Theme F - Implementation
Theme Pillar Policy Action Item ADesign 2 Conduct a comprehensive road connectivity assessment. ADesign 3 Update the Zoning Ordinance to adopt elements of the multi‐family design standards ADesign 4 Create guidelines for massing and design. ADesign 5 Conduct a pedestrian accessibility audit ADesign 9 Review and update plans, regulations, and policies to establish consistent level of service standards for neighborhood‐focused open spaces and parks ADesign 10 Conduct a city wide study to identify opportunities for community anchors ADesign 12 Amend the Zoning Ordinance to encourage greater residential opportunities within existing neighborhood‐serving business districts. ADensity 2 Evaluate and amend residential zones to allow greater housing opportunities ADensity 3 Perform gap analysis of existing neighborhoods to identify enhancement opportunities for new supportive uses. ADensity 4 Update Zoning Ordinance to allow for compact housing types. AEquity 1 Educate the public, rectify historical discrimination, and ensure equitable development through workshops, education campaigns, zoning policies, affordable housing initiatives, and community engagement. AEquity 2 Create an ongoing educational curriculum on historical planning practices and policies' impact on marginalized neighborhoods in Lexington AEquity 3 Review regulatory changes and incentives to produce affordable housing AEquity 9 Support expansion of ESP and REAL programs to more schools. AEquity 9 Collaborate with libraries to improve access to additional community services and engagement. AEquity 10 Collaborate with government agencies to develop comprehensive assistance programs. BProtection 2 Develop a county wide inventory of Special Natural Protection Areas. BProtection 2 Update land development regulations to include best practices for greenway access and implementation of conservation easements. B Protection 2 Update the 2002 Greenway Masterplan. BProtection 6 Review the Zoning Ordinance for new agritourism and ecotourism opportunities BProtection 6 Work with local partners to establish a program linking public transit to experiences in Lexington's rural parks, natural areas, and agritourism offerings. BProtection 7 Update Article 26 of the Zoning Ordinance. BProtection 8 Complete a county‐wide biodiversity inventory and action plan. BProtection9 Update regulations to include best practices for soil preservation and management during the construction process. B Protection 10 Develop a lighting ordinance that regulates the type and intensity of lighting used in outdoor spaces. BSustainability 1 Explore opportunities for federal funding for climate solutions BSustainability 1 Develop a community‐wide greenhouse gas emissions inventory BSustainability 1 Create a community‐wide emissions reductions plan to achieve net zero by 2050 in Lexington‐Fayette Urban County. BSustainability2 Conduct a detailed LFUCG greenhouse gas inventory and an emissions reductions plan. BSustainability2 Identify opportunities and commit funding for renewable energy generation (i.e. solar or wind). BSustainability 2 Create an LFUCG Sustainability Policy and/or update LFUCG’s Policy on Energy Efficiency. BSustainability 3 Identify opportunities to create complete neighborhoods that provide a full range of opportunities and services within a 15 minute walk, bicycle or transit ride B Sustainability 3 Update LFUCG roadway design manuals to incorporate complete streets best practices for new roadways and design retrofits. BSustainability 3 Conduct study to identify complete street deficient roadways and prioritize retrofit projects to address deficiencies BSustainability 3 Identify opportunities to close connectivity gaps in the bicycle and pedestrian facility network B Sustainability 3 Conduct 25 year long‐range plan for public transportation to identify service gaps and opportunities for increased service Page 1 of 4
3 Develop an E‐Bike cost share/subsidy program.
Collaborate with LFUCG urban forestry to identify priority areas for improving environmental equity through increased canopy and impervious area mitigation.
4 Continue to refine street design, parking area, and vehicle use area standards to reduce impervious surfaces and minimize environmental impacts. BSustainability
5 Establish Government/Community Targets For Renewable Energy
6 Update the Empower Lexington Plan guided by the LEED for Cities framework Apply for LEED for Cities certification.
7 Develop and proactively share educational materials and programs to increase public awareness of energy efficiency benefits and services. BSustainability 8 Coordinate with LFUCG waste management, LiveGreenLex, and community partners to expand residential and commercial composting opportunities.
B Sustainability 8 Develop and implement a program to track and publicize landfill diversion efforts
9 Update the zoning ordinance to incentivize green stormwater infrastructure elements during development BSustainability 10 Explore permitting and zoning incentives for green building design BSustainability 10 Explore tax abatements for LEED Certified Green Building Design BSustainability10
Explore opportunities to work with Kentucky building codes to incorporate green building principles.
Require that plantings for publically owned property include at least 75% native species and decrease the area of mowed grass and irrigated land.
BSustainability11 Update codes, ordinances, plans, and manuals to require current best practices for low impact landscaping. B Sustainability
Implement the Mayor's Monarch Pledge. BSustainability11
with the Urban County Council and community partners to establish and promote “No Mow May” as a city wide initiative.
across LFUCG to develop a comprehensive planning and implementation document for a community‐wide green infrastructure network. B
Promote and develop public education and outreach materials supporting urban agriculture, native plants and pollinator‐friendly community gardens. BRestoration
Update regulations to require installation of Level 2 electric vehicle charging stations.
Identify appropriate locations and funding opportunities for the installation of Level 3 electric vehicle charging stations.
Conduct a study to identify appropriate refueling locations for freight vehicles utilizing alternative fuels. BRestoration
Update ordinances and regulations to reflect national best practices on floodplain protections.
Update regulations to refer to the Royal Springs Aquifer requirements.
Develop education and outreach tools to link those most impacted by environmental inequity to the decision making process.
with communities, local partners, and policymakers to research and develop community benefit and anti‐displacement strategies in existing neighborhoods.
Develop resources to promote the development of affordable housing with parks, greenspaces, and equitable transportation options.
Theme Pillar Policy Action Item
1 Implement
BRestoration 1 Strategically
BRestoration 1 Update
and maintenance. BRestoration 1 Develop
Canopy Assessment. BRestoration 2 Coordinate
B Restoration
BRestoration 6
B Restoration
BRestoration 7
CLivability 9
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recommendations from the Urban Forestry Management Plan
plant new trees to create walkable streetscapes.
the Planting Manual and Land Subdivision Regulations to reflect best practices on street tree
a program to implement and track progress on canopy coverage goals from the 2022 Urban Tree
Restoration 3
Coordinate with LFUCG Waste Management, Environmental Services, and other community partners to expand outreach on litter prevention and abatement.
Monitor environmental inequity and collaborate with and support community members within affected areas.
Inventory and analyze existing industry and production land, identifying areas to enhance or repurpose based on market and locational factors.
Theme Pillar Policy Action Item CProsperity 8 Perform analysis of existing employment opportunities and graduate supply from area institutions. CProsperity 9 Study the efficacy of the Professional Office zone, looking for ordinance revisions aimed at reducing vacancy rate. DConnectivity 1 Amend Subdivision Regulations street standards DConnectivity 2 Implement Projects from the Lexington Area MPO Bike and Pedestrian Master Plan DConnectivity 2 Implement Lexington’s Complete Street Policy. DConnectivity 3 Develop resource guide for TOD. DConnectivity 4 Review the use and regulation of access easements DPlacemaking 1 Update the Zoning Ordinance and Land Subdivision Regulations to create
standards for land adjacent to shared‐use trails and trail corridors. DPlacemaking 3 Amend the Zoning Ordinance to include placemaking elements DPlacemaking 5 Update the business zones to create more walkable commercial opportunities DPlacemaking 7 Host workshops with development and neighborhood interests to create a collaborative pre‐development process. DPlacemaking8 Work
Council to
the Division. DPlacemaking10 Initiate
DPlacemaking11 Review
DPlacemaking12 Perform
transportation elements. DPlacemaking13 Update the Downtown
Plan. DPlacemaking15 Update Zoning Ordinance regulations for business zones. DSupport 1 Engage with Fayette County Public Schools in order to align priorities in site selection and design. DSupport 4 A partnership with the Lexington Fayette County Health Department should be forged to develop planning initiatives. D Support 9 Update the Zoning Ordinance to allow for greater diversity in housing type. DSupport 11 Develop a Climate Action Plan. DSupport 12 Work with Department of Housing to enhance tenant protection programs. EAccountability1 Complete the new process for determining long‐term land use decisions involving the Urban Service Area and Rural Activity Centers. EAccountability 2 Develop a series of Comprehensive Plan metrics. EAccountability3 Continue a public outreach program for ongoing community education on Imagine Lexington and the Placebuilder. EAccountability 4 Modernize the Zoning Ordinance to reflect Imagine Lexington priorities EAccountability5 Work with the Division of Traffic Engineering and neighborhoods to
street retrofit and traffic calming projects. EAccountability6 Partner
agencies, community
and leaders to
education, outreach, and engagement opportunities
and equality E Stewardship 1 Modernize the Urban Service Area
of 4 DRAFT
increase staffing to develop a tactical
program within
discussions with the public art partners about potential ordinance revisions to increase public art opportunities.
Adaptive Reuse Ordinance to consider additional zones.
corridor studies along arterial streets
examine land use and
develop prototype
with other
facilitate public
EAccountability7 Establish a coordinating office to advance climate action and sustainability planning efforts EAccountability8
a coordinating office to implement recommendations of the mayor’s commission for racial justice
concept and the process for managing
Theme Pillar Policy Action Item
EStewardship 1
Educate the public regarding the Urban Service Area concept and the process for managing urban growth.
EStewardship 2 Collaborate with surrounding counties to connect transit between economic hubs
EStewardship 5 Conduct a Blue Sky Small Area Plan.
EStewardship 5 Explore the development of comprehensive scenic resource analysis with VisitLex and the Corridors Commission.
EStewardship 6 Update the Zoning Ordinance provisions for Agritourism and Ag‐tech
Work with adjacent communities planning departments to foster a unified approach to planning that maximizes resource efficiency, enhances coordination, and promotes the well‐being of the region as a whole.
7 Develop and implement plans aimed at reducing greenhouse gas emissions and mitigating other harmful air pollutants in the region.
9 Review buffering requirements for the Rural Service Area
1 Update the Zoning Ordinance to implement Imagine Lexington’s infill policies
Evaluate the effectiveness of current policies surrounding the provision of services and how it affects the built environment.
EStewardship 7
EGrowth 8 Work
studies. EGrowth 9 Evaluate and
middle housing difficult to develop and serve. EGrowth 10 Develop zoning regulations that ensure appropriately
Transit Oriented Development (TOD). EGrowth 10 Develop Transit Oriented Development (TOD) resources. E Growth 12 Adopt the Urban Growth Management Master Plan. EGrowth 14 Provide recommendations to the Planning Commission and Urban County Council, which identify mechanisms to fund and build affordable housing. Page 4 of 4 DRAFT
3 Amend regulations to establish a Park Dedication Ordinance
with the Planning Commission and Council to proactively pursue government‐initiated zone changes recommended by corridor
regulations and
that make missing