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Utility Infrastructure
For most infill and redevelopment projects; gas, water, electric and telecommunications are generally in the vicinity and utility companies have the capacity for additional service. These utilities are in the project area and should not pose an issue for redevelopment of Oxford Circle. Under LFUCG’s consent decree with the EPA and the KY Division of Water, restrictions have been placed on new development. In certain sections of the city no new or redevelopment projects can commence until adequate capacity can be established to prevent sanitary sewer overflows from occurring. LFUCG’s Division of Water Quality developed the Capacity Assurance Program (CAP) under the consent decree to insure new and infill development could be adequately served by the sanitary sewer system. The sanitary sewer watershed diagram indicates the Oxford Circle Area has sufficient capacity to accept additional sanitary sewer flow from new and redevelopment/infill projects.
Regarding stormwater management as with any new or redevelopment projects, the Oxford Circle Area would need to comply with current stormwater quantity and quality requirements. As such, green infrastructure and low impact development practices offer a means to mitigate stormwater runoff and should be strongly considered for the Oxford Circle area.