Fix-it Phonics Level 2 - Student Book 2

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Student Book 2

Letterland Fix-it Phonics makes learning English fun and easy to remember. Level 2 introduces: 4 (Aa-Zz) Sounds & shapes review 4 26 digraphs / new spelling patterns 4 Essential English grammar 4 Essential English vocabulary 4 Understanding spoken English 4 Speaking in English.

+ 2 Audio CD

Student Book 1

Workbook 1


+ 2 Audio CD Big Cards, Code Cards, Posters, Flashcards, Frieze, Software Student Book 2

Workbook 2


Fix-it Phonics - Level 2 - Student Book 2

Support material

Fix-it Phonics - Level 1

For more information, please visit:

Code: TC50

Teacher’s Guide & Assessment

ISBN 978-1-86209-667-7

9 781862 096677 Child-friendly phonics

Learn English with Letterland

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About Fix-it Phonics Fix-it Phonics will help your child to make the link between a letter’s sound and shape – a method of learning to read called phonics.

Learning about digraphs & trigraphs It is recommended that children complete Level 1 before starting Level 2, however there is a summary of the a-z Letterland characters, sounds and shapes in this level. The letter sounds are very important as just by starting to say a character’s name, you will be saying the sound they make in words. You then have the tools to blend the letter sounds into simple words: ‘mmm…’ ‘a…’ ‘nnn…’ - man. Level 2 introduces some simple but incredibly powerful stories that will unlock thousands of new words. Children will learn how the a-z letters combine to make new sounds (digraphs and trigraphs). The stories in this level will unlock the following sounds/spelling patterns: ng sh th ch a-e ai ay e-e ee ea i-e ie igh -y o-e oa ow u-e ue ew oo ar or er ir ur



This is to certify that

Letterland goes further... There are 3 Fix-it Phonics levels. All levels include: 4 Letter recognition skills 4 Listening and speaking skills 4 Basic English vocabulary 4 Oral blending and segmenting 4 High frequency words. Level 1 Level 2

- focuses on Aa-Zz shapes and sounds. - revises a-z and introduces some important digraphs and trigraphs ( 2 or 3 letters representing a new sound e.g sh in shop). - introduces more important digraphs and trigraphs, building the foundations for full literacy in English. *

Letterland is fun!

© Letterland International 2009 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 ISBN: 978-1-86209-667-7 Product Code: TC50

Published by Letterland International Ltd, Leatherhead, Surrey, KT22 9AD, UK LETTERLAND® is a registered trademark of Lyn Wendon.

Originator of Letterland: Lyn Wendon

Signed: Your Letterland teacher


We feel the most important thing about learning English, and learning how to read and write, is to have fun. That’s why Fix-it Phonics is full of songs, games, actions, chants and colourful characters. We want you, and the children you teach, to enjoy it!

Written & designed by Lisa Holt

LETTERLAND® Fix-it Phonics Level 2



Level 3

has finished

The author asserts the moral right to be identified as the author of this work. All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording or otherwise, without either the prior permission of the Publisher or a licence permitting restricted copying in the United Kingdom issued by the Copyright Licensing Agency Ltd, 90 Tottenham Court Road, London W1T 4LP. This book is sold subject to the condition that it shall not by way of trade or otherwise be lent, hired out or otherwise circulated without the Publisher's prior consent.

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Contents o-e oa ow o-e, oa, ow review u-e ue oo ew u-e, ue, oo, ew review The Robot Gang ar or ar/or review Topic - Countries er ir ur er, ir, ur review

2-7 8-13 14-19 20-23 24-29 30-33 34-38 39-42 43-45 46-51 52-57 58-65 66-67 68-73 74-79 80-85 86-89

Level 2 Review ch, sh, th review a-e, ai, ay review e-e, ee, ea review i-e, ie, igh, y review o-e, oa, ow review u-e, ue, oo, ew review ar, or review er, ir, ur review Quick Dash Level 2 Review Level 2

90-91 92-93 94-95 96-97 98-99 100-101 102-103 104-106 107 108-111

Letterland characters


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Silent Magic


You know this e you cannot hear. It can make a Vowel Man appear.

h p h p n t 2

2 letters: 1 sound

n t

Look how the magic sparks shoot over one letter to make the Vowel Man appear and say his name.

ack 2



This is Mr E’s Magic e. The Silent Magic e shoots sparks over one letter to make a Vowel Man appear.

CD 3

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ack 3



Listen to the Magic e song. If you can, join in with the chorus when you listen for the second time.

CD 3

Listen to the song ! Draw your wand. Shoot every spark. Jump back one letter to land on the mark. It’s always the same. The Vowel Man says his name. Whenever the magic lands on him, the Vowel Man says his name. It’s always the same. The Vowel Man says his name.

Live spelling


Act out shooting magic sparks over one letter to make Mr O appear.

Act it out! hop - hope not - note


Shoot Magic e sparks to make Mr O appear and say his name in these words.


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Listen to the story about Silent Magic e making Mr O appear.

CD 3

Magic e makes Mr O appear. 4

2 letters: 1 sound



ack 4

Listen again to the story. This time look for the things in the picture in which Mr O has appeared to say his name.

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ack 5


Find these items in the picture. Listen for Mr O saying his name in the words.

CD 3





After you have found each one, add a sticker!

New words

When you have finished this page, do the vocabulary exercises on pages 2-7, Workbook 2, Level 2.


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Put the ‘smoke’ sticker somewhere on the map. Work with a friend to give directions to Firefighter Fred to help him put out the fire.

rope shop

joke shop

rose shop

phone shop

Go straight on. Turn lef t. Turn right. It is next to the ...

PLAY ZONE Start here 6

Pair work

Use the language above. Take turns to give directions. You could draw more smoke in other areas to continue the exercise.

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Let ’s read

Read the w o

rds. Then put a tick sticker

in the matching box.

I can see smoke on that rope!

He hopes she likes the rose.

Pair work

Work in pairs. Read the words to each other and point to the matching pictures. Read them again as fast as you can!


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Use your stickers to label the picture below. These are all words you know.

Write down one more word you can see in the picture that has an er, ir or ur sound. 86

Word families

When you have finished this page, read the story on pages 86-89.

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ack 2



Listen to the words and put a tick next to the one you hear. The first one has been done for you.

CD 4







Listen again

This exercise requires careful listening skills. Review the words from the previous pages. Then listen again, more than once if you need to.


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How d o you s pell i t? 4







Listen again

This exercise requires careful listening skills. Listen more than once if you need to.

ack 30



Listen to the words. Put a tick next to the correct spelling pattern. The first one has been done for you.

CD 4

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2. cake




3. dinner




Make words

CD 4


Join up the phonemes to make six words. Use the pictures to help you.

p f

se ur

n c sh b Word building



ack 3


Read all the words below. Then listen to the three statements and choose the correct answer.


l t d

When you have finished this page, read the story on pages 86-89 and complete the exercises.


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When Clever Cat has had a sneeze, for lunch she likes to munch on

_ _ _ _ _ _. Clever Cat and Harry Hat Man

peach cheese

Harry Hat Man likes to hop. Sammy Snake likes to

_ _ _ _.


Listen to the rhymes and choose the correct words to finish them. Write the words in the spaces.

shop k rac 3





Sammy Snake and Harry Hat Man

CD 4

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bath thunder throw three Talking Tess & Harry Hat Man


Draw lines to join the labels to the objects in the picture. The first one has been done for you.



Match the pictures to the sounds. Workbook pages 90-91.

Finished? Put a sticker here!


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Annie Apple

Golden Girl

Munching Mike

Talking Tess

Mr A


Bouncy Ben

Harry Hat Man

Noisy Nick

Uppy Umbrella

Impy Ink

Oscar Orange

Vicky Violet

Mr E

Dippy Duck

Clever Cat

Eddy Elephant

Jumping Jim

Peter Puppy

Walter Walrus

Mr I

Firefighter Fred

Kicking King

Quarrelsome Queen

Fix-it Max

Red Robot

Yellow Yo-yo Man

Mr O

Lucy Lamp Light

Sammy Snake

Zig Zag Zebra

Mr U

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About Fix-it Phonics Fix-it Phonics will help your child to make the link between a letter’s sound and shape – a method of learning to read called phonics.

Learning about digraphs & trigraphs It is recommended that children complete Level 1 before starting Level 2, however there is a summary of the a-z Letterland characters, sounds and shapes in this level. The letter sounds are very important as just by starting to say a character’s name, you will be saying the sound they make in words. You then have the tools to blend the letter sounds into simple words: ‘mmm…’ ‘a…’ ‘nnn…’ - man. Level 2 introduces some simple but incredibly powerful stories that will unlock thousands of new words. Children will learn how the a-z letters combine to make new sounds (digraphs and trigraphs). The stories in this level will unlock the following sounds/spelling patterns: ng sh th ch a-e ai ay e-e ee ea i-e ie igh -y o-e oa ow u-e ue ew oo ar or er ir ur



This is to certify that

Letterland goes further... There are 3 Fix-it Phonics levels. All levels include: 4 Letter recognition skills 4 Listening and speaking skills 4 Basic English vocabulary 4 Oral blending and segmenting 4 High frequency words. Level 1 Level 2

- focuses on Aa-Zz shapes and sounds. - revises a-z and introduces some important digraphs and trigraphs ( 2 or 3 letters representing a new sound e.g sh in shop). - introduces more important digraphs and trigraphs, building the foundations for full literacy in English. *

Letterland is fun!

© Letterland International 2009 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 ISBN: 978-1-86209-667-7 Product Code: TC50

Published by Letterland International Ltd, Leatherhead, Surrey, KT22 9AD, UK LETTERLAND® is a registered trademark of Lyn Wendon.

Originator of Letterland: Lyn Wendon

Signed: Your Letterland teacher


We feel the most important thing about learning English, and learning how to read and write, is to have fun. That’s why Fix-it Phonics is full of songs, games, actions, chants and colourful characters. We want you, and the children you teach, to enjoy it!

Written & designed by Lisa Holt

LETTERLAND® Fix-it Phonics Level 2



Level 3

has finished

The author asserts the moral right to be identified as the author of this work. All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording or otherwise, without either the prior permission of the Publisher or a licence permitting restricted copying in the United Kingdom issued by the Copyright Licensing Agency Ltd, 90 Tottenham Court Road, London W1T 4LP. This book is sold subject to the condition that it shall not by way of trade or otherwise be lent, hired out or otherwise circulated without the Publisher's prior consent.

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