Community Newsletter Community Newsletter JBLM | September 2018
Lewis-McChord Communities | December 2018
Feature Story cover page
Holiday Safety Tips
page 2
Creative Disposal
Dispose of your presents boxes creatively - placing that 60” TV box outside on trash day after Christmas is just asking for trouble. Try and breakdown boxes and other packaging as to not give away the wonderful gifts your family receive.
Theft overall tends to rise in the months of November and December. Best thing to do is to make sure you secure everything that you can. Lock up cars, trucks, homes and garages.
Leave the Lights On
Thieves usually don’t approach homes that appear to be occupied. Leave on outside lights at night (or set them with a timer) and when you leave the house during the day; leave on some of the lights inside the home to give the appearance that someone is home.
Social Media
In today’s inter-connected age, it’s important to be very careful about what you post and if you do decide to share your gifts, please make sure you don’t have your location tagged to that social media post.
Package Delivery
More and more peple are purchasing fits online and having them shipped to their home. With this trend, more people are having packages stolen right off their front porch. If you’re expecting packages, request signature confirmations or have a trusted neighbor hold on to it for you. A lot of cooking and baking happens during the holidays. Please do not leave your stove or oven unattended while in use. Most home fires start in kitchen, be sure to have a fire extinguisher close by.
Decoration Hazards
page 3
10 tips to protect your home during the holidays
Holiday Theft
Cooking Hazards
Community Events
Living Green
If you’re traveling to visit family or going on a holiday vacation, wait until after your trip to post about it. Also, have a good friend or neighbor check on your home every couple of days to give you and update.
Decorations and Lighting
Make sure not to run extension cords through windows or garage doors. Just the littlest crack can expose a home to thieves.
Speaking of fires, Christmas tree fires can be devastating for what is normally such a beacon of happiness. If you have a live tree, make sure that it has water every day, and ensure that any lights you use are checked for breaks or exposed wires.
Who’s at the Door
Criminals can try and scope at your home posting as a deliver person or someone looking for charitable donations. Be caustion when talking to people your’re unfamiliar with and don’t let them in your home.
Living Green
In This Issue Featured Story
Living Green
page 2
Community Events
page 3
Spouses Mixer - December Spouses Mixer - January 2019
Living Green During the Holidays:
Holiday Lights! Seasonal Reminders
page 4-5
page 6-7
Event Registration
page 8-9
Calendar of Events
page 10
• • • • District Office Hours Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday 8:00am - 4:00pm Wednesday 8:30am - 4:00pm Saturday & Sunday Closed
Use real dishes and flatware instead of serving food on paper or styrofoam at holiday parties. If there aren’t enough to go around, use recycled paper products or use plastic plates and cups, which can be washed and used many times. Send an e-card with a photo of your family and a holiday wish, or e-vite if you’re hosting a party (this saves paper and postage). Reduce wrapping by making it a part of the gift. Put presents in baskets, terra cotta garden pots or a reusable shopping bag. Use LED lights instead of conventional lights. Look for gifts with an environmental message: refillable thermos, a nature book, items made from recycled materials or products with rechargeable batteries.
District Trash Collection Schedule Have your trash cans curbside by 5:30 AM on your designated day Please Note: If your trash day falls on a holiday, pickup may be delayed by one business day
Monday: Evergreen, Madigan, New Hillside Tuesday: Broadmoor, Davis Hill, Greenwood, Parkway Wednesday: All McChord Field Thursday: Beachwood, Beachwood II, Eagleview, Meriwether Landing
OFFICE CLOSURES & CHANGES All Offices will be closed on December 24th and 25th.
Friday: Clarkdale, Discovery Village, Hillside, Town Center Centralized Garbage Container Service: • Tuesday: Parkway and Town Center • Friday: Parkway and Clarkdale
Location: •
JBLM Main - Bldg. 5290 (12th and Nevada, across from the JBLM Main Commissary)
JBLM McChord Field - Bldg. 516 (South Gate Rd., behind the BX & McChord Field Commissary
JBLM Main - Tue - Sat 0730-1600
JBLM-McChord Field 24/7 Electronic drop off Mon - Sat 0730 - 160
Closed all federal Holidays
JBLM Recycling Outreach Coordinator (252) 966-644
Community Events
Spouses Mixer: No Spouses Mixer For December
Spouses Mixer: Bingo Night! For January Please join us for the first Spouses Mixer of the year.
* * *
This event is for all families that live in LewisMcChord Communities Housing. This is a age restricted event. Must be an adult to attend To RSVP, please visit the Resident Portal Date: Tuesday, January 22nd Time: 6 - 9 pm
For more information please log into your resident portal. This is a free event, supplies and dinner will be provided.
Resident Event Holiday Lights! The Week Of December 10th. Join in on the fun this holiday season, Holiday Lights are BACK! *
This event is for all families that live in Lewis-McChord Communities Housing.
Turn your holiday lights on to be included in the contest.
5 winners per District! Days: Monday - Friday Dates: December 10th - 14th Time: Nightly, 4:00PM - 9:00PM Be on the look out for more information in your email and our Facebook page.
5 Lucky finalists per community will be chosen each night. Winners will be awarded and annouced on Facebook later that week!
Seasonal Reminders Holiday Decorations / Tree Removal Tips / Holiday Trash Schedule Friendly reminder of important tips and dates: After the holidays when its time to take down the family Christmas tree, LeMay offers free Christmas tree removal. Here are the guildlines to have your tree picked up and disposed of. Christmas tree pickups will occur during Dec 31-Jan 4. If you choose to leave your tree up after the 4th of January, you can take your tree to the JBLM recycle centers located on Lewis and McChord. You will see two trucks in the communites on your schedule trash day. One truck will be performing normal trash removal, the second will be picking up any trees left on the curb. Please follow these guidelines to have your tree removed by LeMay. * Only real trees will be removed by LeMay tree removal. * Trees need to be unflocked. * Trees must be cut down to 4ft sections and no bigger than 4� in diameter. * Trees must be free of tinsel, ornaments and decorations.
The Holidays and Trash pick up: During the holidays LeMay will be closed on Thanksgiving and Christmas. All trash service will be pushed one day to accommodate their holiday schedule. For example: Christmas week. If your trash day is Monday, you will see no change to your service. If your normal trash day is on Tuesday - Friday, because LeMay is closed on Christmas, Tuesday pick up will be pushed to Wednesday, Wednesday to Thursday, Thursday to Friday and Friday to Saturday. Starting Monday, all trash service will return to normal pick up days. 4
Seasonal Reminders Cont. Extended Leave or Vacation from your home When leaving your home for an extended period of time (more than two (2) weeks), a Vacation and Extended Absence Form must be completed and given to your District Office. This form can be picked up at any of our District Offices. Before you leave your home, we strongly recommend that you: 1. Stop mail and newspaper delivery. 2. Leave pets with friends or at a kennel (pets are not allowed to stay in your home during your absence. 3. Unplug all unnecessary appliances such as a TV, coffee maker, or computers. 4. Lock and secure all doors and windows. 5. Turn off water supply line to washing machine.
During winter months: Please call our Customer Service line at 253.912.3500 for special “cold weather” instructions to prevent frozen / broken pipes.
Pet Responsibilities
Pet droppings are odorous, unsightly, and a nuisance. More importantly, they can be a health hazard, especially for children. Therefore, pets must be kept under control so they do not defecate on parade fields, playgrounds, troop formation areas, sidewalks/walkways, common areas, miniature playgrounds of the housing areas, and neighbors' yards. You will immediately clean up droppings when your pet defecates outside of your residence yard. Droppings in your residence, including your yard, will be removed daily. Pet owners are responsible for disposing of their pet's waste, whether the pet is on a leash or in a fenced area. A pet owner who does not properly dispose of his/her pet's waste will be subject to a fine of $25 for each offense plus $5 per day that the violation persists. With the fall season comes heavy rain, wind and chilly weather. If you have a pet that spends time in the fenced yard, make sure you are taking the best care possible of your four legged family member. * Make sure your pet has shelter from the elements * Make sure your pet has food and water. * Bring your pet in when the weather is extreme. Remember if its too cold for you, its too cold for your pet.
Christmas Tree Removal
Christmas tree pickups will occur during Dec 31-Jan 4. If you choose to leave your tree up after the 4th of January, you can take your tree to the JBLM recycle centers located on Lewis and McChord. You will see two trucks in the communites on your schedule trash day. One truck will be performing normal trash removal, the second will be picking up any trees left on the curb. Please see pg 4 for more details.
Community Centers
All Community Centers are for the use of residents of Lewis-McChord Communities exclusively. Any resident in good standing (i.e. no balance owing) of any community may reserve any Community Center for any personal/social event if the center is available at the desired time. All reservations require a security/ cleaning deposit. A Community Center may be reserved for military functions such as FRG meetings, unit picnics, etc. on any available MonThurs. No military functions will be scheduled on Fri-Sun. A housing resident will need to complete the reservation form and bring the security/cleaning deposit at the time the agreement is signed. Request your reservation by visiting your District Office. You will be contacted to continue the reservation process, or call 253-912-2150
Landscaping services are currently included in your rent. On your lawn service day, you will need to ensure that your lawn is free of toys and personal belongings so the mowers can cut your grass. You can have one large non moveable item in your yard such as a swing set or trampoline. Please see your District Office for Outdoor Policies. The mowers will cut within two (2) feet of the item. You will be responsible to cut the grass under and the two (2) feet around the item. You may choose to maintain your own lawn if desired. Contact your Community Office for a sign to put in your window. If the home you live in has a fence either provided or installed by you, you are responsible for the maintenance of your yard. All flowerbeds adjacent to your home are your responsibility to maintain weed-free. Failure to maintain may result in fines. 5
Let’s GO to SeaTac Airport
By Tia Harris Dalton Pierce County Planning and Public Works
Need to fly for the holidays? Transit is cheap and easy way to get to SeaTac Airport. This month we will cover how to use GO Transit to get to the airport, which is located at 17801 International Blvd. Seattle. This airport offers both national and international flights.
Go Transit is part of GO Lewis-McChord, a suite of free transportation options brought to you by Pierce County and Joint Base Lewis-McChord.
Traveling from JBLM or DuPont? Once GO Transit drops you off at Madigan, catch Pierce Transit Route 206. Get off at Lakewood Transit Center in Lakewood Towne Center. Walk to Bay 3 and take Sound Transit Route 574 to SeaTac Airport.
Coming from Lakewood? Head to Lakewood Transit Center in Lakewood Towne Center and go to Zone L to catch Sound Transit Route 574 to SeaTac Airport.
Additional Resources: •
• • •
Visit to book your flight and Learn more about the airport. Visit to plan your car-free trip to the airport. Head to for GO Transit routes and times. If you’re on JBLM, you can use GO Transit for free. Try other GO JBLM options. Service members, dependents 18 years and older, and contract employees get access to GO Bikes for free. GO Rideshare provides Service members and DoD employees with a $255 subsidy to join or start a vanpool. This means if you live off base, you can get to JBLM for free too.
Visit for more details. Follow GO Transit on Facebook to keep up with the latest travel news!
How often do you ask yourself what's safe to put in your in recycling bin? Next time you go to throw something away, get creative and think of ways to reduce waste in the first place! Only paper, cardboard, plastic bottles, jugs & jars, aluminum & tin cans can go into your recycling bin. Check out the Lewis Main or McChord Field recycling centers for additional recycling options! Yard waste & leaves can be taken to the recycling centers on the installation for disposal.
Be sure to check out this newsletter next month, where we’ll be covering how to get to Tacoma Greyhound Bus Station.
JBLM News Cont.
Army CID - New Crime Tips System.
United States Army Criminal Investigation Command Media contact: CID Public Affairs Office 571-305-4041
Army CID Announces New Crime Tips System QUANTICO, VA (Aug. 21, 2018) – The Army community and American public now have the ability to use their computers and smartphones to submit tips about crimes, suspicious activity or threats to the U.S. Army’s Criminal Investigation Command (CID) via a new digital crime tips system.
The CID crime tips system recently transitioned to a webbased and smartphone app submission method. The public can access the system via any Internet-connected device by visiting, In addition to the web interface, the app is for submission of tips and is available for free download from the Apple Store and Google Play at According to CID’s implementation project manager, Special Agent Christopher L. Adams, the new system provides users a safe, secure and anonymous method to report criminal activity and security threats without concerns of retaliation or fear. He explained that whenever a person submits a tip online, the completed form is securely transferred directly to Army CID through a Secure Sockets Layer connection, which means that the tips are encrypted, entirely confidential and completely anonymous. Users can also attach images, videos and documents with their tips. “This new system is the ideal solution for ‘tipsters’ to report criminal activities or suspicious activity anonymously. Tips received will be seamlessly assigned to various units for further investigation. Additionally, persons providing anonymous tips will have the ability to communicate with the CID Agents,” Adams said. “After submitting a tip, a tip reference/ID number is created that allows the tipster to create a password to check the status of the submitted tip or check on the status of a reward – if applicable. So do not misplace your ID number, as it will be needed to check on the status of your tip.” There is also the multi-language feature for global use that allows tips to be auto-converted into English on the backend regardless of what language they were submitted. Tips will be responded to in English and auto-translated back to their source language during the two-way dialog process. According to Christopher Grey, CID’s spokesman, the previous methods of reporting a crime to CID will remain in effect until the new Crime Tips System is fully implemented. “It is critical for people to say something when they see something and it literally can mean the difference between someone receiving the justice they deserve or victimizing another innocent person,” Grey said. “Although we prefer people with information to use the new digital Crime Tips system, they can still report a crime through our current methods until these methods are phased out within the next 60 days: contact your local CID office, contact 1-844-ARMY-CID (844-276-9243) or email CID at”
District Information
District Information
District Events Calendar
Lewis-McChord Communities / December 2018 SUN
Dec 30 Bacon Day
Dec 31 New Year’s Eve
Advent Begins
16 National Chocolate Covered Anything Day 23
Eat a red apple day!
Christmas Card Day
Santa’s List Day We hope you are on the “nice” list.
Pearl Harbor Day
National Human Rights Day 17 National Maple Syrup Day
24 25 Lewis-McChord Communities will be closed on Dec 24th and 25th and Jan 1st.
Winter Solstice Day
Make Cut Out Snowflakes Day
DISTRICT OFFICES Lewis East District Office
Lewis West District Office
Lewis Main District Office
District Manager: Lesley Bonnell Maintenance Supervisor: Patrick Hecox
District Manager: Jessica Flansburg Maintenance Supervisor: Patrick Hecox
District Manager: Angela Cardosa Maintenance Supervisor: Sean Ryan
BLDG 60100A - Lewis Main Phone: 253-912-3485
Lewis North District Office BLDG 10400 - Lewis North Phone: 253-912-3475
District Manager: Catrina West Maintenance Supervisor: Sean Ryan
BLDG 2133 - Lewis Main Phone: 253-912-3493
District Office Hours: Monday, Tuesday, Thursday & Friday: 8:00 AM - 4:00 PM Wednesday: 8:30 AM - 4:00 PM Saturday & Sunday Closed Important Numbers: Roadside America: Lincoln At Your Service:
888-895-1744 888-578-4141
BLDG 2133 - Lewis Main Phone: 253-912-3460
McChord & Madigan District Office BLDG 3209 - McChord Field Phone: 253-589-0523
District Manager: Amy VanPevenage Maintenance Supervisor: Joe Mavega