FREQUENTLY ASKED QUESTIONS QUESTION: Who can enter exhibits? Answer:
Residents of Nez Perce, Lewis, Latah, Idaho, Clearwater, Asotin and Whitman Counties.
QUESTION: I’ve sold things in the past. Do I enter as a “Professional”? Answer:
QUESTION: What does it cost to enter? Answer:
QUESTION: How do I enter? Answer:
You will fill out an entry tag, the use of labels is preferred, when you bring your exhibit in on Entry Day at the fairgrounds. Order FREE labels from fair office prior. NEW this year... you can enter your items online and skip having to order labels or fill out entry tags. You’ll use a series of drop down menus to enter your items and your tags will be available (fully filled out for you!) at the time of entry delivery. The link, along with step by step instructions, will be posted on our website. Online entries will be available until midnight on Friday, September 17.
QUESTION: Where do I get an Entry Tag? Answer:
Entry Tags are available at the fair office, Monday thru Friday 8 am-4:30 pm (Closed Noon-1pm). Entry tags are also available in the departments you enter in on entry day. Don’t forget to order FREE name & phone number labels from the fair office for your entry tags or use address labels.
QUESTION: When can I see if I won anything? Answer:
Entry day is on Tuesday, September 21, 2021 from Noon until 8 p.m. only. Your entry is to be taken to the department that you are entering in. Entry times are strictly enforced and late entries are not accepted.
QUESTION: How do I determine what age division to enter? Answer:
Check the department page in the Exhibitor’s Handbook you wish to enter in. Not all age divisions are offered in all departments. Enter the appropriate division according to what your age will be on September 1st, 2021.
QUESTION: Can I enter exhibits in more than one department? Answer:
Absolutely! There are more than a dozen departments to choose from. Read the Exhibitors Handbook carefully for the information needed on your Entry Tag; Age Division, Department Letter and Class Number.
When you come to the Fair!
QUESTION: Can I win anything? Answer:
Yes, First Place (Blue) is $3.00, Second Place (Red) is $2.00, and Third Place (White) is $1.00. Check different departments for sponsored awards.
QUESTION: How and when is my entry judged? Can I watch? Answer:
The Nez Perce County Fair uses the Danish System of judging. Wednesday morning, through the day. Judging is closed to the public.
QUESTION: When and where do I pick up my winnings? Answer:
QUESTION: When do I bring my entry? Where do I take it? Answer:
“Professional” refers to anyone who derives or has derived the major source of their income from selling goods or services, or teaching a skill closely related to the subject matter of any class in the department and should enter in the “Professional” Division only.
All open class premium money may be picked up at the Fair Office between 2-8 p.m on Saturday, September 25th or 10 a.m. – 5 p.m. on Sunday, September 26th and the week following the fair. No checks will be mailed. All monies not picked up by October 31st, 2021 will be donated back to the Fairgrounds. To pickup premium money $20.00 or over you must show a valid I.D. such as a drivers license.
QUESTION: When can I pick up my entry? Answer:
Sunday, 3:30 p.m. in the department entered, If desired, sticker awards can be exchanged for silk ribbons at this time. Pick up time has been changed to 3:30 p.m. so departments can prepare exhibits for disbursement which allows paid fair patrons to enjoy the fair in its entirety. Exhibits removed prior to designated pick up time will forfeit any premium monies due to them. No exceptions. Must pick up exhibit AFTER 3:30 p.m. Sunday. Exhibits not picked up by 5pm on Sunday will be held at the Fair office for a reasonable amount of time and then disposed of without notice.
“It is not what you do for your children, but what you have taught them to do for themselves, that will make them successful human beings.”
Nez Perce County Fair - Exhibitor’s Handbook
- Ann Landers