T ommas o
by Ulrika
Childhood is sitting inside a stuffy classroom counting down the endless seconds till summer begins. Childhood is creating shadow wolves against the wall that howl at the moon and scare away the darkness. Childhood is constructing sprawling empires of cheap plastic yellow legos. Childhood is a wooden bunk bed that is so old, you could glance at it and it would creak. Childhood is gulping down a brimming mug of hot chocolate with extra silky marshmallows after an intense snowball fight in the back yard. Childhood is hearing the dice roll across the board as you read the dreadfully awaited card “Go directly to jail, do not pass go and do not collect two hundred�. Childhood is gazing at the car driving away with tears welling up in you eyes as older siblings Go off to college in a far away land not knowing that one day you will too.
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Life’s Rough Draft
by Paris
Childhood is being dragged out of bed Sunday mornings at ungodly hours to go to grandmas and trying to tell her you’re truly and actually full. Childhood is pretending to be asleep in the car so your parents carry you inside the house instead of walking the five steps. Childhood is fighting with your aunt and knowing your little pout and glistening eyes would get you out of being in trouble, then when no one was looking, smirking and sticking out your tongue. Childhood is sulking for an hour, or maybe five minutes, when your favorite crayon broke as your were creating the best drawing in the world (or at least that’s what mom said). Childhood is your rough draft on life. Childhood is getting spoiled with gifts and knowing you are only going to use everything once. Childhood is being with your best friend and always getting them in trouble for talking way too much but always getting mad at the teacher as if it was her fault and not yours. Childhood is covering your eyes innocently as adults kissed but then secretly peeking through your fingers and regretting it. And Childhood is keeping your window open in hopes that Peter Pan may come.
My Boat Trip
by MaĂŤl
I remember springing like Tarzan off the bow of our sailboat and grabbing the rough rope attached to the top of the mast and swinging out before dropping into the deep turquoise water of the Caribbean I remember scuba diving with friends from other sailboats and gazing at all those colorful fish I remember a golden sunset kissing the obsidian water I remember picking up a soccer ball sized red starfish and my mom advising, “Leave it alone.� And I remember riding the dinghy standing up holding a salt eaten rope attached to the front, just like a cowboy riding its horse.
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I Remember My Childhood
by Manon
I remember being scared of the dark and even more of the owls that hoot turning the lights on to be sure there is no one in my bedroom I remember stealing those fruity gummy bears at night eating them with my teddy and telling him to be quiet, not to tell mom or dad I remember those horrible nightmares when my mom was hugging me and I felt so warm and comforted almost falling asleep in her safe arms I remember my tall best friend with her brown hair and eyes and us playing with dolls, how we invented stories where the whole world was made of love I remember how my best friend and I were the daughters of the Earth hiding in a tree and creating our story I remember playing kems with my family on that soft walnut wood table and winning with my brother how we felt like we were world champions I remember eating a lemon how it tasted of acid and how my cousin was laughing at that squished face I made And I remember laughing all the time especially when my grandpa was doing stupidities and how my grandma gently chided him and then chuckled
When Nothing Mattered by Jersey Childhood is sitting on the front porch swing on a hot summer day, drinking a glass of sour, ice cold lemonade. Childhood is waking up on Christmas morning and running down the stairs as fast as you can with an infinite amount of excitement in your eyes. Childhood is a light pink, fluffy tutu and a pair of worn out, blue sneakers. Childhood is running around in circles in the green, wet, luscious grass with a big, brown, furry
dog until you are so tired that you can’t breathe anymore.
Childhood is asking your parents to come upstairs and check your closet and underneath your bed for monsters and ghosts. Childhood is a pair of bright red rain boots, worn everywhere, even if it’s not raining. Childhood is huddling up on a cold winter's night, underneath a giant white comforter, watching a Christmas movie. Childhood is staring up at the bright blue, cloudy sky and wondering what it would feel like to jump
into those soft, cotton-like, fluffy clouds.
Childhood is stamping feet and giggles overhead and the softness of tiny hands. Childhood is saying goodbye as your parents leave and wondering when they will come home.
A Walk Down Memory Lane by Chloe
Childhood is forgetting how to spell your name even though your parents have repeated it millions of times. Childhood is playing card games with your cousins on hot summer days while passion fruit popsicles drip on your bare thighs Childhood is you and your best friend travelling to Paris for a week and sharing a creamy ĂŠclair on the Champs ElysĂŠes Childhood is hopping on furniture scared to burn your feet on the lava coated ground. Childhood is getting upset over lost blankets that were dear to your heart and forgetting about them the next day.
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What I Remember by Grayson
I remember playing ¨Lego Star Wars, the Complete Saga¨ on the Wii for days on end, and being afraid of dinosaurs and zombies. I remember spending hours and hours in front of the T.V. cuddled up in the corner of the couch while eating salty chips and laughing uproariously at hilarious cartoons. I remember the smell of smoke from fireworks in the hot summer. I remember playing xbox till day break with my eyes burning. I remember a suite with drawers full of sweet candy and a stocked fridge, and waking up to the one and only Grayson Burr screaming at us to get out of bed. And I remember countless weekends playing online with my friends; sharing stories while we chased each other across the map.