Regist rat ion Opens June 15t h
General Informat ion M ission St at em en t To provide affordable, quality programs meeting the needs of the community. We are committed to providing active and passive leisure opportunities that are educational, fun and life-enriching. The Department promotes participation by all Lexington residents in safe, accessible, and well-maintained facilities.
Reach ou t t o u s!
Recr eat ion & Com m u n it y Pr ogr am s Fu ll Tim e St af f
M ain Ph on e
M elissa Bat t it e, CPRP - Director of Recreation & Community Programs
Pet er Colem an , CPRP - Assistant Director of Recreation
Em ail
Regist er
Ch r ist in e Dean , CPRP - Community Center Director Hayat o Tsu r u m ak i - Recreation Supervisor Th om as Rom an o, CPRP - Youth & Family Program Coordinator M elin da Spen cer - Administrative Manager An n M cKean - Department Assistant
Ch er ie Robin son - Administrative Assistant Lisa Aboyan - Financial Administrative Assistant
Regist r at ion In f or m at ion Registration is available online beginning Ju n e 15, 2020. We encourage you to visit our web page at w w w.lexin gt on m r ecr eat ion . Registration is first come, first served. All participants must register, submit payment and a waiver release in order to be eligible to participate in a program. There is a $10.00 fee for all non-resident program registrations. We accept cash, check, MasterCard, VISA, or Discover for payments.
Con t en t s Day Camp & Tennis.....................................2 Therapeutic Recreation..............................3 Youth Programs...........................................4-11 Adult Programs...........................................12-13
Can cellat ion Policy Cancellations must be submitted in writing to a minimum of two weeks prior to the start of a program or service. A $25.00 processing fee will be incurred for all programs unless otherwise noted. The remaining balance will be in the form of a credit to the household account in which the original registration was made. There are no credits for cancellations received less than two weeks prior to the start of a program or service. Credits may be given for medical reasons and would require a physician?s note before credit approval. In the event a program is canceled due to low enrollment or inclement weather (only when a make-up is not available), a full credit will be applied to the household account.
Fin an cial Aid A request for financial aid is available online, or by calling. Requests are reviewed through a confidential process with the Human Services Department. The amount of scholarship awarded is determined by individual need and available funds in the Recreation & Community Programs Enterprise Fund. Thank you to Fund for Lexington for supporting a portion of our annual scholarship funds.
Day Camp & Tennis LexRec S.O.A.R - (Su m m er Ou t door Ar t s & Recr eat ion ) Camp S.O.A.R is a theme-based day camp program open to children entering Grades 2-5 as of September 2020. This morning program will be filled with games and activities, sports and arts & crafts. The Center Recreation Complex fields and amenities will be our outdoor space with classroom and gymnasiums at LHS for our indoor space during high heat and rainy days. Each session, campers will participate in a wide variety of theme-based activities. The weekly themes will be available in mid-July. All activities will be done in a socially-distant manner and campers will stay within the same group of campers and staff for each session. Following safety guidelines, a staggered drop off and pick up will occur 15-30 minutes before or after the program time. Participants will be notified in mid-July of their assigned arrival and departure time. Participants and staff will need to complete the daily screening process prior to the program beginning each day. The prescreening process will be sent to families upon registration. Staff are CPR and First Aid certified and have completed successful CORI and SORI background checks. This camp must comply with regulations of the Massachusetts Department of Public Health and be licensed by the local Board of Health. And adhere to guidelines set for by the Governor 's Reopening Task Force. Fee:
Age: Sessions:
$399/2-Week Session Session 1: July 20 - 31 7-11 or $750/Both Sessions Session 2: August 3 - 14
9:00am - 12:00pm
LHS & Center Rec Complex
Ph ysical/ im m u n izat ion r ecor d r equ ir ed at t h e t im e of r egist r at ion LexRec Reopen M A Cam p Gu idelin es f r om t h e CDC
You t h Ten n is Clin ic The Youth Tennis Clinic is designed for beginner and intermediate players. This program has a 5:1 children-to-staff ratio. Drill work will emphasize match and tournament play and participants will be exposed to different tournament styles and gain experience through daily practice. Participants will practice social distancing during all activities and will need to complete the daily screening process prior to the program beginning each day. Participants must also bring their own racquet, water bottle, snack, and sunscreen. Fee:
Age: Sessions:
$260/2-Week Session or $500/Both Sessions
Session 1: July 20 - 31 7-13 Session 2: August 3 - 14
12:30 - 2:00pm or 2:30 - 4:00pm
Location: Gallagher Tennis Courts at Center Rec Complex
Ph ysical/ im m u n izat ion r ecor d r equ ir ed at t h e t im e of r egist r at ion LexRec Reopen M A Cam p Gu idelin es f r om t h e CDC
Therapeut ic Recreat ion
M ini M akers - $18/class
Communit y Craft ers - $18/class
Each week participants will be sent (or pick up) a package with art supplies for the project of the week. Once participants have gotten their package they can log onto the zoom session and complete the art project with their friends and the Therapeutic Recreation Specialist leading the project. Sign up for one week or sign up for them all!
Each week participants will be sent (or pick up) a package with art supplies for the project of the week. Once participants have gotten their package they can log onto the zoom session and complete the art project with their friends and the Therapeutic Recreation Specialist leading the project. Sign up for one week or sign up for them all!
Tuesdays, June 1:30 - 2:30pm 30, July 7, 14, 21
Wednesdays, July 1, 8, 15, 22
Inclusion Support Inclusion support may be provided for participants with a disability who may need support within the program to be successful. If you are interested in requesting inclusion support within a summer program or inquiring about which summer program may be the best fit, please email Kate DeAngelis by July 6. Kate will send you an intake form and then set up a time to meet. Participants may receive either 1:1 support or group support depending on the needs of the participant and staff availability. Inclusion staff are trained to facilitate social interactions, manage behaviors, prompt participants when needed, offer breaks and adapt and/or modify camp and program activities
TR Par en t / Car egiver Open For u m - FREE
Navigat or Club - $25/class
Parents and caregivers are invited to attend an open forum that will allow parents and caregivers to chat with the Therapeutic Recreation Specialist, meet other families who participate in TR programming, share your experience, ideas and words of wisdom with others. You can also talk with the TRS about programs you have liked or programs you would like to see happen. Feel free to join with your coffee or tea!
Once a week Navigator Club will meet up at a local park for a physically distant social group. Just because we have to be physically distant does not mean we should distance ourselves socially. Now more than ever it is important to maintain social connections to have people to talk to and lean on. Each week we will play group games and activities, catch up, talk about coping skills during stressful times and have a lot of fun. Sign up for one or sign up for them all!
June 24
3:00-4:00 pm
July 8
5:45-6:45 pm
Location: Virtual
Thursdays, July 9, 16, 23, 30
2:00 - 3:00pm
Yout h Programs F.A.S.T At h let ics Vir t u al Pr ogr am s
M or n in g Week ly Sch edu le
F.A.S.T. Athletics will be offering different sports and fitness classes throughout the summer to keep everyone active and participating in a group setting. Our classes will include proper stretching, aerobic activities, and creative fun interactive games. The second part of each class will include specific skill work, focusing on individual sports. All classes will be held through Zoom.
Monday: Fitness & Basketball Tuesday: Fitness & Lacrosse Wednesday: Fitness & Hockey Thursday: Fitness & Baseball Skills Friday: Fitness & Interactive Games
Age: Fee: Per Week
$70 Family (Morning) $80 Family (Morning + Tue & Thur)
Weeks of July 6-10, July M-F 9:00 - 9:40am (Fitness & Sports Specific) 13-17, July 20-24, July 27-31, Tue 6:30 - 7:10pm (Fitness & Family Yoga) August 3-7, August 10-14, Thur 6:30 - 7:10pm (Fitness & Soccer) August 17-21
Sk yh aw k s M in i-Haw k Act ive at Hom e - $85/ w eek
Cyclin g 101 - $30 Teaching kids bike riding safety and protocols. Learn how to check your bike (chain, brakes, tires, etc.), watch some videos that show bike safety and rules of the road. Map out a course to ride around the parking lot as well as through the bike path. Kids should bring their own bike, helmet, face covering, water bottle and a snack.
Age: 7-9
1:00 - 4:00pm
Meet at the Lexington Community Center
August 10
10-13 August 13
August 14
Adapting our award-winning Mini-Hawk program into a virtual camp format is an opportunity for Skyhawks to provide a positive, multi-sport introduction to children at home. Through exciting games and activities, campers explore balance, hand/eye coordination and skill development at their own pace. With a big focus on encouragement and fun, this program will promote physical fitness and early skill development in baseball, basketball and soccer. Age: Dates:
July 13-17 & August 3-7
10:00am 12:00pm
August 10 - 14 1:30 - 3:30pm
Sk yh aw k s STEM & Play: M u lt i-Spor t $95/ w eek
Sk yh aw k s Lego & Play $95/ w eek
Skyhawks is excited to offer a module-based, virtual class that explores the Science, Technology, Engineering and Math behind the sports of Soccer and Basketball. Our expert instructors will tie each module back into the sport with skill instruction to instill curiosity and a passion for learning in each child. Subjects vary by sport, but include ball design, calculating distances and angles, velocity, acceleration and more! Skyhawks puts the Sports in STEM!
This engaging virtual offering covers many fields of engineering while also teaching kids about problem solving and creative thinking through the Engineering Design Process with Lego! Participants use their own Lego bricks at home to work on fun projects led by knowledgeable staff. Skyhawks instructors will finish each session with engaging, game-based physical education activities designed to build self-confidence, create body awareness and inspire a passion for an active lifestyle. STEM-based fun with Lego mixed with physical fitness make for a unique offering.
Age: Dates:
July 20-24 & 7-12 August 17-21
10:00am 12:00pm
August 3 - 7
1:30 - 3:30pm
Location: Age: Dates: Virtual
July 20 - 24
1:30 - 3:30pm
Virtual August 10 - 14 10:00am - 12:00pm
Ch allen ger Pr em ier Par t n er Cam p - $109 Challenger International Soccer understands that in this COVID-19 era, the idea of ?coaching? has changed. Therefore, using their vast experience in the soccer coaching industry, Challenger has once again set a new standard through their virtual training experience. The Challenger Premier Partner Camp is for children ages 6-16 with a coach-to-player ratio of 1:20 and participants are placed into age-appropriate groups. This environment helps provide specific feedback and coaching tips to the players as they run through a series of pre-recorded, purpose built activities. The professional staff will present throughout, covering fun and challenging skill activities and games, ball control and 1 v 1 moves, technical topics and daily challenges. There will be short breaks during which the staff will provide key additional education focused on soccer, social skills, and values. All sessions will be recorded and available on request for any registered participants to watch and review. Age: 6-16
July 27 - 31
9:00 - 11:00am
Vik in g Bask et ball Sk ills, Dr ills, & Gam es - $80 Develop your basketball skills from the comfort of your home with Viking?s Virtual Basketball program. Our coaches have crafted a curriculum tailored to the digital environment that fuses skill development and fun to provide a uniquely entertaining experience that ensures each child stays engaged. Over the course of this program we introduce players to the basic skills of dribbling, passing, and shooting. The Virtual environment will see players enjoy twists to classic games, allow the Viking coach to give players direct feedback, and help basketball players improve their game remotely. Each player will also have an "At Home" component to give players guided practices between classes. To get the most out of this program, the players will need a ball. Having access to a hoop is not required. Age:
11:00am -12:00pm Tue, July 28 - August 25
Virtual 2:00 - 3:00pm
Vik in g Soccer , Developin g t h e Fu n dam en t als - $80 The most popular sport in the world is now offered virtually from Viking! The goal of this program is to develop your soccer players skills remotely. Our engaging environment blends soccer instruction and personality to make each class fun. Our soccer coaches have created a digital curriculum tailored to the virtual experience. Over the course of this program we introduce players to the basic skills of dribbling, passing, and shooting and play games that help reinforce those skills. Each player will also have an "At Home" component to give players guided practices between classes. To get the most out of this program, players will need a ball. Having access to a soccer goal is not required. Age:
Time: 11:00am -12:00pm
Wed, July 29 - August 26
Location: Virtual
2:00 - 3:00pm
Regist r at ion open s Ju n e 15 at 6:00 am !
Yout h Programs St or y & Cr af t Tim e! - $12/ session Each session, Hayato Tsurumaki will be reading stories and doing a craft related to each theme or story. You can provide your child with a snack and listen to stories. The supplies needed for the art project will be put together and can be picked up at the Community Center by appointment. Theme is Elephant and Piggie (?Lets Go for a Drive? and ?The Thank You Book?), this will be rolled out on Wednesday morning. Pick up of materials for activities should be done during the days leading up to Wednesday. Fee includes all art materials needed.
Age: Dates: 3+
July 27 - 31
At your leisure
Fit n ess & Fu n ! - $75/ session Helping to teach youth about proper eating and drinking habits in order to be in peak shape for healthy living or for athletics. Participate in various workouts to get heart rates up, burn some calories and get into shape. We will do a variety of workouts such as, HIIT (High intensity interval training), agility work, body weight exercises and cardio) Will run competitions amongst participants to help push themselves. Class will take place on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday each session. Age:
1:30 - 3:30pm
Lincoln Field
August 3, 5, 7 8+ August 10, 12, 14
Player Developm en t Pr ogr am (PDP) Gir ls Bask et ball & Leader sh ip - $125 Led by Lexington High School Girls Basketball Head Coach Steve Solly and Assistant Coach Adrienne Mugar, the virtual PDP program is designed to be a fun basketball development experience focused on improving basketball skills, leadership skills, and building confidence. The summer of 2020 presents some unique challenges for all of us, but we will adapt and offer a special learning experience for all. This virtual-camp experience will be conducted through Zoom and feature guest speakers, individual basketball skill development, as well as sport-specific performance training to improve agility, balance, and coordination. We also offer an exciting sports leadership curriculum on a daily basis and all skill levels are welcome! Age: Dates:
8-14 M-Th: July 20 - 23
10:00am - 12:00pm
M in u t em an Badm in t on ! - $150 Led by P.E. teacher Vic Cuzzupe, participants will be introduced to the basics of this fun, popular sport. Players will learn to serve, rally, and volley and will work on skills and participate in games and tournaments. Badminton badminton helps increase endurance, reflexes, and hand-eye coordination. Age: Dates: 8-16
August 3-7
8:30am 12:00pm
M in u t em an Co-Ed M u lt i Spor t s! - $150 Led by P.E. teacher Vic Cuzzupe, aspires to use sports participation and learning as a means to improve self confidence and enhance the love and enjoyment of sports through skills development, and to reinforce the importance of fairness, cooperation, and team play during daily games. Age:
August 10-14
8:30am 12:00pm
Center #2 Softball
M in u t em an Clin ics w ill f ollow appr opr iat e social dist an cin g gu idelin es.
Yout h Programs Ar ch er y - $150/ session Archery is an individual sport that provides the opportunity for anyone to do well. The benefits of archery include exercise, mental focus, self-discipline, and social interaction with peers. This program teaches the fundamentals of good form, technique, and how to be safe. Taught by Shawn Bowlby who has 20+ years of experience and has won the national indoor championship 8 times. Your child will be learning from one of the best! Archery equipment is provided and will be sanitized and disinfected after every class. Classes will be Monday-Thursday with Friday as a rain date. Age: 9-15
July 6-9, July 27-30, and August 24-27
9:00-10:30am and or 11:00am-12:30pm
CC Upper Field
6 Week Begin n er Ch ess - $170
6 Week In t er m ediat e Ch ess - $170
Chess is a fun and strategic game that can improve decision making, strategic thinking, analytical skills and more. During our 6 week program we learn the names of pieces, how they move, basic tactics, openings, checkmates and endgames. Classes include 30-40 minutes instruction with 20-30 minutes of supervised play, culminating in a tournament.
Kids who already know how to move pieces can participate in this session. You will learn intermediate to advanced tactics, strategies, learn about openings, middle games and endgames. We will focus on how to play in tournaments. The last week will be a tournament.
Classes taught by Prathiba Yuvarajan, an International Master (USCF 2266) and Director of Massachusetts Chess Association.
Wh en you r egist er f or t h e Begin n er or In t er m ediat e 6 w eek cou r se you r eceive a f r ee en t r y in t o eit h er t h e Au gu st 1 or 15 Blit z t ou r n am en t below , all you n eed t o do is becom e a USCF m em ber ! Age:
Beginner: July 9 - August 13
Intermediate July 9 - August 13
Location: Virtual
Kids Test Kit ch en 4 Week s! - $130 Blit z Ch ess Tou r n am en t ! - $15 Sections : U 400, U 800, U 1200 and U 1800 (USCF membership required) Minimum 7 participants in a section or it will be merger with other sections. Game 5,d/0 4SS It is an online uscf rated event. Login Details and other instructions to join the tournament will be emailed to you the night before the tournament. Please use a valid email when you register. Check you mail before the tournament. Age: Dates: 8+
August 1 & 15
Each class presents students with an opportunity to explore new or familiar foods in their raw, un-manipulated state. Then, with adult supervision and occasional assistance, we?ll work together, virtually, to slice, dice, peel, measure, and cook until we have each prepared the finished dish. The virtual experience gives students the unique opportunity to immediately share their work with family! This session will highlight some of our most popular KTK recipes, including a sweet take on hummus, our ?Nourishing Nachos,? and a delicious way to serve up swiss chard!
10:00am start
July 6, 13, 20, & 27
Lexin gt on You t h Speech & Debat e - $215 Does your child speak confidently in public? Do they express their thoughts and opinions clearly? Do they debate persuasively? The answers will be yes, if they join the Lexington Youth Speech and Debate Program. This program will help your child improve through individualized learning, focus group discussion, deliberate practice, and one-on-one coaching! Age: 8-12
Dates: August 17 - 21
9:00am - 12:00pm
August 24 - 28
M ast er t h e Ru bik 's Cu be - $95 Two Lexington students will teach you step by step how to solve the 3 by 3 Rubik's cube.Both students have solved the cube in under 10 seconds, and have been to many tournaments! You will be taught tips and tricks to lower your times. Each student will get to keep their 3 by 3 cube! No experience necessary. Age: Dates:
9-13 August 10-13
9:00 - 11:00am
Wick ed Cool 4 Kids Classes Pair u p M in ecr af t & Space Lab on Au gu st 3-7 f r om 10:00am - 4:15pm or Wow ! Scien ce & Vet Sch ool on Au gu st 10-14 f r om 10:00am - 4:15pm f or a discou n t ed pr ice of $375!
Wick ed Cool Vet Sch ool On lin e - $260 Do you dream of becoming a veterinarian? Keep progress notes in your Vet School Notebook as we learn about our favorite furry, flying and fishy friends! Learn about animal organs, the skeletal system and how digestion works in our favorite vertebrates: birds, mammals, reptiles, amphibians and fish. End the week with a live pet share (or stuffed animal) and create a model animal eyeball! Age: Dates: 6-10
July 20-24
10:00am - 12:15pm
August 10-14
2:00 - 4:15pm
Wow ! Scien ce On lin e - $260
What?s so wow about our all new science week? Have fun with a science scramble of totally random experiments, models and science adventures. Start with cartoon character science to explore Pokemon physics and explore geology with Steven Universe. Next, delve into the chemistry of candy using chromatography and make a jar that glows like fireflies. We?ll grow seeds on a sponge tower and build a working monocular to Location: explore the tiny worlds around us. Virtual
Age: Dates:
6-10 August 10-14
10:00am - 12:15pm
M in ecr af t M yt h icr af t w it h Tyn k er - $260 Love Minecraft? Learn to build Minecraft add-ons and unleash mythical creatures in the Minecraft world. Journey to Ancient Greece, Atlantis, Japan and Transylvania to transform the appearance and behaviors of Minecraft mobs. Turn your interest in Minecraft into a love for coding! Includes accompanying hands-on activities. Students must have a Minecraft account to participate. Age: Dates: 7-11
July 27 - 31
10:00am - 12:15pm
August 3 - 7
2:00 - 4:15pm
Space Lab On lin e - $260 Design a 3D model of our solar system, build a model satellite and learn the forces of space flight. Construct a balloon powered rover and explore the surface of a rocky planet. Enter an alien atmosphere, study distant constellations and make amazing galactic slime and glittering galaxies. Out of this world fun!
Age: Dates:
6-10 August 3-7
10:00am - 12:15pm
Cir cu it Lab, Cir cu it M ak er s 101 - $245 Fee in clu des all m at er ials n eeded!
Cir cu it Lab, Scr at ch Pr ogr am m in g - $205 Let?s write some code! In this class, designed for computer programming beginners, we will use the Scratch programming language to create interactive stories, animations, and even custom computer games. Scratch was developed by MIT, and has a user-friendly interface that is fun and intuitive. Through their projects, participants will also develop logical thinking skills and an understanding of how computers work. No previous programming experience is necessary. At the end of the class, participants can keep copies of their programs to take home or continue developing in the online Scratch community.
Let?s get creative with electricity! In this junior hands-on electronics class, students will gain experience with creating their own electronics; designing custom light-up greeting cards, electric games, mazes, and more. Each class day consists of a circuitry lesson and hands-on electronics projects, using components like wires, lights, switches, and motors. Circuit Lab staff will make sure participants create many projects that they can be proud of, and each class day includes a project to keep. Age: 6-9
July 6 - 10
July 6 - 10
1:00 - 3:00pm
Spect acu lar Han ds-On Scien ce - $255 Each day the kids will explore up to 20 weird and wacky hands-on science experiments with at 10 different at home projects. The scientists are fast paced and funny and your kids will be thoroughly entertained (they?ll even learn some interesting things too). We will explore weird motions and flying things, air and water pressure; crazy chemistry, light and sound, science magic, electricity, magnets, astronomy and more. Each child receives a Free Scientist Trading Cards boxed set ($35 value)! There will be 50% different experiments from last summer! All you have to do is pick up the supplies from the Community Center the week before and you will be all set for the following week! Age:
July 6 - 10 6-10 August 3 - 7
Codin g w / Kids, Lit t le Coder s An im at ion s - $180
Codin g w / Kids, M in ecr af t M oddin g I - $370
Learn how to make your own animations in Scratch using basic coding skills! In this workshop, students will focus on the arts and animations side of game development. Through various projects, students will learn how to create their own characters, animate them, and tell their story through art, creativity, and basic coding skills! Our curriculum focuses on reinforcing concepts in different ways to help students retain new ideas and build a strong foundation for future learning. Parent supervision and assistance is required for the full hour of the Little Coders.
Calling all Minecrafters! Building Minecraft mods is a great way to learn programming, harness creativity, and enhance problem-solving skills while making your favorite game even better. Each student will have their own Minecraft server where they can customize the game with their own world maps and features. Students will be coding mods to create new items, environments, non-playable characters, game modes, and more! Using a simple drag-and-drop coding environment, campers will accomplish exciting results with their one-of-a-kind Minecraft features!
July 13 - 17
9:30 - 10:30am
5-7 July 20 - 24
12:00 - 1:00pm
July 13 - 17
12:00 - 2:15pm
July 20 - 24
9:30 - 11:45am
Location: Virtual
Yout h Programs
Cir cu it Lab, Han ds-On Elect r on ics - $215 Plu s a $70 r ef u n dable equ ipm en t r en t al
Cir cu it Lab, App In ven t or s - $205
Tinker with electronics while learning the basics of computer programming. We begin by experimenting with the fundamentals of electronics and circuitry, and step up to projects where our class of young makers will design their own interactive and programmable devices. Participants use the latest tools including Arduino (for building interactive devices) and Raspberry Pi (for learning about computers and coding) to experiment with LEDs, resistors, motors, and programming. Each class day gives participants the chance to design a hands-on project with the guidance of skilled Circuit Lab instructors.
Plu s an opt ion al $60 t ablet r en t al, $10 Clean in g Fee
Age: Dates:
Want to know how the apps work on your phone or iPad? Or do you already have the next great app idea, and just need to know how to make it? In this no-experience-required course, we use MIT App Inventor software to make fun, creative apps for Android phones and tablets. We will also explore wireless communication by building custom bluetooth hardware controllers and readouts for our apps. Participants will learn both the programming and design aspects of creating great apps, and have the opportunity to build apps of their own with the support of Circuit Lab instructors.
Location: Age: Dates:
9-12 August 10 - 14 10:00am-12:00pm
Virtual 9-12 August 10 - 14 1:00 - 3:00pm
Regist er f or bot h classes, Au gu st 10-14 f r om 10:00am - 3:00pm f or a discou n t ed pr ice of $300!
Spect acu lar Han ds-On Scien ce, Exper im en t Ext r avagan za - $155 You ready to liven up each morning with 5 fun experiments and activities? All you have to do is pick up your supplies the week before from the Lexington Community Center. You will be dabbling in Wild Weather, Jewelry, Space adventures, and magical math & science. The fun will continue even after the class is over, and the best part is you get to keep all the experiments and activities, we can't wait for you to join. Age: 6-10
August 17 - 21
10:30am - 12:00pm
Film m ak er s Collabor at ive St op M ot ion An im at ion - $220 FC Academy presents our stop-motion animation class. FC Academy is presented by the creators of the Boston International Kids Film Festival and is thrilled to now be virtual! For our Stop-Motion Animation class students will learn the principles of Animation and produce a short film using objects found around the house. This course requires a touch screen device with access to the free app Stop Motion Studio (available for iPods, iPhones, iPads, Androids, etc), and access to Zoom. Age:
July 20, 22, 9:30 - 11:00am 24, 27, 29, 31
Regist r at ion open s Ju n e 15 at 6am !
Location: Virtual
Righ t Br ain Cu r r icu lu m M in ecr af t M et r ocr af t - $170 Students learn economics, civics, geometry and how democracy works as they work together to create a city within a virtual Minecraft-type world. Minecraft is a limitless platform for students to learn academic skills in a highly engaging virtual environment. In this problem-solving class, students design their own house and business as they learn about budgeting and basic economics. As they serve on a city council, they study how laws are made and work together to create and vote on a city constitution. They work in committees to make key decisions and design buildings for their city. Students use mathematics and geometry to construct a working urban environment. STEM skills have never been so fun! Age: 9-13
Dates: July 13 - 17
9:00 - 11:00am
Yout h Programs
M ad Scien ce, Secr et Agen t Lab LIVE - $60 Lookout 007! We are training recruits for the Mad Science Secret Agent Academy. Children will learn secret code writing, spy surveillance, detective skill and security system. The fun will continue even after the program is over. This is a live presentation so sit back and relax!
M ad Scien ce, Opt ical Illu sion s LIVE - $60 This topsy-turvy class challenges children to see the physics of optical illusions. Understand the science behind magic and even learn to make your own illusions. Age: Date:
6-10 July 29
10:00 - 10:45am
6-10 August 12
10:00 - 10:45am
Cook in g w it h Hayat o & Tom - $160 Join Hayato and Tom once a week where you will cook healthy meals and learn about nutrition. One week will be an appetizer, another week will be a fun snack, then dinner, and dessert? that?s right healthy dessert! You will watch the videos from the comfort of your home and parents are encouraged to join in and help, especially with sharp tools. All you have to do is set up a time to pick up the ingredients! Don?t worry if you have allergies, we will accommodate as best as we can to fit everyone?s needs. Age:
6-10 August 6, 13, 20, 27 11:00am-12:00pm
Location: Virtual
M ass Rec E-Spor t s Rock et Leagu e Com pet it ion $30/ player (3 player s n eeded per t eam ) Make an account with our partner GG Leagues and be ready for 6 weeks of fun with Rocket League! Rocket League is RC cars and soccer combined and can be played on Xbox, Playstation, and PC. You must sign up as a team of 3 so go grab your friends to make the most unbeatable team. The winning team will receive a $30 amazon gift card. To register and get stared visit We cant wait for you to join!
Ch ildr en's Din in g Et iqu et t e Wor k sh op - $115 Present your child with the opportunity to feel self-reliant and confident in any social or dining situation by taking interactive lessons taught by a certified etiquette consultant. Our online workshop is designed to teach them how to conduct themselves on the dining table at home, in a restaurant or when meeting new people. Teaching children proper dining skills and table manners helps them to succeed at school, socially, and later, professionally.
Age: Dates:
Age: Date:
7:00 - 8:00pm
7-12 August 6
11:00am - 12:00pm
Tue, July 14-August 18
M ass Rec E-Spor t s Leagu e of Legen ds Com pet it ion $30/ player (5 player s n eeded per t eam ) Make an account with our partner GG Leagues and be ready for 6 weeks of fun with League of Legends! League of Legends is a 5v5 battle where your main objective is to take out the other teams base. You must sign up as a team of 5 so go grab your friends to make the most unbeatable team. The winning team will receive a $30 amazon gift card. To register and get stared visit We cant wait for you to join! Age: Dates:
13+ Wed, July 15 - August 19
7:00 - 8:00pm
Ch ildr en's Social Sk ills Wor k sh op - $115 Children are the leaders of tomorrow. Present them with the opportunity to feel self-reliant and confident in any social situation by taking interactive lessons taught by a certified etiquette consultant. Our virtual workshop is designed to empower them with life skills and instill social consideration and mutual respect. To survive the rising social pressure, children must be trained in a way to feel confident and comfortable around people and to find their place in the world.
Age: Date:
7-12 August 11
11:00am - 12:00pm
Adult Programs
Zumba wit h Karl W eiland This dance/fitness class that takes the work out of working
out! The cardio/body toning routine is very easy to follow and This session is being no prior experience is needed. Whether you are just subsidized by generous starting/getting back on your fitness journey, are extremely funding from t he Dana Home fit, on a weight loss program or coming back from an injury, Foundat ion. All classes are $25 come join the party! and held over zoom. Regist er Fit & Fabulous wit h M aureen Gaines t o receive your zoom link. This class is a total body fitness workout, exercises for
Chair Yoga wit h Cat M art ignet t i Link your breathe with movement in this slow flow yoga class. We come together each week to explore yoga postures, get grounded, build strength and flexibility, and have a bit of fun! The class focuses on proper alignment.
strength, endurance, balance and flexibility. Begin with warm up movements and conclude with stretching exercises and opportunities to relax the mind and body. You are encouraged to use free weights, If available (canned goods, water bottles, etc) to enhance strength exercises, and resistance items (stretch bands, tubes, barre balls, small pillow, etc) to enhance flexibility exercises.
St rengt h & St ret ch wit h Renae Nichols
Essent rics wit h Cindy Lewis
This class is designed to give participants a complete muscle workout from head to toe. During each workout you will work your muscles to fatigue with base exercises, modifications, and advanced options. All fitness levels are welcome. Participants should bring 1-2 sets of light free weights (if possible for upper body work) and a yoga mat for mat work and stretching.
Essentrics is a full-body workout that combines stretching and strengthening all the muscles in the body. This technique develops lean, strong and flexible muscles, but also unlocks joints and improves posture. For men and women of all ages and fitness levels who are looking for a gentle, slow-tempo class. This program aims at "rebalancing" the body so that areas that have often been ignored (such as feet, hands, hips, shoulders) get stronger and more functional. Bring a yoga mat, towel and water.
Yoga wit h Keit h Herndon Join certified instructor Keith Herndon in this physically balancing workout of Yoga on Monday or Tuesday evenings from the comfort of your own home. Yoga is famous for harmonizing mind and body. Participants should have a yoga mat and a water bottle.
Act ive Agers wit h Terry Courier This fun and challenging class incorporates all the major components of fitness: cardio, strength, balance, flexibility and functional exercise. Participants should have hand-held weights such as dumbbells, canned goods or water bottles.
Seat ed St rengt h & Balance wit h Pearl Pressman This seated class is designed to accommodate individuals of various fitness levels and can be adapted to meet the needs of any participant. The class begins with a thorough warm-up of joints and muscles, and is followed by strength training exercises for all of the major muscle groups of the body using hand weights, resistance bands and body weight.
St rengt h Training wit h Pearl Pressman Improve posture and balance and reduce the risk of Osteoporosis. You will also learn proper weight-training techniques, which is key to success. Begins with a brief warm-up, then strength training exercises, both standing and on a mat, and conclude with gentle stretching. The class is designed to accommodate participants of all fitness levels and abilities. Athletic shoes, a mat, and water are recommended.
Zumba Gold Toning wit h Yachun Lin Zumba Gold Toning takes the Zumba dance party fun, adding in light weights to enhance muscle strength, tone and endurance with Latin and international music. Please wear sturdy sneakers and have two 16.9 oz bottled water as your light weights.
Zumba Gold wit h Karl W eiland This Latin-inspired dance-fitness party for active older adults, beginners, and anyone who wants a great time without jumping. Each routine starts out with basic steps and adds on to each step as the song progresses. This creates the opportunity to add more intensity or lower the intensity level based on each individual's fitness abilities and preferences. Please wear sturdy sneakers and bring water.
Cardio Dance & St rengt h wit h Renae Nichols Let the music free your mind and energize your body in this class designed to give you a full body workout. Begin with 30-40 minutes of cardio dance fitness. With each new song, you will be led through a series of steps. The last 20-30 minutes of class will be used for strength training, use body weight and free weights to keep muscles strong and toned. This class is designed for active adults, no previous experience required.
Circuit Training wit h Terry Currier Increase your strength, endurance, flexibility and balance in this energetic whole-body circuit workout. Using hand weights, you will alternate muscle-building exercises with aerobic challenges and balance drills. 3 to 5-pound dumbbells are recommended, but canned goods and water bottles will also work well.
Adult Programs Ayurvedic Daily Rout ine for Healt hy Living - $15 A daily routine is absolutely necessary to bring about radical change in your body, mind, and consciousness. Routine helps to establish balance your constitution. It also regularizes a person's biological clock, aids digestion, absorption and assimilation, and generates self-esteem, discipline, peace, happiness, and longevity. Anjana will provide Ayurvedic recommendations on healthy living including guidelines to follow on a daily basis. Age: Date:
11:00am - 12:00pm
July 15
Regist rat ion opens
Incompat able Food Combinat ion - "A Pat h t o an Unhealt hy Journey - $15 Anjana, an Ayurvedic Wellness Counselor, will help you understand the concept of food combinations and its impact on your health? the idea that some foods digest better in combination with other foods may be new to western cultures. According to Ayurveda, food combinations are an essential part of understanding how to eat properly. The right combinations of food can dramatically improve the quality of digestion, improve nourishment, and positively impact our overall health. Age: Date:
18+ July 22
11:00am - 12:00pm
June 15 at 6am! Pr ogr am
Dat e
Tim e
Chair Yoga with Cat Martignetti
Mondays: July 6 - August 24
10:30 - 11:10am
Stretch & Strength with Renae Nichols
Mondays: June 29 - August 24
9:30 - 10:25am
Yoga with Keith Herndon
Mondays: July 6 - August 24
7:00 - 7:55pm
Active Agers with Terry Currier
Tuesdays: July 7 - August 25
10:00 - 11:00am
Seated Strength & Balance w/Pearl Pressman Tue & Thur: July 7 - August 27
11:00 - 11:55am
Strength Training with Pearl Pressman
Tue & Thur: July 7 - August 27
12:00 - 12:55pm
Zumba with Karl Weiland
Tuesdays: July 7 - August 25
6:00 - 7:00pm
Yoga with Keith Herndon
Tuesdays: July 7 - August 25
7:00 - 7:55pm
Fit & Fabulous with Maureen Gaines
Wednesdays: July 8 - August 26
10:00 - 10:55am
Essentrics with Cindy Lewis
Wednesdays: July 8 - August 26
Zumba Gold Toning with Yachun Lin
Wednesdays: July 8 - August 26
1:00 - 2:00pm
Zumba Gold with Karl Weiland
Thursdays: July 9 - August 27
10:00 - 10:55am
Cardio Dance & Strength with Renae Nichols
Fridays: July 3 - August 28
9:30 - 10:25am
Circuit Training with Terry Currier
Fridays: July 10 - August 28
11:30am - 12:30pm