Phonics Workbooks (1-6)

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24 pages

Contains: c, ă, ā, d, h, m, t, s, ĭ, ī, n, g, ŏ, ō, p, s (as in dogs), s (plural).

Name: TE76_text_OFCOBC.indd 1

1 03/02/2014 13:24

C c - Clever Cat 1. Trace over Clever Cat’s Ietter shapes and make her sound. 2. Write over the dotted Ietters. Then complete the Iines.

cc CC 3. CoIour the pictures that start with CIever Cat’s sound.

c 4. Write her letter by each animal that starts with her sound.

2 TE76_text_OFCOBC.indd 2

03/02/2014 13:24

A a - Annie Apple 1. Trace over Annie Apple’s Ietter shapes and make her sound. 2. Write over the dotted Ietters. Then complete the Iines.

aa AA 3. Join the pictures that start with Annie Apple’s sound to her letter.

a 4. Colour the pictures that start with her sound.

3 TE76_text_OFCOBC.indd 3

03/02/2014 13:24

Mr A, the Apron Man 1. Mr A is the Apron Man. CoIour the pictures that start with Mr A’s sound.

a Comparing long and short vowel sounds - ā and ă 1. Draw lines from Annie Apple and from Mr A to the pictures that begin with their sounds.

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03/02/2014 13:24

D d - Dippy Duck 1. Trace over Dippy Duck’s Ietter shapes and make her sound. 2. Write over the dotted Ietters. Then complete the Iines.

dd DD 3. Colour the pictures that start with her sound.

4. Join the pictures that start with Dippy Duck’s sound to her letter.

d 5 TE76_text_OFCOBC.indd 5

03/02/2014 13:24

H h - Harry Hat Man 1. Trace over Harry Hat Man’s Ietter shapes and make his sound. 2. Write over the dotted Ietters. Then complete the Iines.

hh HH 3. CoIour the pictures that start with Harry Hat Man’s sound.

h 4. Write his letter by each object that starts with his sound.

6 TE76_text_OFCOBC.indd 6

03/02/2014 13:24

24 pages

Contains: ĕ, ē, ss, ŭ, ū, k, ck, ng, sh, ch, th, th, l, f, ll, ff, b, j, all, r, qu, v.

Name: TE77_text_OBCOFC.indd 1

1 03/02/2014 13:24

E e - Eddy Elephant 1. Trace over Eddy Elephant’s Ietter shapes and make his sound. 2. Write over the dotted Ietters. Then complete the Iines.

ee EE 3. CoIour the pictures that start with Eddy Elephant’s sound.

e 4. Write his letter by each object that starts with his sound.

2 TE77_text_OBCOFC.indd 2

03/02/2014 13:24

Mr E’s sound 1. Mr E is the Easy Magic Man. Colour the pictures that start with Mr E’s sound.

e Comparing long and short vowel sounds - ē and ĕ 1. Draw lines from Eddy Elephant and from Mr E to the pictures that begin with their sounds.

3 TE77_text_OBCOFC.indd 3

03/02/2014 13:24

ss as in miss

Sammy and Sally Snake

1. Write a short vowel sound in each space to make a real word. Then join the words to the correct pictures.

h ss ssss

m ss 2. Finish writing the last word in each sentence.

It is a

He can



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Suffix s/es 1. Read the number and the word. Add suffix s or es to the end.

2 dog

4 kiss

3 mess

5 pet

4 hiss

3 hat

2. Look at these sentences and try to complete the last word. Read the sentence again.


The cat p


. 5

TE77_text_OBCOFC.indd 5

03/02/2014 13:24

U u - Uppy Umbrella 1. Trace over Uppy Umbrella’s Ietter shapes and make her sound. 2. Write over the dotted Ietters. Then complete the Iines.

uu UU 3. Colour the pictures that start with her sound.

4. Join the pictures that start with Uppy Umbrella’s sound to her letter.

u 6 TE77_text_OBCOFC.indd 6

03/02/2014 13:24

24 pages

Contains: ve, o (as in son), w, wh, x, y, z, s blends, l blends, r blends, -nt, -nk, -nd.

Name: TE78_text_OFCOBC.indd 1

03/02/2014 13:25

-ve as in have

Vase Prop e

1. Choose which words you need to fill in the spaces in the sentences below.





lots of



Can I an


2. Match the sentences to the pictures.

I have a cup. I live with mum. Give me a hug. 2 TE78_text_OFCOBC.indd 2

03/02/2014 13:25

o as in son

Oscar’s Bothersome Little Brother

1. Read the words. Listen to the vowel sounds in the middle. Join each word to Oscar Orange or his Bothersome Brother. Then colour the two Letterlanders.









2. Write in the missing words to finish the sentences to match the picture.




We have a


We have

to pick

him up. We


him. 3

TE78_text_OFCOBC.indd 3

03/02/2014 13:25

W w - Walter Walrus 1. Trace over Walter Walrus’s Ietter shapes and make his sound. 2. Write over the dotted Ietters. Then complete the Iines.

ww WW 3. CoIour the wavy lines that go to pictures starting with Walter Walrus’s sound.

w 4. Write his letter by each object that starts with his sound.

4 TE78_text_OFCOBC.indd 4

03/02/2014 13:25

Revision 1. Write over the dotted Ietters of the alphabet.

abcdefghi jklmnopqr s tuv wx y z 2. Look at the pictures and complete the words.

a e i o u

a e i o u 9

TE78_text_OFCOBC.indd 9

03/02/2014 13:25

Blending with Adjacent Consonants: s plus consonant

1. Slide Sammy Snake up to the words by tracing over the dotted lines. Write in his letter on the lines. Then read the words from left to right and match them to the pictures.

s wing top nap pill kid

10 TE78_text_OFCOBC.indd 10

03/02/2014 13:25

24 pages

Contains: y (as in my), a_e, i_e, e_e, o_e, u_e, ph, ed, y (as in baby), ai, ay, ee, ea, oa, ie, ue, ind, ild, old.

Name: TE79_text_OFCOBC.indd 1

03/02/2014 13:26

y as in my

Yellow Yo-yo Man works for Mr I

1. Write y on the lines to finish the words. Draw in a little ice cream in each y to remind yourself that Yellow Yo-yo Man is working for Mr I.

by y tr

sh fr

wh sk

dr fl

2. Read the sentences. Then colour the star next to the matching picture.

It can fly in the sky. Fred puts the fish in a pan to fry. She is trying to get dry. Why is she so shy? 2 TE79_text_OFCOBC.indd 2

03/02/2014 13:26

a_e as in make

Silent Magic e

1. Read the two words beneath each picture. Circle the word that matches the picture.



plan plane



can cane

2. Cross out the words that do not belong in the sentence.

male The mill

man has a thick . mane

3. Write a word for each picture.

3 TE79_text_OFCOBC.indd 3

03/02/2014 13:26

Silent Magic e

i_e as in like

1. Add a Silent Magic e to the end of each word, and the magic sparks to change the vowel sound. Then match the words to the pictures.

pin slid rid bit 2. Write a word to match each picture.

3. Read the sentence and complete the picture.

Add nine stripes and a fine smile. 4 TE79_text_OFCOBC.indd 4

03/02/2014 13:26

e_e, o_e, u_e as in these, home, cube 1. Read the two words beneath each picture. Circle the word that matches the picture.

rose nose

lute flute

doze drove

cub cube

rope ripe

dune tube

2. Read the sentences and write one of these words in the spaces.





The mole ran back in his Let’s


this rope to make a swing.

Can we make a stack with


pens belong to me. 5 TE79_text_OFCOBC.indd 5

03/02/2014 13:26

Revision - Split digraphs

Silent Magic e

1. Read the words in the box. Write them in the spaces where they belong matching the vowel sounds.

drive these those chase home date complete gave tune

line delete stone

June tube quite athlete





2. Write a word for each picture below. Then find a rhyming word and write it underneath.

nine lake

snake flute complete fine

Pete nose

rose cute


6 TE79_text_OFCOBC.indd 6

03/02/2014 13:26

24 pages

Contains: ar, or, ir, ur, er, ow (as in show), kn, igh, oo (as in moon).

Name: TF89_text_OFCOBC.indd 1

03/02/2014 13:27

Arthur Ar, the apple stealer

ar as in farm

1. It can be hard to spot Arthur Ar! Colour him in. Then write ar on the lines. Read the words and match them to the pictures.

bar n st s sh k c sc


2. Put these puzzle pieces together to make three longer words.







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03/02/2014 13:27

3. Be a Word Detective and catch Arthur Ar stealing apples. Read the story. Then draw a magnifying glass around every ar. There are fourteen to find.

It is dark and

in the barn?

Arthur Ar

He trips on his

cannot find his

scarf. A dog

radar car. Is it

barks and the

in the farmyard?

alarm on his

Did he park it

car starts!

4. Write over the word that makes sense in the sentences below.

1. My dog likes to

bark at cars. lark

shark 2. When it gets we can see Mars. dark harp 3. Spring starts in the month of March . 4. Stepping on plants may

hard them. harm 3

TF89_text_OFCOBC.indd 3

03/02/2014 13:27

Orvil Or, the orange stealer

or as in for

1. Colour in Orvil Or. Then write or on the lines. Read the words and match them to the pictures.

f or k st m sh t s n




2. Read each sentence. Look at the four other words and see if you can substitute one or two words to make a new sentence.

She has fish on a fork. corn for stork Friday Example:

He has fish for a stork.

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3. Even with a Magic e on the end Orvil Or still says his last name. Add ore to these words and match them to the pictures.

sc ore sn sh s 4. Be a Word Detective and catch Orvil Or stealing oranges. Read the story. Then draw a magnifying glass around every or. There are fourteen to find.

Orvil Or is on

He must get to

his boat this

the shore but his

morning with

short arms feel

corn for his horse.

sore. Will Orvil

A storm from the

Or make it to a

north is coming.

safe port, or not? 5

TF89_text_OFCOBC.indd 5

03/02/2014 13:27

Revision - ar, or 1. Listen for a robot saying his last name in these words. Write the correct pair of letters in the spaces: ar or or.












2. Write the words in the boxes under the words that rhyme. Then read the rhyming lists to a friend.

smart yard jar bark start far shark hard cart park star part smart




6 TF89_text_OFCOBC.indd 6

03/02/2014 13:27

24 pages

Contains: oo (as in book), u (as in put), aw, au, ew, ou, ow (as in how), oi, oy, air, ear.

Name: TF90_text_OFCOBC.indd 1

03/02/2014 13:28

The Boot and Foot Twins

oo as in book

1. Link oo to the words that contain their sound. Write the words in the spaces. Cross out the other pictures.


2. Read the sentences and write one of these words in the spaces.

took looks Hood cooked shook The girl

a cake from the tray.

The food is cold and not


The man shivered and He

like Robin

. .

2 TF90_text_OFCOBC.indd 2

03/02/2014 13:28

3. Put these puzzle pieces together to make three longer words to write on the lines below the pictures.

foot cook



book stood

4. Fill in the missing words to complete the sentence.

Five, good on a

en bookshelf.

5. Match the sounds of oo with the Boot or Foot Twin. Write the words in the spaces.

food cook soon good took smooth zoo wood

Boot Twin

Foot Twin

3 TF90_text_OFCOBC.indd 3

03/02/2014 13:28

u as in put

Upside Down Umbrella

1. Write the word for each picture. Then write the word that rhymes below each one.





2. Read the sentences and write one of these words in the spaces.






The farmer told us that the barn was

so we had to




it in

in the snow.

a shed. 4 TF90_text_OFCOBC.indd 4

03/02/2014 13:28

3. Read the sentences. Then colour the star next to the matching picture.

The cup is full. Is that bird in the bush a cuckoo? The butcher shop is open. He likes pudding! 4. Look at the picture and fill in the spaces with the correct word. Then read the sentence out loud.

Ben Peter

on Peter.

pulled pushed

on Clever Cat.

Clever Cat on a carrot. 5 TF90_text_OFCOBC.indd 5

03/02/2014 13:28

Annie Apple and Walter Walrus

aw, au as in saw, cause

1. Colour in Annie Apple and Walter Walrus. Then write aw on the lines. Read the words and match them to the pictures.

dr s p

2. Read the two words beneath each picture. Circle the word that matches the picture.

straw stove hawk hawl lawn yawn

jigsaw saw

jar jaw

door dawn

6 TF90_text_OFCOBC.indd 6

03/02/2014 13:28

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