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South Nicholasville Road Small Area Plan South Nicholasville Road Small Area Plan
Goal 13. Provide housing opportunities to meet the needs of all citizens.
A. Offer sufficient choice of decent and safe housing for citizens of all income levels in all areas of Lexington.
F. Provide land for residential uses of all types in sufficient amount and locations within the Urban Service Area to adequately meet the projected population growth of Fayette County.
H. Encourage a variety of residential densities that respect the character of existing neighborhoods and developments, and are consistent with adopted plans.
K. Create incentives at employment centers throughout the Urban Service Area that encourage people to live near their work.
Goal 14. Establish and promote well-designed communities that provide appropriate services to multi-neighborhood areas and encourage community interaction.
B. Identify, plan, and locate community mixed-use centers as concentrations of mixed land uses that are compatible with surrounding areas at key locations with access to a diverse range of transportation facilities.
I. Develop communities and neighborhoods that are self-sustaining by enabling a range of services and activities, such as employment centers, neighborhood commercial centers, mixed residential types, schools, community centers, recreation and leisure, and worship.
Goal 15. Preserve, protect, and enhance the character and quality of existing neighborhoods.
A. Retain the character, identity, and appearance of vital, successful residential and nonresidential areas.
K. Promote human-scale, bicycle, and pedestrian-friendly neighborhoods.
L. Enhance the visual quality of arterial and collector streets with street trees and with landscape buffers along neighborhood streets and backyards that border major arterials, where feasible.
Goal 16. Promote well-designed new development that creates and enhances neighborhoods and communities.
A. Develop residential blocks or patterns that provide a well-organized and complete system of vehicular, pedestrian, and bicycle-friendly facilities, and have human scale architectural or urban design features and community focus of common areas.
D. Encourage medium- and high-density residential and higher intensity nonresidential uses that respect the character of existing neighborhoods and developments and are compatible with proposed development areas.