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Zoning, Land Use & Vacant Land
Zoning Summary
LFUCG has 36 zoning classes, eleven of which are for residential uses, eight business zoning classes and the balance a mixture of expansion area residential, commercial, office, industrial and agricultural and farmland.
Residentially zoned property dominates the USB. Residential property constitutes 89% of all parcels and 59% of land area. The count of residentially zoned parcels within the USB is approximately 85,326. The predominate zoning class for residential is R-1C followed by R-3.
Existing Zoning within the USB by Major Use Category, 2020
Summary of Existing Residential Zoning Acreages within the USB, 2020
Average Parcel Size of Existing Residential Uses within the USB, 2020
Land Use Summary
The information from a land use description perspective is less granular for residential but more granular from a commercial/office/industrial perspective.
Existing Land by Use Description, Acreage & Percent of Total
The land use descriptions that comprise the USB are 52% pure residential uses although residential is permitted in other parcel types. The areas designated as HOA/Retention Basin/Open Space/Greenway or Other were not used in any analysis to accommodate future demands in housing or other services.
Existing Industrial with a Land Use Parcel Size Range, 2020 There are a large number of very small parcels and a small number of very large parcels. The decline in the number of parcels with an increasing parcels size is steady.
A note about surface parking...
According to a preliminary LFUCG study, there are roughly 3,470 acres of commercial surface parking within the USB, which accounts for approximately 6% of the land area.1
Vacant Land Summary
The amount of vacant land within the USB is approximately 6,312 acres all of which has an assigned zoning classification. This total includes both vacant land at 5,200 acres and land in transistion at 1,112 acres. The “In Transition” acreage includes areas where development proposals are currently in process with LFUCG, recently approved, or under construction.1
Vacant Land by Zoning Classification
The figure below illustrates the location of the vacant land, including lands in transition, within the USB by zoning class.