Urban Growth Management Master Plan Advisory Committee

Bus Tour Summary
September 12, 2023
10:00 A.M.
Transit Center
150 E. Vine Street, Lexington KY
Urban Growth Management Advisory Committee Members in attendance: Chair Larry Forester, James Brown, Todd Clark, Alison Davis, Andi Johnson, Todd Johnson, John Phillips, Kathy Plomin, William Wilson, Zach Worsham, Judy Worth, and Dan Wu.
Urban Growth Management Advisory Committee Members absent: Chuck Ellinger and PG Peeples.
Staff in attendance: Commissioner Keith Horn, Administrative Officer Shaun Denney, Division of Planning Director Jim Duncan, Purchase of Development Rights Director Beth Overman, Water Quality Sanitary Sewer Section Manager Chris Dent, Long Range Planning Manager Chris Taylor, Attorney Senior Brittany Smith, Principal Planner Autumn Goderwis, Planner Senior Hal Baillie, Planner Senior Valerie Friedmann, Planner Senior Joey David, Planner Senior Daniel Crum and Administrative Specialist Rachael Lay.
Members of the Urban Growth Management Advisory Committee met at 10:00 am at the Transit Center for a tour to see the areas of consideration for expansion.
Division of Planning Director Jim Duncan narrated the tour for the committee, staff, and members of the public that were present. Director Duncan pointed out the areas of consideration as well other identifying factors such as Purchase of Development Rights (PDR) areas.
The tour concluded at 12:30pm.
The public input meeting will take place September 12, 2023 at 6:00pm Government center Council Chambers.
All information for subsequent and past meetings (including meeting packets, presentations, videos, and public comments) can be found here: https://imaginelexington.com/ugm