Level 6 Portfolio 2015

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level 6 portfolio 2015 architecture | university of dundee


Level 6 Portfolio 2013

Year One

Year Two

The Level 6 Portfolio is an annual pamphletStyle publication that provides a snapshot of work undertaken this year at the Architecture Department, University of Dundee. It compiles a selection of studio and written work from all years and is published for Degree Show. Edited, composed and produced by students, this is the eight in a series.

Rasita Artemjeva Sarah Mckenzie Karina Armanda Callum McLean Mahlon Asante-Yeboah Chloe Murphy Alistair Battles Gabija Narauskaite Ross Boyter Hannah Nathan Robyn Bradley Callum O’Connor Jack Buchan Elizabeth Olulode Jordan Burne Jacqueline Owusu Alexander Burns Michael Polatajko David Burns Nur Rahmat Mohd Eilsih Camplisson Leo Rani Chan Zi Wa (Michele) Kariz Reyes Alren Liam Cox Ronan Ritchie Sophie Curran Sophia Robson Graeme Deacon Rowe Samuel Daniel Duncan Amy Schofied Cameron Duncan-Cox Aidan Scott Anastasia Efimenkova Sarah Shannon Julie Evans ZiWei Song Fang Kun (Echo) Kyriaki Stathopoulou Grace Gordon Chrissie Taggart Nikolaos Gravos Agnes Taye Anna Grenestedt Marion Tinney Alice Hargest Adrian Tomaszewski Aqsa Hasware Lauris Virtigs Samuel Ho Jodie Walker Maizatul Hussain Wang Yuanjun (Fiona) Andria Loannidi Kirsty Watt Stephen Japp Martina White Haziq Kadir Muhanned Jack Wright Magnus Kermack Yicong Xu Natalia Kowalska Cheyenne Laviniere Mohammed Lawal Miisa Lehtinen Scott Livingstone Chris MacInnes Alex Malmen Lefterow Taylor Mcarthur Caragh McCallum Deni McElroy Eve McIvor

Robert Birtles Ben Black Georgia Burghart-Scriven Cameron Burns Dino Cambanos Georgios Chatzikomnou Yuxuan Chen Euan Christie Ross Cochrane Ahmed Deeni Jack Dempster Paola Denton Gregory Dommett Sarra El Wahed Elliot Misako Tom Fairley Euan Fleming Rebecca Foy Harry Graham Cathrynn Healy Laura Hebdon Tokini Kent Kaapo Komulainen Adam Lancaster-Bartle Wendy Lau Remus Chun Yin Leung Maja Maliszewska Francesca Meakins Hope Murphy George Ogilvie Ed O’Neill Alexander Paluch Katarina Partikova Rieya Patel Ummi Rahman Razny Charline Tristan Rebaejis Bethany Sinclair Iona Sorbie Dinos Tsarmaklis Erika Varha Marina Vardopoulou Bowen Wang Callum Weir Shuting Wu Yan Junyuan

Thanks to all those who submitted work and again, to Lee Wishart at the DPM Unit. Cover image: Level 6 Editorial Team Editorial Aleksandra Belitskaja David Byrne Euan Fleming Eimear Henry Andrew Hopper Mark Johnston Remus Leung Ed O’Neill Shaun McCallum Matt McCallum Georgette McKinlay

le ve l 6 p or tfolio. tumbl r. com


In Search of Meaning Hand drawing


Luca Marulli, Maragarita Sonfroniou Y3

Experimental Space for an Artist Model & Photoshop


Rasita Artemjeva, Y1

Constructing Atmosphere Physical model


Morgan Merrett, Y5

Propelling Monument Mixed media


Stephen O’ Loughlin, Y4

The Physical Representation of Transposed Space Physical model


Ed Fisher, Y5

Social Condenser Georgette McKinlay Y5

“Programmatic layering upon vacant terrain to encourage dynamic coexistence of activities and to generate through their interference, unprecedented events.” (Koolhaas) In the capitalist global city, a constant cycle of infinite creation and consumption allows for design, building, and urbanisation to take place at extraordinary speed and scale. Modern urbanity encompasses a fusion of public and private space, with very few boundaries, limits and disruptions and any legitimate architectural form is often swallowed within the sea of urbanisation, a generic habitat of absolute individualism. Surrounding Eduardo Souta de Moura’s Burgo Tower, midway along the Avenida da Boavista in Porto, is a sea of broken, illegible, uneasy and unstable city fabric. Separated by residual spaces and tied together by infrastructure, the area is a result of 19th Century neoliberal urbanization. The Developer City. A leaky urban void of highly charged nothingness bridges the Boavista as the debris of this pluralistic society: Leftoverland. This proposal is an intense stoppage on the Avenida da Boavista, a response to the thinning and sporadic nature of the contemporary capitalist metropolis. The Megaroom offers Porto a new public space, a void for unprecedented events and layered program. Commander of the room is a 700m long wall containing housing and common facilities for 1600 inhabitants. To paraphrase Le Corbusier, it is an ‘Immeuble Cité’ (City-Building) that includes many of the logistical, communal and infrastructural components of a city. Through its unprecedented size and simple monumentality, limits and oppositions are set against the sea of urbanisation. Saluting Superstudio’s Continuous Monument and Rem Koolhaas’ Exodus, colonising forms that responded to the capitalist city, it is a stabilising, condensing device in a world of systems, flows, uneasiness and instability. The social condenser, a definition that arguably distinguishes the city from the suburbs, is reactivated. Through the juxtaposition of different programmes within one building, there is the opportunity to generate and intensify forms of interaction. Such as in Utopian Socialist thinker Charles Fourier’s hedonistic Phalanx society, it is an opportunistic structure that emancipates and accelerates, condensing opposing programmes in order to create new and spontaneous events. Reshuffling the world like a pack of cards; intensifying and provoking a new culture of congestion.



Conceptual Treehouse Hand drawing


Euan Fleming, Y2

Vertical Charrette Physical model & Photoshop

Francisco Jose Rodriguez Barrientos, Hugh Ebdy, Conor English, Henry Forbes & Matt McCallum Y3 11

Experiments in Material Timber Detail


Robbie Miller, Y4

Police Box Exploded Axonometric Mixed media


Mark Johnston, Y5

Facade Study Mixed media


Andrew Hopper, Y3

“Resist anyone who asks you to design only the visible part� Lebbeus Woods Hand drawing


Aleksandra Belitskaja, Y3

Thought Process Hand drawing


Louisa Schmolke, Y3

Biomorphic Form Timber block model


Joseph Treherne , Y5

Honky Tonk as Architecture Mixed media


Amy Sleight, Y5

Stone Wall and the Reader Physical model

Francisco Jose Rodriguez Barrientos, Ivan Dikov, Damian Jakubek & Florin Tanu Y3 19

Teatro de Rua Jessica Little Y5

“Theatre demonstrates architecture, playing on exactly the issues of interpersonal relationships in space that architects engage most pointedly in designing buildings for public space and urban life. Through theatre, a designer may explore physical and social space in real time, at a real scale, and with real people” (Read) The two essential elements of any type of performance are a performer and an audience. These can exist in a whole manner of different formats, the performance could be that of music, dance, a piece of art, but in order for a particular moment to exist as a performance there must be the presence of an observer. Architecture is often concerned with the control and augmentation of the relationship between watchers and watched. The place in which it most consciously does so is within the theatre auditorium. Fundamentally however, the idea of the theatre building as public space can be problematic in its contemporary construct. By returning the theatre experience to its ritualistic routes of outdoor activity and public gathering, the accessibility is opened up and the hierarchical nature that some theatre buildings have been known to adopt in post 18th century models is broken down. Taking Porto as a setting, the dichotomy of the watcher and the watched being simultaneously held together but somehow kept apart seems a prevalent presence in the streets of the historic centre. Porto readily exhibits theatrical qualities, the illusionary propped building facades, extreme topography and layers of balcony surveillance give the city a dramatic presence. This project sets up a framework for the re-appropriation of theatrical space through Porto’s culture of street performance, creating a setting for dramatic performance that references Portugal’s festival tradition. In order to define and create a sequence of theatrical spaces, examining different interactions between performer and audience, a series of Samuel Beckett plays were selected as the initial programme. The plays of Samuel Beckett offer a tableaux of social interaction and create spectacle from the quintessential nature of humanity. Each play was selected due to exhibiting a different relationship between the space of the performer and the space of the audience. They define a typological series of performer-audience divides. In this study, the spaces designed to house the performances are positioned in an outdoor or partially external environment along a processionary route from Sé do Porto down to Rua Mouzinho da Silveira. The designed spaces must now negotiate between the urban street setting and the setting of the performance, between the mediated space of performer and audience and the unmediated space of city setting and incidental observer.


Noises, activities, people and architecture outside of the scripted action are, in places, allowed to permeate into the space of the performance. As Peter Brook tells us of unorthodox theatre locations there is a great “value of chance factors in an uncontrolled environment” and, by allowing the city environment to permeate the performance space, the audience is “capable of using their imagination to join things together… it is unnecessary to provide a complete image”. Similarly, the Beckett performances are enriched by their new, somewhat alien setting. Although the scripts themselves are obviously not site specific to Porto, the embedded performance spaces allow them to create a dialogue with the city and its life.


Favelopolis: The Voices of Porto Mixed media


Charli Thomson, Y5

Sequence through voids Mixed media


Henry Forbes, Y3

The Collective One Mixed media


Ross Aitken, Y5

St. Andrews Mixed media


Shaun McCallum, Y3

Cook School Physical model


Natalia Manilow, Y1

Student Bedroom Interior Mixed media


Matt McCallum, Y3

Semper’s Cathedral Mixed media collage


David Byrne, Y5

Let’s be Frank Mixed media


Conor English, Y3

Spatial Studies Hand drawing


Maja Maliszewska, Y2

Carving Space Physical model


Fraser Docherty, Ally Thomson & Mark White Y3


The Realist and the Idealist Hand drawing


Hugh Ebdy ,Y3

Tube Cathedral Physical model


Bowen Niu, Y5

Stone Sculptor’s Studio Hand drawing


Michael Polatajko, Y1

Internal Courtyard Mixed media


Cara Brunton, Y5

A Hybrid of Fragments Mixed media


Eimear Henry, Y5

15 Egelantiersgracht, Amsterdam Hand drawing


Jack Dempster, Y2

Learning from the Existing Physical model


Anastasija Lukjanenko, Y5

Imagining the Nolli City: Visionary architecture and the Avant-garde James Basey Y5

Cast out by the developer, whose interests are to maximise the efficiency of generating capital, this research thesis imagines what would happen if fragments of Nolli were to return to disturb the contemporary developer city. By re-densifying the city, the research aims to expose the city’s formal and spatial structure and re-articulate the relationship between architecture, the city and the room. As an example of imagination as research, the project formally explores the floating Nolli paradox primarily through models and employs the approaches of the architectural avant-garde to confront the very aspects of the city that the avant-garde were blamed for. The site selected for this intervention is Avenida da Boavista. An avenue that represents the evident failure and lack of possibilities caused by modern planning, it exists as an isolated avenue, employed mostly by vehicles and avoided by pedestrians. Through a critique of postwar architecture and urbanism, and the visionary pre-war foundations that preceded them, this research examines the big thinking ideas of the quintessential avant-garde architect Le Corbusier and subsequent visionaries to follow, from Archigram in London and the radicals in Italy, up to the present day revolt against the modern establishment.




Trace: A Fabricated Memory Plaster model


Kaleena Hargreaves Y5

Leith Public Library Mixed media


Keri Monaghan, Y4

Emmanuel College Cambridge Measured drawing


Alina Enache, Conor English & Alexandre Ronse Y3

Library as Artefact Mixed media collage


Stephanie Else, Y5

Storm Hand drawing


Asya Ivanova, Y5

London Physical model


Shawn Leishman & Stephen Sampson, Y4

Cheap Space Mixed media


Emmalouise Marjory McGuigan, Y5

Edinburgh Old Town Wood block print


Chris Berridge, Y4

Exquisite Corpse Physical model


Material + Form unit, Y5

Year Three

Year Four

Year Five

William Au-Yeung Aleksandra Belitskaja Alice Boetker Shimali Burah Filipe Cardoso Maria Luiza De Oliviera Elizabeth De Souza Ivan Dickov Iva Dickova Fraser Docherty Tais Serres Dos Santos Hugh Ebdy Alina Enache Conor English Laura Farquhar Henry Forbes Sarah Gibb Kirsten Gollifer Lise Hemard Andrew Hopper Louise Hyde Damien Jakubek Kiril Kirilov Anastasia Konstantinidi Jade Lau Ewan Lauchland Lee Tak Yin Matthew McCallum Shaun McCallum Jennifer McDougall Callum McGregor Lauren McIntyre Luca Marulli Emily Madden Ana Marques Melissa Maguti Velislava Mincheva Scott Morrison Katarina Murajdova Nia Noteva Stephen O’Boyle Roman Paunov Gregor Paxford Nathalia Pinheiro Francisco Barrientos Ronse De Craene Alexandre Calum Ross Louisa Schmolke Atousa Shiran Anastasia Sirokova Margarita Sofroniou Lili Song Florin Tanu Alastair Thomson Gavin Tong Mark White Theo Woodland-Hill Zhang Ce

Kawther Al-Khairulla Robbie Miller Chris Berrridge Ilinaz Mior Cameron Brown Keri Monaghan Gillian Brown Stephen O’Loughlin Betty Buckman Tolani Onajide Christopher Caird Yang Pan Yang Karvind Chohan Surbahon Rajkumar Alvin Choo Grace Rome Anna Davila Lisa Rubython Siobhan Dyson Martin Rusev Melvin Ezenwa Stephen Sampson Matthew Fleming Ren Saw Yong Min Gao Rui Eliza Serban Peter Garrett Munnoch Nicolas Shepherd Andrei Georgescu Hanna Steplewska Yunbo Guo Elspeth Tayler Dara Herr Yu Tian Ya Hu David Urquhart Ainslie Innes Rui Wang Laura Ironside Suyang Xiao George Kitson Jingwen Xiong Bikem Korkuter Yilan Yue Charandeep Kundi Yi Zhou Henry Kwan Shawn Leishman Bowen Lou Fergus Low Jamie McCann Devon McCrea Deborah Martin Samuel Micklefield

Ross Aitken James Basey Ciaran Bennett Avril Bennie Sunita Bhawal Rory Brogan Edmund Browne Cara Brunton David Byrne John Chiara Jessica Coxon Christina Daisie Stephanie Else Edward Fisher Tian Yi Geng Bing Guo Kaleena Hargreaves Eimear Henry Zhichao Hou Asya Ivanova Wenzhao Jia Mark Johnston Nathan Kenyon Padraic Larkin Fanran Li Peixin Li Jessica Little Anastasija Lukjanenko Xuan Luo Emma McGuigan Aimee MacKenzie Georgette McKinlay Andy Marriott Stuart Maughan John Melling Morgan Merrett Jemma Miller Bowen Niu Farid Bin Sabri Chenglei Sheng Elli Skourogianni Amy Sleight Katy Snodgrass Aleksandra Sokolova Mark Stewart Charli Thomson Sinead Todd Joseph Treherne Yiging Yang Xinyu Yi Guoqing Zhang



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