LMC Reference Guide

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Lewis-McChord Communities Information And Military Community Resource Guide.

#QUICK INFORMATION https://lincolnmilitary.com/

Joint Base Lewis McChord DIRECTORATES

Maintenance Service Requests


Lewis-McChord Communities Family Housing


Three Step Housing Resolution Form

LMC A/C Policy

SatisFacts Survey (Can submit at any time) Military Resources

LMC Pool Policy

LMH FAQ Living with Lincoln

Lincoln News

LMC Resident Handbook

Lincoln Blog

Lewis-McChord Communities Facebook https://www.facebook.com/groups/LewisNorthResidentAdvisoryGroup/ https://www.facebook.com/groups/McChordMadiganResidentAdvisoryGroup/ https://www.facebook.com/groups/LewisWestDistrictResidentAdvisoryGroup/ https://www.facebook.com/groups/LewisMainResidentAdvisoryGroup/ https://www.facebook.com/groups/LewisEastResidentAdvisoryBoard/ https://www.facebook.com/groups/136136053859698/ https://www.facebook.com/groups/154111341976420/ https://www.facebook.com/groups/407959932987729/ https://www.facebook.com/groups/272386669959891/ https://www.facebook.com/groups/876841592486733/

District Office Hours: Monday - 8:00 AM - 4:00 PM Tuesday - 8:00 AM - 4:00 PM Wednesday - 8:30 AM - 4:00 PM Thursday - 8:00 AM - 4:00 PM Friday - 8:00 AM - 4:00 PM Saturday & Sunday Closed Important Numbers:


Lincoln At Your Service:



Lewis West District Office

Broadmoor, Town Center Parkway, Davis Hill, and Clarkdale Greenwood and Hillside BLDG 5133 - Lewis Main Phone: 253-912-3460 lewismain@lpsi.com

BLDG 5133 - Lewis Main Phone: 253-912-3493 lewiswest@lpsi.com

District Manager: Angela Cardosa Maintenance Supervisor: Sean Ryan

District Manager: Lance Chapman Maintenance Supervisor: Dale Kimball



Lewis East District Office

Lewis North District Office

McChord District Office

Discovery Village, Evergreen and New Hillside

Meriwether Landing, Beachwood North, Beachwood South and Eagleview

All McChord and Madigan

BLDG 60100A - Lewis Main Phone: 253-912-3485 lewiseast@lpsi.com District Manager: Lesley Bonnell Maintenance Supervisor: Dale Kimball

BLDG 10400 - Lewis North Phone: 253-912-3475 lewisnorth@lpsi.com District Manager: Jessica Flansburg Maintenance Supervisor: Sean Ryan

BLDG 3209 - McChord Field Phone: 253-589-0523 mcchord@lpsi.com District Manager: Amy VanPevenage Maintenance Supervisor: Joe Mavega


How Can We Help? Maintenance Requests, Suggestions or Residents Concerns Do have a needed repair, a suggestion, or a concern? Lincoln Military Housing is committed to enriching the lives of military families through providing quality home and vibrant communities. Your feedback is an important piece in helping us accomplish this goal, and we want to ensure we provide you with an avenue to initially address your needed repair, suggestion or concern and the process to escalate it, should that be necessary. Below is an outline of our easy Three- Step process for concerns and opportunities to provide feedback.

Three-Step Process for Resident Concerns Step One Identify the issue and contact Lincoln Military Housing: Lincoln At Your Service 24-HR Toll-Free Hotline: 888-578-4141 LincolnServiceTrack.com ~ Lewis Main District Office | 253-912-3460 ~ Lewis West District Office | 253-912-3493 ~ Lewis East District Office | 253-912-3485 ~ Lewis North District Office | 253-912-3475 ~ McChord District Office | 253-589-0523

Step Two If the issue is incomplete contact Lincoln Military Housing: General Management Office 253-912-2111

Step Three If the issue is still unresolved contact: Government Family Housing 253-966-2888


Our Most Common Questions and the Answers. Q - Why is that an E4 and E6 can live in the same housing area, have the same size home, but pay different rental rates? A - All Housing areas are designated by rank band, however, if there are no families on the waiting list for a particular rank, Lewis-McChord Communities can assign up/down the rank band. As an example Discovery Village housing area is for E5 and E6 ranks, however when there are no families waiting on the waitlist they will assign to E4 and below. Assigning homes within a rank band is historic to the Army. The Air Force typically assigned E1-E6 to the same homes. Lewis-McChord Communities changed that when McChord Field became privitized. Lewis-McChord Communities can assign up or down one rank when the wait lists are exhausted to maintain occupancy. Also, all rent is based on BAH rates, JBLM has NO substandard housing, all housing meets the minimum required SF IAW AR 420-1. Due to high occupancy, JBLM has never executed the tenant waterfall (above 95%) therefore, no rent discount is offered like many other Partners.

We left this space blank for you to add any additional questions you may get while managing the district pages.

Lewis McChord Communities is looking forward to the following capital improvement projects kicking off this Summer and later in 2019! •

All LMC - Continued asphalt & sidewalk improvements

Broadmoor - Historic painting

Clarkdale - Irrigation / back yard landscaping, completing fence replacements

Davis Hill - Exploring landscape improvements

Parkway - Continued laundry conversions, awning &


terior door replacements, trash enclosure covers, and landscape enhancements •

Greenwood - Historic painting

Discovery Village - Begin new playground construction

New Hillside - Roof improvements

Evergreen - Completing 3 year renovation project

Meriwether - Park Irrigation & Landscape Shannon Woods

Beachwood - Begin carport to garage conversions

Cascade Village - Dog park covered benches

Westcott - New fence installations

Bricks - Full renovation of all homes

Madigan - Begin carport to garage conversions and roof improvements

Olympic Grove - Begin fence replacements, new playground •

Carter Lake - Exterior painting

Heartwood - Heartwood II & Heartwood III renovation commencing, begin new playground construction

Lewis-McChord Communities Landscaping Schedule 2019 Lewis Main Schedule:

Lewis West Schedule



Tuesday Duplexes 2626 - 2629 & 2670 - 2679 Ranch Homes 2650 - 2659 Buildings 2660 - 2669

McChord / Madigan ule:

Monday All buildings


All McChord Thursday

Davis Hill

Bricks All Homes

Monday All Homes


Westcott Hills Friday All Homes

Tuesday Buildings 2504 - 2555 Thursday 2430 - 2482, 2801 - 2855, 2561 - 2582


Olympic Grove Monday All homes

If you have any questions please contact your District Office.

If you have any questions please tact your District Office.

Carter lake Monday South of Oak St and East of Woodbrook Dr. Thursday North of Oak St. and East of Woodbrook Dr.

Lewis Main District Office

Lewis West District Office

Lewis North Schedule:

Lewis East Schedule

Meriwether Landing Thursday

Discovery Village



Town Center:

Monday All Buildings


BLDG 5133 - Lewis Main Phone: 253-912-3460 lewismain@lpsi.com

Tuesday All Homes Monday All Homes


BLDG 5133 - Lewis Main Phone: 253-912-3493 lewiswest@lpsi.com

Heartwood Tuesday North of Redwood St. and West of Woodbrook Drive Wednesday South of Redwood St. and West of Lincoln and 4501 - 4527 on Dogwood St.

Monday 7266 - 7298

Stony Oak Wednesday All Homes

Ordway Heights 10200 - 10237 Clarks Point 10240 - 10272 Pryer Crossing 10000 - 10081

7110 - 7195, 7210 - 7265 and 60101 60167

Cascade Village Thursday All Homes

Beachwood North Wednesday


Wednesday All Homes

Madigan Friday All Homes

New Hillside

If you have any questions please contact your District Office.

Shannon Woods 10342 - 10373

8700 - 8711, 8747 - 8764 and 8813 - 8845


8901 - 8947

Beachwood South

Wednesday 8011 - 8049, 8160 - 8195, 8201 - 8298, 8301 - 8398, 8401 - 8498, 8501 - 8579, 8601 - 8698


Thursday All Homes If you have any questions please contact your District Office.

Lewis North District Office BLDG 10400 - Lewis North Phone: 253-912-3475 lewisnorth@lpsi.com

Wednesday 6741 - 6798 Thursday 6501 - 6598, 6601 - 6698 and 6701 - 6738 Friday 6301 - 6388, 6800 - 6872 and 6901 - 6982 If you have any questions please contact your District Office.

Lewis East District Office BLDG 60100A - Lewis Main Phone: 253-912-3485 lewiseast@lpsi.com

McChord / Madigan District Office BLDG 3209 - McChord Field Phone: 253-589-0523 mcchord@lpsi.co

* Carter lake and Heartwood, for more detaile information regarding your boundries please visit your District Office for a map.

Pierce County Refuse Holiday Schedule Our offices are closed and no service is provided on: • Thanksgiving Day • Christmas Day • New Years day Pick-up on or following all other holidays remains unchanged. If you have any further questions please contact your District Office

Important Reminders from Pierce County Refuse: Curbside service is picked up within 5 feet of the county road (most mailboxes are on county roads.) If your can is beyond 5 feet from the road, we will not be able to empty it. LeMay is making some changes to their service here on JBLM. Starting 1 August 2019, all trash must fit in your trash can with the lid closed Excess trash that is not placed in a LeMay 32 gallon bag will result in an extra charge. Please have all cans be available for collection no later than 6:00 a.m. to guarantee service. Drivers try to do their routes the same from week to week, however there are occasions when the drivers are required to make adjustments and as a result may arrive earlier or later than you are used to. There is an additional charge to have the driver return. Please do not put dirt, rocks, sod, hot ashes or hazardous waste in your trash can. (Fines may apply) Place excess trash into a LeMay 32 gallon bag and place it near the trash can. You can purchase these bags at your District Office.

Glass Recycling Contamination, such as glass, can ruin the whole batch and damage processing equipment. Make sure only recyclable items are put into the Recycling Cart. This will result in less items being disposed of as garbage and more items being manufactured into new products. When the wrong items are put in the recycling cart, a written notice will be placed on our container explaining the contamination. Glass Recycling Locations: DuPont, 303 Barksdale, behind City Hall Lakewood, 5000 Steilacoom Blvd SW, Fire Dist #2 LeMay, 4109 192nd St E, Frederickson South Hill (Puyallup/Graham), 9813 128th St E, Central Pierce Fire & Rescue Steilacoom, 2301 Worthington, Community Center

District Trash Collection Schedule Have your trash cans curbside by 5:30 AM on your designated day Please Note: If your trash day falls on a holiday, pickup may be delayed by one business day

Monday: Evergreen, Madigan, New Hillside Tuesday: Broadmoor, Davis Hill, Greenwood, Parkway Wednesday: All McChord Field Thursday: Beachwood, Beachwood II, Eagleview, Meriwether Landing Friday: Clarkdale, Discovery Village, Hillside, Town Center Centralized Garbage Container Service: • Tuesday: Parkway and Town Center • Friday: Parkway and Clarkdale

Location: • JBLM Main - Bldg. 5290 (12th and Nevada, across from the JBLM Main Commissary) •

JBLM McChord Field - Bldg. 516 (South Gate Rd., behind the BX & McChord Field Commissary

JBLM Main - Tue - Sat 0730-1600

JBLM-McChord Field 24/7 Electronic drop off Mon - Sat 0730 - 1600

Closed all federal Holidays

Important tips and dates to remember when decorating for the holidays! We encourage all families to celebrate the holidays by decorating their home. For safety reasons, holiday decorations must be kept to the first story. We also ask that you avoid placing any decoration on the roof. If you have a two story you can place decorations on the inside of your second story windows. All decorations must be kept to your home and outdoor space.

Important tips and dates to remember when decorating for the holidays!

We encourage all families to celebrate the holidays by decorating their home. For safety reasons, holiday decorations must be kept to the first story. We also ask that you avoid placing any decoration on the roof. If you have a two story you can place decorations on the inside of your second story windows. All decorations must be kept to your home and outdoor space. Here are some important dates and decoration themes

Here are some important dates and decoration themes to follow while transition through the holidays.

to follow while transition through the holidays.

December Decorations:

Decorations can go up October 1st and must be

Decorations can go up Thanksgivi ng and must be removed by January10th.

Halloween: removed by November 10th. Halloween decorations consist of: n Jack o' lanterns

December decorations consist of: •� Santa Claus ii · •� Presents •� Lights �l'tlJ::11 •� Stockings ::;: •� Holiday trees •� Wreaths with ornaments t:!i����i:111=1 •� All related type blow up characters

Winter Decorations: Decorations can go up Thanksgivi ng and must be removed by March 19th. Winter decorations consist of: •� Snowman •� Snowflakes •� Natural wreaths

(carved pumpkins) n Skeletons n Ghosts n Spider webs n Spooky Decor' n Witches n Scary Cats n All related type blow up characters Fall/ Thanksgiving Decorations: Decorations can go up November 1st and must be removed by December 10th. Fall/ Thanksgiving decorations consist of: - , i n Pum pkins n Leaves n Scarecrows n Gourds n Natural wreaths n Hay bales i! n Corn stalks n All related type blow up characters

While driving your community today we noticed you may have some of the following items that are past the date of removal. The following items have been highlighted above and we ask that you remove them by

If there is anything we can assist you with to support you and your family please let us know. We are hear to help.

If you have any questions regarding this Holiday Decorations Tips card please give us a call at _ _ _ _ _ _ ext: _ _ _ Happy Holidays, Your District Team

While driving your community today we noticed you may have some of the following items that are past the date of removal. The following items have been highlighted above and we ask that you remove them by_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ If there is anything we can assist you with to support you and your family please let us know. We are hear to help. If you have any questions regarding this Holiday Decorations Tips card please give us a call at _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ext: _ _ _ _ Thank you, Your District Team

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