Fix-it Phonics Level 1 - Student Book 2

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Student Book 2



alphabet review

a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z Learn English with Letterland

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About Fix-it Phonics Fix-it Phonics will help your child to make the link between a letter’s sound and shape – an important first step in a method of learning to read called phonics.

Letter sounds When children are learning to read, it is letter sounds rather than alphabet names that help them to read words. You can blend the letter sounds ‘mmm…’ ‘a…’ ‘nnn…’ into the word man, but the alphabet names ‘em’ ‘ay’ ‘en’ can only give you a non-word: emayen. That is why the Letterland characters are so helpful. Just by starting to say a character’s name, you will be saying the sound they make in words.



Teaching order The teaching order for this level is: s a t p i n m d g o c k e u r h b f l j v w x y z q u This order is recommended by the UK government and has been chosen for Fix-it Phonics as it maximises word building possibilities from an early stage.

This is to certify that

Letterland goes further... There are 3 Fix-it Phonics levels. All levels include: 4 Letter recognition skills 4 Listening and speaking skills 4 Basic English vocabulary 4 Oral blending and segmenting 4 High frequency words. Level 1 Level 2

- focuses on Aa-Zz shapes and sounds. - revises a-z and introduces some important digraphs* and trigraphs*

has finished

LETTERLAND® Fix-it Phonics Level 1

( * 2 or 3 letters representing a new sound e.g sh in shop).

Level 3

- introduces more important digraphs and trigraphs, building the foundations for full literacy in English.

Letterland is fun!

Originator of Letterland: Lyn Wendon Voice Artists: Maria Darling & Brian Bowles Sound: id audio Singers: Damien de Roche & Ellie Gray Music arrangement: Sound Education Ltd. Theme Song composed by: J. A. Kuehn

Your Letterland teacher


We feel the most important thing about learning English, and learning how to read and write, is to have fun. That’s why Fix-it Phonics is full of songs, games, actions, chants and colourful characters. We want you, and the children you teach, to enjoy it!

Written & designed by Lisa Holt


Published by Letterland International Ltd, Leatherhead, Surrey, KT22 9AD, UK © Letterland International 2009 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 ISBN: 978-1-86209-652-3 Product Code: TC38 LETTERLAND® is a registered trademark of Lyn Wendon.

The author asserts the moral right to be identified as the author of this work. All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording or otherwise, without either the prior permission of the Publisher or a licence permitting restricted copying in the United Kingdom issued by the Copyright Licensing Agency Ltd, 90 Tottenham Court Road, London W1T 4LP. This book is sold subject to the condition that it shall not by way of trade or otherwise be lent, hired out or otherwise circulated without the Publisher's prior consent.

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Contents Jj - Jumping Jim Topic - Clothes Vv - Vicky Violet Topic - Vegetables Ww - Walter Walrus Topic - Weather Xx - Fix-it Max Topic - Verbs Review - j, v, w, x Yy - Yellow Yo-yo Man Topic - Questions Zz - Zig Zag Zebra Topic - Animals Qq - Quarrelsome Queen Topic - Quiz

2-5 6 7-10 11 12-15 16 17-20 21 22-23 24-27 28 29-33 34-35 36-39 40-41

Review - y, z, q 42-43 Rhyme 44-45 Vowels a, e, i, o, u 46-51 Vowel Men 52-67 Blends 68 bl, cl, fl, gl, pl, sl 68-73 br, cr, dr, fr, gr, pr, tr 74-80 sc, sk, sp, st, sm, sn, sw 81-87 Reading 88-89 Alphabet review 90-107 Vowel review 108 Reading review 109-110 Writing review 111 Letterland characters 112

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Let’s meet Jumping Jim. Listen and repeat his name, sound, and some words that start with his sound.

ck Tra 2

CD 3

Hello. My name is Jumping Jim. 2

Letter sound

Jumping Jim’s sound is at the start of his name - Jumping Jim.

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Look for the things in the picture that start with his sound. Then complete the exercises in Workbook 2, pages 2-3.


ck Tra 2

CD 3

Jumping Jim says, j. He starts words like...

jet Action


ck Tra 3

Do the action and say the rhythmic chant together!

e and v o M chant ! J, j, j. J, j, j. Jumping Jim! Multisensory

jam CD 3

(x 2)

Pretend you are juggling a set of imaginary balls.


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ck Tra 4

Listen and sing along to Jumping Jim’s Alphabet Song.

g and po t ! n i in S Jumping Jim says j, j. Jumping Jim says j. Jumping Jim says j, j. Jumping Jim says j. J, j, j, j. Jumping Jim says j, j. Jumping Jim says j, j. Jumping Jim says j. (x 2) j…

Put a sticker here when you’ve sung Jumping Jim’s song.


Letter sound

Listen to the song first. Then join in with just the ‘j...’ sound. Finally sing the whole song together.

CD 3

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Sha p e M

ake the shapes


on this page. in the air. Then finger trace them

Jumping Jim takes a deep breath and gets so big his head and his juggling balls are hidden by the clouds!

’s f inge t e L r trace! 1

Capital letters


You will see capital letters at the start of sentences and starting names or places. Practise writing the letters in Workbook 2, pages 4-6.


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nd receiving items Clothes. Useful lan . guage for requesting, giving a ck Tra 5

CD 3







Can I have a red jacket, please?

Here you are.


Thank you. 4

Your tur n! Jolly good! Now put a sticker here!


Role play

Pretend you are in a shop asking for clothes. Play the roles of the shop assistant and customer. Describe the colour, too!

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Sammy Snake and Walter Walrus blend together to start words like...

swim Listen


swing sss swim

www swing

sweets sw sweets

Fred can swim.

Read the words. Put a star sticker next to the matching picture.

Sam swears, ‘I didn’t mean to!’ I know you won’t believe me, but I swear it’s really true!’

Finish this page. Then complete the exercises comparing sw and other similar blends in Workbook 2, page 88.

k rac 2


k Workboo

Swish, swash, swoosh! Can Sammy swat the fly? He swings and swats again, but then he hears a cry. He’s swatted Walter in the eye!



Sammy Snake and Walter Walrus

CD 4


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Look at the pictures and read the sentences. Work in pairs and read them to your partner.

s ’ r t ead ! e L

A frog sits on a clock. Clap! It jumps off.

A frog sits on a flag. Clap! It jumps off.

A frog sits on a plant. Clap! It jumps off.

A frog sits on a slug. Clap! It jumps off.


ck xx

Read the sentences slowly at first. Then read them again faster. ra Try to add expression and add the clap as an action too! T


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Read the first two sentences and answer the questions. Then look at the pictures and fill in the missing words.

r s e ’ t ad and writ e! e L Can a crab swim?

Add a Yes or No sticker here!

Can a clock skip?

Add a Yes or No sticker here!

A _ _ _ _ sits on a _ _ _ _. A _ _ _ _ sits on a _ _ _ _. A _ _ _ _ can _ _ _ _. A _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _. Now try and write some sentences on your own! Complete page 89 of your Workbook.

k rac xx


Well done!


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Who is this?

Annie Apple

What is her sound?


What is her alphabet name?


a b c d e f ghijklm nopqrst uvwxyz 90

t Alphabe r e Ord

Practise making the sounds and saying all the alphabet names in order.

k rac 21


The alphabet

Revise the character names, their sounds and introduce the traditional alphabet names.

CD 4

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What colour are the apples?

There are



There are



There are



Colours & counting

Choose the correct coloured sticker to complete each sentence or use your coloured pencils. Workbook page 90.


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Bouncy Ben, Bouncy Ben. Can you count up to _ _ _ ?



How many birds can you count? T

k rac 2



Listen to the rhymes and choose the correct words to finish them. Write the words in the spaces.

CD 4

Clever Cat, Clever Cat. She is wearing a big, white _ _ _ .

bag How many carrots can you count? 92

ry ula b ca Vo

Look at the pictures again and say the names of as many things as you can! Workbook page 91.


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u a






x r





f e


g p o

h i

n j

k m



d ot wi o t t o th

Dippy Duck !

I’m a dragon!


alphabe order

Follow the alphabet dot-to-dot to complete the picture. Say the alphabet names as you draw. What have you drawn? Workbook page 92.


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Annie Apple

Golden Girl

Munching Mike

Talking Tess

Bouncy Ben

Harry Hat Man

Noisy Nick

Uppy Umbrella

Dippy Duck

Clever Cat

Impy Ink

Oscar Orange

Vicky Violet

Eddy Elephant

Jumping Jim

Peter Puppy

Walter Walrus

Kicking King

Quarrelsome Queen

Red Robot

Lucy Lamp Light

Sammy Snake

Fix-it Max Yellow Yo-yo Man


Firefighter Fred

Zig Zag Zebra

bye. See y e y ou again soon! B

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About Fix-it Phonics Fix-it Phonics will help your child to make the link between a letter’s sound and shape – an important first step in a method of learning to read called phonics.

Letter sounds When children are learning to read, it is letter sounds rather than alphabet names that help them to read words. You can blend the letter sounds ‘mmm…’ ‘a…’ ‘nnn…’ into the word man, but the alphabet names ‘em’ ‘ay’ ‘en’ can only give you a non-word: emayen. That is why the Letterland characters are so helpful. Just by starting to say a character’s name, you will be saying the sound they make in words.



Teaching order The teaching order for this level is: s a t p i n m d g o c k e u r h b f l j v w x y z q u This order is recommended by the UK government and has been chosen for Fix-it Phonics as it maximises word building possibilities from an early stage.

This is to certify that

Letterland goes further... There are 3 Fix-it Phonics levels. All levels include: 4 Letter recognition skills 4 Listening and speaking skills 4 Basic English vocabulary 4 Oral blending and segmenting 4 High frequency words. Level 1 Level 2

- focuses on Aa-Zz shapes and sounds. - revises a-z and introduces some important digraphs* and trigraphs*

has finished

LETTERLAND® Fix-it Phonics Level 1

( * 2 or 3 letters representing a new sound e.g sh in shop).

Level 3

- introduces more important digraphs and trigraphs, building the foundations for full literacy in English.

Letterland is fun!

Originator of Letterland: Lyn Wendon Voice Artists: Maria Darling & Brian Bowles Sound: id audio Singers: Damien de Roche & Ellie Gray Music arrangement: Sound Education Ltd. Theme Song composed by: J. A. Kuehn

Your Letterland teacher


We feel the most important thing about learning English, and learning how to read and write, is to have fun. That’s why Fix-it Phonics is full of songs, games, actions, chants and colourful characters. We want you, and the children you teach, to enjoy it!

Written & designed by Lisa Holt


Published by Letterland International Ltd, Leatherhead, Surrey, KT22 9AD, UK © Letterland International 2009 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 ISBN: 978-1-86209-652-3 Product Code: TC38 LETTERLAND® is a registered trademark of Lyn Wendon.

The author asserts the moral right to be identified as the author of this work. All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording or otherwise, without either the prior permission of the Publisher or a licence permitting restricted copying in the United Kingdom issued by the Copyright Licensing Agency Ltd, 90 Tottenham Court Road, London W1T 4LP. This book is sold subject to the condition that it shall not by way of trade or otherwise be lent, hired out or otherwise circulated without the Publisher's prior consent.

s nic

it Pho x-

o mp lete

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