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South Nicholasville Road Small Area Plan 11 South Nicholasville Road Small Area Plan 11

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2. Celebrate the culture and heritage of the area.

 Protect and enhance Waveland State Historic Site

 Denote and distinguish the entrance to Lexington at Nicholasville Road and the Jessamine County line

 Create a desirable corridor by the placement, scale, variety, and finish of buildings as well as landscaping, art, and infrastructure features

3. Ensure that public and community facilities are considered as critical elements to the success of this area.

 Encourage the success of the faith-based institutions

 Encourage the inclusion of libraries, schools, public safety facilities, and senior centers

 Construct artistic bus shelters at bus stops

 Ensure adequate park and open spaces are included along with functional park improvements

 Consider the best fit with Norfolk Southern Railroad when planning for buildings, greenways, trails, and other improvements

 Minimize or eliminate the intrusion of overhead and above ground utilities

4. Ensure the economic vitality of the area.

 Enable first-class office, lab, and other high paying employment uses

 Encourage existing local businesses to flourish

 Expand opportunities for new local and small business activity

 Establish the area as a destination for workers, visitors, and customers through high quality design and a balanced mix of uses

 Create developments where housing, employment, and commercial uses are within walking and biking distance

 Identify and provide for the future location of anticipated or desired cultural and tourismrelated uses

5. Improve safety and mobility for people and vehicles.

 Provide connectivity across parcel lines to Man o’ War Boulevard, Nicholasville Road, and collector streets

 Improve existing connections to Man o’ War Boulevard and Nicholasville Road

 Review effectiveness of speed limits, signal operations, turn and travel lanes, traffic calming devices, and other traffic control measures and implement changes as necessary

 Add and connect sidewalks, bikeways, and walking trails

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