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South Nicholasville Road Small Area Plan South Nicholasville Road Small Area Plan
Goal 18. Provide and maintain essential public services and facilities.
Goal 19. Provide and maintain a comprehensive transportation system.
B. Encourage a more efficient and interconnected system of streets and highways and promote traffic patterns that provide alternatives to corridor travel.
C. Build collector road systems as planned.
G. Provide a balanced and coordinated multi-modal transportation system; encourage the use of all viable modes of transportation.
I. Encourage and enhance mass transit development and use, including such related infrastructure as transfer facilities, bus shelters, street graphics, and pull-off and acceleration lanes.
Goal 20. Provide and maintain a range of community facilities and services.
J. Assess the impact of new development or redevelopment on community facilities.
O. Provide a full range of recreational programs, including the development of interpretive facilities.
For a complete list of the 2007 Comprehensive Plan Goals and Objectives, please see the following Website: http://www.lexingtonky.gov/Modules/ShowDocument.aspx?documentid=1804.