Letter of Introduction

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Laura Friesen RR #4 Lacombe, Alberta T4L 2N4

October 1, 2013

Suzanne Williamson 5830-50 St. Lacombe, Alberta

Dear Suzanne,

I am very excited to experience the classroom and believe it will be a great learning curve for me. My journey has been eventful, but I am thankful for each and every memory that has been made. I attended Vanguard Bible College my first year out of high school where I earned a certificate called His Majesty’s Service. The program broadened my outlook on life and people, for we got to travel to Southeast Asia for seven weeks where my classmates and I provided humanitarian aid and taught English. After this one year I turned my attention to my childhood dream, teaching. I proceeded to make plans to attend Red Deer College, time has flown by, and currently I am in my third year of the Middle Years collaborative program; on the brink of achieving my dream. I believe that all students are unique and can learn; some just need more encouraging and others the right instruction. I want to be a teacher that can create an atmosphere where each and every student feels enabled to reach their dreams, just as I’m able to reach mine. School is a lot of things, but it never should be a place of failure. In school students learn not just the curriculum, but how to socialize, work hard and develop their identity. My motto for the classroom will be ‘a place to become, a place to belong,’ anonymous. Through this practicum experience I will have a better understanding how to do create an atmosphere of learning and growing. I feel as though I have talked so much about implementing excellent ideas like inclusion, differentiated instruction, relationship building and managing the classroom, but I have yet to actually put these into practice and see what they look like for me. There will be trial and error, on the flip side; there will be successes and I want to focus on the successes and learn from the error.

Thank-you for this amazing opportunity to be a part of your classroom and chance to put to test the knowledge and ideas I have about teaching. It will be a valuable experience and I am looking forward to it. Sincerely, Laura Friesen

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