" of the intramural season
Clayton Laiof Tyler 3A was the table tennis singles champion
DTK rmembe eStev lIsrae ddominate eth tsprin srace ta eth lintramura ktrac tmee no lApri 9 yb gtakin tfirs eplac ni eth 010 dan 022 dyar dashes mDor s35' yRand nBrow eovercam esom fstif ncompetitio ot nwi eth lindividua gbowlin title 319
^^^^^^^^^••mm MHHHi
t o C O C O o

Van AntonAbel,JR

Margaret Ackley,JR

Beverly J Adams,FR

Jack Lee Adams, SR

David E Adler, SO

Edgardo Aguayo, SO

Mark T Ahlenius, SR

Paul F Ahrens, SO

Lloyd Albertson, FR

Timothy Albright, SO

Larry S. Allen,JR

C Mark Allsop, FR

.;;...::::::.;JP M ; ,*5 !•».!! »J 196

hRudolp D ,Balusek RJ

eGeorg R RF,Baldree

eBruc B RS,Balcom

eDal nAla ,Bakk OS

pPhili ,Bakelaar OS

cMar R ,Bacon OS

tRober .J RJ,Backlund

nBenjami ,Assam OS

nJo W ,Arrowsmith RJ

dDavi F ,Arnold OS

nGlen T ,Arndt RF

dDonal W ,Ansley RS

yTimoth V ,Andrews RF

lPau J RJ,Anderton

kMar .L ,Anderson RF lMichae ,Anderson RF

lKar ,Anderson.R OS

yBradle J RJ,Anderson

tJane ,Andersen.L OS

sJame M ,Andersen RF


Lawrence Bandstra, SO

Bernard Banzhaf,JR

Stephen Baptista,SR

Carol Ann Barclay, SO

Bruce S Barlow, SR

Jeffrey A. Barr, SO

Richard Barrett, SO

Robert Bartels,SR

Keith L Bastion, SO

Rebekah A. Bates, SO

Ronald C Bates, FR

Donald Beacham,JR

Steve G Beacham,SR

Leland J Beachy,JR

Dwight D Beadle, SO

Scott K. Beall, FR

Ross A Beans, SR

Arno Bebernitz,FR

Alan S Beckett,SR

Michael Beerbower,FR


lBil B RF,Brockhoff

nSusa .E ,Britt OS

tStewar ,Brinkoeter OS

nJoh ,Brinkerhoff OS

yJeffre ,Brasington RF wAndre J RS,Briggs

tRober R RJ,Brandt

tKen S RF,Brady

lDanie C RF,Braasch

yJeffre .A ,Bowker RF yTimoth .A ,Boyce OS

lJoe R ,Blosser OS

yHarve A RS,Block

nOwe ,Blickensderfer OS

kFran C ,Blalock RS

nJoh M RF,Blackburn

yTimoth ,Bjornson RJ

nJoh H ,Bishop RJ

yLarr D ,Birdwell OS

dGeral O OS,Bird

nStephe .G RJ,Biggs ' ,

kRic H RF,Bicknell

dDavi .M OS,Best

dDavi RF,Berliner

nStephe RF,Berkner

sDougla ,Bergen OS

hBart J ,Benton RJ

nBrya .E RS,Benson

dRonal J ,Bell RF

eDal E RJ,Bell

eLanc ,Behymer OS

lPau .R RS,Beers


Jonathan Bromley,SR

David R. Brown, SR

Randall W Brown,SR

Gregory Buchanan, SO

John A. Bullock,JR

Eugenio Bultedaob,FR

Kenneth Burkins,SR

Mark A Burns, FR

Thomas J Burt,SR

Carl A Burtner,JR

Charles Bushey,SR

Brenda S Busing, SO

, ' i$#;:Tili££ 200

lPau ,Chamberlin RF

eLauri ,Chamberlin OS

yJerr L RS,Cassel

dDavi ,Cassaday RF

tSterret RF,Carter nMadely ,Casement RF

eJanic E ,Carr RF

tConan .C RJ,Carr

lJoe RF,Carpenter

eLaurenc RF,Cappella hKeit RF,Carnahan

eMik L RF,Capp

hKennet RS,Caplet

tRober RS,Campbell

lRussel ,Callison OS dRichar ,Campbell RJ

eRuthann ,Calkins OS

kMar E RS,Calkins

lDanie .W ,Byker RF

nJoh E ,Bygrave OS


Stephen Chamberlin,JR

Garry D. Chambers,FR

Chadwick D Chang, SO

Donna M Chapman,JR

Anita M Chasteen, JR

Stephen L Cheek,SR

Theodore Chick,FR

Michael Christensen, SR

James E Christian,FR

James Christoferson, SO

Robert Wing-Kan Chu,SR

Steven R Claassen, SO

Anver E Classens, SO

Douglas B Cobb,JR

Jack M Cohn, SO

David A Colburn,FR

David P. Colvin, SR

Patrick A Colvin, SO

Larry Jay Cook,FR

Douglas M Coon,JR

Catherine Copeland, FR

Kenneth F. Coppage,FR

Israel Cordero, SO

Jose D. Cosa,JR

Pedro F Cosa,FR

David G. Coultas, SO

James R Course, SO

Andrew D Cowles, SR

Thomas J Cowper,JR

Nesa R.Cramblert, SO

Diane L Crane,FR

Michael Crawford,JR


dDonal OS,Decurtis

hGriffit ,Decker OS

yRo F RF,Dearmore

sJame A RS,Dearman

nLore D ,Deal OS

nJonatha ,Davis OS

sJame H ,Davis OS

nMarli ,Danielsen OS

nKevi L RF,Damon

nLore J ,Daily RF


nJoh H ,Dagnan RF

mWillia ,Cutler OS

yJeffre .A RS,Cutler

dLinwoo RF,Cuthriell

lPau .A ,Grouse OS

kMar D RF,Grouse

nLyn .D RF,Grouse

sJame G RF,Crews

sThoma P RS,Crego

sDougla V ,Crawmer RF

l A

Garrett DeJong,JR

Daniel D Demott,FR

Terrance Devries, SO

Paul Diffenderfer,JR

Joel Dingeldein, SO

Mark Dingeldein, FR

Richard Dinkins,FR

Walter F. Dinse,FR

Clinton R Dix, FR

Bruce L. Dodds, SR

Daniel Doenges, SR

Dennis R Doud,SR

Timothy Driver,FR

William Dubas,SR

Philip R Dubert, SO

Stephen Dubert,JR

Daniel R. Duda,SR

Thomas Duddles,JR

David Dufendach, SO

Stephen W Duker,SR


nAlvi .K ,Elie RF

dHowar J OS,Eliason

mWillia ,Ekstrand RJ

yJeffre ,Eastman OS

tRober .W ,Dyke RF

lJoe V RF,Dyk

aPatrici RJ,Dutton

dDonal .L ,Durrett OS

yGar A ,Durbin OS

lMichae ,Duncan RF

kDere S ,Duncan RF

nStephe R ,Dunbar OS


Edward Ellingson,FR

Paul Elliott,JR

Russell Elliott,FR

Jaye Anthony Ellis,FR

Timothy Eppinger, JR

Michael Erickson, FR

Brad R. Erickstad,FR

Arthur H Eriksen, FR

Carl Erlandson, JR

Curt Erlandson,FR

James R Evans,JR

William W Ewin,JR

Timothy D Faber,FR

Joan D. Parish,SR

Michael L Ferrell, SO

Harry Figueroa,FR

Francis J Fiore, SR

David T. Fisher, SO

David W Fisher,SO

Kenneth Flemming, FR

Melvin Flowers, SO

Randall Folkmann, SR

J. Kevin Forbis,FR

Stephen Forcey,SR

Joseph G. Forrest, SO

Michael Forrest, FR

Daryl K Forry, SO

John A. Foster, SO

Mark T Fox,FR

Russell M Frank, SO

Jonathan C Fray,FR

DeLyn J. Friesen,FR

•a 206

nKevi A ,George OS

sDougla A ,Gentry RF

yGregor ,Gebhardt OS

hKennet R ,Gaunt RF

yGeoffre ,Gathungu OS

lMichae ,Gaston RF

nJo D OS,Garrison

nJoh .M ,Garner RF

mWillia RF,Garfield

dDavi E RJ,Gardner

pPhili RS,Gardiner

yGar eLe ,Gapp RF

lSamue J RF,Ganow

yBradle OS,Gaasrud

aDebr L RF,Fulghum

yGregor A ,Fuchs OS

yTon J ,Fryman OS

lLowel D RS,Frye

lRandal ,Friesen RF

lLynel ,Friesen RJ


Scott A George, SO

Richard Gilson, SO

Timothy Gingrich, SO

Ronnie L Goines, SO

David Gorrell,JR

Novella Gray,FR

Mark I Grey, FR

Joan Griparis, SO

Roger Gritzmaker, FR

William Grubb, FR

Carlos Guerrero, JR

Larry S Gullman,FR

Daniel Gutwein, FR

John M Haagen,SO

Steven A. Haglin, SR

Gary J Holler,SR

Peter D Haney, SO

Glenn Hardaway FR

Dale Hardtke,SR

Suzanne M Hare, SR


nJoh ,Helbing OS

lSamue ,Heizer OS

nCaroly RJ,Heil

sDenni RS,Hebert

lPau RF,Heavener

sDougla RJ,Haynes

eGeorg ,Haymond OS

nStephe L RJ,Hayes

hRut ,Hartshorn OS

lRandal RJ,Hartman

nAlle ,Hartman OS

tRober ,Harold OS

' If. ;' • * Iltltl

Larry Hellem,FR

Theresa Hendrickson, FR

Mark Henneberg, JR

George L Herb,SR

John Herrmann,SO

Merle Hertzler,SO

Keith Hibbard, JR

Joseph D Hicks,JR

Gail Hildebrand, FR

Sharon E.Hill, SO

Brent H Hoff, SO

William Hoffart,JR

Daryl Hoffman, JR

Joseph Hogate,FR

Gary Holeman, FR

Jonathan Holmgren,FR

Jamie N Hooker, FR

Paul A. Homey, SO

John L. Howard,FR

Timothy Howrey, SO

•v I •
\ ft

yTon eGen ,Karr OS

nBe RF,Karcesky

sThoma ,Justus OS

sJame ,Julsonnet RF

yRand P RF,Jordan

nKare L RF,Jones

sJame RF,Johnston

kMar RJ,Johnson

kMar D RF,Johnson

kMar .C RF,Johnson

eJanell RF,Johnson

dDavi RF,Johnson

tBren RJohnson,J

kMar .L RF,Jensen

sDougla RF,Jensen

dDavi ,Jensen OS

dDonal ,James OS

tRober RJ,Jackson

nKevi ,Jackson RJ

lDanie RF,Iverson

nSusa ,Iversen OS

nSteve ,Israel OS

pPhili RS,Ingram

yLarr RJ,Huntley

nShanno RS,Hunt

lCaro L RF,Hunt

nArde R RJ,Hunt

yJeffre ,Hull RJ

mWillia RF,Hughes

nJoh M ,Hughes OS

yRa .G RS,Huey

hJosep RF,Hudgens

1*1 w

Bruce Kauffmann, SO

Jay A Kaufman, FR

Ricky Kaufman,JR

Randy Kelly, SO

Robert Kiddy,SR

Kenneth Kienzle, SO

Donovan King, SO

Mark M. Kinkead, FR

Timothy Kinney,JR

Gregory Kirby, SO

Mary Kirby,FR

Howard Kissick, FR


rRoge ,Lange OS yHarr RS,Larsen

dDavi RF,London

eDu nVa ,Lam RS

lMerril RF,Ladd hChunChie RJ,Lai

dDavi J RF,Ladd

pPhili .E ,Lacy RS

dDavi A RJ,Lacey

dDavi K ,Kyrk OS kMar ,Labarbera RF

lDanie .O ,Kuhn RF

tRober ,Krans RS

nNorma ,Kopesky RS

nCalvi G ,Kody OS

nJoh ,Konstant RF

nAla yJa OS,Koch

sJame RJ,Knowlton

sDougla RJ,Kline

sJame ,Kladifko OS


Robert Larsen,FR

David A Larson, SO

Timothy Larson, SO

James E Lauver,JR

Mark H. Layne, FR

Rick Leasure, SO

Bill C. Leek,FR

John S Lee,SR

Keith Leonhardt,SR

Herbert Letney, JR

Andrew W Lewis, FR

Wayne B Lewis, SO

James Lightfoot, JR

Glen Lindahl,SR

Philip Linden, FR

Franklin Lindquist,SR

Lynn Lindquist, SO

Matthew Lister,FR

James R Little,FR

Mark Littlejohn, SO


dDavi RS,McAfee

hDebora J ,Mayo OS

lCar RS,Mattson

nStephe ,Matolka RF

sDougla ,Mashburn OS nDaw ,Mathiesen OS

nJoh T RS,Marx

sJame ,Marvin RF

lDanie RS,Marvin

pPhili ,Martin OS nStanto RS,Martin

aCynthi ,Martin RF

lCar N ,Martin RJ

eGeorg .E RJ,Mars

yHarr J RF,Marks

nJoh R RMantell,J

lCarrol OS,Manchester

nJoh .G RF,Madsen

nEdwi ,MacDonald RJ

dDavi RF,MacBeth

eMont .D ,Mabry RF

xMa A OS,Mabry

yJerr .W RJ,Lynch

yLarr ,Lunsford RJ

yGar RJ,Lundberg

aLaur .L ,Lugar RF

dDavi ,Luckert OS

dDavi W RJ,Lucas

sCharle E RS,Lucas

nStephe RJ,Love

nLyn RF,Longenecker

lPau T ,Long OS


Peter McAfee, SO

Richard McClain, FR

Robert McCutcheon, SO

Paul McElroy,FR

Lois McFarland,FR

Timothy McGuire,SR

Keith Mcllhany,FR

Ruth Mclntosh, SO

Mark Mclntyre,FR

Charles McKenzie,FR

Daniel McKenrick, SO

Kiel McKenrick, SO


nAla K ,Mock OS

nVerno ,Mitchell RS

yLarr ,Mitchell OS

nSusa ,Miller OS

tScot ,Miller RF

nJonatha RJ,Miller

yJeffre RF,Miller

sDougla ,Miller RS .DuaneK ,Miller RJ

lPau RS,Milanowski aCeceli ,Miller RF

yLero ,Michaelson RF

tRober RS,Meyer

sCri .A ,Meyer RF

tRober RJ,Mertz

lDanie ,Merrick RF

dDavi M ,Mercer RF

rPete ,McMillan RF

sJame ,McMahan OS

nAla OS,Mclaughlin


Michael Monahan, SO

Raymond Monson, SO

Byron Montgomery,JR

Jonathan Montgomery,SR

Timothy R.Moon,JR

Deborah Moore,JR

William Morgan, JR

James Morris,FR

Mark Morrison, SO

Daniel V Mosser,SO

Timothy Munsterman,FR

Vicki L Murano,FR

Kevin L Myers,FR

William Myers, SO

Paul J Nasse,SO

John E Nauman,SR

Randall Nelson,SO

Larry Newcomer, JR

Sharon Newman,JR

Bruce Newton,JR

Jesse Newton,JR

Julie Niewald, SR

David J Nixon,FR

Richard Noel,SR

Steven H. Noel, FR

Royal Nordeen, SO

Dean Norfleet, SO

Caroline K Nyberg,FR

David M Oakes, SR

Gordon Oksnevad,SO

Philip D. Olson,SR

Michael Omstead, SO


yGregor ,Petersen RF

nJonatha ,Peet OS

rVicto .M RF,Paul

rRoge RS,Patrick

lNoe RJ,Passan

dDonal RF,Parmley

dDavi RS,Parker

wAndre RF,Parker

sDougla RJ,Palmer

sThoma ,Ozinga RF G:t«ber RF,Page

sJame ,Ozinga OS

lChery ,Owen RF

kMar .D ,Ott OS

lAnge ,V.Ortiz RJ

nSteve ,Orloff RF

sDougla W ,Opiinger OS

sDougla E RJ,Opiinger

tRober OS,O'Neill

nGlen ,Onarheim OS


Kenneth Petersen,SR

Daniel Peterson, FR

Doyle Peterson,JR

Robert E. Peterson,FR

Robert F Peterson,JR

Richard Petrie,JR

Brian Phaneuf,FR

Ken A Pierce, FR

David Pikett,FR

Charles Pinkerton,FR

Kenneth Pinneo,FR

James L. Pitts,FR

Randall Plants, SR

Duane W Platz,SR

Matthias Poelman,FR

Ron L. Pontier, SR

David Popovich,FR

James Popovich,FR

Stephen Popp,FR

Fran Powell, SO


aLiel ,Redding RF

yLarr .R ,Record OS

dDavi .H ,Ratje RF

yHob W ,Rash RF

nMervi ,Quintero RS nDa RRadabaugh,F

nStephe .P RS,Quigg

nStephe H ,Quigg RF

dDavi .S RF,Puffer

nStephe RS,Prosser

sJame F RS,Price

nStephe ,Prater OS


Christine Reehoff,FR

John S Rees,JR

Richard Reisman,JR

Edward Reister,SR

Jeff D Renfroe,FR

Marc H Rettig,JR

Daniel Reynolds,FR

Joseph Reynolds, SO

Michael J Rice, SO

Robert Richards,SR

David Richmond,FR

Robert Ridder, JR

Charles Rider,FR

Michael Ringler,SR

Fred Ritchey, SO

Sidney L Roberts,JR

Lawrence Robinson, SO

Joyce M. Roden,SR

Susan Roland, FR

Woody Roland, JR

Duane E Ronan,FR

Richard Rosenberger, SO

Charles R Ross,FR

Lorna J. Ross,FR

Steven C Ross, SO

Cary A Roth,JR

Nancy E Rowe,SR

Richard M Rud,SR

Irene Rudoi,JR

Linda Russell,FR

Harry Saddock, JR

David Safstrom,SR


yJeffre RS,Shaver

eBruc A ,Shauger OS

dRichar RF,Seville

eClyd ,Sepulvado RF

wAndre RF,Seiler

eDal K ,Schwager RF

dDonal RF,Schwaderer

eLawrenc ,Schultz OS

sDougla RJ,Schuette

eLavern RS,Schmidt sThoma RJ,Schmitt

nBria RS,Schmidt

lMichae ,Scheel RS

lPau RS,Schanely

nJoh R RF,Sancton nClifto ,Sandford RF

cMelodi OS,Salseth

rArthu ,Salatin RS

eNo I ,Saison RF

I \ V l\S^ RJ,Saint

Scott A. Shaver,FR

Paul B Shaw,SR

John Sheeran, SO

Twila Shugart, SO

Douglas Shumate,FR

James Sickler, SO

Kenneth Sifert,FR

Rodney Silliman, SO

Jack Silvernale, SO

Marsha Simmons, JR

Raymond Sipple,FR

Mark Sjoblom,JR

Lambert Slaubaugh,FR

Bruce A Smith, SO Christopher Smith,FR

Eugene C Smith, FR

Glenn A Smith,SR

Mark A Smith,JR

Michael Smith,JR

Richard Smith, SO


kMar K ,Stephens RJ

kMar .D RJ,Stephens

nBria ,Stephens RJ

nNorma OS,Steinkraus

nJoh ,Stegner OS

dDavi RS,Stauffer

nJoh .B RF,Stahl

yTimoth ,Sommer RS


dRonal RJ,Soderberg

sCurti RS,Snyder

eWallac ,Smith RF

nSteve RF,Smith


Brent Stewart, SO

Gary D Stewart,JR

James Stewart, SR

Beki Stieglitz,FR

Lisa G Still, FR

David Stoltzfus,JR

David R.Strait, JR

Daniel R Straw,FR

Dusty A Strayer,SR

James Strickler,SR

Mary E.Strube, SO

Carl Stutsman,JR

Billy Sullenger,JR

James E Sutton,FR

George Swanson,JR

Vern R. Swanson, JR

Joseph Swenson, JR

Randel S Syme,FR

Barthol Talaasen, FR

David L Talmage,FR

I fit


eDewayn RJ,Vogt

yTimoth ,Visti OS

eBruc RS,Villaume

tRober RF,Vetter

yLarr ,Verduin RF

lAbimae ,Velazquez OS

nStephe P RJ,Veele

gFranklin RJ,Vannouhuys

lPau RJ,Vannatto

sThoma nVa ,Gorkom RF

lMichae nVa rDe RF,Dyke

yBradle ,Vanasse OS

dDavi .W ,Turner RF

hKennet ,Tucker RS

yJo RJ,Trittipoe

eJerom OS,Townsend

dDavi K RS,Tou

hRut nAn RF,Tossey

mTi RJ,Tokatloglou

sJame ,Timmons RS

sJame OS,Thomson

>7 ySherr RS,Thompson nSteve ,Thompson RS

dRichar RS,Thompson

mWillia RF,Thiessen

nJoh ,Tennant RF

eBruc RS,Temple

eDal A ,Tempco RF

mWillia ,Teasdale RF

eDenis RJ,Taylor

eBruc ,Taylor OS

lDanie RS,Tarr


Carl D. Waechter,SR

James Wahlstrom, SO

Patricia Wahlstrom, FR

Scott W Wahab, SO

James G. Walker,FR

Michael Walker, SR

Donald Wallace,SR

Sylvia Wallis, SO

Rodney Walzel, SO

David Wankmuller, SO

Daniel Waters, FR

Stanley Watne,SR

Barry G. Waugh, SR

Dale E Weaver,JR

David Weaver, JR

Daniel Webber,JR

Merlin Weber,SR

Boyd J. Werner, SO

Rodger Wesner, SR

David Whelchel, JR


gCrai RF,Willard

yTimoth RF,Wilkin

eDal .A ,Wilder OS

eStev ,Wildasin RS

nMelvi ,Wieting OS

nDa E RF,Wieland

sJame RF,Widlicka

sThoma .J ,Wicker RF

lMichae ,Whitlock RF

dEdwar RF,White

sCharle RS,White

eBonni ,White RJ


David Williams,FR

Dennis Williams, JR

Jonathan Williams, SO

George Williamson,FR

Candace Wilson,JR

Howard Wilson,JR

Todd Wilson,FR

Terrance Windle,FR

Charles Wisser,SO

Paul Wittenbach, SO

James B. Wolf,FR

Timothy Wolf, FR


eGeorg RS,Zitzmann

lPau E RJ,Young mIbrahi RS,Zabaneh

pPhili RJ,Yorgey

sCharle RF,Yearling eLawrenc RF,Yonge

yRand F RS,Vaughn

dDavi R RJ,Wootten

nStephe RJ,Woodward

wAndre ,Wolgemuth RF


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A J yTon Valentino tPresiden
INDUSTRIAL POWER AND SUPPLY CO. INC. 1220 W.Marshall Avenue P.O Box 1829 Longview, Texas75601 Westinghouse Air Controls Aeroquip Hose andFittings CHICAG O ^NEUMA r I C I, S I 0\4,lll M SAVING* AND LOAN ASSOCIATION South at Green Longview, Tex«i 75601 (214) 757-2330 2001 Loop 281 West longview Texts 75601 (214) 759-9483 THE] MONEY GROWERS ASSOCIATION "We look to your future with interest." SM-© 197S Leon Shaffer Golnick Adv Inc East Texas Largest and Most Complete Newspapers! • World-Wide News Coverage by • Associated Press • United Press International Complete Regional,State and LocalNews The Longview News Co., Inc. Mrs Carl Estes, Publisher • National EnterpriseAssociation / • United Press International • AP Laser Photo 236

lNationa kBan



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Bass Chevrolet, Inc.

Beavers Buick-Opel Co

Brew Pontiac


Buckstaff Motor Co.

Jack Long Datsun

Ford Lincoln-Mercury, Inc.


Volkswagen Inc.

Lively Olds-Cadillac-GMC

Pegues-Hurst Motor Co.

Spurgeon Toyota — Dodge Inc

We Extend Our Best Wishes to All the Members of the LeTourneau College
Graduating Class
cHydrauli dan rAi dPowere
sSear 030 S HHIG 1753-572 sDiamond — sWatche — yJewelr — sGift ECAROLAN ,CO. SJEWELER J lCarrol dan eElain nCallaha sOwner — 0120 E nCotto St wLongvie 0 SROMEO' eFin nItalia tRestauran ^ i vV5753-266 341 NEASTMA DROA ,LONGVIEW STEXA OALS GFEATURIN sDeliciou sSteak dan dSeafoo 3753-162 YHW —925 EKILGOR .HWY 121 eMil hNort fo 01-2 sToward wLongvie 124
sPump and sAccessorie rFo cHydrostati gTestin tCatalys nInjectio eAutofrettag dFlui rPowe sSystem lIndustria dBlv 1753-575


For the best in Sandwiches, Ice Cream, and Drinks. Reasonable Prices Operated by YOUR food service company: Compliments of and

BENNETTS' McCARLEY'S Oldest and Finest Jewelry, Gift, and BridalCenter 2 I I N. Fredonia Longview, Texas WELLMAN INDUSTRIES, INC. CONGRATULATIONS LeTOURNEAU GRADUATES Industrial Boulevard Longview, Texas 75601 (214)757-2811

nAxelso sproduct einclud esubsurfac loi lwel ,pumps rsucke ,rods sga tlif ,valves fsafety-relie ,valves egat evalv ,actuators egat ,valves dwellhea ysafet ,valves ,pilots scontrol dan scontroller rfo eth ,production epipelin dan industriesgprocessin eTh eMade-Rit yCompan

xBo ,2427 ,Longview sTexa 17560

Compliments of BODACIOUS BARBEQUE 753-8409 2227 S Mobberly Longview, Texas 244



gReachin eth dWorl rfo
tChris sBusineshThroug
2758-679 nPlxzaio 1130 .McCannRd ,Longview sTexa 1758-827
xBo 3715 ,Longview sTexa
rdistributo :for eth etirlradia epeopl tFace RREFINE AlFf? 160 .N hHig ,Longview sTexa 6753-440 P.O xBo 126 I 2758-960 ,Longview

Abel, Van Anton

404 N Adams Junction City, Kansas 196, 137, 144 66441

Ackley, Margaret Todd

LeTourneau College, Apt 9C Longview, Texas 75602 196

Adams, BeverlyJean 8442 Greenmound Dallas, Texas 75227 196

Adams, Jack Lee 3201 Kliendale Tucson, Arizona 85716 196,71

Adler, David Edward 6950 Leon Davin Tucson, Arizona 85704 196,139

Ahlenius, Mark Todd 16GaleAve River Forest, Illinois 60305 12, 196,156, 157, 70, 190

Ahrens, PaulFrederick 600W Avalon Longview, Texas 75601 196, 207, 169, 173

Aguayo, Edgardo 1316

Manati, Puerto Rico 00763 196

Albertson, LloydJoseph HP Ranch Lindsay, Montana 59339 196

Albright, TimothyWade 1 Duke Place

Dix Hills, New York 11746 196

Allen, Larry Samuel Rt 2

Blanket, Texas 76432 196,160, 161, 138

Allsop, Charles Mark 1346 Cherokee Salinas, California 93901 196,151,189

Andersen, James Marvin Rt 1 Box 31

Vining, Minnesota 56588 197

Andersen, Janet Foster 328 N VenturaR Port Hueneme, California 85041 197,219

Anderson, BradleyJay 2147 PennyLn Napa, California 94558 197

Anderson III, Karl Rudolph


60 Grant St Bangor, Maine 04401 197,169,108, 177

Anderson, Mark Leonard 524 Wayne Dr

Cinnaminson, New Jersey 08077 197

Anderson, MichaelCharles Rt 1 Box 437 Madras, Oregon 97741 197

Anderton, PaulJames 1018N Wasson

Streator, Illinois 61364 197

Andrews, Timothy Vail Rt 1

Oneida, Illinois 61467 197

Ansley, Donald Wayne 880 Autumn Dr Walnut Creek, California 94598 197

Arndt, GlennThomas Rd 3 Box 158

Stroudsburg, Pennsylvania 18360 197,169, 173

Arnold, David Frank Caixa Post 589 Manaus, Brazil 69000 197

Arrowsmith, Jon Wayne 122Callender E Peoria, Illinois 61611 197

Benjamin, Assam 40 Liberty St Arcade, New York 14009 197, 166,66, 137,3, 103,177

Backlund, Robert Joseph 516 W Farmingtn Va Beach, Virginia 23454 197

Bacon, Marc Roger 211 Van Buren Evans City, Pennsylvania 16033 197,137

Bakelaar, Philip Joseph 114N Cliff Ave Sayville, New York 11782 197,125, 161,160

Bakk, Dale Alan 4753 W 80th Ave Anchorage, Alaska 99502


Balcom, Bruce Brian Rt 2 Box 42 Roscommon, Michigan 48653


Baldree, George Robert Rt 2 Box 424

Holts Summit, Missouri 197 65043 Cedar Grove, New Jersey 198,154, 177 07009

Balusek, Rudolph Daniel Rt 2 Box 163B Kilgore, Texas 75662 197

Bandstra, Lawrence Matthew 46 JeffersonAve Pompton Lakes,New Jersey 07442 198

Banzhaf, Bernard Kaye Box 30206 Nairobi Kenya, Kenya 198,86, 144

Baptista, StephenJames P O Box 248 Waxhaw, NorthCarolina 28173 111, 126, 127, 129,198

Barclay, Carol Ann 1018 San Angela San Antonio, Texas 78201 198, 142, 174, 7, 179, 76

Barker, Delia Virginia 82 E 9th St Hamilton, Canada 9A3M8 2

Barlow, Bruce Sabin Old Colony Rd Eastford, Connecticut 06242 198

Barr, Jeffrey Alan 3440 41st St Highland, Indiana 46322 198

Barrett, RichardLowe 55 DavidRd Cedargrove, New Jersey 07009 198,125

Bartels, Robert Theodore 777 Lenox Ave Oradell, New Jersey 07649 198

Bastion, Keith Lamont Rd 3 Box 77 Muncy, Pennsylvania 17756 198,226,170, 154,173, 177

Bates, Rebekah Ann 30 Coachlight Little Rock,Arkansas 72207 198, 76

Bates, Ronald Charles Box 129 Montrose BC Canada 198

Bauer, David Lynn RR 2 Box 49 Hemingford, Nebraska 160,161

Beacham, Steve George Rt 1 Box 536 Sebring, Florida 33870 123, 198, 128, 103, 166,170, 177

Beachy, LelandJoel 35 Front St Lititz, Pennsylvania 17543 198,110, 130,183

Beadle, Dwight David 15W Plum St Westerville, Ohio 43081

Beall, Scott Kennedy 731 1 Springlake New Orleans, Louisiana 70126 198,80

Beans, Ross Allen 3039 Farmer Dr Highland, Indiana 46322 198,169,62, 154, 177,80

Bebernitz, Jr., Arno Robert 218WalworthRd Ontario, New York 14519

Beckett, Alan Scott 532Crescent Penndel, Pennsylvania 19047 198

Beerbower, Michael Robert Box 64 Rockford, Ohio 45882 198,139

Beers, Paul Russell Box 825 Franklin, Pennsylvania 16323 199

Behymer, Lance E 205 Maryknoll Stillwater, Minnesota 55082 199,159,65, 158, 149, 122

Bell, Dale Eugene 404 M St SW Quincy, Washington 98848 199

Bell, Ronald James 7261 Heatherwd Jenison, Michigan 49428 199, 189

Benson, Bryan Emerson P O Box 653 Longview, Texas 75601 199

Beacham, Donald Philip Sudan Int MSN OG1PO

Benton, Barth Jonithan 114 Carrier St Liberty, New York 12754 199


Bergen, Douglas Paul 3709 Oleander San Diego, California 92106 199,217




,Wellborn aFlorid 43209

P O xBo 622

120 ,Chamberlin nStephe sLewi

,Springvale eMain 30408

DRF ,1 xBo 83

,Chamberlin lPau nCarlto


,Gypsum oColorad 78163

,Chamberlin eLauri eLynn rSta eRout


103W rFille ,Longview sTexa 17560

,Cassel yJerr eLe


050 N sCongres W mPal ,Beach aFlorid 13340

,Cassaday dDavi nLyn

,Casement yMar nMadely 0101 wBroadvie ,Dayton oOhi 94541 6201,174,7


,Carter tSterret nJudso 4363 LayDann ,Alexandria aVirgini 12231


,Carr eJanic hElizabet 1815S h12t St ,Longview sTexa 17560


,Carr tConan eCav S1815 h12t St ,Longview sTexa 17560


,Carpenter V uLih,E lJoe n2196Brookhave Rd 2 ,Allentown aPennsylvani 31810


,Meeteetse gWyomin 38243

3201,7 ,Caplet dEdwarhKennet 11 rBalawende ,Norwich tConnecticu 00636 120 ,Capp LeMik 0334 nSharo PI ,Zion sIllinoi 96009 120 ,Cappella eLaurenc eDal 36 eBellevu Ave tWes tConnecticu,Haven 60651 120 ,Carnahan hKeit pPhili xP.O.Bo 612

201 146 814 ,Campbell sDouglatRober 0184 tPalmcres ,Clearwater aFlorid 63351

020 oEugeni,Bultedaob GVLLNGIWA ,Palau sWci 09694 020 ,Burck lPau nMilto xBo 1700 ,Longview sTexa 17560 ,Burkins hKennet sCharle P O xBo 1700 ,Longview sTexa 27560 ,200,184 ,186 4154,6,81,7 ,Burns kMar nAlle 4Rd. ,Meadville aPennsylvani 51633 020 ,Burt sThoma sJame tBellcour462 ,Algona aIow 15051 1200,6 ,Burtch nAlayRodne aCasill 2249 aLim 010 uPer ,Burtner lCar nAla 128 hNort eAvenu ,Webster wNe kYor 01458 020 ,Bushy ,Jr. sCharle rArthu uLeTournea eColleg ,Longview sTexa 17560 020 ,Busing aBrend eSu Rt 1 xBo 144 ,Lakeland aFlorid 33380 ,200,174 ,145,63,108 ,109 ,12 ,112 8181,76,6 ,Butkovich sThoma yHenr 0133 N eFoot oColorad oColorad,Spgs 98090 318 ,Bygrave dEdwarnJoh oMerin 917 aLim 72 uPer 20690 3201,1 ,Byker lDanie eWan 3RR ,Hawarden aIow 35102 ,201,160 116

,Boothwyn aPennsylvani 11906


,Calkins eRuthunn 41356 lCrysta ,Brighton oColorad 18060 ,201,145 2178,179,73,76,7 ,Calkins kMar nEdwi 41356 lCrysta ,Brighton oColorad 18060 120 ,Callison lRussel yLero P O xBo 538 ,Eldorado sTexa 67693 0201,16 ,Campbell dRichar dDonal 11 eBruc St ,Scotia wNe kYor 21230

,Hatboro aPennsylvani 01904

747 rBaxte Ave ,Wyckoff wNe yJerse 10748 ,199 ,166 717 ,Brinkoeter tStewar eEugen P O xBo 735 ,Sinton sTexa 77838 919 ,Britt nSusa eElain 51363 nJackso ,Mishawaka aIndian 44654 ,199,134 ,135 616,7 ,Brockhoff lBil dBernar d4810Walfor ,Warrensville oOhi 84412 ,199 ,140 114 ,Brown yRodnedDavi xBo 948 ,Jenkins yKentuck 74153 020 ,Bromley nJonatha eBruc Rt 2 xBo 027 ,Delton nMichiga 64904 ,199,126,127 ,128,166 ,140,141 ,158 ,159 218 ,Brown mWillialRandal eNy6240 W ,Monroe aLouisian 17129 ,200 ,182 319 ,Buchanan yGregor tScot 5255 nKare Ln

,Brasington yJeffre nLyn 6157 6RDRyAver St ,Johns nMichiga 94887 ,199,182 318 ,Brinkerhoff nJoh rPete

,199,126 ,127 ,129,168 ,169 ,136 ,177 ,182 3183,7

,Cholula oMexic ,Brandt tRober eRic P O xBo 318 aCampin ,Grande lBrazi 05810 3199,151, ,Briggs nJohwAndre Rd 6 xBo 626 ,Manheim aPennsylvani 51754

,Brady tKen tStuar gGre nMai St 431 ,Morgantown aPennsylvani 31954 ,199,166 717 ,Brambila oRichard nJua oRi sBalsn 012

,Braasch lDanie sCharle 770 aColumbi ,Norfolk aNebrask 16870 919

020 ,Bullock nJoh wAndre

,Trochu aCanad OOM2C 3145,11

,Bogner dHarol mWillia P O xBo 538

,Blowers yLarr nDea 281 nN.Clinto ,Olathe sKansa 16600


,Monroe nWashingto 29827 919 ,Blosser lJoe dRichar 240 N aIndian ,Goshen aIndian 64652

6199,21 ,Birdwell yLarr eDal 446 ,Arcadia sTexa 71775 919 ,Bishop nJoh dHowar 4100 N eBuckey ,Abilene sKansa 06741 919 Bjornson, yTimoth dRea 598 aL zPa Rd aSant ,Barbara aCaliforni 89310 919 ,Blackburn nJoh kMar Rt 7 ,Spokane nWashingto 69220 ,199 ,173 ,182 918 ,Blalock kFran yCla 772 rSilve St ,Kingman aArizon 18640 9199,14 ,Blickenferfe nOwe tEveret Rt 1 ,Mott hNort aDakot 65864 ,Block yHarve nAlle Rt 3 xBo 714

,Berkner nStephe kMar !49NundaBlvd ,Rochester wNe kYor 01461 919 ,Berliner eLedDavi 4Rt. ,Cleveland aGeorgi 83052 ,199 015 ,Best dDavi lMichae 1875 tSargen Rd ,Indianapolis aIndian 64625 0199,200,209,15 ,Bicknell kRic dHowar 2215S h12t St ,Longview sTexa 17560 919 ,Biggs nStephe nGlen 71218 RdnUnio ,Manteca aCaliforni 69533 919 ,Bird dGeral nOle 2640 sSwis nGrd ,Toledo oOhi 24361

,Bowker yJeffre nAlle 7112 hSevent WN ,Canton oOhi 34470 919 ,Boyce yTimoth nAlle DW148N7540WDLN eMenomone ,FIs. nWisconsi 15305 919

Chambers, Garry Douglas 304 N 56th Ave Hollywood, Florida 33021

Chang, Chadwick Daniel Southfield PO St Elizabeth,Jamaica 202, 183

Chapman, Donna Marie Rd 1 Moscow, Pennsylvania 18444 202,179,181, 183,76

Chasteen, Anita Marie 1634 LindenAve Portsmouth, Ohio 45662 102,202,124,208, 139, 138

Cheek, Stephen Lowell 336 N Main Jasper, Texas 75951 202

Chick, Theodore Daniel 95 Maple St Westbrook, Maine 04092 202

Christensen, Michael Gordon Rt 3 Box 103 Oberlin, Kansas 67749 202,154

Christian II, James Emory 2832 Meadowbrk Piano, Texas 75075 202

Christoferson, James Alan 3113 Magnolia Temple, Texas 76501 202,154,111

Chu, Wing-Kan Robert 211 TakMinghs Kowloon, Hong Kong 202,3

Claassen, Steven Roy Rt 2 Box 59A Mt Lake, Minnesota 56159 202

Classens, Anver Edmond P O Box 20

Maphiveni SD South Africa 202, 148, 189

Clark, MaggieVictoria 2601 Eastman Rd Longview, Texas 75601

Cobb, DouglasBruce 26W110Blkhawk Wheaton, Illinois 60187 202

Cohn, Jack Matthews Rt 4 Box 164 Longview, Texas 75601 202

Colburn, David Arthur 12006 Gordon Ave Beltsville, Maryland 20705


Colvin, David Paul

470 ESt

Chula Vista, California 92010


Colvin, Patrick Alan 845 E8th St Natl City, California 92050

202, 205

Crawmer, Douglas Vance Box 116

S Coffeyville, Oklahoma 74072 203

Crego, Thomas Robert RR2 Plainfield, Illinois 60544 203, 156, 157, 153, 190

Cook, Larry Jay 1299 SW 13th Ave \a Raton, Florida 33432 202, 145

Crews, James Gilmore 920 Cliff St Ithaca, New York 14850 203

8650 MillSt Onekama, Michigan 49675 203

Dearman, James Alan 16 Wolfe Ave Mansfield, Ohio 44907 203

Dearmore, Roy Franklin P.O Box 531 Garland, Texas 75040 203,166

Coon, Douglas Mark \R 1 \e City, Indiana 47327


Copeland, CatherineJohanna 531 PapworthSt Wheaton, Illinois 60187 202,214

Coppage, Kenneth Frank 1111 NW 146 St Miami, Florida 33168 202

Cordero, Israel 2811 Pleasant Sebastopol, California 95472 202, 124,162, 163

Cosa, Jose Domingo P O Box 5847

Cali Valle, Colombia 202,166,2, 103

Cosa, Pedro Francisco P O Box 5847

Cali Valle, Colombia 202

Coultas, David George P O Box 656 Conner, Montana 59827 202, 189

Course, James Richard 804 LockwoodLn

Scorts Valley, California 95066 202, 156, 157, 135, 190

Cowles, Andrew Daniel P.O.Box 1081 Cottonwood, Arizona 86326 202

Cowper, Thomas James Rd 1 Box 57

Middle Grove, New York 1 2850 202

Cramblett, NesaRae 1471 Fahlander Columbus, Ohio 43229 202, 179

Crone, Diane Louise 6023 E Lincoln Scottsdale, Arizona 85253 202, 16

Crawford, Michael Peter 267 N Bryant Depew, New York 14043 202, 147

Crouse, Lynn Daniel Chester, Nebraska 68327 203, 156

Crouse, Mark Daniel Rd 2 Box 240F Greensburg, Pennsylvania 15601 203

Crouse, Paul Andrew RR 1 Chester, Nebraska 68327 203

Cuthriell, Linwood Stafford 513 Rock Dr Chesapeake, Virginia 23323 203

Cutler, Jeffrey Aymar 209 E Front St Danville, Pennsylvania 17821 203,147, 150

Cutler, William Albert 209 E Front St Danville, Pennsylvania 17821 203

Dagnan, John Henry P.O.Box 1712 Whiteside, Tennessee 37396 203

Daily, Loren John 3900Spencer Rocky River, Ohio 44116 203

Damon, Kevin Lee 608 Chestnut Winona Lake, Indiana 46590 203

Danielsen, Marlin Philip 3407 LinkwoodD Johnson City, Tennessee 37601 203,101

Davis, Jonathan Robert Rt 2 Box 73-37 Clermont, Florida 32711 203,154

Davis, James Harley CP502 Belem, Brazil 203

Day, John Townsend 1120 Chestnut Escondido, California 92025

Deal, Loren Daniel

Decker, Griffith Jay 6941 Precourt Orlando, Florida 32809 203

Decurtis, Donald Timothy 1233 Wilson Dr Upper Darby, Pennsylvania 19082 203

DeJong, Garrett Dean 110 6th St NE Orange City, Iowa 51041 204,166,203,177,68

Demott, DanielSylvan 1422 S Hickory Mt Vernon, Missouri 65712 204

DeVries, Terrance L 359 S Adams Wickenburg, Arizona 85358 204, 145,145, 150, 108

Diffenderfer, PaulAugust 28 BeverlyRd Summit, New Jersey 07901 204, 138

Dingeldein, Joel Allan 424 Yankee Bush Warren, Pennsylvania 16365 204,158,135,62,150, 139, 159

Dingeldein, Mark Stephen 424 Yankee Bush Warren, Pennsylvania 16365 204,191

Dinkins, Richard Marshall Rt 1 Box 670 Holt, Missouri 64048 204, 182

Dinse, Walter Frederick Box 405 Rd 1 Ulster, Pennsylvania 18850 204

Oix, Clinton, Robert Box 248 Waxhaw, North Carolina 28173 204, 138

Dodds, Bruce Lawrence 11527Rosser Dallas, Texas 75229 204,226, 154, 155, HI

Doenges, Daniel Lynn R R 1 Continental, Ohio 45831 204


217 dWoodlan Ave ,Punxsutawney aPennsylvani 71576

720 ,Gardiner nAlapPhili

290 h15t St tSpiri ,Lake aIow 05136

,Ganow sJamelSamue e1335Ashvill ,Memphis eTennesse 73812 ,207,59 5163, ,Gapp eLeyGar

206 514

620 ,Evans sJame tRober nHarriso737 ,Buffalo wNe kYor 31422


26 ,Gaasrud yJayBradle 6208 RddTwee ,Palatine sIllinoi 76006

,207,67,157 ,134,142,146 ,135

720 ,Fuchs yGregor nAlla 920 RdMaplewoo W ,Chester aPennsylvani 09381 ,207 913 ,Fulghum eLeaDebr 132 dBeauregar ,Hampton aVirgini 92366

720 ,Fryman yTon yJa Rt 2 xBo 1 3 ,Henderson sTexa 27565

,Frye eDwaynlLowel xP.O.Bo 212 ,Farmington wNe oMexic 18740

eEminenc Rt nGarde ,City sKansa 66784 ,207,67 ,142 ,146 414

,Friesen lRandal kMar

,207,158 ,139,138 915

620 ,Friesen lLynel eEugen 2183 wWillo Rd wNe ,Dim aMinnesot 35607

wNe ,Dim aMinnesot 35607

620 ,Frank lRussel nMarti RR 6 xBo A189 ,Valparaiso aIndian 34638 4206,15 ,Fray nJonatha yCare P O xBo 86 ,Arkadelphia sArkansa 37192 0206,16 ,Friesen nDely yJa 2183 wWillo Rd

620 ,Fox kMar sThoma 8654 lPowel LH ,Naples wNe kYor 21451

2206,162,163,153,18 ,Foster wAndrenJoh 8 lSproutRober ,Medfield sMassachusett 20205

,Manheim aPennsylvani 51754

,206 ,186 415 ,\ hJosep nGlen 9103 dHarvar Dr ,Yardley aPennsylvani 1 4906 ,206 I 58

xBo 112 e\ ,Ont. aCanad lOA OY

4206,1 ,\ nStephe eEujjen

4180 nHuntingtp ,Longview sTexa 17560

206 216 ,Folkmann lRandal kMar 9492 RdnBosto ,Brunswick oOhi 24421 4206,10 ,Forbis sJame nKevi

31 eBobwhit Tr sGale tConnecticu,Ferry 50633 ,206 2173,18 ,Flowers nMelvi ,Ingalls sKansa 36785

620 ,Flemming hKennet eDal

,Fisher dDavi eWayn 437GolfviewDr lCrysta sIllinoi,Lake 46001

620 ,Fiore ,Jr. sFranci nJoh 4JuneRd ,Levittown aPennsylvani 61905 ,206 019 ,Fisher sThomadDavi P.O xBo 112 ,Satsuma aFlorid 93208 ,206 212

620 ,Figueroa yHarr oRosad lE 8HalzTavare nLevittow 00095

nTinto ,Falls wNe yJerse 40772

620 Farrar, EdwarddRaymon Rt 1 xBo A17 ,Norwich sKansa 167 1 8 ,156,70 019 ,Ferrell lMichae eLesli 245 WeRiverdal

620 ,Parish nJoa yDoroth 4100 d42n St W ,Bradenton aFlorid 53350

,Faber yTimoth dDavi Rd 2 xBo 814 ,Huntingdon aPennsylvani 21665

,Nashville eTennesse 53721 ,206,220,153 ,161 016

2453 tAlcot Dr

nEwi ,III mWillia dWinstea

,Forrest lMichae dRichar 32 lVai Rd ,Poughkeepsie wNe kYor 1 3260 ,206 314 ,Forry lDary tKen Rd 2

,Linwood wNe yJerse 10822

,Erlandson tCur nEdwi xBo dDR128 1

,Linwood wNe yJerse 10822 ,206 318

,Erlandson rArthulCar dDR128 1


,Eriksen rArthu yHenr Rd 3 tFor ,Plain wNe kYor 93331

620 ,Erickstad rRogedBra 3 lCornel Cir ,Longview sTexa 17560 ,206 ,182 318

,Erickson lMichae nJoh 2344 sSiem Ct St. aMinnesot,Paul 25511

,206,156 ,157 019

,Zelienople aPennsylvani 31606

620 ,Ellis eJay yAnthon 1RFD ,Ashland eMain 20473 ,206 89 ,Eppinger eLeyTimoth 119E wGrandvie

620 ,Elliott tRoberlRussel 51 wHarlo St ,Brewer eMain 20441

620 ,Elliott lPau 2213S h12t St ,Longview sTexa 17560

,Ellingson sCharledEdwar Rt ,4 xBo 64 ,Cumberland nWisconsi 95482

,Eliason nJohdHowar xBo 842 aNor ,Springs aIow 85045 ,110,205,125 016 ,Elie eKannAlvi 130 N h84t ,Shreveport aLouisian 67110 ,205,170 ,171 717

2205,58,21 ,Eastman sJameyJeffre 5239 aNiagar St ,Buffalo wNe kYor 71420 ,205 ,150 86 ,Ekstrand mWillia lDanie 0112 rWhispe Pn sScott ,Valley aCaliforni 69506 ,205 76

,Dyk lJoe tVincen 1460 AvegKin W ,Billings aMontan 25910

,Dutton aPatrici nAn Rt 2 xBo 631 ,Adairsville aGeorgi 33010

,Durrett dDonal sLewi Rt 1 wRivervie Ledbetter, yKentuck 84205

,Durbin yGar nAla 8499 S aInc ,Englewood oColorad 08011

xBo 44 ,Cope oColorad 28081 ,205 86 ,Duncan lMichae gKin 6103 dHighlan ,Jackson eTennesse 13830


,205,59 ,170 ,177 019 ,Dyke tRober nWarre 4691 dCopistran ,Riverside aCaliforni 49250

kMar 9244 nGarriso ,Lakewood oColorad 58021 ,204,158 915

337 aPaum
,Doud yRasDenni 0555 WN h66t Ave sDe ,Moines aIow 35032 ,204,156,71 019 ,Driver yTimoth eLe aVi aCordob nSa aCaliforni,Lorenzo 09458 2204,14 mWillia,Dubas sJame uLeTournea eColleg Apt C3 Longview, sTexa 27560
,Dubert pPhili yRo 1602 eWestbrook ,Topeka sKansa 76661
,Dubert yRanStephe xBo
aUkarump eLa 4204,14 ,Duda lDanie tRober
O xBo 32 aPemb ,204,139 3122,12 ,Duddles sThoma
,Duffendach dDavi eLe
kL rHb Rd ,Muskegon nMichiga
,204,158 915 ,Duker nStephe rWalte
,Valley aCaliforni 19206
,Dunbar dRicharnStephe
,Johnsonburg wNe kYor 41408
,Duncan kDere tScot

207, 204

Gardner, David Edward Box 7816

Longview, Texas 75601 207

Garfield, Jr., William Lyle 1087 Eastmont S Grand Rapids, Michigan 49506 207

Garner, John Mark 11980 Andrew St Wheaton, Maryland 20902 207

Garrison, Jon Douglas 9013Edgewater Tacoma, Washington 98499 207

Gaston, Michael Ansley Daisy Lead River, Illinois 61047 207

Gathungu, Geoffrey Stephen 18l8Rodden

Longview, Texas 75601 207

Gaunt, Kenneth Roy 517 N Main

Elmer, New Jersey 08318 207

Gebhardt, Gregory John 4871 WatsonRd Erie, Pennsylvania 16505 207

Gentry, Douglas Alan 5105 W 84th St Shawnee, MSN Kansas 66207 207

George, Kevin Allan Maple St Enfield, New Hampshire 03748 207,144,93

George, Scott Allen Rt 2

Middletown, Maryland 21769 208

Gilson, Richard Imel RR5 Canton, Illinois " 61520 208

Gingrich, Timothy Ulysses lOSCenterfield

Harrisburg, Pennsylvania 17112 208,225,145

Goines, Ronnie Lee Carver St 1313 Bossier, Louisiana 71010 208,170, 177

Gorrell, David Paul 2004 Easy St Arlington, Texas 76013 208

Gray, Novella Rt 6, Box 48

Longview, Texas 75601


Grey, Mark Ian 49 Voorhees St

Teaneck, New Jersey 07666


Griffin, Alan Rodney P.O.Box 14163

Nairobi, Kenya

205, 67, 134, 137, 136, 135, 160, 161,2, 110, 138

Griparis, Joan Louise 123 Emery St \, Illinois \6

208, 140, 141,70\, Roger William

Harold, Robert Edward 2140N Line St Lansdale, Pennsylvania 19446 209,142

Hartman, Jr Allen R Barrett, Minnesota 56311 209,144

Hartman, Jr Randall Layne 2608 Cypress Dr Bettendorf, Iowa 52722 209,169, 186, 154, 155,177

Hartshorn, Ruth Marie 600 Walnut St Meadville, Pennsylvania 16335 209,125, 140, 141,65, 122,149

2987 Lenawee Hy \, Michigan 49268

208, 173

Grubb, William Alan RR1

Glasford, Illinois 61533 208

Guerrero, Carlos Ivan K66 B49-30 Barrangvilla, Colombia 208, 186, 154,9, 139

Gullman, Larry Stanley Rt 5, Jennifer Greenville, South Carolina 29609 208

Gurwein, Daniel Arthur Rt 1, Box 38 Francesville, Indiana 47946 208

Haagen, John Mark P O Box 9 Strasburg, Pennsylvania 1 7579 208

Haglin, Steven Arthur 705 SalsburyRd Clarks Summit, Pennsylvania 18411 208,134,137,16

Holler, Gary John BP 23 IDIOFA Via Kinshasa Zaire 208 166 177

Haney, Peter David 1300 Kings Hwy Winona Lake, Indiana 46590 208 137

Hardaway, Glenn Thomas 6116 SW46 Terr Miami, Florida 33155 208

Hardtke, Dale Leslie 2215 N 118th Wauwatosa, Wisconsin 53226 208

Hare, Suzanne Marie 2241 Alston Fort Worth,Texas 76110 208, 126, 129,4, 198

Hayes, Stephen Laurence 10410Delmonte Tigard, Oregon 97223 209,147

Haymond, George Michael 444Andrew Cir Marina, California 93933 209

Haynes, Douglas Duke 111611th Wyandotte, Michigan 48192 209,63

Heavener, Paul Ross 69 Martha Ave Fallsington, Pennsylvania 19054 209

Hebert, DennisLee 509 W Clark Spencer, Wisconsin 54479 209

Heil, Carolyn Margaret 2360 Wymore PI Dayton, Ohio 45459 209, 63, 76

Heizer, SamuelRay 7240 Sthside Dr Louisville, Kentucky 40214 209

Helbing, John Thomas 112 Shepherd PI Hannibal, Connecticut 63401 209, 162

Hellem, Larry Allen 2526 Lark Dr Colo Sprgs., Colorado 80909 210

Hemphill, Roger John 101 Gladewater Longview, Texas 75601

Hendrickson, TheresaMarian 2315GillisRd Woodbine, Maryland 21797 210

Henneberg, Mark Andrew 2807 N Walrond Kansas City, Missouri 64117 210, 124, 158, 159,153

Herb, George Lawrence

Box 231 Rd.4

E Stroudsburg, Pennsylvania 18301 210

Herrmann, Daniel Richard 4615HanfordLn Louisville, Kentucky 40207

Herrmann, John Daniel 3213 Monroe Dearborn, Michigan 48124 210

Heston, Carlton Bradford 515 Lincoln Hwy Malvern, Pennsylvania 19355

Hertzler, Merle Elmer Rd 2 Elverson, Pennsylvania 19520 210

Hibbard, Keith Harold " P O Box 248 Waxhaw, North Carolina 28173 210,166, 184,156,137,144,176, 190,69

Hicks, JosephDavis 4815RouttRd Jeffersontown, Kentucky 40299 210

Hildebrand, GailKaye Rd 86x487Church Mountaintop, Pennsylvania 18707 210

Hill, Sharon Elizabeth 633 S Grand Oak Kaysville, Utah 84037 210,179,76

Hoeckele, Donna Jean 568 Madison Ave Penndel, Pennsylvania 19047

Hoff, Brent Harrison E BirchAve RR1 Barron, Wisconsin 54812 210

Hoffart, WilliamJeffery 9430 Autauga Houston, Texas 77080 210

Hoffman, Daryl Andrew Box 18 Craig, Alaska 99921

Hogate Jr., JosephEarl 95 Sparks Ave Pennsville, New Jersey 08070 210,81

Holeman, Gary Richard 103 Locust St Manchester, Kentucky 40962 210, 173

Hollinger, Jeff Jay Rt 8, Box 8 Wooster Warsaw, Indiana 46580

Holmgren, Jonathan Alfred SR Box 20801 Fairbanks, Alaska 99701 210



,Labarbera kMar nSteve y563»Goundr St N wNe,Tonawanda kYor


321 ,Kyrk dDavi hKennet 1540N dStoddar ,Wheaton sIllinoi

321 ,Krans tRober yHarr 8494 79 NyWa St ,Petersburg aFlorid ,213 814 ,Kuhn lDanie oOtt 5122 aMagnoli ,Elgin sIllinoi

,Kindead kMar M P O xBo 43 ,Whiltier aIow 05236 221 ,Kinney yTimoth nAlla

yKidd ,II tRober dAlfre Rt 1xBo,8 4 ,\ iMississipp 0\ 9212,126,127,12 ,\ sJamehKennet 3\ DryKa ,\ sTexa 1\ 221

,Herndon aVirgini 02207

564 aAlabam Dr

6587 N rMtnee ,Flagstaff aArizon 18600 ,King nDonova hJosep aChristian ,Manchester aJamaic d149Hubbar ,Longview sTexa


,Kody nCalvi tGran 1730Rd 25 WN ,Quincy nWashingto


,Milbank hSout aDakot

,Konstant nJoh dEdwoo RR ,2 xBo 19

,Lansing nMichiga 321 ,Kolkman nKare eSu 3143 eBurk CNE dGran nMichiga,Rapids 1 971,1

,Lacey dDavi nAla Rd 2 64693 64693 27566 75542 21704 97706 04891 54950 25725 89884 17560 83370 06012 76018 01412

,Corning aCaliforni 19602 121

,Huntley yLarr rTaylo Rt ,2 xBo A8

,Carthage sTexa 37563 121

,Hunt nDevonShanno Rt ,2 xBo 424

,Hunt lCaro eLynn Rt ,4 xBo 620 ,Longview sTexa 17560 121


oCastr ,Valley aCaliforni 69454

4211,14 ,Hunt yRa,Arden n20157Stanto

dCol gSp ,Hbr wNe kYor 11 472

,Ingram pPhili mWillia 1 51 nMyre St 7162 StdDiamon ,Sellersville aPennsylvani 1 0896 121 ,Johnson eJanell eFay 07 fGul Blvd nIndia ,Bch.kRc aFlorid 53353 ,211 ,124,226 2136,6 ,Johnston sJame dDavi 12 41 dHighlan ,Shreveport aLouisian 47110 ,211 015 ,Johnson kMar eClyd 581 eBroomsedg ,Athens aGeorgi 13060 121 ,Johnson kMar lDanie d41855Giffor ,Fremont aCaliforni 89453 121 ,Johnson kMar tRober 150 eDian Dr ,Kendig hKeit nAla

yKopesk ,II nNorma nJoh xBo 948

,Hull yJeffre hRandolp ,Johnson dDavi eRees 4212,14

718 yHolida Dr ,Greentown aIndian 221 ,Kissick dHowar rWalte 250 eGreen ,Kilgore sTexa 221 ,Kladifko sJame lPau 2315OrklaDr nGolde ,Valley aMinnesot ,213 ,156,144 019 ,Kline tRober*Douglas Rt ,3 xBo 031 ,Lebanon aPennsylvani ,2)3 514 ,Knowlton sJame tSwif 51331 eDunmor ,Houston sTexa ,213 913 ,Koch nAla yJa 2262 rVicto Ave

718 yHolida Dr ,Greentown aIndian 221 ,Kirby yMar eSagarse

,Kirby yGregor eJo

,Kaufman nJa nAla RR 1

3110 N tWalnu ,Normal sIllinoi ,212 619

82 WN h78t Ter sKansa ,City iMissour ,211,154 111 ,Kauffmann eBruc nAla

,Julsonnet sJame hRalp sHlOLikin lE sTexa,Paso ,211,197 212 ,Justus sThoma dFre 8504 W gStron ,Chicago sIllinoi ,211 414 ,Karcesky nBe dDavi 616 tLocus St eRosell ,Park wNe yJerse 121 ,Karr yTon eGen

aCissn ,Park sIlinoi 221 ,Kaufman yRick sJame Mtn.Rd 3RFD W tConnecticu,Redding 221 ,Kelly yRand mWillia 11108 Rt 99 ,McKean aPennsylvani 17560 63811 86 61565 57992 06063 40720 86411 16176 46092 60689 61642 3212,18

75543 25907 31710 ,731 1 ,77 01096 11908 85591 09205 59582 96110 ,Longview sTexa 121 ,Jones eLenKare 1137 yHickor eTennesse,Memphis ,211,203 ,174 ,135,73,77 ,Jordan yRand lPau Rd ,3 xBo Q393 ,Leechburg aPennsylvani 121

00643 19732

46661 17560 57545 27560 27560 31980 31980 tConnecticu,Fairfield 12 ,1 ,136 414 ,Israel lCarnSteve P313NebergalL ,Albany nOrego ,Iversen nSusa eMari 110 nHarriso71 ,Bloomington aMinnesot 0211,7 ,Iverson lDanie yWesle ,Roundup aMontan 121 ,Jackson nKevi lDarnel 1429N h15t St ,Harrisburg aPennsylvani ,211 ,124 ,162 ,163 ,153 ,172 4182,7 ,Jackson tRober nGordo kNyac eColleg ,Nyack New kYor 121 ,James dDonal wLudlo 244 PIlDrexe ,Swarthmore aPennsylvani 121 ,Jensen dDavi nMorga xBo 87 ,Brownsdale aMinnesot ,211 414 ,Jensen sDougla lPau 572 1 ts St lNationa ,City aCaliforni 121 ,Jensen kMar eLawrenc 890 aPatrici yW ,Sacramento aCaliforni 121 ,Johnson tBren lDanie 0307 sDalla Rd ,Rockford sIllinoi 121

,Huey dGarlanyRa xBo 1700 ,Longview sTexa 121 ,Hughes nJoh kMar 1240 eAllendal ,Wilmington eDelawar 3211,18 ,Hughes eTemplmWillia 1240 eAllendal ,Wilmington eDelawar 121

,Hudgens hJosep tRober Rt 1,P O xBo 013 Mt sTexa,Pleasant 121 ,Huffman nBriaeCharli 9 dRowlan ,Longview sTexa

7500 W Terh26t sKansa,To^eka 021 ,Howard nJoh yLeRo 4111 gRollin IH ,Longview sTexa 021 ,Howrey lPauyTimoth 125 dS.Garfiel ,Denver oColorad 021

23355 17560 17560

,House iNoem eFrederiqu Rt ,7 xBo 659 ,Longview sTexa ,Homey lPau nAlle

eHous aLet lMcConnel s1812Hutching ,Longview sTexa


tNewpor ,Richey aFlorid

1220 dRosewoo Dr

,Hooker eJami nNorma


Moravia, New York 13118 213

Lacy, Philip Eric 44 PoplarAve

Shalimar, Florida 32579 213

Ladd, DavidJohn 8831 Cornfield Alexandria, Virginia 22308 213

Ladd, Merrill Jeffory 18 South St Lyndonville, Vermont 05851 213,150

Lai Chun Chieh 11 Dao Tan Cholon, Viet Nam South 213,182,183,192

Lam Due Van 24 Bach Dang Chau PhuViet Nam South 213

London, David Jay

201 Citizen Bay St Louis,Mississippi 39520 213,184

Lange, Roger Dean 832 Maple St Waynesboro, Pennsylvania 17268 213,150

Larsen, HarryWilliam Rt 2

Hayfield, Minnesota 55940 213

Larson, David Alan 17961 S Hartan Oregon City, Oregon 97045 213,170

Larsen, Nonie Harral 1201 Blueridge Longview, Texas 75601 213

Larsen, NormanRobert 12 LeonardAve Staten Is., New York 10314

Larsen, Robert Lyle 4 CarlisleCt

Holmdel, New Jersey 07733 213

Larson, TimothyAllen 1409 Ford Rd Minnetonka, Minnesota 55343 213,160

Louver, James Ernest RR 3, Box 201 Howe, Indiana 46746 213,136

Layne, Mark Hubert P O Box 6 Wilcox, Nebraska 68982 213

Leasure, Rick Eugene 606 Mulberry St

Scottdale, Pennsylvania 15683 213

Leek, BillCurtis 4757 W 1 stAve Denver, Colorado 80219 214,201, 101

Lee, JohnSteven 47 W Knollwood Edison, New Jersey 08817 214,186,62,154,182

Leonhardt, Keith Warren Rt.3

Lincoln, Nebraska 68505 214,146

Letney, Herbert Gene 1214 S Chestnut Lufkin,Texas 75901 214, 173,172

LeTourneau,\M Chael Don 604 Evelyn \, Texas 75601

8 Exeter Dr v Endicort, New York 13760 214,105,163

Lewis, Wayne Bruce 92 Paine St Lindenhurst, New York 11757 214

Lightfoot, James Owen 1730 Cherokee Albuquerque, New Mexico 87107 214,183

Lindahl, Glen Thomas P.O Box 8311 Longview, Texas 75601 214

Linden, Philip Stephen 87 Terrace Dr S Nyack, New York 10960 214

Linquist II, Franklin Daniel 207 Wood Road Rockford, Illinois 61107 214,138

Lindquist, Lynn David 403 S 5th St Princeton,Minnesota 55371 214 142 139

Lister, Matthew J 445 S Allen St Fallen, Nevada 89406 214, 150

Little, JamesRobert 2858 Gasser Bl Rocky River, Ohio 44116 214

Littlejohn, Mark 39Jefferson Maplewood, New Jersey 07040 214, 170,177 \, Paul Timothy 3111 NW 79 Ave

Miami, Florida 33122 215

Longenecker, Lynn Louise Rt 3, Box 393 Longview, Texas 75601 215,150

Love, Stephen MacDonald 3701 Clark Quinnesec, Michigan 49876 215, 184, 140, 141, 186, 101, 154, 155,111,74,73

Lucas, Jr., CharlesElwin 2664 W 71st Tulsa, Oklahoma 74132 215, 146

Lucas, David William 2664 W 71st Tulsa, Oklahoma 74132 215,184, 186,154, 155

Luckert, J David 4051 Breckenrdg Granite City, Illinois 62040 215,183

Lugar, Laura Lynn 2306 N Karlov Chicago, Illinois 60639 215,6,77

Lund, Steven Ray 1730 Ave D Billings, Montana 59102

Lundberg, Gary David 1930S 5th St Rockford, Illinois 61108 215, 160, 138, 139

Lunsford, Larry Don 2905Parkway Longview, Texas 75601 215, 169,62, 173,177, 172

Lynch, Jerry Wayne 800 SixthSt W Elizabeth, Pennsylvania 15088 215, 149

Mabry, Max Andre P O Box 170 Ukarumpa 215,144

Mabry, Monte Del Jaars Box 248 Waxhaw, North Carolina 28173 215

Macbeth, David Lynnwood 30 JenkinsAve Whitman, Massachusetts 02382 215

MacDonald, Edwin Arthur P O Box 13 W Frankfort, Illinois 62896 215

Madsen, John G 1420 Lark Ln Naperville, Illinois 60540 215,214

Manchester, Carroll John

Box 27

Johnson, Vermont


Mantell, JohnRobert Rt 1, Box 205 Queenstown, Maryland 21658 215,138

Marks, Harry James 1097BassettRd Westlake, Ohio 44145 215

Mars, George Everette 3111 Middle Dr Pascagoula, Mississippi 39567 215

Martin, Carl Nathan 1108N Garfield Deland, Florida 32720 215

Martin, Cynthia Elizabeth 9208 W H Surges El Paso,Texas 79925 215,174,83,77

Martin III, Philip Ross Rd 4, Box 303 Stroudsburg, Pennsylvania 18360 215

Martin, Stanton, James 605 E Park St Wayzata, Minnesota 55391 215

Marvin, Daniel Luke 150W Ramona

Colorado Spgs., Colorado 80906 215,182

Marvin, James Alan 150W Ramona

Colorado Spgs., Colorado 80906 215,68

Marx, John Timothy 3036 SW 63 Oklahoma City, Oklahoma 73159 215

Mashburn, Douglas Mark 1314W Kleindal Tucson, Arizona 85705 215

Mathiesen, Dawn Maren 2122 S Linden Palatine, Illinois 60067 215,73,77

Matolka, Stephen Jon 4725 Clara St Pensacola, Florida 32506 215

Mattson, Carl David 2235 Bennett

Colorado Spgs., Colorado 80909 215, 129, 158, 159, 153, 149

Mayo, DeborahJean 640 North Balsa Brea, California 92621 215,58,62, 131,75, 179, 77


310 oCvnthi O

,Oksnevad nGordo vOla

,218 ,129 612

Rt ll.GrandstH ,Greencastel aPennsylvani 51722

,Oaks dDavi lMer

,218 ,142 61

St ,Petersburg aFlorid 03371

1340 t71s St N

,Nyberg eCarolin mKi


,Nordeen lRoya tKen 71123 sBoote St nSa ,Diego aCaliforni 69212 821 ,Norfleet nDea nAlle 633 rFlosshoo ,Waukegan sIllinoi 56008

,Noel nSteve rHunte 1405N h10t St nVa sArkansa,Buren 67295 821

,Noel ,II dRichar eDal 765 N eHawthorn ,York aPennsylvani 41740 ,218 ,170 717

N ,Nerrick wNe kYor 61156 821

57 sLewi Rd

Nixon, dDavi nJoh

iMissour,Washington ,218 ,174 514

P O xBo 334

,Niewald eJuli eBell

aVirgini 821

,Newton eJess kMac

15439E dEn Ave S ,Holland sIllinoi 36047 821

,Newton eBruc dRaymon

,Newman tPratnSharo 5180 yHoll St ,Longview sTexa 17560

,Newcomer yLarr eLe aIndian 821

,Otselic wNe kYor 91312 821

821 ,Myers mWillia tScot P.O xBo 52156 aKeny,Nairobi ,218 ,144,65 913 ,Nasse lPau nJonatha Rd 1 ,Canajoharie wNe kYor 71331 5218,14 ,Nauman EnJoh P O xBo 07

dGran nMichiga,Ledge 74883

5832 W wWillo

319 E gPershin ,Wheafon sIllinoi 76018 ,218 ,169 717

,Munsterman yTimoth lPau

0405 rProcto Rd ,Sarasota aFlorid 13358 821

,Mosser nVernolDanie

,Dugway hUta 28402 4218,14

723 tWesB h5t

,Morrison kMar nJoh

,218,166 ,167 ,156,4 717

,Mentor oOhi 04406

,Morris sJame dHarol kMeadowbroo Dr

,218,184 ,185 ,170 ,186 ,154 ,177 ,183 219 ,Moore aLehDebora 5290 kFrin St ,Scranton aPennsylvani 41850 821 ,Morgan mWillia nSlayto 01701 HamlinRd ,Seattle nWashingto 59815 821

3481 aMariett ,Sacramento aCaliforni 19584

,Montgomery nJonatha dDavi xBo ,72-A Rt 1 ,Dryprong aLouisian 17129 821 ,Moon yTimoth yRo

,Murano iVick eLouis 190 aAndre Ct ,Pittsburgh aPennsylvani 75231 ,218 ,103 813 ,Myers eLenKevi

,Mitchell nVerno lSamue OS120 tWes St ,Longview sTexa 17560 721 ,Mock nAla lKendal a2-19-2Uehar aShibuy nJapa,Tokyo 115 721 ,Monahan hJoseplMichae 54 mEl ,Whitefield wNe eHampshir 80359 821 ,Monson nEdwidRaymon 0100 eFlorenc ,Evanston sIllinoi 26020 ,218 916 ,Montgomery nByro nMarti 351 AvetFores gLon iMississipp,Beach 03956 ,218,144 410

,Mitchell yLarr dTod eMusgrov Hwy eLak nMichiga,Odessa 94884 721

,Waxhaw hNort aCarolin 37128 ,145 311

,Minor yBeverl eAnn P O xBo 824

,Uniontown aPennsylvani 11540 721

,Miller eRanSusa 92 yKa St

,Miller nStephe dDonal 5504 eRobendal ,Salem nOrego 39730 144 913


sKansa ,City iMissour 26415

0760 WN h69t

,Miller tScot nAlle

dClevelan ,Hts. oOhi 24411 ,217 813

,Miller nJonatha yDot d3410Hartwoo

,Miller yJeffre mKi 11 yGreenwa Dr ,Goshen aIndian 64652 721

,Miller eDuan hKeit 0760 WN 96 sKansa ,City iMissour 26415 ,217 814

,Miller sDougla pPhili 9282 h27t Ave kRoc ,Island sIllinoi 16120 721

,Miller aCeceli yGa 11 1 nPeterso PI ,Longview sTexa 17560 ,217,174 1100,10

,Milanowski lPau eGeorg xBo 86 ,Eastlake oColorad 48061 ,217 ,136 914

,Michaelson dRicharyLeRo Rt 1 mBalsa ,Lake nWisconsi 05481 ,217 ,140 114

,Meyer tRober yHenr Rt ,3 xBo 424 ,Stoughton nWisconsi 95358 721

nGle ,Ellyn sIllinoi 76013 3217,14

,Meyer sCri nAla n21W655Kensngt

,Dowington aPennsylvani 51933 721

,Mertz tRober yHenr Rd 1

,Merrick lDanie kMar w123Northvie nHoffman ,Ests. sIllinoi 26017 ,217 016

,Nutley wNe yJerse 00711 721

75 eOakridg Ave

,Mercer dDavi lMichae


,Johnstown wNe kYor 51209

100E yMontgomer

,McMillan rPete cEri

,Westmont sIllinoi ,217 717 96055

,McMahan sJame dHowar 633 W lNapervil

,Gladewater sTexa 77564 721

eMcKenzi ,Jr. sCharle nBenjami 4161 W eLak Dr

,McKenrick lKie D xBo 1700 sTexa,Longview 17560 621 ,McLaughlin nAla nGordo 4515E Ave EN rCeda aIow,Rapids 25240 721

,McKenrick lDanie lJoe xBo 618 ,Edson sKansa 36773

,Mcllhany hKeit nClebur 0172 d23r St ,Zion sIllinoi 96009 621 ,Mclntosh hRut eLynn 0582 oRancher ,Dallas sTexa 17521 ,216 8142,63,13 ,Mclntyre kMar yHenr 4321 mBethlehe P ,Quakertown aPennsylvani 11895 ,216 9122,5

,McElroy lPau sJame xBo 836 aL ,Grange sTexa 57894 621 ,McFarland sLoi hRut 0325 dWootHun ,Decatur aGeorgi 43003 ,216,66 3138,8 ,McGuire yJayTimoth Rt xBo,1 C44,Fountain oColorad 78081 ,216 ,125,126 ,127 ,129 015

,McCutcheon tRober eLe 5521 DrsHammon ,Charleston tWes aVirgini 22531 621

,McClain dRichar tElliot 153 S nLincol ,Aurora sIllinoi 56050 621

,McAfee dDavi 14 dPortlan7 Ct ,Valparaiso aIndian 34638 521 ,McAfee rPete dPortlan714 O ,Valparaiso aIndian 34638 621

,217,124,59,185,168 ,169 ,142 ,70 ,100 ,173,177 ,182


Durand, Illinois 61024 218

Olson, Philip Devon 314 N Riverside Winamac, Indiana 46996 218,154, 155

Omstead, Michael Robert Box 11

Wheatley, Canada OP2PO 218,158, 159

Onarheim, Glenn Douglas 1685 Webster Ave Merrick, New York 11 566 219

Oneill, Robert Gene Rural Box 9 Winchester, Kansas 66097 219

Oplinger, DouglasEdward 632 N HowardSt Allentown, Pennsylvania 18102 219 147 151

Oplinger, Douglas Warren 14 GreenwayDr Goshen, Indiana 46526 219

Orloff, Steven Ray 9205 Blue Mtndr Golden, Colorado 80401 219

Ortiz, Angel Vincente F-l Nueva Clementina, Puerto Rico 00657 219

Ott, Mark David LeTourneauCollege Longview, Texas 75601 219

Owen, Cheryl lynne Box 111 Coatsburg, Illinois 62328 219,134,142, 136, 100, 122,77

Ozinga, James Matthew 7147 Jackson Mentor, Ohio 44060 219,158,107, 144, 159

Ozinga, Thomas Breton 7147 Jackson Mentor, Ohio 44060 219, 144

Page, Gilbert James 240048th PI DesMoines, Iowa 50310 219, 142, 144

Palmer, Douglas Marc 2300Mobberly Longview, Texas 75602

Parker, Andrew Christopher Casilla 5344 Lima, Peru 219

Parker, David Edward 307 S6th St

Wishek, North Dakota 58495 219,170, 154,173,177

Parmley, Donald Perry 22500 RdgwayHy

Potter Fly, California 95469 219, 170

Passan, Noel Paul 289 Stanwood Dr New Britain, Connecticut 06053 219

Patrick, Roger Douglas 901 Arnold Way SanJose,California 95128 219 148

Patterson, William 433 Copley Rd Haddonfield, New Jersey 08033 137

Paul, Victor Mac 1107 Bliss St Grinnell, Iowa 50112 219, 124, 151,122

Peet, Jonathan David P O Box 548 Imperial, California 92251 219,100, 109

Petersen, Gregory Lewis 1791 W Stanton Stanfon, Michigan 48888 219, 143

Petersen, Kenneth Roger 11 Pent Bloomfield, Connecticut 06002 220,186,62, 154, 155

Peterson, Daniel Scott 3018 Sunshine Miramar, Florida 33023 220,217

Peterson, Doyle Lane 416 1st St NE Hayfield, Minnesota 55940 220, 168, 169, 134, 1 36, 154, 177

Peterson, Robert Earl 28 W 351 Geneva W.Chicago, Illinois 60185 220, 143

Peterson, Robert Frank 2970 Holly Rd Ft Myers,Florida 33901 220

Petrie, Richard Henry 1102 Woodbine Signal Mtn., Tennessee 37377 220

Phaneuf, Brian Simon-Peter Longview, Texas 75601 220

Pierce, KenAllan 193 Hull Rd Strathroy, Canada 220

Pikett, David John 63 JenningsAve

Dalton, Massachusetts 01226 220

Pinkerton, Charles Gordon Rd 1, Box 335 Elizabethtown, Pennsylvania 17022 220

Pinneo, KennethWayne P.O.Box 14 Glennallen, Alaska 99588 220

Pitts, James Luther 43 S Early St Alexandria, Virginia 22304 220

Plants, Randall Jacob P O Box 787 Paonia, Colorado 81428 220,146, 106, 111, 189

Nelson, RandallRoy 160 NE River Rd Des Plaines,Illinois 60016 218,189

Platz, Duane Waldon RFD3 Lime Springs, Iowa 52155 220, 142, 146

Poelman, Matthias Dirk 391 N Grove Wooddale, Illinois 60191 220

Pontier, Ron Lee 850 Center Ln Clermont, Florida 32711 220, 144, 139

Popovich, David Andrew 140 S.Jefferson Zeeland, Michigan 49464 220

Popovich, James Elliot CP 142221 Brasilia DF,Brazil 70000 220,139

Popp, StephenPaul R.D 2 Parish, New York 13131 220,67

Powell, Fran Rt 1, Estates CR Flint, Texas 75762 220

Prater, Stephen Lowell 10914 Indianhd Oxon Hill, Maryland 20022 221,158, 159

Price, JamesFranklin 802 W Avalon Longview, Texas 75601 221

Prosser, Stephen Mark 20 Fredricks Rd Scotia, New York 1 2302 221, 198,223

Puffer, David Sumner

ISlOMedartDr Tallahassee, Florida 32303 221

Pust, Perry P O Box 112 Charlo, Montana 59824 154,122

Quigg, Stephen Harold Berachah Ave Nyack, New York 10960 221

Quigg, Stephen Paul 19 S Main St Elmer, New Jersey 08318 221,220,143, 183

Quintero, Mervin Douglas LeTourneau College Longview, Texas 75601 221

Radabaugh, Dan Lynn 7605 Marietta Orlando, Florida 32807 221, 170

Rash, Hoby Wray 2705 Harrigan Fallen, Nevada 89406 221

Ratje, David Herbert 15N 102nd Kansas City, Kansas 66111 221

Record, Larry Rex 15011 E Lockwd Frazier Park,California 93225 221,145

Redding, Liela LeTourneau Rt 4, St 3 Henderson, Texas 75652 221

Reehoff, Christine Ann 423 S Bothwell Palatine, Illinois 60067 222,214,77

Rees, John Scott 1415 Englewood Slidell, Louisiana 70458 222,230,146,108

Reismon, Richard Henry 14Washington Wellsville, New York 14895 222

Reister, EdwardJames 11 Stone Walla Walla, Washington 99362 222, 186,92

Renfroe, Jeff Dean 1007 Peggy Waco, Texas 76706 222, 173,177

Rettig, Marc Howard Meadow Lark Ln Highwood, Montana 59450 222,138,139



,Buttzville wNe yJerse 90782

422 ,Smith nGlen nAla xBo 35

422 ,Smith gCraieEugen S nMountai Rd ,Brookfield tConnecticu 40680

,Wenatchee nWashingto 19880

,Smith rChristophe kMar 3113 nWashingto

,224 0143,16

,Lansing sIllinoi 86043

422 ,Smith eBruc nAlle oChicag01792

,Wolford hNort aDakot 85385

,Sjoblom kMar sDavi P O xBo 1700 ,Longview sTexa 27560 7224,134,13 ,Slaubaugh tLamber hJosep xBo 1

,Covington yKentuck 54101 9224,18

Rt ,5 xBo 8364

422 ,Sipple lPaudRaymon

sHughe ,Spgs sTexa 67565

tHillcres Dr

,Simmons aMarsh eElain


Rt ,4 xBo A166 ,Longview sTexa 17560

,Silvernale kJac


,Silliman yRodne dLloy P O xBo 78 nGree hUta,River 58452


422 ,Sifert sJuliuhKennet aCasill 2249 aLim 010 uPer

,Montoursville aPennsylvani 41775

422 ,Sickler eLaurencsJame Rd ,2 xBo 615

,Pottstown Pennsylvania 41946

,Shumate nCarsosDougla rSta eRout

,224,208,140,141 917

422 ,Shugart eJunaTwil 394 E 070 S ,Jonesboro aIndian 46933

,Poughkeepsie wNe kYor 31260

121 PinmFreedo

,Sheeran nJoh mWillia

,Richland nWashingto 29935

,Shaw yBradlelPau 922 aAd

,Scotia wNe kYor 21230

,Shaver tScot nAla lOWoodsideDr

,Scotia wNe kYor 21230


,Shaver nLynyJeffre

,Phillipsburg wNe yJerse 50886 5223,22

313 nWashingto

,Shauger eBruc nAla

,Woodridge sIllinoi 56051

,Seville ,Jr. dRichar 7250 LnaRavini

,Seiler wAndre lCar Rt ,1 xBo 87 ,Marion sTexa 47812 322 ,Sepulvado Jr eClyd Rt xBo R57 ,Noble aLouisian 27146 ,223,170 771

,Schwager eDal hKeit 422 BlvdnSwa yBa ,Shore wNe yJerse 30875

,Marion oOhi 24330

,Schwaderer dDonal yRa 4437 dMrn-Edisnr

,Tampa aFlorid 23361

,Schultz nNathaeLawrenc 133E 414 Ave

,Schuerte sDougla dDonal 3222 S yMobberl ,Longview sTexa


,Longview sTexa 27560

,Schubert nBe uLeTournea eColleg

2667 rWheele Rd ,Lockport wNe kYor 41409 8223,14

,Schmidt eLavern hKeit 481 lLeve ,Longview sTexa 17560 322 ,Schmitt sThoma tRober

,Denver oColorad 38022 322

,Schmidt nBria nJo 1293S oQuiet


,Madison nWisconsi 55370

,Scheel lMichae nDea 0575 tBittrswee

,Waxhaw hNort aCarolin 32817

,Wycliffe xBo 824

,Schanely lPau kMar

09524 322

,Ross sCharle yRa

,Lodi aCaliforni

,Sandford nClifto dEdwar 2155 aVist Dr

,Center sTexa 57593 ,223 916

,Sancton nJoh dRaymon P O xBo 824

,Wheaton sIllinoi ,223,62 ,14 51

,Salseth eMelodi nLy xBo 5

,223,125 6186,6

,Salatin rArthu mWillia Rt ,1 xBo 128 ,Swoope aVirgini 92447


,Saison ,Jr. eNo oIgnoci BBoxB aAgan 09691

222 ,Safstrom dDavi eWayn kInnsbruc5794 ,Dunwoody aGeorgi 13034 ,222 512 ,Saint lNathanae Rd ,2 xBo 110 ,Elverson aPennsylvani 01952 ,223 ,156 717

,Saddock ,Jr. yHarr eGeorg 5110 sWell Dr ,Longview sTexa 17560

3498 eBoeingshir ,Memphis eTennesse 63811 ,222 1 ,74 86

,Russell aLind lGai

3222,18 ,Rudoi eIren 5502 kGransbac ,Philadelphia aPennsylvani 01912 ,222 ,70 917

222 ,Rud dRichar nMarti 0300 N yNormand ,Chicago sIllinoi 46063

222 ,Rowe yNanc hElisabet 113 eRosco ,Muscatine aIow 15276

2664 S nSherma ,Littlejohn oColorad 12180

,Roth yCor nAlle

9222, ,Ross nSteve lCampbel 134 eDeLePonc ,Atlanta aGeorgi 83030 ,222 ,158 ,189 915

222 ,Ross nJeaaLorn d2930Juilliar ,Boulder oColorad 38030

h84167t eAvenu N ,Birmingham aAlabam 63520


,Rosenberger dRichar nJonatha P O xBo 81 ,Pickney nMichiga 94816

222 65825

,Manvel hNort aDakot

,Ronan eDuan lEar


oZumbr ,Falls aMinnesot 15599

lRura eRout

,Roland E M yWood nMorga


222 ,Roland eJannSusa oZumbr ,Falls aMinnesot 15599

222 ,Ringler lMichae nAla aAstori1410 ,Irving sTexa 27506 ,222 814 ,Ritchey ,Jr. dFre L 7201 S nGree ,Longview sTexa 17560 222 ,Roberts LeeySidne xBo ,73 hChurc ,Vincentown wNe yJerse 80808 ,222 07 ,Robinson eLawrenc hLeig 420 h45t St nWester ,Spgs. sIllinoi 86055 ,222,61 ,160 116 ,Roden eJoyc Matthes Rt ,3 xBo 1379 ,Longview sTexa 17560

222 ,Rider sCharle yWesle Rd 2 ,Rimersburg aPennsylvani 81624

222 sReynold ,Jr. eLehJosep 1115 GSt ,Williams aCaliforni 79598 ,222 016 ,Rice Michael tJarret xBo 222 ,Quincy sIllinoi 16230 3222,6 ,Richards ,Jr. tRober nJoh h1815'/2l2t ,Longview sTexa 17560 222 ,Richmond dDavi eClaud T7409L nMountai ,Mentor oOhi 04406 222 ,Ridder dRichartRober nLaw0520 nWester ,Spgs. sIllinoi 86055

,Paramount aCaliforni 39072

,Reynolds lDanie lPau 61554 yGundr Ave


Smith, Mark Alan 16030 SW 98th

Miami, Florida 33156 224

Smith, Michael Lee LeTourneau College Longview, Texas 75602 224,158, 159

Smith, Richard Michael 28793 CR24W Elkhart, Indiana 46514 224, 158, 159,143

Smith, Steven David 2030 Granada Florissant, Missouri 63033 225

Smith, Wallace Kevin 17763Wisteria Hesperia, California 92345 225

Snyder, Curtis Perry 8118Rhea Reseda, California 91335 225,13,150

Soderberg, RonaldBruce 11 Bevell In N Syracuse, New York 13212 225,143

Sommer, TimothyJohn Rd 1 Harmony, Pennsylvania 16037 225

Stade, Joel Campus 142, 138

Stahl, John Bruce Rd 1, Box 347-A Sunbury, Pennsylvania 17801 225,169,177

Stauffer, DavidBrubaker 6480Main St E Petersburg,Pennsylvania I7520 225,186, 154,74

Stegner, John David 8620 E 81st St Ter Raytown, Missouri 64138 225

Steinkraus, Norman Samuel 2201 N Springfl Chicago, Illinois 60647 225,160

Stephens, Brian Noel 5730 Pleasant Vy Brighton, Michigan 48116 225,166, 103

Stephens, Mark Douglas 614 E Dean Street Longview, Texas 75601 225

Stephens, Mark Kaslow Rt 2 Carthage, Missouri 64836 225,149, 144, 111

Stewart, Brent Erin P O Box 62 Camino, California 95709 226

Stewart, Gary Dean 1901 IstCapitl St Charles,Missouri 63301 226, 73

Stewart, JamesWesley 157 Dillingham Monroe, Louisiana 71201 226

Stieglitz, Beki Jane 417 Cranbrook Waco, Texas 76710 226,224, 140,141,64,11,5, 110, 122,123, 179,75,77

Still, Lisa Grace 414 E Norwood Jennings, Louisiana 226, 140, 141,77 70546

Stoltzfus, David Jay P O Box 225 Elverson, Pennsylvania 19520 226, 166, 184,153, 154, 173, 177, 176

Strait, David Robert 307'/j Main Cornell, Wisconsin 54732 226, 135, 136

Straw, Daniel Richard 106 SeymoreAve State College, Pennsylvania 16801 226, 168, 169,177

Strayer, Dusty Allen 823 4th Ave Lk Odessa, Michigan 48849 226

Strickler, James Edward Rd 1 Milton, Pennsylvania 1 7847 226,13

Strube, Mary Elizabeth P O Box 487 Missouri City, Texas 77459 226, 179

Strubhar, Pete Campus 156, 157, 153,92,190

Stutsman, Carl Andrew 8514 218th SW Edmonds, Washington 98020 226,138

Sullenger, BillyRay 7320W/LakeRd Lakeport, California 95453 226

Sutton, James Edison 406 E Elm St Wheaton, Illinois 60187 226,100,101, 150

Swanson, George Daniel 1405WhitleyDr Vienna, Virginia 22180

226,229,86, 144

Swanson, Vern Reynold 2335 N 12th Quincy, Illinois '62301 226,145

Swenson, Joseph Paul Box 11

Outing, Minnesota 56662 226,153,160, 161, 122

Syme, RandelStewart 12000 Falls Rd Cockeysville, Maryland 21030 226

Talaasen, Barthol Edward Rt 5, Box 168 Longview, Texas 75601 226

Talmage, David Lee 1602 Burlington Hickory Corner, Michigan 49060 226

Tarr, Daniel Craig RD 1, Box 85'/2 Paxinos, Pennsylvania 17860 227

Taylor, Bruce Edward 910 UnionRd W Seneca,New York 14224 227, 182

Taylor, DeniseElaine 5344 Scotts Vly Scotts Vly, California 95066 227, 101

Teasdale, William Theodore 5649 Logan Ave Minneapolis,Minnesota 55419 227,138

Tempco, Dale Alan 18401 Wildwood Lansing, Illinois 60438 227,106

Temple, BruceRoy 6565 Olde 8Rd Peninsula, Ohio 44264 227, 147

Tennant, John Robert 1931 Cass Ave Bay City, Michigan 48706 227

Thiessen, William Calvin Lot20Con4RR1 Wellesley, Canada OB2TO 227, 205, 67

Thompson, Sherry Larson 596 JeffersonS Hutchinson, Minnesota 55350 227,10

Thompson, Richard Gary 6802 Dante Ct Springfield, Virginia 22152 227, 106

Thompson, Steven Ray Rt 1, Box 190

Gulfport, Mississippi 39501 227,149

Thomson, James Lome 937 Felix Ave Windsor, Canada 9C3L2 227,100

Timmons, James Bruce 730 ByberryRd Philadelphia, Pennsylvania 19116 227, 92

Tokatloglou, Timothy Nicholas 4362 W Tufts Denver, Colorado 80236 227,138

Tossey, Ruth Ann MarshallRd Olivet, Michigan 49076 227

Tou, David Keung 508 Nathan Rd 7 Front Kowloon, Hong Kong 227

Townsend, JeromeLee Ekalaka, Montana 59324 227

Trittipoe, Joy Lynn RR1 Elwood, Illinois 60421 227

Tucker, KennethEdward 507 S Jean Longview, Texas 75601 227

Turner, David Wayne 803 W 2nd St N Platte, Nebraska 69101 227

Vanasse, BradleyScott Rt 6, Box 295 Bemidji, Minnesota 56601 227,142

Vander Dyke, Michael Allen 633 S Euclid Villa Park, Illinois 60181 227

Van Gorkom, Thomas Wayne 208 S 34th St Yakima, Washington 98902 227

Vannatto, Paul Gabriel 428 King St Wallaceburg, Canada 8A1H8 227,150

Vannouhuys, Frank Milton 550 Boulder Crt Marietta, Georgia 30060 227

Veele, StephenPaul 3319 160th Ave Holland, Michigan 49423 227,154

Velazquez, Abimael Moras 345


,Tripoli nLebano 123 ,Zitzmann eGeorg lPau 84657-15 St ,Flushing wNe kYor ,231 5128,12 81135

,Zabaneh mIbrahi lKhali iAzm


,Young lPau nEdwi nGe lDe sDixon aAlabam,Mill 63673


,Yorgey pPhili M xBo 331 ,Fleetwood aPennsylvani 21952

,Yonge eLawrenc nWinsto W7120S rHOTe ,Miami aFlorid 63315 123

,231 017

,Yearling sCharle yRa 741 eAbilen ,Shreveport aLouisian 67110

,Macon aGeorgi 43120 123

,Yaughn yRand nFelto 5166 rTucke Rd

0230,15 ,Wolgemuth wAndre nDea 18 nSheintzelma ,Manheim aPennsylvani 51754 ,231 ,142 314 ,Woodward eWaynnStephe tWes eLak Rd ,Westfield wNe kYor 71478 123 ,Wootten dDavi tRober 71 nTappe Dr tHun ,Sta. wNe kYor 61174 ,231,70 ,133,58 910

2812 uLeTournea ,Longview sTexa 17560 023 ,Wolf yTimoth tRober 340 St.eStat wNe ,Holland aPennsylvani 71755

,Lowell nMichiga 14933

71307 3 RdeMil

,Pittsburgh aPennsylvani 41520 023 ,Wittenbach nGlenlPau

,Grasslake nMichiga 04924 023 ,Wisser sCharle rEdwa 1301 nBergma

51147 dCa Rd4

,Windle eTerranc nAla

,Williamson eGeorg nFrankli 1212 W nMorriso ,Pentwater nMichiga 94944 3230,17 ,Wilson eCandac rEpple TLe ,Clg xBo 1700 ,Longview sTexa 17560 023 ,Wilson dHowar eGrenvill 4 rVassa Rd ,Winnipeg aCanad 93T3M ,230,139 212 ,Wilson tRoberdTod 4251 dGreenwoo ,Woodstock sIllinoi 86009 6230,8

,Williams tGuesnJonatha 221 eE.Melbourn rSilve ,Spring dMarylan 12090 023

,Willard gCrai sFranci 2 nHele St ,Ellenville wNe kYor 81242 922 ,Williams dDavi eClaud 3 eMapl Dr ySand ,Hook tConnecticu 20648 023 ,Williams dBoysDenni 0402 DrlDrexe ,Binghamton wNe kYor 31390 ,230,166 ,145 717

,Wilkin yTimoth eWayn 862 tRoosevel C ,Tsycamore sIllinoi 86017 922

,229,143 61 ,Wieting nMelvi eGeorg 13888 Hwy 05 E ,Pueblo oColorad 68100 922 ,Wildasin eStev lEar 538 nGwe ,York aPennsylvani 41740 ,229 ,185 ,162 ,163 ,177 ,182 86 ,Wilder eDal nAdro Rt ,4 xBo 439 ,Moscow oEdah 38384 2229,162,19

,Safford aArizon 68554

290 W nStratto

8230,14 ,Wolf sJame nBenjami

,Wieland dEdwarnDa

,Cleveland oOhi 94410 922

,Widlicka nAllesJame 3485 W 1 h2t St

,Shalimar aFlorid 93257 922

8 dDogwoo

,Wicker sThoma yJa

260 AvewSparro mPal ,Harbor aFlorid 922 922

,Whitlock lMichae mWillia

,White dEdwar eJerom 862 wRainbo Dr ,Shreveport aLouisian 67110 ,229 ,170 717

,Shreveport aLouisian 67110 ,229 ,170 ,171 ,177 617 ,White nCamerosCharle 231 S tWalnu W ,Chester aPennsylvani 01938 ,229 ,129,58,71 ,150 910

,Whelchel dDavi nFrankli xBo 1 ,Helton yKentuck 04084 ,228,166 ,156,190,191 715 ,White yRaeBonni 862 wRainbo Dr

,Wesner rRodge lPau 0560 eAlpin ,Stevensville nMichiga 822 74912

,Werner dBoy nJonatha Rt 3 ,Sandpoint oIdah 48386 ,228,166 ,156,157,71,5,9 ,173 717

37 ,Weber nMerli nDea Rt ,2 xBo A436 ,Gering aNebrask 822 16934

TLe Clg-Apt B7 ,Longview sTexa 17560 822 ,Webber lDanie dGeral 2534 AveyHuntle nGarde ,Grove aCaliforni 59264 ,228,184,186 ,187,153 ,154 ,155

0545 WS h87t St ,Miami aFlorid 33314 822 ,Weaver eDal tErnes P O xBo 636 ,Windber aPennsylvani 31596 ,228,158 3159,15 ,Weaver dDavi nJoh

,Watne eLeyStanle RR ,Gait aIow 15010 ,228 ,198,67,71 ,133 218 ,Waugh yBarr tGran

oPompan aFlorid,Beach 822 03306

719 WN h20t Ct

,Waters lDanie dDavi

111 hBeec Ave ,Fanwood wNe yJerse 30702 822

,Wankmuller dDavi lNei

61200 mEl Dr ,Cypress sTexa 97742 822

,Walzel yRodne eBlak


,Wallis aSylvi yKa n512N.McPherso Ft aCaliforni,Bragg 79543

2223S yMobberl sTexa,Longview 17560 822 ,Wallace dDonal yTimoth P O xBo 425 ,Middletown aVirgini 52264 ,228,184,226 ,154 ,155 317

,228,221 ,140 ,141 ,142 ,145 118 ,Wahab tScot nWilso 2RFD ,Barton tVermon 20582 0228,21 ,Walker sJame nGordo 6357 RdeStrubl ,Cincinnati oOhi 74524 3228,14 lMichae,Walker lPau

11066 W eMarlen ,Littleton oColorad 38012 722 ,Waechter lCar dDavi P O xBo 1700 ,Longview sTexa 17560 228 ,Wahlstrom sJame sDougla 472 nDearbor ,Aurora oColorad 18001 ,228 314 ,Wahlstrom nLynaPatrici 472 nDearbor ,Aurora oColorad 18001

oMexic ,City oMexic 2227, ,Verduin yLarr tRober oPalomin62807 ,Warren nMichiga 34809 ,227 2173,17 ,Vetter tRober nMcClella 1173 wLongvie ,Lancaster aPennsylvani 11760 9227,10 ,Villaume eBruc dConra 8 oTabag Ln nOcea ,City wNe yJerse 60822 7227,156,15 ,Visti yTimoth eDal 334 TFP YNRS Rd ,Painesville oOhi 74407 ,Vogt eDeWayn eGen



Advertising 232-245 Alpha Omega 154-155 Alumni Association 54-55 American Welding Society 148 Auto Society 86,104-107, 144 Cheerleaders 174-175 Choir 142 Class Officers 124-125 Delta Sigma Psi 156-157 Faculty 34-43 Frontier Days 108-113 Gold KeyClub 1 26-127 Homecoming 72-82 Index 247-260 Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers 147 Kappa Zeta Chi 158-159 K5JEF 151 KLTC , 150 Lambda Alpha Sigma 160-161 LeTourneau Singers 140-141 Lettermen 177 Mechanical Engineering Society 146 Missionary Union 138-139 Pep Band 143 PIONEER Staff 135 Publications 1 34-137 Rodeo Club 145 Societies 153-163 Society of Manufacturing Engineers 149 Sports — Intercollegiate 164-173 Men's Intramurals 182-193 Women's Intramurals 1 78-181 Staff 25-33 Student Portraits 194-231 Student Senate 1 22-123 Student Wives 152 Table of Contents 23 Tau Kappa Delta 162-163 Who's Who 128-129 YELLOWJACKET Staff 136 260


It is not a simple matter to assess the schoolyear; too many complex inter-actions exist. Buton the surface, it has been a good year — all agree that there was little to disturb the equilibrium of the campus.

To some, the calm merely reflected the nation-wide mood of student apathy Severalevents seem to negate this theory

Students turned out to vote in record numbers November 2. The Student Senate election drew a smashing 80% turnout, unprecedented after a series of dull campaigns in recent years "Spirit Days" involved campus-wide participation to support winning soccer, wrestling, and baseball teams. Even a losing basketball team could not complain about a lack of vocal backing

President LeTourneaurevealed a fresh candor when he went before the student body with a mid-year financial statement and progressreport which brought immediate and positive student response.He spent much of the year revamping fiscal and administrative policy to produce efficiencyand stability

The death of second-year student, John E Nauman was a sad beginning for the year. The Dean of Students, SA's, and counsellorswill readily admit that we did not win all of the battles in the area of discipline and Christian living

Oh yes, there were problems and losses, but there was a growing awarenessthat our problems were small in comparison with God's evident blessing on our college

Next year's pre-registration and admissionsrecords seem to predict that all-time enrollment recordswill be shattered with a student body that will over-flow campus housing

The Good Friday communion service embodied the feeling of spiritual unity that matured during the passing months of 1976-77 And we had a lot to be thankful for!

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The lines have fallen for me in pleasant places; Yea, I have a goodly heritage Psalm 16:6 (RSV)


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