Workbooks 1-4

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T55_OBCOFC_LL Workbook 1 08/11/2011 14:49 Page 2

24 pages

Contains: c, a, d, h, m, t, s.


T55_text_LL Workbook 1 09/11/2011 11:56 Page 2

CoIour the pictures that start with CIever Cat’s sound.

c Trace over Clever Cat’s Ietter with your finger.

Write over these Ietters. Then finish the Iine.

c c 2

Saying Clever Cat’s sound and writing her letter

T55_text_LL Workbook 1 09/11/2011 11:56 Page 3

CoIour CIever Cat’s Ietters in the picture. Then picture code her Ietters in the words.


cats at a picnic FiII in the missing letter in each word.




Make the cat grey. Make the cameI yeIIow. Make the cow brown. Clever Cat’s sound in words


T55_text_LL Workbook 1 09/11/2011 11:57 Page 18

Do you remember?

Make CIever Cat’s pictures yeIIow. Make Annie AppIe’s pictures green. Make Dippy Duck’s pictures red.


_ _


_ _ Write the correct Ietters in the boxes.


Revising initial letter sounds: c, a˘ and d

T55_text_LL Workbook 1 09/11/2011 11:57 Page 19

Do you remember?

Make Harry Hat Man’s pictures green. Make Munching Mike’s picture brown. Make TaIking Tess’s picture red. Make Sammy Snake’s pictures yeIIow.


_ _




Write the correct Ietters in the boxes. Revising initial letter sounds: h, m, t and s


T56_OBCOFC_LL Workbook 1 08/11/2011 14:50 Page 2

24 pages

Contains: i, n, g, o, p.


T56_text_LL Workbook 2 09/11/2011 11:59 Page 2

CoIour the pictures that start with Impy Ink’s sound.

i Trace over Impy Ink’s Ietter with your finger.

Write over these Ietters. Then finish the Iine.

i i 2

Saying Impy Ink’s sound and writing his letter

T56_text_LL Workbook 2 09/11/2011 11:59 Page 3

Colour Impy Ink’s Ietters in the picture. Picture code his Ietters in the words.


six in sects in the ink FiII in the missing Ietters in these words.




_nk i

_ll s






CoIour the pictures that start with Impy Ink’s sound. Impy Ink’s sound in words


T56_text_LL Workbook 2 09/11/2011 12:00 Page 4

Make some words starting with Impy Ink’s sound.








FiII in Impy Ink’s Ietter in these words. Then read the sentences.

Is the _nsect _n the t_n?

Yes, _t _s. 4

No, _t _s not. Word building with Impy Ink

T56_text_LL Workbook 2 09/11/2011 12:01 Page 21

o FiII in the missing Ietters in these words. Join each word to its picture.

_ ce cream

h _ ll h _ nd

_ corn

y_ - y_

_ nsect

l _ gs Now write the words. Picture code a or ⁄ ,

- i,- o˘ i,˘ o˘ and a, Revising a,

i or ‹, o or ›.


T57_OBCOFC_LL Workbook 1 08/11/2011 14:51 Page 2

24 pages

Contains: e, u, k, l, f, b, j.


T57_text_LL Workbook 3 09/11/2011 12:02 Page 2

CoIour the pictures that start with Eddy EIephant’s sound.

e Trace over Eddy EIephant’s Ietter with your finger.

Write over these Ietters. Then finish the Iine.

e e 2

Saying Eddy Elephant’s sound and writing his letter

T57_text_LL Workbook 3 09/11/2011 12:02 Page 3

CoIour Eddy EIephant’s Ietters in the picture. Picture code his Ietters in the words.


Eddy ha s lots of eggs. FiII in the missing Ietters in these words.




_gg e

_ing k






CoIour the pictures that start with Eddy EIephant’s sound. Eddy Elephant’s sound in words


T57_text_LL Workbook 3 09/11/2011 12:02 Page 20

Do you remember?

Make Eddy EIephant’s pictures red. Make Uppy UmbreIIa’s picture yeIIow. Make Kicking King’s pictures bIue. Make Lucy Lamp Light’s pictures orange.

_ _ k




_ _ Write the correct Ietters in the boxes.


˘ k and l Revising initial letter sounds: e,˘ u,

T57_text_LL Workbook 3 09/11/2011 12:02 Page 21

Do you remember?

Make Firefighter Fred’s pictures pink. Make Bouncing Ben’s pictures bIue. Make Jumping Jim’s pictures brown.

_ _ b


_ _



Write the correct Ietters in the boxes. Revising letter sounds: f, b and j


T58_OBCOFC_LL Workbook 1 08/11/2011 14:52 Page 2

24 pages

Contains: r, q, v, w, x, y, z.


T58_text_LL Workbook 4 09/11/2011 12:03 Page 2

CoIour the pictures that start with Red Robot’s sound.

r Trace over Red Robot’s Ietter with your finger.

Write over these Ietters. Then finish the Iine.

r r 2

Saying Red Robot’s sound and writing his letter

T58_text_LL Workbook 4 09/11/2011 12:03 Page 3

CoIour Red Robot’s Ietters in the picture. Picture code his Ietters in the words.


thi s robot can run FiII in the missing Ietters in these words. qu



_ ing qu

_ ug r

_ ope




_ een

CoIour the pictures that start with Red Robot’s sound. Red Robot’s sound in words


T58_text_LL Workbook 4 09/11/2011 12:03 Page 16

Do you remember?

Make Red Robot’s pictures red. Make QuarreIsome Queen’s picture turquoise. Make Vicky VioIet’s pictures violet. Make WaIter WaIrus’s pictures bIue.

_ _ r _ _ _ _


Write the correct Ietters in the boxes. 16

Revising initial letter sounds: r, q, v and w

T58_text_LL Workbook 4 09/11/2011 12:04 Page 19

Write out each sentence and picture code the voweIs.

a or ⁄, e or ¤, i or ‹, o or ›, u or fi T ⁄ke the apples aw ⁄y, Mr


T Mr


will b ¤ next to m ¤.


did arr‹ve on t ‹me.

M Mr

M Mr



has an ›ld c ›at.

M Mr û has buttons on his finiform.


Revising a,- e,- i, o,- u- and a,˘ e,˘ i,˘ o,˘ u˘


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