Lewis-McChord Communities January 2021 Resident Newsletter

Page 10


Winter Energy Conservation Tips By Tammy Shoop, Directorate of Public Works Environmental Division

It can be tricky to conserve energy during winter in the Pacific Northwest. Small changes in behavior can make real impact on the bottom line since anytime we overheat, or overcool, it increases our energy use. Best bet- is to cut it back, and close it all! Keep all windows and doors shut. Keep your thermostat to 68 degrees, and turn your thermostat down when you go to sleep at night, or leave the house. You don’t want to compete for the heat. Unplug it when it’s not in use. Vampire power is the power used by those appliances or electronics that are plugged in but not being used. Use power strips where you can, and turn them off when you leave, or go to sleep. Switch to energy-saving compact florescent lights or light emitting diodes. CFLs and LEDs consume only a fraction of the energy consumed by their incandescent counterparts. Set your decorative lights on a timer. If you are shopping for new appliances or electronics make sure they are part of the Energy Star program, a simple choice for energy efficiency. Keep your hot water tank set to 120 degrees, and turn the heat cycle off when you run the dishwasher. Wash only full loads of clothes and dishes, and use cold water when you can. These are just a few easy winter conservation tips to help conserve energy. Remember the power is in our hands. See additional information on JBLM’s Energy program on JBLM DPW Environmental website at: https://home.army.mil/lewis-mcchord/index.php/my-Joint-Base-Lewis-Mcchord/all-services/public_works-environmental_division/energy-program. Follow Sustainable JBLM on Facebook for more energy saving tips: https://www.facebook.com/SustainableJBLM

Lewis-McChord Communities

Resource Guide 10

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