April 2023 Community Newsletter | JBLM

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Community Reminders

Month of the Military Child

With the goal of highlighting the sacrifices and resilience of military children, former Defense Secretary Caspar Weinberger, established April as “Month of the Military Child” in 1986 The strength, adaptability, resourcefulness and perseverance of the military child is inspiring Each year the DOD, national, state, and local government agencies along with schools, military affiliated companies and private companies join together in CELEBRATING our military children, and the importance of the role they play in freedom.

From all of us at Liberty Military Housing, we celebrate and say thank you to all our military kids who live in our housing!

A visible way to show support to military youth is to wear purple. Purple represents that all branches of the military are supported; Air Force blue, Army green, Navy blue, Marine red, and Coast Guard blue, all collaborate to combine together as a single color, purple “Purple Up!” For Military Kids!

Military Children by the Numbers

There are currently 1.6 million children of active and reserve duty members worldwide. These children face many challenges and unique experiences as a result of their parents’ service. A typical military child can move six to nine times from kindergarten through high school graduation. Military families move on average every two to three years, impacting them through changing school and support networks

PAGE 1 Community Newsletter
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Page 2 Page 3 Page 4 Window Safety Week Resident Events

How Can We Help?

Do you have a needed repair, a suggestion, or a concern? LMH is committed to enriching the lives of military families through providing homes and vibrant communities Your feedback is an important piece in helping us accomplish this goal, and we want to ensure we provide you with an avenue to initially address your needed repair, suggestion, or concern and the process to escalate it, should that be necessary Below is an outline of our easy Three-Step process for concerns and opportunities for feedback









LewisWest:253-912-3493 LewisWest@LiveLMHcom

McChord:253-589-0523 Mcchord@LiveLMH.com






Iftheissueisincomplete contactLMHGeneral ManagementOffice: 253-912-2111


Iftheissueisstillunresolved ResidentialCommunities Initiative


Community Reminder Move-Out Reminders


WhenyousubmityourNoticetoVacateform,you’llbecontactedbyourdistrict teamtoscheduleapre-inspection,duringwhichaLibertyteammemberwillwalk withyouthroughyourhomeanddiscussthecondition We’llinformyouofany itemsthatneedtoberepairedoraddressed Youwillreceiveanestimateofthe chargestorepairanydamageditems Wewillscheduleyourfinal move-outinspectionandcommunicate(ifapplicable)anyfinalcharges.


Move-outchargesvarybasedontheconditionofyourhomeatthetimeof move-out Westrivetomakethispartofthemove-outprocessastransparent aspossible Acopyofyourcommunity’smove-outchargesheetwillbeprovidedby yourdistrictoffice,alongwithalistoftipstohelpmaketheinspection,as successfulaspossible


Youmustnotifythedistrictofficeofyourintenttovacateassoonaspossible,but nolessthan30days,unlessotherwisespecifiedinyourlease Pleasebringyourforwardingaddresswithyou Militaryunitaddressesare permitted AdditionalinformationisavailableinourLivingWithLibertyGuidethat canbeaccessedinourResidentApp.

Duringpre-inspection,you’llbeprovidedwithwritteninstructionsonthecleaning requirementsforthehome,notinganyareasneedingspecialattention

Pest Control

Qualifications for requesting

IfrequestingatransferfromyourcurrentJBLM home,residentsmustmeetallofthefollowing criteria:

Residentledgeraccountmustbeincurrent standing.


Musthaveoutrankedcurrentneighborhoodor changeinfamilycomposition/size.


Currentleasemustbeexpiredorexpiredbefore transferdate.


Paya$500transferdepositinadvancevia cashierscheckormoneyorder.

Transferrequestsmaybedeniedduetoexcessive damage,unsanitaryconditions,neglectofthehome and/ormultiplenoticesfornon-compliance; regardlessofeligibility


Liberty Military Housing provides pest control services with licensed and bonded pest control companies to perform all interior and exterior pest treatments for your home.

Important Notes:

• For interior treatments, we might ask that you and your animals vacate the premises while the work is being performed

• Depending on the treatment, we might ask that you remove all contents from cabinets and drawers

• It is important that you follow all guidance from the pest control company This might include lifestyle changes like not leaving out pet food, cleaning pet feces in the yard area

• Pest control doesn’t have to be overwhelming or complicated. If you have questions, we’re here to help you get the answers you need

Contact your district office for more information

a home transfer


April 3 -9

Windows are one of the greatest dangers and one of the most important safety features in a home It is important that all members of a household are aware of window safety Unattended children run the greatest risk of falls and injuries

The safety and well-being of our residents remain top priorities for Liberty Military Housing Together with our government partners, we want to educate residents on the importance of window safety

Always watch children at play Window screens keep bugs out, not children in.

Additional Resources:

Close and lock all windows within a child’s reach

Keep anything children can climb on away from windows

In case of emergency, be sure windows are not blocked and can be opened easily from the inside.

Have an emergency escape plan that every family member knows

Visit the National Safety Council’s Window Safety Task Force resource page

safety changes to help prevent future window falls at Window Safety Video



Day 1: Self Reflection: Walk Mckay Marsh Nature Trail

Day 2: Importance of Reading: Read w/ us at Clarkdale Community Center

Day 3: Benefits of a Reading Community: Visit Our Little Libraries

Day 4: Being Physically Active: Promoting Pet Walking

Day 5: Importance of Sleep: Tips on Getting a Full Nights Rest

Day 6: Being Social Outside of Social Media: American Lake

Day 7: Media-Free Meals: Dinner Prep Kit Pop-Up

Day 8: Communication: Communicating w/Coffee at Clarkdale Comm Center

Day 9: Game Night: Game Giveaway Pop-Up

Day 10: Keeping The Challenge Going - Explore JBLM amenities


While Supplies last

On 30 MAR, a street in our Discovery Village community was renamed after COL. Ruby Bradley, US Army Nurse Corps Officer.

We are honored to keep her memory alive here on JBLM.

While Supplies
Join the daily challenge

Yard of the Month



Guidelines Criteria

One “Yard of the Month” winner per district

“Yard of the Month” will begin in March and end in September

No resident may receive the “Yard of the Month” more than once in any calendar year.

Prizes will be announced on a monthly basis.

1 winner per district = 6 winners


Front and back yards mowed, trimmed, and edged

Front and back yards fully covered with healthy green grass

Front and back yards free of debris and animal waste

Planter or landscaped areas free of weeds and debris.

Sidewalks, driveways, and curbs free of debris.

Minimal stored items in yard

Submit an email to: LMHJBLMEvents@LiveLMH com

Subject "Yard of the Month"

Include the address you'd like to nominate Attach a clear photo

Nominations will be accepted from the 1st until the 30th of the month

Winners will be announced on 05/12/2023

Judging will be done by the Community Mayors

Winners and prizes will be announced on a monthly basis.

*Follow us on Facebook & Community Rewards for more information on our current resident events.





The Liberty Military Housing and the Take the Challenge Now Foundation partnership continues for the second annual Take the Challenge - Take Charge ten-day screenfree challenge. This challenge reinforces the benefits of reducing or eliminating screen time and promotes healthy ways to connect with family and the community.

Research shows that a person’s mental and physical health suffers the more time they spend consuming media on digital devices. Reducing or eliminating screen time has been proven to improve sleep quality, productivity, and mood

Throughout the challenge, individuals and families are encouraged to replace

screens with daily activities, including reading, physical activity, and community engagement

Liberty team members will also take a break from screens outside regular business hours, and we encourage those in and around our communities to join the challenge too

Liberty Military Housing values family togetherness and is committed to improving the health and well-being of our residents by continuing to provide resources such as Take the Challenge - Take Charge to strengthen the bonds within our military families.

Turn Screens OFF. Turn Life ON. TakeTheChallengeLMH.com
26 -
5, 2023

Discovery Village Discovery Village Office 7110B Ordway Blvd. JBLM, WA 98433 253.292.3493


New Hillside/Evergreen/Madigan Lewis East 60100A Garcia Boulevard, JBLM, WA 98433 253.912.3485


Davis Hill/Greenwood/Parkway/Hillside Lewis West 5517 N. 4th ST, JBLM, WA 98433 253.912.3493


TownCenter/Broadmoor/Clarkdale Lewis Main 5133 Pendleton Avenue, JBLM, WA 98433 253.912.3460


Carter Lake/Heartwood/ Stony Oak/Olympic Grove / The Bricks/Cascade Village/ Westcott Hills McChord Office 3209 Maple St SW, JBLM, WA 98438 253.589.0523 Mcchord@LiveLMH.com

Beachwood/ Beachwood II/Eagleview/Meriwether Landing Lewis North 10400A 17th Street, JBLM, WA 98433 253.912.3475


PAGE 7 DistrictOffice C O N T A C T I N F O R M A T I O N
Lewis East District Team M E E T Y O U R

West Army Partners

Car Care on Joint Base Lewis-McChord

Most people are surprised to learn that washing a car can pollute their local streams, rivers, lakes, and the Puget Sound Car wash runoff not only contains soap, it's also loaded with the oils, greases, fuel, and road grime that were on the car. In most urban neighborhoods the dirty wash water flows down the driveway, into the street, and within a few feet it drops into a storm drain After the dirty wash water falls through the slotted storm drain grate, it flows through underground pipes straight to the nearest creek or marsh on JBLM. Road runoff does not go to the wastewater treatment plant.

The soaps and detergents are harmful to fish and other aquatic organisms (like the insects fish eat) because they contain surfactants. These chemicals are designed to lift and coat the dirt and grime so it doesn't settle back onto your car, but surfactants are also great at coating gills and this prevents fish and aquatic insects from getting the oxygen they need

The good news is that it is possible to have clean cars and clean streams.

Reduce vehicle contaminants that make their way into Puget Sound These small actions help care for your car and protect Puget Sound and the iconic animals that call it home.

Make sure tires are inflated. This leads to less tire breakdown, and less release of a toxic chemical that kills coho salmon. Learn more at www.streamteam.info/carcare.

Regular car check-ups to prevent leaks.

Wash your car at the MWR auto craft shops or commercial car washeswhich capture and clean dirty wash water.

Check with the JBLM Stormwater team if you have any questions: usarmy.jblm.id-readiness.list.dpw-stormwater@army.mil.

Follow Sustainable JBLM on Facebook to hear more tips & tricks!

PAGE 8 A word from our


Thank you to all of our residents who participated in the quarterly Facebook Live Town Hall on March 30th. In case you missed it, below is a recap on some of our Q& A session hosted by COL. Lamb, our Joint Base Commander, and our Liberty Military Housing Regional Vice President, Shannon Ramos

Q: Why are some work orders dropped and why isn't this communicated to me?

A: If you have called in an emergency or urgent work order, we will close out your initial work order after that issue has been addressed (example: toilet is leaking onto the floor, we stopped water leak and cleaned up). We will then open a new routine ticket for the follow up work needed (example: replace the toilet, complete abatement work, etc ) This should be communicated to you by the Technician completing your initial work order

Q: There are a lot of streetlights that need fixing; What is being done?

A: Year to date we have repaired 331 streetlights We have onboarded two new vendors that are actively working on repairs/replacements throughout all districts. Also. we have ongoing streetlight inspections to continue to identify any that need repair.

Q: Is there a sheet of move out expenses that will be charged at move out so we are not surprised?

A: Yes, at the time that you give "Notice to Vacate", you will be provided a cost sheet This sheet can also be found in our Living With Liberty Guide through your Resident App Access your portal here: https://bit ly/3XWeTVi

Q: Why are move in dates being pushed back and told from 0-2 days before the move in?

A: Sometimes unforeseen circumstances with our homes arise and we are unable to meet our move in date This happens where the home is need of additional repairs

Q: Why are we not allowed to do a walkthrough or even see a house before we have to sign a lease?

A: We are 97%+ occupied which means we do not have the ability to leave homes vacant. When a resident moves out, we immediately start the turn process that same day. Once the home has passed inspection, the move in is scheduled for the next day. Since our homes are pre-leased, unfortunately that does not allow for much vacant time

Special "THANK YOU!" to all of our Community Mayors who help communicate information, engage our residents, and volunteer their time to serve our great community


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