Age 3+
40 reusable stickers
Activities for every letter of the alphabet
Tick the box when you’ve completed each Letterlander’s activity in this book
Find the Objects Help Annie Apple to find an: -
Do the action and make the shape!
Bite into an imaginary apple and say ‘a...’ as in apple.
a a aa 2
ke stic rs
Sticker Sounds Can you find any stickers that start with Bouncy Ben’s sound to add to this picture?
Do the action and make the shape!
bbb 3
Shoot your arms up for ears and wiggle them while saying ‘b...’.
Colouring In Clever Cat would like you to use your crayons on her letter shape and all the objects starting with her sound.
Do the action and make the shape!
Stroke imaginary whiskers across your cheeks and whisper ‘c...’.
c cc 4
Spot the Difference Dippy Duck would like you to discover six differences between the two pictures. How many things starting with Dippy Duck’s sound can you spot in the picture?
If you find it difficult, the answers are at the back.
Do the action and make the shape!
dd d d 5
Flap your elbows like a waddling duck while saying ‘d...’.