Fix-it Phonics Level 3 - Workbook 2

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Workbook 2

Letterland Fix-it Phonics makes learning English fun and easy to remember. Level 3 includes: 4 Level 1 review - (Aa-Zz) sounds & shapes 4 Level 2 review - 26 digraphs 4 More new digraphs & trigraphs 4 More listening and speaking skills 4 More blending and segmenting 4 More high frequency words.

+ 2 Audio CD

Student Book 1

Workbook 1


+ 2 Audio CD Big Cards, Code Cards, Posters, Flashcards, Frieze, Software Student Book 2

Workbook 2


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Fix-it Phonics - Level 3 - Workbook 2

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Fix-it Phonics - Level 3

suffixes stories

revision topics

Code: TC64

ISBN 978-1-86209-681-3

Teacher’s Guide & Assessment

9 781862 096813 Child-friendly phonics

Learn English with Letterland

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Key to Symbols

rai n

These symbols are used to show how to approach the activities on each page. w write bo

Make the letter shape lots of times with different colours. Colour or draw the picture.

Use a pencil to complete the exercise.

Use a pencil to circle the correct answer.

This symbol shows that the child will benefit from a teacher or parent helping. There may be words or sentences that the child is not expected to read at this stage.

Handwriting Position Make sure that every child has a sharpened pencil and a set of coloured crayons. Help them to hold their pencil correctly. Left-handed


Finger tips 4cm from tip of pencil ge ed e d si

Finger tips 2cm from tip of pencil ge ed

r pe Pa 30 Table edge

m otto rb e p Pa 20 Table edge

Elbows off the table

Chair slightly tilted


© Letterland International 2009 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2


Remember, lots of praise and encouragement helps make the shared experience fun!

ISBN: 978-1-86209-681-3 Product Code: TC64

Published by Letterland International Ltd, Leatherhead, Surrey, KT22 9AD, UK LETTERLAND® is a registered trademark of Lyn Wendon. The author asserts the moral right to be identified as the author of this work. All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording or otherwise, without either the prior permission of the Publisher or a licence permitting restricted copying in the United Kingdom issued by the Copyright Licensing Agency Ltd, 90 Tottenham Court Road, London W1T 4LP. This book is sold subject to the condition that it shall not by way of trade or otherwise be lent, hired out or otherwise circulated without the Publisher's prior consent.

Written & designed by Lisa Holt & Sarah Edwards

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Find the objects that include Walter Walrus next to Harry Hat Man. Tick a box as you find each one.

whistle 2




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Draw lines from Walter Walrus and Harry Hat Man to the things that include Walter saying w! Circle the one that doesn’t.

Think of a wh word and draw it.


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Draw a line around the wh words in the grid below. They go across and down.

s w h i t e

w h e a t w

a i d w s h

r s w h y e


Can you find one more wh word in the grid? Copy it on to the lines. 4

p t o a a e

i l n l c l


f e m e o u




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Sometimes Harry gets annoyed at Walter and splashes him back with a bucket of water. Then Walter is too surprised to speak. This is why at times you will hear Harry’s ‘hhh’ sound instead.

Read these sentences. Who is talking in each one? Draw lines to join the sentence to the correct Letterlander.

I make noise! Who am I?

I fly up in the sky. Who am I?

I like to dance. Who am I?


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Write wh on the lines to complete these words.






Can you think of any more wh words? 6

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Fill in the missing words to complete the sentences. The words you need are in the yellow space below.

has a shirt?

are the car’s





Who 7

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You can write even more words now! Write the correct letters on the lines to make the words.


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Read and trace the words below. Then draw the picture.






whistle 15

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ry tim o t e search! S 1.

Look at the pictures and see if you can guess what the story is about.


Read the story together.


Search for all the wh words. Search for all the ph words.


See how much you can read!

* Don’t forget that in words like who and whose you’ll just hear Harry saying his ‘h...’ sound.




“I wonder what my friends are doing today?” said Eddy Elephant.

Eddy picked up his telephone. First, he called Clever Cat.

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“What are you doing today?” asked Eddy.

“I’m looking at photographs,” said Clever Cat. 6


Then Eddy phoned Tess. “Where are you?” he asked.

“I’m at the beach,” she said. “Why are you there?” asked Eddy.


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“I’m going whale watching,” said Tess. 9


When Eddy phoned Peter it was very noisy. 10

“I’m at the farm!” called Peter. “I’m in a wheat field!”

Next Eddy phoned Bouncy Ben. “What are you doing, Ben?”

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“I’m making a trophy for the Letterland show,” said Ben.


“Which of my friends shall I visit?” said Eddy.


Eddy Elephant packed a bag and went out. Soon he arrived at the beach. While Tess was whale watching Eddy spotted a dolphin!


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Draw lines to join the Letterlanders to the correct pictures. Then write wh or ph on the lines to complete the words.


in eat istle ale

gra 64

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Write these wh and ph words on the dotted lines.

e Breaker! R ul

Sometimes Harry gets annoyed at Walter and splashes him back with a bucket of water. Then Walter is too surprised to speak. This is why at times you will hear Harry’s ‘hhh’ sound instead. 65

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About the Family

is with his

is with .







is with


m le Re inder


The Letterlanders are with their families. Look at the pictures and complete the sentences.


is with his .



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Reading and Writing Test Read the questions and draw lines to match them to the answers. The first one has been done for you. Where is the shop?

No, it’s sunny today.

What time do you go to bed?

It’s next to the bank.

What is his job?

I like elephants and cows!

Is it raining?

At 8 o’clock.

Which animals do you like?

He is a waiter.

Complete these sentences. Use the words at the bottom to help. 1. “

, Ben. How are

2. “What’s the

, Max?” “I’ve

3. “Do you

4. “ Hello


ice cream?” “

is my No


?” “I’m




, I

?” “It’s arm


, thanks.”



the table.” bag





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Read these sentences and put them in the correct order to make a short story. Write a number in each box to show the correct order. Second, she adds more things. She adds carrots into the bowl, too.

Clever Cat is making a cake. First she puts eggs in a bowl.

Mmmm... She eats a lovely slice of carrot cake.

She stirs it. Then she cooks it.

Draw a picture of what Clever Cat has made.


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Annie Apple

Golden Girl

Munching Mike

Talking Tess

Mr A

Bouncy Ben

Harry Hat Man

Noisy Nick

Uppy Umbrella

Impy Ink

Oscar Orange

Vicky Violet

Mr E

Dippy Duck

Clever Cat

Eddy Elephant

Jumping Jim

Peter Puppy

Walter Walrus

Mr I

Firefighter Fred

Kicking King

Quarrelsome Queen

Fix-it Max

Red Robot

Yellow Yo-yo Man

Mr O

Lucy Lamp Light

Sammy Snake

Zig Zag Zebra

Mr U

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