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South Nicholasville Road Small Area Plan South Nicholasville Road Small Area Plan

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2007 Comprehensive Plan

The 2007 Comprehensive Plan outlined a series of Goals and Objectives to enhance the quality of life and spur economic development. Listed below are 14 of the 21 Goals from the Plan that are most applicable to the south Nicholasville Road area and this planning process. Every effort has been made to make recommendations that will fulfill these goals.

Relevant Goals and Objectives of the 2007 Comprehensive Plan

Goal 2. Promote regional planning and coordination throughout the inner Bluegrass Region.


D. Pursue intergovernmental planning processes and integrated land use, transportation, sanitary sewers, and storm water planning of potential development along each of Fayette County’s borders and the radial arterial road corridors connecting adjacent counties with Lexington.

Goal 3. Promote land uses that are sensitive to the natural and built environment.


H. Strengthen street design and current landscape regulations to enhance the visual quality, improve screening and buffering along Urban Service Area corridors, and promote compatible land use relationships.

Goal 4. Develop and implement a greenspace system that preserves the urban and rural identity of Fayette County and provides a framework for regional and local planning.


F. Preserve, protect, and enhance the character of significant transportation corridors throughout Fayette County, providing for appropriate open space, setbacks, and landscaping as well as multi-purpose transportation needs.

G. Increase, preserve, and enhance open space for passive and active recreational, educational, and economic opportunities.

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