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Perspective a project that attempts to encourage/ influence people to explore public spaces.

Lewis Arnold Son

Starting the project.

To start final major project, I needed to come up with a theme, a topic, or simply a word. To me, making my own brief was challenging normally I would receive a brief, and it would already contain specifics. To make things easier on myself, I looked through my old projects, and I picked our areas that I have not explored into. To make final major project challenging, I wanted to chose a theme that I was unfamiliar with; so that hopefully I can learn something from this. I also thought to mind map my theme ideas, so that I can make a final call on what direction to go into.



Space: a continuous area or expanse which is free, available, or unoccupied. an interval of time (often used to suggest that the time is short considering what has happened or been achieved in it).


Exploring Space.


I chose Space as my word/ theme of exploration. Space can vary from open space to closed space; how space can influence emotions as well as decisions. It might be worth looking into the contents of space (objects, forms, installations) Big open space can be overwhelming, and small spaces can make you feel claustrophobic. Space can influence decision making, which can be used as a form of way finding. Space is important to us because it enables us to be active.

To explore my chosen theme, I thought to take a journey into the town area of Bournemouth, how public spaces are utlised to fit certain purposes. I stopped off near the Bournemouth pier to take images near the sea; then progress into the town area. At the time on which the photographs were taken, it was January, Winter. Towards the pier contained huge amounts of space, which I thought was interesting. In the summer, more people would fit the space, however because this was winter, there was all this space, but no one filling it. This occurred to me that not all space is adjustable. The town area was obviously more popular, and contained a reasonably large area. However, the bus station was the most populated area. The pavements towards this area are slim, and you have these towering double decker buses passing through.















Visual Research

After taking images of my journey through Bournemouth town, I thought it was interesting that the only source of typography within space is wayfinding/ signage. I thought to come up with some visual research to emphasise on typography as a source. From my visual research I noticed that typography can be used as a visual wayfinder. Scale, colour, shape, form, lighting, and perspective are several techniques that can be considered when designing typographic navigation. pages 24 - 27 are D&AD professional winners on wayfinding/ signage












To gather more inspiration, I thought to take a look into Pentagram’s design archives. Pentagram work on a variety of projects, so I thought to filter out the projects that related to the theme of space/ signage/ way finding. As I went through the archives I noticed something very interesting, it was an advertisement that informed audiences about an independent store. The poster was attached to the front of a Sainsbury’s, and it noticed audiences about their location – which in fact was right behind the Sainsbury’s. It occurred to me that this poster acted as a way finder for small independent shop.

Relating this back to my initial research of walking round Bournemouth town, I noticed that there was massive signage for popular high-street retailers (Debenhams, Beals, MacDonald’s, KFC); even the most popular shops would be on the signs. But for small independent retailers, you would have to either stumble across it, or look up its precise location on the internet. By looking through the Pentagram archives, its prompted me to focus on way finding for small independent retailers, that aren’t on the main high-street, that don’t have the finance for popular town navigation.





how can wayfinding benifit small independant retailers? what if high street retailers/ supermarkets informed audiences about nearby independant businesses.




Motion Menswear, an independant retailer

I thought to gather some more research, to be specific, gaining insight on the perspective of a small independent retailer. My journey took me back to my hometown, Camberley, Surrey, were my Dad, Arnie, works at an independent designer menswear retailer store called ‘Motion Menswear’. Unfortunately, ‘Motion’ is not doing so well, according to Arnie, business is rather slow. He says that if they were placed in the high-street, then obviously there would be more

sales made. ‘Motion’ off the highstreet, right at the end, surrounded by charity shops, it means that the average person that comes into town, will have no idea where ‘Motion’ is, and that there is no need to walk near this area, because all the popular retailers are at the high-street. Arnie claims that if there was more of a popular reason to come down this area, it would mean more people would walk around the space. The designer menswear retailer is on google maps, however basic signage is not in their favour.



I think wayfinding is important, because we’re tucked away, not on the highstreet. People don’t know where here.





[assumption] When going to town you have an idea on what shops to go to.

What if I encouraged wondering round public space? Would this benifit small independant businesses?

One problem is that traditional wayfinding/ signage only benifits popular highstreet retailers.



How can I increase peoples perspective through public space?

[assumption] People in public space want to get from A - B no faff. Why would people want to take the longer route in public space?

What if I showed a slight glimpse of the streets off the highstreet?


design ideas.


I needed to come up with some

They plan out their journey, from A

ideas, I discovered a few problems

to B; to Primark to get some socks,

since gaining insight and conduct-

and then to HMV to pick up a CD.

ing research. In large town areas,

But what if I encouraged explora-

such as Bournemouth, there are

tion, what if I showed these people

multiple areas where as a consum-

a different perspective of the area;

er, can be overwhelming, with the

would they feel more inclined to ex-

large amount of space.

plore those areas that they are not so familiar with. When I was thinking

One area in particular is Bourne-

this through, the word perspective

mouth square, there are at least

was something that I took great in-

4 – 5 directions on which I can

terest into. This would even relate to

travel up to, to further the ‘shopping

tourists as well as people that know

experience’. If it were someone

the area well. By showing a glimpse

knew to Bournemouth, I’m making

of what is in that area, people may

the assumption that they would

feel inclined to pick out shops from

recognise the areas of popular high

a stationary position.

street retailers, and travel in that direction. I could encourage wondering in public spaces, this would relate more tourists, however what about those audiences that know the area well. When those regulars come to Bournemouth they don’t want to take a diversion.



What if I showed people the power of Google Maps?

Another idea was looking into the power of smart technology. Google Maps is a great application that gives you information on bus routes, bus times, walking distance, shop opening and closing times, and traffic evaluations. I use Google maps all the time, I guess back in the day you would get out an A – Z, ask people for

What if emoji’s were used as navigators.

directions, or rely on tradition signage and way finding. I thought of this idea of showing people the power of Google Maps, because it is a great tool, but I guess that if people rely on Wi-Fi, then there are unable to access that data. I also thought of perhaps integrating

What if wayfinding was transfered over to Facebook?

navigation into Facebook, making it easily accessible and convenient. Taking this further I thought of Emoji’s; I thought that symbols are used in tradition way finding and navigation within public spaces. So I thought of taking this concept digitally, the concept of taking an emoji and how that can become a navigator.



What if I showed people a different perspective of their surroundings? Would people be interested to explore?


I thought of the blind spot mirrors for cars, effectively the blind spot mirror reveals a blind spot, an area on which you didn’t see before. What if this same technique was used in public space. 52

To show a different perspective I thought of mirrors, and how they can be altered and adjusted to show a completely different surrounding. I thought of the blind spot mirrors for cars, effectively the blind spot mirror reveals a blind spot, an area on which you didn’t notice before. What if this was in public space? People that know the area well don’t want to waste time walking down areas that they’ve already been to, but what if I can reveal something new to them. With these ideas I thought of how I can show off this kind of perspective. I would need to conduct some experiments to figure it out.






What if people interacted with their own perspective?



To show a different perspective I thought of how people can interact with their own perspectives. I imagined this installation piece where a user can rotate this orb of some sort on all angles (diagonally, horizontally, and vertically). And that inside this orb contained a smaller shape, that can again be rotated. By spinning these shapes simultaneously, it would show multiple perspectives.



Jeppe Hein.

I discovered Jeppe Hein after my ideas about mirror installations. I’ve been really inspired to create something similar for more public space usage. Visually stunning, Hein’s installations create multiple angles of perspective. These installations also act as a piece of art, that people seem to appreciate.

Problem people take the same familiar route to and around public spaces, and wont feel inclined to take chances.

small independant busineses lack basic navigation systems.



Solution encourage exploring in public space by revealing a different perspective/ revealling an area (space) which may be hidden.




So now I have a clear problem and a solution, the question is how I am going to create the solution. I thought of mirrors as an abstract material that will enable me to present a different perspective. The good thing about mirrors is that they can be altered and changed, depending on the density of the reflection. Another good thing about mirrors is that you can create multiple perspectives. To show this I thought to create an experiment; I went on Gumtree and got myself a free 7ft by 3ft mirror. I then thought to smash it up, to reveal the quantity of perspectives. For health and safety reasons I thought to wrap the mirror in a bin liner bag, to prevent small shards of glass being spilt.











The clear glass presents multiple perspectives, however the glass is dangerous.



Enabling me to play with the shape and form of an object.

further experimentation.

I discovered a mirror roll. This is more of a hands on material then the shards of glass.

The experiment of the glass was successful however I would not be able to manually form perspectives as I might harm myself. I thought to experiment further with this mirror roll. Its adhesive enables me to stick the mirror onto any surface. I created a basic cube with this mirror reflection, however the roll is not as clear as glass. In terms of putting this into a public space, it needs to be safe, so from now on I will be working with this roll.
















If I were to take this further, and to be given more time, I would work more with this roll, and attempt to make it more reflective. I would also attempt to create some sort of mechanism, which would enable users to interact with the installations further. I would gain user feedback and then I would iterate the installation. I would also use this opportunity to gather data, with this installation in current use in public space, and record users engaging with it. If I had more time I would experiment further with additional materials, to enhance the perspective. I really enjoyed capturing this project, as I feel that documenting it in my kind of style make it my own. I feel that final major project has really tested me, as I found it very challenging. I would never have thought that I would be working with perspectives, but I guess that’s normal in the design process, you never really know what you are going to produce. Again if I had more time, I would have liked to further experiment with other tools, besides mirrors and reflections, but CCTV, digital outcomes, and possible lighting (florescent).



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