KPED Lesson Plan

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Physical Education Lesson Grade: 6-8

Unit/ Lesson: Week 1, Lesson 1

Date: January 31, 2012

General Outcomes


Benefits Health

Equipment List: CD player, ABA CD, scoring sheets, student data sheets, benches, pinnies


Do It Daily…For Life

Safety considerations: Don’t over go your limit, stretching should not hurt, watch out for other students


Introduction/Warm Up

Teaching Cues

7 min

Pinny tails

Whistle (stop & listen) Music (music on=play, music off =stop & listen)


Learning Activities/Teaching Strategies

Teaching Cues

10 sec

Count pulse for 10 seconds

Approx. 10 min

Cardio groove: Testing cardiovascular endurance • Turn on CD complete cardio groove • Take heart rate after activity and record • Cool down by walking around the gym • Record how it made you feel on the data sheet

3 min

Flexibility call: testing hamstring and lower back flexibility • Have students line up with their feet against the wall • Have students stretch towards their toes a few times to practice • Individually go to each student, have them reach for their toes and give them a score

4 min

Leg blast: testing leg muscular endurance • Have students practice proper squats, by almost touching a bench, but not completely • Turn on music and get everyone to sit and stand to the beat of the music

Cardio groove music

• •

Students will get a score based on how long they could squat Record score

4 min

Hold your core: testing core (abs and lower back) muscular endurance • Demonstrate the plank • Have students find their own spot in the gym • Explain that their knees need to be lifted off the floor and their back should be straight as if a bucket water were there • Turn on the music and have students hold the plank for as long as possible • They cannot touch the floor and go back up • Once they are down they can go and record their score


Closure/Cool Down Have students walk around the gym 2 times Stretch (hip flexor, chest, low back and glutes, loin, triceps, upper back and shoulder, hamstring, quadriceps) Fill out move your mood sheet Final cool down heart rate

5 min

Assessment/Evaluation/ Comments Have more upbeat music Make more challenging cardio tests Try to make transitions smoother (less time wasting)

Teaching Cues

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