JBLM Community Newsletter - November 2024

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Saluting our Military Families!

A month dedicated to honoring all those who served and to the family members who supported those service members.

On November 11th, our nation recognizes the service and dedication of military veterans on Veterans Day Originally called Armistice Day, after the armistice signed by the allies and Germany that signaled the end of World War I, the name was changed in 1954 to include veterans from all wars, both living and deceased.

The month of November is also about celebrating military families. Originally a single day holiday, in 1996, the Armed Services succeeded in expanding November into a month-long observance of “Military Families Month” via presidential approval. Every year since, the government has declared the month as a National observance through a signed proclamation and it is a wonderful opportunity to recognize both your dedication and service to our country

Liberty Military Housing would like to thank all of our military families for your steadfast support as you have faced the special challenges of long deployments, family separations, and frequent relocations with great courage and resolve. Your selfless dedication, which has directly contributed to the mission readiness of our service members, is a source of inspiration and deep gratitude.

Do you have a needed repair, a suggestion, or a concern? Liberty Military housing is committed to enriching the lives of military families through providing homes and vibrant communities Your feedback is an important piece in helping us accomplish this goal, and we want to ensure we provide you with an avenue to initially address your needed repair, suggestion, or concern and the process to escalate it, should that be necessary Below is an outline of our easy Three-Step process for concerns and opportunities for feedback

STEPONE ContactyourDistrictHousing Office



LewisMain:253-912-3460 LewisMain@LiveLMH.com

LewisNorth:253-912-3475 LewisNorth@LiveLMHcom

LewisWest:253-912-3493 LewisWest@LiveLMH.com



DiscoveryVillage:253-292-6100 DiscoveryVillage@LiveLMHcom

MtBaker:253-300-5299 Mt.Baker@LiveLMH.com

LibertyAtYourService 1-888-578-4141(24hrs)

STEP TWO If the issue is incomplete contact LMH General Management Office: 253-912-2111

STEPTHREE Iftheissueisstill unresolvedcontact ResidentialCommunities Initiative 253-967-2524


Intheeventofstorms,whereiceorsnowaccumulationsareimminent,Libertystaffwillbeonstandby torespondifinfacttheweatherdoesaffecttheroadsonJBLM.Whileinstandbymode,wewill monitorlocalnewsaswellastheJointBaseHotlines.Staffwilladditionallyrespondtoreportsdirectly providedfromJBLMMilitaryPolice.

Wewillhaveaphasedplanthatwilladdresstheconditionsfocusedonthemostcriticalareaswithhills andmajorintersections. Wewillhaveequipmentintheformoftwosanding/plowtrucksand personnelavailabletomaintaincontinualusageasneeded.

Inordertofocusourattentiononthemostcriticalareas,LMHwillnotbeplowingand/orsandingany sidestreets.Whileitistheresident’sresponsibilitytoperformsnow/iceremovalattheirindividual homes,wewilldoourbesttoprovideforthesafepassageofourresidentsinandoutoftheJBLM neighborhoods. Wewillrespondtoresidentconcernsasresourcesallow.Wewillalsosupportthe overallresponseoftheinstallationbyhelpinginareaswearetravelingthroughwhenpossible

McChord Field - Phase 1 - Truck 1

Lewis East, Disco, North - Phase 2 - Truck 1

Ifconsistentsnowaccumulationscontinue,we willrepeatthesamephasedapproachuntilthe snowfallhasdiminished. -Staywarm!

Cold Weather Preparedness

Lewis West - Phase 1 - Truck 2

Lewis Main - Phase 2 - Truck 2

Winterishereandtheweatherservicewill predictlowtemperatures during thiswinterseason Tohelp preventfrozenpipesandthepotential flooding of yourhome,weask thatyou pleasetakethefollowing stepswheneverthe temperaturesareforecastedtodip toanunusually lowlevel:

Openall waterfaucetsinyourhometoallowavery thintrickleof water toflowthroughthewaterlines Allowthetrickleof watertocontinueto flowthroughoutthenight (If you areleaving town,pleasedonotleave thewateron )

If leaving townformorethan48hours,pleasenotify yourdistrictoffice sothey may periodically check forfrozenpipes

Leaveall cabinetsdoorsunderneathsinksopensothepipeswill be ventilatedwiththewarm airinyourhome.

Notify yourdistrictofficeif you turnonafaucetandnowatercomesout. Thismay beanindicationof frozenpipes.

Leavetheheatturnedto"Auto"andthermostatsettonolessthan60 degrees,especially if you will begoneformorethan24 hrs. Yourcooperationisappreciated Intheeventof apipebreak orleak,please immediately call our24hrLiberty AtYourServiceline 1-888-578-4141 Stay warm!

Want to make sure your voice is heard? Did you have a fantastic experience and want to tell us about it?

Liberty Military Housing has teamed up with SatisFacts to provide online Resident Satisfaction Surveys at the time of move-in, service in your home, and at move-out. Your feedback is essential in helping us achieve our goals to provide military families with exemplary service and a quality home environment Surveys are automatically sent to your email from SatisFacts. Residents can also receive survey notifications via Text Look out for more details from SatisFacts Fill

*Contact your district office for more information

Have an event coming up but don’t have the space? Reserve one of our community centers with just a $250 refundable deposit! Available to reserve to Liberty Military Housing residents only.

Last month, we had the privilege of hosting our quarterly Mayor's Meeting, where we engaged in discussions regarding upcoming events, policy updates and pressing matters in their respective communities.

Quarterly Mayor's Meeting Quarterly Mayor's Meeting

The Garrison Command team is looking for spouses of neighborhoods that would like to serve their community as a mayor.

The mayors act as a voice for our residents and engage on a quarterly basis with Liberty Military Housing.

If you are interested in being a mayor, please scan the QR code and get started on submitting your application to the Garrison Command team.


Wednesday, November 20th| 3pm-7pm Saturday, November 23rd| 9am-3pm


RESIDENTS ONLY. Residents must sign the items drop-off form and provide their JBLM home address.

Must provide a list of items being disposed of at the time of drop-off.

Disposal of accepted items only.

Must be able to lift and dump all items yourself or with an accompanied person.

Location: Corner of N 5th and Pierce Ave in the Greenwood Neighborhood ACCEPTED

Furniture (3 per household)

Bagged Items


Household Trash


Grills - (For gas, ignitor must be removed)


No Waste November

Does the term “No Waste November” feel intimidating to you? Going from our usual waste to no waste seems like a huge jump. “No Waste November” does not need to mean a giant lifestyle change though Picking just a few ways to reduce waste can make a difference Often, environmentally friendly swaps are even more convenient than their wasteful counterparts.

Paper towels are one of the most commonly used items in a home because they are very convenient. It is easy to clean up a spill quickly, then simply toss the paper towel in the trash Instead, try buying a pack of inexpensive towels and a basket When a spill happens, take your towel, clean it up, and throw the towel in the basket When the basket is full, simply throw the towels in the washer. Towels are much more absorbent, so it is actually easier to clean up with them. If it is a very messy spill, start with a paper towel, then finish with the towel. Completely removing paper towels from your daily routine might be hard, but reducing the number of times you reach for them is a great place to start. Using up a roll of paper towels every few months is much better than using a roll a week

Using a reusable coffee cup can also help reduce waste and is better than the single-use item A reusable coffee mug is much sturdier than the paper or plastic ones we receive at coffee shops. Some coffee shops even offer a discount if you bring your own cup.

Swapping out your cup reduces waste, is more convenient, and saves money.

Another easy way to reduce waste and make life more convenient is to go paperless with your bills and statements. Many companies offer a paperless option where you can see statements and bills online instead of receiving them in the mail This option helps reduce paper usage, which protects the planet and reduces all that clutter in your mail box

Making a positive environmental impact does not need to be complicated. Follow us on Facebook at Sustainable JBLM for more tips on reducing your environmental impact.

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