EXPANDED NOTIFICATION: A REVIEW OF THE PROPOSED ORDINANCE Jim Duncan, AICP, Planning Director Chris Woodall, AICP, Manager – Long Range Planning Samantha Castro, AICP, LEED-ND, Senior Planner – Long Range Planning
Expanded Notification
Context for the Proposal
Renter / Tenant Occupied Owner Occupied *U.S. Census Bureau, American Community Survey (ACS) 5-Year Estimates
Expanded Notification
Context for the Proposal – Renters According to the Census*
46% of Fayette County’s housing units were renter occupied.
*U.S. Census Bureau, American Community Survey (ACS) 5-Year Estimates
Context for the Proposal – Commercial / Office Tenants
Downtown Chevy Chase
National Ave – Warehouse Block
The Summit at Fritz Farm
Expanded Notification
ZOTA Origins – Imagine Lexington (2018 Comprehensive Plan) Theme E, Accountability Policy #2: Modernize the Zoning Ordinance to reflect the direction of the 2018 Comprehensive Plan, proactively planning for the next 20 years of growth.
“… many of the past iterations (of the Zoning Ordinance) need to be evaluated for efficacy, as well as reviewing the Ordinance in light of Imagine Lexington’s focus on equity.”
Expanded Notification
ZOTA Origins – Imagine Lexington (2018 Comprehensive Plan) Theme F, Goal 1 Engage and educate the residents of Lexington-Fayette County in the planning process. • Goal #1.a: Pursue all venue of communication, including, but not limited to, electronic and social media to involve residents. • Goal #1.b: Establish early and continuous communication with residents. • Goal #1.c: Develop a network of diverse contacts and a means to engage them.
Expanded Notification
ZOTA Origins – PET Project Emerging directly from the Public Engagement Toolkit Defining who should be considered a “stakeholder” Improving the way Planning engages the community by widening Planning’s notification demands
Expanded Notification
ZOTA Origins – PET Project 19 members of the Public Engagement Toolkit advisory panel – a mix of neighborhood and development backgrounds Dennis Anderson
Jo Gawthrop
Clay Angelucci
Johan Graham
Anderson Communities Block + Lot Real Estate
Russ Barclay
Lexington Community Land Trust
Nathan Billings Billings Law Firm
Peter Carew
My Old Kentucky Home Repair
Kerry Churchill
Nurse Graduate Student
Ginny Daley
Burley American Neighborhood Resident
Distillery Heights AU Associates
Blake Hall
Kenwick Neighborhood Association
Andy Haymaker
Haymaker/Bean Commercial Real Estate
Peggy Henson
Former Councilmember, Cardinal Valley Resident
Ed Holmes
EHI Consultants
Shayla Lynch
Lexington Fair Housing Council/Ampersand
Kris Nonn NoLi CDC
Amy Preece
Lexington Habitat for Humanity
Mike Scanlon
The Zenith Company, Former Vice Mayor
Liz Sheehan
University of Kentucky
Richard Young Civic Lex
Expanded Notification
ZOTA Origins – Equity Stemming from conversations on inclusion and government transparency within the: Neighborhoods in Transition Task Force Mayor’s Commission on Social Justice and Equality Precedents Louisville Metros 2021 Land Development Code Reform
Expanded Notification
What is required KRS standards require that notification in the form of a letter be sent to “an owner of every parcel adjoining the subject property”.
Expanded Notification
Proposed Text Amendment What we do today Notice shall be given to owners of all property within a certain radius of the subject property.
• 500’ radius for all zone changes and conditional uses • 200’ radius for all variances • Plus supplemental notice for agricultural land
Essence of the revision Notice shall be given to owners, and the property addresses, if the property is not the owner’s primary mailing address, of all property addresses within a certain radius of the subject property.
Expanded Notification
Notification Considerations
Expanded Notification
Increased Notification New Signs Hit the Following:
Enhanced visibility/legibility • Hierarchy of info • Color coded corner • Prominent date
Clearer branding • City blue / font styles
Connection to additional online information • QR Code
Complies with KRS requirements Mailers by Current Regulations (all owners) Additional Notification (renters/occupants) Proposed Regulations (all owners + renters)
Count 44 39 83
Mailers by Current Regulations (all owners) Additional Notification (renters/occupants) Proposed Regulations (all owners + renters)
Count 100 77 177
Current Postage Postage w/Proposed Regulations
$24.20 $45.65
Current Postage Postage w/Proposed Regulations
$55.00 $97.35
Expanded Notification
Increased Notification
Mailers by Current Regulations (all owners) Additional Notification (renters/occupants) Proposed Regulations (all owners + renters)
Count 77 26 103
Mailers by Current Regulations (all owners) Additional Notification (renters/occupants) Proposed Regulations (all owners + renters)
Current Postage Postage w/Proposed Regulations
$42.35 $56.65
Current Postage Postage w/Proposed Regulations
Count 167 89 256 $91.85 $140.80
Expanded Notification
What’s the practical impact? Notify property owners - Same as today Reach renters - Increased community engagement in the planning process Reach business owners and employees - Increased community engagement Cost of mailings - Negligible cost relative (typically between $25-50) Increase in meeting participants - Opportunity for greater consensus building Increase in people notified - Increased transparency in government processes Supplemental notice in agricultural zones - Same as today with the inclusion Diverging opinion of a property - All members of our community should have a voice from the renter/tenant - Differing perspectives inform better policy