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Population Under 18 Years of Age

While the Trade Area’s percentage of youth does not differ significantly from the County’s percentage, the area immediately surrounding Oxford Circle (Census Tract 20.01) a larger percentage of the population is made up of youths. The immediate area poses the greatest opportunity to capture the youth market which contains approximately 1,300 children or 26.4% of the total population. However, with the right set of services and other opportunities, it is possible to attract youth populations from across the broader Services Trade Area (approximately 10 minute drive.) This would create a pool of approximately 18,000 children or 16.8% of the total population.

There are several different subsets within the youth market that would require different approaches, services and amenities. One in particular that represents a good opportunity for Oxford Circle is the “under 5 years of age” population, more specifically, the preschool market (assumes ages 3 to 5 years.) Within Census Tract 20.01, there is a higher than average percent of children under 5 years of age –approximately 10.8% - compared to the County (6.4%) and the Trade Area

(5.4%). The data provided by the US Census backs up the anecdotal evidence provided by the community, stakeholders and organizations that serve this market - that this is a market with a substantial youth population.

Several stakeholders indicated that early childhood educational services, within the immediate area of Oxford Circle, are lacking. Based on the findings of this analysis, it can be assumed that the needs of the area’s youth are not currently being met by the available options. Within Census Tract 20.01, only 26.8% of children (3-5 years of age) are enrolled in preschool. This leaves approximately 200 children who appear to not be receiving early childhood educational services. Options for these services are available in the neighborhoods surrounding Oxford Circle, but may lack in either quality, availability, outreach to the community or an understanding by parents of the value these services offer.

For instance, Cardinal Valley Elementary School offers early childhood education (preschool) but currently operates at 50% capacity. While this is an accredited school with seats available. Communication or cultural barriers may be limit their ability to serve the community or specific educational outreach to parents of preschool aged children may be needed to help them understand the need for early childhood education.


Accredited Daycare Early Childhood Education After School Programs Tutoring/Educational Services English Language Services Recreational Opportunities Mentoring Programs


% of Population Under 18 Years source: US Census American Community Survey 2014 5-Year Estimates, DCI Analysis


% Population Under 18 Years

15 to 17 years

12 to 14 years

9 to 11 years

6 to 8 years 5 years

3 to 4 years under 3 years


20% 40% 60% 80%


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