March 2023 Community Newsletter | JBLM

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AswespringforwardonSunday,March12th,andwelcomethePacific Northwest'sfirstdayofspringonMarch20th,letsalsousethismonthtokick offournewandimprovedyardofthemonthprogram.

Inthisnewsletteronpage4,youwillfindfulldetailsforthisevent. Ina nutshell,eachdistrictwillhaveonewinnerforatotalof6JBLM"Yardofthe Month"winners. Wewillhighlightinourmonthlyresidentnewslettereachof thewinnersyard. Eachdistrictwinnerwillreceiveayardofthemonthwinner signfordisplayintheiryard. Wewillbeselectingwinnersforthemonthsof MarchthroughSeptember.

Weareexcitedtolaunchthisprogramandrecognizeourresidentswho displayprideintheirhomeandenjoywheretheylive. Whoknows,wemay evenhavespecialjudgesthatassistusinselectingawinner. Welookforward toreviewingallthenominationsandawardingprizewinningyards.

3 PAGE 1 Community Newsletter
MARCH 2023
Community Reminders JOINT BASE LEWIS MCCHORD -
Page 2 Page 3 Page 4 March Resident Events Yard of the Month Program

How Can We Help?

Do you have a needed repair, a suggestion, or a concern? LMH is committed to enriching the lives of military families through providing homes and vibrant communities Your feedback is an important piece in helping us accomplish this goal, and we want to ensure we provide you with an avenue to initially address your needed repair, suggestion, or concern and the process to escalate it, should that be necessary Below is an outline of our easy Three-Step process for concerns and opportunities for feedback



LewisEast:253-912-3485 LewisEast@LiveLMHcom

LewisMain:253-912-3460 LewisMain@LiveLMHcom


LewisWest:253-912-3493 LewisWest@LiveLMHcom




LibertyAtYourService 1-888-578-4141(24hrs)


Iftheissueisincomplete contactLMHGeneral ManagementOffice: 253-912-2111


Iftheissueisstillunresolved ResidentialCommunities Initiative 253-967-2524

Community Reminder

Do you ever forget if tomorrow is trash day or trash and recycle? Scan the QR code to access LeMay's calendar to check which cans will be serviced this week

Things To Remember:

Make sure the trash can lid closes entirely Recycle more

Residents may purchase a LeMay 30 gallon bag from their assigned district office


Set your cans out by 6:00AM on your pick-up day or the night before Make sure your lid is closed all the way in order for LeMay to service

Place cans within 5 feet of the drivable road Cans should be placed with the opening toward the road Cans must have a 3 foot clearance on all sides of the container.


Do not park in front of cans, near cans, or dumpsters

Do not place trash inside the recycle cans

Do not overfill your can

Do not place items next to your can. All items must fit inside. Do not leave your can street side for more than 24hrs.

Pet Policy Reminders

Breeding of animals for any purpose in the residence or anywhere on the premises of Liberty Military Housing is prohibited

Self Help

We have set up a modest Self-Help for our residents

You may drop by our warehouse located at 7910 Plant Road on North Fort during business hours

List Of Items Available

1 pound grass seed bags

Furnace filter

8 oz touch up paint and brush (JBLM White color) Hose bib covers (seasonal item - available in the fall)

Location: 7910 Plant Road. JBLM, WA. 98433

Hours: MON-FRI 8:00AM - 4:30PM

Please bring your Military ID when picking up items

*Grass seed will be available to all residents not on notice to move out

Keep all pets and animals currently licensed and tagged and current with all inoculations required by a government authority.

Pet sitting or fostering is not allowed in the residence

Fish tanks shall not exceed 10 gallons and must be properly supported

Pets are not to be tied up and left unattended if there is no fence

You will ensure that animals are not tortured, tormented, or deprived of shelter, sanitary conditions, nourishment and protection from the weather. Pets will not be abandoned at any time.

Pet owners are responsible for disposing of their pet's waste, whether the pet is on a leash or in a fenced area

If you have additional questions, please contact your assigned district office

MARCH EVENTS PAGE 3 Daylight Savings Daylight Savings MARCH 12 12 12 Spring Spring Spring Forward Forward Forward

Discovery Village Discovery Village Office 7110B Ordway Blvd. JBLM, WA 98433 253.292.3493

New Hillside/Evergreen/Madigan Lewis East 60100A Garcia Boulevard, JBLM, WA 98433 253.912.3485

Davis Hill/Greenwood/Parkway/Hillside Lewis West 5517 N. 4th ST, JBLM, WA 98433 253.912.3493

TownCenter/Broadmoor/Clarkdale Lewis Main 5133 Pendleton Avenue, JBLM, WA 98433 253.912.3460

Carter Lake/Heartwood/ Stony Oak/Olympic Grove / The Bricks/Cascade Village/ Westcott Hills McChord Office 3209 Maple St SW, JBLM, WA 98438 253.589.0523

Beachwood/ Beachwood II/Eagleview/Meriwether Landing Lewis North 10400A 17th Street, JBLM, WA 98433 253.912.3475

PAGE 5 DistrictOffice C O N T A C T I N F O R M A T I O N
Lewis Main District Team M E E T Y O U R

A word from our West Army Partners


What’sinthatstormdrain?ByCathyHamilton-Wissmer,Directorateof PublicWorks

RainfallandwaterthatflowsoverJBLMentersthePugetSound Simple choicesinourdailyactivitiesaffectthequalityofwaterwedrink,weplay inandthewaterthatfishandotherwildliferelyon

Rainwaterrunoff(calledstormwater)carriescigarettebutts,dogpoop, chemicalfertilizers,motoroil,erodedtopsoilandotherthingsdirectly intothewaterswherewefishandplay Somepollutantsmayevenseep throughthegroundintoourdrinkingwater Inaveryrainy placelikeJBLM,thereisalotofstormwaterstomanage TheDirectorate ofPublicWorksonJBLMdesignsroadwaystocapturethewaterinplaces whereplantsandwoodchipscanhelptreatitbeforeitinfiltratesintothe ground


1 Don’tletyourpoochpollute!Cleanupafteryourpets Scoopit,bag it,andtrashit,everytime

2.UseaCommercialCarWash.Itisnotauthorizedtowashyour personallyownedvehicleinyourhousingunitonJBLM Washingyour caronthestreetorinyourdriveway,thepollutantsrunonthestreet andintothestormdrain,andthenflowuntreatedintoourlocalcreeks, lakes,rivers,andPugetSound Acommercialcarwashuseslesswater andtreatsdirtywaterbeforeitgoesdownthedrain

3.Don’tDripandDrive!Evenasmalloilleakcanhaveabigimpacton yourcarandourlocalwaterways

4 HouseholdHazardousWasteshouldneverbepoureddownthe drain,intotheground,intostormsewersorthrowninthetrash.JBLM HousingResidentscanbringittobuilding9679,pleasecallforhours anddirections:253-967-4786

KeepuptodatewithDPWEnvironmental!Followuson SustainableJBLM/Facebook


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