Lewis-McChord Communities June 2019 Resident Newsletter

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LMC Resident Newsletter JBLM | June 2020

PTSD Awareness Cover

Spouses Mixer page 3

Resident Handbook page 5-6

June is PTSD Awareness Month

Our brave men and women in uniform understand duty, honor, and sacrifice. Many have returned home with both the visible scars, and the unseen wounds of war; Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD). The PTSD Foundation of America is a non-profit organization dedicated to mentoring our veterans and their families suffering from combat related post-traumatic stress. We offer support groups nationwide and a recovery program at our residential facility in Houston, TX. What is Post Traumatic Stress Disorder? PTSD is a psychiatric disorder that can occur following the experience or witnessing of a life-threatening events such as military combat, natural disasters, terrorist incidents, serious accidents, or physical or sexual assault in adult or childhood. Most survivors of trauma return to normal given a little time. However, some people will have stress reactions that do not go away on their own, or may even get worse over time. These individuals may develop PTSD. People who suffer from PTSD often relive the experience through nightmares and flashbacks, have difficulty sleeping, and feel detached or estranged, and these symptoms can be severe enough and last long enough to significantly impair the person’s daily life. People with PTSD experience three different kinds of symptoms. The first set of symptoms involves reliving the trauma in some way such as becoming upset when thinking about the trauma while you are trying to do something else. The second set of symptoms involves either staying away from places or people that remind you of the trauma, isolating from other people, or feeling numb. The third set of symptoms includes things such as feeling on guard, irritable, or startling easily. PTSD is complicated by the fact that people with PTSD often may develop additional disorders such as depression, substance abuse, problems of memory and cognition, and other problems of physical and mental health. The disorder is also associated with impairment of the person’s ability to function in social or family life, including occupational instability, marital problems and divorces, family discord, and difficulties in parenting. Early treatment is important and may help reduce long-term symptoms. Unfortunately, many people do not know that they have PTSD or do not seek treatment. For Veterans in Washington State, please contact Peter Schmidt, PSY. D., LMHC at (800) 562-2308 peters@dva. wa.gov or contact us at our PTSD Veterans Hotline at 877-717-PTSD (7873) for more information, acceptance criteria and availability. Follow us on Twitter @ptsdusa.org.

Living Green With the summer months upon us more and more families are choosing to do staycations. Which means hopping into the family car, hitting the road and seeing the local sites. To make your staycation even more affordable try these earth healthy tips from www.goodhousekeeping. com. 1. Slow down. Driving 10mph above 60 is like adding nearly 50 cents to the price of a gallon of gas, since higher speed equals more guzzling.

In This Issue Featured Story

2. Get pumped. Once a month check the pressure of each of the tires against the guidelines listed in your car’s manual; add air if needed. Doing this can improve mileage by about 3 percent.

page 1

PTSD Awareness Living Green

page 2

Recyling Reminders

page 3

Community Events

page 4

Spouse Mixer - June

3. Air out. Replace filters regularly. A new oxygen sensor alone can improve mileage by as much as 15 percent.

5 Easy Double-Duty Ideas

Fathers Day Fun! Congrats Grads! Maintenance Tips

page 5

Resident Handbook

page 6

Community Update

page 7


page 8-9

2019 Landscaping

page 10

Schedule Seasonal Reminders

page 11

Caught On Camera

page 12

Lewis-McChord Communities will be closed on May 25th in observance of the Memorial Day Holiday

District Office Hours: Monday - 8:00 AM - 4:00 PM Tuesday - 8:00 AM - 4:00 PM Wednesday - 8:30 AM - 4:00 PM Thursday - 8:00 AM - 4:00 PM Friday - 8:00 AM - 4:00 PM Saturday & Sunday Closed Important Numbers: Roadside America: Lincoln At Your Service:

888-895-1744 888-578-4141

The goal is "reduce, reuse, recycle." 1. Magazines. Roll up a couple of these and stick one into each of your calf- or knee-high boots so the footwear will keep its shape. 2. Empty paper-towel roll. Flatten,and use it to sheathe a knife kept in a drawer. 3. Small glass food jars. These make perfect see-through storage vessels for nails, screws, nuts, and bolts. 4. Old shower curtain. Stash one in your car's trunk to line it when carting potentially messy paints or picnic and beach gear. 5. Used coffee grounds. Spread them over flower beds of acid-craving plants such as azaleas or rhododendrons.

District Trash Collection Schedule Have your trash cans curbside by 5:30 AM on your designated day Please Note: If your trash day falls on a holiday, pickup may be delayed by one business day

Monday: Evergreen, Madigan, New Hillside Tuesday: Broadmoor, Davis Hill, Greenwood, Parkway Wednesday: All McChord Field Thursday: Beachwood, Beachwood II, Eagleview, Meriwether Landing Friday: Clarkdale, Discovery Village, Hillside, Town Center Centralized Garbage Container Service: • Tuesday: Parkway and Town Center • Friday: Parkway and Clarkdale

Location: • JBLM Main - Bldg. 5290 (12th and Nevada, across from the JBLM Main Commissary) •

JBLM McChord Field - Bldg. 516 (South Gate Rd., behind the BX & McChord Field Commissary

JBLM Main - Tue - Sat 0730-1600

JBLM-McChord Field 24/7 Electronic drop off Mon - Sat 0730 - 1600

Closed all federal Holidays


Recycling Reminders




empty ¡ clean (quick rinse) ¡ no lids


Want to know why some things belong in the garbage?


Recycle plastics by shape. Ignore numbers/symbols on packaging.

crinkly plastics

plastic packaging

all cartons

foam trays and containers

aluminum foil, pans and plates



(non-prescription ok)





(remove handle)

paper plates

paper towels and napkins

paper cups

plastic cups

utensils and straws

coffee pods


boxes and bags




aluminum cans

all lids


metal cans


greasy pizza boxes

shredded paper

(use a shred event)


prescription bottles

Find locations for these items plus options for electronics, appliances, mattresses, clothing, foam packaging and more: piercecountywa.gov/recyclemenu

Revised 3/19

mixed paper


plastic bags and wrap

(at participating grocery stores)

household hazards

Recycle Right (not more) Cathy Hamilton-Wissmer, Directorate of Public Works

Changes in the recycling markets have hit home. In the past, it was easy for programs to accept many items because most recyclables were shipped overseas, and processed out of sight. Now that most of the recyclable material stays local, there is limited infrastructure to re-process the material and the increased costs associated with shipping and processing to re-manufacturers in the United States and Canada. These items are no longer recyclable in your commingled (gray) recyclable tote or at the recycling centers: 1. Shredded paper 2. Refrigerated cartons (milk, juice) 3. Plant pots While it can be tempting to put things in the recycling tote because it seems it should be recycled, good intentions cause contamination that affects the whole system. Recycling is important, but reducing waste is the goal. Please put only the items listed on the reminder sheet in the recycling cart so you can recycle the right things. Search the JBLM website for the latest recycling brochure, updates and recycling center locations: www.//home.army.mil/lewis-mcchord/. If you have any specific questions, please email the recycling outreach coordinator: usarmy.jblm.imcom.list.dpw-jblm-recycles@mail.mil. Another great source of information is the Pierce County Solid Waste website: https://www.co.pierce.wa.us/1507/Recycle-Reduce-Waste.

Community Events

Spouses Mixer June: Update

SUMMER FUN! Social Media Giveaway!

Follow us on Facebook for fun summer giveaways!

Fathers Day Fun!

Congratulations to all our Graduates!

2020 4

Maintenance Tips

How Can We Help? Maintenance Requests, Suggestions or Residents Concerns Do have a needed repair, a suggestion, or a concern? Lincoln Military Housing is committed to enriching the lives of military families through providing quality home and vibrant communities. Your feedback is an important piece in helping us accomplish this goal, and we want to ensure we provide you with an avenue to initially address your needed repair, suggestion or concern and the process to escalate it, should that be necessary. Below is an outline of our easy Three- Step process for concerns and opportunities to provide feedback.

Three-Step Process for Resident Concerns Step One Identify the issue and contact Lincoln Military Housing: Lincoln At Your Service 24-HR Toll-Free Hotline: 888-578-4141 LincolnServiceTrack.com

Step Two If the issue is incomplete contact Lincoln Military Housing: General Management Office 253-912-2111

Step Three If the issue is still unresolved contact: Government Family Housing 253-966-2888

~ Lewis Main District Office | 253-912-3460 ~ Lewis West District Office | 253-912-3493 ~ Lewis East District Office | 253-912-3485 ~ Lewis North District Office | 253-912-3475 ~ McChord District Office | 253-589-0523 5

Resident Handbook Reminders Parking / Traffic Control

BBQ / Fire Pits and Landscaping

Parking/Traffic Control

BBQ/ Fire Pits

To better accommodate our residents, we have implemented rules concerning parking. Your assigned parking is your carport, garage and your driveway. On street parking, if available is on a first come, first served basis in all Lewis-McChord Communities.

If you wish to cook outdoors, Town Center residents please refer to your lease documents for limitations on grilling in your neighborhood.

The street area directly in front of your home is not your exclusive parking area. You may not use your parking area for storage of any kind. Vehicles including motorcycles are not allowed to be parked on the grass, in front of dumpsters, or in any other area not appropriately marked for vehicle parking. No one is allowed to park in a marked handicap space unless the legally required handicap insignia is displayed in the vehicle. You may not park anywhere a No Parking Sign is installed. You may not use any parking space to park a vehicle that is inoperable, leaks fluid onto the pavement, is unsightly, is a safety hazard, or has an expired license plate. You may not use any parking space to perform vehicle maintenance or repair to include changing the oil. If you violate any of these parking policies, your car may be towed without notice and at your expense. Visit your District Office for more information on parking spaces.

Recreational Vehicles Recreational Vehicles Recreational vehicles are not permitted to be stored within your neighborhood. Recreational vehicle parking lots are available through MWR. Please visit the JBLM website for more information. For temporary passes for your recreational vehicle please visit your District Office for the process.

Meriwether Landing/ Westcott Hill communities that have common BBQ/fire pit areas will need the cover to be replaced once the fire pit has completely cooled. All Residents are responsible to remove all trash/debris to be ready for the next resident to use. For all other communities, all BBQ grills must be used at least 15 feet from your home to prevent damage to the siding. BBQ grills/fire pits are not to be used under overhangs, eaves in garages or carports. Only commercially purchased above ground fire pits are allowed in family housing and must be used at least 15 feet from your home and within your own yard. All communities need to properly store flammable materials, keep a fire extinguisher or water source readily available and supervise all fires by an adult until extinguished. The burning of leaves, garbage and paper is strictly prohibited.

Landscaping Landscaping Landscaping services are currently included in your rent. On your lawn service day, you will need to ensure that your lawn is free of toys and personal belongings so the mowers can cut your grass. You can have one large non moveable item in your yard such as a swing set or trampoline. Please see your District Office for Outdoor Policies. The mowers will cut within two (2) feet of the item. You will be responsible to cut the grass under and the two (2) feet around the item. You may choose to maintain your own lawn if desired. Contact your Community Office for a sign to put in your window. If the home you live in has a fence either provided or installed by you, you are responsible for the maintenance of your yard. All flowerbeds adjacent to your home are your responsibility to maintain weed-free. Failure to maintain may result in fines. 6

Community Update

Lewis McChord Communities is looking forward to the following capital improvement projects kicking off this Summer and later in 2020! Renovations are happening on both McChord Field, Lewis West and Lewis East! McChord Renovations are underway in Heartwood II & III, new features will include air conditioning, upgraded Quartz countertops, new appliances, new plumbing, roofs and siding. Similar renovations are also upcoming in 2020 in bothe Davis Hill and New Hillside. Fence Replacement: Olympic Grove (finish up), Carter Lake, Evergreen. Adding fencing to: Beachwood South New Planter bed with irrigation system installed at Beachwood South, Madigan, Heartwood, Clarkdale. These planter beds will then be maintained by our landscaping contractors. Installing garage door openers at The Bricks community. We have paint projects starting this summer in New Hillside & Heartwood. New updated color schemes will match the newly renovated Heartwood II & III homes. We will be continuing our current project of converting existing carports into garages in the Madigan neighborhood. As well as executing a new project in Beachwood South making those conversions as well. We are adding irrigation to the parks in Meriwether Landing New street signs will be installed in Beachwood North and South, as well as Madigan. Making improvements to sidewalks, concrete and asphalt, to eliminate any trip hazards throughout housing. In Greenwood, we are installing a large parking area that will increase parking in that area and decrease the number of cars parked on the road.



Endangered species on JBLM By Cathy Hamilton-Wissmer

Did you know that Joint Base Lewis-McChord is home to a rare eco-system? The South Puget Sound prairie is one of the rarest ecosystems in the country. The open savannas were created by retreating glaciers 15,000 years ago, which left behind gravelly soils that dry out quickly during summer droughts. Native Americans used fire to keep the encroaching forests at bay and sustained these grassy plains for thousands of years. Tribes would harvest bulbs from wildflowers, primarily the beautiful purple Common Camas, for a starch-like food. JBLM Forestry, Fish and Wildlife currently maintain prairies through active prescribed burn program and restoration. These expansive grasslands and oak woodlands are home to several endangered species, both plant and animal, that are only found in the South Sound Prairie ecosystem. The JBLM Fish and Wildlife team use several strategies to increase the animals and plants including: prescribed burns, outplanting and seeding prairie plants, and reintroducing captively reared larvae (in the case of the Taylors checkerspot). • The Taylors checkerspot is a medium size butterfly, with a wingspan of less than 2.25 inches. They have a striking checkered pattern of black, bright white and orange. It produces one brood a year, and relies on a variety of prairie plants during its lifecycle. The largest remaining populations of Taylor’s checkerspots are found on the prairies at JBLM. • Golden Paintbrush is perennial herb and blooms April-September. It reproduces entirely by seed that is dispersed by gravity, and is not a long lived plant. It typically survives only 5-6 years. It is one of the food sources for the Taylors checkerspot. It does not tolerate closed tree canopies well and appears to thrive in grasslands with periodic fire. • The Mazama Pocket Gopher is a small rodent, 5-6”, that spends most its life underground. It has very long, chisel-like front teeth that they use to chop plant parts. Pocket gophers are ecosystem engineers and are important to the prairie ecosystem by digging tunnels that allow air and nutrients to enter the soil, stimulating plant growth. When they abandon their tunnels, it provides shelter for other wildlife. • The Streaked Horned lark is small ground-dwelling bird. It likes to nest in sparsely vegetated prairies, airfields, and agricultural lands with short vegetation where they forage for seeds and insects. On JBLM, biologists survey larks to track population trends and monitor breeding sites to better understand nesting and survival. While getting out into the training areas on JBLM takes some planning, before you head out make sure you have an area access permit, have checked in, and that you read and follow all posted signs including where and when you can drive and park. For information on accessing JBLM ranges contact Range Control: 253-657-6371 or see their website. Several surrounding wildlife areas offer great prairie and oak woodland viewing opportunities with interpretative trails. Check out the Mima Mounds Natural Area Preserve, Scatter Creek Wildlife Area and Wolf Haven International, all within a nice drive of JBLM. Keep in touch with the latest from Environmental by following Sustainable JBLM on Facebook!


District Information

GARDENING ON JBLM BY Cathy Hamilton-Wissmer Directorate of Public Works

Are you a gardener assigned to Joint Base Lewis-McChord? There are ways to keep your hands buried in the soil and your soul filled with the potential of a tiny seed. Container gardening can be a great way to decorate your entryway and works well for living in an urban area. It can be as simple as planting a geranium in a pot or as complex as an overflowing whiskey barrel. Start with a drought tolerant potting soil mix that can retain moisture and save watering time. Arrange your plants in the containers by planting taller plants in the back or center and shorter plants that might spill over closer to the front of the pot. Consider planting a pollinator garden in your community garden plot or in a container to support local bees and butterflies. They love flowers such as alyssum, aster, bee balm, borage, fennel, goldenrod, hollyhock, lavender, marigold, oregano, coneflower, verbena, yarrow, zinnia and sunflowers. Various flowering perennials also support neighborhood pollinators, and include native plants in your containers as they typically have nectar-and pollen-rich flowers that can be planted organically to provide a longer range food supply, from spring through fall. Lifestyles have changed, and it has become a passion to eat healthier food, live a cleaner lifestyle and discover your connection to nature. Gardening guides are available everywhere, making it easier to beautify the world, change your environment and feel wonderful. Encourage your family to go outside and play! Keep up with the latest happenings in the JBLM DPW Environmental Division by following us at Sustainable 9 JBLM/Facebook.

District Information Lewis-McChord Communities Landscaping Schedule 2020 Lewis Main Schedule:

Lewis West Schedule

McChord / Madigan Schedule:



All McChord Thursday

Tuesday Duplexes 2626 - 2629 & 2670 - 2679 Ranch Homes 2650 - 2659 Buildings 2660 - 2669

Town Center:

Monday All Buildings


Monday All buildings

Bricks All Homes

Davis Hill

Monday All Homes

Westcott Hills Friday All Homes


Olympic Grove Monday All homes

Tuesday All Homes

Tuesday Buildings 2504 - 2555 Thursday 2430 - 2482, 2801 - 2855, 2561 - 2582


If you have any questions please contact your District Office.

If you have any questions please tact your District Office.

Lewis Main District Office

Lewis West District Office

Lewis North Schedule:

Lewis East Schedule

Meriwether Landing Thursday

Discovery Village

Stony Oak Wednesday All Homes



Cascade Village Thursday All Homes

BLDG 5133 - Lewis Main Phone: 253-912-3460 lewismain@lpsi.com

Shannon Woods 10342 - 10373

Monday All Homes


BLDG 5133 - Lewis Main Phone: 253-912-3493 lewiswest@lpsi.com

Monday 7266 - 7298

Ordway Heights 10200 - 10237 Clarks Point 10240 - 10272 Pryer Crossing 10000 - 10081

7110 - 7195, 7210 - 7265 and 60101 60167

Beachwood North Wednesday

Wednesday All Homes

8700 - 8711, 8747 - 8764 and 8813 - 8845


8901 - 8947

Beachwood South

Wednesday 8011 - 8049, 8160 - 8195, 8201 - 8298, 8301 - 8398, 8401 - 8498, 8501 - 8579, 8601 - 8698


Thursday All Homes If you have any questions please contact your District Office.


New Hillside

Wednesday 6741 - 6798 Thursday 6501 - 6598, 6601 - 6698 and 6701 - 6738 Friday 6301 - 6388, 6800 - 6872 and 6901 - 6982 If you have any questions please contact your District Office.

Carter lake Monday South of Oak St and East of Woodbrook Dr. Thursday North of Oak St. and East of Woodbrook Dr. Heartwood Tuesday North of Redwood St. and West of Woodbrook Drive Wednesday South of Redwood St. and West of Lincoln and 4501 - 4527 on Dogwood St.

Madigan Friday All Homes If you have any questions please contact your District Office.

McChord / Madigan District Office BLDG 3209 - McChord Field Phone: 253-589-0523 mcchord@lpsi.co

* Carter lake and Heartwood, for more detailed information regarding your boundries please visit your District Office for a map.

Lewis East District Office BLDG 60100A - Lewis Main Phone: 253-912-3485 lewiseast@lpsi.com

Lewis North District Office BLDG 10400 - Lewis North Phone: 253-912-3475 lewisnorth@lpsi.com


Seasonal Reminders Personal Swimming Pools

Airconditioning Requests

Air Conditioner Standards - Be in the know before you install! Window mounted Air Conditioner Unit for first floor windows only. Window mounted Air Conditioner units above the first floor windows of your home are not allowed and no structural modifications are allowed to accommodate window AC units. Also, the following restrictions will apply: • Unit Size: 6,000 BTU maximum • Unit Weight: 46 pounds maximum • Power Requirements: 110 Volt, 5.6 Amp maximum. No 220 Volt units are permitted • Clear plexi-glass material or plywood material painted to match the color of the window frame must be used for all exposed areas of installation. • LMC will not be responsible for added electrical loading imposed by your equipment. (i.e. added utility costs on your Minol utility billing). • LMC will not be responsible for any damage to the window or structure, including but not limited to window warping, mounting hardware damage, condensation leakage, or residue from foams or tapes, charges may apply for these damages. Mobile/Portable Air Conditioner Units Mobile/Portable Air Conditioning Units, where the unit remains inside the home and vents through a window are allowed on all floors (1st & 2nd story rooms) with the following restrictions. • Unit Size: 14,000 BTU maximum • Unit Weight: 80 pounds maximum • Power Requirements: 110 Volt, 10.8 Amp Maximum. No 220 Volt units are permitted • Clear plexi-glass material or plywood material painted to match the color of the window frame must be used for all exposed areas of installation. • LMC will not be responsible for added electrical loading imposed by your equipment of existing usage (i.e. added utility costs on your Minol utility billing). • LMC will not be responsible for any damage to the window or structure, including but not limited to window warping, mounting hardware damage, condensation leakage, or residue from foams or tapes, charges may apply for these damages.

Wading pools are allowed without prior written approval. Wading pools are defined as being no more than 18 inches in height. They are temporary and seasonal and do not include ladders or pumps. For safety and health concerns, they must be emptied and put away daily. You may install an above ground pool in your fenced backyard. You are responsible for getting annual prior written approval from your District Manager. You will be required to fill out the necessary paperwork and pay all deposits associated with pool. You must display the Lewis McChord Communities Approved Pool sign in a visible street facing window any time the pool is set up. All requests must be made annually in writing and include the following: • A drawing that details the location of the pool. • Size, to include height and capacity of pool. • Approved fence request form, fence must be a 6ft privacy fence with self-latching gate. Fence must be approved and installed prior to submitting pool request. A refundable deposit of $100 will apply. This deposit is refundable at move out. Additional Policies: • Pools are only to be in place from Memorial Day to Labor Day • Pools must be removed and stored no later than September 10 • Pools are only allowed in fenced back yards that have self-latching gates. • Pool cannot be taller than the fence. • Only ladders made for the pool are allowed. • No temporary structures are allowed around the pool. • Children under the age of 14 must be accompanied by children the age of 14 or older at all times when using the pool. • Prior to move out, you will be required to remove the pool and repair any damage to the premises • Any changes to the original request must be submitted in writing and are subject to approval by the District Manager. • Acceptable use of pools is at the sole discretion of management. • Management reserves the right to require that a pool be removed at any time. • You are liable for any issues that arise from use of the pool. • In the event that Lewis McChord Communities calls for water rationing, you will be required to follow post water conservation guidelines.




Lewis Main District Office

Lewis West District Office

Lewis East District Office

Lewis North District Office

McChord District Office

Broadmoor, Town Center and Clarkdale

Parkway, Davis Hill, Greenwood and Hillside

Discovery Village, Evergreen and New Hillside

All McChord and Madigan

BLDG 5133 - Lewis Main Phone: 253-912-3493 lewiswest@lpsi.com

BLDG 60100A - Lewis Main Phone: 253-912-3485 lewiseast@lpsi.com

Meriwether Landing, Beachwood North, Beachwood South and Eagleview

District Manager: Lance Chapman Maintenance Supervisor: Dale Kimball

District Manager: Lesley Bonnell Maintenance Supervisor: Dale Kimball

BLDG 5133 - Lewis Main Phone: 253-912-3460 lewismain@lpsi.com District Manager: Angela Cardosa Maintenance Supervisor: Sean Ryan

BLDG 10400 - Lewis North Phone: 253-912-3475 lewisnorth@lpsi.com District Manager: Jessica Flansburg Maintenance Supervisor: Sean Ryan

BLDG 3209 - McChord Field Phone: 253-589-0523 mcchord@lpsi.com District Manager: Amy VanPevenage Maintenance Supervisor: Joe Mavega


Community Services

Caught On Camera - Pinterest Perfect 2020 Winners!

Community Services Email: lewismcchordcommunities@gmail.com Office Hours: 8:00 AM - 4:00 PM Closed Saturday and Sunday Community Services Coordinator: Hope Schwickerath Community Services Director: Marcia McDowell

join the conversation Like us on Facebook, find us on Twitter, look for us on Instagram and Pinterest, you can even find us on snapchat. Lincoln Military Housing is not responsible for information from other organizations published in this newsletter.

Community Services Mission Statement Our mission is to improve the quality of life for our military residents through programs designed to strengthen personal connections between neighbors, and to partner with like minded local organizations to support this goal.


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